Urgent! DTS Packages Won't Execute Correctly When Scheduled
Dec 29, 1999
Please help,
I have a DTS package that consist of approximately 50 steps which pulls data from an as400 and populates a SQL 7.0 database. The package works perfect flawlessly when executed manually but won't run when scheduled.
The DTS package starts but hangs when it tries to connect to the as400, this is where the problem lies. The preceeding steps work fine but they execute against the SQL 7.0 database. I have client access installed on the server and configured. I checked and made sure the SQL server agent service was started and running also,I just can't figure why it works fine manually,but not when scheduled.
Any help would be welcome...
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Jun 20, 2001
I have SQLServer 7, and have used Enterprise Manager to schedule local packages. The package that I'm trying to do is run a SQL script on a nightly basis. The problem that I'm having is that I need to be able to install the scheduled script customer box using an installer. I have access to execute command line programs in the installer. Do anyone know if you can schedule local packages (using SQL Scripts) from the command line? Or if a 3rd party application can do this. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. I've tried to use sp_add_job and sp_add_jobschedule, but haven't been able to get them to work.
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Apr 22, 2015
We manage some SSIS servers, which has only SSIS and SSIS tools installed on them and not the sql server DB.
SSIS packages and configuration files are deployed on a NAS. We run the SSIS packages through DTEXEC by logging in to the server.
We want to allow developers to run their packages on their own on the server, but at the same time we dont want to give them physical access on the server i.e we do not want to add them into RDP users list on server properties. We want them to allow running their packages remotely on the server.
One way We could think of is by using powershell remoting and we are working on that. But is there any other way or any tool already present for the same.
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Aug 16, 2000
Why is it that I can run my DTS package locally howeverv when I try to run it as a Job it always fails? I do realize that the sqladmin account is used to run the job and it has all the permissions needed.
Any suggestions?
Also if I kick the job off from my local system it states it cannot find the batch file that I am trying to run? Im running it on the server however it treats it like im running it locally?
Very frustrated..
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Jan 15, 2008
Hello all ..
I have a form that views the date automatically in a textbox... the date of this text box must be stored in the database after the user press the submit button ... However, I am getting a wrong date which is 01/01/1900 .. although I see it in the form as 15/01/2008 ..
this is the code ... please give me a solution ASAP ..
Protected Sub SubmitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SubmitButton.Click
'Declaring the variablesDim objConnection As SqlConnection
Dim objDataCommand As SqlCommand
Dim courseId, traineeName, traineeId, department, comment1, comment2 As String
Dim formDate As Date
Dim RB1, RB2, RB3, RB4, RB5, RB6, RB7, RB8, RB9, RB10, RB11, RB12, RB13, RB14 As String
Dim ConnectionString, evaluationSQL, TraSQL, iTotal As String
'Save form values in variables
formDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTxt.Text)
courseId = CourseIDTxt.Text
traineeId = EmailTxt.Text
traineeName = TraineeNTxt.Text
department = DeptDropDownList.SelectedValue
RB1 = RBL1.SelectedValue
RB2 = RBL2.SelectedValue
RB3 = RBL3.SelectedValue
RB4 = RBL4.SelectedValue
RB5 = RBL5.SelectedValue
RB6 = RBL6.SelectedValue
RB7 = RBL7.SelectedValue
RB8 = RBL8.SelectedValue
RB9 = RBL9.SelectedValue
RB10 = RBL10.SelectedValue
RB11 = RBL11.SelectedValue
RB12 = RBL12.SelectedValue
RB13 = RBL13.SelectedValue
RB14 = RBL14.SelectedValue
comment1 = CommentTxt1.Text
comment2 = CommentTxt2.TextConnectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("GRPConnectionString").ConnectionString
'Create and open the connection objConnection = New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
objConnection.Open()evaluationSQL = "Insert into Evaluation (Eva_Date, CourseD_Id, Tra_Id , Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14, Comment1, Comment2 ) " & _
"values(" & formDate & ",'" & courseId & "','" & traineeId & "','" & RB1 & "','" & RB2 & "','" & RB3 & "','" & RB4 & "','" & RB5 & "','" & RB6 & "','" & RB7 & "','" & RB8 & "','" & RB9 & "','" & RB10 & "','" & RB11 & "','" & RB12 & "','" & RB13 & "','" & RB14 & "','" & comment1 & "','" & comment2 & "')"objDataCommand = New SqlCommand(evaluationSQL, objConnection)
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Jun 25, 2002
I have 2 DTS packages that import data from an Access database that have recently started failing. They run fine manually in DTS, but not manually as a job. They get an "unspecified error." These were running fine, until we installed Outlook and started to add Outlook mail to SQL.
