Update Table_awhere Records Are Not Matching From Table_b

Jan 18, 2008

Hi Gurus!!!
I have two tables tabl_a and tbl_b
now tbl_a has some records which are not in tbl_b. I want to update tbl_b with records in tbl_a
tbl_a tbl_b
a a
b b
c c
d d
Now I want to update tbl_b with records 'x', 'y', 'z'. I want to keep the matching record just untouched.
Something similar.
How can I do that???
Thanks in advance!!!

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Update Records Matching Multiple Criteria

Feb 13, 2008

I have an 'update' query that looks like this:

update wce_contact
set blank = 'missing'
where website in ('www.name1.co.uk','www.name2.co.uk','www.name3.co.uk')

I know this query will set 'blank' to missing when it matches the above websites. However if i wanted to set blank to 'missing' where mail1date is not null and mail2date is not null (keep going to mail18date not null) how exactly would i go about this?

I guess it would be a case of adding another bracket somewhere but im unsure?

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Returning Matching/Non Matching Records

Feb 4, 2007

Hi All

I have a strange request that might not be possible based on the laws of relational databases but I thought I'd give it a try.

I have three tables which for simplicity I will call A, B and C. Table A contains my master records, Table B contains user details and the final table contains some extra data

In my initial search when joining A and B, I return 100 records. I then need to search in table C for these 100 records based on a criteria. the expected result should return all 100 rows for the ones that match and also the ones that do not match. The problem is that in Table C, not all the 100 IDs exist, so there will not be a corresponding record. Unfortunately, our users still want to see all 100 records in the output. Is this possible

As always any help or direction would be appreciated.

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Most Matching Records

Oct 5, 2007

This is a where clause I am using in a search.
 WHERE (ADDRESS_STREET LIKE '%' + @Search + '%' )
I am trying to do a search which returns the most matching record. For example if I have a record with Denver  as text . If I search for Denvr the spell error is intended , I will not get the result. How can I create a stored procedure to counter probable spelling errors and return  matching results in a ranked order.

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Getting Matching Records

Jun 14, 2006


I have the following table:

Sheet --- Cycle

Init SC --- 89
Post NCOA --- 89
Post Supp --- 89
Revised Final State Counts --- 89
Revised Final State Counts --- 94

Since "Revised Final State Counts" appears in both cycles 89 & 94. How can I query the table so that I only get that 1 record?


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Number Of Records Shown Are Not Matching

Sep 12, 2013

There is something I don't understand. When I use join

SELECT r.CHECK_NUMBER, i.orig_file

I am getting 76 orig_file records

But when I do

SELECT r.CHECK_NUMBER, i.orig_file
from (AP_INVOICEDOCS i right outer join AP_DETAIL_REG r on r.PAYABLE_ID= i.PAYABLE_ID)

I am showing only 8 records under i.orig_file column and I am not sure why. What I need is to get all the AP_INVOICEDOCS in the matching orig_file records.

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Return Non-matching Records On Two Fields

Jan 18, 2008

Here is a very basic question that I have.

I have two tables, A and B. Both have a customernumber and a batchid. This combination is unique in both tables.

How can I pull back the records from table A that do not have a corresponding combination in B?

I know I could find the ones that do match and then exclude them using an inner join and subquery, but is there a simpler way?


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Returning Only Non Matching Left Join Records

Mar 3, 2015

How to return only non matching left join records. Currently I am doing a traffic management database to learn sql.

I am checking for all parishes with no associated drivers. Currently I only have 2 of such.

The regular left join

select parish.name, driver.fname from parish left join driver on driver.parish=parish.name

Returns the all the names of the parishes and the first name of the associated drive, followed by the matches, however the two parishes with no matches have null for the first name.

