Transfering Cluster Resources From One Node To Another Node
Aug 21, 2007
I configure Windows 2003 R2 and SQL 2005 two nodes Cluster. When I move cluster resource from one node to anther node it takes around 30 seconds to become online. So in that time if any query is running it stops responding.
So please suggest in this regard
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Jun 12, 2007
I read these instructions:
But I'm not sure if I have to install SQL Server first on node 2, then add it to the cluster. Or does adding it to the cluster also install the software?
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Oct 23, 2014
I'm contemplating running two availability groups on a two node WSFC. The WSFC is setup with a file share witness (i.e. no shared storage). Can I safely run 1 AG on one primary node, and the other AG on the other node (as primary). Each AG would have replicas on the passive node. This would effectively allow both servers to be in use at the same time. In a failover event, I understand that both workloads would transfer to a single server - so the box needs to be sized appropriately.
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Jun 11, 2015
We are in the process of building a 3 node SQL Server Cluster (Server 2012/ SQL Server 2012), and we have configured the quorum so that all 3 nodes have a vote (no file share witness as we already have an odd number of nodes).
As I understand it, this should allow the cluster to run as long as 2 of the nodes remain online.
However, the validation report states that 2 node failures would be acceptable and, when we tested this by powering off two of the nodes, the cluster did indeed continue to run on a single node.
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Jan 16, 2008
I invoke xp_cmdshell proc from inside a stored procedure on a 2-node active/passive SQL 2005 SP2 Standard cluster. Depending on which server the xp_cmdshell gets executed on I need to pass different arguments in the shell command. I thought I could use host_name() function to get the runtime process server, however, I am finding that it's not behaving correctly. In one example I know my active node is server2, but the host_name() function is returning server1. The only thing that I could possible explain this is that the MSDTC cluster group is not always on the same active node as the SQL server group and in the case I am talking about the cluster groups are in this mode (differnet nodes). Does the xp_cmdshell get executed by the SQL active node or the MDTC active node? And what is the best way to find out which server is going to run my xp_cmdshell?
Perhaps another by product of this is that if I run select host_name() from the Studio Management query window i get different results depending on which server I am running the Studio Management on. On server1 I get server1 and on server 2 I get server 2, all the while server2 is the active node. I need a different function that will always let me determine the correct server that'll be running the xp_cmdshell...
Edit 2: I guess I could determine the running host inside the command shell itself, but I am curious to see if i can do it (cleaner) from SQL.
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Apr 20, 2015
I have not used log shipping before and find myself in a position where I need to reboot the secondary node and then the primary node and I don't actually need to failover.
Is there anything I need to be aware of. When rebooting the secondary node I assume the transactions will be held in the primary nodes log till the secondary comes back and just carry on once back up?
When rebooting the primary node nothing needs to be done and the log shipping will just start again once it has come back?
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Oct 10, 2015
During the installation of Adding node to a SQL Server failover cluster(On passive node) getting error like.. The MOF compiler could not connect with the WMI server. This is either because of a semantic error such as an incompatibility with the existing WMI repository or an actual error such as the failure of the WMI server to start.We run the below commands but didn’t get any resolution & got the same above error .
1<sup>st</sup> Method…
1. Open console command (Run->CMD with administrator privileges).
2. net stop winmgmt
3. Rename folder %windir%System32WbemRepository to other one, for backup purposes (for example _Repository).
4. net start winmgmt
2<sup>nd</sup> Method..
1. Disable and stop the WMI service.
a) Command : - sc config winmgmt start= disabled
b. Command : - net stop winmgmt
2. Run the following commands.
a). Command: Winmgmt /salvagerepository %windir%System32wbem
b). Command: Winmgmt /resetrepository %windir%System32wbem
3. Re-enable the WMI service
Command: sc config winmgmt start= auto
Last command to run after above steps
4. Command: mofcomp "%programfiles(x86)%Microsoft SQL Server100Sharedsqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof"
File not found Error for above command.
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Oct 8, 2015
can we join a node in a windows cluster which is already in a different cluster?
We have this requirement as we need to setup readable secondary ( always on AG) on the third node.
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Dec 2, 2006
Is it possible to setup an cluster with sql server 2005 as single node cluster - and lets say in 4 month we add the second node to the cluster? - its because of budget and we do not want to setup then again.
Thanks for your help, HANNES
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Jan 31, 2008
We have been working on a project to upgrade the servers in our 2-node SQL Server environment. I evicted a node after removing it from the instance. We added the new node under a new server name. I then start the Add remove programs, choose to change the SQL 2005 environment, type the virtual server name. Choose to maintain virtual server, pick to add new node. All seems well, I enter all prompted questions, and when the install begins I get the error below.
Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Error 1706. An installation package for the product Microsoft SQL Server 2005 cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package 'SqlRun_SQL.msi'.
So I copied the SS2K5 Enteerprise Edition software to the local C: drive, point it too the 'SqlRun_SQL.msi' in the setup folder and still get the error.
Any one experience this or have any suggestions?
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Nov 9, 2006
We have:
A Microsoft cluster, (SQL Failover cluster) with one node as the domain controller. The cluster was built off site and the domain name used is the same as our existing domain where we eventually need to install this cluster.
We need: (At least I think we need:)
To remove node 2 from the "cluster domain", DCPROMO node 1 and eliminate the "cluster domain". We then need to join the cluster (nodes) to the existing domain. We also need to recreate the accounts and groups used during installation.
1) What will happen to the "domain accounts" used when installing SQL2005? (Other than they will go away. I mean what adverse impact will that have on the installation?)
2) Will I have to re-install SQL 2005?
3) Is my paranoia real or imagined? (Will Elvis live?)
Any prior experience with this would be greatly appreciated. In fact, a WAG is appreciated too.
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Jul 23, 2015
We have 2 nodes window Server 2012 R2 and SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Version cluster setup. We can switch roles and Node to one node to another and revert back to previous node with out any issues. But we are facing when one Node is restarted. We could not restart that Node in cluster Service start in Failover cluster Manager. Error Details is displayed as below inside double code."Cluster node NODE1 could not to join the cluster because it failed to communicate over the network with any other node in the cluster. Verify the network connectivity and configuration of any network firewalls."
I checked windows firewall. windows firewall is all of in Node1, Node2, SAN and DC.I have disabled and enabled the Internal and private network of Node 1. I have validated the cluster. it is showing no error though.
Public IP:
SubNet Mask:
Default Getway:
Prefered DNS: (Ip of DNS)
Private Network: Not configured.pinging to each other ip is successful from one node to another.
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Oct 3, 2015
Can I add a new node to an existing sql server 2012 cluster witthout stopping all the current resources?
Currently, there are 2 nodes and 3 sql server instances, which can not be shutdown. Is the process of adding nodes a "online" process?
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Jul 20, 2005
Cluster services gives the high availability needed - that is great.But I have never seen any discussion about what happens when a nodefails - what do you do to get everything back to the active-passivetandem.I imagine there is not much difference in terms of recovery procedurefor either active or passive node. So I'm just going to make up ascenario that we have encountered. The system hard drive (not theshared disk) on primary node fails. Cluster fails over to the passivenode. Following are the problems I have at hand:-After installing windows, I need to install driver and configure thepermission to access the SAN. There is no way I could do it since thesecondary node has exclusive access to the disks.-Imagine I got that working, is there anyway to install SQL so SQLwould know this server used to be the primary node and attach the DBand translog automatically-Finally, there is no proper way to apply SQL 2000 service pack 3a.Originally when the cluster was fully functional, the service pack wasapplied to active node and that automatically upgrades passive node.Now we have a machine without 3a and a machine with 3a alreadyinstalled. See any problem?Consider all of the above as this one big question: What is a properprocedure to restore a cluster when one of the node goes down? Whetherit's the active or passive node.
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Oct 12, 2007
HI There
We had an existing 2 node active / active cluster, 1 running a default instance of Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 9.0.3152 (SP2 + Hotfixes) and the other running a named instance of the same version.
We recently added 2 new nodes to the cluster, they were successfully added and we tested the cluster group failover successfuly to the new nodes.
Last night we tried to install Sql Server 2005 Enterprise edition on the new nodes.
I followed to proper proceudure of modifying the installation for both instances and selecting the 2 new nodes to apply them to. This went 100%. Sql Server 2005 successfully installed for both instances on the 2 new nodes, all log files were successful.
We then tried to apply SP2, we tried the following:
1. We ran SP2 from the active node, but when we go to the screen to select what you want to apply SP2 too we could not select anything, if you clicked on database engine the message said that these instances were already at a later version and we could not proceed. This is how i successfully applied SP2 to the original 2 node cluster but it does not work for additional nodes to an exisitng cluster.
This is also what all the documentation we could find said, refer to SP2 release notes under the topic "Failover Cluster Installation", it is also the method we found when googling.
2. We then tried what is described under SP2 release notes "Rebuild a SQL Server 2005 SP2 Failover Cluster Node".
We ran SP2 from the new nodes while they were passive, but when we got the screen where you select what to apply the SP2 too we could not select database engine the message at the bottom said that SP2 must be run from the active node and that we were attempting it from the passive node, this is what we tried in step 1 described above.
