Ideally, I would like this to use recursion and give me tha ability to
change the delimiter at any time (might not always be a comma). some
products may have a period in them. number of products is unknown and
might be 0 (field may be empty or NULL).
This problem is being seen on SQL 2005 SP2 + cumulative update 4
I am currently successfully using the output clause of an insert statement to return the identity values for inserted rows into a table variable
I now need to add an "instead of insert" trigger to the table that is the subject of the insert.
As soon as I add the "instead of insert" trigger, the output clause on the insert statement does not return any data - although the insert completes successfully. As a result I am not able to obtain the identities of the inserted rows
Note that @@identity would return the correct value in the test repro below - but this is not a viable option as the table in question will be merge replicated and @@identity will return the identity value of a replication metadata table rather than the identity of the row inserted into my_table
Note also that in the test repro, the "instead of insert" trigger actually does nothing apart from the default insert, but the real world trigger has additional code.
To run the repro below - select each of the sections below in turn and execute them 1) Create the table 2) Create the trigger 3) Do the insert - note that table variable contains a row with column value zero - it should contain the @@identity value 4) Drop the trigger 5) Re-run the insert from 3) - note that table variable is now correctly populated with the @@identity value in the row
I need the behaviour to be correct when the trigger is present
GO /************************************************ 2) - Create the trigger ************************************************/ CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trig_my_table__instead_insert] ON [dbo].[my_table] INSTEAD OF INSERT AS BEGIN
INSERT INTO my_table ( forename, surname) SELECT forename, surname FROM inserted
/************************************************ 3) - Do the insert ************************************************/
INSERT INTO my_table ( forename , surname ) OUTPUT inserted.my_table_id INTO @my_insert VALUES( @forename , @surname )
select @@identity -- expect this value in @my_insert table select * from @my_insert -- OK value without trigger - zero with trigger
/************************************************ 4) - Drop the trigger ************************************************/
drop trigger [dbo].[trig_my_table__instead_insert] go
/************************************************ 5) - Re-run insert from 3) ************************************************/ -- @my_insert now contains row expected with identity of inserted row -- i.e. OK
I have a trigger on a table named Store. The trigger updates the longitude and latitude on store based on the zip. Simple right? Well, I'm trying to import data and of course the trigger is not updating the data as triggers are not on a row by row basis with multi row inserts.
Here is the error message I'm receiving:
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SetLongLat, Line 17
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
How would one go about resolving this issue? I've includes my snippets below:
DECLARE @Long float DECLARE @Lat float
UPDATE Store SET Longitude = @Long, Latitude = @Lat FROM Store INNER JOIN Inserted ON Store.Id = Inserted.Id
UPDATE Store SET Longitude = @Long, Latitude = @Lat FROM Store INNER JOIN Inserted ON Store.Id = Inserted.Id END
What statement do I use, as part of an insert trigger, to insert xml data from the xml database to a flat file database, to check if a record with a specific ID exists to delete first then insert the changed record, instead of adding the changes or an updated from the original xml database.
What I’m trying to do is take the xml formatted data out of one sql server database and insert the data only in that xml into a another sql database. So I can play with the data.
Problem is if the data in the xml is updated or changed for a specific record on the original xml database then the trigger inserts another copy into the created database (which I don’t want).
FileName is coming as blank in db, while in debug mode i can see that it is being set with a proper filename. The other 2 params are inserting fine.
The FileName field is set as Text field with width length 255, and the incoming data is always shorter than 255 chars. The insertion happens without any errors/exceptions. I have also tried replacing the data for filename with a string like "Test", still it is inserting blank string.
Hope someone can help... I need a function to parse a string using a beginning character parameter and an ending character parameter and extract what is between them. For example.....
Here is the sample string:
CREATE FUNCTION Parse(String, '-' , '.') ..... .... ..... END
I've the following query. I'm using the yellow highlighted to join 2 tables, as these tables dont have a relationship between them. The format of the name field is 'AAAA-BBBBBB-123' here A will be only 4 chars, followed by '-' B can be any number of chars again followed by '-' and the last is the id which I'm using to do a join. This query will fail if the id is just 1 digit as its taking the last 3 chars as the id. I dont know how to get the id from the right using charindex. Charindex would search for the first occurence of '-' from the right and get the chars after hypen i.e 123. How can this be achieved?
