Tool That Create Sql Script To Recreate A Database

Jul 20, 2005

I need a tool that creates a script to recreate a db, including tables' data.

Does it exists freeware ?


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Tool To Create Small Database With MSDE

May 12, 2004


I'm a newbie with SQL so excuse my igorance. I'm running an application that uses MSDE2000 as its source db and would like to create a small [10 field] db that would also use MSDE. I want to use a separate db though and not share the first one. What I'm looking for is suggestions on a development tool to create the database with as I'm not familiar with SQL tools. I have a lot of Access experience though so the concepts are not new.

Database requirements are pretty basic.

10 fields [8 text, 2 numeric]
A button field to Add New Record
A search field
Column sorting.

That's it. I could do this in a pinch with Access so knowing what tool to use should make it easy. Any chance that I could do it with Access and then port it to a SQL db?


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SQL Server Express Is Working - What Tool Do I Use To Create Database And Tables?

Aug 16, 2006


I have SQL Server Express working however I don't see any tools to create a database and tables.

I am trying to create a database to store stock quotes that I will input from a c# program.

What tool should I use to design the database?

Thank you!

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Recreate A MySql Database

Nov 17, 2005


I am trying to recreate a MySQL database on a new domain. The original database was exported into about 40 .SQL text files. I am importing these .SQL text files into a new database using phpmyadmin. When I attempt to import the first of these files, I get a "fatal error". It says the upload time has exceeded the 300 second limit. How do I set up the server so there is no upload time limit? Or how would you approach a solution to this problem? There are about 40 of these text files and each file varies in size between 5 and 15mb. Is it possible to split individual files in half or 3 parts and import that way? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

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Use A SQL Script File To Recreate A Database

Mar 6, 2008

i have a used  database publishing wizard to create a sql fiel of a databse i wish to transfer to server running sql server management studio express on a server 2005 ,
what do i need to do to recreate my databse from the sql file.
many thanks 

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Database Diagrams: FOREIGN KEY Constraint Fell Off; Can't Drop/recreate It...

Mar 25, 2006


I have two tables Person & Location where Location has a primary key LocationId and Person has a foreign key LocationId.

Sometime ago I used the Database Diagrams visual tool of SQL Server Management Studio Express to create the foreign key relationship between the two tables - i.e. "visually" (drawing a line between the PK & FK LocationId elements of both tables).

Time has passed and I recently noticed that, upon retrieving my saved diagram, the foreign key relationship had "fallen off" (i.e. the many-to-one line was no longer showing in the diagram).

After recreating the relationship (redrawing the line) I find that I get an error message when I try to save the diagram:

Post-Save Notifications
[!] Errors were encountered during the save process. Some database objects were not saved.

'Location' table saved successfully
'Person' table
- Unable to create relationship 'FK_Person_Location'. 
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Person_Location". The conflict occurred in database "mydb", table "dbo.Location", column 'LocationId'.

When I go back to the object explorer and view the dependencies for the two tables, there is no dependency (between these two tables) revealed.  When I try to create the foreign key constraint manually (T-SQL) it again says can't add the constraint.  It comes up with an error as follows:

ADD FOREIGN KEY (LocationId) REFERENCES Location (LocationId)

Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 2
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__Person__LocationId__793DFFAF". The conflict occurred in database "mydb", table "dbo.Location", column 'LocationId'.

(Note:  Each time I do this, the 8 hexadecimal character suffix changes.)

When I try to drop the foreign key:

alter table Person
drop constraint FK__Person__LocationId

it comes back with the error:

Msg 3728, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
'FK__Person__LocationId' is not a constraint.
Msg 3727, Level 16, State 0, Line 2
Could not drop constraint. See previous errors.

So it seems that there's some kind of goof up here.  Can anybody shed light on this / tell me how to fix it?

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SQL Tools :: Tool To Create Graphical Layout Of Tables?

Nov 6, 2015

SQL Server 2008 R2.  SQL Server Management Studio 2016 CTP2. I am looking for a tool where I could create and save a nice graphical layout of some tables in a database and their relation to each other (how they join or connect).  I get something like this in the Query Editor, where it shows the fields and joins of tables as I select them.  However, I cannot save this representation to show say in a PowerPoint or Word document (Visio, etc.). 

Is there a tool that would enable me to create a nice document showing my tables and their relationships, which would also allow me to annotate each table with notes about the fields, etc.? 

I searched and found a reference to "Visual Database Tools" which is supposed to be part of Management Studio 2016.  However, I cannot find such a set of tools listed anywhere in my menus.


