Uninstalled Vs 2008 Now I Can't Use SSIS

Sep 21, 2007

any idea what to register or fix to use SSIS editor again?


An error prevented the view from loading. (Microsoft Visual Studio)


The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) (System.Windows.Forms)

Program Location:

at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.CoCreateInstance(Guid& clsid, Object punkOuter, Int32 context, Guid& iid)
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.CreateWithoutLicense(Guid clsid)
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.CreateWithLicense(String license, Guid clsid)
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.CreateInstanceCore(Guid clsid)
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.CreateInstance()
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.GetOcxCreate()
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.TransitionUpTo(Int32 state)
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.CreateHandle()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.ComponentDiagram.CreateDdsView(Control parentControl)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsComponentDiagram.CreateDdsView(Control parentControl)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Controls.DdsDiagramHostControl.set_ComponentDiagram(ComponentDiagram value)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.ControlFlowControl.set_ComponentDiagram(ComponentDiagram value)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsPackageView.CreateControlFlowEditor(VsStyleToolBar pageViewToolBar)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.EditorWindow.EnsureViewIsLoaded(EditorView view)

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Uninstalled SQL SERVER 2005 Express But SQL Server 2005 CTP Component Not Uninstalled

Sep 3, 2006


i tried to uninstall SQL Server2005 Express Edition which was installed as a component when i installed visaual studio 2005. i removed it from control panel, add/remove programs. but SQL server 2005 CTP component is still there in programs section. it is not removed. what should i do to completely remove all the related files of SQL server 2005 Express edition, as i want to use SQl Server 2000 for my project.

plz reply asap.

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Can Sp2 Be Uninstalled On Sql Server 2005 Or Not

Mar 12, 2008

can sp2 can be uninstalled on sql server or not

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Uninstalled Program, Now SQL Won't Start

Jan 12, 2008

I have recently had issues opening a program. I called their tech guy and he said that since my SQL is stopped, their program won't open. He asked if I had uninstalled anything lately. I had uninstalled the Kodak Easy Share within the last couple of weeks. We use Windows XP. I have tried opening the Service Manger and when I click the refresh or start buttons nothing happens.

Please someone help me restart my SQL.

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ODBC Extension Uninstalled Or Not Configured Correctly

Jun 14, 2007

I have just installed SQL 2005 SP2 (Workgroup Edition)

I am receiving the below error when i open a datasource in report manager. The datasource uses ODBC.

The data processing extension used for this report is not available. It has either been uninstalled, or it is not configured correctly.

Also, when I go to create a new datasource only "Microsoft SQL Server" is available for connection types.

How do i resolve?

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The Data Processing Extension Used For This Report Is Not Available. It Has Either Been Uninstalled, Or It Is Not Configured Cor

May 22, 2008

I am using an OLEDB data source connecting to an Access database. Using SQL Server 2005 SP2 Workgroup Edition.

I can build the report fine and view it in Visual Studio. When I deploy the report and try to run it on the Report Manager site I get this error

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
An attempt has been made to use a data extension 'OLEDB' that is not registered for this report server. (rsDataExtensionNotFound).

When I go to the Shared Data Source, this message appears beside the Connection type field

The data processing extension used for this report is not available. It has either been uninstalled, or it is not configured correctly.
What am I doing wrong??

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Problem In Installing SQL Server 2005 (Beta Version Is Not Getting Uninstalled)

Sep 17, 2007

Hi All,

I had installed a beta version of SQL Server (SQL Server 2005 CTP) and now I want to install a full version of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition on my machine. I have properly uninstalled all the CTP componenets from Add-Remove programs and even deleted the registry data of that installation. I have also removed the related folders from the hard drive.

When I run the setup of the full version it says that setup has detected the beta versions of either .Net Framework, Visual Studio or SQl Server. Remove the beta components using Add-Remove programs and try again. Can anyone help me out of this problem?


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Convert SSIS 2008 To SSIS 2005

Apr 22, 2008

We have SQL 2008 in development but only SQL 2005 in production. I have an SSIS package that was created in 2008 but need to deploy it to a SQL 2005 server. The '05 server will not import the package because of its version. Is there a way to convert back or 'save as' SSIS '05?

