Update Columns With Rows Result

May 26, 2008


for example i need to update table with top 5callers who called the most to one number:

With subselect i get results:

Number Caller Times

555-11111 555-11112 10
555-11111 555-11113 9
555-11111 555-11114 8
555-11111 555-11115 7
555-11111 555-11116 6

And now i need update table and get this results:

Number Top1Caller Top1Caller Top1Caller Top1Caller Top1Caller
555-11111 555-11112 555-11113 555-11114 555-11115 555-11116

And i need to do this with every number in database

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Set Variable Based On Result Of Procedure OR Update Columns Fromsproc Result

Jul 20, 2005

I need to send the result of a procedure to an update statement.Basically updating the column of one table with the result of aquery in a stored procedure. It only returns one value, if it didnt Icould see why it would not work, but it only returns a count.Lets say I have a sproc like so:create proc sp_countclients@datecreated datetimeasset nocount onselect count(clientid) as countfrom clientstablewhere datecreated > @datecreatedThen, I want to update another table with that value:Declare @dc datetimeset @dc = '2003-09-30'update anothertableset ClientCount = (exec sp_countclients @dc) -- this line errorswhere id_ = @@identityOR, I could try this, but still gives me error:declare @c intset @c = exec sp_countclients @dcWhat should I do?Thanks in advance!Greg

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Convert Rows To Columns In Result

Apr 30, 2008

Hi I have a 'settings' table similar to:

* Setting_ID
* SettingGroup
* SettingSubGroup
* SettingKey
* SettingValue

example data:
1, Comms, Com1, Speed, 9600
2, Comms, Com1, Parity, N
3, Comms, Com1, DataBits, 8
4, Comms, Com1, StopBits, 1
5, Comms, Com2, Speed, 2400
6, Comms, Com2, Parity, E
7, Comms, Com2, DataBits, 7
8, Comms, Com2, StopBits, 2

I want to have a query like
SELECT SettingKey, SettingValue FROM Settings WHERE SettingGroup='Comms' GROUP BY SettingSubGroup

where the result set has a single row for each distinct value of SettingGroup. I want the result set to look like:
SettingSubGroup, Speed, Parity, DataBits, StopBits <--column headings
Com1, 9600, N, 8, 1
Com2, 2400, E, 7, 2

I've had a look at the PIVOT command but it seems to require an aggregate function... is there a way to simply flip from rows to columns?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Update Statement Will Not Update Data Beyond 7 Million Plus Rows Out Of 38 Millions Rows

Dec 12, 2014

I run the following statement and it will not update beyond 7 million plus rows and I have about 38 million to complete. I keep checking updated row counts and after 1/2 day it's still the same so I know something is wrong because it was rolling through no problem when I initiated it. I need to complete ASAP so it's adding to my frustration. The 'Acct_Num_CH' field is an encrypted field (fyi).

SET rowcount 10000
UPDATE [dbo].[CC_Info_T]
SET [Acct_Num_CH] = 'ayIWt6C8sgimC6t61EJ9d8BB3+bfIZ8v'
SET rowcount 10000
UPDATE [dbo].[CC_Info_T]
SET [Acct_Num_CH] = 'ayIWt6C8sgimC6t61EJ9d8BB3+bfIZ8v'
SET rowcount 0

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SQL 2012 :: Split Data From Two Columns In One Table Into Multiple Columns Of Result Table

Jul 22, 2015

So I have been trying to get mySQL query to work for a large database that I have. I have (lets say) two tables Table_One and Table_Two. Table_One has three columns: Type, Animal and TestID and Table_Two has 2 columns Test_Name and Test_ID. Example with values is below:

Type Animal TestID
Mammal Goat 1
Fish Cod 1
Bird Chicken 1
Reptile Snake 1
Bird Crow 2
Mammal Cow 2
Bird Ostrich 3

Test_name TestID
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_2 2
Test_2 2
Test_3 3

In Table_One all types come under one column and the values of all Types (Mammal, Fish, Bird, Reptile) come under another column (Animals). Table_One and Two can be linked by Test_ID

I am trying to create a table such as shown below:

Test_Name Bird Reptile Mammal Fish
Test_1 Chicken Snake Goat Cod
Test_2 Crow Cow
Test_3 Ostrich

This should be my final table. The approach I am currently using is to make multiple instances of Table_One and using joins to form this final table. So the column Bird, Reptile, Mammal and Fish all come from a different copy of Table_one.

