Updating A Specific Cell In An Excel From Sql
Sep 25, 2006
Is there a way to update a specific cell(s) in an excel? I have an excel with charts and graphs which use as data source a range of cells from another sheet within the same spreadsheet. Is there a way update a specific cell from within the sql using openrowset()... ?
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Jun 29, 2007
Hi, i am trying to export data in excel from SQL Server..
Is there a way to write the result in a specific cell?
For example..
select col1,col2,col3 from table1
i want to write col1 into cell B2,col2 into cell B7, col3 to C2 etc..
Pls help.
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Mar 27, 2007
Hi there !
Thanks for taking the time to read this thread.
I don't know whether anyone has this problem, but I am definitely not using the right keywords to search for a thread.
My situation is this...
I have a dataset that has values to fill cells to multiple tables in a report.
However, I only want to select specific data from the dataset to fill textboxes and others.
I cannot change the stored procedure, but the sample of the data is shown below:-
Row Stat Val
0 dtRpt1 02/01/2005
1 Value1 1
2 Value2 2000
3 dtMailSent 02/28/2005
4 Value3 0
5 Value4 5
6 Value5 658
I know it looks weird, but the row really represents which "row" or textbox is it to fill with the Val. The Stat Column is just a way to make sure that I am filling the right values.
so my new report would have multiple tables to denote different categories.
In my first table, I tried putting the cells as follows:-
(expressions are highlighted in italics and bold)
TextBox1 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =0, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow1 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =1, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow2 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =2, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow1 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =3, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow2 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =4, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow3 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =5, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow4 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =6, Fields!Val.Value,"")
I only expect this report to print out one page holding the previous values.
However, it ended up printing like this
DetailRow1 1
DetailRow2 2000
DetailRow1 02/28/2005
DetailRow2 0
DetailRow3 5
DetailRow4 658
I tried putting it into the headerrows instead of DetailRows, and it ended up printing the last value.
Is there anyway to do this ? print all the values out in one table ? I tried using textboxes, but I think I got my expression wrong.
Is this the correct expression ?
=IIF((Fields!Row.Value,"Dataset") =1, (Fields!Val.value, "Dataset"), "")
and it give me an error
The value expression for the textbox €˜textbox5€™ contains an error: [BC30455] Argument not specified for parameter 'FalsePart' of 'Public Function IIf(Expression As Boolean, TruePart As Object, FalsePart As Object) As Object'.
Appreciate any advice or suggestion for this scenario !
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Jul 20, 2005
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Jan 2, 2008
May I know how can I make a simple calculation in reporting services using below formula:-
I have build above table in reporting services. Row a, b, c, d are all belong to the same reportitems. However, I need to make a division using B3 as a based, where group = a.
I tried to make an expression with logic but it doesn't work:
Calc = reportitems!Amt.value / reportitems!Amt.value where reportitems!Group.Value='a'
Please help!! Thanks in advance!!
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Mar 27, 2007
I'm trying to write data to excel from an ssis component to a excel destination.
Even thought I'm writing numerics, every cell gets this error with a green tag:
Convert numbers stored as text to numbers
Excel Cells were all pre-formated to accounting 2 decimal, and if i manually type the exact data Im sending it formats just fine.
I'm hearing this a common problem -
On another project I was able to find a workaround for the web based version of excel, by writing this to the top of the file:
<style>.text { mso-number-format:@; } </style>
is there anything I can pre-set in excel (cells are already formated) or write to my file so that numerics are seen as numerics and not text.
Maybe some setting in my write drivers - using sql servers excel destination.
So close.. Thanks for any help or information.
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Nov 2, 2006
Can someone please tell me why there's ALWAYS a hidden cell in Excel when a report has a more than one page?
for example, a report has 10 page breaks and after exported to Excel it has the first row hidden in each sheet except the first sheet.
Why this happens always? is there any workaround to avoid this?
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Feb 22, 2008
Hello, I am haing a little trouble with send cell data from an Excel sheet to SQLEXPRESS and I'm sure that it is not that hard. Has anybody else come accross this. I have the code below, but it is not complete as I'm not sure what to do to complete it:
Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strConn As String
strConn = strConn & "DATA SOURCE=(local)SQLEXPRESS;INITIAL CATALOG=test;"
strConn = strConn & " INTEGRATED SECURITY=sspi;"
cn.ConnectionString = strConn
Set rs = New Recordset
With rs
' Assign the Connection object.
