Uniqueidentifier And/or Binary Display

Jun 23, 2003

In MSDB, all job_ID are uniqueidentifier data type, sometimes Job_ID is binary datatype. I need to print 'job_ID: ' + cast(@job_ID as varchar(100)). It prints nothing...

How could I convert and print the contents of Job_ID?


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Feb 16, 2007

I was wonder what the arguments were for using one over the other:

Both get used the same:
EXECUTE @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_job
@job_id = @JobID OUTPUT, ...

I have seen these both on sample TSQL code, along with it not even being declared and just being used as shown here.


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Retrieve And Display Image Inside An Html File (stored In Database) In Binary Format

May 15, 2007

Hi All,
I am not sure whether this is the right place to post this question. But I am unable to figure out what is the best solution to retrieve and display an image in a html file(stored in varbinary(max) column). I have a list of images in the file and I am supposed to display them. Can anybody please let me know what is the best way to do this?
Thanks a lot!!

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Concatenate All Binary Columns Into Single Binary Column?

May 22, 2014

Server is SQL 2000

I have a table with 10 rows with a varbinary column

I wish to concatenate all the binary column into a single binary column and then write that to another table within the database. This application splits a binary file (Word or PDF document) into multiple segments (this is Column2 as below)

example as follows


Column1 Column2 Column3
aaa 001 <some binary value>
aaa 002 <some binary value>
aaa 003 <some binary value>
aaa 004 <some binary value>
aaa 005 <some binary value>

desired results in TableB

Column1 Column2
aaa <concatenated value of above binary columns>

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Store Binary Data Rather Than Int Or Binary?

May 7, 2015

I'm using a bit-wise comparison to effectively store multiple values in one column. However once the number of values increases it starts to become too big for a int data type.you also cannot perform a bitwise & on two binary datatypes. Is there a better way to store the binary data rather than int or binary?

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Reporting Services :: Display Columns When There Is No Data To Display

Apr 30, 2015

I would like to display a portion of report where there is data or no data

There is data subreport  display   

     Product Name Latex Gloves  
     Product ID      

 There NO data in the subReport
  Product Name                          
   Product ID    

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Apr 10, 2006

I am really struggling.  I am trying to query a sql database table using a uniqueidentifier. 
Public Class SalesDataClass
Public Function getAccountNumber(ByVal ID As String) As String
Dim accountnumber As String = "0"
Using connection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("InterhealthCRM_MSCRMConnectionString").ConnectionString)
Using command As New SqlCommand("getAccountNumber", connection)
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim parameterdat1 As New SqlParameter("@accountid", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)
parameterdat1.Value = ID
Dim parameterdat2 As New SqlParameter("@accountnum", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20, ParameterDirection.Output)
accountnumber = parameterdat2.Value
Return accountnumber
End Using
End Using
'Catch ex As SqlException
' Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
' Catch ex As Exception
' You might want to pass these errors
' back out to the caller.
' End Try
End Function
End Class
Can someone help me correct my code.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[getAccountNumber]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@accountId uniqueidentifier,
@accountnum nvarchar(20) output
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
SELECT accountNumber from accountbase where accountid = @accountid
return @accountnum

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Jul 17, 2003


I am using UNIQUEIDENTIFIER column for my table. I do not insert data for it. I left it on database by setting to default NEWID(). Now in my application I need the value of UNIQUEIDENTIFIER column I just inserted. Is there any function or query to get this value like in case of IDENTITY column we can get the latest inserted value from select @@IDENTITY.

Thanks and regards,

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Jan 28, 2006

Hey I was curious about the Uniqueidentifier is that better then using the @IDENTITY, apparently the Unique uses your computers mac address as a base???

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Dec 5, 2006

as above, how can i use this datatype to generate a running number for my userID ? i tried with newid() but it returns a unique 32bit.

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Apr 4, 2008

does SQLCE supports the use of uniqueidentifier datatype.and how can i use it?
i have heard that SQLCE supports only integer type as identity column.
so what datatype i should use for identification(primary key).

