Unexplainable Slowdown

Dec 21, 2007

The strangest thing happens after upgrading to SQL Server 2005 64bit (4 cores, 16G RAM)

A table base function call that usually returns instantly would slow down to 25secs!
The underlying data is unchanged.

Now, if I reload the function (run alter function but without any changes to the function) the performance is restored for a while, but in about one week it slows down again.

Two questions:
1. most important: is there anything I could do to preemptively restore the performance? Like running a dbcc statement every night?
2. what is the cause of this slowdown?

Any suggestions welcome

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Slowdown With Sql 2000 SP4

Apr 30, 2007

I have a production sql 2000 box with 24 gig of memory running 3rd part app. There is a posting process (takes all the orders and does the math). Before we did the upgrade it was a 15-20 minute process. Nothing has changed, but in the last month it has gone 60-75 minutes. There were also some windows updates applied (win 2003 adv server). I realize looking for the needle in the haystack, but has anyone seen this issue with either the sql sp4 or windows SP for 2003?

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Massive Slowdown With Query

Dec 29, 2007

If I remove the TOP 200 this query returns about 2.5 million rows. It combines a lot of records and turns it into much more programmer friendly results. The query slowed down from 2 seconds to about 13 seconds as it has grown from about 10k to the now couple of million.

Code Block

,[ProfileItemType].[Name] AS pt_name
INNER JOIN [UserProfile]
ON [ProfileItem].[ProfileId] = [UserProfile].[ProfileId]
INNER JOIN [ProfileItemType]
ON [ProfileItem].[ProfileItemTypeId] = [ProfileItemType].[ProfileItemTypeId]
WHERE [UserProfile].[UserId] IN (
SELECT [UserCriteria].[UserId]
FROM [UserCriteria]
Zipcode IN (
SELECT [Zipcode]
FROM [ZipcodeProximitySQR] ('89108' , 150))

AND [UserProfile].[UserId] = [aspnet_Users].[UserId]
AND [UserCriteria].[UserId] = [UserProfile].[UserId]
AND [Location].[Zipcode] = [UserCriteria].[Zipcode]
AND [aspnet_UsersInRoles].[UserId] = [aspnet_Users].[UserId]
AND [aspnet_UsersInRoles].[RoleId] = [aspnet_Roles].[RoleId]
) AS t
FOR pt_name IN ([field1],[field2]],[field3]],[field4]])
) AS pvt

The line: FOR pt_name IN ([field1],[field2]],[field3]],[field4]]) I change the values from the long names to read field1, field2... because it was irrelevant but confusing because of the names.

Here is the showplan text

Code Block
|--Table-valued function(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[ZipcodeProximitySQR].[PK__ZipcodeProximity__5E54FF49]))
|--Top(TOP EXPRESSION:((200)))
|--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId], [aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Users].[UserName], [aous].[dbo].[Location].[City], [aous].[dbo].[Location].[State], [aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[Birthdate], [aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[RoleName]) DEFINE:([Expr1039]=MIN(CASE WHEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItemType].[Name]=N'height' THEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[Value] ELSE NULL END), [Expr1040]=MIN(CASE WHEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItemType].[Name]=N'bodyType' THEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[Value] ELSE NULL END), [Expr1041]=MIN(CASE WHEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItemType].[Name]=N'hairColor' THEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[Value] ELSE NULL END), [Expr1042]=MIN(CASE WHEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItemType].[Name]=N'eyeColor' THEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[Value] ELSE NULL END)))
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join)
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join)
| |--Sort(ORDER BY:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId] ASC, [aous].[dbo].[Location].[City] ASC, [aous].[dbo].[Location].[State] ASC, [aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[Birthdate] ASC, [aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[RoleName] ASC))
| | |--Hash Match(Inner Join, HASH:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[Zipcode])=([Expr1043]), RESIDUAL:([Expr1043]=[aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[Zipcode]))
| | |--Hash Match(Inner Join, HASH:([aous].[dbo].[ProfileItemType].[ProfileItemTypeId])=([aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[ProfileItemTypeId]))
| | | |--Index Scan(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[ProfileItemType].[ProfileTypes]))
| | | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[ProfileId]))
| | | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId]))
| | | | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId]))
| | | | | |--Hash Match(Inner Join, HASH:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId])=([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_UsersInRoles].[UserId]), RESIDUAL:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId]=[aous].[dbo].[aspnet_UsersInRoles].[UserId]))
| | | | | | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId]))
| | | | | | | |--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId]))
| | | | | | | | |--Nested Loops(Left Semi Join, WHERE:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[Zipcode]=[Expr1044]))
| | | | | | | | |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserCriteria]), SEEK:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId] < {guid'E3D72D56-731A-410E-BCB1-07A87A312137'} OR [aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId] > {guid'E3D72D56-731A-410E-BCB1-07A87A312137'}), WHERE:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[Male]=(1) AND [aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[SeekingMale]=(0)) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | | | | | | |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1044]=CONVERT_IMPLICIT(nvarchar(5),[aous].[dbo].[ZipcodeProximitySQR].[Zipcode],0)))
| | | | | | | | |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[ZipcodeProximitySQR].[PK__ZipcodeProximity__5E54FF49]))
| | | | | | | |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserProfileIds]), SEEK:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId]=[aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | | | | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[RoleId]))
| | | | | | |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[aspnet_Roles_index1]))
| | | | | | |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_UsersInRoles].[aspnet_UsersInRoles_index]), SEEK:([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_UsersInRoles].[RoleId]=[aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[RoleId]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | | | |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserCriteria]), SEEK:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId]=[aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | | |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Users].[_dta_index_aspnet_Users_5_37575172__K2_K1_K4_3]), SEEK:([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Users].[UserId]=[aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[_dta_index_ProfileItem_5_1714105147__K2_K1_K3_4]), SEEK:([aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[ProfileId]=[aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[ProfileId]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1043]=CONVERT_IMPLICIT(nchar(5),[aous].[dbo].[Location].[Zipcode],0)))
| | |--Index Scan(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[Location].[CityLocation]))
| |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[ProfileType].[PKProfileTypeProfileTypeId]))
|--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[ProfileTypeItem].[ProfileTypeItem]))

