Unable To Insert Records In A Mssql Database With A Access Front End
Nov 18, 2006
I have a database that is in mssql and I'm using an odbc link to an access database where I want to add records to the mssql table. When I open the linked table in access it does not allow me to add a record. I have created a user account in mssql that has ownership to the database and I use this user in setting up the odbc link.
I have an application that uses Acces as a backend and VBA as front end. Application is secured and is supplied on a CD with setup.exe.
Can I use VB 2005 and MS SQL to achieve the same?
Would I be able to package my application with all the neccessery files (assuming that client does not have any e.g. SQL server) so that multiple front ends can access data from common source?
Would I be able to secure such an application using only VS 2005?
What would I need to quickly learn how to achieve the above ( any books you can suggest maybe)?
I am unable to update a table (either by opening it and entering datadirectly or through a form). I have set the recordsettype property toupdateable snapshot and have set the permissions to update inside ofthe SQL Server 2000 to checked. Unfortunately, these items have notworked. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.Dave Christman
Writing to tables created by regular users on MSSQL2005
I have users creating tables through an application, I gave them ddl_admin, datareader, datawriter. They can create tables but cannot insert/update data (to their own tables), I cannot insert data either using Access or any other application to those tables created by them (under dbo schema) Is there something I am missing with permissions? Thank you very much
I'am currently testing a MSSQL 2005 mirroring implementation with automatically failover.
1 principal server ====> Server A 1 mirror server ====> Server B 1 witness server ====> Server C
When server A fails Server B becomes Principal. ( which is the general idea ) This is working perfectly.
The problem is when i try to connect to the mirror Server B ( actually the new principal )
I use the .NET connection string with the failover parameter ( even without the parameter ) the connection fails. ( the general error : unable to connect, or connection property has not been initialized )
Data Source=ServerA; Failover Partner=ServerB;Initial Catalog=DBMTest;uid=dbuser;pwd=dbpassword;
This connection property works fine when server A (original principal) is online.
When i run the SQL profiler with the mirror db as profile, i dont see the traffic.
So you think the mirror server has a network problem or was not connfigured for remote access. i thought that also, but when i create a 'stand alone - non mirrored' database the same application with the same connetion string ( well.....different db) works fine.
The problem must be in the whole mirroring implementation....... ( my idea )
Does anyone had the same problem, or better, doed anyone know how to solve it?
Hi im new to SSIS even i did some basice things in SSIS. Now i run in to the problem, I hawe a access file with arount one milion records and i won to transfare this records in Ms SqlServer . But befora i transfare that i nead to check if that record exsist by ID if exsist i must do update else i must do insert. Can some one Help me how can i do it.. THX Sorry for my bad englisht
Is there any front IDE for MS SQL as there is MySQL Front for MySQL. Iam looking for it so that it is easy to quickly add/edit/delete thedata from the existing table. Please prode the Download URL is there isany.Regards.
Hi,i'm at wit's end here. My problem:I'm trying to do an insert into a table with ExecuteNonQuery and keep getting the error:"input string is not in correct format"I am trying to insert a string into sql server 2000 type varchar(length=50) and it won't work so instead I just decided to get a count on the number of records existing and I got the same error (see above) when I tried this. The code for this last part:<CODE> Dim MyCmd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.' other code here.......Dim TempSQL As String = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblUsers" MyCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text MyCmd.CommandText = TempSQLDim a As Object = MyCmd.ExecuteScalar()</CODE>I am really stuck on this and cant find the answer anywhere online.Cheers,Joe
Hi,I have an sql database that has the primary key set to three fields,but has not been set as unique(I didn't create the table).I have 1 record that has 2 duplicates and I am unable to delete theduplicate entries.If I try to delete any of the three records(they are identical) I getthe message 'key column is insufficient or incorrect. Too many rowswere affected by update'.I am trying to do this within Enterprise Mgr.Any suggestion?Thanks much
Using SSE 2012 64-bit.I need to insert records from multiple Access Tables into 1 Table in SSE and ensure no duplicates are inserted.This is executing, but is very slow, is there a faster way?
