Total Of Previous Rows

May 13, 2008


I have a table like this.


Charge Off



Exc Total


I want to add a row to the bottom of the table so that it will give the total of all values above.
It's something like this.
SELECT Portfolio, Name, Value , Total
FROM table

Total is equal to sum of all above values. Can anyone help me to write this query?


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Total Of Previous Rows

May 15, 2008

I have a table like this.

Name Amount

CBank 5
InstLend 4

Now i want write a query which give me the out put like this.

Name Amount

CBank 5
InstLend 4

Total 10

can any one help me to write this please?

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Total Record Count - Pagination With Total Rows

Jul 26, 2013

My table contains 1000 records,

I need to know the total record count with the below paging query

SELECT EmpName,Place
FROM EmplyeeDetails ORDER BY Place

How to get?

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Rolling Sum To Find Total Of 3 Previous Months Gas Production

Nov 5, 2012

I'm in need of creating a rolling sum to find the sum of 3 previous months gas production. Below is an example of the basic data I will be using to find the sum.

OperatorIDRRCID YearReported MonthReported YearCode DateReported GasProduction
71054993207201222012022012-02-01 89
71054993207201212012012012-01-01 721
710549932072011122011122011-12-01 353
710549932072011112011112011-11-01 409
710549932072011102011102011-10-01 544
71054993207201192011092011-09-01 707
71054993207201182011082011-08-01 506
71054993207201172011072011-07-01 536
71054993207201162011062011-06-01 472

I want the sum of the Year & Month of 2012-2 to be the sum of the gas production for 2012-1, 2011-12, and 2011-11.

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Retriving Previous 5 Rows And Next 5 Rows And The Searched Record

Mar 30, 2008

Dear All

I have a table with the following structure in sql server 2005

create table app(
sno int,
name varchar(50),
add varchar(50),
city varchar(50),
state varchar(50)

it contains the follwing data
sno name add city state
1 mark street no1 newcity newstate
2 mark street no1 newcity newstate
3 mark street no1 newcity newstate
4 mark street no1 newcity newstate
5 mark street no1 newcity newstate
6 mark street no1 newcity newstate
7 mark street no1 newcity newstate
8 mark street no1 newcity newstate
9 mark street no1 newcity newstate
10 mark street no1 newcity newstate
11 mark street no1 newcity newstate
12 mark street no1 newcity newstate
13 mark street no1 newcity newstate
14 mark street no1 newcity newstate
15 mark street no1 newcity newstate
16 mark street no1 newcity newstate
17 mark street no1 newcity newstate
18 mark street no1 newcity newstate
19 mark street no1 newcity newstate
20 mark street no1 newcity newstate


I want to retrive previous 5 records, next 5 records and the record that meet the where condition of a select query.

When I run

select sno,add,name,city,state from app where sno=7

I want the following result

sno name add city state
2 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
3 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
4 mark street no1 newcity newstate | -- previous 5 records
5 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
6 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
7 mark street no1 newcity newstate --- searched record
8 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
9 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
10 mark street no1 newcity newstate |--- next 5 records
11 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
12 mark street no1 newcity newstate |

if there is a method to get the above result set, kindly post the query.

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Power Pivot :: Cumulative Total For Current Week Days And Previous Week

Nov 30, 2015

We are trying to compare our current calendar week (based on Monday being the first day of the week) with the previous calendar week. 

I'm trying to produce a line chart with 2 axis:

- x axis; the day of the week (Mon, Tues, Wed etc - it is fine for this to be a # rather than text e.g. 1 = Mon, 2 = Tues etc)
- y axis; the cumulative number of orders 

The chart needs two series:

Previous Week. The running count of orders placed that week. 
Current Week. The running count of orders placed this week. 

Obviously in such a chart the 'Current Week' series is going not going to have values along the whole axis until the end of the week. This is expected and the aim of the chart is to see the current week compares against the previous week for the same day. 

I have two tables:

Orders TableCalendar Table

The calendar table's main date column is [calDate] and there are columns for the usual [calWeekNum], [calMonth] etc. 

My measure for counting orders is simply; # Orders: = countrows[orders].

