Trapping 'curent Activity; In Batch Overnight?

Aug 17, 1999


We are using Mssql 6.5, with sp4.

During the day I frequently use watch the current activity window under
Enterprise Manager to see who is doing what and when.

However, overnight there are various users running various jobs that I am
not always informed about. Wactcing the current activity isn't an option

Does anyone have a job that I could periodically run overnight to perfrom
the same function as the current activty box? Which system tables does the
current activity functionality use?

Thanks. Any information that can be provided here will be appreciated.

DAvid Spaisman

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Transaction Log Becomes Full Overnight

Apr 4, 2007

Hi guys,
I am developing this site and having DB problems for the 3rd time in a row.
Whenever the traffic on the site is getting bigger, the transaction log becomes full and no user can login. This problem is described at  From there, I got the feeling that the problem occurrs if transactions are not committed and last for too long.
However, I do not have any explicit transactions, just the usual select, insert, update statements in stored procedures. I do not call COMMIT (or RETURN) explicitly at the end of my stored procedures though. My stored procedures are short.
Have you got any ideas about what can cause the problem? I really have not idea what that could be.
Your help is much appreciated.

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Indexes Fragmenting Overnight

Jun 9, 2006

Over the past few days we noticed severe performance issues on some of our more complicated queries. I ran a DBCC ShowContig on the problematic tables, and noted that the Logical Scan Fragmentation was very high, like over 90%. I ran a DBCC DBREINDEX on the tables, the Logical Scan Fragmentation reduced down to between 0% and 10%, and the queries ran instantly.

However...the next day, the queries were causing problems again. Running ShowContig showed the fragmentation was up to over 90% again. Now, these are very static tables I'm dealing with...absolutely no UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE commands have been run against them (we import the data once a month). I set up a job to monitor the state of the index fragmentation overnight. All is well until 0100, when the LSF hits 90% again. I can't figure out what could be causing this, we have no jobs that run on, or affect, this database overnight, except the backup, which runs at 2100. Has anyone experienced anything like this before, or does SQL Server do something on the fly that could cause it to happen?


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Process Dimensions And Cubes Overnight

Oct 13, 2004

Hi All, any advice or help greatly appreciated, I need to Process Dimensions and Cubes Overnight, what is the best and most reliable way of achieving this.

Many Thanks in anticipation.


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Scripting Overnight Backup Jobs For SQL Server Databases

Mar 21, 2008

Hi, I've just been given the task of finding out how to implement a backup procedure for our SQL server databases. Most are running 2000, some 2005.
I'm a programmer, and I'm used to having a DBA to help me! I've seen a few methods on the web involving a stored procedure and running the task from task manager.
I need to backup and restore all the databases in SQL Server 2000 and work out a way of displaying whether or not it was successful.
Can anybody please point me in the right direction as I've no idea how to do any of this really. I guess if I could setup a sproc to loop through the databases that would help, but I'm not sure where to start.
Thanks in advance.

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Generating Overnight Data Vs Live - Suggestions Needed.

Jul 20, 2005

We have an MIS system which has approx 100 reports. Each of thesereports can take up to several minutes to run due to the complexity ofthe queries (hundreds of lines each in most cases). Each report can berun by many users, so in effect we have a slow system.I want to seperate the complex part of the queries into a process thatis generated each night. Then the reports will only have to querypre-formatted data with minimal parameters as the hard part will havebeen completed for the users when they are not in. Ideally we willgenerate (stored procedure possibly) a set of data for each report andhold this on the server. We can then query with simpler parameterssuch as by date and get the data back quite quickly.The whole process of how we obtain the data is very complex. There arevarious views which gather data from the back office system. These arevery complex and when queries are run against them including othertables to bring in more data, it gets nicely complicated.The only problem is that the users want to have access to LIVE datafrom the back office system, specifically the Sales team who want toaccess this remotely. My method only allows for data from the nightbefore, so is there an option available to me which will allow me todo this ? The queries can't be improved on an awful lot, so they willtake as long as they take. The idea of running them once is the onlyway I can see to improve the performance in any significant way.True I could just let them carry on as they are and let them sufferwith the performance on live data, but I'd like to do something toimprove the situation for them.Any advice would be appreciated.ThanksRyan