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Delete All Records In TblA Not Matching In TblB

Jul 23, 2005

I'm hoping someone can tell me how to construct a stored procedure thatdeletes all records in tblA not matching the PK in tblBThis gives me the recordset of all records in tblA with no matchingrecords in tblB (ID is the PK in tblB)SELECT a.IDFROM dbo.tblB bRIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblA a ON b.ID = a.IDWHEREb.ID IS NULLthanks,lq

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Delete Records Not Matching Top25 In GroupBy

Jul 23, 2005

I have a table (tblA) that records the RecordID, UserID andLastViewedDate (DateTime) of each record opened in tblB where RecordIDis the PK in tblB. I want to construct a query that groups all recordsin tblA by RecordID, filters by UserID and keeps only the most recent25 RecordIDs and deletes the rest.This gets me a recordset of all RecordIDs filtered by UserID in tblAbut I can't figure out how to sort it by LastViewedDate DESC and toeliminate those not in the Top25:SELECT RecordIDFROM dbo.tblAWHERE (UserID = 1234)GROUP BY RecordIDAny help is appreciated!lq

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Matching Records Using Business Intelligence Studio

Feb 17, 2007


I have a database with thousands of records that contain personal details of customers. Some of these records pertain to the same customer - however, they have been submitted by different people, so they differ slightly in detail.

I've been looking to see if any of the data mining tools provided by Business Intelligence Studio in SQL Server 2005 will enable me to achieve a high degree of accuracy in matching records that pertain to the same customer. From what I can see, these tools seem more suited to making general predictions based on large groupings rather than the kind of precise prediction I am looking for.

So I'd appreciate it if anyone could tell me if there is any way I could use Business Intelligence Studio to match these 'duplicate' records together, or whether I will have to create a more SQL-based solution which attempts to match the customer records using SELECT statements and making assumptions about the data.



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Matching Relational Records. Is It Possible Using Data Minig?

Jun 20, 2006

I am working on a price comparison system which matches the best prices for a purchase (or an order) from exisiting purchase data.
The order is stored in multiple tables including order details (stores major items purchased: e.g., PC) and order sub-details (optional items purchased with the major items: e.g., speakers, backup device, webcam etc.).
There could be a number of major items in an order and each major item could have multiple related sub items. The other variables that affect the price include trade-ins if any, sales going on at the time of order, number of units etc.

Now, for any new configuration (major items/related sub items), the system should be able to return a list of previous purchases made with similar configurations, and similar variables (quatities, trade-ins etc). Even if the same model is not present, similar pcs by the same vendor should be considered. etc etc.

Is this possible using Data mining?
If yes, which algorithm is recommended?

Also, can I assign/modify any kind of weights to certain variables (if same model: .6 ; if same model not available but pcs made by same manufacturer available: .3 ; by other manufacturers: .1)?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Update If Matching Data (Maybe No PK)

Feb 4, 2015

Basically without going into too much detail, our company gets databases arriving and put onto our systems which have been made my other organizations with no guarantee of what the primary key is or if this is one at all.

I should probably give my main problem in an example for clarity:

Currently I have a .csv file full of data that needs to be put into say TableA. However I do not know if TableA has a primary key or not, or if the file that needs to be inserted into TableA contains duplicate data. I have the importer sorted that does this if you ignore the problem of duplicate data, however what I would like is an MS SQL query that does the following (but I cannot figure it out):

Assuming we are reading through the file line-by-line and a check is performed each time:

1.If there is a line with a primary key in the file that matches a primary key in TableA in the database update that row in the database with the line in the file.

2. If there is no primary key on the table and there is an exact data match between the line in the file and a row in the database then update it.

3. If neither 1 or 2 are successful then just insert the data.

Obviously the potential lack of a PK here makes things a lot more convoluted.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Pattern Matching (positive Across Records - Negative Within A Field)

Jan 6, 2015

I am doing some analysis on our customer base and their payment profiles. I have generated two profile strings, one for whether the balance of an account has gone up or down and one for the size of the balance in relation to the normal invoice amount for the customer. So (for example) the balance movement string will look like this:

UUUDUUUDUUUD-D00 Where U = Up, D = Down, - = no change and 0 = no change and no balance

I want to analyse these strings in two ways. The first is that I want to find customers with a similar pattern: in the example below the first and last patterns are the same, just one out of sync but should be considered the same

Movement Multiple CountRecords

The second type of analysis is to find customers whose pattern has changed: in the examples above the patterns are repeated and therefore 'normal' in the records below the patterns have changed in that the first part does not match the second part.

