Test Deployed Packages

Jan 22, 2007

hi all,

i've followed the tutorial in SQL Server 2005 for deploying packages. everything works ok until i came to lesson 3 installing packages.

i could connect to SSIS but when i expanded the Stored Packages node, i get an error message saying :

Login timeout expired

An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.

named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server[2]. (Microsoft SQL Native Client)

my database engine has an instance name. will this affect SSIS connectivity?


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Integration Services :: Remotely Execute Packages On SSIS Server - Packages Are Deployed In File System

Apr 22, 2015

We manage some SSIS servers, which has only SSIS and SSIS tools installed on them and not the sql server DB.

SSIS packages and configuration files are deployed on a NAS. We run the SSIS packages through DTEXEC by logging in to the server.

We want to allow developers to run their packages on their own on the server, but at the same time we dont want to give them physical access on the server i.e we do not want to add them into RDP users list on server properties. We want them to allow running their packages remotely on the server.

One way We could think of is by using powershell remoting and we are working on that. But is there any other way or any tool already present for the same.

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DTSX From Deployed Packages

Dec 14, 2007


I want to take the backup of all SSIS packages deployed in the SQL server. I need the backup in DTSX format, how should i do that. Please advice.

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Where Are The Deployed Packages Stored?

Mar 8, 2007

If I deploy an SSIS packages in SQL Server (not in file system).

Where are they stored? Are they stored in a DB? if yes, which one?

Also, is it a best practise to deploy the SSIS package in SQL (I guess it should be because I can have a central place for deploying all package and have one place to load all the packages from).


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SSIS Connection Problem With Deployed Packages

Dec 3, 2007


I created a COM-visible .NET class that I want to use to run my SSIS packages. I did this so that I could store variables, connection strings and other options in a central database and have my class set the appropriate connections and variables in the packages and then run them and also log all of my package logging to one central database as well.

I got one package to work in this setting (the package used an ADO.NET connection to call a couple of stored procedures and an SMTP connection manager as well as 10-15 user variables). However my second project is not working when I call it using my .NET class (it works if I manually run the package from SQL Server). When I check my logging it says that it is encountering this error ("SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "INFERNO.Wyethport.Wizard+NET" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.") The only other error message that I get is ("component "OLE DB Destination" (1785) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.")

I have set up my packages to save sensitive data with a password and my .NET class sets the password before loading and executing the package so it isn't that problem. Does anyone have any ideas? This has become increasingly frustrating as I don't feel like I understand the goals and concepts behind SSIS security so I am not sure that I am even attacking the problem correctly.


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Encrypt Required To Connect To Msdb Deployed Packages ?

Mar 15, 2006

Hi There

I am using SS2005 Enterprise Edition, proper release version not a ctp or anything

When i try navigate to my packages in MSDB i get the following error.

Encrypt not supprted in Sql Server.

I have done some checking and it is a known fact the sql server will enxrypt packages, and that the resolution is to use certificates.

Also some indications from links i have found that this is just a ctp or beta version issue.

Can someone please tell me if there is anyway around this besides certificates.

One is to use file system for packages, but how can i at least delete the packages deployed to sql server so far ???

nxPlease help , Thax

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Integration Services :: How To Change SSIS Packages Deployed To MSDB - Image Data Type

Jun 22, 2014

Is there a way to change an image data type? I want to make a change to some deployed SQL 2008 SSIS deployed packages. I have a TSQL SELECT that searches the packages for a string. But I would like to be able to change a string. I have googled it but cannot find anything.

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Count All Table Rows Then Insert Into Test Table Using SSIS Packages

Jul 15, 2013

I have database test007DB and I need count all table rows then insert into test99 table using ssis packages .

test99: tableName countRows
t1 20
t2 30
t3 25

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DB Engine :: Replicate A Master Test Database To 100 Test Environments?

Oct 12, 2015

We are setting up a test lab environment with 100 machines.  We want one master testing db that gets replicated to each to run scripted application tests nightly.  

My goal is to minimize the amount of work to move this thing to each of the 100 test machines.  I am wondering if we need to even have the sql local and invest in a monster db server with 100 copies of the db we restore and each test machine point to their own db on that server, or if I should use db mirroring or something to get the master test db to each of those machines instead.

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Unit Testing For SSIS - To Test Or Not To Test?