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Trapping Errors In SPs

Dec 28, 1999


Here is what I am trying to do:

CREATE PROCEDURE usp_deleteSomething

@theThing_i char(11)




delete from myTable where thing=@theThing_i



I thought this SP would return 547(foreign key constraint voilation) when column 'thing' was being referenced in another table. Instead, when the front-end application code calls this SP it gets a 1 from the delete statement itself. In other words, my return statement never seems to get executed. Is there any way of achieving this? In other words, I want to trap the error 547 and return that to the front-end.

Any replies would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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Trapping Errors

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have a stored proc StoredProc1 ={INSERT INTO Table1SELECT *FROM View1Return @@ERROR}StoredProc1 is used in another sp StoredProcMain ={(some code before)...EXEC @iResult = StoredProc1If @iResult <> 0BEGINROLLBACK TRANSACTIONReturn @iResultEND.... (continue)}So I want to rollback if StoredProc1 is not successful.Then I ran into a problem. I added a column to Table1 but forgot toupdate View1 to add the equivalent column. When I executedStoredProc1, I got the "Insert Error: Column name or number ofsupplied values does not match table definition." But the error isNOT trapped. It seems the instruction "Return @@ERROR" returns 0 andStoredProcMain goes on as if there wasn't an error.How can I trap this error?ThanksWalter

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Trapping BCP Error From SP

Jul 20, 2005

HII am using the following code in an SP, it seems like an ugly hack Ihave done to check if the BCP was working or not, I check the table itshold have filled instead of checking the error from BCP itself.Does anyone know how I can check the BCP errors directly?this is the code I am using.--------------------------------------create procedure q_spr_autoinventeringAScreate table ##q_tbl_autoinventering (ean13 varchar(13),antal decimal,signatur varchar(10),lagstalle int)exec master..xp_cmdshell"bcp ##q_tbl_autoinventering inc:outpathhd1invent.txt -t ; -Usa -P13hla -c -C "declare@invjournal int,@lagstalle int,@invdatum datetime,@ean13 varchar(15),@antal decimal,@artnr varchar(50),@lagplats varchar(20),@lagsaldo decimal,@mysubject nvarchar(4000)IF EXISTS (select * from ##q_tbl_autoinventering)begin-----------------------------------------------it seems so ugly to check the table instead of the BCP error itself soany pointers would be gladly appreciated, I tried to check @@error butthat did not seem to worked how I needed short what I want is thisif bcp did not work break out of the SP and wait until called nexttime by sql server agent. and by not working I only mean that therewas no file to fetch, if there is a file to fetch and the table iscreated I have lots of checks in the SP to make sure the values arecorrectrgdsMatt

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DTS - Trapping SQL Errors

Mar 23, 2006

I am panning to write a DTS package whcih alter the table and output any error messages if the alter statement fails.

I have created Execute SQL Task in which I have wrote the following command.

Alter table Employee ADD EmpStatus char(4) DEFAULT A not null;

I have created a work flow to write the error message to a text file. But I am having trouble to trap the error message prduced by the Alter statement (like "column names in each table must be unique. Column name specified int the table more than once").

Any help will be appreciated.



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Passing Parameters To Batch File And Executing Batch File Loop

Aug 7, 2007


I need to take a variable from a tabel in SQL Server pass to a Batch file and execute the batch file. Right now I can exec the batch file with XP_CMDSHELL but how can I pass the variable to the batch file and loop through all the variables.

Please help


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Trapping SQLDataSource Errors

Oct 24, 2006

I have read some ideas on this, but nothing is working for me.I have an SQLDataSource bound to a FormView.  I need to use the FormView to Insert new rows.  When I type new values, all is well.  When I type a duplicate, a get a runtime primary key error.  That's fine, but how do I trap that?  Overriding Page_Error  doesn't work for me.Anyone please?