Movement Multiple CountRecords

good way to approach this without either a cursor or a hidden REBAR. The challenge as I see it is that I have to interrogate every string to find out if there is a repeating pattern and if so where it starts and how long it is (heuristic because some strings will start with a repeating pattern and then the pattern may change or deteriorate) and then compare the string for N groups of repeating characters to see if and when it changes and I can't think of an efficient method to do this in SQL because it is not a set based operation.

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UPDATE On Table Based On Matching Columns

Apr 8, 2008

I have 4 rows below in file tblTEST, and I want to be able to transfer the CODE from the MAIN location to the INT location (replacing all existing "A" codes), preceeded by an "I".

-- ----- ------
11 INT A
22 INT A

I want the result to be:

-- ----- ------

I am stumped as to how to do this - any help or advice would be appreciated.

The only thing I've come up with is:

SET s.code = B.code
FROM tbltest B
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbltest S ON B.id = S.id
WHERE (S.loc = 'INT')

But when I run it, it says "0 rows affected".

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Help With How To Send E-Mail (Parent - Child Matching Records) From SQL 2005 Stored Procedure.

Oct 31, 2007

Folks,Using NorthWind as Example: Parent Table derived from: Categories. I added a new Column E-Mail and Selecting rows where Category Id <=3. Here is my Data.

Category ID
Category Name
Category E-mail



 Child Table derived from: Products. I am Selecting rows where Category Id <=3. Here is my Sample Data.

Category ID
Product Name
Quantity Per Unit

24 - 12 oz bottles

Côte de Blaye
12 - 75 cl bottles

Ipoh Coffee
16 - 500 g tins

Outback Lager
24 - 355 ml bottles

Aniseed Syrup
12 - 550 ml bottles

Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix
36 boxes

Louisiana Hot Spiced Okra
24 - 8 oz jars

Northwoods Cranberry Sauce
12 - 12 oz jars

10 pkgs.

Gumbär Gummibärchen
100 - 250 g bags

24 - 50 g pkgs.

Scottish Longbreads
10 boxes x 8 pieces

Sir Rodney's Scones
24 pkgs. x 4 pieces

Tarte au sucre
48 piesI would like to read 1st Category Id, Category E-Mail from Categories Table (ie. Category Id = 1),  find that in Products Table. If match, extract matching records for that Category from Both Tables (Categories.CategoryID, Products.ProductName, Products.QuantityPerUnit) and e-mail them based on E-Mail Address from Parent (Categories ) Table. If no E-Mail Address is listed, do not create output file. In this instance Category Id = 3.Basically I want to select 1st record from Parent Table (Here is Category) and search for all matching Products in Products Table. And Create an E-mail and sending just those matching records. Repeat the same process for remaining rows from Categories Table. I am expecting my E-Mail Output like this: For Category Id: 1

Category ID
Product Name
Quantity Per Unit

24 - 12 oz bottles

Côte de Blaye
12 - 75 cl bottles

Ipoh Coffee
16 - 500 g tins

Outback Lager
24 - 355 ml bottlesFor Category Id: 2

Category ID
Product Name
Quantity Per Unit

Aniseed Syrup
12 - 550 ml bottles

Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix
36 boxes

Louisiana Hot Spiced Okra
24 - 8 oz jars

Northwoods Cranberry Sauce
12 - 12 oz jarsI am not extracting the Data for any user Interface (ie. Grid View/Form View Etc). I will just create a Command Button in an ASP.NET 2.0 form to extract Data. My Tables are in SQL 2005. I was thinking to read the Category records in a Data Reader and within the While Loop, call a SP to retrieve the matching records from Products Table. If matching records found, call System SP_Mail to send the E-mail. The drawback with that for every category records (Within While Loop) I need to call my SP to get Products Data. Will be OVERKILL? Ideally I would like extract my records with one call to a SP. Is there any way I can run a while loop inside the SP and extract Child Data based on Parent Record?  Any Help or sample URL, Tutorial Page will be appreciated.  Thanks

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Integration Services :: Additional Option In The Lookup (Fail Component On Matching Records)?

Nov 4, 2015

I have an Excel file which contains some data. I want to load that into a SQL server Table. Here are my conditions :

1. If the table doesn't have any matching records from the Excel file, then my DFT should load the data from that Excel to the Dest Table.

