Urgent Xp_cmdshell Error

Jul 10, 2007

i am getting followig error while using xp_cmdshell
can anyone help regarding this


Description: [SQL-DMO]The name 'SPS90HFD1DSQLServer2005MSFTEUser$RAJServer$MSSQL' was not found in the Users collection. If the name is a qualified name, use [] to separate various parts of the name, and try again. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) An error occurred during the execution of xp_cmdshell. A call to 'CreateProcess' failed with error code: '1455'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15121). The step failed.

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Xp_cmdshell - URGENT

Sep 10, 2001


Environment: SQL server 7.0 and Windows 2000

I am trying to run bcp with xp_cmdshell inside a trigger for UPDATE.
Whenver I update table the server is hanging. It creates the file in specified location but of ZERO size and I cannot delete it unless I stop SQL server service.

The smae code runs perfectly from a stored procedure without any problem.

Can you pl tell me if there are any LIMITATIONS with xp_cmdshell and Trigger.



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Using Xp_cmdshell To Run An .EXE(Urgent)

Jul 7, 2000

I would like to thank Rob for answering my question any all the guys who looked into it.But it quiet didn't solve my problem.
Hi Guys,
i am trying to run an .exe file from queryanalyzer for my testing.I am using the following command
exec master..xp_Cmdshell 'C:extEXEproject1.exe -SCHEETAH -Uvijay -Pbell'
CHEETAH is my server name
User :vijay
the problem is its running forever in QueryAnalyzer,when i tried to run the
same thing from dosprompt its executing fine.
i tried this also
exec master..xp_Cmdshell '"C:extEXEproject1" -SCHEETAH -Uvijay -Pbell'
I am using Desktop version of SQL Server is this a problem
Please help me in this
thanks for any help

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Xp_cmdshell Error In 6.5 For Non SA Login - Error 1326

Mar 17, 2000

I have a stored proc that attempts to execute xp_cmdshell using a login other than 'sa'. The permissions have been given to the login to execute xp_cmdshell and the stored procedure executes perfectly within the query analyzer in EM. However, when attempting to execute the same stored proc in ISQL_W under a login with permissions for everything as dbo (other than Master) I get error 1326 for LogonUser on line 359. This is with the "xp_cmdshell - Use SQLExecutiveCmdExec Account for Non SAs" disabled (as described as a "workaround" on the technet). Microsoft acknowledged this as being a 'bug' to 'fix' and put a 'fix' in Service Pack 5a. The server that is experiencing this problem is running service pack 5. Is there any difference between the service packs and if so, will installing service pack 5a help me? And if not, what can be done to alleviate this problem?

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Xp_cmdshell Error

Feb 26, 2001

I'm trying to run a .vbs file through the xp_cmdshell sp. It works fine, but if there's an error in the vbscript, the xp_cmdshell will just hang.

When I run the file from the command line, an error dialog box comes up expecting you to click ok. Sql just hangs waiting for this to be resolved.

Anyone have any ideas about how to get around this?


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Error Running Xp_cmdshell

May 24, 2000

Hi everybody,

I am getting an error while running the XP_CMDSHELL 'NET USER /DOMAIN'.
But when I run the same command for sp_cmdshell 'net user' it works fine. It giving me the local users that are available on the my local pc. But now i want the domain users on my network which is not working with the xp_cmdshell..

Thanks in advance......

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Error Job Task And Xp_cmdshell

Jan 16, 2001

I'm trying to run a SQL Server 7.0 scheduled job that executes: Exec master..xp_cmdshell 'd:raining.bat'

If I run this in qry analyzer it runs fine. If I try to run it as a scheduled job it says 'can't find the specified file'

I'm a member of the sysadmins group and sqlexecagent is part of the NT admin group.

Can someone tell me how to fix this problem?

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Xp_cmdshell && WrapperRead() Error

Nov 14, 2004

Hi all,

SQL Server 2000 SP3a, SAN Connection, Standard Edition, 2000 Server edition OS.

I've implemented a log shipping program on one set of sql servers already, the SVR1 set, which are working fine.
I am implementing this on the SVR2 set and I have the wrapperread() problem.
All using SP3a, with MDAC version outlined below. All are reported to be running the SP1 Refresh.

SVR1 - 2.7 SP1 Refresh
SVR1_DR - 2.7 SP1 Refresh

SVR2 - 2.7 SP1 / 2.7 SP1 Refresh
SVR2_DR - 2.7 SP1 / 2.7 SP1 Refresh

When executing the command below in T-SQL I get the error below.
EXEC @sentok = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]ConnectionRead (WrapperRead()).
Server: Msg 11, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

Any help would be gratefully accepted.


