Upload Email Attachment Into Table

Aug 28, 2007

We receive emails every day that we would like to load into a table in sql 2005. Anyone know a way to do this?

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How To Incorporate A Table Field Into The Email Message Body Nto As An Attachment?

Oct 5, 2005

Hello everyone,

Please i need your help...

I dont know how to place the field 'strTitle and datBorrowed " in my email? Not as an attachment though....Just write it in the mail as part of message body...

I use this SQL select statement to retrieve the strTitle and datBorrowed fields

strSQL += @"Select replace(strtitle,'[Original Book] - ',''), datBorrowed from tblBooks where convert(varchar(10),datBorrowed,101) = convert(varchar(10),(getdate() - 1),101) ORDER BY strTitle asc";

Now, I have the following code to write the email

static void SendTest()

int iEmailLanguage = 0;
MailMessage objMail;
objMail = new MailMessage();
objMail.From = MAIL_FROM;
objMail.To =MAIL_TO;
objMail.Subject = "Books Borrowed Yesterday";
objMail.Body = Dict.GetVal(iEmailLanguage, "EMAIL_MESSAGE");
objMail.Attachments.Add(new MailAttachment(strAttachment));
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = SSMTP_SERVER;

And the body of the email is this......

Dict.AddVal(0, "EMAIL_MESSAGE", "*** This e-mail is automatically generated. ***" +
"" +
"Books Borrowed Yesterday are:" +

"" +
"" +
"Thank you," +
"" +
"eLibrarian" +
"" +
"================================================== ===============" +
"" +
"This e-mail is automatically generated by the Library system." +
"Please do not reply.");

i need to put or wedge the data i got from the SQL Statement into this or after the line "Books Borrowed Yesterday are:" +

So how should i do this?

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How To Use T-sql To Email And Attachment

Aug 14, 2006

I am new to sql and want to write a stored procedure to email a database group an attachment of a report that was created. Can someone please point me in the write direction thanks.

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Email Attachment Problem

Sep 11, 2006

Hi all,
I create a subscription to send the report (in pdf format) to users once every week. The subscription works, all users manage to receive the email but some of them do not have the pdf file attached to the email. Anyone know what is wrong??


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Dynamic Email Attachment

Apr 18, 2008

I have a ETL job that generate a text file ( with timestamp. ABCfile041208.txt).

and I would like to create a send email task to send this file as an attachement.

How can I do this? the file name is going to change everyday..

Can you show me some example?

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SSIS - Read Email Attachment

Jun 20, 2008

Good Afternoon,

Everyday I receive an email with an Excel file attachment. Which has to be imported into a SQL database. Can I use SSIS to download the file and import into SQL table?

Thanks In Advance.

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How To Automatically Save Email Attachment

Feb 19, 2015

I get an email daily with an attachment. I want to automatically save the attachment to a server. I managed to get a rule on outlook to save the attachment in a folder on my computer. But I want it saved to a folder on a server. How can I do this?

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Import Data From Email Attachment

Aug 28, 2007

This ones way beyond me, I don't even know where to start. basically we get an email every day with an attachment. The attachment is a csv file. I'd like to import that file into a table in sql. Anyone have any ideas?

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Export Query Results To Excel File And Add As Attachment In Email

Jan 2, 2014

Is there a way to export query results to an excel fie and add that file as an attachment in the email? All this has to be done using SQL query and it needs to be automated. My coworker tried using Openrowset and BCP, but it is not working.

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SQL 2012 :: Send Binary File Stored In Server As Email Attachment?

Apr 26, 2014

Is there a way to send binary file stored in SQL Server as email attachment without downloading it to the file system?

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Best Way To Send Email From A Stored Procedure (dynamically Changing Paramenters And Attachment)

Jul 23, 2005

Hello everyone,I need advice of how to accomplish the following:Loop though records in a table and send an email per record. Emailrecipient, message text and attachment file name - that's all changesrecord by record.Is it doable from a stored procedure (easily I mean, or am I better offwriting a VB app)? There are so many options of sending mail from SQLserver - CDONTS, SQL MAIL TASK, xp_sendmail. What's easier to implementand set up?Thanks a lot!!!(links and fragments of sample code would be greatlyappreciated)Larisa

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Integration Services :: Download A Specific Email Attachment From Outlook 2013

Jun 9, 2015

I have outlook 2013 installed on my machine, I want to automate the download of an attachment which I receive on daily basis from noreply@test.com. I have created a rule in outlook to reroute these mails in a specific folder named Received_Test.Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them.