For e.g

Test_Name AS 'Test_Name',
Table_Bird.Animal AS 'Birds',
Table_Mammal.Animal AS 'Mammal',
Table_Reptile.Animal AS 'Reptile,
Table_Fish.Animal AS 'Fish'
From Table_One

[Code] .....

The problem with this query is it only works when all entries for Birds, Mammals, Reptiles and Fish have some value. If one field is empty as for Test_Two or Test_Three, it doesn't return that record. I used Or instead of And in the WHERE clause but that didn't work as well.

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Arranging Data On Multiple Rows Into A Sigle Row (converting Rows Into Columns)

Dec 25, 2005

I have a survey (30 questions) application in a SQL server db. The application uses several relational tables. The results are arranged so that each answer is on a seperate row:
user1   answer1user1   answer2user1   answer3user2   answer1user2   answer2user2   answer3
For statistical analysis I need to transfer the results to an Excel spreadsheet (for later use in SPSS). In the spreadsheet I need the results to appear so that each user will be on a single row with all of that user's answers on that single row (A column for each answer):
user1   answer1   answer2   answer3user2   answer1   answer2   answer3
How can this be done? How can all answers of a user appear on a single row

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Rows Into Columns - Remove Duplicates And Variable Rows

Aug 5, 2014

I managed to transpose rows into columns.

ctePreAgg AS
select top 500 act_reference "ActivityRef",
row_number() over (partition by act_reference order by act_reference) as rowno,
t3.s_initials "Initials"
from mytablestuff
order by act_reference


But what I would love to do next is take each of the above rows - and return the initials either in one column with all the nulls and duplicate values removed, separated by a comma ..

ref, initials
At-2x SAS,CW
At-3x SAS,CW

OR the above but using variable number of columns based on the maximum number of different initials for each row.this is not strictly required, but maybe neater for further work on the view

ref, init1,init2
At-2x SAS,CW
At-3x SAS,CW

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Turn Columns Into Rows And Rows Into Columns

Jan 24, 2008

I have a report which is a list of items and I display everything about the item. It is great. My report table in the layout tab is simple. Header,Detail,Footer. Each Item has 65 columns. The number of items (rows) vary upon what you want to see. Example data.
Item#, Description, CaseSalePrice, Cost, BottleSalePrice, Discount
123, Grenadine, 100.00, 75.00, 15.50, 2.00
456, Lime Juice, 120.00, 81.00, 17.25, 2.00

There could be 1 item or 4000 items.

What I want to see is.

Item # - 123, 456
Description - Grenadine, Lime Juice
CaseSalePrice - 100.00, 120.00
Cost - 75.00, 81.00
BottleSalePrice - 15.50, 17.25
Discount - 2.00, 2.00

What I am actually doing is running this the top example and saving to excel. Then copying the sheet. Creating a new sheet then doing a paste special transpose and this gives the users what they want to see.

I want to grab that table object in the report layout tab and twist it 90degrees so the header is on the left, detail is in the middle and the footer is on the right. It would be perfect.

The dynamic column need is really the problem here. I never know how many items will be in the report. They all have the same basic information like description and pricing.

I am all out of creative ideas, any help would be appreciated.

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How To Return Rows 200 - 300 Of A 500 Row Result Set

Sep 6, 2000

What is the easiest way to return rows 200 through to 300 of a 500 row result set using SQL? Is there a simple way of doing this or do I need to write some Transact SQL? Any ideas would be appreciated.