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Trapping SQL UpDate Error In VWD

Apr 27, 2007

Hi:I am trying to update a UserInfo record using a stored procedure.  It uses a uniqueidentifier UserId as the primary key.  I keep getting an error and am trying to trip it using try-catch statements in both SQL Server Express and VWD 2005.My challenge is that I cannot enter a sample UserId to test the query in SQL Server because it sees my unique identifier as a string and I cannot get the error back to VWD to see where the problem is.  The stored procedure looks something like:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpDateUserInfo]    @Userid uniqueidentifier,    @FirstName nvarchar(50),    @LastName nvarchar(70),    @WorkPhone nvarchar(50),ASBEGIN TRY    SET NOCOUNT OFF;        UPDATE Members    SET FirstName = @FirstName,     LastName = @LastName,    WorkPhone = @WorkPhone,    CellPhone = @CellPhone    WHERE UserID = @Userid;END TRYBEGIN CATCH  EXECUTE usp_GetErrorInfo;END CATCH;  CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_GetErrorInfo]AS    SELECT        ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber,        ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity,        ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState,        ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure,        ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine,        ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; When I put in the value d2dbf5-409d-4ef4-9d35-0a938f6ac608 which is an actual UserId in SQL server when I execute, the program tells me there incorrect syntax.   So I would greatly appreciate it if somebody could help me with the following two questions: 1.  How do I input a uniqueidentifier when executing a query in SQL Server Express?2.  How can I get any errors that I trap (I think I have the right set up here) to show up back in my ASP.Net application? Any help greatly appreciate.Roger Swetnam 

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Error Trapping In StoredProcedure

Feb 4, 2003

I have a DTS package (AdIns) that inserts to an administrative table. The Administrative table utilizes the "with ignore_dup_key" option on the index. There are other admin jobs in the DTS that are based on the return code of a parent package.

The "3604:duplicate key ignored" is an expected result of the parent package, yet it sends an failure return code to the dependent (AdIns) package, causing erroneous entries to the final audit table.

How can I reset the return code from the parent package?


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Trapping Cmdexec Errors

Nov 11, 1998

I would like to trap a return value from a cmdexec that is scheduled. The cmdexec returns 0 if it is a success and something other than 0 if it doesn't.

Can I raise an error from a command file. The command file calls a console application ( i.e. no interface ).

Any help is appreciated.

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Trapping Error Messages

Jul 20, 2005

Hi everybody,I need to trap error messages in my stored procedures and log them. I canuse @@ERROR global variable to get the error code and look it up insysmessages table to get the description. Then using xp_logevent I log theerror.The problem is this description needs to be formatted. For example if I tryto insert NULL into a column which is not nullable, I'll get error #515. Thedescription of error #515 in sysmessages is:Cannot insert the value NULL into column '%.*ls', table '%.*ls'; columndoes not allow nulls. %ls fails.Is there a way to get the formatted message? What is the best approach totrap errors, filter them, add some additional information to the message andsend it to server's event logger?TIA,Shervin

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Divide By Zero Error Trapping

Jul 20, 2005

I have the following line in a select statement which comes up with adivide by zero error.CAST(CASE Splinter_StatusWHEN 'SUR' THEN 0ELSE CASE WHEN Sacrifice>=1THEN 3*m.Premium/100-(m.Sacrifice * 3*m.Premium/100)/(m.Gross+m.Sacrifice)ELSE 0ENDEND AS Float)AS Bond2,The error happens on the section (m.Gross + m.Sacrifice) as this canequal zero and throws out the part of the calc that divides by it. Itis correct in some instances that it does so. The full SQL statementhas a large number of these expressions so I need a method I can applyto any line if possible.I know that it is mathmatically correct to error where this value iszero, but what I want to do is set the output of the entire expressionto zero if there is an error.Realistically an error such as this could happen at a few points inthe expression (or one of many others), so I need to find a way ofcatching any error in the expression and setting the return value to0. I thought of using a CASE statement, but wondered if there was abetter way of looking at this as the case statement would have tocheck each variation where it could throw an error.Any ideas ?ThanksRyan