How do I take this measure and then work out my two series. I have tried numerous things such as adapting TOTALMTD(), following articles such as these:

- [URL] ...
- [URL] ...

But I have had no luck. The standard cumulative formulas do work e.g. if I wanted a MTD or YTD table I would be ok, it's just adjusting to a WTD that is causing me big issues.

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Reference Previous Rows

Jun 20, 2006

I am doing some calculations with a table and would like to know how to reference a previous row without having to alter the dates in a query at the start of each month.

For example I have to find a percentage change for a series of values. The table has three columns, is based on end of month dates, and the "return" column is the calculated column where the value is. In the example the return value for date 2006-04-30 is Index of (2006-04-30/ Index 2006-03-31)-1.

Date Index return
2006-03-31 6535 .05130
2006-04-30 6949.29 .06333

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Fetching Next Previous And Current Rows?

May 19, 2012

I am trying to create a stored procedure where i would like to fetch the next previous and current rows from a particular pagename which is stored in a table with sorting of dateadded

like my products table structure


my dummy records are like

1 13 'PCHDD' 'PCHDD' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-04 04:32:30.363'
2 30 'SDRAM' 'SD_Ram' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-06 04:32:30.363'
3 12 'Pen Drive' 'Pendrive' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-05 04:32:30.363'
4 3 'Note Book' 'NoteBook' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-08 04:32:30.363'
5 15 'VIO' 'VIO' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-06 04:32:30.363'
6 19 'PS2' 'PS_2' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-09 04:32:30.363'
7 31 'PS3' 'PS_3' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-02 04:32:30.363'
8 23 'WII' 'WII' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-10 04:32:30.363'
9 22 'Speakers' 'Speakers' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-16 04:32:30.363'
10 12 'Iphone' 'I_phone' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-15 04:32:30.363'

now if i query for a record like

i should get
Prv Detail I_pad row
11 23 'Ipad' 'I_pad' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-11 04:32:30.363'
Current Detail I_phone
10 12 'Iphone' 'I_phone' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-15 04:32:30.363'
Next Record Speakers
9 22 'Speakers' 'Speakers' '2009-12-03 04:32:30.363' '2009-12-16 04:32:30.363'

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How To Add The Total Balances Of Previous Year Into The Next Year?

Apr 13, 2006

I'm working with a table called SALFLDGAMS where it has two columns that I need to work with. One of the columns is Period which has years from 2000 to 2005 and the other column is called amount which has the balance for that year. Let me explain in a little more detail. There are account codes associated with the years as well so there will be many places where for example the year 2000 will show up with a given value. What I'm trying to do is to create a view which has a BeginBalance column which adds lets say all the values for 2000 and sticks them to 2001. So what I'm saying is all the values from the previous year I want them in the current year. All in one column. Thanks for the help guys.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Carry Forward Values From Previous Rows

Mar 23, 2014

I am working on a rewards program and I have a table whenever customer completes a trip, his total fare,business points earned for that particular trip and respective Promotional points gets inserted.

Now I have a scenario whenever customer business points accumulates to 10 then need to award 3 promotional points.

If Business Points=14 for a single trip then for the first 10 points respective Promo points will be awarded and the remaining 4 points should get carry forward for the next trip and this 4 points should get accumulated with the next trip Business Points and so on.

Basically need to check for every 10 Business points accumulated award some Promo points and carry forward remaining points.

Here is the sample table structure and data :

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblRedeems]
[Mobileno] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[TripNo] [int] NOT NULL,
[CustomerName] [varchar](50) NULL,

[Code] .....

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Total No Of Rows In All Tables

Feb 26, 2008


Does anyone know how to calcuate total no of rows of all tables from database in single query?

Thanks in advance


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Transact SQL :: Window Function To Count Number Of Rows In The Previous 24 Hours?

Nov 16, 2015

is it possible to use the window functions to count the number of rows in the previous 24hours from the current row.

I have a table of events like:

User, TimeStamp, etc...

I want to identify the row which is the event number 50 in the past 24 hours.

does the window functions can do this? and how?

the ROW PRECEDING etc... appear to not have enough feature to support time related function.