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Numbering Rows In A Result Set

Nov 29, 2001

work_id Work_item_code


3 Sup

14 100001

5 100002

16 100003


9 ES3000

10 AppDev

11 100004

I want to have a counter on this select like

work_id Work_item_code counter


3 Sup 1

14 100001 2

5 100002 3

16 100003 4

8 IWSM 5

9 ES3000 6

10 AppDev 7

11 100004 8

I can use rownum in Oracle, what do I do to get this in SQL server ?

Thanks Sonali

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Additional Rows In Result

Feb 12, 2014

I have two tables that I am pulling data from to insert into a third table.

Table 1:
Organization Address Date
Name 404 St. 12/31/1999

Table 2:
Organization Software Type Quantity
Name SW1 5
Name SW2 6
Name SW3 7
Name SW4 8

My query looks something like this:

INSERT INTO Organization SW Reqs (Name, Address, Date, SW1 Quantity, SW2 Quantity, SW3 Quantity)
SELECT Table 1.Name, Table 1.Address, Table 1.Date,
(Select Table 2.Quantity Where Table 2.Software Type = 'SW1'),
(Select Table 2.Quantity Where Table 2.Software Type = 'SW2'),
(Select Table 2.Quantity Where Table 2.Software Type = 'SW3')
FROM Table 1, Table 2
WHERE Table 1.Organization = Table 2. Organization

Sadly, this query gives me four rows, one for each Software Type. I have tried putting DISTINCT after my SELECT, but that narrows it down to two rows only. I would really like to have just a one row result per organization.

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Mailing Result Set Rows

Jun 20, 2007

In the thread http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1071904&SiteID=1 mike.groh stated that you would define the result set as a data set variable through an execute sql task. He then pushed the variable out as a dataset type. (ds = CType(Dts.Variables("Email_CurrentDataset").Value, DataSet)

How would this type of object be declared as a user variable? Is it of type object? What is the logic behind converting a result set to a data set?

Specifically I am having problems with converting / casting the result set to a data set in that I am getting an error stating that it cannot convert the com object to a data.dataset class...

Imports ADODB

Imports System

Imports System.Xml

Imports System.Collections

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Math

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.DtsClient

Public Class ScriptMain

Public Sub Main()

Dim ds As DataSet

Dim dr As DataRow

Dim str As String

Dim dtm As String

Dim s As String


ds = CType(Dts.Variables("resultSet").Value, DataSet) ' <-- Error on converting

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

Catch ex As Exception

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

End Try

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How Do I Select Last 10 Rows Of The Result Set??

Jun 13, 2006

Can we select "last 10 rows" from the result set. (sql server 2000)

Something of an opposite of "top" functionality

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Combine Sql Query Result Columns?

Jun 2, 2008

This might be a question with an extremely easy answer.. I don't know but here I go.

I want a report with lets say

|A | B | C |

I can easily figure out the sql statements to find the columns A, B and C individually but how do I combine them?

so lets say I have

select cola as A from table1 where ....

select colb as B from table2...

They are not from the same table so I cannot combine them either (I cannot do select cola, colb from table1 etc.. )

How would I do this? Am I missing something?

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How Check Columns + Fields Add Result Row At END

Apr 9, 2008

hi need help from the wonderful people here
i am working on project and convert a OLD DOS program to SQL server on the web
this is the resalt i need to show

















--------------------------------------------------------add space row-------------------------

result row










i need check only the

if not show the missing A B C
like this
A on the left
B on middleC on right

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Analysis :: Count Columns Of A Result - MDX

Jun 26, 2015

I am trying to count the columns of a MDX query but I haven't yet found a solution. Below is the query 

SELECT NON EMPTY Hierarchize({DrilldownLevel({[Customer].[Customer].[All]},,,INCLUDE_CALC_MEMBERS)})
[TIME].[Year Quarter Month].[Quarter Name].&[Quarter 1, 2015],
[Measures].[Total X]

With result as

All           r  k  l   j   g  l 
7000      1 7  8  5  4  3

The All counts the total of the [Measures].[Total X] and I want to measure the number of columns that presented at the result. Unfortunately my dimension Customers doesn't connect with time dimension...

