Text Inserting Problem

Oct 21, 2007

I fixed all the free text stuff but now I have another problem. I created a web app one page to enter data and anoter to display it. I have a multiple row text box and if you enter something with returns it it when you display the data it ignores the returns and puts everything on the same line BTW the column type is text



"want to hest this out.


now I am going to put in some test data and see how it comes out


will come out like this

"want to hest this out.========================now I am going to put in some test data and see how it comes out finished"

how do you fix this?

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Inserting Data To Text File From Database And Inserting Data Back To Database From Text File

Aug 7, 2007

Hello friends....
I am looking for 2 things(using c#.net or vb.net and sql svr 2000)
1.convert data from sql server 2000 database (say customers table from northwinds database) to a text file(separated by commas or just plain space)
2.Insert the data from text file back to database.
Can someone pls give me the detailed code to achieve this....really need this on urgent basis.......Thank You.

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Text Inserting

Oct 21, 2007

I fixed all the free text stuff but now I have another problem. I created a web app one page to enter data and anoter to display it. I have a multiple row text box and if you enter something with returns it it when you display the data it ignores the returns and puts everything on the same line  BTW the column type is text
"want to hest this out.
now I am going to put in some test data and see how it comes out
will come out like this
"want to hest this out.========================now I am going to put in some test data and see how it comes out finished"
how do you fix this?

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Inserting XML String (Text)

Feb 19, 2004

Hi SQL Gurus,

I have an XML question to which I am kind of new.

I have an XML string that I get by using a query similar to the following....

NULL AS Parent,
NULL AS [Zip_ROOT!1!],
NULL AS [Zip!2!Value!element],
NULL AS [Zip!2!State!element]
FROM ZipCodes
FROM ZipCodes where id < 3

This returns an XML string, which is very long. I need to take this string and INSERT/UPDATE to a Text column in a table.

Any kind of help in this regard will be grately appreciated.


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No @@IDENTITY When Inserting Text

Apr 26, 2002

I have an odd issue with a stored procedure using output parameters and a database text field.

I am using custom VB6 COM+ objects in the middle tier and SQL Server 2000 on the back end. The stored procedure has an int as it's first parameter; it is an output parameter which gets set to @@IDENTITY after the data is written to the tables. The last parameter is a text.

The COM+ object executes the proc; ADO 2.7 incorrectly identifies the text parameter as an adVarChar, so I explicitely convert it to an adLongVarChar when I detect that the incoming data is > 8000 characters.

The proc writes the data correctly to the database in all cases. However, when the data is > 8000 characters, SQL doesn't appear to correctly set the output variable. No errors are generated, I simply don't get any value written to the variable. I've searched through MS's documentation, but can't seem to find anything on this issue.

Any help or thoughts are appreciated.

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Parsing Text File And Inserting Into DB

Mar 19, 2008

Hello all,
I have a question regarding importing text file data into SQL Server.  I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction, as my searches haven't turned up anything specific enough.
I'm trying to parse a large (24MB) text file.  It's a fixed-width file, with multiple columns.  I need to parse this file, check if a record already exists, and then import the data into the database.  But I don't need to insert every column.  There's only a few columns from the file I need to insert.  This parsing also needs to occur at regular intervals (daily).
I looked at BULK INSERT, but I can't find an example that uses only some of the columns.  Every example uses all columns, and the file is delimited, not fixed-width.
Is there anything within SQL Server that can accomplish this?  I haven't turned up anything that will solve my problem.  The only other solution I can think of is an application that parses the file for me and inserts the data into the database.  But can I schedule that application to run every night at midnight (for example) through SQL Server?
I'm not too familiar with SQL Server, so I appreciate any help offered.

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Inserting Data From A DB Into A Text Field

Jun 2, 2008

Hello Everyone,
I have looked and looked for any information on how to insert data from a db into a text field using a stored procedure.  If anyone has any helpful links or suggestions, my sanity would greatly appreciate the help.
Thank you

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Inserting Data From Text File

Jul 22, 1998

If this is the wrong place for this question, would someone please tell me so. I am new to SQL Server and still feeling out resources. I have a few books on SQL Server but none cover this question.

I have a text file of dates and numbers that I want to insert into a table. There are way too many rows of data in the file to do this by hand.

Question == How can I essentially insert the text file into my table?

Thank you,

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How To Set Default Pathname For Inserting Sql Text

Apr 16, 2008

in sqlserver 2008, under edit/insert file as text, the default path
is my documents/management studio/projects. Can that path be changed?
I've looked under tools/options but don't see where or how.
Thanks for any response!