Stream-insight is able to create this type of query, but I have to do it directly in SQL.

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Counting Total Rows When Using GROUP BY

Oct 20, 2007

i have a stored procedure SELECT UserName AS Visitor, COUNT(VisitID) AS TotalVisit
FROM UserVisits
WHERE (ProductID = @ProductID) AND (AnonimIP IS NULL)
SELECT AnonimIP AS Visitor, COUNT(VisitID) AS TotalVisit
FROM UserVisits AS UserVisits_1
WHERE (ProductID = @ProductID) AND (UserName IS NULL)
this will return something like:
zuperboy90 - 4 visits
ANONIMOUS - 6 visits
85.104.103 - 2 visits etc
how can i count the rows returned in both selections (4+6+2 = 12) ?
thank you

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Running Total On Rows Between Groups

Dec 5, 2006

I want to write a stored procedure to add all of the flying time on a given airplane for each flight until now and then reset the total when it gets to a new airplane. I want to be able to pull from the table all flying time from a given date for a given airplane.

For example:

AircraftNo Date Flight_Hrs Total
38 3/1/06 1 4.5
38 5/10/06 1.5 3.5
38 7/10/06 2 2

100 8/19/03 4 8.5
100 10/04/04 3 4.5
100 9/17/06 1.5 1.5

I pulled the following code from the internet but I'm getting errors.

select AircraftNo
,sum(Flight_hrs) over partition by AircraftNo
order by Date
rows between current row and unbounded following) total
from (Select Distinct
From GDB_01_4_Test.dbo.Flight_Log F,
GDB_01_4_Test.dbo.Flight_Cycle_Count C
Where F.Doc_No = C.Flight_log_Doc_No

Am I doing something wrong. I'm getting the following syntax errors (Using SQL 2000):

Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'over'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 18
Line 18: Incorrect syntax near 'Flight_log_Doc_No'.

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Get Total Updated Rows Effected By A Statement

May 6, 2008

This was a usual day today in office and i was working on a requirement in which i was needed to fetch the total number of rows effected by an update query, so I asked my best code mate "Google" and to my surprised there was not enough correct answers at least the one i was looking for.There were suggestions that  you can use a select statement for the updated rows and make it like a select (count) which works fine, but just looking into the SQL server books online, it shows that there is even a better way to do it.After the update statement in my  stored procedure i used "@@ROWCOUNT" with a select statement and it works like a the little find for my first ever post on is that there is a better way to find the total updated rows by a query Example: DB: Northwind , Table Employeesupdate employees set extension='1234'select @@ROWCOUNT  This will return 9 (default rows in this table) as the rows effectedHope this helps 

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Transact SQL :: Total Count Of Table Rows

Sep 15, 2015

I have a question regarding the total count of the table rows

Select count (name) from test. Lets say I have got 200 count. And Select count (lastname) from test1.I have got 200.And this counts I should store it in "There are nn name items awaiting your attention and nn pending lastname's awaiting your approval".

So now I have to store the count in 'nn'.

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Get Total Count And Top N Rows In Single Call

Dec 3, 2007


I want to return the total number of rows and top n records from my query. Is it possible to do this by simply running a single query. My query is dynamic so I can not create any temp table or table variables.

Bacially I want to eliminate 2 calls for sp_executesql

Set @ColumnCount = "Count(*)"
Set @Columns = " Top 100 a,b,c"
Set @Filter = "a = 1001"

Set @sql = "select " + @ColumnCount + " FROM TABLEA WHERE " + @Filter
sp_executesql @Sql

Set @sql = "select " + @Columns + " FROM TABLEA WHERE " + @Filter
sp_executesql @Sql


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Total Number Of Rows Output To A Textbox

Dec 5, 2007


Im trying to output the number of rows in a table returned in a report, into a textbox for a total record count

How would I do this ?


