Hi there, I've tried googling this (and looking at the many questions on the forum :) but I've not managed to find a decent tutorial / guide that describes a method for using checkboxs to insert true/false flags in a MS SQL db. The db field i'm setting has type set to "bit", is this correct? And secondly (its been a long day!) I just cant figure out the code to assign the bit 1 or 0 / true or false. This is what I've got so far but it's not working........Function InsertProduct(ByVal prod_code As String, ByVal prod_name As String, ByVal prod_desc As String, ByVal prod_size As String, ByVal prod_price As String, ByVal prod_category As String, ByVal aspnet As Boolean) As Integer Dim connectionString As String = "server='server'; user id='sa'; password='msde'; Database='dbLD'" Dim sqlConnection As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString) Dim queryString As String = "INSERT INTO [tbl_LdAllProduct] ([prod_code], [prod_name], [prod_desc], [prod_size], [prod_price], [prod_category],[aspnet]) VALUES (@prod_code, @prod_name, @prod_desc, @prod_size, @prod_price, @prod_category, @aspnet)" Dim sqlCommand As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(queryString, sqlConnection) sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prod_code", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = prod_code sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prod_name", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = prod_name sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prod_desc", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = prod_desc sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prod_size", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = prod_size sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prod_price", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = prod_price sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prod_category", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = prod_category If chkAspnet.Checked = True Then sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@aspnet","1") Else sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@aspnet","0") End If Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0 sqlConnection.Open Try rowsAffected = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery Finally sqlConnection.Close End Try Return rowsAffected End Function Sub SubmitBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) If Page.IsValid then InsertProduct(txtCode.Text, txtName.Text, txtDesc.Text, ddSize.SelectedItem.value, ddPrice.SelectedItem.value, ddCategory.SelectedItem.value, aspnet.value) Response.Redirect("ListAllProducts.aspx") End If End SubAny help would be appreciated or links to tutorials.ThanksBen
I have a cube that has a Dimension set up with several values some of which are bools. While Browsing in Excel or SSMS, two new values, when used as a filter shows (All) (Blank) and (True) for selections instead of (All) (True) and (False).
I have a stored procedure that has a boolean (bit) field passed to it (@emailcontract). If a user checks the check box on the webform I would like my where to return only the records where the email_contract column is true. If they don't check the check box I would like it to return records where email_contracts is true or false. What would my where cluse look lile for this?
Hi, I need to check the existence of a row in a table. So i am using an if condition like set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CheckNOAStages] @NOAID int, @StageCode nchar(20) AS BEGIN
SET NOCOUNT ON; Declare @Count int Select @Count =Count(NOAId) from NOAStages where NOAID=@NOAID and StageCode=@StageCode if (@Count>0) Begin return 1 end else begin return 0 end
The stored proc is executing but on the Data Access Layer I have this Boolean exists = Convert.ToBoolean (Execute.ExecuteReader(spCollection, dbSQL));
Some how I am always getting false . How can I fix this? Thanks
I am exporting an SQL Server table to a comma delimited text file. The values of Columns defined as Bit are exported as "True" or "False", but I would like that in the file appear 1 or 0 instead (with no surrounding double quotes). How can I acomplish that?
I tried using a Transformation and convert to single byte unsigned integer, but True values are exported as "255" and False values as "0". Why?
I want to pass a single char to a query and use that to set two flags.
@ID int,
@AssessedID int,
@CompetencyID int,
@Status char,
@Creator int
UPDATE P4_Assessment
SET P4_Cancelled_f = (@Status = ('C')),
P4_Competent_f = (@Status = ('P')),
P4_Date = getdate(),
P4_Creator = @Creator
I want to set the P4_Cancelled_f to true (if @Status = 'C') or false if it doesn't. This sort of syntax is fine in C#, but fails in a query. I also tried using IN (@Status IN ('C'))
Is this sort of logic possible in TSQL or should I use two parameters and set them in my code as 1 or 0?
I need a way to test if a convert function will work before I process it. if it fails, I want to intercept the error and return my own error to the front end
I've got a Select query that pulls out some data from my database. Two of the columns are both booleans (bit's of size 1) so they come back as TRUE and FALSE - which I thought was fine.
However, the users are wanting to see YES and NO since they find TRUE and FALSE confusing (yes I know how silly that sounds).
Is there any way I can do this?
My query is like this: SELECT [stuff], [things] FROM [table1], [table2] WHERE [table1].[condition] = [table2].[condition]
I am trying to design a database for storing trule/false questions. I have no need to store any thing like chapters are topic. I want to just design a bare minimum tables for just storing questions and its responses. So does the following tables and fields suffice to achieve that?.
Questions_table(id(autogenerated),course_id,Questi on(text type)) id field uniquely identify each question, course_id(ex:CRS235) is used to identify which course a particular question belongs to, and Question filed store actual question.
Response_table(id,response) Response field is of int type, 1 for correct answer, 0 for wrong answer. I am not storing options for each question because every question has same options that is True/False.
So, will this work. Please advice and I would appreciate if any one can point me to a good resource on the web.