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Suppressing NULL Columns From My Result?

Sep 21, 2007

Hello guys I have a very simple query that is to be used to verify what users have access to what servers. Here it is:

/* SQL Server & Windows NT login name, security access */
USE master
SELECT name, loginname, sysadmin, securityadmin, serveradmin, setupadmin, @@SERVERNAME
FROM syslogins
WHERE status != 0
AND ((sysadmin = 1) OR (securityadmin =1) OR (serveradmin =1) OR (setupadmin = 1))

I would like to know how to stop the columns that have a null or 0 value from being returned to me. I don't want to see a bunch of 0s since almost no users do have these privaleges, I'd rather have that be hidden. Do I need to create a view for this? Thank You!

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Combine Rows In Search Result

Aug 20, 2007

In Sql Server 2005 Express I have this table:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sections](
    [SectionID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [DocumentNo] [smallint] NULL,
    [SequenceNo] [smallint] NULL,
    [SectionNo] [smallint] NULL,
    [DocumentTypeID] [smallint] NULL,
    [SectionText] [ntext] NULL)
 Each paragraph of text (SectionText) is in its own row
(SectionNo)  Each primary document has a DocumentTypeID of 1 with
three subdocument types (2=Index,  3=Background, 4=Report).I run this query and return a collection of single rows from various documents grouped together by DocumentNo:     SELECT *
    FROM Sections
    WHERE CONTAINS (SectionText, 'exercise')
    ORDER BY DocumentNo
For each row that contains the search term, I would like to
return the full document (all rows as parapraphs within one row of
returned data).  In other words, I want to reconstitute the full
document as it existed prior to being inserted into the database with
paragraph separation. For exampe, if the search term is in row 3
of DocumentNo=5, DocumentTypeID=2, I want to return all the rows of
that document in one block of text that retains paragraph format
(preferablly with a line break and carriage return between
paragraphs). How can this be done?

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Getting The Number Pf Rows In A Query Result

Sep 1, 2004

My site have a complicated search, the search give the results in two stages- the first one giving the number of results in each section:

"In the forums there is X results for the word X
In the articles there is X results...."

And when the user click one of those lines, the list shows the specific results in that section.

My problem is that I don't know how to calculate the first part, for now I use dataset, and table.rows.count to show the number of results in each section. Since my site have more then ten, it looks like a great waste to fill such large dataset (in some words it can be thousands of rows in each section) only for getting the number of rows…

Are there is a sql procedure or key word that will give me only the number of results (the number of times that specific word showing in the columns?)

Great thanks

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Different Rows Order In Result Grid

Sep 20, 2001

I have two similar servers (hardware) with
SQL Server 2000 (SP1) on Win2000 (SP2).
(sp_helpsort - default)

When I run the same SELECT statement from Query Analyzer on each machine
I get different rows order in result Grid
(the order of rows stays the same for each machine but different for
machine1 and machine2)

SELECT table1.a,

FROM table2,

WHERE table2.nTestDefnId = 1034
AND table2.nDefnId = table1.nDefnId
AND table3.szClinDiscType = 'X'
AND table2.nDiscId = table3.nDiscId

What is a reason for such behavior and how I can fix it?

Thank you in advance,

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Rows Into Column Structure - How To Get Result Set

May 19, 2014

How to get the result set:

AwardNumber AwardDt AwardType_RSS AwardQty_RSS
A1 01/01/2004 RSS 100


create table structure(

insert into structure
select 'A1','1/1/2004',null,null
union all
select null,null,'RSS',100

current output:

NULL NULL RSS 100.000000
A1 2004-01-01 00:00:00.000 NULL NULL

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Problem - Adding 2 Columns And Getting A NULL Result

Oct 25, 2006

In a query in SQL server 2005 I have a column LastName + ', ' + FirstName.All works fine except when a LastName or FirstName = NULL then the result is NULL.How do I get around this?ThanksA Newbie to SQL.  

