How do I write a query where if a column, "value," is NULL I return
the phrase "No value entered" but otherwise return the column's value,
even if it is the empty string? I'm tried to modify this simple query
I'm sure that I'm being stupid but this is driving me nuts. The case statements in the following query always return the ELSE and never return the THEN for the NULL.
select day(ums_users.created), count(*) as Total, SUM(CASE ums_user_info.info_key WHEN NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS UnReg, SUM(CASE ums_user_info.info_key WHEN NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS Reg from ums_users left join ums_user_map on ums_users.user_id = ums_user_map.user_id left join ums_groups on ums_user_map.group_id = ums_groups.group_id left join ums_user_info on ums_user_info.user_id = ums_users.user_id
where (ums_groups.group_id = '43A73FAE-0C2C-4ED8-BE1E-B32C12DB163D' or ums_groups.group_parent_id = '43A73FAE-0C2C-4ED8-BE1E-B32C12DB163D') AND year(ums_users.created) = '2005' and month(ums_users.created) = '01' GROUP BY day(ums_users.created) ORDER BY day(ums_users.created)
I'd be really grateful if somebody could explain what I'm doing wrong.
I need to find out how I can detect a NULL dataset at runtime. I have just released my first report using SQLServer Reporting services and all went well until I had an empty dataset on the server. There was no problem ever on my development system, running under Visual Studio 2005 Pro, even if I got no data back. Shortly after release to the server though I found that the report reported javascript errors. After a lot of searching I nailed it down to my code that alternated the background color of the rows in the report. The code looks like this:
=iif( RowNumber("DataRecords") Mod 2, "WhiteSmoke", "White")
I had this line in the BackGround property for my table row. It works great, unless DataRecords is Null and RowNumber is 0. I ended up taking the expression out, because I could not find a way to test if DataRecords was null or RowNumber was 0, without getting a compiler error.
Can anyone here tell me what I need to do so I can put that expression back in and alternate the color of my data rows again? I get the data using a stored procedure, if that matters.
Hi gang, When reading a record from my SQL database for display on a web form, I am checking for null before I assign the value to a TextBox on the form. Here is an example: // normal database setup code hereSqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();if (!Convert.IsDBNull(rdr["FirstName"])){ txtFirstName.Text = (string)rdr["FirstName"];}// code here for other record fields Is this the correct way to do this? Is there a simpler way to do this? I am writing a bunch of database code and I want to do it right... Thanks,Kevin
I am obviously a newbie to SQL Server but have been using Access for years and I have come up against what appears to be an age old issue concerning nulls and specifically the functions to test for them etc.
Below is the Access Query I am having difficulty with... ---------------------------------------------------------- SELECT DISTINCT Max(tbl_ScheduleDate.SchDate) AS CurrentDate, ([SchDate],"mmmm yyyy") AS MonthYear, tbl_Schedule.Area, tbl_Schedule.CP, IIf(IsNull(tbl_tmp_CP.CPID),"Not Uploaded","Uploaded") AS Loaded
FROM (tbl_Schedule INNER JOIN tbl_ScheduleDate ON tbl_Schedule.MaxMinID = tbl_ScheduleDate.MaxMinID) LEFT JOIN tbl_tmp_CP ON tbl_Schedule.CP = tbl_tmp_CP.CP
GROUP BY Format([SchDate],"mmmm yyyy"), tbl_Schedule.Area, tbl_Schedule.CP, IIf(IsNull(tbl_tmp_CP.CPID),"Not Uploaded","Uploaded"), tbl_ScheduleDate.SchDate, tbl_tmp_CP.CPID; -------------------------------------------------------------
Ignore the Format() function as I know this is a problem and have a fix.
The problem is this field... IIf(IsNull(tbl_tmp_CP.CPID),"Not Uploaded","Uploaded") AS Loaded
I am testing to see if data is loaded into table 'tbl_tmp_CP' that is related to 'tbl_Schedule' by checking if there is a null value or not and then adding the right response string value to a column called Loaded.
