Update To A Random Number?

Nov 27, 2004


How can I update my users table and set the password field to a random number or string.


update tbl_users set password='a way to generate a random number say between 2000 and 100000 for example'

even better would be a randomly generated alphanumeric string.

All help much appreciated.



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Random Number

Apr 15, 2002

Generates a true random number from xxx to zzz. Uses a table variable so it all depends on the boundaries you specify how long it will take.

create procedure random_number
@lower int = 0,
@upper int = 256,
@number int = null output
set nocount on

declare @numbers table (number_id int identity(1,1), value int)

if @lower > @upper
set @number = @lower
set @lower = @upper
set @upper = @number

set @number = rand((datepart(mm, getdate()) * 100000) + (datepart(ss, getdate()) * 1000) + datepart(ms, getdate()))

while (select count(*)
from @numbers) < (@upper - @lower + 1)
insert into @numbers (value)
select (@upper - @lower + 1) * rand() + @lower

select @number = value
from @numbers
order by newid()

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Random Number

Oct 8, 2005

I need to update an integer column in my table with a random number. Here's what I've done so far (with the table name and column names changed):

UPDATE dbo.MyTable
SET Column1 = RAND() * 1000000

My question is, how come the values in my column all have the same value? I thought the RAND function gives out a random number? How can I update my table to generate random numbers?

Thanks in advance.

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Random Number Generator

Feb 23, 2005

i have an application that uses a table for login access, for security reason i need to get a random numbers in this table daily. table consist of just two columns, userid and password. This table will be printed out on the web for users to get valid username and pw daily.
I m thinking about a job or dts package that will run once daily with a sql script to generate random number (referable 5 digit-letters and numbers), delete the table and re-create the table with same set column names and insert the random values in username and pw column.
Will appreciate help on this


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How To Generate Random Number For The Value In Th

Aug 2, 2007

How to create random number for the value in other colum. Please help and urgent

I have a table with 4 column ( ID, Ori_Quantity, Rand_Quantity, Location)

If Ori_quantity < 5000 then
Rand_quanty as qty = I want Random number within 100
Else If Ori_quantity = 0 or < 10 then
Rand_quanty as qty = I want Random number within 7
End if

From tblname where Location = 'DAS'

I have around 2500 field. So when I run the query I expect the result should be
like below

Ori_Quantity, Rand_Quantity
------------ -------------
4000 90
2986 57
2500 89

I don't want to pass any parameter and I am new. Please help

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Random Number-9 Digits Only

Mar 25, 2008


I need to generate random numbers that will always contain 9 digits.
How can I do that?

Whisky-my beloved dog who died suddenly on the 29/06/06-I miss u so much.

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How To Gnerate A Random ID Number

Jun 9, 2007

I just wana make a random id number based on4 digits-for examples??Thanks in AdvanceCh.Yallin

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Random Number Generator

Sep 28, 2007

In a Name table, I need to generate unique 6 digit random numbers in a field called UniqueID for all records that have the ID field populated.
I will need to run this script periodically. It is critical that any prevoiusly assigned UniqueIDs do not change and only fields that have an empty UniqueID field are updated. I need to preserve the historical mapping of the existing IDs to the ongoing assignment of UniqueIDs.


Polar Bear

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Build Random Phone Number.

Jan 15, 2005

I'm building a test database and I need to randomly create phone numbers in the format xxxxxxxxxx

I have 5000 contacts and need to generate fake phone numbers for them. anyone know how I can write an update query to do this?


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Generate Random And Unique Number Within Sql ?

Dec 11, 2007

I need to generate a random 10 digit alphanumeric string that is also unique within a table. My application will be calling a stored procedure to insert this number into the table. This number will be associated with a id from another table. Is it better to generate the random number within sql (and perform the lookup at the same time), then just pass the number back to the calling application ?

If the calling application generates the number, it will also need to make a call to check if its unique. So im thinking it would be best to simply have sql generate this random number, check the number against the table and then insert the new record.

thoughts ?

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Transact SQL :: Set Unique Random Number

Dec 1, 2015

Lets say we have a table (tblProducts)

ID   Item             RandomNumber
1    JEANS                      1234567
2    SHIRT                    72813550
3    HOOD                             Null
4    TROUSER               72191839
5    BLAZER                              0

I want to perform a query so that SQL should look for RandomNumber Values and set a Unique Random Number Where RandomNumber Value is Null or 0.So I have got a solution as one of the MSDN Member shared the below query

select id,item,RandomNumber=Case when RandomNumber=0 then (select floor(rand()*100000000-1))
when RandomNumber is null then (select floor(rand()*100000000-1))
else RandomNumber end from tblProducts

So, can you all confirm me, that performing this query ensures that if a Value is assigned to one of the Item in RandomNumber Column, that value will not be assignend to any other Item in RandoNumberColumn.

