The Default File Group Is Full

Jul 13, 2000

Hi folks,

I got a message that 'Could not allocate space for object '(SYSTEM table id: -732777483)' in database 'TEMPDB' because the 'DEFAULT' filegroup is full.
Connection Broken'

Can you tell me how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.


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Replication To The Non Default File Group

Apr 25, 2007


I have a snapshot replication set up on a SQL 2K Server publishing to other SQL 2K servers. The publisher database has mutliple file groups - which is structured the same as the subscriber databases. The snapshot has been set to delete and recreate the tables on the subscribers - this is a performance decision as the tables are large and this is the better approach. The tables reside in their own file groups (but not the default). I want the replication agents to recreate these tables in the original file groups and not the default.

Is there a method within Replication to specify which file group to recreate the table in so it doesn't fill up the default file group?

Thanks in advance,


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Primary File Group Full

Apr 26, 2005

Weird.  I have an Agent job that populates some warehouse data every night.  It's been working fine for over a year.  Then it fails with a message that thePRIMARY file group is full.  The database is set to Simple recovery, automatic, unrestricted growth by 10% for both the log file and the data file.  The drive it's on has 96GB free.  The data file is 1.5GB and the log is 2MB and there's not very much fluctuation in the amoutn of data going into it.
Anybody have an idea why that would happen?
Thanks for any insight,Pete

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Primary File Group Is Full

Jan 7, 2008

Primary file group is full for one user db
This is production server
Total db size is 132186 MB
data file is 12000 MB, set automatically grow
and restrict file growth is 121024 MB

Now there is 30 GB space on drive

I have added space to file 3 times(1GB, 10GB, 3 GB) and incresed restrict file growth also(5GB). database is in simple recovery mode.

stille I am getting above error, pleasee let me know how to proceed now?

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PRIMARY File Group Is Full

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,I've just run some DTS packages on my test sqlserver (Which has limitedhard disk space and memory) and all the tasks have failed, due to'PRIMARY' file group is fullIs there a query or script I can run to resolve this problem??M3ckon*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Primary File Group Is Full

Jan 8, 2008

Primary file group is full for one user db
This is production server
Total db size is 132186 MB
data file is 12000 MB, set automatically grow
and restrict file growth is 121024 MB

Now there is 30 GB space on drive

I have added space to file 3 times(1GB, 10GB, 3 GB) and incresed restrict file growth also(5GB). database is in simple recovery mode.

stille I am getting above error, pleasee let me know how to proceed now?

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Primary File Group Is Full

Dec 20, 2007

I got below error :

Could not find allocate space for object 'tablename' in DB, because the primary file group is full

Upon investigation I found :

datafile is reached it's maximum size
DB Size space allowcated 197 MB, space free 20.69 MB
DB mdf 194880 KB, ndf 6272 KB

It's production server, please let me know how to proceed now?

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Apr 24, 2002

Customer site has detached their database and deleted the .ldf file and reattached because they want to decrease the log file size. They set their log size to restricted file growth and 5mb. After about 20 minutes they started getting "Transaction log is full" so I had them up the transaction log to 50mb. After about another 20 mins everyone on the network started getting errors saying that data cannot be added because the PRIMARY file group was full ("Could not allocate space for object TrussLumber in Database ATP because the primary file group is full").

There is plenty of disk space so I know thats not the problem. And they can add data to other databases, so I cant imagine what could possibly be causing this....Can anyone help me out?


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Primary Data File Group Is Full

Dec 19, 2007

I got below error :

Could not find allocate space for object 'tablename' in DB, because the primary file group is full

Upon investigation I found :

datafile is reached it's maximum size
DB Size space allowcated 197 MB, space free 20.69 MB
DB mdf 194880 KB, ndf 6272 KB

It's production server, please let me know how to proceed now?

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DB Design :: Partition With Single File Group Or Multiple File Group?

May 19, 2015

partition with single file group or multiple file group which one best.

we have some report running from partition table, few reports don't have any partition Key and after creating 400  partition  with 400 file group it is slow.what is best practices to crate  400 file group or single file group.

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Full Text Default Value

Jun 10, 2008

Im not too sure if this is the category to post this...but what value can I pass in the CONTAINS method that will behave like the "*" character in a SELECT query?