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Erro Trapping Question

Jul 20, 2005

I have a batch file that runs SQL Server scripts using commands like:OSQL -Umyname -Pmypassword -iScript_01.sql -w200 -e -n[color=blue][color=green]>>Consolidation.log[/color][/color]Script_01.sql will contain statements like:Update SASI.AACT set schoolnum='071' where schoolnum in ('000',' ')update SASI.AATD set schoolnum='071' where schoolnum in ('000',' ')update SASI.AATP set schoolnum='071' where schoolnum in ('000',' ')update SASI.ACHS set schoolnum='071' where schoolnum in ('000',' ')update SASI.ACLS set schoolnum='071' where schoolnum in ('000',' ')If one of those tables should not exist, how could I have it continue,but hopefully the log would have a reference to the error?I am experimenting, but I am unsuccessfull with something like:BEGIN TRANselect count(*) from sasi.aact --this could be an updatestatementif @@ERROR =208 GOTO err_handleselect count(*) from sasi.astuif @@ERROR <> 0 GOTO err_handleselect count(*) from sasi.astuif @@ERROR <> 0 GOTO err_handleselect count(*) from sasi.astuif @@ERROR <> 0 GOTO err_handleerr_handle:returncommit Tran

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Error Trapping Of Datasource Control

Oct 1, 2007

I encountered an interesting situation. I have a gridview and a sqldatasource. It has delete function. When I delete a record an error of foreign key violation is raised. I would like to trap this error and give a user friendly message to the user.
If I use ADO.Net I can use Try/Catch, but it seems there is no way to do the same thing using datasource. Anyone knows?
Thank you,

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Trapping Stored Procedure Errors

Jun 23, 2000

In Stored Procedures that have a group of statements wrapped in a Begin and End Statement What is the best way of trapping errors ?

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Trapping A SQL User Id In Update Trigger

Nov 17, 2000

Is it possible to trap the SQL user who updated a record in a table through a trigger. For example if jqpublic updates a record in table1 can a trigger fire off updating a last_user update field in the same record?

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Trapping Sqlcmd Errors When Executed From A Job

Jul 17, 2007

Hi I am running some scripts in files using sqlcmd via a SQL Server Agent job. If sqlcmd generates an error (for example if it is unable to connect) then the job fails. However, if the T-SQL within the script is invalid (syntax, name resolution etc etc) the job completes reporting success. If sqlcmd is invoked directly via the query window then no error is raised however there is a result set returned reporting the error. Anyone know why and whether is it possible to get the error to be recognised by the job? invalid_sql.sql--The below is not actually valid SOME stuff, innit! sqlcmdEXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell "sqlcmd -S my_server -i C:invalid_sql.sql" Cheers

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SQL Errors, Trapping In Server Agent

Nov 28, 2005

Hello to all,I've fallow problem. I've a sp called as a job of SA each minute. Thisruns pretty nice, but from time to time, the job is aborted, and Idon't know why.Considering my logging, which is implemented in DB, I know, in whichpoint it is happening, but I don't know the exact error.This one is for sure any SQL server exception.I wanted to track this error, but reading all news, and help, andperforming some tests, I've find out, that this is almost likeimpossible, to catch the error in t-sql code (for example in this sp),and wirte it to any table for futher review.Reading great documentation from Erland Sommarskog, I know, there isno way to catch this error in t-sql, because, usualy the sql terminatesexecution of the code immieadetly (so I found it also by my tests).Now, my question is: sice I'm calling this sp continously in ServerAgent as a job scheduled to be called each one minute, is it any way,to trap this error on this level? In SA? and THEN save it somewhere inmy db?I'm calling the sp as a 'command' in job step as 'execsp_name_of_procedure'.If I'll try like this:declare @err intset @err = 0exec sp_name_of_procedureset @err = @@errorif @err <> 0begininsert into tbl_logger (sql_error, msg) values (@err, 'SQL raised anerror')endwill it work, or the sql will assume the whole code as a one batch, andwill terminate after call of sp?Thank you in advance for reply.GreatingsMateusz