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Reporting Services :: Data Driven Subscription With Dynamic Email Attachment File Name

Feb 11, 2010

I have report which accepts a card number and fromdate and todate as parameters to the report. This report needs to be sent on a quarterly basis to each of the customer mail id to which their card number is linked. I am getting all this information from a database and sending as an attachment to the customer. Now I would need making these filename's which are attached to be dynamic based on the input parameters.

In datadriven subscriptions, the option of include report has only true or false values and another option was to take from a database. I tried putting the dynamic file name in the database and getting the value from the database but no success, the subscription itself is failing here. I guess I am doing something wrong here by binding the report name from the value which I am getting from DB to the actual report name.

If report name = Mytransactions, and the parameters passed are Card = 123,fromdate = 1/1/2010,todate = 31/3/2010.

Now in the attachment the file name should be something like "Mytransactions_123_January1st2010_March31st2010".
How to make the filename dynamic.

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Transact SQL :: Convert Output Into Excel And Schedule Automate Job That Runs Every Friday And Send Email With Attachment

Nov 3, 2015

Here below is the perfect query i made which is working fine and giving me the sql output but just only need is how to convert to excel and automate the job scheduling so that it run on everyday and send the mail with attachment .

SELECT DN, cn, displayName, mail, objectClass, sAMAccountName, Company, givenName, sn
SELECT DN, cn, displayName, mail, objectClass, sAMAccountName, Company, givenName, sn, 1 [ordering] FROM alpha.dbo.DCADFeed
where sAMAccountName collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS in

[Code] ....

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SQL Mail Sending Attachment Of Data From A Table!

Mar 29, 2001

Ok i have a programmer who wants to send out the data from a table as an email attachment via sql mail without having to write a com component. Does any one know the procedures on how to do this (i.e stored procedures and triggers ect and anything else i need or should know).

Please dont answer this unless you have some genuine help as I dont want to post this every time someone comes up with a smart ass comment!
Thanks guys

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Load A Text File With Email Addresses And Compare Against A Database Table That Has Email Addresses And User_id

Jul 12, 2007

Hello ALL

what I want to achieve is to load a text file that has email addreses from disk and using the email addresses in the text file look it up against the email addresses in the database table then once matched delete all the users in the table whose email address were in the text file.

I also want to update some users using a different text file.

Please help me with the best way to do this

Thanks in advance

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Why Is SSIS Upload From FoxPro Way Slower That A Upload Using DTS?

Oct 20, 2006

I am rewritting our DTS that upload tables in FoxPro to SQL Server using SSIS. I am finding the that SSIS is way slower. My uploads using DTS take just 7 minutes where doing the same thing in SSIS is taking 1 hour 15 minutes.

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How To Upload Table To Sql?

Jul 20, 2005

How to upload a content of a table into sql-file (the set of INSERTs)using standard MSSQL utilities?*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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How To Upload A Table As Sql?

Jul 20, 2005

How to upload a content of a table into sql-file (as a set of INSERTs)using standard utilities?*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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2005 SQL How To Upload New Table

Apr 21, 2008

I use to have Enterprise Manager and had no problem uploading new table.

But I downloaded 2005 SQL Server Management Studio Express adn I can't figure out how to upload...
How do you upload new tables to my database using 2005 SQL?


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Upload Text File To A Table

Nov 1, 2007

I do have a comma separated text file.

The text file can have 50000 records. What is the best way to upload the file into a table. The table structure looks like:

Fname varchar(50)
lname varchar(50)
ssn varchar(50)
dob varchar(50)

Any thoughts???

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[MSSQL] Blob-upload In Table With Full Text Index Goes Slow

Oct 31, 2005

i have a MSSQL 2000 database with about 30 tables in it. On one of those tables i've defined an full text index on an image field. In this table are around 500 records with binary files.

it functioned well for a time but now when i try to upload a file into the table this goes extremely slow (300 KB takes over 3 minutes).

i tried disabling "change tracking" but this didn't help a thing

adding blobs to other tables (without fulltext index on it) still goes fast.

what could be a reason that the uploading goes so slow??

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SQL Server 2008 :: Upload 1000 Text Files Into One Table - Skip Last Row?