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SSIS In Sql Server 2008

Mar 5, 2008

Have noticed some issues in Sql Sever 2005 SSIS configuration, as documented in the forums here.
Does Sq; Server 2008's SSIS config still have these problems, or is it more stable? : )

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SSIS In SQL Server 2008...

Apr 8, 2008

Does anyone know if the SSIS packages developed in SQL Server 2005 is compatible with SQL Server 2008? What are the new features in SQL Server 2008 ETL layer? Thanks in Advance.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Connect SSIS To SAP BW

Oct 6, 2010

How to connect SSIS to SAP BW.

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Visual Studio 2008 And SSIS

Sep 1, 2007

I have recently installed Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 on a development machine that was running SQL Server 2005 SP2a without any issues. Not I find that I can no longer run any of my SSIS packages and I keep getting the following error:

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {7816B7A3-CD60-4539-BD38-C35AFC61F200} failed due to the following error: 80040154

Per other posts, I have reinstalled MSXML 3.0 to no avail and I have looked for every SQL Server patch I can find - I appear to have all of the latest patches for SQL Server.

Can somebody please help?

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SSIS Project Support In VS 2008

Nov 28, 2007

This is really a question for MS. Will the VS2005 project types for SSIS projects be installable in VS2008.

A lot of work has gone into VS2008 to allow developers to develop .net2.0 - .Net 3.0 applications in the same environment. It would be a same if us data folk have to keep VS2005 around to support SSIS 2005 projects.

Here's hoping


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Visual Studio 2008 And SSIS

Sep 1, 2007

I installed Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 Professional yesterday and now none of my SSIS packages will function. Each time I attempt to run the transform, I obtain the folloiwing error:

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {7816B7A3-CD60-4539-BD38-C35AFC61F200} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

I have tried to apply every patch I can find for SQL Server 2005 - inclduing both the SP2 and SP2a patches. I have tried reinstalling MSXML 3.0 - nothing seems to work.

Can somebody please help?

Thank you!

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Sqlexpress Installer Doesn't Believe Sqlexpress Has Been Uninstalled

Mar 21, 2006

Because of numerous problems trying to get sqlexpress working, I uninstalled it with the intention of reinstalling (via Add or Remove Programs). However, now when I try to reinstall it, I get a message that the I am not making a changes so it won't let me install it.

I do have sql server 2005 developer's edition installed; is that the reason? and does that mean I cannot have both installed on the same machine?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Cannot Open New SSIS Project

Nov 2, 2012

I installed SQL Server 2008 R2 and Visual Studio 2008. However, after several installations and un-installations. I could no longer use the SSIS to create New Projects. I cleaned out the registry with a Registry cleaner from Wise. I deleted the SQL Server and Visual Studio folders as well.

When I create a New SSIS Project, I immediately get an error as follows:

"Microsoft Visual Studio"
"An error prevented the view from loading."
"Additional information:"
"Specified Module cannot be Found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"

What this means is that I cannot create any new SSIS Projects.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Set Up Triggers After SSIS Dump

May 11, 2015

I am would like for a Trigger to fire after an SSIS job finishes.

My understanding is that i would use a AFTER trigger.

How my UPDATE and INSERT INTO would fire and only affect the new rows.


UPDATE [GDev].[dbo].[tblCIDetailsTest]
SET dFRate = (dFCharge/(dSCharge+dACharge))

Also need to INSERT INTO 3 columns from a Table called tblFinanceP by looking up/Union or Join (not sure what to use) called vcTNum that is in bother the tblFinacneP and tblCIDetailsTest.

INSERT INTO [GDev].[dbo].[tblCIDetailsTest] AS Details
SELECT iPNum, iPCount, iZone
FROM [GrEDI].[dbo].[tblFinanceP] AS EDI
where EDI.vcTNum = GDev.dbo.tblCIDetailsTest.vcTN

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Run SSRS Reports Using SSIS

May 25, 2015

I have a SSISpackage which have 10 execute sql tasks, which loads data into the 10 tabales. Using these 10 tables, I load data into 2 tables. These 2 tables are using to generate reports using SSRS. So we have creatad SSRS package which will generate report. So here what we are doing is we are loading data into those (10+2) tables. then running that report manually and sending that created excel report manully. Can we achieve this using SSIS only, so once data loaded into those 2 reporting table it will start generating reports. How do we achieve using SSRS?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Profiling A Ssis Package

Sep 11, 2015

SQL Server 2008 and user connecting with SSIS.How can I trace this user's activity? When I try I do not get the sql they are running. I know their package is pulling data. I assume this is because the code is 'complied' and not really running straight sql type code.