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The 'DEFAULT' Filegroup Is Full

Sep 8, 2005

Server: Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2, Line 2Could not allocate space for object '(SYSTEM table id: -276436763)' indatabase 'TEMPDB' because the 'DEFAULT' filegroup is full.this error occured during dbcc checkdb the total size of the file we aredoing on is [81GB].what is the next step we need to takewe increased about 3699.mb in temp dboverall we have 8 databases in our serveranyone help would me much appreciated.Thanks,pardhi--Message posted via

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User Has Full DB Access By Default

Apr 10, 2007

I have a DB creation script which starts with the following lines

EXEC sp_addrole 'RAVENROLE'
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'USER1')
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = N'USER1')

Basically what I am doing is creating a role, then adding user USER1 to it. The problem is USER1 has full update, insert etc. permissions on all tables in the database by default. Even when I deny that user permissions they can still update, insert etc.

I am using Windows Authentication, User1 also exists as a windows user.

How do I ensure that User1 has no permissions by default? I want to be able to explicitly add them.

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New User Default Permissions Allow Full Access?

Aug 22, 2007

I want to allow a user to only select from certain tables in a SQL 2005 database.
Without granting any permissions, the user can select from any table.

All tables are owned by dbo.
I am using a Windows login and it is not a member of any groups other than one to allow Terminal Server logins.

SQL login properties:
Only server role is Public
Mapped to a user with the same name
Default schema is dbo
No securables listed

User properties:
No owned schemas
No role memberships
No securables listed

Database permissions:
Under explicit permissions, this user is only granted Connect
Effective permissions lists everything!!!

Where are these effective permissions coming from?

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Default Schema For NT-group Not Possible

May 4, 2006

We have a new development SQL2005 server.
To implement secutiry on this new server we decided to grant rights to NT-groups.
We defined an NT-group Programmersmembers and gave this group the necessary rights.
The problem now is when a member of this NT-group creates a table (this group is dbo in the development database) everything works fine as expected.
But when a member of this group tries to make a new table through 'Microsoft SQL server management studio' they receive the error that there is no default schema available.
But it seems to be impossible to map a default schema to an NT-Group.

=> Does this means we have no other way than to give each individual programmer the necessary rights and assign them to a default schema.
It is no option to force our programmers to create each table through a script on the development database.

Or is there another option ?

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DTS Error:Cannot Allocate Space, Default Filegroup Is Full

Nov 20, 2000

Hi all,

I need to load a table with 820,000 records from a Sybase db via DTS. It always fail with the error:
"Error at destination for row number 820000. Could not allocate space for object in tablespace tempdb
. The default filegroup is full.".

There is only the primary filegroup defined in the db. I've increased the size from 1.5GB to 2GB,
and specify that it shd grow automatically by 10% and there's no limit to the size.
There is still some 28GB in the server, so it should be fine.

It still fail so I added another file to the primary filegroup with size 100MB. Again, it failed with the same error msg.

Where or how else can I increase the tempdb size?

Any help is appreciated.


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Integration Services :: Full Recovery Model By Default

Jul 10, 2015

When the SSISDB database is created, it appears to be using the "Full" recovery model by default.  Because of the recovery model, the SSISDB transaction log needs to be regularly backed up or I risk running out of disk space.I would like to set the recovery model to "Simple", so that I do not need to worry about the transaction log consuming too much space.  However, I am not sure what the consequences of that action are.features lost by switching the recovery model of the SSISDB database from "Full" to "Simple"?

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Unable To Set Default Schema For A Group

Aug 28, 2005

We're using Windows Authentication with our SQL Server.  We've added a domain group to the SQL Server groups and would like to give it a default schema.  The properties window is the same for users and groups but the default schema field is enable only for user entities.  We cannot add a default schema to a group.

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Lookup With Default Full Cache Option Yields No Results

Nov 20, 2007

I'm either missing something or this is a bug. I have a Lookup that finds no matches if I use the default option of full caching (everything on the Advanced tab unchecked). The lookup table is relatively small (15348 bytes) in only 544 rows. If I check only the Enable Memory Restriction box and eliminate caching, it works fine. I can also check the Enable Caching box and accept the default cache size of 5MB and it works fine. Anyone have any ideas? I'm running on Standard Edition, SP2.


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Full-text Search With Order By Or Group By Is Unusable

Feb 13, 2008

Using SQL Server 2005 (9.0.3042), I can not get a full-text search query to work with order by or group by. For example, if I run the following query...

SELECT s.networkID, i.interID

FROM Interactions i

INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(Interactions, text, 'ipo') t ON t.[key] = i.interID

INNER JOIN Sessions s ON i.sessionID = s.sessionID

WHERE i.startTime BETWEEN 1051772400000 AND 1054537199000

It returns two rows immediately.

