Two Tables Have A Column In The Same Name. It Didn't Output Correctly

May 16, 2007

I have a very weird problem.

I ran a SQL statement to get the data from two tables using join. These two tables have a column in the same name €œID€?.

SQL=€?select * from table1 a, table2 b where a.ID=b.ID€?
Set RS=DB.Execute(SQL)

The statement worked. But when I output the records in my ASP pages, I got an error:
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal€?

This is the line caused error:
<%= RS(€œa.ID€?) %>

It seemed that SQL Server recordset doesn€™t carry the table aliens. If I removed a. from ID the error was gone but it gave me the value of b.ID.

How to solve the problem? Thank you.

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Create New Sql Tables Correctly

Dec 12, 2007


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Replication:Unpublishing Not Unmarking Tables Correctly

Dec 30, 1998

A set of tables are published for replication, when I have to unpublish the tables in order to update their structures (i.e. drop and recreate), an error comes up to say that the tables are still marked for replication. I check sysarticles and no tables are listed and even if I completely take the database off of replication, still there are problems. I have looked at the stored procedures that publish/unpublish the selected articles and see that a bit in sysobjects.category is set/unset by a constant of 32. But when unpublishing, it is like this does not work. I have to go into the sysobjects table renumber the category number and try again to drop/recreate and still the problem occurs, so I have to do this once more and then it will work. VERY FRUSTRATING and TIME CONSUMING. I find it hard to believe that this is how to maintain this. Does anyone have any ideas? I unpublish the articles through the replication interface, so it should work.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Output Displays Blank And Result Set Displays Correctly?

May 23, 2015

I have the SQL code for one of the select list columns as shown below in the SSRS Data set query level.

 Example : Select IsNUll(max(ET.[# Utilizations by Utilization Method]),0) as [Employee Period Total]

SQL Result Set Output :


The above code when run in SQL displays correctly with zeroes if NULL values are available from the Source tables.Now at the SSRS Report level design I have grouped with more than one values.Even at the expression  I have given  =Fields!Employee_YTD_Total.Value but report output displays blank In order to evaluate 0 from the SQL result set I even tried equating the values to 0 like = Iif(Fields!Employee_YTD_Total.Value = 0 ,0,Fields!Employee_YTD_Total.Value) but still the report outputs is blank.

Issue/Query : Why it displays blank and I should have this as 0 in the report output to eliminate blank as this would be not appropriate to the end users to validate. What has to be changed either at the SSRS level or at the SQL level.

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Using Output From A Stored Procedure As An Output Column In The OLE DB Command Transformation

Dec 8, 2006

I am working on an OLAP modeled database.

I have a Lookup Transformation that matches the natural key of a dimension member and returns the dimension key for that member (surrogate key pipeline stuff).

I am using an OLE DB Command as the Error flow of the Lookup Transformation to insert an "Inferred Member" (new row) into a dimension table if the Lookup fails.

The OLE DB Command calls a stored procedure (dbo.InsertNewDimensionMember) that inserts the new member and returns the key of the new member (using scope_identity) as an output.

What is the syntax in the SQL Command line of the OLE DB Command Transformation to set the output of the stored procedure as an Output Column?

I know that I can 1) add a second Lookup with "Enable memory restriction" on (no caching) in the Success data flow after the OLE DB Command, 2) find the newly inserted member, and 3) Union both Lookup results together, but this is a large dimension table (several million rows) and searching for the newly inserted dimension member seems excessive, especially since I have the ID I want returned as output from the stored procedure that inserted it.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

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Problems With The Query, ResultSet Property Not Set Correctly, Parameters Not Set Correctly, Or Connection Not Established Cor

Oct 22, 2007

I have the following query in an ExecuteSQL Task:

Insert Into Table2
Select * From Table1 Where Column1Val = '4'

As you can see, I don't need any parameters so I havent configured any. Also, there should not be any result set so I shouldnt need to configure a resultset parameter.

Why is the above query failing with

Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly

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UpdateText() Not Working Correctly On Ntext Column

May 25, 2006

I'm trying to run the following SQL against my ntext column, Testtbl.Task I want to replace where the ampersand sign got HTML encoded to  "&amp;", and I want to strip it down to only the ampersand sign and deletethe "amp" and the ";".It executes, but I still have the HTML encoding for the ampersand sign if the issue is NOT the first character in the ntext column.  If it's the first part of the ntext column, then it works.

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Matrix Column Header Tb-rl Does Not Wrap Correctly

Apr 25, 2008

The text in my matrix column headers is rendered as tb-rl.