SELECT id AS 'ID', name AS 'name', sequence AS 'num' FROM FirstTable A INNER JOIN SecondTable q ON (CONVERT(INT,RIGHT(name,3))= INNER JOIN ThridTable t ON( = INNER JOIN FourthTable s ON ( = ) WHERE = @ID AND,((CHARINDEX('-', ORDER BY 'ID','num'
One more question on this is: Is this a good way of joining tables? If I dont use this I've a very large query containing unions. Which one should be bug-free and more efficient?
This view is then going to be used to update a table with only one record for each 'code'. i.e. NewTable = code, add1, add2, city, prov, postal, financialvalue, history value1, history value2
My current stumbling block is:
One of the fields in table1 is a free format address field (address). eg. could be (street addres, city prov, postal) or could be (street address 1, address2, address 3, city prov, postal)
I want to be able to assign individual components of the address to corresponding fields
if # of commas = 2 then address1 = substring(address,1, position of first comma) cityprov = substring(address,possition of first comma, position of second comman) postal = substring(address rest of field)
I have a UDF which returns the number of commas but I cannot figure out how to use either a nested case statement to parse the string...
ANy ideas on how best to accompish this? ( this table is needed for some leacy software which can only handle one record with all infor....
Hello All,I'm trying to parse for a numeric string from a column in a table. WhatI'm looking for is a numeric string of a fixed length of 8.The column is a comments field and can contain the numeric string inany positionHere's an example of the values in the column1) Fri KX 3-21-98 5:48 P.M. arrival Cxled ATRI #27068935 3-17-982) wed.kx10/26 Netrez 95860536Now I need to parse through these lines and return only the 8 digitnumbers in itThe result set should be2706893595860536This is what I've done so farDeclare @tmp table(Comments_Txt varchar(255))Insert into @tmpselect Comments_Txt from Reservationselect * FROM @tmp where Comments_Txtlike ('%[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0**9]%')But it returns the entire comments field in the result set. What I needis a way to return just those 8 digits.Any Ideas??Thanks in advance!!!
Hi,I would like to parse out each value that is seperatedby a comma in a field and use that value to join to another table.What would be the easiest way to do so without having towrite a function or routine ?EX.Table AAACOL1 COL21 11, 124, 1562 11, 505, 600, 700, ...Table BBBCOL1 COL211 Desc11124 Desc124156 Desc 156
I have a column called SEGMENTED_BLOCK sample data:X,X,XXX,XX,XX,TYZC123456,X,X,TOYZ654321,1234,777777I need to do something that has the effect ofSELECT(stuff before first comma) as FIRST_ITEM,(stuff after first comma, but before second) as NEXT_ITEM,(stuff after second comma but before third(if any)) as THIRD_ITEMFROM SEGMENT_XREFWHERE LOOKUP_ITEM = 12345ORDER BY FIRST_ITEMFIRST_ITEM is pretty easy, but it gets uglier fast.My attempts are horrendously ugly nested checkindex and substring statements.Is there an easier way?
Any way to parse out a text value (not varChar, using text data type) that is > than 8000 characters long? I'm looping through 1 big string passed to the DB that is pipe delimited, but I find myself needing the substring function to keep track of which segment I'm acting on (after an update, I then need to take that segment and remove it from the string)...but the subString function won't take anything larger than 8000 chars.
Say I have this string that is text data type...
..and so on, surpassing 8000 char length, how could you parse it out using the pipes as the delimter, then do an Update using that segment? Afterward, return to that string and find the next segment, then use it, and so on (in a loop). I tried using an update to set the string = replace(string, segmentJustUsed, '') to "erase" it, but replace can't take text as the datatype. Any help? Hope this isn't to confusing.
SP to parse a delimited string and insert the result in a table. I am using SQL Server 2008 R2. I have 2 tables - RawData & WIP. I have Robots on a manufacturing line capable of moving data to a DB. I move the raw data to RawData. On insert [RawData], I want to parse the string and move the contents to WIP as indicated below. I will run reports against the WIP Table.
Also, after the string is parsed, I'd like to change the Archive column, the _0 at the end of the raw string to 1 in the WIP table to indicate a successful parse.
Date Time Plant Program Line Zone Station BadgeID Message Alarm Archive ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04102015 114830 10 13 9 8 6 99999 Test 1 1 1 04102015 115030 10 13 9 8 6 99999 Test 2 1 1
I am trying to erase some erroneous bad data in my table. The description column has a lot of </div>oqwiroiweuru</a> weird data attached to it, i want to keep the data to the left of where the </div> erroneous data begins
update MyTable set Description = LEFT(Description(CHARINDEX('<',Description)-1)) where myid = 1
that totally works.
update MyTable set Description = LEFT(Description(CHARINDEX('<',Description)-1)) where myid >= 2
gives me a Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function. The statement has been terminated error.