Here is a link to the execution plan from Microsoft SQL Server management Studio.

There are no table scans, but the Hash Match from the inner join is pretty bad.

Can anyone give me a pointer or two?

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Cascading Parameters Causing Slowdown

Feb 1, 2008


I am currently working on a report with 3 cascading parameters. These three parameters depend on the datasets whose data are retrieved from a large table with SELECT DISTINCT. As the table grows larger, selecting values for these parameters cause postback, and slow in performance from user perspective. I am looking for a way to reduce postback. Can anyone suggest the way to retrieve the dataset all once and filter the dataset without causing postback? Or any other way to improve the performance will be greatly appreciated.


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How Can I Speed Up If There Is A Slowdown In SQL Sever 2005?

Jul 4, 2006

How can I speed up if there is a slowdown in SQL Sever 2005?

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Best Way To Execute Heavy Sprocs Wihtout Slowdown

Aug 27, 2007


Just a general question here.. I'm designing a web application that might have 50 million - 100 million rows plus. Basically its a simple logging table each row probably only 24 bytes wide, however I can see it taking quite awhile to execute.

The query is basically a group by, showing the amount of "hits" per day.

Are there any special types of strategies I should implement ? Or is a properly designed structure with indexes likely sufficient (on the right hardware of course)

Thanks for any advice!,

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Sudden Large Slowdown At Random Times

May 4, 2007

We have an application in which one particular stored procedure goes from .3 second response times to 20-40 second response times, suddenly, at seemingly random times of the day. Recompiling that particular stored proc fixes the problem temporarily.

The 3 main tables have between 500K and 1.5M records, are defragged daily and contain the past 42 days of work. Old records are deleted once daily. The slowdowns do not conincide with the deletions, occuring without a clear pattern. Nothing else on going on on that server -- it is dedicated to this one app. Nothing shows in event log. It is clustered Windows 2003, with SQL Server 2005 RTM version. SP2 of SQL2005 due for an install next Monday. This behavior also was seen when the app was on a different server running SQL2K SP3, so think the underlying problem is some sort of design issue with the app, not a SQL server bug. Has anyone seen something like this and what suggestions do you have for doing a permenant fix? Think that a recompile of the sp causes a new execution plan, but why would that be necessary daily or even several times a day? 30-50 users are banging away at it. The app is an order entry system. The tables contain what are basically order histories and label data. Am running out of good ideas. Thanks for any help.

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Strange Package Startup/execution Slowdown

Aug 9, 2006

We seem to be having a rather strange issue. We just
finished migrating from 2000 to 2005. I've been working on converting packages
from DTS to SSIS. Everything has been going well in testing, but a problem has
shown up going into production. The first package I deployed ran significantly
slower on the production server, going from about 7 seconds to 90 seconds. The
production server is much more powerful, so this was rather confusing. The
major difference is that the server is running 64 bit.

After searching around, I haven't found much that is helpful. To test things
out, I created a blank package that does absolutely nothing. All it contains is
a single connection manager (OLE DB). Executing this package takes 45 seconds.
If I remove the connection manager, it executes in 0.1 seconds. Setting
DelayValidation to TRUE has no effect. If the connection is to a nonexistent
server, or if an incorrect login is used, the execution time is still 45
seconds. Adding a second connection manager increases execution time to 75
seconds. The package runs on my local computer in 0.1 seconds.

Any ideas what could be going on here? I can€™t believe that
no one would have seen an issue like this. Is there some sort of strange
configuration issue going on here?

Thanks in advance.

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