The te
xt is spl
it at rand
om places whi
ch is really ver
y annoying

Is this a known bug?

Is there a workaround?

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Reporting Services :: Unable To Calculate Running Balance Column Correctly In SSRS

Oct 7, 2015

I created a view that i want to use in ssrs.In the view there is a column for running balance.In the table contain transaction of inventory with their quantity.

                          (SELECT     SUM(TRXQtyInBase) AS Expr1
                            FROM          dbo.INVTRXB AS b
                            WHERE      (DEX_ROW_ID <= a.DEX_ROW_ID) AND (ITEMNMBR = a.ITEMNMBR)) AS ENDQTY
FROM         dbo.INVTRXB AS a

If i run the query on sql or use the view on ssr. The end qty is  not showing accurately.I ran it on another database it works perfectly. Then i noticed that the dex_row_ID of the second database is sequential as the date. But for the initial database it was not sequential as with the date.

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2 Tables, 1 Output?

Apr 18, 2007

Hi there. I have a SQL database with 2 tables as follows:
OptionListTableid (int)username(nvarchar(50))option1(bit)option2(bit)option3(bit)
 What I would like to do is look up in the OptionListTable to see which options are true for a given user, and make some sort of repeater or datalist with the description and name in DescriptionTable.  I'm really not sure what the best way to do this is, as i'm fairly new to SQL so if anyone has any good ideas, i'd be all ears...
 cheers, eh!

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HELP!I Checked The FAQ But It Didn't Help

Feb 4, 2007

So any help? I tried the stuff in the FAQ

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Why Identity Didn't Rollback ?

Jun 8, 2007

First latest Identity column is 5   I try to insert value to table which have Identity column by ExecuteNonQuery() method. There was some error and rollback this transaction.and then I modified code for completely saving after that I try to insert value again by running program although this transaction completely But value in identity is 7 ( It seems value 6 didn't rollback when not completely saveing )  Please advise me  How can I rollback Identity column value ?  

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Dump Transaction Didn&#39;t

Jan 14, 1999

I have a transaction log that is 80% full and will not dump. I have used the "dump transaction dbname with no_log" command. It return the usual "This command did not return data, and it did not return any rows". However, this didn't do anything. The transaction log is still full. I don't want to restart the server if I don't have to. Any ideas?

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Cluster Didn't Fail Over

Oct 14, 2007

We have Active/Passive cluster on Windows 2003. It is a 2 nodes cluster. The active server came down and the Cluster didn't failover. Then we had to manually failover. Can you help me to decipher the Cluster.log to find out why it didn't failover?