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Cant Create New Database / CREATE DATABASE Permission Denied In Database Master (error 262)

Oct 2, 2007

 I am using SQL express and Visual web developer on windows Vista.
When I try to create a new database the following message appears.
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database master (error 262)
I log on to my computer as an administrator.
Help appreciated

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Is There A Tool (or Script) That Will Compare 2 Tables And Create A Script To Alter The First To Match The Second?

Dec 30, 2004

Does that make sense? I have 2 tables, one is an older version, one newer. The newer version has some additional fields, indexes, etc. I'd love to have a tool to run against them that would generate an ALTER TABLE script to modify the old table so that it matches the new table.

Is there anything like that out there?

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SQL Database Administration Tool

Jun 26, 2005

Does anybody know of an open source script I can download that will enable me to manage an SQL database? I basically need to access and modify the database from any machine that may not have SQL Enterprise Manager Installed. I was thinking of writing my own script to do this but I assumed that there is probably already one out there.

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Database Comparison Tool

Feb 2, 2001

I am looking for a database comparison tool/utitlity that does db comparisons, generates reports and has the provision to do the updates.

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Database Management Tool

May 24, 2005

Hi All,
I installed sql server 2005 express edition beta 2. which come as part of visual studio 2005 beta 2.
Please tell me which administration tool i have to use to manage my database.



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Database Documentor Tool?

Sep 21, 2007

Hi everyone!

Does anyone have any database documentor tool to upload?

I need to create a report of tables (with columns) for my database (sql server).

Thanks in advance!

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Database Design Tool

Feb 5, 2008

Hi Guys,

I am not sure this is the right section to post this in, but ModelRight ( is releasing a new version of its database design tool that supports SQS 2005/2008. I think the tool provides many advantages over the existing tools (deep SQS support, excellent UI, easy to use, etc).

Currently ModelRight is looking for SQS beta testers. If you want to participate just please go to the website and download the latest version.


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Does Anyone Know Of A Tool That Allows A SQL Server Database To Be

Jul 3, 2006

Does anyone know of a web based tool that allows a SQL Server databaseto beadminstered from the Internet? (in php)

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Database Diagrams Tool

Jun 26, 2006

When I use the sql 2005 "Database Diagrams" tool for the first time I always get the message: "The Database does not have one or more of the support objects required to use database diagramming. Do you wish to create them?"

1. Does anyone know what the " support objects" referred to are?

2. Why SQL doesn't automatically create these support objects for me? (e.g. do they require a lot of hard disk space so they shouldn't routinely be created?)

3. Is there any way to make Sql automatically create them?

If you can address any of these points I'd appreciate it.



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Cannot Connect To Sql Database Using Config App Tool.

Oct 15, 2007

hi All

I'm new comer , the first time to work with Ent lib , I try to use modify sql connection string using configuration application tool integrated in Visual Studio against sql server 200 , I got this error .  _ I don't know how to solve my problem , someone please help me to overcome this problem .

Thanks in advance .
sorry for my poor English , I'm a Vietnamese student .

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MSSQL Database Comparison Tool

May 25, 2005

Does anyone know of a good (free) tool that will compare the structure of two databases.  Something that will compare Stored Procedures and Views would be great.Thanks.

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Sql Server Database Comparison Tool

Oct 6, 2005

Hi, I'm looking for a tool to compare 2 sql server database and makes a script of the differences (like an added table or record). We want to use it to generate a script which we can send to our customers to update their database if a change has been made. Example: We send our customers database A. After half a a year they request some changes to be made to the application that affects the database, say a table has to be added. We want the tool to automatically detect the difference between database A when it was first released and after the changes has been made and generate a script. Anyone suggestions? T.I.A., ratjetoes.

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Database Reporting Tool Needed

Apr 20, 2006

I need software that will write a report on the following items that I can have prepared to show our auditors. Any suggestions ??? OUr databases are SQL*Server 2000, SP 3a / SP4

1) database consistency checking
2) re-indexing
3) shrinking
4) allocation of growth boundaries
5) backup routines
6) disk space
7) table space
8) processing speed

Thanks so much,

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What Tool To View SSCE Database?

Mar 11, 2008

What tool should I use to view SQL Server Compact Edition database?

I have VS2008 Professional, but I didn't find any tool in the installation. So I tried to install the SQL Server Developer Edition, which is included in the VS2008 package, but the installation has quit saying the that there is nothing to upgrade (there is probably newer version of SQL installed by VS2008 itself).

I also tried to download and install SQL Server Managment Studio Express. The installation went well, but then I wasn't able to select any SSCE database (there was only SQL Server Express or something like that selectable).

Is there anything else I should do?