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Master..xp_cmdshell Error

Aug 28, 2007

I keep getting a "Incorrect syntax error near ' -Q''' " which is at the end of my xp_cmdshell line. What am I doing wrong?

CREATE Procedure dbo.sp_ImportRawData
(@ClientAbbrev nchar(4), @FileDate nvarchar(8), @SessionId nvarchar(50) )
DECLARE @Msg varchar(255)
DECLARE @DataUpdates nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @Common nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @UServer nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @FullFileName nvarchar(68)
DECLARE @FileName nvarchar(64)
DECLARE @FileExt nvarchar(3)
DECLARE @SQL varchar(3500)
DECLARE @triFileName nvarchar(255)

Declare @Ip_FileName nvarchar(255)
Declare @Ip_Active char(1)

select @UServer = sd_value from Msysdata Where SD_Property = 'UpDateServer'
select @Common = sd_value from Msysdata WHERE SD_Property = 'CommonDir'
select @DataUpdates = sd_Value from Msysdata WHERE SD_Property = 'DataUpdate'

Set @UServer = @UServer + 'D$'

SET @Msg = 'Truncate tri_ active files'
EXEC MARS_SYS.dbo.sp_WriteLog @ClientAbbrev, 'UpdateMgr', @Msg, @FileDate, @SessionId

Declare ActiveFile Cursor For
Select Ip_FileName, Ip_Active from tbl_InputFiles
where Ip_Active = 'Y'

Open ActiveFile
Fetch Next From ActiveFile
Into @Ip_FileName, @Ip_Active

While @@Fetch_Status = 0

Exec('truncate table tri_'+ @Ip_FileName)
Set @FullFileName = @Ip_Filename + '.csv'

set @UServer = ''
set @Common = ''
set @triFileName = 'tri_' + @Ip_FileName

set @sql = 'master..xp_cmdshell ''' + @UServer + @Common + 'd:mars_syscommonscriptsodbcbcp -D CopyMedMgr10_Testing -i D:mars_sysdataupdatesccbm' + @FullFileName + ' -Q''' + @triFileName

Fetch Next From ActiveFile
Into @Ip_FileName, @Ip_Active


CLOSE ActiveFile

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Error While Running Xp_cmdshell

Jul 23, 2005

I am getting the following error when running a command in QueryAnalyzer.Msg 50001, Level 1, State 50001xpsql.cpp: Error 5 from CreateProcess on line 675Here is the command that I am running that generates this errormessage:xp_cmdshell "@ECHO test message > c: empewtemp.txt"The command inside the xp_cmdshell command runs successfully from aWindows command prompt. Simpler commands also fail with the same errormessage. For example:xp_cmdshell 'dir'Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem? I assume this problem isdue to a permissions/security issue. I have given Everyone Full Controlover c: emp.Windows 2000SQL Server 2000Thanks for any help.

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Error Executing Xp_cmdshell

Oct 1, 2007

I'm trying execute DTSX-package

Code Block
exec master..xp_cmdshell '"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90DTSBinndtexec.exe" /FILE ...'

But have got error

Code Block
'C:Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

for some reason it doesn't work!

Or xp_cmdshell doesn't work with long filenames?

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Xp_cmdshell Error 1326

Nov 28, 2006

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'dir *.exe'

Msg 50001, Level 1, State 50001
xpsql.cpp: Error 1326 from LogonUserW on line 620

I have followed following document completely with no problem but yet system generate above error

before that I used to get following error that is one of the described scenario in that document

Msg 50001, Level 1, State 50001
xpsql.cpp: Error 87 from GetProxyAccount on line 499

SBS2000 Premium (Includes SQL 2000)
User: a regular with PUBLIC access on MASTER

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Error Executing Xp_cmdshell From Within A SQL Task In A DTS Package...

Jul 20, 2005

HelloI am trying to execute ‘xp_cmdshell' from within a DTS package thatwas created by another person. When I try to execute that ‘SQL Task'selectively from within the package, I get the following errormessage:Error Title: Package ErrorError Details:Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL ServerError Description: xpsql.cpp: Error 87 from GetProxyAccount on line604Why is this error message popping up? When I create a new package(myself) and create an exact same SQL task as above and run it, theSQL task runs fine.Appreciate any help / feedback.Thanks in AdvanceJagannathan Santhanam

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Error In --&&> EXEC Xp_cmdshell 'bcp SELECT * FROM Tbl A Where A.flag=N Queryout F.txt -c -T'

Aug 7, 2007

some one can tell if i can make a "where" clause inside the BCP , when i say : select * FROM tbl where flag=N , usually the where flag='N' works with the ' ' , but it gives no error when save the store procedure without it ' ' saves nicely the SP,

like this it saves well "SELECT * FROM tbl where flag=N" and
when i execute it, give a sql statement error "Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Invalid column name N."

i dont now , any help

PS: perhaps at the end of the BCP ---> -c -T , must have some more or less

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Problems Creating Error File When Using Bulk Insert Or BCP From Xp_cmdshell.