I want to be able to create a trigger that updates table 2 when a row is inserted into table 1. However I€™m not sure how to increment the ID in table 2 or to update only the row that has been inserted.
I want to be able to create a trigger so that when a row is inserted into table A by a specific user then the ID will appear in table B. Is it possible to find out the login id of the user inserting a row?
I believe the trigger should look something like this:
create trigger test_trigger on a for insert as insert into b(ID)
I've have a need with SQL Server 2005 (so I've no MERGE statement), I have to merge 2 tables, the target table has 10 fields, the first 4 are the clustered index and primary key, the source table has the same fields and index.Since I can't use the MERGE statement (I'm in SQL 2005) I have to make a double step operation, and INSERT and an UPDATE, I can't figure how to design the WHERE condition for the insert statement.
An insert statement was not inserting all the data into a table. Found it very strange as the other fields in the row were inserted. I ran SQL profiler and found that sql statement had all the fields in the insert statement but some of the fields were not inserted. Below is the sql statement which is created dyanmically by a C# class. The columns which are not inserted are 'totaltax' and 'totalamount' ...while the 'shipto_name' etc...were inserted.there were not errors thrown. The sql from the code cannot be shown here as it is dynamically built referencing C# class files.It works fine on another test database which uses the same dlls. The only difference i found was the difference in date formats..@totalamount=1625.62,@totaltax=125.62are not inserted into the database.Below is the statement copied from SQL profiler.exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO salesorder(billto_city, billto_country, billto_line1, billto_line2, billto_name,billto_postalcode, billto_stateorprovince, billto_telephone, contactid, CreatedOn, customerid, customeridtype,DeletionStateCode, discountamount, discountpercentage, ModifiedOn, name, ordernumber,pricelevelid, salesorderId, shipto_city, shipto_country,shipto_line1, shipto_line2, shipto_name, shipto_postalcode, shipto_stateorprovince,shipto_telephone, StateCode, submitdate, totalamount,totallineitemamount, totaltax ) VALUES(@billto_city, @billto_country, @billto_line1, @billto_line2,@billto_name, @billto_postalcode, @billto_stateorprovince, @billto_telephone, @contactid, @CreatedOn, @customerid,@customeridtype, @DeletionStateCode, @discountamount,@discountpercentage, @ModifiedOn, @name, @ordernumber, @pricelevelid, @salesorderId,@shipto_city, @shipto_country, @shipto_line1, @shipto_line2,@shipto_name, @shipto_postalcode, @shipto_stateorprovince, @shipto_telephone,@StateCode, @submitdate, @totalamount, @totallineitemamount, @totaltax)',N'@billto_city nvarchar(8),@billto_country nvarchar(13),@billto_line1 nvarchar(3),@billto_line2 nvarchar(4),@billto_name nvarchar(15),@billto_postalcode nvarchar(5),@billto_stateorprovince nvarchar(8),@billto_telephone nvarchar(3),@contactid uniqueidentifier,@CreatedOn datetime,@customerid uniqueidentifier,@customeridtype int,@DeletionStateCode int,@discountamount decimal(1,0),@discountpercentage decimal(1,0),@ModifiedOn datetime,@name nvarchar(33),@ordernumber nvarchar(18),@pricelevelid uniqueidentifier,@salesorderId uniqueidentifier,@shipto_city nvarchar(8),@shipto_country nvarchar(13),@shipto_line1 nvarchar(3),@shipto_line2 nvarchar(4),@shipto_name nvarchar(15),@shipto_postalcode nvarchar(5),@shipto_stateorprovince nvarchar(8),@shipto_telephone nvarchar(3),@StateCode int,@submitdate datetime,@totalamount decimal(6,2),@totallineitemamount decimal(6,2),@totaltax decimal(5,2)',@billto_city=N'New York',@billto_country=N'United States',@billto_line1=N'454',@billto_line2=N'Road',@billto_name=N'Hillary Clinton',@billto_postalcode=N'10001',@billto_stateorprovince=N'New York',@billto_telephone=N'124',@contactid='8DAFE298-3A25-42EE-B208-0B79DE653B61',@CreatedOn=''2008-04-18 13:37:12:013'',@customerid='8DAFE298-3A25-42EE-B208-0B79DE653B61',@customeridtype=2,@DeletionStateCode=0,@discountamount=0,@discountpercentage=0,@ModifiedOn=''2008-04-18 13:37:12:013'',@name=N'E-Commerce Order (Before billing)',@ordernumber=N'BRKV-CC-OKRW5764YS',@pricelevelid='B74DB28B-AA8F-DC11-B289-000423B63B71',@salesorderId='9CD0E11A-5A6D-4584-BC3E-4292EBA6ED24',@shipto_city=N'New York',@shipto_country=N'United States',@shipto_line1=N'454',@shipto_line2=N'Road',@shipto_name=N'Hillary Clinton',@shipto_postalcode=N'10001',@shipto_stateorprovince=N'New York',@shipto_telephone=N'124',@StateCode=0,@submitdate=''2008-04-18 14:37:10:140'',@totalamount=1625.62,@totallineitemamount=1500.00,@totaltax=125.62
