ok, so we have a field in one of our db's, a do_not_synch field. this field has a datatype of char...
the following sql statement does not update the field..
update contacts
set do_not_synch = 'Y'
where id=1
and if i open up the table in sql server management studio, and cannot type in and save the value Y...yes i can update other fields in this row...so its not a permissions issue?
Hi ,Have a Visual C++ app that use odbc to access sql server database.Doing a select to get value of binary field and bind a char to thatfield as follows , field in database in binary(16)char lpResourceID[32+1];rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR,&lpResourceID,RESOURCE_ID_LEN_PLUS_NULL , &nLen1);and this works fine , however trying to move codebase to UNICODE antested the followingWCHAR lpResourceID[32+1];rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_W_CHAR,&lpResourceID,RESOURCE_ID_LEN_PLUS_NULL , &nLen1);but only returns 1/2 the data .Any ideas , thoughts this would work fine , nit sure why loosing dataAll ideas welcome.JOhn
I'm extracting a char(2) field from a table that has a value of '1' and writing it to another table but want the output field to be padded with a zero. I have tried this below:
right('00' + isnull(Field1, ' '),2
but the output field comes out as '1 ' (that's 1 followed by a space). Does anyone have any idea how I can do this or please point out what I'm doing wrong in my 'right(' fucntion above. Thanks, Jeff
I have been asked to investigate the feasibility of converting an Invoice Number field from 6 to 7 digits, and allowing alpha characters. This means CHAR. The Invoice Number is not used outside of the application, but changes would have to be made to the database, and VB code that runs the app. Any ideas on how to proceed?
Any responses would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
I have a varchar field that contains values to represent the month and year in the format mmyy (eg. 0107, 0207, 0307 etc).
I want to be able to select the value that is 6 months before the current month and year, for example if I were running the query in the current month/year (April 08) I would return the value 1007 (October 07).
If I want to make a field of characters to be unlimited length(or maybe 2k for example), what datatype should I use? Char, varchar and text have a max. limit of 255...
Here is the example data <qMultipleChoice><qText>The%20AE%20understands%20what%20conditions%20the%2 0Account%20Manager%20is%20allowed%20to%20sign-off 20on.</qText><qChoice>Strongly20Disagree</qChoice><qChoice>Disagree </qChoice><qChoice>Agree</qChoice><qChoice>Strongly%20Agree</qCh
I want result look like this First Column:The AE Understands what conditions the Account Manager is allowed to sign-off. Second Column: Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
This is what i had so far Select (SUBSTRING(QuestionText, (PATINDEX(N'%<qText>%', QuestionText) + 7),(PATINDEX(N'%</qText>%', QuestionText) - (PATINDEX(N'%<qText>%', QuestionText) + 7)))) From tblQuestion
my result: The%20AE%20understands%20what%20conditions%20the%2 0Account%20Manager%20is%20allowed%20to%20sign-off%20on.
I have problem with replace '%20' and how to make the second column. Any Help? Thanks Shan
I have a table with several million rows of data. There is a date field defined as a char(8) with some bad rows. i tried to locate them with below
select date_stopped from patient_medication where isdate(convert(datetime,date_stopped)) = 1
This won't work, I get the Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1 The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value
Can someone comment on why joining two tables on CHAR fields of different lengths would generate unexpected results?
I had an issue where I ran an update that used an inner join on two tables. The field I used in the join was char(50) in one table and char(13) in another table. The result gave bad matches. After changing the field types both to varchar(30), the problem was eliminate.
I am attempting to find quotes (") in a column and replace with the string '--THIS-WAS-QUOTES--'. Right now my script only converts the first quote it finds in the description column, converts to the string and moves to the next row leaving the other quotes as they were. Below is my query script
I am attempting to find quotes (") in a column and replace with the string '--THIS-WAS-QUOTES--'. Right now my script only converts the first quote it finds in the description column, converts to the string and moves to the next row leaving the other quotes as they were. Below is my query script
Would it be OK to use varchar(5) instead of char(5) as the first field of acomposite clustered index?My gut tells me that varchar would be a bad idea, but I am not finding muchinformation on this topic on this when I Google it.Currently the field is Char(4), and there is a need to increase it to hold 5characters.TIA
Is there a way to extract the date part (11/27/2012) of a datetime/time stamp column (11/27/2012 00:00:00.000) and keep it in a date format?