3. This was a last resort. We were advised to try failing over the instance to the new node and then running SP2. Personally i thought this was a bad idea, one should never fail over a instance of sql server to a node with incompatible binary versions and secondly when we installed sql server on the new nodes a warnng popped up before hand stating that the instances were at a later version and that the new nodes must be at this version before attempting fail over. I thought that sql would not even start, to my surprie we successfully failed over the sql group to the new node, when we ran SP2 it looked good we could select the database engine on the new node to apply SP2 too, BUT after clicking next after a few seconds the SP2 installation just closed, NO INFORMAITONAL MESSAGES NO ERRORS NO WARNINGS it just closed an never came back.
I had never seen this happen on a cluster before, needless to say this made me very nervous so we failed the sql group back to the original nodes and gave up.
PLEASE can some tell me how to apply SP2 to 2 new nodes in a 4 node cluster all methods descibed in SP2 release notes and other documentation as descibed above in step 1 and 2 do not work !
Thank You
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Jan 18, 2008
Does anyone know of a way within T-SQL to identify the cluster node that the current SQL Server is runinng on?
We have a cluster of two SQL 2000 servers - one active and one passive. For some reason the two nodes are not identical and some code needs to run differently on each node. We need to do a check before running some code to find out what node the SQL instance is running on?
At present the only way we can find this out is through the cluster managemenr on the server.
Any help would be much appreciated!
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Dec 17, 2007
We have this scenario - configured SQL 2005 Cluster on two nodes.
Can we install SQL Server Integration Services on both nodes without Clustering Integration Services?
Will Integration Services works properly?Integration Services service will be started only on one of the nodes.
Best Regards Krasi
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Oct 13, 2015
We have 2 clusters, 1 running SQL 2008 on Windows 2008 R2 server and 1 running SQL 2000 on Windows 2003 Server. Because of a disaster with the disks, each of the passive nodes had to be rebuilt and Ive been asked to install SQL on the nodes.
Ive not done this before. Does this mean simply adding a new node to the cluster through the wizard? Or do I need to reinstall the entire cluster?
I think SQL 2000 is too risky as its unsupported, so Im going to resist that. But how should I approach the SQL 2008 Instance?
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Feb 20, 2008
I've installed MSCS on two Win2k3 x64 Enterprise systems. On the first I installed SQL 2005, and all went well. All resources are online and SQL works, migrated 25 databases into the new install. Installing SQL 2005 on the second node is problematic. If I select install cluster resources, I have to define new stuff for a new group. If I don't install cluster resources, then the install is all local (nothing on the unseen shared disk resource.)
It does not see the shared disk resource during install, the Quorum is good. I can move the Cluster Group between servers with no problems. None of the SQL resources is available on the second node. Error is basically "a cluster node is not available for this operation".
The Sql Server and Sql Server Agent do not even acknowledge the existence of the second node, and it is not available as a possible owner. i can't find any specific instructions on installing the second node. The other SQL resources say the second server is an available possible owner. None of them will take ownership and run the resource.
Any help available out there?
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Feb 7, 2007
Hi all,
Try to install sql 2005 x64 on a Win2003r2 x64 two node cluster.
All looks fine as far I get to the "cluster node configuration" dialog.
My second node is always displayed as "unavailable node" reason "unknown".
- I checked the logfiles but could not find any error.
- Installation user & cluster user are both local admins.
- Tried with sql 2005 x32 version -> same result.
What do I miss out here?
Any help is highly appreciated.
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Sep 8, 2014
I have installed SQL Server 2012 on Node1 successfully and trying add node on Node2 and its failing with below message. I attached the screen shot.
Here we are not doing multi-subnet failover clustering. Why we are getting extra and asking for IP and what IP should we enter there?Add Node option should automatically detect the IP we configured on Node1.
[Error Message] To support SQL Server multi-subnet failover clustering, you must select at least one valid IP address for every subnet in the cluster.
[Details] Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.Cluster.ClusterIPAddressPublicValidationException: To support SQL Server multi-subnet failover clustering, you must select at least one valid IP address for every subnet in the cluster.
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Jul 14, 2015
What I have- Sql server 2012 (Standard Ed) Cluster on Windows 2012 R2 with both instances running on the same node- just to save on License, i.e. technically it’s Act/Pas cluster.
What I am looking for- how to configure cluster (e.g. via quorum, etc) to force both instances failed together? Means if for some reason 1-st instance will fail to node 2 another instance should follow (otherwise it will be Act/Act cluster and 2-nd license is required).