If I add an "order by" or "group by" like...

SELECT s.networkID, i.interID

FROM Interactions i

INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(Interactions, text, 'ipo') t ON t.[key] = i.interID

INNER JOIN Sessions s ON i.sessionID = s.sessionID

WHERE i.startTime BETWEEN 1051772400000 AND 1054537199000

ORDER BY s.networkID, i.interID

The CPU shoots to 100% and I have to kill the query. I have tried many variations of the above and I can not get the query to work with order by or group by. Is this a bug in SQL Server? Is there a fix or workaround?

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SQL 2012 :: How To Check For Successful Full Backups On Availability Group Databases

Apr 20, 2015

I am setting up Availability Groups and I want to use the secondary replica to perform the full copy_only backups to reduce the load on the primary replica.But what is the best way to check for successful full backups on Availability Group databases?

Previously I could check the system table msdb.dbo.backupset but this is not available for copy_only backups.So I wonder how people are monitoring that their full backups have been successful?

Do you just check that the SQL Agent job that runs the backup was successful?

Or do you search the SQL Server Error Log for entries like "Database backed up. Database: xxx" where database xxx is in an Availability Group?

Or is there a better method?

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SP2 Fails On Cluster - Domain Group Cannot Be Validated For The Service Full-Text Search

Jul 10, 2007


I'm totally stuck on this issue and would really appreciate any advice. Here's what's going on...

I'm trying to install SP2 on a SQL 2005 Std x64 cluster and all the components upgrade except the DB Engine, which fails with this error saying the domain group (not the service account) could not be validated for the full-text search service.

I've rebooted both nodes. I've verified that the domain group exists. I even removed the full text search component and I still get the same error.

I've reviewed this:
But the ftsgroup registry value mentioned does not exists. I assume it only shows up after sp2 is installed.

Interestingly, I couldn't uninstall full-text search unless I passed the FTSCLUSTERGROUP parameter to the setup.exe command line remove command.

The OS is Windows Server 2003 Ent x64 SP2. Not a domain controller. I'm upgrading from the RTM version of SQL Server.

I've posted the relevant parts of the summary and log files below.

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

- Chris



Product : Database Services (MSSQLSERVER)
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Failure
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log
Error Number : 28130
Error Description : MSP Error: 28130 A domain group is missing for one or more services. To install SQL Server 2005 as a failover cluster, domain groups must be specified for all the clustered services being installed .To proceed, enter the missing domain group information.
The domain group cannot be validated for the service Full-Text Search.


<Func Name='GetServiceAccountProperty'>
<Func Name='GetServiceAccountProperty'>
<Func Name='GetServiceAccountProperty'>
Loaded DLL:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlsval.dll

Failed to validate group name for FTSCLUSTERGROUP. Error 87
Error Code: 0x80070057 (87)
Windows Error Text: The parameter is incorrect.
Source File Name: sqlcadomaingroupdialog.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Sat Oct 7 09:43:40 2006
Function Name: validateSetDomainGroups
Source Line Number: 484

MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:610]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:610]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:610]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
Error Code: 87
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) -- Error 28130. A domain group is missing for one or more services. To install SQL Server 2005 as a failover cluster, domain groups must be specified for all the clustered services being installed .To proceed, enter the missing domain group information.
The domain group cannot be validated for the service Full-Text Search.

Error 28130. A domain group is missing for one or more services. To install SQL Server 2005 as a failover cluster, domain groups must be specified for all the clustered services being installed .To proceed, enter the missing domain group information.
The domain group cannot be validated for the service Full-Text Search.
<EndFunc Name='LaunchFunction' Return='87' GetLastError='0'>
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:642]: Transforming table InstallExecuteSequence.
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:642]: Note: 1: 2262 2: InstallExecuteSequence 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Transforming table InstallExecuteSequence.
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Transforming table InstallExecuteSequence.
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Note: 1: 2262 2: InstallExecuteSequence 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Transforming table InstallExecuteSequence.
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Note: 1: 2262 2: InstallExecuteSequence 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Transforming table InstallExecuteSequence.
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Note: 1: 2262 2: InstallExecuteSequence 3: -2147287038
Action ended 12:17:17: Validate_ServiceAccounts.3EA9D9BF_D9D2_4023_B2A7_9E2137B2FB1B. Return value 3.
Action ended 12:17:17: INSTALL. Return value 3.
Property(S): ProductCode = {26F1A218-3158-4107-B3A6-37FD61CEE969}
Property(S): ProductLanguage = 1033
Property(S): Manufacturer = Microsoft Corporation
Property(S): ProductVersion = 9.2.3042.00

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Creating Additional Data File For A Particular File Group?