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How To Retrieve Two Columns From Different Tables As A Single Result Set

May 16, 2008

I have two tables that have no relation. However, both have a column which has a field of nvarchar(50) that I want to retrieve together in one operation and bind to a DropDownList in a sorted fashion. So, what I'm trying to achieve is this:
1. SELECT name FROM table1
2. SELECT name FROM table2
3. Join the two results together and order them alphabetically
4. Return the result set
I'm not sure how to do this or even if it's possible. Ideally I'm hoping it can be done in a stored proc.

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SQL Server Stored Procedure&#39;s Result Columns

Aug 4, 1999

How can I find the result columns from code? Visual J++ Seems to be able to do that. ADO doesn't want to do it for me, neither does ODBC's SQLProcedureColumns().

Any solutions?

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Unique Columns In Sort By Importance Result

Dec 30, 2004

I try to search my data and sort the result by importance.

I'm using a MS Access database and my data (table1) looks like this:


1 Apples Good red apples
2 Bananas Fine yellow bananas
3 Yellow apples Great yellow apples

I want to search the data and get a result where the column "NAME" is more important than "TEXT". My SQL looks like this:


SELECT id,name,text,1 AS searchorder FROM table1 WHERE name LIKE '*yellow*'
SELECT id,name,text,2 AS searchorder FROM table1 WHERE text LIKE '*yellow*'
ORDER BY searchorder

The output is this:


3 Yellow apples Great yellow apples 1
2 Bananas Fine yellow bananas 2
3 Yellow apples Great yellow apples 2

So far so good - the order by importance works - but I do not get unique columns because of the searchorder column.

Can I fix my SQL so I get unique columns where the last line of "Yellow apples" does not appear or am I lost in space?

Best regards,
Peter from Denmark

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Rotate View - Show Result With 3 Columns In 1 Row

Jan 19, 2012

I have a view with 2 columns and 2 rows(No 1). I want to show the result with 3 columns in 1 row(No 2).

The view result :
ID | SubjectID
-- ---------
13279 | 900
13279 | 910

I want to show that result in this structure :
ID | SubjectID | SubjectID2
-- --------- ----------
13279 | 900 | 910

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Checking 2 Columns And Displaying Result In 1 Column

Apr 13, 2012

Ihave 2 tables...they are basically the same except for the column name in one of them because they deal with 2 different names, though..the data i want is in columns that have the same name.pretty much what i want to do...is .they also need to be distinct so i dont count duplicates...i can get them as separate tables...but i cant get them together..I need them in 1 column because of how it is sent to the C3 code page and how it reads it...the structure has already been previously set..and there are about 5 other statments that are being executed in this one stored procedure like this (also i wasnt the one who set this up).

image 1 is what is currently set up
imgur: the simple image sharer
top part is what is stored in tables..bottom is more of the result
it basically runs this code to get the bottom

DECLARE @invest nvarchar(50);
SET @id = '7633';
SET @invest = '';
SELECT 'a' + CONVERT(nvarchar, orderfindings.risk_rating) AS cat, COUNT(DISTINCT orderfindings.prnt_id) AS stat
FROM orderheader, orderaudits, orderfindings
WHERE orderheader.id = orderaudits.orderheader_id AND orderaudits.ID = orderfindings.prnt_id
AND orderheader.id = @id AND orderfindings.risk_rating > 0 AND orderaudits.Investor_Name LIKE '%' + @invest + '%'
GROUP BY orderfindings.risk_rating

If i want agencies instead of findings..just replace it..agencies and findings are the 2 tables..they are the pretty much identical column wise...but i want the result together..i've tried several ways..but i cant seem to get it.

image 2 - the table at the bottom is more what i'm looking for..it combines them both into 1
imgur: the simple image sharer

if an order has a finding or agency or both in it..then it gets marked as a 1 for that risk rating...if it doesnt..then 0 for that risk rating..and then sum them all up to see what i got..