The code i have below extracts the date part of a timestamp column and converts it to a char field. This becomes a problem when I joing the resultant table with a SAS dataset which contains the same column but is in a date format. The join process generates an error saying the column is in different formats.
Hi, What is the difference updating a null value to char/varchar type column
versus empty string to char/varchar type column?Which is the best to do and why? Could anyone explain about this?
Table 1 : tCountry - Name varchar(80) nullable Table 2 :tState - Name char(2) nullable Table 3 :tCountryDetails - countryid,state (char(2) nullable) - May the country contain state or no state So,when the state is not present for the country ,i have two options may be - null,'' tCountryDetails.State = '' or tCountryDetails.State = null?
The problem... A new value is inserted automatically with (convert(smalldatetime,getdate()103)) to a smalldatetime field (date) into a new row in the db
Existing data needs to be updated via an html form in the format ”dd/mm/yyyy” - I get this when I try: “Error The conversion of char data type to smalldatetime data type resulted in an out-of-range smalldatetime value”
Obviously the db field doesn’t like trying to update a smalldatetime field with a char type value. As the date field needs to use some SQL later with DATEADD, I can’t change the date field to char. (The date feild accepts ”dd/mm/yyyy” if I use Enterprise Manager and type it strait in but not via the update on a web page?)
The question... How do I change the update SQL to convert from Char to Smalltimedate to accept dd/mm/yyyy? ( I am using MS-SQL and ASP3 JS and new(ish) to MS-SQL)
If I have a table with 1 or more Nullable fields and I want to make sure that when an INSERT or UPDATE occurs and one or more of these fields are left to NULL either explicitly or implicitly is there I can set these to non-null values without interfering with the INSERT or UPDATE in as far as the other fields in the table?
[Code] ....
If an INSERT looks like any of the following what can I do to change the NULL being assigned to DateAdded to a real date, preferable the value of GetDate() at the time of the insert? I've heard of INSTEAD of Triggers but I'm not trying tto over rise the entire INSERT or update just the on (maybe 2) fields that are being left as null or explicitly set to null. The same would apply for any UPDATE where DateModified is not specified or explicitly set to NULL. I would want to change it so that DateModified is not null on any UPDATE.
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded) VALUES('John','Smith',NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName) VALUES('John','Smith')
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded) SELECT FirstName, LastName, NULL FROM MYOTHERTABLE
Hi all, I have a problem about a query to update a table
UPDATE Email SET EmailDT='31 Mar 2004' WHERE Idx={BDF51DBD-9E4F-4990-A751-5B25D071E288}
where Idx field is a uniqueidentifier type and EmailDT is datetime type. I found that when this query calling by a VB app. then it have error "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax error or access violation" and i have tried again in Query Analyzer, same error also occur, the MS SQL server is version 7. Please help. thanks.
Not a SQL guy but can do enough to be dangerous :)Trying to update a record. We have records that have a field with datasurrounded by some comment text such as *** Previous Public Solution*** Start and *** Previous Public Solution *** End . What I am tryingto do is write a SQL statement that will:Check that field C100 = TICKET0001 (to test with one record beforerunning on whole db)Check that field C101 is = ClosedCheck that field C102 is nullCopy field C103 data to field C102 and strip out any words such as ***Previous Public Solution *** Start and *** Previous Public Solution*** endThanks for any help!Kevin
Hi there. I'm trying to extract data from my SQL server & everything in the script I've got is working (extracting correct data) except for one field - which is for the most part it's off by +2 days (on a few occasions - I see it off by just +1 day or even +3, but it's usually the +2 days).
I'm told that it's due to the conversion formula - but - since SQL is not my native language, I'm at a bit of a loss.
