Transfer Images From MsSql To MySql

Apr 7, 2008

I have been working with a MySql 2005 database and a MySql database. I am using a MySql database in my C# application, and the MySql database is on-line. My application is generating queries and with those pieces of information I am updating the on-line data base.
It is working for €śtext€? information but I need to add some images, too. I see two possibilities:
1. I can either use an binary or image field in my MySql database and send this information on-line (but I don€™t know if the fields are compatible MsSql - MySql)
2. Or I can produce a folder with the images and upload that folder, in this case I have the path information in my databases.

Can you give me other possible suggestions about how to solve this problem?

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What What Is The Best Way To Transfer Data To MySQL Periodically

Aug 1, 2007

Hi everyone, here is my situation and what I am hoping to accomplish.
I want some data from my msSQL to be seen on my website but I do not want a website to access the msSQL database due to performance etc (the database is not intended for website use).
Innitially I was thinking of exporting the data every 24hours to a text file that the website would access, but now I am thinking it would be better to have some data sent to a mySQL database that I have from my webhost.

I am not really sure what the best way to do this is, any help please?
thank a lot

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What Is The Better Way To Store Images In MSSQL 2000?

Jan 2, 2004

hi guys, are there any official or some sort of documents to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of storing image in the SQL's Image datatype field or storing the pointer to the image file? i have lots of static images (no more than 1MB each) that requires little updating and i need to retrieve them constantly. i am really struggled here on which method i should store the images: to store the images as Image datatype in SQL or save them as files and store the paths to the files. i would like to know, in my case, would there be any performance and efficient difference on using either method?
naturally, i'd think the 1st method seems like a better solution. it's easier to back up and it protects integrity. But at the same time, i am not sure if the constant inserting and retrieving of images will affect the performance? also, i want to share the images and may create a ticker thing (using JavaScript) to display the images on the web page randomly and it seems like the 2nd method is easier to program. if you were me, which method would you use and why? thanks!

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Is Storing Images In MSSQL Feasible?

Sep 20, 2005


I need to know if storing images in the MSSQL database is a viable option when compared to having them in a different directory and only storing their location or address in the DB.

I ask this with reference to the performance of the DB. Will having many images of huge size on the databse make it slow for retrieval as the MDX or database file size would eventually increase?

Does the size of the database file has to do anything with MSSQL query performance?

Comments on this will be appreciated.


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Jan 16, 2007

Hello all,
 I spent the last two days trying to find an application that can export a mySQL database into msSQL syntax so that I can then use that to just create my msSQL database.  I have had no such luck, though I could find a bunch to do msSQL to mySQL.
 Please let me know if anyone has one or knows of one that works because I really do not want to hand port my 70 table database from mySQL to msSQL
 Thanks in advance,
Anthony F Greco

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Mysql To Mssql

Mar 25, 2007

i have dumped a mysql database to my my documents folder on my server, how can i convert this to a mssql database.
the database came from a site that was in php and of course using mysql, the database has all the users logon information and other information in there personal profile.
i would like to convert this to a mssql database and connect it to the new site i am doing in .net/C#

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Oct 21, 2007

Hi, I've been coding in C#/ASP.NET for a little while now, but I've only ever used MS SQL.I'm starting a new project at work soon, and our host provides free MySQL databases but charges for MS SQL databases.
What are the pros/cons for each of these databases, and how much conversion would be required in an existing C#/ASP.NET application if I wanted to change from MS SQL to MySQL? I assume the syntax/commands to operate a C# app with MS SQL are different to the ones required to communicate with a MySQL database?
I'll probably stick with MS SQL because it's what I know, but I'd like to get familiar with MySQL as it might come in handy one day.Thanks, any information is greatly appreciated.

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Different Between MYSQL And MSSQL

Jun 14, 2005

i'm a newbie here. :D

as the topic stated, what is the diferent between the 2 database in term of, reliability, speed, price for licensing and etc. :confused:

any reply will be appreciated

thanks :)

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MsSql And MySql

Oct 28, 2005

I was asked to program a site in coldfusion using mssql, but i have only used mysql in the past. i heard mssql has all the functions mysql has, but mysql does not have everything mssql does.. so if i programmed it in mysql, it should work? right?
is there a free download to test mssql or only a buy version?

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Aug 22, 2005

I have this query in mysql

SELECT * FROM `bugs` LIMIT 60 , 30

Is there a similar command in MSSQL like LIMIT, where i can specify start record and number of records?

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Mysql To Mssql

Jul 18, 2005

i have a database in MySQL with approximately 1600 records that must be converted into MSSQL. There are too many converters but they are not free to download. What would you recommend me to do among several solutions like first converting to access or excel and then importing them into MSSQL etc..?
Thanks all in advance.