Oct 17, 2006

Now that we have a good programming model in SSIS - the question is whether to write automated unit tests for your packages, and would it generally be a good idea for packages?

Also - if yes to write tests - then where to find more informations regarding How to accomplish that?

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How To Test SSis Package And What Are The Things I Need To Test It ?

Nov 27, 2007

hi every one,
i need to test SSIS pacakge which will import data from different database where record count is around 5 millions.
iam planning to test it through c# code as well as manually also.
SSIS source : consist of 7 tables
SSIS destination :consist of 7 tables
Using c# code iam trying to run ssis package through batch file.
i am putting expected rowcount, column count in an excel file and comparing same with destination tables by writing query implementing ADO.Net concept.
am i going right way ,can any one suggest best and productive way to test the ssis package .
what are the other things i need to test it.
do any one can add test cases to it.


Test Case


Verify all the tables have been imported.


Verify all the rows in each table have been imported.


Verify all the columns specified in source query for each table have been imported


Verify all the data has been received without any truncation for each column.


Verify the schema at source and destination


Verify the time taken /speed for data transfer


Fields truncated due to difference in length of the field at destination.
Arif shareef

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SQL 2012 :: Restore DB From Prod To Test - How To Restore Users In Test

Jun 25, 2015

I need to restore test DB from production backup but once it is restored I would need all the permissions of sql logins and windows AD account intact in test Db as it was before.

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Calling SSIS Packages From ASP.NET - Packages With File System Tasks End Abruptly

Jan 9, 2007

I've run into a problem with SSIS packages wherein tasks that write or copy files, or create or delete directories, quit execution without any hint of an error nor a failure message, when called from an ASP.NET 2.0 application running on any other machine than the one where the package was created from. By all indications it appeared to be an identity/permissions problem.

Our application involves a separate web server and database server. Both have SQL Server 2005 installed, but the application server originally only had Integration services. The packages are file system-deployed on the application server, and are called using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime methods. For all packages that involve file system tasks, the above problem occurs.

When the above packages are run using the command prompt (either DTEXEC or DTEXECUI) the packages execute just fine. This is expected since we are using an administrative account. However when a ShellExecute of the same command is called from ASP.NET, the same problem occurs.

I've tried giving administrative permissions to the ASPNET worker process user to no avail.

I have likewise attempted to use the SQL Server Agent job approach but that approach might not be acceptable for our clients since it means installing SQL Server 2005 Database services on the application server.

I have read the relevant threads in this forum, namely http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1044739&SiteID=1 and http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=927084&SiteID=1 but failed to find any solution appropriate for our set up.

Anybody got any idea on how to go about this?

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Upgrading System To Run DTSX Packages Instead Of DTS Packages

Aug 2, 2006

Hi all

Our data management system currently runs DTS packages using DTSPKG.dll.

I am currently looking at the possibliity of replacing the DTS packages and SQL 2000 with DTSX packages using SSIS in SQL 2005.

Do I need a new dll? or will the current dtspkg.dll handle the new DTSX packages?

Many thanks in advance!

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Where Is My .NET Code Deployed?

Nov 27, 2006

Dear folks

When I deploy an assemly into SQL Server using the Visual Studio IDE, it claims than it also deploys the source code to the server and the build process also shows deploying the files, but I can not find the files.

I am now developing on Windows XP and the SQL Server is also the Developer Edition on my PC.

Please help.


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Removing Deployed Reports

Jul 31, 2007

Hi All,
I deployed many reports in sql server 2005 reporting services. I want to remove some of the unnecessary reports. How to remove those reports?

thank you

Muniappan Kandasamy

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Print Compression When Deployed

Dec 14, 2006

I have a report being utilized for return address labels, conforming to Avery 5167. I have tried designing both as a table and as data in rectangles. Since these are return labels their is only one instance of data replicated for all textboxes, therefore the columns are of consistant length.

The report has seven columns of precise measurement, the data filled colums are set as 1.75in, 0.25in, and between the data columns are blank columns set to .3125in, 0.25in. I have also tried to fill data into the blank colums and set the font color to white. All report margins are set to 0in and the table location is 0.04167in, 0.125in. all textboxes have the properties for increase/decrease to accomadate turned off.

The biggest issue I am having is in printing from the deployed report versus printing while designing. I have adjusted for the glitch in margins for RS2005 and have printed succussfully prior to deployment to adhere to the specific measures for the label, report margins and textbox height and width and blank column spacing.