Originally, Administrator was the owner and that is how the jobs were run. We changed to SQLAdmin for the SQLAgent to start under, and I changed the owner of the jobs to SQLAdmin. This works for all jobs but these 2. I thought maybe SQLAdmin could not get to the Access database, but it can. I spell out the path for the database, I don't use any mappings. I recreated the jobs logged in as SQLAdmin, and they still do not work as jobs.
Any ideas are much appreciated!! Thanks in advance!!
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Mar 30, 2001
Is there any difference starting a DTS package manually or running as a scheduled task.
There is a DTS package that I start manually from my PC and runs for 40 minutes and during this time I cannot access Enterprise Manager.
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Mar 26, 2003
Hi all - I'm having problems getting a package to run successfully to completion when I schedule it in SQL Server or as a batch file on the Windows scheduler. If I run the package interactively or run the batch file interactively that contains the DTSRUN command it runs to completion. Both packages start with a call to a batch file that FTPs files from a remote server and then they continue on by executing additional DTS packages within the running package. The owner of all the packages involved and is the same user that I am logged in as when running the packages interactively and is the same user that that SQL Agent and the Windows scheduler job runs under. The FTP step of each package does complete successfully but then I cannot trace where the package then hangs. The package never fails but rather it just continues in a Executing/Running state. This is getting extremely frustrating. Any insight in to this problem would be greatly appreciate.
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Jun 20, 2007
I have a section of about 6 DTS packages that started failing recently. They all write to a network share using a UNC path. The failure coincides with a change to the account SQL Server and SQL Agent run under. I know security context is very important and I have verified the new service account they run under is a Domain account that can execute the DTS packages and has full permissions to the network share.
But when the Agent Job tries to run it fails everytime. Two of us have been looking at this and can't find the issue.
NOTE: I also made the service accout a Server Administrator (fixed server role) to make sure it wasn't a SQL permissions issue.
Anybody have any suggestions about where to look?
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Feb 13, 2008
Below is a migration plan that I've compiled to migrate SQL 2000 DTS packages to SSIS 2005. Once these DTS packages have been migrated i will need to create a job and schedule them in SQL 2005.
I would appreciate and feedback or questions on this migration plan.
Migration DTS 2000 packages to SSIS 2005:
1. Will need to save the current production DTS package as structure storage file. We do not have a UDL file. We set the data connections within each DTS package.
2. Go to Sql 2005 - ManagementLegacyData Transformation Services - right-click and open previous saved structure storage file.
3. Modify the DTS data creditentials to reflect the SQL 2005 connection data. Modify any SQL 2000 MAPI settings to utilize SQL 2005 new database mail. Save the package on SQL 2005.
4. After the modified DTS package has been updated and saved on SQL 2005, save this file as a structure storage file.
5. go to BIDS. Create a new SSIS project. Right-click on SSIS packages and select Migrate DTS 2000 package. This will migrate over the DTS 2000 package with the updated SQL 2005 data creditentails.
6. click on the package properties - protectionlevel and change it to dontsavesensitive.
7. right-click and select package configurations..., select to store data creditentials in xml format.
8. right-click on execute DTS 2000 package task, select Edit... and click on Load DTS2000 package internally. This will embed this task into the new SSIS package. Test the package. Continue if successful.
9. Use SSIS deployment functionality to move the package over to SQL 2005 Integration Services. Right-click on package and select Run Package, if successful, create a job and schedule it to run on SQL 2005 Agent.
10. When creating the Job under SQL Agent, change the Owner: of the job to reflect the owner of the new SSIS package. Schedule the job.