The DB table has the date field stored as a type: CHAR (as opposed to 'DATE') Can anyone out there help?
( @CompanyID NVARCHAR(36), @DivisionID NVARCHAR(36), @DepartmentID NVARCHAR(36), @ItemID NVARCHAR(36), @OrderNo NVARCHAR(36), @LineNo NVARCHAR(36), @TAllotedQty Numeric, @EmployeeID NVARCHAR(36), @Trndate datetime ) AS BEGIN By default iam passing 12 char itemid as parameter...
Here iam selecting the itemid from InventoryLedger -if it is 8 char than this query should be executed IF EXISTS(SELECT ItemID FROM InventoryLedger WHERE TransDate=@Trndate AND ItemID=@ItemID AND ILLineNumber =@LineNo AND TransNumber=@OrderNo AND TransactionType='Production' AND CompanyID=@CompanyID AND DivisionID= @DivisionID AND DepartmentID=@DepartmentID)
select @Qty =QUANTITY from inventoryledger WHERE TransDate=@Trndate AND ItemID=@ItemID AND ILLineNumber =@LineNo AND TransNumber=@OrderNo AND TransactionType='Production' AND CompanyID=@CompanyID AND DivisionID= @DivisionID AND DepartmentID=@DepartmentID select qtyonhand=qtyonhand+@Qty from InventoryByWareHouse where ItemID=@ItemID END
Here iam selecting the itemid from InventoryLedger -if it is 12 char than this query should be executed(both queries are same) IF EXISTS(SELECT ItemID FROM InventoryLedger WHERE TransDate=@Trndate AND ItemID=@ItemID AND ILLineNumber =@LineNo AND TransNumber=@OrderNo AND TransactionType='Production' AND CompanyID=@CompanyID AND DivisionID= @DivisionID AND DepartmentID=@DepartmentID)
select @Qty =QUANTITY from inventoryledger WHERE TransDate=@Trndate AND ItemID=@ItemID AND ILLineNumber =@LineNo AND TransNumber=@OrderNo AND TransactionType='Production' AND CompanyID=@CompanyID AND DivisionID= @DivisionID AND DepartmentID=@DepartmentID select qtyonhand=qtyonhand+@Qty from InventoryByWareHouse where ItemID=@ItemID END
Hi. I'm not such an expert in sql and I wanted to update a table's fields only if the value that im going to update it with is not null. How do I do that?
Hello, I have a field in a table that I have to update to the number of the week. Information i use is from another field, which is text in the format like :
01022005 02142005 07082005 11222005 ... 12022005
How to write an update to update empty field with a number of the week based on the value from another field.
I add some records to two tables after createing operation completed.
Then i use dbcc page command to oversee the structures of data page in two tables. I found some interest things: The rows in two tabes take up same space:9 bytes
You can see the "9" on top of the data, for example:Slot 0, Offset 0x60, Length 9, DumpStyle BYTE or calculate from the offset array
if a db field "mynum" of type int contains for example the number 543.Is there a way I can update this field without first selecting the value?so for example set the the current value to +1
in sql server I want to update the "UpdatedDate" field automatically when I change ANY other field in that specific record.it has to be set to the current server time.
I am trying to update a field in a temptable with the count of items in another table. To illustrate, CustomerID=23 and I want the number of occurences in the temp table. Here's the code which DOESN'T work:
INSERT INTO TempTable ( CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, DateAdded, AlbumPicture, LayoutCount ) SELECT Albums.CustomerID, Customers.FirstName, Customers.LastName, DateAdded, AlbumPicture, COUNT(*) FROM Layouts WHERE Layout.customerID = Albums.CustomerID FROM Albums JOIN Customers on (Albums.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID)
Please take a look at the COUNT line. Here I want to count the occurences of a specific customerid in another table and put in into th LayoutCount field.
SQL server reports "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'". Any ideas how to achieve this?
I am updating three fields (defined as decimal(18,4) NULL) in a 1.7 million record table to 0. This table is also very wide (meaning lot of columns). A simple query like this -