Hi, I'm using SSIS to update the destination table.
Both servers are running identical SQL Server 2005 versions.
I want to copy data and replacing existing data WITHOUT dropping the destination table first.
The SSIS package works when: 1) DropObjectsFirst = TRUE 2) CopyData = TRUE 3) ExistingData = REPLACE
The SSIS package does not work when: 1) DropObjectsFirst = FALSE 2) CopyData = TRUE 3) ExistingData = REPLACE
The error I get is the "destination table already exists". Of course, it already exists. I just want to copy/update the destination table. So, why does SSIS insist on dropping the table first?
It is my understanding that when having LinkedServers, the option "enable promotion of Distributed Transactions for RPC" should be set to TRUE, so we can rollback , if needed, remote transactions. At least, that's my understanding of that setting.
Having said that, the TRUE setting is affecting this particular TSQL code, inside an sproc, which I would prefer not to alter:
Insert into #TempTable EXEC ServerB.MyDatabase.MyStoreProcedure @param1= '', @param2= '' When set is set to TRUE (current setting) I get this error:
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "ServerB" returned message "The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions.". Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Line 28
The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "ServerB" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
I am using Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, and Neural Net (SSAS 2005) to predict which of two states each record belongs to.
How can I enforce a different penalty for a false positive versus a false negative ? (I am assuming that in some sense the mining algorithms can then minimize the total penalty).
I am trying to insert into a database Checkbox list items, I get good values up till the checkBox List and then it gives me all O's, My fields in my database are bit columns so I need the checkbox list itmes to be converted to this format. This is what i have so far. One thing is I don;t think I am inserting into the correct database columns. bitLOD, bitInjury, bitIllness, bitreferral are the database fileds.Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click 'Check for the page ID to make sure not an update page then either insert new data or update existing data. Dim id As String Dim LOD As Byte Dim Injury As Byte Dim Illness As Byte Dim Referral As Byte id = Trim(Request.QueryString("ID"))For Each LItems As ListItem In CheckBoxList1.Items If LItems.Selected = True ThenSelect Case LItems.ValueCase "1" LOD = 1Case "2" Injury = 1Case "3" Illness = 1Case "4" Referral = 1 End Select End If Next 'Put data into the Database If id = "" Then 'save data into the database sql = "INSERT tblSADHealth (intTaskForceID, intUICID, strSSN, dtInjury, strNotes, LOD, Injury, Illness, Referral,) " _ & "VALUES (" & ddlTaskForce.SelectedValue & ", " & DDLUIC.SelectedValue & ", '" & txtSSN.Text & "', '" & txtStatus.Text & "', " _ & "'" & txtDate.Text & "','" & txtNotes.Text & "', " & LOD & ", " & Injury & ", " & Illness & ", " & Referral & ")" Response.Write(sql) Response.End()
Dim strStatus As String Dim strGroup As String Dim strLicense As String = dtgPhysician.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex) Dim strUpdateStatus As String Dim strUpdateGroup As String Dim strName As String Dim strDate As String Dim strSubject As String Dim blPDA As Boolean Dim strPDA As Byte strStatus = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lstStatus"), DropDownList).SelectedItem.Text strGroup = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtGroup"), TextBox).Text strName = e.Item.Cells(1).Text.Trim strDate = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtDate"), TextBox).Text strSubject = CType(e.Item.FindControl("dpTraining"), DropDownList).SelectedItem.Text blPDA = CType(e.Item.FindControl("ckPDA"), CheckBox).Checked strPDA = Convert.ToString(blPDA)
strUpdateStatus = "UPDATE DoctorMaster SET Status = @p_Status , PGroup=@p_Group , @p_PDA wHERE (PLIC= @p_License);" ' ... Make a SQL call to update the database ... 'UpdatePhysician Dim strConn As String strConn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConString") If strConn = String.Empty Then myConn = New SqlConnection() Else myConn = New SqlConnection(strConn) End If myConn.Open() Dim daPhysician As New SqlDataAdapter() Dim comUpdate As New SqlCommand() comUpdate.Connection = myConn daPhysician.UpdateCommand = comUpdate comUpdate.CommandType = CommandType.Text comUpdate.CommandText = strUpdateStatus 'Return the DataGrid to its pre-editing state comUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@p_Status", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char, 3, "Status")).Value = strStatus comUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@p_Group", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15, "PGroup")).Value = strGroup comUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@p_License", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15, "PLIC")).Value = strLicense
Hi AllgI have problem in using the SQLDataSource. When in VS 2005 I drag and drop the SQLDataSource onto my page and then add a GridView control.I bind the GridView control to the SQLDataSource control. But the problem is it does not generate the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. The dialog box is inactive. The screenshots may help. please help me in this regard. I also tried it for Accesscontrol but the same problem. Sorry for my poor English!. thanks in advancehttp://img205.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=27550_1_122_203lo.JPGhttp://img139.a.com/img.php?image=28285_2_122_937lo.JPG
I have problem in using the SQLDataSource. When in VS 2005 I drag and drop the SQLDataSource onto my page and then add a GridView control.I bind the GridView control to the SQLDataSource control. But the problem is it does not generate the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. The dialog box is inactive. The screenshots may help. please help me in this regard. I also tried it for Accesscontrol but the same problem. Sorry for my poor English!. thanks in advance
the screenshot links: http://img139.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=28285_2_122_937lo.JPGhttp://img205.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=27550_1_122_203lo.JPG
I've got a table containing calculated values, so i created a field named "archived" (bit datatype) on this table, to prevent the values to be updated if this field is set to true.