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Uniqueidentifier Inner Join Int

Nov 5, 2007

I have a table with id(uniqueidentifier) as the primary key, and another table with id(int) as the foreign key.
When I try to INNER JOIN them on id=id  in a view, I get an error that uniqueidentifier and int are incompatible.
I'm new to SQL SERVER and I consider uniqueidentifier as equal to AutoNumber in MSAccess. Isn't it so? If not, how do I make this JOIN work?

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Uniqueidentifier And Combobox

Nov 26, 2007

Hello all,
I would like to put another line into my combo box using this SQL statement but this part "(select newid() as QuestionID, 'Select a Question' as QuestionText)" is not working.   (select newid() as QuestionID, 'Select a Question as QuestionText) union all (SELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP 100 * FROM [dbo.aspnet_Questions]) as tbl)
It gives me an error: Invalid object name 'dbo.aspnet_Questions'.  Can anybody please help me with this error? 
Thank you, Vic. 

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Uniqueidentifier URGENT PLEASE!

Jan 26, 2008

I just want to ask if there is a passible explaination for why this code thosen't generate the proper RETURN VALUE, My coal is when a user uses the asp:CreateUserWizard i retrive GUID from the new account.With this I will check if the relation tabel has that value, so I would like to run this.
Stored Proc.
CREATE PROCEDURE proc_CustomerCheckExist@UserId uniqueidentifierASIF EXISTS (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.aspnet_LD_Customers WHERE UserId = @UserId)    Return 1ELSE    Return 0GO
Problem is if I take 2 different GUID, I still get the same result "Return 1" as true even if I dont have the GUID in my tabel row

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How Do I Get The Uniqueidentifier Of Just Inserted Row?

Apr 18, 2004

Hello there!

it was a while since i studied SQL and that brings us to my problem...

I'm creating a Stored Procedure wich first insert information in a table. That table has a uniqueidentifier fild that is default-set to newid().

later in the SP i need that uniqueidentifier value? how do I get it?

I tried this:

@uidArticleId uniqueidentifier = newid,
@strHeader nvarchar(300),
@strAbstract nvarchar(600),
@strText nvarchar(4000),
@dtDate datetime,
@dtDateStart datetime,
@dtDateStop datetime,
@strAuthor nvarchar(200),
@strAuthorEmail nvarchar(200),
@strKeywords nvarchar(400),
@strCategoryName nvarchar(200) = 'nyhet'
INSERT INTO tblArticles
VALUES( @uidArticleId,@strHeader,@strAbstract,@strText,@dt

declare @uidCategoryId uniqueidentifier
EXEC spGetCategoryId @strCategoryName, @uidCategoryId OUTPUT

INSERT INTO tblArticleCategory(uidArticleId, uidCategoryId)
VALUES(@uidArticleId, @uidCategoryId)

But i get an error when I EXEC the SP like this:

EXEC spInsertNews
@strHeader = 'Detta är den andra nyheten',
@strAbstract = 'dn första insatt med sp:n',
@strText = 'här kommer hela nyhetstexten att stå. Här får det plats 2000 tecken, dvs fler än vad jag orkar skriva nu...',
@dtDate = '2003-01-01',
@dtDateStart = '2003-01-01',
@dtDateStop = '2004-01-01',
@strAuthor = 'David N',
@strAuthorEmail = 'david@davi.com',
@strKeywords = 'nyhet, blajblaj, blaj'

the errormessage is: Syntax error converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.

does anyone have a sulution to this problem?
Can I use something similar to the @@IDENTITY?
I will be greatful for any ideas...

/David, Sweden

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Ok To Concat A Uniqueidentifier?

Jul 8, 2004

I want to use a NEWID() to generate order numbers, but i dont want to give customers the long uniqueID. so im wondering if i concatinate it to 8 characters, if that would be safe or not...

thx in adv

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Feb 9, 2005


I am writing a C# application that uses a SQL server database to hold its data. I need to create a stored procedure that returns a particular row's primary key value. This is no problem if the primary key is an INT. But my primary key is a unique identifier, and the stored procedure doesn't want to let me return any values that aren't INTs. Can someone please tell me how to get around this?