Hey. I need to substitute a value from a table if the input var is null. This is fine if the value coming from table is not null. But, it the table value is also null, it doesn't work. The problem I'm getting is in the isnull line which is in Dark green color because @inFileVersion is set to null explicitly and when the isnull function evaluates, value returned from DR.FileVersion is also null which is correct. I want the null=null to return true which is why i set ansi_nulls off. But it doesn't return anything. And the select statement should return something but in my case it returns null. If I comment the isnull statements in the where clause, everything works fine. Please tell me what am I doing wrong. Is it possible to do this without setting the ansi_nulls to off??? Thank you
set ansi_nulls off
@inFileName VARCHAR (100),
@inFileSize INT,
@Id int,
@inlanguageid INT,
@inFileVersion VARCHAR (100),
@ExeState int
set @inFileName = 'A0006337.EXE'
set @inFileSize = 28796
set @Id= 1
set @inlanguageid =null
set @inFileVersion =NULL
set @ExeState =0
select Dr.StateID from table1 dR
DR.[FileName] = @inFileName
AND DR.FileSize =@inFileSize
AND DR.FileVersion = isnull(@inFileVersion,DR.FileVersion)
I am using SqlServer 2005 Express Edition. I have written a stored procedure that has a transaction to make sure that it rolls back in case of failure. Is there a way to test that the transaction works. I don't now how to cause an error that would cause the transaction to roll back and raise the error with the details of the exception. Thanks, laura
hello everyone i was hoping to get some help. i have sql server2000 and iis5.1 running and im using vbscript through asp. i have a table that has two keys so that together they make a unique key. so i am trying to test my table in asp so that if there is a duplicate unique key inserted then show an error... Can anyone help me?
I want to run remote procs from a local - central proc, but don't want to crash my proc if the remote NT Server or SQL Server is not available. So, I want to test for NT and SQL availability first.
/* I find the server-dbasename name in a lookup table, and then build dynamic script */ SELECT @DBName = "<SRVRNAME~DBASENAME>" SELECT @QueryString = N'master..xp_cmdshell "ECHO >' + SUBSTRING(@DBName, 1,6) + 'pipesqlquery", no_output' EXEC @Results = sp_executesql @QueryString
SELECT @Results /* <-- testing here.... */
If the NT / SQL is running, "@Results" should = 0 (success on the ECHO to the PIPE) If the NT / SQL is NOT running, "@Results" should = 1 (error on the ECHO to the PIPE)
If I test in QA, I get the expected "@Results" values.
If I run the proc, I get "@Results" = 0 for both events, and them my proc fails on the remote proc call if the NT / SQL is NOT running.
I don't know how to write DMO in TSQL to try that. I have also tried using 'odbcping' too.
HINTS? Better way to test remote NT / SQL is NOT running?
i have performed all the steps for the replication there are two problems i encounytring (i) how to check whether the replication is working or not (ii) can replication on the subscribing server automatically create the table which publishing server is publshing (iii)please tell me someother forums for sql server
what my knowledge says that in replication if i modify the data at one place it should automatically be modified in the subscribing server but this thing is also not happening (its not flashing any error message as such) please tell me what all things i need to do to make sure that everything starts working
I'm new to this forum and as well as new to OLAP testing . I would like to know OLAP testing and guidance for SQL server anlaysis services .
I have been trying install SQL server 2000 in my system but it not going through, Can anybody send information how to install SQL server and how to play with sample database.
Has anyone ever heard of using Response.Write to test sql queries in the query designer? Here is the actual suggestion I was given recently:
Response.write your sql query. Copy the query to your db query tool and run the query. Adjust the query as necessary to return the recordset you desire. When you have the proper query, adjust your asp code.
The query editor/designer doesn't like certain symbols and extraneous code. So how exactly can you use Response.Write with a sql query without getting errors in designer?
I've begun some testing with the June beta of SQL 2005. One problemI've hit is with scalar-valued functions. The error I often get whenexecuting functions is "Select statements included within a functioncannot return data to a client.". These same functions are workingfine under SQL 2000.Has anybody seen this behavior or know what the deal is?