00000d08.000012a8::2007/10/12-04:04:40.847 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] CheckQueryProcessorAlive: sqlexecdirect failed
00000d08.000012a8::2007/10/12-04:04:40.847 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] printODBCError: sqlstate = HYT00; native error = 0; message = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Query timeout expired
00000d08.000012a8::2007/10/12-04:04:40.847 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] OnlineThread: QP is not online.
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [CP] CppRegNotifyThread checkpointing key SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLSERVER to id 4 due to timer
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] QfsGetTempFileName C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1Temp, CLS, 13522 => C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D2.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] QfsDeleteFile C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D2.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] QfsRegSaveKey C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D2.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [CP] CpSaveData: checkpointing data id 4 to quorum node 1
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [CP] CppWriteCheckpoint checkpointing file C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D2.tmp to file Q:MSCS592a048-5457-426a-a46d-996441ef01820000004.CPT
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] QfsCreateDirectory Q:MSCS592a048-5457-426a-a46d-996441ef0182, status 183
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] QfsOpenFile C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D2.tmp => 3, 36cf960 status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] QfsOpenFile Q:MSCS592a048-5457-426a-a46d-996441ef01820000004.CPT => 2, 36cf8d0 status 183
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] ReadFile 928 (regf) 32768 16384, (0=>0) 0 status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] WriteFile 95c (regf) 16384, status 0 (0=>0)
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] ReadFile 928 (regf) 32768 0, (0=>0) 0 status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] QfsFlushBuffers 95c, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] QfsCloseHandle 928, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] QfsCloseHandle 95c, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:04:43.785 INFO [Qfs] QfsDeleteFile C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D2.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [CP] CppRegNotifyThread checkpointing key SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLSERVER to id 4 due to timer
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] QfsGetTempFileName C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1Temp, CLS, 13523 => C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D3.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] QfsDeleteFile C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D3.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] QfsRegSaveKey C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D3.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [CP] CpSaveData: checkpointing data id 4 to quorum node 1
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [CP] CppWriteCheckpoint checkpointing file C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D3.tmp to file Q:MSCS592a048-5457-426a-a46d-996441ef01820000004.CPT
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] QfsCreateDirectory Q:MSCS592a048-5457-426a-a46d-996441ef0182, status 183
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] QfsOpenFile C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D3.tmp => 3, 36cf960 status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] QfsOpenFile Q:MSCS592a048-5457-426a-a46d-996441ef01820000004.CPT => 2, 36cf8d0 status 183
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] ReadFile 95c (regf) 32768 16384, (0=>0) 0 status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] WriteFile 928 (regf) 16384, status 0 (0=>0)
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] ReadFile 95c (regf) 32768 0, (0=>0) 0 status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] QfsFlushBuffers 928, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] QfsCloseHandle 95c, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] QfsCloseHandle 928, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:06:23.084 INFO [Qfs] QfsDeleteFile C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D3.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [CP] CppRegNotifyThread checkpointing key SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLSERVER to id 4 due to timer
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] QfsGetTempFileName C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1Temp, CLS, 13524 => C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D4.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] QfsDeleteFile C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D4.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] QfsRegSaveKey C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D4.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [CP] CpSaveData: checkpointing data id 4 to quorum node 1
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [CP] CppWriteCheckpoint checkpointing file C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D4.tmp to file Q:MSCS592a048-5457-426a-a46d-996441ef01820000004.CPT
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] QfsCreateDirectory Q:MSCS592a048-5457-426a-a46d-996441ef0182, status 183
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] QfsOpenFile C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D4.tmp => 3, 36cf960 status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] QfsOpenFile Q:MSCS592a048-5457-426a-a46d-996441ef01820000004.CPT => 2, 36cf8d0 status 183
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] ReadFile 7e0 (regf) 32768 16384, (0=>0) 0 status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] WriteFile 95c (regf) 16384, status 0 (0=>0)
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] ReadFile 7e0 (regf) 32768 0, (0=>0) 0 status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] QfsFlushBuffers 95c, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] QfsCloseHandle 7e0, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] QfsCloseHandle 95c, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:08:08.259 INFO [Qfs] QfsDeleteFile C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D4.tmp, status 0
0000077c.00000844::2007/10/12-04:09:11.323 INFO [Qfs] GetDiskFreeSpaceEx Q:MSCS, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [CP] CppRegNotifyThread checkpointing key SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLSERVER to id 4 due to timer
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] QfsGetTempFileName C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1Temp, CLS, 13525 => C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D5.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] QfsDeleteFile C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D5.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] QfsRegSaveKey C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D5.tmp, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [CP] CpSaveData: checkpointing data id 4 to quorum node 1
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [CP] CppWriteCheckpoint checkpointing file C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D5.tmp to file Q:MSCS592a048-5457-426a-a46d-996441ef01820000004.CPT
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] QfsCreateDirectory Q:MSCS592a048-5457-426a-a46d-996441ef0182, status 183
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] QfsOpenFile C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D5.tmp => 3, 36cf960 status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] QfsOpenFile Q:MSCS592a048-5457-426a-a46d-996441ef01820000004.CPT => 2, 36cf8d0 status 183
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] ReadFile 928 (regf) 32768 16384, (0=>0) 0 status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] WriteFile 7e0 (regf) 16384, status 0 (0=>0)
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] ReadFile 928 (regf) 32768 0, (0=>0) 0 status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] QfsFlushBuffers 7e0, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] QfsCloseHandle 928, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] QfsCloseHandle 7e0, status 0
0000077c.000003dc::2007/10/12-04:09:56.652 INFO [Qfs] QfsDeleteFile C:DOCUME~1SVC_CL~1LOCALS~1TempCLS34D5.tmp, status

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Things I Didn't Know Until Today

Jan 24, 2007

You can use a Select top @variable in sql server 2005:Thus:--'Throttle' the result set:Select Top (@MaxBatchSize)KeyID, LId, ArrivalDt, CaptureDt, Lat, LongFrom GPSDataOrder By CaptureDt DescMakes messing with Set Rowcount *so* redundant :-)

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Sharedenyread Didn't Work In ADO

Nov 16, 2006

hi ..

i made an application using vb6 that access the table in a sqlserver database and in the load event i write

and i make two copies of the application and run them both of them read the data and no deny happen !!! although both of the applications have adsharedenyread

how can i make privilage for some users to read or write ?
by the way is that can be done in 2.0 ?

thanks in advance.