Thanks in advance.


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Problem With SP And Uniqueidentifier

Nov 28, 2005

I am trying to use a stored procedure and it seems to be giving me a error - I think it doesn't like the uniqueidentifier.   I have included the error, stored procedure, and code behind that calls the stored procedure.Thanks for any help on this!  This is the error I get:System.ArgumentException: No mapping exists from object type System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox to a known managed provider native type. at System.Data.SqlClient.MetaType.GetMetaTypeFromValue(Type dataType, Object value, Boolean inferLen) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter.GetMetaTypeOnly() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter.Validate(Int32 index) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.BuildParamList(TdsParser parser, SqlParameterCollection parameters) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.BuildExecuteSql(CommandBehavior behavior, String commandText, SqlParameterCollection parameters, _SqlRPC& rpc) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at view_WardSec_PatientLogDetail2.UpdateRecord_buttonClick(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:Documents and SettingsKBuchanan.LMHDesktopWebSitesNewest_ERViewsview_WardSec_PatientLogDetail.aspx.vb:line 358 Here is the stored procedure:set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgo
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateTblVisit_WardSecPatientLog]  ( @VID decimal, @lbl_ChiefComplaint nvarchar(50),  @TriageDtTmTextBox datetime,  @PtInRmDtTmTextBox datetime,  @RnInRmDtTmTextBox datetime,  @PhyInRmDtTmTextBox datetime,  @EDHoldDisposDtTmTextBox datetime,  @DispDschDtTmTextBox datetime,  @ddlTriageNurse uniqueidentifier,  @ddlPriNurse uniqueidentifier,  @ddlEDPhy uniqueidentifier,  @ddlPriRefPhy decimal,  @ddlSecRefPhy decimal,  @ddlDschRN uniqueidentifier,  @ddlDschPhy uniqueidentifier,  @ddl_MnsArriv decimal,  @lblDschDiag nvarchar(50),  @chkbox_LogComplete bit )AS
 Update   tblVisit  SET  vChiefComplaint = @lbl_ChiefComplaint,   vTriageDtTm = @TriageDtTmTextBox,   vPtInRmDtTm = @PtInRmDtTmTextBox,   vRnInRmDtTm = @RnInRmDtTmTextBox,   vPhyInRmDtTm = @PhyInRmDtTmTextBox,   vEDHoldDisposDtTm = @EDHoldDisposDtTmTextBox,   vDispDschDtTm = @DispDschDtTmTextBox,   vTriageRnID = @ddlTriageNurse,   vRnID = @ddlPriNurse,   vEdPhyProvID = @ddlEDPhy,   vPriRefPhyProvID = @ddlPriRefPhy,   vSecRefPhyProvID = @ddlSecRefPhy,   vDschRnID = @ddlDschRN,   vDschPhyID = @ddlDschPhy,   vMnsArrvID = @ddl_MnsArriv,   vDschDiag = @lblDschDiag,   vLogCompletedInd = @chkbox_LogComplete,   vLogLastEdit = getDate() WHERE   VID = @VID    SET NOCOUNT OFF RETURN
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Following is the codebehind for a button oncommand event.  This codeshould execute the stored procedure.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Public Sub UpdateRecord_buttonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)        'Use this to update the CareGiverID into the tbl_Visit table.        Dim sbSql As New System.Text.StringBuilder        sbSql.Append("EXEC UpdateTblVisit_WardSecPatientLog ")        sbSql.Append("@VID, ")        sbSql.Append("@lbl_ChiefComplaint, ")        sbSql.Append("@TriageDtTmTextBox, ")        sbSql.Append("@PtInRmDtTmTextBox, ")        sbSql.Append("@RnInRmDtTmTextBox, ")        sbSql.Append("@PhyInRmDtTmTextBox, ")        sbSql.Append("@EDHoldDisposDtTmTextBox, ")        sbSql.Append("@DispDschDtTmTextBox, ")        sbSql.Append("@ddlTriageNurse, ")        sbSql.Append("@ddlPriNurse, ")        sbSql.Append("@ddlEDPhy, ")        sbSql.Append("@ddlPriRefPhy, ")        sbSql.Append("@ddlSecRefPhy, ")        sbSql.Append("@ddlDschRN, ")        sbSql.Append("@ddlDschPhy, ")        sbSql.Append("@ddl_MnsArriv, ")        sbSql.Append("@lblDschDiag, ")        sbSql.Append("@chkbox_LogComplete, ")        sbSql.Append("@UserID ")
        'Response.Write(sbSql.ToString)        'Response.End()
        'Create variables for each of the edited values        Dim con As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ERTrekker_ProdConnectionString1").ConnectionString)        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sbSql.ToString(), con)