I've just coming up to speed on SSIS 2005. Therefore, this is what i've been able to piece together up to this point and I'm looking for some industry advice/feedback on whether or not this is a good migration plan. I need to provide a migration plan to management by 2/18. Thanks
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Oct 2, 2007
I have a SQL Scheduled Job in SQL 2005 SP2 that executes a few different SSIS packages. When I update the SSIS Packages, SQL Agent runs the job and shows success; however, the underlying packages are not executed. The packages are located on the server but we are using UNC paths in the jobs since much of the time they are started manually from a remote workstation and the jobs seem to look at the initiating workstation's file server rather than that of the SQL Server. Is this a known issue?
Thank you,
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Feb 23, 2004
Hi ,
I have an schedueled job which runs a DTS .
This job is executing everyday at 2:00 Pm and it transfers data from oracle to the SQl server.
In some cases data in Oracle is not ready at 2:00 , sometimes it is ready at 11:00 AM so what I need is to run that Scheduled job from an exe file .
I can write a code to run the DTS jobs but the problem in this case is I will lose the History Information I have with my schedueled job.So I need to run The Scheduled job to kep the history .
I researched the Internet and all I get is how to create a job but I dont have a clue how to run it .
I'm using Visual basic 6 .
Thanx .
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Sep 6, 2000
we run a nightly job processes, this job depends on the data entered from the frontend, since yesterday we have been entering lot of data in it, so the job that ran last night 10pm(09/05/00) is still running now and its next schedule time 10pm today(09/06/00), if the same job is already running since yesterday and if it still runs till 10pm today, will it starts again as per the schedule or it will not run, since the same job is running since yesterday.
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May 11, 2006
My database resides on my ISP SQL server, in Colorado. My new data can be found as a TXT file on the C: drive of the shipping PC in my Florida office.
I created a DTS package to import the data from the TXT file to a table in my database. The package works fine, until I schedule it to run.
The package uses the UNC address to find the TXT file. As a result, I can go to any PC in my office and execute the package.
But, when I schedule it to run unattended, it fails.
Can anyone give me any advice?
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Apr 3, 2006
I have a job that runs a SQL script and creates a flat file. I use an FTP task to send the file to a specific FTP site. The job work beautifully when is is completed in the development environment.
After I build the package and deploy on the SQL server and set it up to run as a job it will not work on the SQL server. The error appears to be in the FTP connection. I get two separate errors:
'Unable to connect to FTP Server using FTP Connection Manager' and
'An Error Occured in the requested FTP operation. Detailed error description: The Password was not allowed'
I am sure something very simple is wrong.
Any thoughts.
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Jun 14, 2006
Hi, all here,
Would please any expert here give me any guidance about what Data Mining tasks can be automated and scheduled via Integration Services Packages? Also, If we automated the tasks, can we also automatically save the results of the tasks somewhere? Like if we automate assessing the accuracy of a mining model, then we wanna know the mining model accuracy later, therefore, we need to save all these results from the automated actions. Is it possible to realize this?
Thanks a lot in advance for any guidance and help for this.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Jan 17, 2001
Does anyone has a script or knows how to find out whether the schedule job completed or not?
If I schedule the job to backup all databases on server and e-mail me when job completes.
But one time the job got stuck and somehow never completed. Is there a way I can schedule the job to see whether the other job completed or not?
Thanks for the Help
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Apr 18, 2008
I have set scehduled Backup process, which suppose to run every night at 210000, and a seperate job for Tlog every 15 minutes.
Schduled job won't run at all..Job ius enabled, scheduled is enabled. SQL Server service is running under local admin account.. Then Why not job runs?
No Event Log, No Job History and no Job output? They why not Run?
Surprisingly TLog is running fine..
Also if I execute job manually it runs fine..
Any help or clues?
Many Thanks
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May 27, 2004
I have created a package that do a file search on an AS400 box using activex scriptand UNC path to do the file search. When I run it locally, it's fine. When I run it on the server, it fails. The login setup for the sql server agent service and the job is the same and they both have admin rights.
In addition, I also have another package pointing to the same path, but the job is to create a text file to the UNC path. It works even when I schedule it.