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Problem Inserting Large Amounts Of Text

Aug 12, 2005

I am running into a problem inserting large amounts of text into my table. Everything works well when I test with a few simple words but when I try to do a test with larger amounts of text (ie 35,000 characters) the appropriate field is left blank. The Insert still performs (all the other fields recieve their data, but the "Description" field is blank. I have tried this with both "text" and "ntext" datatypes. I am using a stored procedure with input parameters. As I mentioned, the query goes off flawlessly with small amounts of data (eg "Hi there!") but not with the larger amount.I check and the ntext field claims to be able to accept 1073741823 bytes of data. Is there some other thing I should consider with large amounts of text?

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Inserting Text Containing Single Quotes Into A Table

Mar 14, 2002

Update TableName
Set Field2 = 'This text contains '' single quote's'
Where Field1 = 10

How is this usually done?


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Having Issue Inserting Large Text Colum Into DB

Jul 7, 2004

I have a large text colum I am trying to insert into a DB
This colum is about 800 chars longs

I have set the colum type in the table to text

I have set the table option for text in row to on

I have set the table option for text in row to 1000

But it is still chopping the text at the 256 char mark on insert.

Anyone have any ideas ?? This is SQL 2000.


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Inserting Text Value Into Null Records In A Grid

Feb 11, 2014

I have written up a grid consisting of properties and units.The way it works is we have properties, and within properties there are units. They are two seperate tables.Some properties do not have any units so in the unit reference (UN_UREF) column for those records which do not have units and are NULL I would like to insert the text 'NO UNIT'.Please see below for my SQL for the grid which works fine.

create or replace view VWC_PROPMKUNIT_TEST AS ( SELECT

All I need to do now is insert 'NO UNIT' within the Unit Reference column where it is NULL.

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Inserting Text Into Table Replaces Apostrophes With ?

Jul 20, 2005

When we insert text into field in a table, SQL SERVER apparentlyreplaces apostrophes with question marks -- is there a way to not havethis occur? We don't have this happen with the mySQL databases thatwe also support.Much help appreciated.

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Inserting Data From Text File To SQL ME Table

Nov 24, 2006


I have an application taht requires the use of a table. The device that this application works on, has a local memory that does not allow me to insert the 800,000 records that I need. Therefore I have two approaches:

1. To insert less records into my local memory database e.g 40,000 but not row by row, bulk insert is better. How do I do the bulk insert?

2. This is the most prefferable way: To find a way to insert all 800,000 records into a table on the storage card which is 1GB. What do you suggest? Will using threads be helpfull? Any ideas?

I use C# from VS 2005, SQL ME, compact framework 2.0 and windows 4.2.

Thanks in advance,


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Inserting Text Into SQL 2005 Database Padded With Spaces

Jan 2, 2007

I have a Detailsview with Insert and Update options connected to a SQL 2005 table with templated textboxes for input. The textboxes have maxlength set to the number of characters in each respective field in the SQL 2005 table. When text is inserted it gets padded with spaces if all the field length is not used. When you try to edit the field the cursor does not move because of the padded spaces. The End key must be pressed to find the end of the string and the padded space removed before adding edited text. I am working in VB.net. If I check the field in SQL Studio Express is shows the text I typed plus blank space for the remainder of the field.
My question is how can I add text to the textboxes without the padded spaces being added when the maxlength of the field is not used?

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SQL 2012 :: Error When Inserting To Text Type Field

Mar 8, 2015

See attached image...

The columns are of type text

I made this insert stmt using a stored proc...

I mean the [text] field values from another table is converted to varchar(max) and then to VARBINARY(max) and then to HEX value.

Why this error only when I try to insert to this particular column [[Conclusions]] ?

Other columns ( of type text ) did not have this issue

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DTS Issue -- Dtsrun Can't Find My Text File That I'm Inserting Into My Sql Table

Apr 21, 2005

Here is the error message that I'm getting
   Error string:  Error opening datafile: The system cannot find the path specified.
The file it's bombing out on is the text file that Im importing into one of my tables through a dts package (which is getting called by the dtsrun statement -- that is giving off this message.)  If anyone would know what may be sending this message off to me let me know.
Thanks in advance.

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Extra Character ? Is Getting Appended While Inserting Text String Into A Table

Jan 15, 2014

I am trying to insert an NTEXT value from one table T1 to another table T2 within a database. Table structures are as below;

Create table T1 (T1ID INT NOT NUll, SourceColumn Ntext null)

Create table T2 (T2ID INT NOT NUll, TargetColumn NVARCHAR(MAX) null)

Every time when long text value is getting inserted into T2.TargetColumn , it is appending with an unwanted character '?' either at the beginning or at the ending of the text string. Same problem happens even when I am trying to update T2.TargetColumn = T1.TextColumn. Because of this, the same column never matches to the source column and gets updated every time even there is no change...