.ActiveConnection = cn
' Extract the required records.
.Open "UPDATE tblData Set ID = ID, Name = Name"
' Copy the records into cell A1 on Sheet1.
Sheet1.Range("A2, B2").CopyFromRecordset rs
' Tidy up
End With
End Sub
I know that it is not correct, but I am trying to convert a recordset query from SQL to Excel to Update Sql from Excel.
The cells from A2 down have an ID and cells from B2 down have a name.
Thanks for your time
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Jul 16, 2007
Is it possible to include a cell comment when exporting a report to Excel? My first guess was that the Textbox.ToolTip property might do the trick, but no luck.
Example: I am calculating a textbox based on the age of a particular value in days and conditionally formatting it. In the Excel export, I would like to have a cell comment (i.e., "insert comment" from the context menu in Excel) that shows how many days past the age limit the item is when it is formatted.
Thanks much for any help!
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May 1, 2007
I have an Excel 2007 file which contains values in specific cells like A23, D30 etc.
I want to populate the values in these cells using SSIS packages into individual rows of an SQL table.
How can this be achieved ?
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Mar 4, 2008
I have a task where the source data is coming in via Excel. There is a field that contains a percentage (i.e. 100%, 90%, etc). When the connection is added to the data flow stream and is read, that column is coming in as a double precision float. The 100% is coing in as 1. I have tried going to the advanced editor and changing the column to a WSTR, but it is not having any effect. Short of having the sender change the file to a .csv (which will induce other problems I'll have to code out), how can I force the column format in an Excel connection?
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Jun 20, 2007
BTW, I cannot use Office automation because MS office is not installed on the machine.
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May 17, 2007
How to populate an excel cell from a sql table using ssis.
I need to populate a specified cell lets say H7, in an excel sheet,
from a sql table in a ssis package.
Suppose we have a column in sql table called total, which contains some value,
we need to take this value and populate the cell H7 in an excel sheet.
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Apr 5, 2007
In my datawarehouse fact table I have a column (revenue) that I want to populate based on the values of number of columns, for simplicity, say just 2 columns, 'productid' and 'affiliateid'.
I have a revenue lookup table, with those same 2 columns and the amount. So far so simple, but rather than have one row for every possible combination, I use 0 to mean default. For instance, all the affiliates have the same revenue value apart from a couple, so instead of 200 rows identical except for the affiliateid, I have one row with a '0' for the affiliateid and 4 rows with specific affiliateIDs where it differs from the default.
AffiliateID, TypeID, Revenue
0, 1, £50
22, 1, £55
33, 1, £57
22, 2, £66
33, 2, £69
To update the values, I join to the revenues table twice, one for both columns matching, and once for the default. I.E.
UPDATE facttable SET revenue = ISNULL(rev1.revenue, ISNULL(rev2.revenue,0))
FROM facttable FT
LEFT OUTER JOIN revenues rev1 ON FT.AffiliateID = rev1.AffilateID and FT.TypeID = rev1.TypeID
LEFT OUTER JOIN revenues rev2 ON rev1.AffilateID = 0 and FT.TypeID = rev1.TypeID
(In fact, this is over-simplified, because in fact there are 3 columns, so I have to have 8 joins like this).
This works very well, and cuts down the management of revenues significantly, there are a few 100 rows instead of the more than 100,000 there would be if I put every possible combination of values in its own row.
However, now there is a requirement to increase the granularity of the revenue allocation up to 5 columns, which makes 36 joins and there could well be more columns added later.
Has anyone come across a situation like this (and found a neater solution).
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Nov 8, 2006
I have created an ssis package, am using Script task to read all the cell values and comments.
In server MS Excel is not installed, so we use regsvr32 to register excel.dll ( also tried with Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.dll ), while doing the registration we got error as
"Registration not done, enrty point not found"
Sice the registration is not done we where unable to create the excel object in our script task.
Can anybody give as any clue, all helps are welcome.
Thanks in advance
Ezaz Mohamed
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Jul 20, 2007
Currently working on a upload module where in the data from excel file is imported to the destination tables. Data in the excel sheet comes in phases. All excel sheet columns data don't come at first shot. The excel sheet's data is dumped into temporary tables which inturn is looped using cursor's and gets finally updated to the actual tables.
Now, the problem I am facing is how do I update columns of the actual table with the data (i.e NON NULL values) available in the temporary table without tampering the data allready present in actual table.