Code: INSERT INTO dbTarget.dbo.tblTarget (All fields) SELECT (All Fields) FROM dbSource.dbo.tblSource WHERE RecordID NOT IN (SELECT RecordID FROM dbTarget.dbo.tblTarget)
Oke here is the problem. I hope sombody can help me with it.
After a lot of discussion, I finaly got the people that control the MS SQL server with my appertment as far to allow me to upgrade my access database to the MS SQL server. After this I've created an access project. Devellopping in access I concluded I made a mistake in the rowsource property of one of the tablefields. The people that control the MS SQL server don'n allow me to make changes to the database structure from within access. So I've to write a SQL statement to change this.
Hello there,I'm to asp.net, so please be patient :DMy question is, how do I simply add some data to my database? - With vb.net code, not a grid view or something like that..I want to connect to my database, insert some data to a table.It shouldn't be that hard?- Hope someone will take the 5 minutes, and help me :)Regards Jeppe
I'm unsure what happened, but I'm using SQL Server 05 Developer Edition. I've been working with a local database where I tried to add a clustered index on a huge table (about 50M records). Well, I had to stop the query since it was maxing out my work computer. Since then, I've been unable to open the database or run queries against it.
When I open SQL Server Management Studio the database says In Recovery. Once it's done, when I try to expand tables, I eventually get this error:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum) For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&LinkId=20476 ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lock request time out period exceeded. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1222) For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.1399&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=1222&LinkId=20476 ------------------------------ BUTTONS: OK ------------------------------
If I run a Select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES query, it will go on for a while
If I try to access the properties of the Database (right clicking), I get this error:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ Cannot show requested dialog. ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Cannot show requested dialog. (SqlMgmt) ------------------------------ An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) ------------------------------ Lock request time out period exceeded. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1222) For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.1399&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=1222&LinkId=20476 ------------------------------ BUTTONS: OK ------------------------------ I'm unsure where to go from this point forward.
HI all I've used textboxes to insert data to database but when i click save button everything is ok but when i check in the database the values are null evrywhere below is my code. i am trying to save to different databases pls help!! </table>
I am currently working with C and SQL Server 2012. My requirement is to Bulk fetch the records and Insert/Update the same in the other table with some business logic? How do i do this?
i am almost finished building the front end for an application to manage restaurants. i am developing the front end with access vba, and intend to use sql server as a back end for the service. i just came across a group of people bashing access developers on a different site. i have several restaurants interested in using the service, and believe that the service should be very successfull (i have a very specific customer base that is currently not being targeted). the access component would not be a multiuser application. before i distribute the app i would appreciate any input. am i getting myself into trouble using access vba? should i run scared and switch to a vb.net web service? thanks in advance for any thoughts.
I'm trying to connect to a database using a service account that we got created. The ID is an AD account and was added to the db as such. When I try to connect to the database using the account with the password I get [login failed for domainid]. The DBA mentioned that its setup to use windows auth, however, I can't connect with this service account using windows Auth, due to I'm using to connect via code.
How can I connect to the database from my code using this ID?
I have the ID and pwd in my code to connect with, does the ID have to be setup differently in the Database?
I have a login that is mapped to a Windows sysadmin account. I used it to login to Sql Server 2005. I then created a database called Freedom. I then added a Windows login and user called FreedomAdmin, with Freedom set as the default database. When I login in to Windows using FreedomAdmin and then try to login in to Sql Server 2005, I get the following error:
The server principal "FREEDOM1FreedomAdmin" is unable to access the database "master" under the current security context.
If the default database for FreedomAdmin is Freedom (and it is - I checked from my sysadmin login account), why can't I login. Must I give FreedomAdmin permissions to master?
I am using Access 97 as a front end to access SQL 7 server on NT 4.0 server. I've set up security model based on NT authentication only. Users have login right to login to SQL and they have public & dataread & denydatawrite access. They also have SELECT permission on a table object and have no permission to INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE. When I use Access 97 to access a database, users are still capable of inserting and deleteing records in tables.
Maybe because I have worked mainly with VB as a front end to SQL Server so I am biased, but I now need definite reasons (I am on a committee for potential future directions) for using VB as opposed to Access for front ending SQL/Oracle, etc. I would also like to use ADO as oppose to DAO. Right now we are using Access with DAO.