2. If the table has even one or more matching records, then the DFT should not process at all, instead I should send an email to the business stating that there are some matching records and hence the package is not process...ed.

P.S. If i use Lookup, I have two matching and non-matching output. which will process the non matching records into the table and matching can be redirected to any flat/Excel file. But i don't want to do this. I just want to lookup the Sql Server table and excel.

It'll be good if there is an additional option in the Lookup "Fail component on matching records".

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SQL Server 2012 :: CROSS APPLY Returning Records From Left Recordset Even When No Matching Record In Right One

Oct 7, 2014

Following is the query that I'm running:

create table a (id int, name varchar(10));
create table b(id int, sal int);
insert into a values(1,'John'),(1,'ken'),(2,'paul');
insert into b values(1,400),(1,500);

select *
from a
cross apply( select max(sal) as sal from b where b.id = a.id)b;

Below is the result for the same:

idname sal

Now I'm not sure why the record with ID 2 is coming using CROSS APPLY, shouldn't it be avoided in case of CROSS APPLY and only displayed when using OUTER APPLY.

One thing that I noticed was that if you remove the Aggregate function MAX then the record with ID 2 is not shown in the output. I'm running this query on SQL Server 2012.

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I Want To Transfer ONLY New Records AND Update Any Modified Records From Oracle Into SQL Server Using DTS

Jul 23, 2005

I need a little help here..I want to transfer ONLY new records AND update any modified recordsfrom Oracle into SQL Server using DTS. How should I go about it?a) how do I use global variable to get max date.Where and what DTS task should I use to complete the job? Data DrivenQuery? Transform data task? How ? can u give me samples. Perhaps youcan email me the Demo Package as well.b) so far, what I did was,- I have datemodified field in my Oracle table so that I can comparewith datelastrun of my DTS package to get new records- records in Oracle having datemodified >Max(datelastrun), and transferto SQL Server table.Now, I am stuck as to where should I proceed - how can I transfer theserecords?Hope u can give me some lights. Thank you in advance.

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Transact SQL :: Update Table With Its Value And Data From Row In Temp Table For Matching Record?

Oct 25, 2015

I have a temp table like this

  ID int,
  Source varchar(50),
  Date datetime,
  CID varchar(50),
  Segments int,
  Air_Date datetime,


Getting Error

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure PublishToDestination, Line 34 Incorrect syntax near 'd'.

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Update Records

Aug 15, 2007

Here is my question if anyone can help...

I have two tables

Table 1


Table 2


I would like to update Table 1 with the data from Table 2. Here is my problem..Lets say that I have two records in Table 2 that have the same policyNumber but two different NewEmpNames, it only takes the first. In other words, a single policynumber can be moved to a New EmpName and then again later on to another NewEmpName adn even again if need be

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Update Of Records From Other Tables

Sep 11, 2000

I am trying to update a field within one table with the values from another table. With the criteria that another field in each table are equal. What is the correct way to do this. My syntax is all wrong.


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Update Child Records Help

Oct 5, 2004

Please help

I have table1 which has many unique ID numbers and table2 that has many records for each ID. some of the ID numbers in table1 have changed and I have created a translation table (table3) that links the old and new ID numbers.

What I need to do is some sort of update sql statement that updates all the records in table2 changing all the oldID numbers to the new ones using the translation table.

Table1 and table2 are not linked...can anyone help me with the sql statement


Table 1
12345 Joe
12346 Mary
12347 David

12345 hello
12345 goodbye
12346 hello
12347 goodbye
12346 hello
12346 goodbye

12345 54321
12347 74321

need to change the IDNUM in Table2 to 54321 where IDNUM = 12345 and same with 12347..Need to do this for many many IDs but not all.

Thanks very much

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Insert And Update Records

Feb 4, 2008

Good day to all, I am new here so i hope i am doing things correctly.

The Company i work for make coils of shaped wire and work a 6 - 6 shift pattern

I have a database that is updated from a data collection source (MS Access) at 06:00 every morning. This seems to be working ok, my problem is that most coils fit nicely into the 6 - 6 shift pattern, but some now and again drift over into the next shift. I have written a crystal report that picks up this data. at the moment the coils are put in the database as: [Coil Start Time], [Coil Finish Time], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], etc.

