Uninstalling Sql Server2005

Mar 31, 2008

Hi. I'm a newbie for sql server. I have a laptop loaded with win vista home premium edition. I installed sql server 2005 developer edition service pack 1 on it. It said that this version is not supported by vista so upgrade it with sp2, so I did the same. I upgraded it to sql express 2005. Now it got installed but it doesn't let me create new database and displayed the msg "LOGON FAILED FOR 'USER' " . I thought of reinstalling it. But now it is not uninstalling. I tried it through add/remove programs. The 'sql server management tools' is not visible in the start program list,but 'sql server 2005' and some other components of it are visible in add/remove programs. Then I tried using command prompt that was given in microsoft's site only http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=909967#

Step 2: Run the command to uninstall the SQL Server components

c:"%ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapARPWrapper.exe /Remove"

But this was also of no help. Now What should I do??? Need your HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Uninstalling SQL SP 5a

Mar 11, 1999

No, I'm not having any problems(yet) with servicepack 5a. However, in order to fine-tune an installation script, I need to install 5a on my test server several times.

So....how do I uninstall it? I was going from sp 3 to 5a. TIA

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Uninstalling Everything??

Mar 31, 2006

I am trying to use this database thing. with visual basic express 2005 but It sais before I have to uninstall all this stuff. what will happen If don't uninstall it. do I have to uninstall it to get this software????

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Uninstalling MSDE

Dec 17, 2003

I'd like to uninstall the MSDE SQL desktop files off my local harddrive, and then re-install. What is the safest way to do this?


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Uninstalling SQL Server

May 22, 2001

I'm trying to uninstall SQL Server 7.0 going through Add/Remove Program and getting message "sqlserver.exe in use".
All my applications are closed, SQL Server service is stopped and Agent is stopped also.
What else should I check to be able to uninstall it?



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Uninstalling SQLEVAL

Apr 3, 2006

I downloaded the SQLEVAL but did not install it on my computer. It is not something I am going to need to use. Can I just delete the file folders to remove it, or do I have to finish the install, then go through the uninstall process? I would rather avoid the install because it has caused problems for a co-worker and I don't want to run into similar issues.

This may be the silliest question you guys see on the boards, but I would rather look stupid then to do something I shouldn't and screw up my computer.

If you need to know I am running Windows XP with SP2 installed.

Thanks in adavance for your help!

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Uninstalling SSRS

Dec 4, 2007


I tried to uninstall SSRS and SQL Server from my machine. I removed it using ADD/REMOVE Program. Now I can not see SQL Server in ADD/REMOVE Program. But Still SSRS is runing in my machine. But I can not initiate SSRS in configuration manager. It says smthing abt WMI error. When I try to install SQL, it says another service is running.
Now I think If I remove SQL and SSRS from my machine smhow, and install it again I can fix this. But now I can not either install it or uninstall it. Can smone please help me?


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Error Uninstalling CTP

Nov 15, 2005

I am trying to uninstall SQL Server 2005 CTP version before installing Beta version and keep getting an ARP Wrapper Error message that states "Registry Enumeration Failed".  I ran Registry Mechanic, etc, but there are no indications of a problem.

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Uninstalling Sql Express

Apr 21, 2008

I have to uninstall Sql Express because of a problem that arose after I tried to make a connection from VS2008 Server Explorer to SqlExpress ( connection strings run from C3 code worked fine). I began getting weird errors and the issue has not been resolved after a long thread I ran in this forum.

It turns out there are plenty of dire warnings on the web and MSDN not to do this or that before you tried to uninstall. To tell you the truth I have uninstalled Sql Express in the past quite a few times but every time you fight new challenges and it is difficult to learn from experiecne. I have always done it headlong without considering consequences, eventually this bulldozed approach worked every time but there is a chance that with the .NET getting more complicated this time I may get in trouble.

I am referring to this article on MSDN: before you uninstalled Sql Express:


which is awfully unclear. It seems it recommends uninstalling ALL versions of .NET from 2.0 on.

These are versions on my Vista machine:

v1.0.3705, v1.1.4322, v2.0.50727, v3 .0, v3.5

Do I have to uninstall any? I don't think I've done it before.

Now, those .NET versions I listed above are just folders in my WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework directory. When I try to open Turn Windows features On & Off I can see only .NET 3.0 Framework, nothing else. Not even .NET 3.5!

Also there is this frightening link:


Any comments will be appreciated.


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Uninstalling Msde2000

Oct 23, 2006

Ii have installed msde 2000 now all my Access files are in 2000 format how do i change back to 2003?