I have looked online and found that there are settings that need to be set in the package for the trace to be able to work as expected.how can I get what the SSIS package is doing if I don't have any control over the package?

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SSIS 2005 In Visual Studio 2008

Dec 5, 2007

I can't open solutions created in Visual Studio 2005 in Visual Studio 2008

Microsoft Visual Studio
'TransformFoxData.dtproj' cannot be opened because its project type (.dtproj) is not supported by this version of Visual Studio.

To open it, please use a version that supports this type of project.
OK Help
Does that mean it is a requirement to have SQL Server 2008 installed ( which I don't want ) to make it work in Visual Studion 2008.
I just uninstalled VS 2005.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Protocol Error In TDS Stream In SSIS

Nov 19, 2013

I am loading data from one server to another server using SSIS,After loading some rows i am getting the below mentioned Error.Each time i run i am getting the error in different Dataflow tasks in the package.

Error :
[OLE DB Source [199]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".


The PrimeOutput method on OLE DB Source returned error code 0xC0202009. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.".IS this SSIS package Error or Network related?

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS - For Each Loop Through Multiple Servers

Jan 30, 2015

I have an SSIS job that dynamically loops through each server, grabbing data for typical DBA reporting, like diskspace, and errorlogs. If the server is down for whatever reason the SSIS package fails. Is there any way I can prevent the SSIS package from failing if one of the servers is down?

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS - Download Files From FTP Using Filter

Feb 8, 2015

I need to use SSIS to connect to an FTP server. From there I need to download files to a local folder. I need to download only today's files and also on those files starting with Training or Recruitment. I have managed to set up tasks that copy all but I am having such a hard time writing a script using C# that will download using the filters.

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS Expression On Getting The Specific Files?

Feb 26, 2015

I am developing the SSIS and stuck on copying specific files.

1. We receive CSV file to our drive on a daily basis.

2. The csv file name has the last 8 digits formatted with the yyyymmdd. For example, the file name might be abcdef_20150226.csv This means it will be our CSV file for today, Thursday, February 26, 2015.

3. There are a lot of files in this directory.


What we would like to do:

Add the constraints (or expression) that will copy the files from this directory to another directory that have the date equivalent to Monday only. For example, the file abcdef_20150226.csv will not be copied because it is Thursday file. But the abcdec_20150223 will be copied to a new Directory because it is Monday.

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS - Using Variables In Execute Task?

Mar 3, 2015

I have built the following query in SSMS, when I add it to an Execute SQL Task in SSIS. I get this error -

"[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "SELECT @columnz = COALESCE(@columnz + ',[' + times..." failed with the following error:

"Must declare the scalar variable "@columnz".". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly."


use design

drop table tmpNCPCNCDownstreamMaxUtilization3wks
select node, max(utilization) as max_Utilization, DATE
into tmpNCPCNCDownstreamMaxUtilization3wks
from stage_ncpcncdownstream_temporal


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SQL Server 2008 :: Call SSIS Package From Procedure

Mar 5, 2015

I am having few queries related to follow.

1. Is it possible to call SSIS package from procedure .
2. Also want to supply parameters to procedure.
3. Can multiple users execute that procedure simultaneously.
4. If yes then will it cause any issue if it is run simultaneously by 10 users.

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS - How To Alert When Step Fails

Jun 12, 2015

I have a simple SSIS package that imports an Excel Spreadsheet into a table. The column heading got changed, so the package failed, as expected, but I would like an alert or some way to make the scheduled job show "failed". I tried putting an event handler on the :Data Flow" step to send an email, but it didn't work.

I would like to figure out the event handler problem, but more important to have the job show as failed.