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Random Number Procedure Problems!

Sep 7, 2006

Hey Guys, I have a quick stored
procedure question for you. I created a procedure that returns a randomly
generated number.

I know there is a built in
Rand() function but I need to be able to
specify the range. Anyways, it€™s returning multiple numbers (1 for each row in
the tempTable)
But I just want one number returned.
I tried using MAX( ) but that€™s not a good way of doing it.

My question is, how do I return just
one record or number?





DECLARE @Start_Num int

DECLARE @End_Num int

DECLARE @ReturnValue
DECLARE @CurrentRec

SET @Start_Num=1


CREATE TABLE #tblTemp (CurrentRecNo
int IDENTITY(1,1), RandomNumber int null)

SET @MyCount = ( @End_Num -
@Start_Num ) + 1
SET @CurrentRec = 1

WHILE @CurrentRec <= @MyCount

SET @RecNum
= CAST((RAND() * @MyCount) AS int) + @Start_Num

#tblTemp (RandomNumber) VALUES (@RecNum)
@CurrentRec = @CurrentRec + 1


@ReturnValue = (SELECT RandomNumber FROM



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How To Assign Random Number To One Column For 500 Records?

Aug 4, 2005

I try to set up a testing sample table which contain one  integer project_ID field for table Sample around 500 records, and want the project_ID to be random number within 1 to 99, how to implement script todo it?

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How To Generate Random UNIQUE 13 Digit Number?

Aug 22, 2007


I have a sql procedure. I need to create UNIQUE random 13 digit number to use for barcode.

How do I generate 13 digit UNIQUE random in sql procedure?

Advance thanks

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Transact SQL :: How To Assign Random Number Between 0 And 1 To A Record

Nov 17, 2015

I need to assign a random number between 0 and 1 to all eligible cases of cancer. 

I have a file of records like:

How can I assign a random number to each record?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Generate Random Number In Range

Oct 3, 2015

I have a function which generate random number in range :


If you run this script you always get result between 1 and 4

SELECT dbo.Func_Rand(4, NEWID())

BUT, in this script sometimes have no result !!!!!!! why??

WHERE dbo.Func_Rand(4, NEWID()) IN ( 1, 2, 3, 4 )

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Update With Random Numbers

Jan 2, 2008

I have a table with a field called "host" and I want to replace the value of this column in each row with 'Host' followed by a random number. I have created the below function to do this:
DECLARE @Random varchar;
SELECT @Random = CONVERT(int, (20+1)*RAND())+ 1;
UPDATE AnalogLines Set [Host Name] = 'Host' + @Random
This sorta works... the problem is, the random number is determine and then the SAME random  number is applied to each row. I need a different random number for every row. Any ideas?

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Random Error 513 Insert Or Update Conflicts With Previous Create Rule

Jan 4, 2007


I use ODBC driver to perform SQLServer commands from C/C++ application.

An "INSERT INTO <table> (<column>) VALUES (NULL)" command has a random behavior in a SQL2000 Server running on WindowsXP.

The <column> in this command has 2 definitions about the NULL value :

- the NULL is accepted in the table definition, with <column> ut_oui_non NULL".

- the NULL is rejected in the type definition, with EXEC sp_addtype ut_oui_non, 'char(1)', 'NOT NULL' and a rule to check values with '0' or '1'

1/ The column definition in any explorer show the NULL from table deffinition

2/ The "INSERT INTO" is completed in SQL Query tool, used on Windows2000 and WindowsXP computers, connected to the same SQL2000 server.

3/ The "INSERT INTO" is completed in the application, running on Windows2000 with an ODBC driver to the same SQL2000 server.

4/ The "INSERT INTO" is rejected in the application, running on WindowsXP witjh an ODBC driver to the same SQL2000 server. The error 513 means that INSERT VALUES conflicts with previous rule. So only the type definition seems to be used.

But :

5/ This is a random error, and some INSERT with the same values in this column are completed.

6/ This random error seems to be discarded by using the "Use NULLs, paddings and warnings ANSI" checkbox in the ODBC driver user source configuration.

This checkbox is only use for enforcing the ANSI syntax in SQL commands, and has no known effect on type checking.

Do you know about any conflict of column NULL value between a type definition and a table definition ?