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How To Output Data To Different Column

Mar 12, 2013

l am fresh in SQL...

select hierarchy.hiername,devicefail.deviceid
,sum(DATEDIFF(minute,started,ended)) as duration
,100 - SUM(datediff(minute,started,ended))/(672 * 60.0000)*100 AS Uptime from devicefail
LEFT JOIN device ON device.deviceid = devicefail.deviceid
LEFT JOIN hierarchy ON device.hierlevel = hierarchy.hierlevel
where devicefail.started >= '2013-02-01 00:00:00'and
devicefail.ended <='2013-02-28 23:59:59'
and devicefail.componentid like 201 or devicefail.componentid like 0
group by devicefail.deviceid,hierarchy.hiername,devicefail. componentid
order by hiername

the above output as:

hiernamedeviceidduration Uptime
Airp 95412092548.10267857
Airp 95411891953.07787699
Airp 9542187295.35714286
Airp 9542155296.15079365

How could I achieve the result as following:

hiernamedeviceidduration1 duration2 Uptime1 Uptime2
Airp 954120925 18919 48.10267857 53.07787699
Airp 954218721552 95.35714286 96.15079365

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Adding A Column On Output

Sep 27, 2005

I have two queries I would like to combine the output on. they are as follows:

Select substring(WrkSta.[Name],1,2) 'Location'
,count (aexe.ReturnCode) as '# Patched'
from WrkSta, AeXEvt_AeX_SWD_Execution aexe
where WrkSta.WrkStaId=aexe.WrkStaId
and (WrkSta.[Name] like 'ES%' or WrkSta.[Name]like 'EM%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'EP%'
or WrkSta.[Name]like 'AB%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'SU-NP%'
or WrkSta.[Name] like 'ET%')
and (aexe.returncode='0' or
aexe.returncode ='3010')
and aexe.AdvertisementName like 'MS05-035-043%'
group by substring (WrkSta.[Name], 1,2)

Returns :
Location # Patched
EP 102
ES 1986
ET 19
AB 174
SU 6
EM 506

and the second one:

Select substring(WrkSta.[Name],1,2) 'Location'
,count (coll.WrkStaId ) as '# Workstation'
from WrkSta join AeXNSCollectionMembership coll on WrkSta.WrkStaId=Coll.WrkStaId
where coll.CollectionGuid = '38F5DAFC-E09D-49A5-A0FD-370983CA7596'
and (WrkSta.[Name] like 'ES%' or WrkSta.[Name]like 'EM%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'EP%'
or WrkSta.[Name]like 'AB%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'SU-NP%'
or WrkSta.[Name] like 'ET%')
group by substring (WrkSta.[Name], 1,2)


Location # Workstations
EP 178
ES 2299
ET 24
AB 215
SU 13
EM 582

What I need is :

Location # Workstations # Patched
EP 178 102
EI 2299 1986
ET 24 19
AB 215 174
SU 13 6
EM 582 582

No mater how I try to do a join to do this in a single query I end up with what looks like a cross-join and # workstations and # Patched jump to huge numbers. I obviously am having a problem understanding how to set up the select statements so that I can do this in one query or am I following the wrong direction and should be trying something else?
Once again I appreciate your help in advance....

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Output Column Names In Each Row Along With The Row Value

Jun 29, 2007

Hello,I was wondering if anyone can help me figure something out.Is it possible to do a querey in MS SQL server and have the resultsreturned so that each result in each row is preceeded by the columnname?eg. instead of usual output -colName1, colValue1,colName2,colValue2,colName3,colValue3 ?Also I would like to only have this for certain columns ie in theabove example only for columns 2 and 3Thank you! :-)Yas

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Get Name Of Column In Error Output

Apr 23, 2007

I would like to get the actual name of the column that has the error. Using the ErrorColumn (int value) I thought there would be some type of lookup collection based on the input (like column names)- if there is, can someone tell me how to get to it?

I have my error output writing to a stored proc, but instead of "32226" as the column name, I need to have the actual name of the column. I am going from Flat File to OLE DB Destination. I have a Script Component getting the output to write to my sproc, and I just need to get the column name.

Suggestions?? Thanks

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Output Varchar Column

May 3, 2006


I am dumping varchar(40) column from a OLE DB Source to Excel file but it is failing due this error

[Excel Destination [239]] Error: Column "ItemDescription" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

How can I resolve this issue?


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The Value Was Too Large To Fit In The Output Column

Mar 12, 2007

I have a Data Flow Task that extracts some data using a DataReader Source and loads it to a Raw File Destination. I am getting the following error message:

[DataReader Source [2357]] Error: The value was too large to fit in the output column "LASTCOL" (2558).