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Dec 22, 2006

i need a simple way to do this since im gonna need to do it every single week most probably so any help would be apreciated. if i dont have anything by monday it start coding one. Btw im using mysql 5 and SQL server express 2005

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May 15, 2007

Hey Guys, are you aware of anyone moving from MYSQL to MSSQL or vice versa - what were your experiences - Mark Smith

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Mssql - Mysql

Aug 27, 2006


As a newbie I'm wondering if there is a difference between mySql and msSql.

Will mySql -code and -tables work in a msSql database?

Thank you!

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MySQL To MsSQL 2005

Nov 5, 2007

How can i convert this code to work with MsSQL 2005?
 Partial Class skaalb
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim strConnectionString As String
Dim strQuery As String
Dim MyConnection As OdbcConnection
Dim myCommand As OdbcCommand

Dim path As String = Server.MapPath("~/album") & "/"
Dim albName As String = Trim(Replace(txtAlbum.Text, "'", "''"))
Dim folderName As String = Trim(Replace(txtAlbum.Text, "'", "''"))
folderName = Replace(folderName, " ", "_")

If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(path & folderName) Then

My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(path & folderName)
labelStatus.Text = "Folder <b>" & folderName & "</b> created!"

Dim Beskrivning As String = Trim(Replace(txtBeskrivning.Text, "'", "''"))

strConnectionString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=xxxxxxxx; DATABASE=xxxxxxx; UID=xxxxxxxx; PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxx; OPTION=3"
MyConnection = New OdbcConnection(strConnectionString)
strQuery = "INSERT INTO tbl_albumet(alb_Namn, alb_Beskrivning, alb_Mapp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"

myCommand = New OdbcCommand(strQuery, MyConnection)
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", albName)
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", Beskrivning)
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", folderName)


labelStatus.Text = "Folder excist, pick another name!"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
labelStatus.Text = "Unable to create folder!"
End Try

End Sub
End Class 

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Help Converting From From MySql To MSSql

Jun 7, 2007

I'm trying to use sql to create a db, but the file the guy gave me is MySql. I tried a few things, and then I asked him to try to migrate it to MSSql for me, but it's still giving me this error:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near 'meteor'.

Here's the code i'm using in Studio Express:

USE 'meteor';
CREATE TABLE 'address' (
'address_id' int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
'address_1' varchar(255) default NULL,
'address_2' varchar(255) default NULL,
'city' varchar(255) default NULL,
'state' varchar(255) default NULL,
'zip_code' varchar(10) default NULL,
'country' varchar(255) default NULL,
'phone_1' varchar(255) default NULL,
'phone_2' varchar(255) default NULL,
'fax' varchar(255) default NULL,
'site' varchar(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ('address_id')

Thanks for any assistance with this!

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Migrating From Mysql To MSSQL

Nov 25, 2005

Hi i have recently developed a perl/mysql application but now i need to migrate all my databases and tables from mysql to mssql can anybody explain the simplest way to do this. I already have used Mysql's migration toolkit to migrate from access to mysql does mssql have any tools like this? Please let me know


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Mssql - Mysql Converter

Nov 18, 2004

Hi does anybody know where i can get a full free working copy of a converter to convert an sql database to a mysql database.

I can only find trials which only convert few tables.



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Mysql To Mssql Like Statement

Nov 4, 2005

I'm converting to mssql. I've been using the following statement in a php query with mysql.

$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM inks i, sample s, customer c, press pr WHERE s.JobNum like '$JobNum%' and c.CustName like '$CustName%' and pr.PressID like '$PressID%' and s.InkID like'$InkID%' and c.CustNum=s.CustNum and pr.PressID=s.PressID and i.InkID=s.InkID and s.Bindery like'%$Bindery%'");
This allowed me to select a press and/or certain paper and/or certain ink, etc. Allowed me to select any combination needed to find.

Now when I use this statement I don't get any results. I have the following which works if I select items in all categories, but that isn't always possible. I need a wildcard selection if we don't know or don't care what press it was run on or what paper was run on a press or what ink was used to print, etc

$result = mssql_query ("SELECT * FROM text t, cover cv, sample s, customer c, press p WHERE (s.PressID like '$PressID' and p.PressID = s.PressID and c.CustNum=s.CustNum and t.TextPaperID=s.PaperTextID and cv.CoverPaperID=s.PaperCoverID) and (s.PaperTextID = '$TextPaperID' and t.TextPaperID=s.PaperTextID and p.PressID = s.PressID and c.CustNum=s.CustNum and cv.CoverPaperID=s.PaperCoverID) and (s.PaperCoverID = '$CoverPaperID' and t.CoverPaperID=s.PaperCoverID and p.PressID = s.PressID and c.CustNum=s.CustNum and cv.TextPaperID=s.PaperTextID) order by CustName");

I'm lost
Thanks For the help.

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Aug 18, 2004


I'm developing website for online test/assessments and I want to know what database is best for my project between Mysql and MSsql. There will be a lot of users writing concurently/ similtaneously to database.