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Uninstalling SSRS

Dec 3, 2007


can we uninstall reporting service without uninstalling data base engine. I want to keep all the data bases. But when I try to uninstall RS, it will promt me to select both RS and data base engine.


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Another Uninstalling Problem!

Jun 28, 2006

When I am trying to uninstall SQL Server 2005 Express on XP Home I get the following error message:

The SQL Server System Configuration Checker cannot be executed due to WMI configuration on the machine MARTINS Error:2147749896 (0x80041008).

I have tried restarting the WMI service but that doesn't help. Any ideas?

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Uninstalling SQL Instances

Mar 27, 2008


I've got some SQL2000 instances that i want to uninstall, but i cant find them in add/remove programs, is there any manual procedure to uninstal instances ?

I've got also a MSDE instance, that i cant get rid off , it appears on add remove programs , but there is no option to uninstall it ...

thanks for your help

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WMI Error When Uninstalling

Nov 9, 2005

I'm trying to uninstall SQL Server 2005 CTP.  When I remove it through control panel/add remove programs, I get this error
The SQL Server System Configuration Checker cannot be executed due to WMI configuration on the machine <my machine name>  Error:214779896 (0x80041008)
I've tried this with both the WMI service running and not running.

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Uninstalling Programmes

Sep 12, 2007

I have some programmes to uninstall but for some time now my "Add/Remove" page has only listed some of my programmes. Ihave some very recent downloads to remove but they do not appear anywhere.

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Sql Server2005

May 12, 2008

hi I have developed one tool which will show the realtime data of memory,processor, disk and Network...these data will change foe every second...
i want to store that data into the SQL server...is there any script to do this?...whether i need to do some scheduling?.....can anyone help me out please?...
Thnks in advance...

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SQL Server2005

May 12, 2008

  I have developed one tool in ASP.NET(C#) which will show the realtime data of memory,processor,disk and memory which will refresh for every second...
 i want to store this data into the sql server...is it possible to store the dynamic data?...if not how can i achieve this?...
 evev i want to store the performance of all the remote servers which are in the intranet....is it possible to do?...how to achieve this?.. can anyone help me out...?

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New At Sql Server2005

Apr 28, 2006

When i execute the Management Studio Express how can i verify (or define or ...) my server name? (If i choose Browse for servers i canĀ“t find any of them local or network servers)
I have to choose windows authentication or sql server authentication?
Sorry about my basic questions :)

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DTs In Sql Server2005

Mar 5, 2007

Hello evrybody..........
hope u all r doing fine ...well i hve a little problem that i hve installed sql server2005 express edition on my machine and now i just want to import my clients database which is on Acess but m not getting DTS wizard anywhere in 2005 edition so what should i do....infact i found the exe of dtswizrd in program files microsoft sql server folder but when i hit that exe it throws error that one of the file is could not be loaded it is SQLSVC.RLL file...so what should i do shall i reinstall my package ???and even m not confirmed that the free packageof 2005 which i hve downloaded by download center..wheather microsoft gives the whole package or not???like because here in my package i don't find DTS wizard anywhere like we have in 2000 package....
So does anybody help me Plz?????
hope for a positive reply from all u experts .........

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Sql Server2005 Err

Jun 7, 2008

We have SQL Server 2005 on windows 2003 server +SP2. In the application log I noticed the following errors during .

Event Type:Error
Event Category:(3)
Event ID:19019
Time:10:28:13 PM
Computer:COMP NAME
[sqsrvres] printODBCError: sqlstate = 08S01; native error = 0; message = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Communication link failure

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
0000: 4b 4a 00 40 01 00 00 00 KJ.@....
0008: 08 00 00 00 53 00 51 00 ....S.Q.
0010: 4c 00 43 00 4c 00 55 00 L.C.L.U.
0018: 53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S.......

When error occur at this time excute a procedure to export table in csv file use bcp and copy this file in Network folder
so what should be error?

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Uninstalling V6.5 After 7.0 Install - Any Gotchas?

May 7, 1999

I'm about to unistall V6.5 from my 7.0 server. Has anyone done this yet?
Does it require a machine reboot? Have you had any problems after the uninstall? Is it really as simple as the BOL leads me to believe?

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Uninstalling SQL Server 2005

Apr 23, 2008

can someone show me how to uninstall Mirosoft SQL Server 2005 from my machine....

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Difficulty Uninstalling SqlExpress

Apr 30, 2007


I installed SqlExpress with Advanced services on to a server running Small Business server 2003.