I am also converting NTEXT column to NVARCHAR(MAX) and replacing CHAR(10) to '' .

I am using SQL Server 2012. How can I avoid inserting '?' in T2.TargetColumn . Is there any setting which I need to set in the target table?

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Inserting A Control Record Into A Flat Text File Through SSIS

May 2, 2006

I am working on an SSIS project where I create two flat files for submission to a data contractor. This contractor requires a control record be the first line in the file. I create the control record based on the table information being exported.

What I would like to know is, is it possible to utilize the Header Section of the Flat File Destination Editor to insert the control record? And, as it is dynamic, what kind of coding must I do in order to utlise this functionality?


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Integration Services :: Inserting Data Into Tables From Text File By Having Certain Condition

Nov 8, 2015

I have a text file which has rows 7 rows.I want to insert the data into SQL table using ssis In text file we have a  column which has values as Y or N...I wanted to take only those rows which are Y...But we have only 6 rows in SQL table.It does not have the column with Y or N.

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Error (8626) While Inserting Record Into Table With Text Field And Which Is The Base For Indexed View

Mar 14, 2006

I have a problem with inserting records into table when an indexed viewis based on it.Table has text field (without it there is no problem, but I need it).Here is a sample code:USE testGOCREATE TABLE dbo.aTable ([id] INT NOT NULL, [text] TEXT NOT NULL)GOCREATE VIEW dbo.aViewWITH SCHEMABINDING ASSELECT [id], CAST([text] AS VARCHAR(8000)) [text]FROM dbo.aTableGOCREATE TRIGGER dbo.aTrigger ON dbo.aView INSTEAD OF INSERTASBEGININSERT INTO aTableSELECT [id], [text]FROM insertedENDGODo the insert into aTable (also through aView).INSERT INTO dbo.aTable VALUES (1, 'a')INSERT INTO dbo.aView VALUES (2, 'b')Still do not have any problem. But when I need index on viewCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [id] ON dbo.aView ([id])GOI get following error while inserting record into aTable:-- Server: Msg 8626, Level 16, State 1, Procedure aTrigger, Line 4-- Only text pointers are allowed in work tables, never text, ntext, orimage columns. The query processor produced a query plan that requireda text, ntext, or image column in a work table.Does anyone know what causes the error?

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Inserting The Data Into Text Data Type

Jan 22, 2001

Hi everybody,

In our datbase we have a table with text data type.Help me if anybody knows how to insert text data into text data type of sql server.

i am able to modify and retrive but i am not able to insert text. please if u have idea, please give me reply asap.


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Inserting Data Into Two Tables (Getting ID From Table 1 And Inserting Into Table 2)

Oct 10, 2007

I am trying to insert data into two different tables. I will insert into Table 2 based on an id I get from the Select Statement from Table1.
 Insert Table1(Title,Description,Link,Whatever)Values(@title,@description,@link,@Whatever)Select WhateverID from Table1 Where Description = @DescriptionInsert into Table2(CategoryID,WhateverID)Values(@CategoryID,@WhateverID)
 This statement is not working. What should I do? Should I use a stored procedure?? I am writing in C#. Can someone please help!!

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Client Found Response Content Type Of Text/html, But Expected Text/xml.

Jan 15, 2008

Hello there!
I installed and configured SQL Server 2005 reporting services. When I try to connect to it using SQL Server Management Studio, I get the following error:
Client found response content type of "text/html", but expected "text/xml".
What should be done to overcome this?
Does anyone have any idea about this?
Thanks in advance

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Client Found Response Content Type Of 'text/html', But Expected 'text/xml'.

May 6, 2008

In my VB .Net application , when I am trying to fire a SSRS report on my local machine . Its giving the error ".Client found response content type of 'text/html', but expected 'text/xml'."
The request failed with the error message:
<html><head><title>Error</title></head><body>The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted
the error is being thrown at the code line...


I have reportserver as


I have admin rights on my machine but still the problem persists. Am i missing some user group?
Could someone Please help me with this.

Thanks In Advance

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Adding A Full Text Search Across Multiple Tables (with Text Fields)

Sep 7, 2007

Hi, i'm trying to do a full text search on my site to add a weighting score to my results.  I have the following database structure:
Documents: - DocumentID (int, PK) - Title (varchar) - Content (text) - CategoryID (int, FK)
Categories: - CategoryID (int, PK) - CategoryName (varchar)
I need to create a full text index which searches the Title, Content and CategoryName fields.  I figured since i needed to search the CategoryName field i would create an indexed view.  I tried to execute the following query:
CREATE VIEW vw_DocumentsWITH SCHEMABINDING ASSELECT dbo.Documents.DocumentID, dbo.Documents.Title, dbo.Documents.[Content], dbo.Documents.CategoryID, dbo.Categories.CategoryNameFROM dbo.Categories INNER JOIN dbo.Documents ON dbo.Categories.CategoryID = dbo.Documents.CategoryID
GOCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX vw_DocumentsIndexON vw_Documents(DocumentID)
But this gave me the error:
Cannot create index on view 'dbname.dbo.vw_Documents'. It contains text, ntext, image or xml columns.
I tried converting the Content to a varchar(max) within my view but it still didn't like.
Appreciate if someone can tell me how this can be done as surely what i'm trying to do is not ground breaking.