However, after deploying the report the data spacing seems to be compressed when printed. I am not getting the same measure between data fields as I had when designing the report. The entire printout seems to be slightly compressed.

When printed from design colums 1,3,5, and 7 start respectively at .3125in,2.375in,4.3756in,6.4375in from the edge of the page.

When printed fromt he deployed report columns 1,3,5 and7 start respectively at .3125in,2.3125in,4.28125in,6.28125in.

The progression of compressed measure seems to increase from left to right inthat by the time the report is printed via the deployed report the "Tab" area is a difference of .15625in which when printing for very precise template format this creates a problem. As well as a headache when one thinks the report is correct before deployment.

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How To Access Deployed SQL Express

Dec 1, 2006

Hi Msdn,

I have developed a program that required user to store information at their own machine (sql server express). So, i have included SQL Server 2005 Express Edition in the Prerequisites

When i try to deployed my program at test machine, the installer works fine, by installing the .net framework 2.0, then SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, then Finish.

When i tried to run on the test machine, my program showing me error "Open connection error". Well, i know somethings to do with my connection string,

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=123456;Persist Security Info=True; Initial Catalog=abc;User ID=123456;Data Source=localhost

Logically, i do not understand how this things works.
my own developer machine contain Database Named "abc" with username and password "123456". The test machine do not contained any database nor username nor password.
How can i fix this problem? I mean some code to perform this operation without end user knowledge.

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Report Shifts When Deployed

Nov 2, 2007

Hi, I was hoping someone can help me fix a problem I am having when I deploy my rs report. What happens is when I view my report in designer everything works fine, however when I deploy me report to the report server and begin to drilldown into the matrix the entire report shifts down each time I toggle one of my drilldown fields. This causes the top of the report to disappear. The user than has the scroll up each time to reposition the report. Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone how to fix it?


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Unable To Run A Report, After It Is Deployed

Apr 26, 2007

I encountered the following error after I deployed a report . The deployment process was successful, however, when I try to run the reports from the remote machine, It gives me an error message saying:

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

Cannot create a connection to data source 'SessionOLAP'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)

For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

On the other hand, I deployed this report on the local machine where the reportserver resides and it is running perfect.

Do you have any idea how to deal with this problem?

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Accessing Reports Once Deployed?

Apr 27, 2007

I have created several reports in SRS and I deploy them by establishing a VPN connection than deploying. That much works fine.

Now I want to allow user of my website to access the reports by clicking on a link. Do I need to establish user level access for the reports for each user or just one public access account? How do I pass login and credential information with the link so that users can access the report.

Thanks in advance

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Problem With Deployed Report

Jul 20, 2007

I deployed my phone directory to the server and now dynamic images are no longer being displayed. They are specifically employee photos based on a naming convention. I used the path as ''file:/// etc.'' and when I open up my start menu and throw it into run it works fine. It also runs fine in my visual studio report, but for whatever reason when its deployed it no-longer runs. Does anyone know what could eb causing this problem?

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Unable To Run Report When Deployed

Nov 14, 2007

Hi all,

When I run the SSRS report in development mode, it is working fine. When I run in deployed localhost, I faced an error message as below:

The permissions granted to user 'FAROUKYEWNOTEBOASPNET' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)
Hope someone can enlighten me on this.

Farouk Yew

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Deployed Report Fails To Start

Aug 17, 2007

VS2005 project with imbedded SQL Server reports works fine in VS IDE going agianst a network SQL Server 2005 or the local SQL Server 2005. However, when the application is deployed (to another computer). the application starts and connects successfully to the network SQL Server 2005. Everything works until the user tries to produce a report. Then the following error is generated:
Named Pipes Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe (the verbose part of the error message is left out). SQL Server agent is running both on the file server and the local computer. Also, named pipes and shared memory are enabled in file server and local computer (TCP and VIA protocoles are disabled). Same is done for Client protocoles.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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Generating A Pdf Document From A Deployed Report Using Asp.net

Jul 6, 2007

Hi All,

I am using ssrs and vs2005 to develop reports.The deployed reports are placed in the source directory(c:source) and i am using a asp.net page with a button on it to generate a report in .Pdf format and after generation this Pdf document will be placed in a destination folder(c: arget).

Can anyone help me out in solving this or atleast direct me as how to go on with it?