Mar 13, 2006

BCP thru xp_cmdshell from stored procedure:

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;


EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1;


EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp database.dbo.table in c:scheduled.csv -S SERVERSQLEXPRESS -T -t, -r -c -e "error.txt"';

This is returning the following error code.  I even tried placing the command in a seperate command file and calling that with no success.  If I run this from the command line the error file generation does work.


SQLState = HY000, NativeError = 0

Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Unable to open BCP error-file


Error message when using BULK INSERT as follows:

BULK INSERT database.dbo.table from 'c:unscheduled.csv' with

(FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', ERRORFILE = 'c:error.txt');

Returns the following error message:


Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Procedure pro_cedure, Line 9

Cannot bulk load because the file "c:error.txt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 80(The file exists.).

Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Procedure pro_cedure, Line 9

Cannot bulk load because the file "c:error.txt.Error.Txt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 80(The file exists.).



The Bulk Insert actually creates a empty error.txt file (0kb) and never preforms the insert, I can not find any examples of anyone using the -ERRORFILE switch on BULK INSERT.  Prolly some default security setting to allow file creation/modification I am missing.  Anyone help me out?  Thanks.  


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Xp_cmdshell: A Call To 'CreateProcess' Failed With Error Code: '5' (under SQL2005 RTM)

Mar 28, 2006

I get this error when trying to run xp_cmdshell. I have turned on xp_cmdshell via sp_configure and verified it is on (set to 1) by running sp_configure again. The login trying to run xp_cmdshell has sysadmin privileges. If anyone has a solution please let me know.

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Urgent : DB-Library Error 10007: General SQL Server Error: Check Messages From The SQL

Jul 20, 2005

DB-Library Error 10007: General SQL Server error: Check messages fromthe SQLServer.CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spu_Import_Export_Image](@srvr varchar(50),@db varchar(50),@usr varchar(15),@pwd varchar(50),@tbl varchar(50),@col varchar(50),@mod varchar(1),@imgpath1 varchar(1000),@pk varchar(50))ASBEGINdeclare @path varchar(50)declare @whr varchar(200)declare @fil varchar(100)declare @cmd varchar(1000)declare @imgpath varchar(800)declare @ext varchar(5)--declare @pk varchar(50)declare @KeyValue varchar(8000)declare @image varchar(50)--declare @imgpath1 varchar(1000)declare @imgpath2 varchar(1000)declare @sellist varchar(2000)set @path = 'c: extCopy.exe'select @sellist = 'DECLARE curKey CURSOR FOR SELECT ' + @pk +' FROM '+ @tbl + ' ORDER BY ' + @pkexec (@sellist)OPEN curKeyFETCH NEXT FROM curKey INTO @KeyValueWHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)BEGINset @whr = '"where '+ @pk +' = "' + @KeyValueset @fil = @imgpath1 + '' + @KeyValue --+ @extset @cmd = @path + ' /S ' + @srvr + ' /D ' + @db + ' /U ' + @usr+ ' /P ' + @pwd+ ' /T ' + @tbl + ' /C ' + @col + ' /W ' + @whr + '/F ' + @fil+ ' /' + @modexec Master..xp_cmdShell @cmdFETCH NEXT FROM curKey INTO @KeyValueENDCLOSE curKeyDEALLOCATE curKeyENDGOAbove srcipt runs fine with image data type in one table but when irun for some other table it gives me Error MessageTEXTCOPY Version 1.0DB-Library version 8.00.194SQL Server 'WSQL01' Message 170: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '99'.(Concerning line 1)DB-Library Error 10007: General SQL Server error: Check messages fromthe SQLServer.ERROR: Could not use database 'test1'NULL-----------Aslo it only runs on server console if i run it from workstation uingsame files and tables it gives me an error again. Can anybody help meand reply me at Join Bytes! asap.thnx,dharmesh

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Automation Error, SQL Server Error-MSSqlserver-urgent

Oct 13, 2000

I have three problems related to Sql Server

a.I am developing a database application using VB5/VB6, SQL server 7 and Crystal reports.When I try to generate reports I get the message 'Automation error'. Please help-urgent.

b. I am using temperorary tables to generate reports.ie Table is created by user.Tables are generated runtime ie created as well as deleted. Sometimes
Sometimes i get the message 'SQLServer error' What should I do.What are the rights to be assigned to LOGINS?.

c.Is there precaution while installing SQLserver in WIN98.