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Trapping Errors In Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,I am converting a large PL/SQL project into Transact-SQL and have hitan issue as follows:I have a PL/SQL procedure that converts a string to a date. Theprocedure does not know the format of the date in the string so ittries loads of formats in converting the string to a date until itsucceeds.After trying each potential format it uses the Oracle 'EXCEPTION WHENOTHERS' construct to trap the failure so it can try another format.Is it possible to do this with SQLServer ? If I do a CONVERT and it isnot one of the standard formats it fails. This is part of a backgroundscheduled process and I cannot afford the procedure to bomb out.I suspect the answer is I cannot do this and will need to impose somecontrol over the string being received (from various externalsystems!!) to ensure it is a specific known format. Even if I know itwill be one of the known SQLServer formats this will not be enoughsince if the first one I try is not correct the process will crash.Any ideas ?Thanks

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Trapping Rows With Truncated Columns

Jan 30, 2008

I am writing a package where, at one step, I need to copy data from a source with text columns of 150 characters to a destination with matching text columns of only 60 characters. The data present in the source is all less than 60 characters in length, but if this changes in the future and data begins to be truncated, I want to be informed of this.

This raises two problems. First, because I'm not pre-emptively truncating the columns, my Data Flow Destination allows shows a validation warning. Is there any way I can tell SSIS "I know that data might be truncated, but I want to deal with that at run-time, not as design-time"?

Second, I'm not sure how to pass myself a notification using the options provided by Error Output on the Data Flow Destination. Fail Component would allow me to alter the control flow, but I would prefer not to have the process fail utterly because of one truncated record. I'm not sure if Ignore Failure will simply omit the row that would be truncated (not an acceptable solution) or truncate the data (could work temporarily, but I still need to be warned). Redirect Row is appealing but has a different problem - if I redirect the error/truncated rows to a separate table, that Data Flow Task no longer fails, which means I have no way to raise a notification.

Is there a better way to do this? The only option I can think is to do Redirect Row, and then have the next step in the Control Flow be a script that checks for the presence of records in my error table, and send a notification if there are, but that seems unnecessarily circuituous. Is there a way in SSIS to arbitrarily send a Failure message if a given step is hit (possibly with Events), or is that case reserved strictly for halting failures?

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Trapping Package Validation Error

Aug 9, 2006


I created a new SSIS Package. I want to send an e-mail when an error occurrs.

I set the OnError event to send an e-mail. I then decided to test this so I dropped my input SQL table. When I drop the import SQL table I get a Package Validation Error and I don't get my e-mail.

Am I making a mistake. I want to always send an e-mail when an error occurrs in my SSIS package.

By the way I did add an e-mail at the end of my SSIS package to verify my SMTP is working - it did.



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Trapping Errors In The Control Flow

Mar 1, 2007


I have read several posting about various modes of trapping errors, but none seem to directly address what I am looking for (, etc)

Coming from a Java/C# background, I am looking for a way to trap errors that arise within the ssis control flow much like the said languges:

try {

do something

} catch(AnExceptionType myException) {

handle my exception


/ ** my code at this point is unperterbed by the exception unless I explicitly raise the exception out of the scope of the exception handler. */

To make the analogy in SSIS, I want to be able to handle an error within a "container" and not have to handle the same error in surrounding containers.


I have a "Foreach" container (call it container FEC) that contains several other containers. One of the subordinate containers is a "For Loop" (call it FLC). The FLC in turn has some nested tasks, some of which are expected to fail and therefore I want to handle in a graceful manner. The tasks that are expected to fail have a "fail" constraint that links them to a task that I want to occur when the failure occurs, and that works, but the failure is not trapped as it percolates out of the container to the FEC. I also tried to trap it with event handler, but that is also an incorrrect trail to follow.

I don't want the failure to percolate up to the FEC. I have set the max errors to a reasonable value for FLC and my "program" is not exceeding that value; however, the FEC still sees that error so it fails. How do I keep FEC from seeing the error (without upping the max errors for the FEC)?

