Temporal And Spatial

Feb 2, 2008

In data mining, I came across the term called "temporal/spatial" perspective....what does this really trying to convey and mean ? Will anyone please provide some light on it ? Thank you

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Temporal Data And Implications

Oct 27, 2014

I'm working with a temporal database of inventory which is updated daily. It looks something like this: TableID ProductID InventoryValue DateAdded DateExpired

The DateAdded field is placed when the row is inserted & each time new information is evaluated, it is considered against this row. DateExpired is finally set when a new row comes to replace it with a change in information. That part works.The part that doesn't work is that often, my distributors will omit inventory as a way of specifying a 0 quantity value. So If I had 100 rows & now I have 95, this means that 5 are now out of stock. Considering the way that my db is set up, it's difficult to identify whether no change was made or if I did not receive the inventory value. How would you set it up such that this is a consideration?

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Future For Spatial Data Types?

Jan 1, 2008

Can anyone comment on the future for spatial data types in SQL CE? This would be a very useful feature for mobile devices connected to a GPS.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Not Able To Create Temporal Table

Jul 18, 2015

I was trying to create temporal table feature which gets introduced in SQL Server 2016 but I am getting this error while trying to create it; Cannot enable compression for object 'Department_History'. Only SQL Server Enterprise Edition supports compression

I have installed SQL Server CTP 2.0 on my system.
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (CTP2.0) - (Intel X86) May 21 2015 11:16:44 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Express Edition on Windows NT 6.2 <X86> (Build 9200: )

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SQL Server 2014 :: Spatial Import Of Census Shapes

May 3, 2015

Working within SQL Server 2014 the old standby of shape2sql doesn't seem to be working. I even tried the trick of copying the DLL and renaming it. Still no joy.i need the alternatives to be free or near free, simple and easy to recommend to others. I'm checking out ogr2ogr currently.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Determine Geometric Function From A Series Of Spatial Points

Sep 22, 2014

Any function that determines the geometric function from a series of spatial points (geometric or geographic.)?

If not I am ready to build one ... I found a clean C++ implementation that I can translate to T-SQL.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Spatial Data Not Returning Correct Distance

Apr 29, 2015

I have the two following locations.

They're both towns in Australia , State of Victoria

Fitzroy,-37.798701, 144.978687
Footscray,-37.799736, 144.899734

After running geography::Point(Latitude, Longitude , 4326) on the latitude and longitude provided for each location, my Geography column for each row is populated with the following:

Fitzroy, 0xE6100000010C292499D53BE642C0A7406667511F6240
Footscray, 0xE6100000010C89B7CEBF5DE642C02D23F59ECA1C6240

In my SQL Query, I have the following which works out the distance between both towns. Geo being my Geography column

DECLARE @s geography = 0xE6100000010C292499D53BE642C0A7406667511F6240 -- Fitzroy
DECLARE @t geography = 0xE6100000010C89B7CEBF5DE642C02D23F59ECA1C6240 -- Footscray
SELECT @s.STDistance(@t)

The result I get is


I then looked at formatting this as in Australia we go by KM so after some searching I found two solutions one for Miles and the other KM

So I changed Select statement to look like this

select @s.STDistance(@t)/1000 -- format to KM

My result is then


When I go to google maps and do a direction request between the locations provided above it says 10.2km (depending on traffic)

Now I'm new to this spatial data within SQL, why would I get a different result from google maps?

Also I would like to round this number so its easier to use within my where statement so I'm using Ceiling as shown here:

SELECT CEILING(@s.STDistance(@t)/1000)

Is ceiling the correct way to go?

Reason I need to round this is because we are allowing the end user to search by radius so if they pass in 50km I will then say

Where CEILING(@s.STDistance(@t)/1000) < 50

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Error Not Enough Space For Temporal Database When Processing Decision Tree Model

Sep 4, 2007

I have a table (in Access) with about 30 fields and 1,700,000 records.
I had created a mining model in AS2005 with only one key (the autonum column called ID)
and other attributes marked as Input and/or predict.
When processing the model, it finish (after 15 min.) with an error: 3183
"Not enough space in temporal disk"
After some search , I encountered that is close related to the memory asigned to the tempdb.
I tried to increase the size of tempdb but it is imposible, moreover, it starts
with 8MB but it is autosized when needed.

I don't know how to solve this issue. Or, if it is a question of memory/disk space management (I have 100GB of free space in disk).

I tried the same model changing the KEY (I assign StudyID as key) then with the same data but 60,000 StudyIDs it is ok, so the mining model is ok (no nested tables, no case, too easy for getting a memory error)...

Please, can anyone recommend a possible solution for this issue?.
Many Thanks.

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Temporal Table Vs. Table Variable

Nov 26, 2004

Hello, everyone:

I want to save some temporal data in the stored procedure. Comparing temporal table and table type variable, which one is better regarding to the performance?



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