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Access Denied Error Message Using Xp_cmdshell To Access Network Share

Jan 14, 2007

When running the following statement in SQL 2005, I get the error message "Access is denied":

exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'TYPE \SERVER-BSHAREFILE.TXT'

The following are true about the network:

The SQL Server is installed on SERVER-A.
SERVER-A and SERVER-B are Windows 2003 servers on the same Windows 2003 domain.
The SQL Server and SQL Server Agent services are running under the domain account SQLSERVICE.
SQLSERVICE is a member of the Domain Admins group.
The Domain Admins group is part of the local Administrators group on SERVER-B.
The SQLSERVICE account has also explicitly been given Full Control to the folder referenced by \SERVER-BSHARE
xp_cmdshell use has been enabled on the SQL Server.

If I run the following command in SQL:

exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'whoami'the following is returned: DOMAINSQLSERVICE
If I change the command to access the c: drive instead of a network drive, it executes successfully.

Can anyone shed some light on why I still cannot access any of the files in this folder using xp_cmdshell?


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DTS Error !!!!!! Urgent

Mar 28, 2002

Hi All,

I am getting the following error in DTS.
I request you to help me in this regard.

Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 3023 (BCF)
Error string: Backup, CHECKALLOC, bulk copy, SELECT INTO, and file manipulation (such as CREATE FILE) operations on a database must be serialized. Reissue the statement after the current backup, CHECKALLOC, or file manipulation operation is completed.
Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Help file:
Help context: 0

Thanks in advance.

Kalyan Kumar

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OLE Db Error - Urgent

Jun 26, 2001

I get the following error when I try to run distributed queries. I added the 2 linked servers.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Client unable to establish connection]

[DBNMPNTW]ConnectionOpen (CreateFile()).

Is there anything else I need to check. Let me know

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DTS Error...urgent!!

Aug 8, 2001

Any clue on what this error is?I am getting this error when I am trying to save after modifying an existing DTS package which transfers 290 tables.

Error: Encripted stream can't exceed 124k


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Error - Urgent

Oct 17, 2001

Can anyone help with the following error message?

The column prefix 'TEST_REPORT.dbo.BUS_REQ_DESCRIPTION_TST' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.

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Error 547 Urgent

Dec 13, 2000

I removed the constraint and update the table and after that I enforced the constraint again and got following error.
I check the data in both table is fine and both the table have a primary key on it.

Thanks for help in advance

Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with TABLE FOREIGN KEY constraint 'fk_ikw_indexed_form_approved_ikw_indexed_uri'. The conflict occurred in database 'rns_indexed', table 'ikw_indexed_form_approved'.

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DTS Error... URGENT!!

Jun 21, 2000

I have set up a job to extract records everyday from a remote server.It has extracted the records but it says the job failed!Any idea what is happening?
Following is the error message.

''... DTSRun: Executing... DTSRun OnStart: Create Table Request1999 Step DTSRun OnError: Create Table Request1999 Step, Error = -2147217900 (80040E14) Error string: There is already an object named 'Request1999' in the database. Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help context: 0 Error Detail Records: Error: -2147217900 (80040E14); Provider Error: 2714 (A9A) Error string: There is already an object named 'Request1999' in the database. Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help context: 0 DTSRun OnFinish: Create Table Request1999 Step DTSRun OnStart: Copy Data from Results to Request1999 Step DTSRun OnProgress: Copy Data from Results to Request1999 Step; 1000 Rows have been transformed or copied.; PercentComplete = 0; ProgressCount = 1000 DTSRun OnProgress: Copy Data from Results to Request1999 Step; 1628 Rows have been transfo... Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.''

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Apr 19, 2000

I use the Microsoft Site Server interface to import web log files into a SQL database (db1). The raw logs are around 2GB per day in size. I have been trying to delete a date range from the database, but I keep getting the following error:

37000: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Could not allocate space for object 'tblImportUser' in database 'db1' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full.
Error adding indexes.

Also, the performance of this machine has greatly decreased from just 2-3 weeks ago. I had been doing some performance testing, so I know that I was able to import a full day of log files (either zipped or unzipped) in just under 2 hours. It is now taking close to 8 hours

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SQL Error - Urgent

Aug 22, 2001


We are using SQL 6.5 and maintaining a application written in Delphi 3.0. While executing the one of the stored procedure(Cover period) we are getting following error msg:

"Unable to create Query Error in Calculating Cover period General SQL Error. Can't allocate space for object '-333' in database 'tempdb' because the 'system' segment is full" with a warning "Fatal Error 1510 occured"

We have increased the space for DB, but still we are getting the same problem.