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Package Hangs On Deployed Server

Nov 20, 2007

I have an SSIS package that executes in about 1:20min from Visual Studio on my local machine. While executing, my machine is somewhat unresponsive.

When I deploy the package to the database server -- the very same database server that I am accessing from my local machine -- the package executes but eventually hangs. It appears to be running out of memory, and I usually have to kill the process to get the machine to respond. While it's hanging, the machine is unresponsive to all users. The hardware (including memory) is identical between my local development box and the server.

How should I troubleshoot this? I've tried deploying the package to MSDB, file system, running from dtexec, and running from dtexecui. This is very frustrating!

Thanks for any help.


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Deployed Application Isn't Connecting To SQL Server

Jan 30, 2007

When deploying my application that uses sql server it doesn't connect to the server.

I checked the connection string & it's ok the server instance is the same.

The computer name isn't the same & i use the .SQLExpress as the data source.

I get an error saying 'sqlserver does not allow remote connections error 26 locating server / instance specified'.

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XML Configuration File Deployed Location

Dec 14, 2006

I have developed an SSIS package which uses an XML configuration file for connection information. It runs fine both from Visual Studio and from an Agent job after I specify the location of the XML configuration file in the Agent job definition.

My question is regarding the target location of the XML configuration file after deployment. I do my SSIS development on a local workstation with SQL Server 2005 DE and Visual Studio 2005 installed on it. I deploy my SSIS packages to a remote SQL Server 2005 SE server. Both machines are running SP1. I double-click the package manifest from my local workstation and specifiy the remote server in the deployment utility. The package gets deployed to the remote server just fine but the XML configuration file ends up on my local workstations C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSPackages path. I would have expected that the XML configuration file would have gone to the same path on the remote server, where the package itself was deployed. Obviously, when I run the deployment utility from the remote server, it stores the XML configuration file in the same path on the remote server. But this is not a workable production solution.

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Cannot Execute/view A Deployed Report In Rpt Mgr

Jan 24, 2008

I'm still trying to get a recent install/setup of Reporting Services 2005 working. I have Report Server installed on ServerA which already had IIS running on it, the Report Catalog can be found on a 2nd server, ServerB, with SQL 2005 Std Edition installed.

I am able to browse to the Reports Manager site and see the test report I deployed there through Visual Studio 2005, installed on my machine. But when I try to view the report, I get:

An error has occurred during report processing.
Cannot create a connection to data source '[our db name]'.

Now, when I created the data source for that report, I used a Trusted Connection, which of course worked for me when authoring on my machine since I belong to a Windows group that has been granted access to the SQL Server and db in question.

Since Reports Mgr requires Windows authentication, I assumed that when attempting to view the report from within Reports Manager, it would again use my credentials. So I'm confused where the local system account, NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON is coming from.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

M Noreen

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Deployed Files Reduced Size

Apr 20, 2006

I am wondering why deployed packages are so much smaller than built packages. What is removed and why isn't it removed when the packages are built?

I have a package that goes from 3Mb to 1.5Mb

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Deployed Reports Have Javascript Errors?

Mar 31, 2006


I have developed a number of reports on Win XP with VS2005. They run on our development server, which is running Windows Server 2003 32-bit. I then deploy these reports on our production server, which is running Windows Server 2003 64-bit edition.

Accessing any of the reports from Report Manager results in javascript errors, such as 'Line 41 Error: 'RSClientController' is undefined'

I get these errors also when invoking these reports through a form post.

It appears that some javascript code generated by the report server is missing. Could this be a 32-bit vs 64-bit issue? Report Manager seems to work fine; it is only when I run a report that I have this problem. This is the first time I've tried to deploy reports to this server.


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Access Protection On Deployed SQL Server

Jan 30, 2007

How can we control the accesses to a SQL Server that has been deployed on customer site? Basically, we do not want user to log in the database server, even as sa, except through our application.

Any recommendation?



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Select All Option Not Showing When Deployed?

Nov 2, 2007

I have mult-value parameter set up for a report and when i preview the report in visual studio 2005, the "select all" option is displayed in the drop down list and works beautifully for selecting all.

When i deploy the report to the intranet website and click on the report, reporting services doesn't show that option to select all. It will however let me click amongst the generated list, but not an option to just click a "select all"?

Is this normal? I suppose i could always just code a value that generates all and add it as one of the selection, but this is more of a functionality question than a coding.

Thanks in advance!

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