        FindControls(DetailsView, "lbl_ChiefComplaint")        Dim ilbl_ChiefComplaint As TextBox = CType(MyControl, TextBox)        FindControls(DetailsView, "TriageDtTmTextBox")        Dim iTriageDtTmTextBox As TextBox = CType(MyControl, TextBox)        FindControls(DetailsView, "PtInRmDtTmTextBox")        Dim iPtInRmDtTmTextBox As TextBox = CType(MyControl, TextBox)        FindControls(DetailsView, "RnInRmDtTmTextBox")        Dim iRnInRmDtTmTextBox As TextBox = CType(MyControl, TextBox)        FindControls(DetailsView, "PhyInRmDtTmTextBox")        Dim iPhyInRmDtTmTextBox As TextBox = CType(MyControl, TextBox)        FindControls(DetailsView, "EDHoldDisposDtTmTextBox")        Dim iEDHoldDisposDtTmTextBox As TextBox = CType(MyControl, TextBox)        FindControls(DetailsView, "DispDschDtTmTextBox")        Dim iDispDschDtTmTextBox As TextBox = CType(MyControl, TextBox)        FindControls(DetailsView, "ddlTriageNurse")        Dim iddlTriageNurse As DropDownList = CType(MyControl, DropDownList)        FindControls(DetailsView, "ddlPriNurse")        Dim iddlPriNurse As DropDownList = CType(MyControl, DropDownList)        FindControls(DetailsView, "ddlEDPhy")        Dim iddlEDPhy As DropDownList = CType(MyControl, DropDownList)        FindControls(DetailsView, "ddlPriRefPhy")        Dim iddlPriRefPhy As DropDownList = CType(MyControl, DropDownList)        FindControls(DetailsView, "ddlDschRN")        Dim iddlDschRN As DropDownList = CType(MyControl, DropDownList)        FindControls(DetailsView, "ddlDschPhy")        Dim iddlDschPhy As DropDownList = CType(MyControl, DropDownList)        FindControls(DetailsView, "ddl_MnsArriv")        Dim iddl_MnsArriv As DropDownList = CType(MyControl, DropDownList)        FindControls(DetailsView, "lblDschDiag")        Dim ilblDschDiag As TextBox = CType(MyControl, TextBox)        FindControls(DetailsView, "chkbox_LogComplete")        Dim ichkbox_LogComplete As CheckBox = CType(MyControl, CheckBox)
        'Add all of the parameters to the command        With cmd.Parameters            .AddWithValue("@VID", Request("vID"))            .AddWithValue("@lbl_ChiefComplaint", ilbl_ChiefComplaint.Text.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@TriageDtTmTextBox", iTriageDtTmTextBox.Text.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@PtInRmDtTmTextBox", iPtInRmDtTmTextBox)            .AddWithValue("@RnInRmDtTmTextBox", iRnInRmDtTmTextBox.Text.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@PhyInRmDtTmTextBox", iPhyInRmDtTmTextBox.Text.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@EDHoldDisposDtTmTextBox", iEDHoldDisposDtTmTextBox.Text.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@DispDschDtTmTextBox", iDispDschDtTmTextBox.Text.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@ddlTriageNurse", iddlTriageNurse.SelectedValue.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@ddlPriNurse", iddlPriNurse.SelectedValue.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@ddlEDPhy", iddlEDPhy.SelectedValue.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@ddlPriRefPhy", iddlPriRefPhy.SelectedValue.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@ddlDschRN", iddlDschRN.SelectedValue.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@ddlDschPhy", iddlDschPhy.SelectedValue.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@ddl_MnsArriv", iddl_MnsArriv.SelectedValue.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@lblDschDiag", ilblDschDiag.Text.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@chkbox_LogComplete", ichkbox_LogComplete.Checked.ToString)            .AddWithValue("@UserID", System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session("UserID"))
        End With
        ' Open the connection and execute the command        Try            con.Open()            If cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() < 1 Then                Throw New System.Exception("The record was not updated")            End If        Catch ex As Exception            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(ex.ToString())        Finally            If Not con Is Nothing AndAlso con.State = System.Data.ConnectionState.Open Then                con.Close()            End If        End Try    End Sub