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Display Summary Week Total Rows From Sql Database

Sep 22, 2007

(I moved this thread from datagrid area) I have a sql database that has individual records consisting of name, date, hours worked among other fields.Date and name is part of a unique identifier, so there can NOT be two records for the same person for the same date. My users need a grid view that displays days worked in ONE LINE per user. I have gotten close, but can't quite get the last part. Ive tried group by, distinct, and with rollup and no luck.TABLE:dan       12/13/2012 12:00:00 AM9.123dan       12/14/2012 12:00:00 AM3.123123cara      12/12/2012 12:00:00 AM4.222cara      12/16/2012 12:00:00 AM3.3333cara      12/17/2012 12:00:00 AM2   CODE: Select distinct(name), (select (y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours = YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Sunday')as Sunday, (select (y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours = YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Monday')as Monday, (select (y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours = YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Tuesday')as Tuesday, (select
(y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours =
YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Wednesday')as Wednesday, (select
(y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours =
YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Thursday')as Thursday, (select (y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours = YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Friday')as Friday, (select
(y.hours) from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours =
YT.hours and datename(dw, date)='Saturday')as Saturday,(select sum(hours)from dbo.testtime y where AND y.hours = YT.hours) as Totalfrom dbo.testtime YTgroup by date, name, hours RESULTS: cara          NULL    NULL    NULL    4.222    NULL    NULL    NULL    4.222cara          NULL    2    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    2cara          3.3333    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    3.3333dan           NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    3.123123    NULL    3.123123dan           NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    9.123    NULL    NULL    9.123 Like I said, I am SO close, I just need it to look like;NAME    SUN    MIN    TU    WED    TH    FR    SA    TOTAL  cara          3.333    2                            4.222            9.555
dan                        9.125    3.125                              12.5  TIAdan  

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SQL Server 2008 :: Putting Rows Together To Get Total Times

Jan 30, 2015

I am building a query. I have a table with 4 columns and need to try and put the times together. There are some inconsistencies with this, and i'm hoping to exclude them.. Here is a sample table:

Function | Employee | DateTime
1 | 1 | 1/30/2015 1:47 PM
2 | 1 | 1/30/2015 1:49 PM
2 | 1 | 1/30/2015 1:50 PM
3 | 2 | 1/30/2015 1:37 PM
3 | 2 | 1/30/2015 1:39 PM
3 | 1 | 1/30/2015 1:40 PM
4 | 1 | 1/30/2015 1:42 PM
4 | 1 | 1/30/2015 1:45 PM

Function 1 = Clock In Type 1
Function 2 = Clock Out Type 1
Function 3 = Clock In Type 2
Function 4 = Clock Out Type 2

Basically what I need to do is take the time from rows with Function 1 and match it with Function 2 so I can get a total time of the clock in. Function 3 rows need to match up with Function 4 rows so I can get another set of total times. There may be more clock in rows then clock out rows or more clock out rows then clock in rows, and there may be multiple clock ins & outs per day per employee. I'm basically trying to get totals for each Clock In/Out type.

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Show Total Amount Of Rows In Specific Table

May 20, 2012

I need to show the total amount of rows in a specific table?

The query is as follows:

As part of the planning process to expand the database that supports Northwind operations, the IT manager would like to know how many rows are currently in specific tables so that he can conduct capacity planning.

The results needed include two columns, TableName( containing all the tables in the database and Rows, which contain the total amount of all the rows per table).

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Which Is The Most Efficient Query To Find Out The Total Number Of Rows In A Table?

Mar 30, 2006

which is the most efficient query to find out the total number of rows in a table other than using - SELECT COUNT(*) ... in query

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Displaying Total Number Of Rows In A Report In Page Header.

Jun 20, 2007


I have requirement to display Total number of Rows in a Report in Page Header.

I have written the following code in Page header it shows RowCount for the Page only.


Can anyone please help on this?



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Date Of Previous Year Previous Month

Sep 10, 2013

Need getting a query which I will get previous year, previous month first day everytime i run the query.

Ex: If i run the script on 9/10/2013 then result should be 8/1/2012. (MM/DD/YYYY)

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SQL Call To Count The Total Rows In Table B For Each User In Table A

Jan 17, 2006

I have 2 tables:
Table B:
Name               Data
UserA              xxx
UserB              asdasd
UserB              ewrsad
UserC              dsafasc
UserA              sdf
UserB              dfvr4
I want to count the total entries in Table B for every user in Table A.  The output would be:
Name               Count
UserA              2
UserB              3
UserC              1
I can use a Select Count statement, but I will have to make a SQL call for every user in Table A.  Also, Table A is dynamic, so the users are always changing.  Can this be incorporated into one SQL call to count the total rows in Table B for each user in Table A?