I thought that using a Raw File Destination would avoid this type of problem. How can I resolve this issue?

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Modify Column Output

Aug 17, 2007

using sql database, i have a smallmoney column. when i enter an amount, 50.00 for example, i have 50.0000 displayed. is there a way to only have 50.00 displayed?
same with the smalldatetime, is there a way to limit the display to "mm/dd/yyyy" without the "hh:mms am"

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SQL Server 2012 :: Get XML Output For Multiple Tables With 1:M Joins?

Jan 22, 2014

Assume i have 3 tables

A persone can have multiple cars
A person can have multiple children

Its not possible to display the results in SQL rows and columns.

If i try to it will give

PersonName Carname Childname
Sachin Audi C1
Sachin Maruti C1
Sachin Audi C2
Sachin Maruti C2

Instead of writing seperate queries the application wants to receive an xml output as follows


How to get this output ?

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SQLXML4 Didn't Install For SQLExpress

Apr 4, 2006

After installing the March SQLExpress Advanced package, I noticed that SQLXML4 did not install. 
Is there a way to install the proper version separately, or do I just need to reinstall the entire package?

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'isNull(Field1,0)' Should Return 0,but It Didn't, WHY?

Mar 4, 2004

--create a temp table like:
select * into #tmp from
(select 1 as ID
union all select 2
union all select 3
union all select 4
) as A

-then run this query:
select B.ID,isNull(B.GID,0) as GID from
(select #tmp.ID,A.GID
left outer join
(select ID,1 as GID from #tmp where ID in (2,4)) A
on #tmp.ID = A.ID
) as B

--I thougth it should return:
--but it actually returned:
--if I change GID value in '...(select ID,1 as GID from #tmp where ID in (2,4)...', for example 2, then it return:


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Maintenance Tasks Didn't Install

Oct 9, 2007

Hi There

I have just done my first clean install of SQL 2005. I have previously upgraded several boxes from SQL 2000 without incident.

The clean install seemed to go fine but the Maintenance Tasks didn't install? I have looked on the web but have been unable to unearth any information. Has anyone encountered this before and if so I how do I add Maintenance Tasks to the Management folder?

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Distribution Agent Failed But Didn't ???

Nov 15, 2005

Hi There

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SQLXML4 Didn't Install For SQLExpress

Apr 4, 2006

I just noticed that SQLXML4 did not install when I installed SQLExpress Advanced package (Mar 2006).

Anyone know if I can install SQLXML4 separately for SQLExpress Advanced or do I need to uninstall and re-install the entire package?



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ReportViewer ASP Component RefreshReport Didn't Appear.

Jul 27, 2007

Hi every body !
I try to insert the reportViewer in my asp page, all is good, but if I want to change (by choosing another report), and i cannot call the method RefreshReport() as I saw in the msdn documentation.
I didn't understand why, I download the ReportViewer from msdn download : the version is 2.0.50727.42 from 22/01/2006...
I implement in my asp designer tools the following dll : Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportViewer.dll 9.0.1399.1 from 14/10/2005

Did I forget any code line ? or did I download a bad version ?

Code Snipp

ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath += "CounterReport";

ReportViewer1.Refre.... //Visual studio didn't propose the method !!

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SSIS Job Success But Package Didn't Run

Mar 16, 2007

I created a SSIS package that imports a file then moves the file to a folder called processed.
I created a job that runs the package. The pack works fine when I run it from the SQL Storage Area. When I run the job I get the following message:

Started: 9:58:15 AM DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0). Started: 9:58:15 AM Finished: 9:58:21 AM Elapsed: 6.047 seconds. The package executed successfully. The step succeeded.

showing that the job supposedly completed successfully.

I know that the package the not run because the data did not get imported and the file did not move.

Can anyone explain the package may not run but we still get a job completion status of success?

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How To Drop An Identity Column From All Tables Tables In A Database

Mar 2, 2008

Does anyone have a script that can drop the Identity columns from all the tables in a database? Thanks

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Change Output Of A Column Into Hyperlink

Dec 22, 2014

I would like to change the output of a column into a hyperlink however I am not sure that is possible without some further post-processing. I am aware I would have to do:

'<a href="' + URL + '" target="_blank" nav="web">' + tbl_ID.ID + '</a>'
from tbl_ID
however this obviously just exports the text
<a href="[URL]" target="_blank" nav="web">[ID]</a>

This would work fine if I was exporting it into some sort of HTML table however this doesn't work with excel for example. Is there a way to make this possible or would I have to create a macro in excel to add the url with the ID separately?

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