Ideally what required is, update the actual table column values with the corresponding columns of temporary table ONLY for Non NUll column values of temporary table.
Temporary and Destination tables have 85 columns each. I don't want to write 85 update queries.
The scenario which I am facing is given below with 2 columns as an example.
1. Table 1 :- tbl_source (Temporary Table) has two columns src_Col1 & src_Col2
2. Table 2 :- tbl_destination (Actual Table) has two columns dest_Col1 & des_Col2
Scenario -1
tbl_Source Sample Data (after excel import to the temporary table)
src_Col1 src_Col2
tbl_Destination Sample Data
dest_Col1 dest_Col2
Scenario -2
tbl_Source Sample Data
src_Col1 src_Col2
NULL 100
tbl_Destination Sample Data
dest_Col1 dest_Col2
50 100
One update query which handles both scenarios.
Thanking you in anticipation.
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Sep 22, 2005
Can you create an UPDATE TRIGGER and use some typeof code to figure out which SP just updated the current table?If not how can i achieve what i want?I tried to run SQL Profiler and i don't understand why i can'tsimply have the Profiler filter events only for the specific database idand the table's object id i chose?What am i doing wrong with SQL Profiler? I was testing thisthrough SQL EM. I had the filters chosen for a specific database idand a specific table's object id, yet when i open another table SQLProfiler captures that information too.Thank you
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Jun 20, 2007
I have a table with 35,000 records in it. I want to update a value in column A for only the first 5000 records, leaving the value in Column A for the remaining 30,000 records as it is now. What would be the command I would use to update Column A for the first 5000 records.
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Dec 8, 2006
I want to set a column to 0 if it is set to a certain number. There are several columns to check though, so I am wondering if I can do it all in one query, or if I have to do it in single queries?
here is an example:
account | contact_id_1 | contact_id_2 | contact_id_3
433 | 67 | 23 | 67
so I want to set any contact_id_N = 0 where contact_id_N is = 67
so in the end, the table will look like this:
account | contact_id_1 | contact_id_2 | contact_id_3
433 | 0 | 23 | 0
is there a way to do it in one statement?
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Feb 25, 2008
I have a question. I know its possible to create a dynamic query and do an exec @dynamicquery. Question: Is there a simpler way to update specific columns in a table at run time without doing if else for each column to determine which is null and which has a value because i'm running into a design dilemna on how to go about it.
FYI: All columns in the table design are set to null by default.
Thanks in advance,
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Aug 8, 2015
I'm looking for a quick script that someone has already written to update statistics (not to rebuild or re-organise) on specific indices in specific databases - I guess loop though a table comprising of a list of databases and the indices.
I know Ola has one but I'm not look for something that is that complicated. If I cannot find one I'm going to have to write one myself - I want to try and avoid re-inventing the wheel as tomorrow I have to do this work and it's about 7K plus indices in about 10+ databases.
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May 6, 2004
What I'd like to do is:
UPDATE table1
A_TEXT_COLUMN = (SELECT another_text_column
FROM table2
WHERE table2_id = @precomputed_id_1)
WHERE table1_ID = @precomputed_id_2
Since the cells are text, this does not work. Since the cell to be updated is in an already exitant row, it's not possible to simply use insert.
I'd like to do something like (PSEUDOcode):
WRITETEXT(table1.A_TEXT_COLUMN, READTEXT(@textptr_initialised_to_point_at_target_c ell))
But the *actual* synatx of WRITETEXT and READTEXT seem totally inappropriate for any such trick...
Any hints or pointers HUGELY appreciated... THANX
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Oct 5, 2007
I'm working with MRS and I've got a table with a lot of entries. For each value in the table I'm trying to get the text colour to be set to 'red' when the value of the cell is less than 0. Otherwise remain black.
I can do this by setting the colour property cell by cell. But I have a lot of cells in the table. Is there a way to set the statement to apply to ALL cells in the table?
Basically I'm asking if there is a way to set the property in bulk instead of going through tediously cell by cell.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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Jan 2, 2008
I am in a bit of a quandry. I have an Excel spreadsheet source, but I only want certain rows from the spreadsheet, which will be delineated by a header and footer row (Start and End). Here is my script thus far (see below).
My question is, what is the correct way to do this? I guess I am stuck on syntax. i.e.) Do I need to create an OUTPUT BUFFER?