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Total Page Writes/total Amount Of Data Change In A Set Period Of Time

Jun 9, 2004

Does anyone know how I can determine the number of page writes that have been performed during a set period of time? I need to figure out the data churn in that time period.


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Aggregated Subquery - Sum Total Trips And Total Values As Separate Columns By Day

Feb 26, 2014

Very new to SQL and trying to get this query to run. I need to sum the total trips and total values as separate columns by day to insert them into another table.....

My code is as follows;

Insert Into [dbo].[CombinedTripTotalsDaily]

[Code] .....

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Query By Year Group By Total Students Sort By Total For Each County

Jul 20, 2005

I haven't a clue how to accomplish this.All the data is in one table. The data is stored by registration dateand includes county and number of students brokne out by grade.Any help appreciated!Rob

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Group Total Expression - Add Total Disabled

Oct 26, 2015

For some reason my Add Total is grey out, when i tried to add grand total using some expression.

I have two row & two column groups?

Is there any alternative or how can i enable add total? using you can see in my Attached Image

I'm using iff condition in my expression.. 

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SQL Server 2008 :: Pulling Daily Total From Cumulative Total

Jun 28, 2015

I have a table that writes daily sales each night but it adds the day's sales to the cumulative total for the month. I need to pull the difference of todays cumulative total less yesterdays. So when my total for today is 30,000 and yesterday's is 28,800, my sales for today would be 1,200. I want to write this to a new field but I just can't seen to get the net sales for the day. Here is some sample data. For daily sales for 6-24 I want to see 2,000, for 6-25 3,000, 6-26 3,500, and 6-27 3,500. I'm thinking a case when but can't seem to get it right.

(date_created date,
sales decimal (19,2))
INSERT INTO sales (date_created, sales)
VALUES ('6-23-15', '20000.00'),
('6-24-15', '22000.00'),
('6-25-15', '25000.00'),
('6-26-15', '28500.00'),
('6-27-15', '32000.00')

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Adding Subreport Total To Main Report Total

Apr 28, 2006

Hi, can anyone help?

I have created a Report using Visual studio-the report displays a subreport within it.

On the Subjective Report I have 12 values for each month of the year.

For the first month the value is =sum(Fields! Month_1.Value), and I
have named this text box €™SubRepM1€™
The name of the subreport is €˜subreport1'.

On my Main Report, again I have 12 values for each month of the year.
For the first month the value is =sum(Fields! Month_1.Value)*-1, and I
have named this text box 'MainRepM1'
The name of the main report is 'GMSHA Budget Adjustment Differentials'

The report displays both of the subreport and main report values
but I now need to total these values together for each month in order to
produce a grand total.

I have tried using the following to add the totals for Month 1 together,
=subreport1.Report.SubRepM1 + MainRepM1
but this does not work and I get the following error message €˜The value expression for the text box 'textbox18'contains an error [BC30451] Name subreport1 is not declared'.

I feel that it should be a simple matter of adding the two sets of values together but I€™m having major problems trying to get these totals to work.

Can anyone help, thanks

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Total Spaceused And Total Allocated

Jul 20, 2005

Anyone has a "one sql statement" to get the total spaceused and totalspace allocated of an instance ? ie same as sum of relevance fieldsfrom sp_spaceused for each database in an instance, that works accrossversion of mssql from 6 onward.ThanksKD

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Calculating The Total Amount Of Drugs Prescribed, Total Amount

Aug 10, 2006

Hi all,

I have a table named Prescription that consists of attributes like PatientId, MedicineCode, MedicineName, Prices of different drugs, quantity of different drugs(e.g 1,2,3,10), date .

I would like to get a summary of the total number and amount of different drugs in a specific period, the total amount of each type of drug.

I kindly request for help.

Thanx in advance.


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