I needed to uninstall SqlExp, and thought I did so through Add/Remove programs. For some reason it did not seem to uninstall. Foolishly I did not check, and then tried to install another copy in a different directory. I've then ended up with complete mess.

Tried to do another uninstall, but again, ended up with two incomplete versions of express.

Is it possible that part of my problem revolves around the fact I have a mirrored drive with Raid 1 installed.??

Whatever, I need to know how to clean up the mess and start again. Preferably without having to do a format and reinstall SBS.


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Uninstalling SQL 2005 Completely

Apr 18, 2006

hi all,

i have gone through the thread which had the same subject but still it didn't work out..

i have even removed SQL 2005 install bits using msicuu2.exe but still i can find SQL 2005 in my programs list in start menu....

Can anyone please let me know how i can remove SQL 2005 completely when it does not show up in Add/Remove programs and WindowsInstaller Cleanup Tool but i can still find it if i navigate to Start --> All programs --> Microsoft SQL Server 2005......


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Uninstalling Sql 2k5 Express Tools?

Oct 23, 2007

While building a vista 64 Ultimate machine recently, I temporarily installed the express edition toolkit with visual studio 2005.
I have since uninstalled sql, and reinstalled the 64-bit developer edition. However it appears the toolkit did not uninstall completely - now when I try to install workstation components, bol, etc. It says that the upgrade is blocked.
Hard as it is to believe that an express install can block a developer edition install, it does.
I've tried reinstalling the ee toolkit, as any client/management tools are better than none - but this fails, saying that the components are already on the machine!! sheesh!
It doesn't give an option to uninstall.

Has anyone got any ideas. I've uninstalled *everything* sql related, reinstalled with sp2 twice. I can see and create databases using visual studios server explorer, but this does not give any management options. Does anyone know how I can remove whatever registry entries are fouling up this installation?



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Uninstalling SQl Server 2005, It Won't!

May 7, 2007

I have a server with a fresh install of SQL Server 2000. I accidentilly installed the Sql server 2005 SP1 disk (instead of the actual software). And what it did was a nightmare. It installed the client tools and link them to the 2000 instance. I went back and attempted to install the actual 2005 copy. Ever since I have items in my add/remove that will not uninstall. I removed everything except the 2005 Engine and Analysis services. I've followed the MS article (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/909967) with removal, trying everything. All got removed except the Engine and Analysis services!!!!

I've gone into the registry and reviewed the keys, etc! I've run removal attempts fof both command prompt and add/remove, does not work. I've tried reapplying SP's, etc no luck.

Unless I get these services off I can not install 2005 and 2000 again.

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UnInstalling SQL Server Beta

May 21, 2006

When I installed Visual Studi C# Express, SQL Server Express was not installed because SQL Server Beta was already there. I tried to uninstall SQL Server Beta several times and failed to do so through Add/Remove Programs. Accidentally, I uninstalled SQL Server Set-up programs from Add/Remove and consequently, I am unable to uninstall SQL Server Beta through Add/Remove anymore.

Is there a utility to download that enable me to uninstall SQL Server Beta? I have no way to install SQL Server Express without removing the previous version. It seems to be a real problem from the many questions I found on MSDN.

Please help.

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Uninstalling Sql Server Express

Dec 7, 2006

i installed sql server 2005 express by running SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE....now i can not uninstall it because the exe created a temp file to unpack the install files....of course those files are cleaned up after install or whenever i cleaned up the temp files on my pc.....so how do i uninstall?

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SSL Issue While Uninstalling Or Installing RS

Nov 22, 2005

While uninstalling Reporting Services (Septembre CTP) I get the error message "SQL Server Setup failed to retrieve the SSL Certificate Name".  Here a portion of the log.  We get the same error on a second machine while installing the official release of SQL Server 2005 Developper Edition.  Any suggestion?

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I Need SQL Server2005 Materials

Oct 18, 2006

hi every body ; Ineed sql server 2005 material 

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What Is Catalog Name In Sql Server2005?

Apr 22, 2008

When i execute this query

WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = 'a424465';
I can see the..

schema1 schema2

I wanna change the SCHEMA_OWNER to be schema1...

How can be done???
Plz Help me ASAP..

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Sql Server2005 -Alerts

May 29, 2008

how are the use alerts in sql server2005,
and which alert type used in maximum and how to performaing our database

I would like to get user experiences

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Replication In SQL Server2005

Aug 20, 2006

Hi there i need an advice on replication in sql2005

i've heared that i can't make replication between two cluster servers installed on them sql2005 and they are in different domains so please can you tell me is that true and if is what can we do to solve this because they are in different places and we can't give them the same domains of IPs


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