Jul 6, 2015

For a database, we have 4 data files in a particular file group and the file sizes are almost 70 GB each.

Do I come across any performance issues if I create/pre-allocate an additional data file in the same file group so that the existing files don't grow too much?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Can Delete A Data-file Or File-group

Apr 27, 2015

In a server we had File Growth,And then We had to Add New Hard Drive And New File On It.And Now We have New server with a Huge Hard Drive.But all files remaind.Can I Reduce This files to One data file or not ?

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Split The Existing MDF File Into Mutliple Files As A File Group?

Jul 30, 2007

I have a huge MDF File - 120 GB File (Had setup as 1 MDF initially) -- Did not anticipate that the DB would grow to that size!!

Anyways.. I heard that the general performance woul grow if i had them as "File Groups"..

Is there anyway - to split the existing MDF file into Mutliple files as a File Group?

Where should i start? Can someone please direct me..

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SQL 2012 :: DBCC Shrinkfile Empty File Not Distributing Data Evenly In Primary File Group With Multiple Files

Apr 29, 2014

Why shrinkfile empty file does not redistribute data evenly in the primary file group with multiple files:

Please run the script attached to see what the end result is.

This is what I set up last night on my test machine.

1) Create database [FGTest] size 200MB
2) Create table called TEST on primary
3) Insert 40MB of data into test
4) Create another file group called temp in primary size 200MB
5) Shrinkfile('FGTest',emptyfile) so that all data is transfered from FGTest into temp file group.
6) Add another 2 files called DATA2 and DATA3. Both are 200MB.
7) We now have 3 empty files that I want data distributed evenly on. FGTest, DATA2 & DATA3
8) Shrinkfile('temp',emptyfile) to move all the data from temp over the 3 file groups evenly

I would expect at this stage to have the following:

FGTest = 13MB,
DATA2 = 13MB,
DATA3 = 13MB

(40MB of data over 3 files should be about 13 MBish in each file)

What I actually end up with is this:

FGTest = 20MB
DATA1 = 10MB
DATA2 = 10MB

It looks as though SQL Server is allocating 50% of all data to the original file and then 50% evenly over
the remaining files in PRIMARY.

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Default Backup File Location

Dec 28, 2004


I want to change the default backup location of MSSQL. I know we can configure it while installing. But I want to change the default backup location of a particular database, running on a database server.

The default location is like.
Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMssqlBackup

Thanks in advance,

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Primary File Is Full

Mar 9, 2005

We set the database to : automatically grow file, unstricted file growth, grow by 10%.
As I understand it will automatically grow, why we recieved error message like primary file full.

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Help Me! The Log File For Database Is Full

Feb 19, 2004

I´m working with a sql server 2000 bd and i have a bd with simple recovery model. Each day i have the next error:

"The log file for database x is full. Backup the transaction log for the database to free up some log space"

I tried to limit the transaction log file to 500Mb but then I have this error. I have done the reduction manually of transaction log file but the next day i have got the same error. If i don´t try to limit, this file grows a lot of (1GB) and then i haven´t got enough disk space. Can you help me, please?

Thanks a lot.

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Transaction Log File - FULL

Dec 12, 2012

Am working with SQL Server 2005..I am trying to shrink the log file of the database.. Apparently, the name of the database, log and mdf is the same.

Used this code

USE gprddevelopment
DBCC SHRINKFILE(<gprddevelopment>, 1)
DBCC SHRINKFILE(<gprddevelopment>, 1)


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What If Msdb Log File Full?

Mar 7, 2008


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Why The Transaction Log File Full

Jul 20, 2005

I have set the initial size of the log file for a database to 1M, themaximum size is unrestricted, and the increase rate is 10%.However, when I attempt to delete thousands of rows, the error is stillreported that the transaction log file is full. Why can't the log fileincrease automatically?*** Sent via Devdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Tempdb Log File Is Full

Jul 12, 2007

My Tempdb log file is getting full very frequently. I could see that tempdb log file is not getting truncate automatically since checkpoint is not occuring as execpted.

If a shrink the tempdb its getting truncated immediately and releasing the full occupied space.

So i come to an conclusion that auto checkpoints are not happening even though the tempdb is in SIMPLE recovery model.

I search in KB and could find the article related to this error.

I would like to get it confirmed is the article described is the same issue i am facing. Also if you could let me know the hot fix details for this, that would be great.

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