If there is no standard way (cluster configuration I mean) to do it I should create some custom process to monitor where each instance is running.
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Jun 24, 2008
Friends -
Currently we are using SQL Server 2000 Cluster (Active/Active) on windows 2000 advance server.
This cluster contains two nodes.
Is it possible to add another two nodes on the existing cluster, please provide me steps or any link.
Appreciate your support
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Jan 3, 2010
I'm trying to do a SQL 2008 cluster installation.I installed one node and now I'm trying to add a failover cluster the "add Node Rules" I get following message:
Rule Check Result...Rule "SQL Server Database Services feature state" failed.The SQL Server Database Services feature failed when it was initially installed. The feature must be removed before the current scenario can proceed.
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May 22, 2007
I had a stand alone sql server that I upgraded to a cluster. I have an odbc connection called my_connection. The odbc test works fine. When I call the dsn from a php script it fails with this message:
Warning: odbc_connect(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB
]SQL Server does not exist or access denied., SQL state 08001 in SQLConnect in D
:storage est.php on line 3
Could not connect to my_connection!
This same script works fine from any other computer. Is there an issue with connecting to a virtual server from the node via ODBC? Is there something I need to change in the client protocols?
Thanks in advance.
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May 3, 2015
Few questions on a SQL Server 2012 two node active/passive cluster installation on Win2012.
1. What are the permissions required for the user used to install SQL Server 2012 cluster. Does it need to have any rights on DC or anywhere else apart from the local nodes ?
2. Can we give ANY meaningful name to "SQL Server Network Name" during installation ? Do we need to manually configure it anywhere else before or after the installation ?
3. On what scenarios we need to check/uncheck DHCP check box ?
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Jun 5, 2015
It is an active passive cluster which doesn’t allow any testing. All instances have to be failed over together, we aren’t allowed to just failover 1 even for testing purposes. Node 1 is the active node and we can failover to node 2 for 30 days free of charge but services have to then be failed back.
We need to run the cluster with node 1 as the primary node always and 2 just use for failover testing or for less than 30 day periods whilst performing cluster patch upgrades etc.
Now l am sure we could fail over 1 instances at a time for testing and diagnosing issues plus if add a new instance that's not production to get to the platform level as the rest of the instances this would avoid taking production down in the fail over process.
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Jul 20, 2015
In case of hardware unrecoverable issue, I have two msdn articles which states different things.
First one claims you remove the node from mscs.
Second one claims you should remove it using sql server installation and links to the first link which says you should do it from mscs:
Then this third article invalidates the second article. "To remove a node from an existing SQL Server failover cluster, you must run SQL Server Setup on the node that is to be removed from the SQL Server failover cluster instance."
It is a hardware faillure where the secondary node is inaccessible.
So what is the proper way to evict a node you cannot access due to a hardware failure?
note: I don't plan on adding back the failed nodes after removing it. i.e. I am interested in the removing part.
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May 23, 2006
My question is, I'd like my actual cluster to have 4 servers. The virtual server that will be running SQL 2005 will only be installed on 2 of those nodes. Will this work or do I have to split my cluster in to 2 to meet the SQL Server 2005 2 node failover limitation? A basic config for the cluster would be like below....
Active SQL 2005 Server
Active Exchange Server
Active Application Server
Failover SQL 2005
Failover Exchange
Failover Application
Will SQL 2005 install in a 4 server cluster if I only install it on to two of the nodes? Any potential gotchas?
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Nov 9, 2015
We are running with a 2 node windows cluster having three SQL instances on it.
OS: Windows server 2008R2 SP1
SQL : SQL server 2008R2 (10.50.6529)
Currently both nodes have 256 GB or memory and we are having multiple auto failover for resources. What will be the best practice for OS memory reservation (OS+tools) so that we can set SQL max memory settings accordingly?
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Apr 27, 2015
We have two locations in US, I am thinking of having 2 node SQL cluster for Lync 2010, I alardy have One DB server running in one location, now we got new site where we are planning to have one more DB for redundancy.
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Nov 23, 2015
I ran into problem while trying to install SQL Server 2008 to join to another node in a failover cluster ,you will find here the configuration doc and installation details. URL...
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Jun 6, 2014
When adding a node to a SQL Server 2012 Standard edition cluster, how I do I identify the location for SQL server shared components and the rest of the SQL Server installation binaries?
When adding a node to a SQL Server 2012 Standard edition cluster all the binaries went to the C: drive default location. We put those files on a different drive when installing the first node. What needs to be done so both nodes have the binaries on the same drives and folders?
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