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Is There A Tool For Creating Database Schemas From SQL 2000?

Sep 30, 2005

Be gentle, I'm new! :o

We have three databases running on SQL 2000 and would like a visual database schema. We'd rather not do it by hand. ;)

The free-er, the better!

Thanks in advance

Rajendrakumar Varsani

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Need Tool For Managing Database Object Ownership

Jun 26, 2006

we have a group of developers which have created and asked us (DBAs) tocreate many objects in the databases including tables / storedprocedures / functions / etc.since our company is growing, however we have an increasing amount ofobjects that have either been abandoned or have several an effort to clean of the huge amount of clutter and anytime thatsomething simple like a stored proc needs to change, it is almostimpossible to predict exactly where we will see negative effects ofthis change.i am looking for a system (preferably without developing our own tool)that would keep track of history of database objects (in terms of whocreated it and what purpose it has) as well as link that to all thedevelopers/users we might need to notify of any changes to that object.Also, this should be linked to the application which rely on theobject.bottom line... every object in the database needs to have at least 1corresponding contact as well as the applications which us it.with this information, we can much more easily maintain objects in ourDBs.thx

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What Is A Good Tool For Modeling A SQL Server 2005 Database?

Nov 20, 2006


I need a tool that will let me model a SQL Server 2005 database and then generate the tables, constraints, etc. from the model. I've never used a modeling tool so my knowledge is quite limited. I don't need to model or reverse engineer an application - my sole concern is on the SQL Server database side. I'm not concerned if the tool integrates with Visual Studio. And, of course, price is one consideration.

Are there any good tools that I should look at?



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Web Administrator Tool - Unable To Connect To SQL Server Database.

Apr 30, 2008

I would like to setup the membership and role in web administrator tool, however, under Security section, I got the error message of "Unable to connect to SQL database".
I tried to run aspnet_regsql.exe to edit the config(C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727>aspnet_regsql.exe), however, it still shows this error message.
 I am using web developer 2008 and SQL Server 2005.
Please advice me how to tackle this problem.
Thank you.

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Beta Testing A Cross Database Integrity Tool

Nov 21, 2006


We are in search of beta testers for our new software tool for SQL Server : Remote Keys allows you to define and enforce cross databases integrity constraint. With Remote Keys, you can create a foreign key between to SQL tables located in distinct databases.

Beta version can be downloaded here :
Thank you,


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Beta Testing A Cross Database Integrity Tool

Jan 5, 2007


We are in search of beta testers for our new software tool for SQL Server :
Remote Keys allows you to define and enforce cross databases integrity
constraint. With Remote Keys, you can create a foreign key between to SQL
tables located in distinct databases.

New version (beta 2) can be downloaded here :

Thank you,


View 1 Replies View Related Confgiguration Tool. Tool Keeps Timing Out

Mar 2, 2006

is it possible to change the settings on this tool. i want to have it so that it does not time out at all? or is that possible??

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Boolean: {[If [table With This Name] Already Exists In [this Sql Database] Then [ Don't Create Another One] Else [create It And Populate It With These Values]}

May 20, 2008

the subject pretty much says it all, I want to be able to do the following in in code):
{[If [table with this name] already exists [in this sql database] then [ don't create another one] else [create it and populate it with these values]}
How would I do this?

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Dynamic Create Table, Create Index Based Upon A Given Database

Jul 20, 2005

Can I dynamically (from a stored procedure) generatea create table script of all tables in a given database (with defaults etc)a create view script of all viewsa create function script of all functionsa create index script of all indexes.(The result will be 4 scripts)Arno de Jong,The Netherlands.

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Recreate Any Tables

Jan 13, 2003

I need a stored procedure that can drop and recreate any table in a DB.

How could I find out all information pertinent to a table and able to generate the create statement dynamically in the preocedure then drop it and recreate the table.

Thank you and please help.

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Table Recreate

Dec 3, 1998

I want to drop table and then recreate. It's referenced by many table and I dont want to drop all constraints referencing to it. Is there any feature like "switch off/on constraints" in MSSQL?(6.5)

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Recreate From Log Files

Feb 13, 2004

Does anyone know how to recreate a database from a log file? Here is the situation:

I had a server go bad. The drive configuration was as follows

Server OS on separate RAID controller - RAID Level 1
SQL Data on separate RAID controller - RAID Level 5
Transaction Logs on Separate Raid Controller - RAID Level 1

I lost the RAID 5 array and can't get it back and don't have a backup. I need to know if/how I can recreate the database from the log file. The log file has been set to grow and has never been purged so I am hoping that I can recreate the database from scratch. Is this possible?

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