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Foreign Key Is An Uniqueidentifier

Nov 10, 2005

Hello everyone.
I have 2 tables in MSSQL Server 2000, Products(idProduct, idProductType, name, quatity) and ProductsType(idProductType, name).

idXXXX are the primery keys and the data type is uniqueidentifier.

In table Products, the collum idProductType is a foreign key refering table ProductsType.

I can insert as many product types as i want without any problems.
Insert INTO ProductsType(name) VALUES('milk')

When inserting products i use the idProductType that was automatacly generated in last insert.
INSERT INTO Products (uuidProductType,name,quantity,)
VALUES ('AD9388A3-CA86-482D-B57F-6FA068E7D405','President Milk 50cl',500)

but i got the following error in SQL Query Analyzer:
Server: Msg 8169, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Syntax error converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.

I have searched the forum and i cant find any solution. i need to use uniqueidentifer data types because replication with PDA devices.

Any tips?

Thank you in advance.

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Uniqueidentifier As A Primary Key

Feb 18, 2006

Hey can you use the Uniqueidentifier as a primary key or no??

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Problem With Sp And Uniqueidentifier

Jul 12, 2006


I use this procedure to add a record to the db (SQL 2005)
i constantly get this error:

Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.

This is the sp:


ALTER PROC [dbo].[AddBootloader]

@BootName nvarchar(50),
@Version nvarchar(50),
@CSD nvarchar(50),
@CreatorID uniqueidentifier,
@FilePath nvarchar(150),
@FileSize nvarchar(150)

INSERT INTO dbo.EB_Bootloaders




And this is the table:

USE [Ebdata]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[EB_Bootloaders] Script Date: 07/12/2006 10:06:42 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EB_Bootloaders](
[ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,3) NOT NULL,
[BootName] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,
[Version] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,
[CSD] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,
[FilePath] [nvarchar](150) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,
[FileSize] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,
[CreateDate] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_EB_Bootloaders_CreateDate] DEFAULT (getdate()),
[CreatorID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[UpdateDate] [datetime] NULL,
[UpdateUser] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,

USE [Ebdata]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[EB_Bootloaders] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_EB_Bootloaders_aspnet_Users] FOREIGN KEY([CreatorID])
REFERENCES [dbo].[aspnet_Users] ([UserId])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[EB_Bootloaders] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_EB_Bootloaders_aspnet_Users1] FOREIGN KEY([UpdateUser])
REFERENCES [dbo].[aspnet_Users] ([UserId])

The funny thing is that i copied the sp code from another which runs perfect,
I insert a Guid from an asp.net page.

Hope someone can help me here because im am stucked!

Cheers Wimmo

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How Do I Get The Uniqueidentifier Of Just Inserted Row?

Apr 18, 2004

Hello there!

it was a while since i studied SQL and that brings us to my problem...

I'm creating a Stored Procedure wich first insert information in a table. That table has a uniqueidentifier fild that is default-set to newid().

later in the SP i need that uniqueidentifier value? how do I get it?