May someone please help me to solve this problem ?
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May 8, 2007
I'm learning SSIS and ran into this error...
I have a package that has its source as an Oracle DB on another server. This package will feed data from that source to a SQL Server 2005 DB. So far, the package works fine if it is executed manually even in SQL Mgmt Studio. It's only failed when I tried it as a scheduled job. I guess I need to do "Package Configurations" which includes the UserID and password for accessing Oracle DB ... but I don't know how. Please help.
Here is the error message:
Date,Source,Severity,Step ID,Server,Job Name,Step Name,Notifications,Message,Duration,Sql Severity,Sql Message ID,Operator Emailed,Operator Net sent,Operator Paged,Retries Attempted
05/08/2007 09:49:00,DataFeed,Error,0,<MyDBServer>,DataFeed,(Job outcome),,The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 8 (Schedule DataFeed Grant Tables). The last step to run was step 1 (DataFeed Grant Tables).,00:00:02,0,0,,,,0
05/08/2007 09:49:00,DataFeed,Error,1,<MyDBServer>,DataFeed,DataFeed Grant Tables,,Executed as user: <MyDBServer>SYSTEM. ....3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 9:49:00 AM Error: 2007-05-08 09:49:00.81 Code: 0xC0016016 Source: Description: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTSassword" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available. End Error Error: 2007-05-08 09:49:01.86 Code: 0xC0202009 Source: AWARDS Connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "OraOLEDB" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "ORA-01005: null password given; logon denied". End Error Error: 2007-05-08 09:49:01.86 Code: 0xC020801C Source: Feed data t... The package execution fa... The step failed.,00:00:02,0,0,,,,0
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Apr 25, 2007
I've managed to get the basics coded into my package. Nothing fancy, it is all quite literally embedded inside the package. No config files, parameters, variables, etc. I've imported the package into SSIS. I can right click on the package and select Run Package. The package fires off, validates, runs through the entire process, and completes successfully. However, when I set up the package to run as a scheduled task, it fails almost immediately with the following output.
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 9.00.3042.00 for 64-bit
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.
Started: 3:28:07 AM
Error: 2007-04-25 03:28:07.41
Code: 0xC0016016
Description: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTSroperty" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available.
End Error
Error: 2007-04-25 03:28:11.36
Code: 0xC001602A
Source: Package Connection manager "FTP Connection Manager"
Description: An error occurred in the requested FTP operation. Detailed error description: The password was not allowed
End Error
Error: 2007-04-25 03:28:11.36
Code: 0xC002918F
Source: Card10 FTP Task
Description: Unable to connect to FTP server using "FTP Connection Manager".
End Error
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1).
Started: 3:28:07 AM
Finished: 3:28:11 AM
Elapsed: 4.297 seconds
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Jul 27, 2001
When I change the SA password on my server the current Scheduled SQL Jobs no longer work. If I run DTS packages by themselves and not from the Scheduled job window they work fine. I am using the sa as the Owner of the jobs and my SQL Agents services use a Domain Account. If I rebuild the jobs after the sa password is change they work fine. However, I don't want to rebuild 100 jobs every time I change my SA password.How can I fix or get around this problem without rebuilding my jobs?
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Aug 23, 2001
On production server, I have two tasks in status "performing completion action" for last couple hours. Ususally these tasks take seconds to finish.
Do you know how can I kill or cancel these tasks? I tried to stop both the jobs couple times but nothing is happening.
There are no locks/blocks on current activity window.
Please give your suggestion.
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Dec 17, 2004
Previously I was performing the process of populating my DataMart and then processing my cubes via 2 separate job scheduled one after the other and with about 30 minutes idle time in-between (just in case).
I now have tried to make a single job with both of the above as 2 steps (one after the other) of a single job.
However when I was done, I did a right click and tried to run the newly created job but instead of what I was hoping (that the job would start, would perform the 1st step, followed by the 2nd), it instead popped up a dialog box asking (I think) which step needs to be executed :(
Is there a solution so that when the job is scheduled to run, it should start performing the steps in the order rather than waiting for someone to select which step to perform.
Will really appreciate urgent reply.