For some reason the Scheduled job shows "success" even though the SSIS package failed. A better solution is to make the scheduled job itself fail, based on the package failing.

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS Package In Cross Domain?

Jul 3, 2015

I have created SSIS package to transfer table data(1500 rows tbl size=140 MB).

To transfer data across the network its taking around 1 hr.

I have tried by removing indexes and constraints on destination table.

How should I improve the speed as the table is very small.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Collation Used By SSIS MERGE JOIN Task

Aug 27, 2012

Can the collation used by SSIS be changed or influenced during install or run time? We have found that our databases, that use a mandatory "LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN", have incorrect SSIS Merge Join output. Changing our database collation in testing didn't make a difference. What matters is the data. Which Windows collation is SSIS using?

Example Data:

put in a Sort task before the Merge Join task as setting advanced properties isn't enough (as described by Eric Johnson here --> [URL] ......

We are using 64-bit SQL Server 2008 R2 w/ SP1 in Windows Server 2008 R2 ENT w/ SP1.

UPDATE from ETL team: Explicitly ordering the source with "COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS" seems to have the same effect as using a separate sort task. We don't feel that we can rely on our findings, however, unless we have documentation that this collation is what is behind SSIS.

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS - Passing Column Delimiter From A Variable?

Mar 13, 2015

I am building a generic SSIS where it takes a text source file and converts to a destination source file . However in the process I want to set the row delimiter and the column delimiter dynamically through the package variable. So that I can use it for any file transfer.

I saw the option for row delimiter in the file connection string property but did not see any column delimiter option.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Data Import With CSV File For SSIS Package

Mar 24, 2015

I'm trying to create an import package using BIDS. I'm using SQL Server 2008. The data is saved as a .csv file so that I can use the flat file option for data source. The issue I am having is that when I preview the flat file after selecting it as the datasource, some of the data that have the numeric file format are showing up as non numeric, for instance the value -1,809,575,682,700 is being viewed as ""1 and the package is giving a conversion error.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Running WinSCP In SSIS Task / Bat File

Apr 29, 2015

I'm trying to call WinSCP in a SSIS Execute Process Task using a .bat file to automate. SSIS is returning a generic failure error message ("Error: 0xC0029151 at Execute Process Task, Execute Process Task: In Executing "MyServerC$Program Files (x86)WinSCPWinSCP.exe" "-script=MyNASShareWinSCPFTP.bat " at "", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0"."). So now I'm trying to run the .bat file by itself. Unfortunately, the command prompt rushes by so fast that I can't see what the server is doing.

I can't find anything on the WinSCP site that indicates how to slow down the .bat file processing or log the remote server responses. I do see how to use the /log switch when using the interactive command line console, but that's not what I want to do.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Load SSIS Package For Any Specific Date

May 18, 2015

I have a ssis package which runs daily. This ssis package has couple of execute sql tasks which load data for yesterday's transaction. Ex.

INSERT INTO Shipped (Div_Code, shipment_value, ship_l_id, shipped_qty, shipped_date, whse_code,

ord_id, ship_id, ship_l_ord_l_id, Created_date) select ord.DIV_CODE as div_code, ship.SHIPMENT_VALUE as shipment_value, ship_l.SHIP_L_ID as ship_l_id, ship_l.SHIPPED_QTY as shipped_qty, ship.SHIPPED_DATE as shipped_date, ship.WHSE_CODE as whse_code, ord.ORD_ID as ord_id, ship.SHIP_ID as ship_id, ship_l.ord_l_id as ship_l_ord_l_id, Getdate() as Created_date from SHIP ship, ORD ord, SHIP_L ship_l where ship.SHIPPED_DATE=(dateadd(day, -1, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),120))) and ship.WHSE_CODE='WPP' and ord.ORD_ID=ship.ORD_ID and ship.SHIP_ID=ship_l.SHIP_ID

All execute sql task has query like above query. and in some query we have date filter which loads data for yesterday. Ex. one query has ship.SHIPPED_DATE=(dateadd(day, -1, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),120))). some other query has ord.trans_date=(dateadd(day, -1, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),120))). this package runs daily through sql server job, so It loads data for yesterday. Now If i want to run for any particular date, How could we achieve from ssis?

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