Is it possible to created a constraint, to prevent the row to be updated if ARCHIVED=true ? How can i do it ?
I have a table by the name of Info, in this table I have columns with the following names FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, CustomerID. In the columns I have the following data FirstName = Beth LastName = Riddle PhoneNumber = 864-555-1212 CustomerID = 4 The problem is with the following statement in the .vb file. The statement keeps produceing a false value, when the desired value is Beth. TextBox1.Text = SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT 'FirstName' From 'Info' Where(PhoneNumber = '864-555-1212')" Please help Thanks for the information
when ever i drop a ole db source or destination control on data flow, upon clicking to edit it complains about -- defaultcodepage is set to false. When i check in the properties and set it to true; i get no error. What is it all about?
Even this question is not related to this forum but may be some one help me.
I have a master detail form. I want to delete record but only those record that user click with checkbox. There is no field like boolean. How can I make a scenerio about adding an unbound checkbox in detail form and how would i link with rows in detail sub form.
hello all i have a 2 questions hope that u can help me my first question is: in ms access there was a data type named yes/no and it was a checkbox is there a checkbox data type in sql server 2005? my second question is i need the connection code between asp.net 2005 and sql server 2005 i searched in here for that code but i got more confuse i found two codes and both are not working so hope u can give me the right connecting code. that's all thanks
I'm using the NULL checkbox in a report. Is it possible to change the diplayed name 'NULL' in a different name. The user will not see 'NULL' but something else.
i am use this query to select the primary field colums in a table "select Column_Name as PrimaryKeycolumn from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'tbl_Activity' and Constraint_Name like 'PK_%'"
but i want to select the fields which have a nullable=false for that i want know the information schema for null
In a script task, I prompt the user for some parameters. I use the System::InteractiveMode variable to tell me if the package was launched via user interaction or from an automated process such as a file watcher. I display the prompts only if System::InteractiveMode is true. When I run from VS 2005 then I get the prompts, and when the package runs automated (dtexec) the prompts are not shown, so all is OK. However, when the package is run from dtexecui, I do not get the prompts because it seems the InteractiveMode value is false. Shouldn't the InteractiveMode value be true when the package is run from dtexecui since it is a user interface?
I've been pulling my hair out for the last couple of weeks trying to make my SSIS package more robust. I'm running SQL 05 SP1 on Windows XP SP2. Right now when there's a failure, the error propagates all the way up and my package stops running. Clearly not very robust. I have a heartbeat portion that makes a connection to the database every couple of minutes. Sometimes it loses the connection in the middle of the night, probably due to some maintenance going on. I have created an event handler to log the error, sleep a couple of minutes and set Propagate=False. This works great. When the connection is down, the error is logged, once the connection comes back, the package just keeps going. I also have an FTP component that receives a file and then needs to send back a handshake file. I tried the same method here, but the event keeps propagating up. I created an event handler for the Send FTP task itself, so that in case the remote FTP server isn't responding, it will error out. The Event Handler code is called and I verified that the value in Propagate is indeed False. And yet the event keeps propagating up and kills the whole package. FailPackageonFailure is set to False, FaileParentonFailure is set to False also. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Or is this a bug? Is there a work around? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If I use IRowsetFastLoad::Commit(FALSE) not IRowsetFastLoad::CommitCommit(TRUE), are there any limitation of IRowsetFastLoad::InsertRow(..) before Commit(FALSE)?
Now, I'm using everlastingly InsertRow(..) and Commit(FALSE) method repeatedly. A few days after, it seems not to work.
Hi All, I have a database table with a bit field. In my .aspx page I have a checkbox that is checked by default. My SqlDataSource is set up like so: InsertCommand="INSERT INTO Studies (Study_Name, Study_Status) VALUES (@StudyName, @StudyStatus)"> <InsertParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtStudyName" Name="StudyName" PropertyName="Text" Type="String"/> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="chkboxStudyStatus" Name="StudyStatus" PropertyName="Text" Type="Boolean"/> I'm getting an error when inserting. Error: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Study_Status', table 'Studies'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.
Hello I need to make a webpage that stores the name, email, ... from the user into a database. The user also checks several checkboxes to register for some items. That last one gives me some trouble. Inside my code the checkbox-value is stored into a Boolean (true of false). On the sql-server I declared my field as a Bit (0 or 1).
Inside the table tbl_inschrijving on the SQL-server, i declared the checkbox values ws1, ws2, ws3, ... to a bit with length 1 (nulls allowed)How can I store the boolean-value into my table? I tried to change several declarations (int, char, varchar...) nothing works.