I have written (been helped to write) a SQL statement that will do the following:

Step 1: If the Coil Finish time is greater than the shift end time, then set the shit end time to be coil end time and zero start and finish wheight.
Step 2: The original Coil record is duplicated and Coil Start time set to start time of shift, all other data left alone.

Example of code:


SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID], [Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18) OR
((DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18))
SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], DATEADD(hour, 17, DATEADD(minute, 59, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch End], 101))), 0, 0, [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID],
[Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 18 AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18)
SELECT [Batch Name], DATEADD(hour, 18, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch Start], 101)), [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift],
[Operator ID], [Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 18 AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18)
SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], DATEADD(hour, 5, DATEADD(minute, 59, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch End], 101))), 0, 0, [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID],
[Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18
SELECT [Batch Name], DATEADD(hour, 6, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch Start], 101)), [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift],
[Operator ID], [Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18


I have 2 options now

option 1:
Leave this as a SQL View and report from this

option 2:
Insert updated records to the tblCoilData table so that the data in the table is permanent

I would prefer option 2 but am a bit of a nugget when it comes to writing update / insert statements, Could someone please help me with this

Thank you very kindly


Steve Dyson

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Update On Mulitple Records

Feb 17, 2004

I Have three tables

taskid, taskname, projectid, workid

projectid, projectname
1, project1
2, project2
3, project3

workid, workname

I need to do an update this way

Update the taskname as 'projectname' + '_' + 'workname' for any projectid.
projectname and workname coming from the projectid and workid in the task record

so the task table becomes

I can get all the records doing this

SELECT p.projectname+ ' ' + w.workname AS 'NEWNAME'
FROM task t
JOIN work w
ON t.workid = w.workid
JOIN project p
ON t.projectid = p.projectid
WHERE projectid = 2

how do i do an UPDATE?

any help is appreciated

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How To Update 2 Records On 1 Field

Aug 20, 2013

I have this code

I want to update nilai = total where kd_bulan = 9 and nilai = 0 where kd_bulan = 12

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Update Top 25 Records In Table

Sep 23, 2013

I'm having a problem with the syntax for doing an update to the top 25 records in my table.... This is what i have...

UPDATE TOP (25) FROM ud402.jd_mcp_master SET comments = 'MONDAY 092313 ' WHERE QUEUE_NAME = 'JD_Testing' ORDER BY DATE_WORKED ;

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What To Update The Duplicate Records

Jul 11, 2007


i want to update the second row of the c column.can any one help me in this . this is the sample records.
a b c

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Update Take Too Long On Some Records.

Mar 31, 2008

Hi all,

I have confusing problem here. My table which have about 150.000 rows have problem with updates on 15 rows.

It's access application which connect to sql server 2005 database. Access gets error:
"ODBC --update on linked table 'MyTable2 failed"

If i try to update on sql it's take couple minutes to update.
Evrything else on that table is ok.

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How To Do An Update On Existing Records?

Jul 20, 2005

I have one table of new records (tableA) that may already exist intableB. I want to insert these records into tableB with insert if theydon't already exist, or update any existing ones with new data if theydo already exist. A column (Action) in tableA already tells me whetherthis is an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. I'm able to derive that I can doan insert withselect * into tableB from tableA where Action = 'INSERT'....and I think I can handle the delete.But I'm stuck on the update. How do I do the update? An ordinaryUPDATE statement just won't do unless I use a cursor to cycle throughthe recordset. I want to avoid a cursor.

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Use Db-lib To Update Database Records

Jul 20, 2005

How to use db-lib to update/insert database records without using SQLlanguage. I want to change the value of the data individually withoutplugging in the new values in the SQL language then execute it. Theperfect situation for me is loop through the retrieved records thenedit the values individually until EOF.Thanks,Carlo

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Update ID Field Of All Records

Aug 29, 2007

Hi everyone,

I'm fairly basic in SQL and I was wondering if it was possible to update the id field of a certain table in all records of that table. And to update the links to those ids in other tables.

Hope you understand and thanks in advance,

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All The Records Update Or Just Half?

May 26, 2008

update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 1
update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 2

like the subject, all or half? thanks

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