I've started researching on Unit Testing and I must admitI had never heard of Unit Testing until a couple of monthsago. Obviously I am interested in Unit Testing StoredProcedures.I read the TSQLUnit documentation (not all of it) and i also raninto a newsgroup post saying TSQLUnit is very small comparedto NUnit. The conclusion I am making out of this post is thatI should rather spend time resarching/reading about NUnit thanTSQLUnit. Is that a good assessment?I would like to you what you use and if you use actuallyUnit Testing or some other method? I ran into White Box/Black BoxQA testing. All these are new to me. Any good place to read about"Extreme Programming"? I ran into one link that I saved it at work.That's one place i will read more.Any links, documentation or books you would suggest?I searched Amazon and I didn't find anything interestingregarding SQL Server and Stored Procedures.Thank you
I am running windows xp pro on my home computer and would like to test andatabase driven ASP .NET web application. I need to be able to create an SQLdatabase which will be assessed by the web application. I already have alocal IIS Server up and running.At work, I use SQL Enterprise Manager. I wanted to download it on my homecomputer but cannot find it anywhere on the net.How can I test my web applications at home on a person computer?Thanks.Jess
can any one guide me how should i do performance testing on database size for sql server. I dont know how to read the execution plan, though i have read many document but still i am not clear. For are the reports which shows the performance has been down and its all accurate.
Is it possible to get a list of all the fixes and enhancements that are going into SP1 for SSIS? This will make it alot easier to test seeing as we will know what we are looking for.
How do I test failover to point to the mirrored database instead of the principal without having to stop the primary instance? I would like to just bring the mirrored database on the primary instance to an offline status and see that the same database on the mirrored instance getting activated as the primary. This does not happen if I try to put the database on the primary server "offline" as it complains that any database that is being mirrored cannot be taken offline.
At the moment, the only way (that I know of) to test a subscription seems to be to schedule it a few minutes ahead in time and wait for it to happen. Dies nayone know if there are plans for and "Execute" or "tTst" button? It would be nice to have one.
i've been informed that one way to test a query is to execute and roll-back it back as a transaction. my question is the following: using the aforementioned mechanism, how can i examine the database state before the query is rolled-back?
How does one determine in a VS load test the exact limit of the number of users the report server can handle without failing?
If 200 users proces request reports simultaneously, what is the best configuration for a single box deployment. The reports are parametrized reports and do not run from cache.
In my report i have CNAME parameter , which allows null value. I checked Allow null value check box in report parameter properties.
when i preview the report , it displays checked NULL check box beside CNAME parameter . I want to give some meaningful name(i.e.ALLCustomers) to this checkbox instead of NULL.
In the flat file SampleID and Product are populated in the first row only, rest of the rows only have values for Rep_Number, Protein, Fat, Solids.
SampleID and Product are blank for the rest of the rows. So my task is to fill those blank rows with the first row that has the sampleID and Product and load into the table.
Hi I’ve got a simple SQLdataSource which is wired up to a gridView. When the page loads, it’s sometimes likely the data source would contain no data – how can I test for that in the code behind (no data)? I’d like to only show a button if there is data? I’m using ASP.NET 2.0 with C# Many thanksRichard
Hi I really need your help. I’ve got a table with 4 columns – username (a string of text), dateTime (a date and time), duration (time in minutes), roomID (URL). I really need some help with writing up some code behind to check if a user has permission to continue. I’ve got the first bit, but I need help with collecting the data and testing it: SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Global.ConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from tblActiveSession where Username=@Username", conn); SqlParameter paraUsername = cmd.Parameters.Add("@Username", SqlDbType.NVarChar); paraUsername.Value = this.txtUsername.Text; try { conn.Open() This is where I need the help. What I need is to test each row against the following: If now() is within the allowed time frame – greater than dateTime, but less than dateTime + duration, then break the loop and redirect to roomID. I really hope this makes sence, and I’m greatful for any help. Many thanksRichard
I am creating a View in SQL2000 where i concatenate values from multiple tables. My problem is that if one of the values is null then the whole string is null, so I would like to know how to test for nulls within the Select part if the View.