Jul 19, 2015

Im trying to upload 1000 txt files into one table in SQL. I'm using the following query, to upload one txt file at a time:

bulk insert [dbo].AAA_2013_2015
from 'dataserverSQL Data FilesSQL_EMELIZFC x Bloque Detallada201308 Detalle FacturasFACT_BLOQ_AGO13 (4).txt'
with (firstrow = 2,
lastrow = ???,
fieldterminator = ';',
rowterminator = '0x0A')

I'm trying that the query skip the last row because gives me the following error:

Msg 4866, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 17. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".

know a command to skip the last row, something like lastrow= all-1...or something like that.

I also executed using MAXERRORS command...like this:

bulk insert [dbo].AAA_2013_2015
from 'dataserverSQL Data FilesSQL_EMELIZFC x Bloque Detallada201308 Detalle FacturasFACT_BLOQ_AGO13 (15).txt'
with (firstrow = 2,
fieldterminator = ';',
MAXERRORS = max_errors,
rowterminator = '0x0A')

does not recognize MAXERRORS command, also tried to put a number of error instead of max_errors.

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SQL To Email When Table Is Updated?

Aug 7, 2007

I want to setup a method to get emailed whenever someone adds an item to a particular table.

I'm looking at SP's, and DTS's.. but i'm just not sure what the best path is.

http://www.sqldev.net/dts/SMTPTask.htm will create a great Custom DTS Email Task.. but then i don't know what to do next... I don't know how to say.. "If a new row is added, then run this DTS"... or if i should schedule the DTS to run every 30 minutes and then somehow query for new "Created" dates.

Please Help!

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Getting A Table To Send An Email

Dec 21, 2006

I'm trying to implement DTS and FTP. So that when a company sends or FTP infomation to our server, it runs a script and checks to see if the infomation is correct and sends and email saying successful or unsuccessful.

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Email On Insert In A Table

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I wish to use email functionality of sql to send me an email when an insertis performed on a particular table. I know that a proc and may be a triggeris required.Can someone please provide me some hints.Thanks,Guju

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Reporting Services :: Data Driven Email Subscription With Different Email Per Report Page

Jul 6, 2015

I have a report that gets sends out through a subscription and sometimes the report has multiple pages and all those pages appear within one email.Is it possible to set the subscription in such a way that an email is sent per page when the subscription executes.

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Dbmail Doesn't Rely On IIS SMTP, How To Set Bounced Email Redirect Email Etc.? Thanks

May 4, 2007

Under IIS SMTP I can set bounced email redirect etc. how to do that with dbmail, the idea is I can get the list of bounced emails somewhere so I can create a report.

Any idea?


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Select Bad Email Addresses From Table

May 31, 2006

Hi all,
I'm having a bit of an issue with this query. I'm not that familiar with MS SQL so please forgive me.
I'm trying to select the bad email addresses in a table so I can remove them or correct them but I'm not getting any results that are helpfull. Bellow are some of the queries I've tried

select email from person where email != "*@*"
returned all addresses plus null fields.

select email from person where email not like "%@%" (this didn't work at all)

And a few other that are similar
Could somebody please kick me in the right direction.



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Send Auto Email From Table?

Feb 3, 2015

I have below code which send email from SQL Table "testing$" with use of store procedure but I am not getting any email, please check where is the error and if I run below code as query then it give me expected result but mail not received,

DECLARE @bodyMsg nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @subject nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @tableHTML nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @recipients nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @profile_name nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @body_format nvarchar(max)
SET @tableHTML =


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Storing Multiple Email Ids In Table

Jun 30, 2007

in my aspx page, user enters multiple email ids separated by comma. i want to store all this email ids in one table under the field "PresenterEmail".

can anybody help me out?


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Send Email When DB Table Is Updated

Dec 23, 2007

Hi guys,

I am new to reporting services. I want to know how to send email whenever there is an update on TABLE_Customer. I have looked through data-driven subscription, but that is just normal schedulling. When i surf the net, i also found UpdateReportExecutionSnapshot. can i just put UpdateReportExecutionSnapshot inside my application so that when on UPDATE function, i will call UpdateReportExecutionSnapshot to trigger the snapshot to be updated?

Help... Thank you very much

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SP Or Trigger For Email Of New Record Insert To Table

Apr 14, 2004

Does anyone have a stored procedure for sending an email (using SQLMail) when a new record is added to a database table?

I have SQLMail all setup, I just need a good example of a stored procedure or trigger that will sending an email with the details for a new record entry into a table.


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