I tried this:

@uidArticleId uniqueidentifier = newid,
@strHeader nvarchar(300),
@strAbstract nvarchar(600),
@strText nvarchar(4000),
@dtDate datetime,
@dtDateStart datetime,
@dtDateStop datetime,
@strAuthor nvarchar(200),
@strAuthorEmail nvarchar(200),
@strKeywords nvarchar(400),
@strCategoryName nvarchar(200) = 'nyhet'
INSERT INTO tblArticles
VALUES( @uidArticleId,@strHeader,@strAbstract,@strText,@dt Date,@dtDateStart,@dtDateStop,@strAuthor,@strAutho rEmail,@strKeywords)

declare @uidCategoryId uniqueidentifier
EXEC spGetCategoryId @strCategoryName, @uidCategoryId OUTPUT

INSERT INTO tblArticleCategory(uidArticleId, uidCategoryId)
VALUES(@uidArticleId, @uidCategoryId)

But i get an error when I EXEC the SP like this:

EXEC spInsertNews
@strHeader = 'Detta är den andra nyheten',
@strAbstract = 'dn första insatt med sp:n',
@strText = 'här kommer hela nyhetstexten att stå. Här får det plats 2000 tecken, dvs fler än vad jag orkar skriva nu...',
@dtDate = '2003-01-01',
@dtDateStart = '2003-01-01',
@dtDateStop = '2004-01-01',
@strAuthor = 'David N',
@strAuthorEmail = 'david@davi.com',
@strKeywords = 'nyhet, blajblaj, blaj'

the errormessage is: Syntax error converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.

does anyone have a sulution to this problem?
Can I use something similar to the @@IDENTITY?
I will be greatful for any ideas...

/David, Sweden

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Jan 25, 2006

I am using the built in securty database from vs2005
I am trying to write an insert trigger that will add a role each time a user is added but I seem to be having difficulty I believe it's with the uniqueidentifier datatype. when I run this trigger via an insert statement I get the following error.
Can anyone set me straight?
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'RoleId', table 'R:AAAPROJECTSASPVS2005MERCERBUCKSAPP_DATAASPNETDB.MDF.dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
==================insert statement==========

Declare @NewUserID as uniqueIdentifier
set @NewUserID=newID()
print Cast(@NewUserID as varchar(50))
insert into dbo.aspnet_Users (ApplicationID,UserID,UserName,LoweredUserName,LastActivityDate)

ON [dbo].[aspnet_Users]
DECLARE @RoleID uniqueidentifier
DECLARE @UserID uniqueidentifier
Select @UserID=Userid from inserted
Print @UserID
FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles where dbo.aspnet_Roles.LoweredRoleName='user'
Print @RoleID
Insert Into dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles

Thanks Len

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Rowguid/ Uniqueidentifier

Jun 7, 2007

hi. im new in using rowguid, i want to know how long can this datatype can hold. and is there a chance that value can be duplicate or the sql is checking it already before it create a new one.

and what will happen if i select yes in isrowguid.

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Select Where Uniqueidentifier = 0x Hex?

Aug 22, 2005

Hi all,I'm trying to run a select where auniqueidentifier/GUID equals a hex, but I don't seem to be gettingmatches.For example, this query returns the expected record:select * from items where itemGUID ='{11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555}'But this one does not:select * from items where itemGUID = 0x11111111222233334444555555555555Any tips?thanks, -Scott

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Uniqueidentifier Vs. Identity

Jul 26, 2007

So, what's the common preference out there for primary and/or surrogate keys? Uniqueidentifier or identity?
(No replication is involved.)

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UniqueIdentifier As Primary Key.

Jan 17, 2008


Greetings. I just inherited doscovered a 3gb DB that is chewing up lots of CPU time on a pretty beefy server. This DB uses 4 main tables. It has many more, but most of the Inserts/ Updates/ Deletes/ and Joins are done mainly on 4 tables. Anyways, I figured out which sprocs use the most CPU between the hours of 7 and 7 every day, off to a good start. The first one is hardly every run. While it is a pig in terms of CPU usage, the amount of times it's run is somewhat minimal compared to others. So the next one is is a sproc that does auto refreshes, and is run every minute by thousands. I start to analyze it, particularly for missing indexes, but all is well. So I'm beating my head up against the wall and I realize, THE CLUSTERED PRIMARY KEY (PK) FOR THESE TABLES USE A GUID DATA TYPE....