Hello I have a problem with setting relations properly when inserting data using adonet. Already have searched for a solutions, still not finding a mistake... Here's the sql management studio diagram :
and that causes (at line 67):"The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Question_SurveyTemplate". The conflict occurred in database "ankietyzacja", table "dbo.SurveyTemplate", column 'id'. The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdatedRowStatusErrors(RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent, BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, Int32 commandCount) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdatedRowStatus(RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent, BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, Int32 commandCount) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(DataRow[] dataRows, DataTableMapping tableMapping) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdateFromDataTable(DataTable dataTable, DataTableMapping tableMapping) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable) at AnkietyzacjaWebService.Service1.createSurveyTemplate(Object[] o) in J:\PL\PAI\AnkietyzacjaWebService\AnkietyzacjaWebServicece\Service1.asmx.cs:line 397"
Could You please tell me what am I missing here ? Thanks a lot.
Hi All, I've looked through the forum hoping I'm not the only one with this issue but alas, I have found nothing so I'm hoping someone out there will give me some assistance. My problem is the case statement in my Insert Statement. My overall goal is to insert records from one table to another. But I need to be able to assign a specific value to the incoming data and thought the case statement would be the best way of doing it. I must be doing something wrong but I can't seem to see it.
Here is my code: Insert into myTblA (TblA_ID, mycasefield = case when mycasefield = 1 then 99861 when mycasefield = 2 then 99862 when mycasefield = 3 then 99863 when mycasefield = 4 then 99864 when mycasefield = 5 then 99865 when mycasefield = 6 then 99866 when mycasefield = 7 then 99867 when mycasefield = 8 then 99868 when mycasefield = 9 then 99855 when mycasefield = 10 then 99839 end, alt_min, alt_max, longitude, latitude ( Select MTB.LocationID MTB.model_ID MTB.elevation, --alt min null, --alt max MTB.longitude, --longitude MTB.latitude --latitude from MyTblB MTB );
The error I'm getting is: Incorrect syntax near '='.
I have tried various versions of the case statement based on examples I have found but nothing works. I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this one. I've been smacking my head against the wall for awhile trying to find a solution.
greetings!! the below trigger works fine in SQL 2000 and doesn't takeup much resources, it's a very simple solution to trim text fields atinput in SQL. I know a lot of folks will say to create input masks atthe UI level and that SQL is a restricted back-end DB, but to be quitehonest I don't trust those UI guys and as a DBA I will have to cleanthe mess when they forget to validate. Hope it can be usefull to anyof you too. ;)----------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE TRIGGER [TRIMMER_TGR] ON [dbo].[MyTable]AFTER INSERT, UPDATEASIF UPDATE (MyStringField)DECLARE @TRIMMEDFIELD NVARCHAR(50)DECLARE @MYID INTSELECT @TRIMMEDFIELD = MyStringField from InsertedSELECT @MYID = ID from InsertedBEGINUPDATE tblDocket SET MyStringField = RTRIM(LTRIM(@TRIMMEDFIELD))WHERE ID = @MYIDEND
Hi! I am deleting some records from the database and at the same time inserting them into a new table. I am doing all this with sql querries. How can that be done with triggers. Basically on the delete, i'd like to insert the affected records. Thanks! James
I am trying to build an update trigger to check the condition if checkbox is true then add 1 year, else add 3 years. The code works before i added the if checkbox = true.