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SQL Server 2000 Full Text Search (extract Pieces Of Text)

Sep 12, 2007

Hello everyone !
I want to perform Full Text Search with SQL Server 2000. My documents (.doc, .xls, .txt, .pdf) are stored in a SQL Server field which is binary (the type of the column is image).
I would like to know, how you can extract pieces of text from the documents.
I have a ASPX page with codebehind in C# making the search in a table in SQL server that is full text indexed.
I make a search looking for the word "peace", than SQL server will take care about the search and return it to me the rows that match with that. But also I'd like to extract the 50 characters before and after where sql server found the word "peace" to show in the result page.
Does anyone has any idea how to work around it ?
 Best regards.

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Error: The Data Types Text And Text Are Incompatible In The Equal To Operator.

Apr 25, 2006

I get this error:
The data types text and text are incompatible in the equal to operator.
when trying to execute this query
SELECT id FROM users WHERE username=@userName
Any Ideas?

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Problems Importing Text Files With Double-quotes As Text Qualifier

Jul 14, 2006

I have text data files from a third party and they use comma as field delimiters and enclose the text for each column in double-quotes. Not a problem for most of the data files until they start sending files where there is " within the column values. SSIS package fails with the error:

The column delimiter for column "Column 1" was not found.

Any ideas on how to resolve this issue will be greatly appreciated.Thankspcp

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Problem With Text Field: Text Input Too Long, Weird Characters

May 15, 2006


Im a programmer for an university webportal which uses php and msssql.
When an user creates a new entry and his text is too long the entry is cut short and weird characters appear at the end of the entry.

For example:

How can I set the text limit to unlimited?
Could it be something else?
Is there a way of splitting an entry to several text fields automatically?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me,

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Client Found Response Content Type Of 'text/html; Charset=utf-8', But Expected 'text/xml'.

Aug 29, 2007


I am getting these errors from Report Manager. It seems that every time after the server has been idling for about 15 minutes, I would get this error message. I can click on other links and I am able to continue to use Report Manager.

Is there a timeout setting to help me resolve this or is this a bug with Report Manager? I just insitalled SP2 on the SQL Server and the Reporting Service.

Error message on browser:

Client found response content type of 'text/html; charset=utf-8', but expected 'text/xml'. The request failed with the error message: -- <html> <head> <title> SQL Server Reporting Services </title><meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 9.00.3042.00" /> <meta name="HTTP Status" content="500" /> <meta name="ProductLocaleID" content="9" /> <meta name="CountryLocaleID" content="1033" /> <style> BODY {FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; FONT-WEIGHT:normal; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR:black} H1 {FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; FONT-WEIGHT:700; FONT-SIZE:15pt} LI {FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; FONT-WEIGHT:normal; FONT-SIZE:8pt; DISPLAY:inline} .ProductInfo {FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; FONT-WEIGHT:bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR:gray} A:link {FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; COLOR3366CC; TEXT-DECORATION:none} A:hover {FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; COLORFF3300; TEXT-DECORATION:underline} A:visited {FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; COLOR3366CC; TEXT-DECORATION:none} A:visited:hover {FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; colorFF3300; TEXT-DECORATION:underline} </style> </head><body bgcolor="white"> <h1> Reporting Services Error<hr width="100%" size="1" color="silver" /> </h1><ul> <li>An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=20476&EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&EvtID=rsInternalError&ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&ProdVer=9.00.3042.00" target="_blank">Get Online Help</a></li><ul> <li>For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors</li> </ul><hr width="100%" size="1" color="silver" /><span class="ProductInfo">SQL Server Reporting Services</span> </ul> </body> --.

Any ideas?

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Data Warehousing :: Query To Extract All Text After Hyphen From String Containing Comma Separated Text

Aug 27, 2015

I have a parameter value as shown below and this is dynamic and can grow 

Example : 101-NY, 102-CA, 165-GA
116-NY, 258-NJ, 254-PA, 245-DC, 298-AL
How do I get the values in the below format
NY,CA,GA   --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state
NY,NJ,PA,DC,AL   --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state

correct query that will fetch  only state names and not the numbers.

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