So I have some questions about this data type, and also inserting into a clustered PK in general.

Are joins on this data type as bad as joining on varchar columns in terms of speed?

I don't see that any of my insert sprocs are taking a long time. So if an insert occurs, and a page split needs to happen (which is quite potential with this data type as a clustered PK), does it -- A) Begin the insert, complete the insert, then do a page split? Or does it -- B) Begin the insert, do the page split, then complete the insert?
If A, it would make sense that I would see no lag for my insert sprocs, but also see a high CPU usage (provided I have a high number of page splits, which is yet to be determined. If B, I would expect to see a lot of long running insert sprocs, which I don't.

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How Do I Convert A Uniqueidentifier, Given The Value.

Sep 13, 2006

convert(uniqueidentifier, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)

not working.

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Using Uniqueidentifier Datatype

Sep 26, 2007


Because uniqueidetifier is not an auto generated field, How can be it used with a primary key column ?



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Converting To A Uniqueidentifier

Apr 26, 2006

Hi all

In the database there is a table for customers and a table for the saleman,
the relationship between the 2 table is a uniqueidentifer field

customer table
name salesmanager
company 1 12545-854

salesmanager table
id salesmanager
12545-854 bob smith

I need to update the customer salesmanger field when someone leaves problem is that that field
is a uniqueidentifer and it will not allow me to update

Thanks in advance

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Uniqueidentifier Question

Feb 21, 2008

I have a table that contains a uniqueidentifier column and then another table that contains a foreign-key column, but is set up as varchar. I am building a stored procedure, however I get the following error: "Syntax error converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier"

I tried casting the UID column to a varchar, but this does not work either.

This is a simple select where the column in the foreign table is equal to the ID column of the main table.

Is there a way to solve this without having to make any table changes?

Thanks for the help.

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Uniqueidentifier Vs Identity Performance

Aug 30, 2006

Hello,I am using the login controls in 2.0. Each new member has a UserId created : it's a Guid, so a uniqueidentifier in sql server.I also have many tables and stored procedures of my own, and the member id is in most of them.Here is my question: should I keep the uniqueidentifier UserId for all my tables and sp, or should I create a new memberId as an IDENTITY(int) (and for sure link it with the log in userid) in order to get a better performance. I have read many things saying that uniqueidentifiers would reduce the performance, but also others who say it won't be significant. Who's right in this uniqueidentifier vs integer competition ??? Thanks for your recommandations. 

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UniqueIdentifier In Stored Procedure

Sep 8, 2006

I am trying to convert an SQL statement to a strored procedure and am having a bit of a problem with a GUID variable.The variable is sent from the button command CommandName='<%# Bind("APN_Product_Detail_id") %>'This in turn gets sent to the paramater of the SQL text by : MyLookupCommand.CommandText = "SELECT APN_Product_Detail_id FROM TableA WHERE (APN_Product_Detail_id = @APID1)"  MyLookupCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@APID1", e.CommandName)MyLookupCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text And this works sending the text type to @APID1HOWEVERif I try and convert this to a stored proceduremyparameter1 = MyLookupCommand.CreateParameter()myparameter1.ParameterName = "@APID1"myparameter1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Inputmyparameter1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifiermyparameter1.Value = e.CommandName It does not allow the text (e.commandName) to be converted to a UniqueIdentifer. This must be a Unique Identifier as when executing the stored procedure it insists that  @APID1 is UniqueIdentifier ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.SP_ChooseProductSelected  (@APID1 UniqueIdentifier) AS SELECT Affilaite_Product_new.APN_Include_ID AS APNINCLUDEID, Include.Include_Action, Include.Include_ID, Affilaite_Product_new.APN_Product_Detail_id FROM Affilaite_Product_new INNER JOIN Include ON Affilaite_Product_new.APN_Include_ID = Include.Include_ID WHERE (Affilaite_Product_new.APN_Product_Detail_id = @APID1)   RETURNI Hope that this makes sence. Basicall how do I get the e.CommandName value to a UniqueIdentifier in the stored procedure.Any ideas most welcome 

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