We would appreciate, if you respond asap


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Nov 9, 2005

We are installing the final release of SQL 2005 On our main SQL server.

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Urgent: Mssql Error Need Help

Jun 3, 2007

I've been working on a project that exchanges data with 2 different mssql dbs. Today I compiled my website and test it locally on remote databases. Everything seemed ok. Then I uploaded all files to the server and after an hour something strange has happened, I do not know why. I could still reach the website locally using remote connstrings but when I try to visit One of the databases could not be connected, ASP.NET said.

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)

Interesting thing is that website can authorize the request (I mean I can login) after that it throws this error.


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Sub Query Error(its Very Urgent)

May 6, 2008

 hi frenz:
This is my query:it shows the following
error:Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'.plz let me know my error, and how to correct it.

My Query:

SELECT EH.EmpID, EL.UserName,EL.Password, E.FirstName, E.LastName, E.DesignationID,
E.DepartmentID, E.Sex, E.DOB, E.Age, E.Address, E.Email,
'ContactNo'= Case When E.phone is not null Then E.phone When E.phone is null
Then E.Mobile End ,E.DateOfjoining, D.Designation, DE.Department,E.HobbyID
where E.HobbyID in
(select EH.HobbyID from EMP_Tbl_EmployeeHobbies EH inner join EMP_Tbl_Hobby H on EH.HobbyID=H.HobbyID) as item1,
From dbo.EMP_Tbl_Employee E
Inner Join dbo.EMP_Tbl_Designation D On E.DesignationID=D.DesignationID
Inner Join dbo.EMP_Tbl_Department DE On E.DepartmentID=DE.DepartmentID
Inner Join dbo.EMP_Tbl_EmployeeHobbies EH On E.EmpID=EH.EmpID
Inner Join dbo.EMP_Tbl_EmployeeLogin EL On E.Sno=EL.Sno

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Urgent Help Needed W/an Error

Sep 14, 2004

We run a site through asp.net (programmed in visual studio.net) and the site's beginning to get a lot of problems (as the site grows)

Here is the latest error message. I was wondering if someone could help me troubleshoot this.

Server Error in '/' Application.

Transaction (Process ID 145) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Transaction (Process ID 145) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[SqlException: Transaction (Process ID 145) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream) +723
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) +44
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) +5
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillFromCommand(Object data, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +304
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +77
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable) +36
Saltwaterfishing.Components.DB.RankResults.SearchAllSites(String query, Int32 currentPage, Int32 pageSize) in
***************.Controls.RankResultsGrid.BindDataGrid() in ***************\ControlsRankResultsGrid.ascx.cs:82
***************.Controls.RankResultsGrid.ShowResults() in ***************ControlsRankResultsGrid.ascx.cs:68
***************.Main.ShowPage() in
***************.Main.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in ***************\main.aspx.cs:43
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +731

Thank you

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Urgent .....Syntax Error

Dec 5, 2001

Hi...I have the codes below and it works fine...but there is another field called References and if I add that to the below codes ...then I get an error saying that 'Incorrect Syntax near the keyword 'References'......can someone help me out with this.....Thanks

---This sets the fields as current---

Set db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open "dsn=DemoBase;"
Set Current = db.Execute("SELECT TheDate, Code, Title, Author, Apparatus, Instructions, Comments, DCSReference, Location, ShortDescription, Video, Popular, Classification, Working FROM dbo.AllDemos WHERE Code = '" + Replace(CodeVar, "'", "''") + "'")

----This updates the database-------

Set UpDateDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
UpDateDB.Open "dsn=DemoBase;"
Set UpDate = UpDateDB.Execute("UPDATE dbo.AllDemos SET Title = '" + title + "', Comments = '" + Comments + "', Author = '" + Author + "', TheDate = getdate(), Code = '" + Code + "', DCSReference='" + DCSReference + "', Classification = '" + classification + "', Video = '" + Video + "', Instructions = '" + Instructions + "', Apparatus = '" + Apparatus + "', Location = '" + Alocation + "', ShortDescription = '" + SDescription + "', Working = '" + Working + "' WHERE (Code = '" + OldCode + "')")

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Error Message -help Urgent-

Jun 5, 2002

Hi there

I have this error message when I try to connect to a server SQL Server :

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Client unable to establish connection
/include/ctt.asp, line 6

Thanks in advance

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