BTW, I am using the script task to set a variable value to indicate successes or fails for those tasks where I can set the max errors to a high enough level (allow the error to occur, then let the fail/success precedent constraint pass control to the script task so that the variable can be set). This is only a partial solution.

I am new to SSIS, in fact to the MS world having been a code slinger for Java and Oracle. So far I have been very impressed with SSIS. Analogous structures that I expect to find in modern development environments have been within easy reach. This is my first serious challenge. Please help.


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ForEach Trapping An Error And Continuing

Aug 3, 2006

I have a ForEach loop that processes a list of databases. Inside the loop I many steps, one of which is a sequence that contains two steps. Either of these steps may fail (they are attempting to start mirroring and could fail for any number of reasons). I would like to trap this error and ignore it so the For loop will continue, but still fail if other steps than this one fail. The only thing I've been able to do so far is to tell the whole loop to continue through some insane number of errors. Is there a way to identify or actually ignore the error? In the sequence I have have on completion and from the sequence to the next step (which checks if mirroring actually started) is running on completion.


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Performane Tuning And Deadlock Trapping In This Scenario.

Apr 11, 2007


Howdy all. I have done a fair amount of performance tuning and deadlock resolving in my day, but never under these circumstances. Here is the scenario:

A sproc written in Dynamic SQL (with a dynamic WHERE clause I should add) queries a View. This View is joined to several more Views, that are joined to several more Views, that are joined to several more Views, that are.......

So, what I've been having to do to find out if my column is indexed or not is read View1, then View2, and so on and so forth until I figure out what the table really is.

This is extremely time consuming. I can actually have 10 - 20 joins by the time all is said and done.

Now, I am aware that Dynamic SQL is bad, and I'm also aware that 10 - 20 joins is bad. But that doesn't solve anything for me. Can anyone provide any ideas on how to troublshoot perfomance issues and deadlocks in this scenario?

TIA, ChrisR

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Trapping Validation Errors And Sending Email

Jul 20, 2006

I have a DTS package that I'm moving over to SSIS. In place of migrating this package, I've choosen to recreate it. This package moves data from an Informix database to a SQL database.

In the old package the first task was to make a simple connection to the Informix database and if the task failed, it would send an email and stop the package.

The biggest reason for this is because the Unix server that I'm getting the Informix data from forces the user passwords to be reset ever 90 days. So in my old package, if I forgot to change the password and the connection started to fail it would send me an email.

In my new package, SSIS performs a validation before starting. There are a number of task that uses the connection to the Informix database. Under testing, if I put in a bad password, the validation process generates a validation error. I've tried catching this validation error using the Error Handling events but I've had no luck. I can send out errors PreValidation and PostValidation but OnError appears not to fire under a validation error.

Might anyone have any suggestions on a proper way to validate and be able to send out email notification if a connection fails? Any assistance would be appreciated.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Trapping Failing Index Rows Or Source

Oct 14, 2015

that violates the targets referential integrity?I am getting error Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Line 1Cannot insert duplicate key row in object XXX with unique index YYY.The statement has been terminated.I would like to know if there is a way to examine or determine what source rows are not conforming to the unique index.I'm fine with dropping and reestablishing the index, and i know its cataloged somewhere because during index creation, the error message does tell you the row details clobbering index creation. Ideally i would like to be able to trap all the failing rows and see what i can do about rehabilitating them or ignoring them or managing them some other way, but id like to know what the server knows when it will not create the index.

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Integration Services :: SSIS And Trapping (Duplicate Primary Key) Import Error

Oct 13, 2015

I want to import a data file into a sql table. The table has a primary key but the data couldĀ have a duplicate value in the PK column (error in the source data). How can I "trap" for this type of error in SSIS?

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SQLCMD Batch File With Script In Batch File

Dec 5, 2006

I am using the following batch file to execute a script that creates a db and all its objects in the local sql express:

sqlcmd -S (local)SQLExpress -i C:CreateDB.sql

This works fine, but I'm wondering if there's an easy way to put the script in the batch file, so users don't have to worry about putting the script in the C drive. I tried getting rid of the i parameter and pasting the script from the sql file into the batch file, but it didn't work.



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