We have just moved a largish Access database (180mb, 78 tables, largest tables have about 250k records) to SQL 2k. The original app had an Access back end (now loaded to SQL), and an Access front end (on each client) which is using some local temporary tables, about 600 queries, and several thousand lines of code using ADO and DAO). The Front end was relinked to SQL back end. When testing everything seemed to run OK, but under load (15-20 users) the new app just crawls. Routines that used to take seconds now take 10s of minutes. ODBC timeouts or blocks are common.
Any idea why should the SQL back end be so much slower than Access. both the Access back end and SQL2k are on the same server (Win 2k Adv. with RAID 5, dual 600mhz Pent III, 512Mb RAM). I realize that Access is not the best front end but that is what we have to work with.
Any help would be appreciated, as I am ready to swith back to Access.
My company uses MS SQL Server for the back end and a Retail specific CRM as the front end. I wish to develop some internal peices of software for our use. I was planning on doing this with access.
my options are:
*Use access as front end and backend *Use access as front end and SQL server as backend (create new DB) *Use other front end and SQL Server as backend.
My question is, what are some good front ends that are availble for reletively small demands? How does Visual Studio come into play?
*Also, I would prefer to be able to create a .exe. I dont think access alows that. I would not want users to be able to go in (or even see) the tables and queries. They should only be able to see the one main menu form at the very least.
When I build an MS Access front-end for an SQL Server backend, how does it take care of data integrity and concurrency , if it is only a front-end ? Is Access smart enough to do the job ?
Hello,I have an sql server 2000 on the network and one installed locally inmy computer. I use access as front-end.I go through odbc to connect to the sql server on the network.I was wondering if it is possible to setup the access file to link toeither server.I need to do this because I would like to use the local server as testenvironment. I know I could achieve that by creating 2 users on my XPclient and having odbc liking depending of the users.Is any other way to do that without login and logoff everytime I wantto use a different database.thanks,Giovanni
HI, i am working on ASp.net web applicaton , i am using the following connection string in my web.config file. <add name="X_Conn" connectionString="Data Source=XXX;Initial Catalog=XXX;User ID=XX; Password=XXX;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> How can i get this connectionString attribute value from the front end.
If I'm using an Access front-end, and the data is on SQL Server being accesses via a linked table, and I create a query in Access, Where is all the work done?
I know access has the option of using a pass-through method, but if I do not use it, is Access processing the query locally? I plan on migrating several tables to SQL because the sizes are getting to large for Access and want to know if their will be a performance increase with out re-writing the queries in Access.
Does anyone know how to link (not import) an sql server table to an access database using script? I tried a few methods but it doesn't seem to be working. Please help.
I'm using SQL server 7 on Win NT. I have Access 97 as a front end, with linked tables though ODBC to SQL Server. Everytime I open a table in Access, a session appears when I type sp_who2. I close that table in Access, but I when I type sp_who2 the table session is still present. Does anyone know a cause for this?
I am researching why sometimes when we close are queries and tables in Access we have sessions in SQL server that becomes orphans/ghost. I try to kill the session but can't, so therefore I have to recycle the database.
We use SQL Server 2000 on the back-end of our directory web site and ASP on the front end which works fine. However, for my own uses (since I don't create the asp and have to pay a programmer), would it be better to set up an Access 2003 project for my own data entry forms, standard reports and quick searching?
What would be the negatives of this approach. Remember, this is just for me.
Afternoon all,Apologies for cross-posting but as my query covers both Access and SQLServer I thought I'd send it both!I have inherited a project to migrate a fairly complex series ofAccess databases into a single proper SQL database with a web frontend.Its quite a nasty job as people are working on a variety of data setsat several Universities around the world and the data has got verymessy; hence the requirement to put it all on one live web enableddatabase server and provide a web-based front end (particularly assome users insist on using Macs so can't run Access as a front endanyway).If anyone could give me hints on how to perform such a migration or ifanyone knows of any good books or other documents on this I'd begrateful for assistance.Many thanksRich MayMuseum of London