Sample data:
Frank 1234 1234 1234
Sue 2345 2345 2345
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Static Section As String
'Set sections
If Row.Name = "Start" Then
Section = "Start"
End If
If Row.Name = "End" Then
Section = "End"
End If
If Section = "Start" Then
'What syntax goes here?
'Output buffer?
End If
End Sub
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Feb 18, 2002
Hello, I am a relatively new user to SQL so forgive me if the solution is not very dificult :) I have a SQL database that contains a products table that includes part numbers with part descriptions. I need to change all the part descriptions (over 6000 records) so I exported the table into Excel. All the changes have been done in Excel but i am having problems trying to re-import the new data into the existing table. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
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Dec 17, 2014
I have create an Excel application which connects to an SQL Server backend.I have written an Excel vba procedure to update a table via ADO.But it couldn't---the error message says the provider (sqloledb) does not support updating database.
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Feb 24, 2004
Hi, I m trying to update a table using an Excel file using the following code:
UPDATE cargo
SET cargo.slot = (SELECT two
FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Data Source="c:excel est.xls";Extended properties=Excel 5.0')...Sheet1$
WHERE cargo.container = one)
FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Data Source="c:excel est.xls";Extended properties=Excel 5.0')...Sheet1$
WHERE cargo.container = one)
select container,slot from cargo
Now, I have two similar databases, and both contain all the fields necessary for this operation and these fields are identical.
However on one table it works perfectly, on the other it gives an error:
MSDTC on server 'SCRBSQLITGTO002' is unavailable.
The server I am running is the only sql 2000 server we have, so it is cannot be in cluster mode.
Can anyone help?
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Dec 6, 2012
I am trying to update a SQL table using an excel file which has 2 columns FMStyle and FMHSNum.
FMStyle is my link to the SQL table.
Here is what I have for code....
Update DataTEST.dbo.zzxstylr
SET hs_num = (select FMHSNum FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', 'Excel 12.0;Database=c: empStyleHSCodesLoad.xls;HDR=YES ', [Sheet1$]))
Where FMStyle = zzxstylr.style
Everything seems to be ok except for the "Where FMStyle" is giving me a message Invalid Column name on FMStyle. Do I need to qualify FMStyle and if so how.
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May 11, 2007
MSSQL noob here. Sorry guys, but I really need some help.
I have a MSSQL (2000) database and a Products Table. Now, there was three columns used for pricing that I was not able to populate on the initial usage. So I exported the table as an Excel document, and got rid of everything except the UID (unique identifier column) the Name, and the Three columns, so that the customer could take their time in filling out the information.
Ok, so These are what are common to both the MSSQL database and the Excel sheet
column uid = unique id integer
column Name = text
column eBay = number
column PriceGrabber = number
column Amazon = number
So, any idea how I can update my Products Table with this?
Please HELP!
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May 23, 2015
I need to select specific values from all rows where the value of a specific column is "Active"
This part works: SELECT LastName, FirstName, MiddleInit, ClientId FROM dbo.Client
But I want to add: WHERE StatusType = (Active) and how to do this.
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Jun 30, 2015
We have a "main" SQL 2014 server who imports XML files using SSIS in a datacenter. In remote sites (which are warehouses), there is an instance of SQL 2014 Express. A merge replication is setup, as every operations done on each site must be "forwared" to the main database, as some XML files are generated as output for an ERP system.
Now, the merge replication replicate all the data to the server on each sites. But a specific site don't need the data of every other sites, only the data relevant to itself (which is the warehouse code). Is there a way to replicate only the data relevant to each individual sites to the subscribers? Or is there a better way than replication to accomplish this?
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Oct 10, 2007
I want to ship 500,000 aged transactions each night to an archive table and delete them from their source table in one or more logical units of work (LUW). Each row is approx 60 bytes and there is only one non clustered index on the source table presently.
I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons of 3 alternatives. One of them would basically insert the non-aged rows into tempdb, ship the aged records, truncate the table and then insert the tempdb records back into their source all in the same LUW.
For this alternative, I'd at least like to turn off logging when the records get inserted into tempdb as I dont see any value in logging that part of the activity. Is this possible?
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Jan 23, 2007
Hi All,
Could you guys please help me with printing reports invoked thru command line/ URL access to print automatically to specific printers and specific trays and also is it possible to set the specific printer and tray as parameters.
Any suggestions is appreciated
Thanks A lot in advance
e,g :
http://localhost/reportserver?/testreports/employee sales&UserID='ABC'&LName=Lastname='victor'&rs:Command=Render
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