Thank you in advance

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Like LIMIT For MySql But For MSSQL

Feb 3, 2005

Hi everyone,

I am looking for a function in MSSQL that performs similar to the LIMIT function in MySQL. Here is the LIMIT function's definition:

The LIMIT clause can be used to constrain the number of rows returned by the SELECT statement. LIMIT takes one or two numeric arguments, which must be integer constants.

With two arguments, the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):

mysql> SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 5,10; # Retrieve rows 6-15

I am aware of TOP and SET ROWCOUNT functions in MSSQL but neither provide the Offset functionality.

Any help would be appreciated,


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From MSSQL Server To MySQL

Feb 3, 2006

Hi everybody,

I have to port a database from MSSQL to MySQL.
I'm really a newbie with MSSQL and I need some hints on how to do this task.

I received a .bak file which my boss told me that this a backup of the database
I have to port.

Then I installed MSQL 2000 developer edition on my workstation and then started
playing with it.

The problem is that I don't know how to connect to the database... and with what
application do some queries. In mysql I use phpMyAdmin which is really useful.
Is there something similar for SQL server? Or something like sqlplus under Oracle?

Moreover how can I install the .BAK file they sent me on my MSSQL install in order
to recreate the db on my workstation??

Thank you.


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Replication From MSSQL To MySQL

Jan 12, 2004

Hi all.

My goal is to make from time to time a (one way) replication from MSSQL server (Win2K) to MySQL (Linux, i mean no ODBC here).

Is it possible and how ?

The preferable way is to use the MSSQL's replication features, but I have another idea - a simple (php, perl - no matter) program on the linux machine which will be "cron"-ed to run at the requested time intervals.

What are your recommendings ?
Thanks in advance for every kind of help.

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What Is Wrong (MySQL Vs MsSQL)

Jan 28, 2008

I have been using MySQL for a long time but because of company policy changes I have started to switch from MySQL to MsSQL

OMG MsSQL is very slow with every thing it does compared to MySQL. I.e updating 300.000+) data in a table with 15 million+ records using 'update' syntax. In MySQL it was done in 4 minutes. In MsSQL it was not done in 20 minutes (and then I stoped it in anger)

I have a script that I have created to give our daily revenue. In MySQL that takes 30 sec to finish. In MsSQL it takes atleast 1.30 minutes.

I have 1,5G of memory and MsSQL uses it all. MySQL uses 200mb at most.

What am I doing wrong. Is it the memory or what can it be? I have indexed the tables in the same way. I really don't know what to do anymore.

Perhaps You can give me some hints

Tx in advance ;-)

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How To Do The Same Thing In Mssql As Mysql?

Apr 13, 2006

in MySql:

SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 5,10

How to do this in MicroSoftSql?

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From MySQL To MSSQL 2005

Dec 12, 2005

Hello! I'm installing the MSSQL 2005.

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Disconnected Datasets Between MsSQL And MySQL

Dec 6, 2007

I have a mobile application written in using MsSQL and I want to use disconnected datasets to sync up to a remote MySQL database. is this possible? Its a two way sync, i.e I download and upload info.

Any suggestions, articles, etc would be great.

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Main Differences B/t MSSQL And MySQL

Feb 23, 2005


I'm on a team that is developing a site in PHP / MySQL. We've been asked by the client to convert the database over to MSSQL. I've never used MSSQL, but after looking at the syntax available on, there really isn't all that much difference in doing basic queries. I was wondering if any of you MSSQL gurus knew of some major differences between MySQL and MSSQL that I may be overlooking.

Anything, however basic or complex, would be helpful.

Thanks in advance,


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MSSQL Import From MySql Problem

Sep 14, 2004

I have connected to my mysql db with myodbc. When I start importing I get errors on some varchar variables.

Some of my varchar(255) becomes varchar(-1) when I import. When this happens smssql fails to create table.

Anyone have a clue?



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Question: A MSSQL Replication To MYSQL, Possible?

Nov 5, 2007

Is it possible to make a data replication from MSSQL to MYSQL?

Thank you for your reply. :)

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Update Rows From MSSQL To MySQL

Feb 7, 2004

Is there any way where I can add the MySQL Server as a Linked server to MS SQL server?
Is there any way where I can update a table in MySQL server based because a row was updated in MS SQL server using a trigger?


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May 10, 2004

Hi all!
I'm trying importing a MySQL database to my MSSQL server. I've donwloaded the MySQL ODBC drivers and I can connect succesfully throught a DSN to my MySQL server. Everything works fine EXEPT my BLOB field. I'm using a BLOB field for storing a binary file.

When I choose preview while importing my bob field is empty.

I'm desperate!


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Data Replication From MSSQL To MYSQL

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all.I need to set a oneway replication of some data from MSSQL (running underWindows 2000 server) to MYSQL (running under Linux).Do you have some ideas to solve the problem?Thank youLuca

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