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Returning Random Records And NOT Similar (random Questions)

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I need to extract randomly 5 records from the table "Questions". Now I useSELECT TOP 5 FROM Questions ORDERBY NEWID()And it works. The problem is that I need an additional thing: if SQLextracts record with ID=4, then it should not extract record with ID=9,because they are similar. I mean, I'd like something to tell SQL that if itextracts some questions, then it SHOULD NOT extract other ones.How can I do it?Thanks!Luke

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Mutiple Random Source To Mutiple Respective Destination - Update And Insert

Sep 5, 2007

Hello All

Firstly thanks a lot Phil and Jamie on such a helpful article on "Checking to see if a record exists and if so update else insert"

Here is my question

I have about 10 tables and there respective working tables
For examples: A, B, C, D, E.... and WorkA, WorkB, WorkC....

1) When I execute a package these work table (Work A, WorkB ...) get populated with certain rows say about 5
2) Its not that all the work table are populated on every execution.
3) Tables A, B, C... have thousands of records in it.
4) Work table is of same structure as there parent table..Like WorkA same structure as A.....
5) The table A and WorkA and as on... are linked with a KeyID

Now I want to build a SSIS package that can
1) Get the the data from these multiple tables(WorkA, WorkB...)
2) Process each row of these tables WorkA, WorkB..
3) Depending upon the KEYID of WorkA., WorkB.. etc Update a Flag colunm of table A, B...where the KeyID is equal to KeyID of Work Table
4) After updating insert that processed row of Work A, WorkB ...into Table A, B..

I can do this if I have one source table and one destination table. Here i have some say 10 randomly source tables to respective random destination .
All I could think of creating 10 different packages as adviced in Jamie's article. But I am sure there might some other alternative.

Can somebody advice me the best practice of doing this. Thanks a lot in advance

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URGENT - Random 10 From Random 20 (2 Tbls)

Oct 14, 2004

I'm using ASP and SQL Serv 2000. What I need to get from 2 tables (company & customers) is random 10 customers from random 20 comp.
Anyone got an idea how to do this??? I've spent 2 days trying to get stored proc. or T-SQL to work, but nothing good came out of it. I can get 1 comp and 10 cust, but not a grouped list of 20 comp. w/ 10 cust. each.

Help is greatly appreciated.

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I Need To Update A Table With Random Numbers Or Sequential Numbers

Mar 11, 2008

I have a table with a column ID of ContentID. The ID in that column is all NULLs. I need a way to change those nulls to a number. It does not matter what type of number it is as long as they are different. Can someone point me somewhere with a piece of T-SQL that I could use to do that. There are over 24000 rows so cursor change will not be very efficient.

Thanks for any help

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Update Is Dropping A Number

Jan 20, 2007

I'm having a problem updating my Client profile table. I intially put
the data in with the "INSERT" SQL command that part works great. but
when I retrive the data to edit the profile it returns the correct
details and phone numbers. The problem is when I use the "UPDATE" SQL
command it saves all the data correctly except for the mobile phone
number which it drops off the last number all the time. Field sizes etc
are okay. Any help appreaciated

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Update Number In Column

Sep 9, 2013

I have table

id, series, seriesnr

and data


how to update table so seriesnr would be incremental , like


if i use

update x set seriesnr=select max(seriesnr) from x

then i got same seriesnr for all rows like max was calculated only one time on the begining not on each row update(why is that itseem so illogical)


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Sequential Number In An Update

Oct 27, 2006

this is a slight change to a fequently asked question around here. Ihave a table which contains a "sortorder" column where a user canspecify some arbitrary order for records to be displayed in. Usershave sometimes ordered records the way we used to number lines in aBASIC program (10,20,30, etc.). I'd like to do an update query and fixthis so that every record is in sequential order. I found an examplein this newsgroup of how to do this.However, I have a slight problem! Sometimes, the users duplicated thesortorders. So for example, I might have two records were thesortorder is 20. The query I found in this newsgroup does not work inthat case. Here is some code so that you can see what I mean.create table sorttest (label char(5),sortorder int)goinsert sorttest values ('joe',20)insert sorttest values ('dan',10)insert sorttest values ('jim',44)insert sorttest values ('tom',20)insert sorttest values ('jan',50)-- data dumpselect label, sortorder from sorttest order by sortorder-- I'd like to fix all of the sortorder fields so that they aresequentialupdate sorttestset sortorder = (select count(*)from sorttest subquerywhere sorttest.sortorder <= subquery.sortorder)-- note that tom and joe BOTH HAVE SORTORDER = 4select label, sortorder from sorttest order by sortorderdrop table sorttestThanks in advance for any help.

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How To UPDATE A Variable Number Of Columns

Feb 6, 2008

Hi, I need to update a number of columns in a number of tables - I just don't know how many. In this case, I am updating all varchar fields and nvarchar fields to be converted to lower case. The problem is that the table structure is amended over time as columns are added programmatically, so I do not know which tables have which columns and if so which of them are varchars.