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Dec 17, 2004
Previously I was performing the process of populating my DataMart and then processing my cubes via 2 separate job scheduled one after the other and with about 30 minutes idle time in-between (just in case).
I now have tried to make a single job with both of the above as 2 steps (one after the other) of a single job.
However when I was done, I did a right click and tried to run the newly created job but instead of what I was hoping (that the job would start, would perform the 1st step, followed by the 2nd), it instead popped up a dialog box asking (I think) which step needs to be executed :(
Is there a solution so that when the job is scheduled to run, it should start performing the steps in the order rather than waiting for someone to select which step to perform.
Will really appreciate urgent reply.
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Dec 19, 2005
Hello. I am using SQL Server Management Studio (SQL 2005) and created a daily backup job. Inside the job, i have an "Operating system" step to copy backuped up files onto another directory. However, the job kept on failing with an error "Executed as user ... Access is denied." With this error, how can i change the user used to execute the job? Thanks.
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Aug 7, 2007
Hello All,I tried to set the access permissions for debugging stored procedure by reading the articlehttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w1bhybwz(VS.80).aspxandhttp://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms164014.aspxI have tried to add the role to sysaminas follows1)SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_NAME = 'sp_sdidebug'(to find the sp)Error:--The stored procedure not found2)sp_addsrvrolemember 'Developmentswati.jain', 'sysadmin' though this is executed successfuly . Error is still persisting
Cannot debug stored procedures because the SQL Server database is not setup correctly or user does not have permission to execute master.sp_sdidebug.
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Nov 3, 1999
I have a very peculiar problem. I have few CommandExec jobs on SQL Server 7.0 which has been scheduled to execute at a specific time. The jobs are executing properly but, the problem is they stop after the completion. i.e after finishing the jobs they still flash a message "Executing the job" they don't flash the message "Not Running" this is happening only to commandExec jobs, I have also few TSQL jobs which are working properly. I tried even giving the duration (start and stop time) but no use. Has anyone encountered this problem? If you have a solution PLS pass it on to me. I am in a very desparate situation.
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 21, 2001
Recently converted from 7 to sql 2k.
Running NT 4.0, sp6a. and sql 2k. I have a DTS job that works just fine if i go to 'design view' and then 'execute' it. But if I schedule it, the following error appears.. My question is... why? Also I modified the path from the current below (denapp02cmc$cd01.txt to the local path of the server as well... still came up with the same problem. ?? TIA! ::
DTSRun: Loading... DTSRun: Executing... DTSRun OnStart: Copy Data from Results to denapp02cmc$cd01.txt Step DTSRun OnError: Copy Data from Results to denapp02cmc$cd01.txt Step, Error = -2147467259 (80004005) Error string: Error opening datafile: Access is denied. Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services Flat File Rowset Provider Help file: DTSFFile.hlp Help context: 0 Error Detail Records: Error: 5 (5); Provider Error: 5 (5) Error string: Error opening datafile: Access is denied.
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Sep 12, 2007
I have couple of DTS Packages that I want to run on the server running SQL Server 2000, how do I go about running those? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have created a functioning DTS package inside Enterprise Manager andnow I want to be able to execute it outside of EM. The package importsdata from an SQL dbase to a Visual FoxPro dbase. I would like this DTSpackage to execute everytime an Insert(of certain critera) is made onthe SQL dbase. I am thinking that using an Insert Trigger on the SQLtable is the way to go about this. I am seeking advice as to... is thisthe best way to go about this.Also, and if so, in a trigger which route is the best to take...1. use dtsrun command line utility or2. setup a COM object to run the DTS packageI have tried both in SQL query analyzer and am having troubles with thesyntax. Could anyone possibly send the code for both ways. Thanks.Good Day to all,Brett
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Sep 10, 2007
Does anybody have feedback on how to execute several packages using c#.
Thanks Sergio
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Oct 22, 2007
I have the following query in an ExecuteSQL Task:
Insert Into Table2
Select * From Table1 Where Column1Val = '4'
As you can see, I don't need any parameters so I havent configured any. Also, there should not be any result set so I shouldnt need to configure a resultset parameter.
Why is the above query failing with
Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly
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