I've been working with it...did this [SQL] compare2 - Pastebin.com ..got it to display 2 columns..but still not the right result...i'm getting a1 = 1...a2 = 1...so its not running through all the orders...or it needs a way to count it...i put a sum at beginning of case statement..erro because of counts...so i took counts out...

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Remove Space Between Columns In Result To Text

Sep 20, 2006


When you set the results from a query to text, very often you end up with a format like:

job_id name
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Is there a way to get rid of the extra space between two columns? Sometimes it's more than the width of my screen between columns



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To Eliminate Duplicate Rows From The Result Of The Query

May 30, 2007

Working in Sql Server 2005,got 3 different table.Need to fetch the list of persons.A person can belong to different categories.When i am using inner join
on tables i am getting the duplicate rows because a perosn can belong to different categories.I want that there should be only onoe
row for the person and the different categories he belongs to can come up in single field as comma sepatated string
Now the results are like this:
firstname lastname adress category
abc           xyz          aaa       a
abc          xyz           aaa       b
abc          xyz           aaa        c
I want like below:
abc         xyz           aaa       a,b,c
I am thinking of using cursors in the stored procedure.Can you provide me the solution of this including the stored procedure..

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Limiting Rows Returned By Result Sets

May 20, 2008

In MySQL we use "SELECT (....) LIMIT 0, 10" to only return the first 0 to 10 records. Alternatively we could do "LIMIT 10, 20" to return the 10th to 20th records.

What's the equivilent of this in SQL Server?


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Duplicate Result Rows From 2 Table Join

May 7, 2012

I am using SLQ Server 2008 R2. The database was designed by another company.

I have two tables: Client and Client_Location. In the Client table the pk is Client_ID. There is also a unique key: sys_Client_ID. Both the Client_ID and the sys_Client_ID fields exist as a foreign keys in the Client_Location table. However, the fields are not noted as unique in the Client_Location table. There are two fields in the Client_Location table that determine when the address was effective. They are from_dt and end_dt.

Multiple records have been loaded into the Client_Location table to track old as well as current addresses of clients.

I'm trying to run a report that will pull clients with a plan_id constraint from the Client table and join the Client_Location table to retrieve the current address of these clients.

My SQL is:

select distinct (a.client_id), a.cli_last AS Last_Name,
a.cli_first AS First_Name, a.cli_middle AS Mid_Init,
b.city AS City, b.county AS County, b.state AS State
from ECBH.dbo.tbl_Client a inner join ECBH.dbo.tbl_Client_Location b
on a.client_id = b.client_id
inner join ECBH.dbo.tbl_client_insurance c
on a.client_id = c.client_id
inner join ECBH_TEST.dbo.tbl_GEF_County d
on b.county = d.COUNTY_NAME
where c.plan_id = 4
order by a.cli_last, a.cli_first

Because multiple records exist in the Client_Location table, the result set has duplicates. How can I pull only the results where the from_dt is most recent?

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SQL 2012 :: Table (with Zero Rows) Not Returning Any Result

Jun 26, 2014

I am trying to run queries on a table (table has zero rows). Inspite of giving 0 rows returned the query keeps on running and I have to cancel it. I tried inserting a dummy row into the table but even the insert operation is taking too long.Every query which I hit on the table just keeps on running without giving any result.

But this is not the case with other tables in the database.They are all running fine giving proper results. But this one table is behaving funny.

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Single Row Result From Mutliple Table Rows?

Sep 19, 2007

Hi again,

I'd appreciate advice on the following. Thanks very much!

Given this Table:
fam1 |abc |XX
fam1 |def |YY

What query would return this?
fam1 |xx |yy


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