I can get a table of which fields I need to update using:

INTO tblTempLCase
FROM information_schema.columns

and I can do the update with UPDATE tblxxx SET column = LOWER(column)

But what I don't know is how to step through my temporary table and do the updates. I can do it in ASP.NET, but that involves pushing commands and data between ASP and SQL, and will be too slow. How do I do it in SQL?


Dave Stephens

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How To UPDATE A Variable Number Of Columns

Feb 6, 2008


I need to update a number of columns within a number of tables - I just don't know how many. In this case, I want to convert all varchar and nvarchar columns to lower-case versions of themselves. The problem is that the table structure is changed programatically, and so at any point in time I cannot be certain what fields are in which table, and what data type they are.

I know that I can get a lit of columns using:

INTO tblTempLCase
FROM information_schema.columns

and do the update using:

UPDATE tblABCDE SET column = LOWER(column).

In ASP.NET I can pull in this temporary table using a SQL Data Adapter, and then step through the records to formulate the UPDATE statements and execute them all. However, I hope that this is possible in SQL too, so that I do not have to keep firing data/commands between ASP and SQL, as it should be quicker, and is also neater.

If so, how do you do it?


Dave Stephens

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How To UPDATE A Variable Number Of Columns

Feb 6, 2008


I need to update a number of columns within a number of tables - I just don't know how many. In this case, I want to convert all varchar and nvarchar columns to lower-case versions of themselves. The problem is that the table structure is changed programatically, and so at any point in time I cannot be certain what fields are in which table, and what data type they are.

I know that I can get a lit of columns using:

INTO tblTempLCase
FROM information_schema.columns

and do the update using:

UPDATE tblABCDE SET column = LOWER(column).

In ASP.NET I can pull in this temporary table using a SQL Data Adapter, and then step through the records to formulate the UPDATE statements and execute them all. However, I hope that this is possible in SQL too, so that I do not have to keep firing data/commands between ASP and SQL, as it should be quicker, and is also neater.

If so, how do you do it?


Dave Stephens

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Transact SQL :: Update Column With Row Number

Jul 23, 2015

I have a Users Table. It is full of users already and I would like to start using the UserPIN in the software (this is an nvarchar column).

I would like to update the UserPIN column with the row_number. All of my efforts have resulted in setting the UserPIN to 1 for every record.  I just want an update query that fill the UserPIN column in sequential order.

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Update Column With Sequence Number Every Time

Sep 25, 2006

hello friends

i want to update one column from my table regularly on sequence number i.e. 0,1,2,3,4,5

i created procedure but it is not working as per my output

declare @IndexIDGen int
declare @ID int
set @ID = 0
update temp_test set indexid = NULL
declare IndexIDGen cursor for select indexid from temp_test
open IndexIDGen
FETCH Next from IndexIDGen into @IndexIDGen
while @@fetch_status = 0
update temp_test set indexid = @ID where indexid is null

set @ID = @ID + 1
print @id
fetch next from IndexIDGen into @IndexIDGen

close IndexIDGen
deallocate IndexIDGen

where i am going in wrong direction ??????


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How To Get Return Value For The Number Of Rows Affected By Update Command

Apr 11, 2004


i read from help files that "For UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements, the return value is the number of rows affected by the command. " Anyone know how to get the return value from the query below?

Below is the normal way i did in vb.net, but how to check for the return value. Please help.

Public Sub CreateMySqlCommand(myExecuteQuery As String, myConnection As SqlConnection)
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(myExecuteQuery, myConnection)
End Sub 'CreateMySqlCommand

Thank you.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Update The Document Number Row For 3k Rows?

Aug 4, 2015

I have a table where I would like to update the document number row for 3k rows. The problem I have is that the documents come in sets of two (version 1 and 2) but both have different numbers. Picture it like this below:

DOCNUM: 4445787 Version 1
DOCNUM: 4445790 Version 2

It should be the same docnum (ie 4445787 Version 1, 4445787 Version 2).

The challenge is how can we assign the new docnum for version 1 to be also for version 2 as well. Basically in SQL we need a way to

1. Find a way to distinguish the pair of documents in the target db that are the same even though they have different docnums.

2. Update them so that the docnums match.

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Transact SQL :: Update Column Based On Row Number For Previous Row

Jul 25, 2015

Below is the resultset I got using the following SQL statement

,NULL AS end_date
FROM dbo.Table_1


RowNum ID
create_date end_date
1 0001
2015-02-18 NULL
2 0001
2014-04-28 NULL

[Code] ....

Now, I want to update the end_date column with the create_date's values for the next row_number. Desired output is shown below:

RowNum ID
create_date end_date
1 0001
2015-02-18 NULL
2 0001
2014-04-28 2015-02-18

[Code] ....

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