Use Of Variant Type Parameter In ExecuteNonQuery()

Jul 19, 2007

In the following code snippet, the stored procedure executes up to the

iRet = vciSqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();

command and fails with error:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near 'value'.

That would point to the

" = @data_Param where


So what is the proper syntax?

Code Snippet

SqlParameter data_Param = new SqlParameter("@data_Param", SqlDbType.Variant);

SqlCommand vciSqlCommand = new SqlCommand();

switch ((vcidatatype)FieldDef.ivcidatatype)

{ // read in the binary data!!!!!!

case vcidatatype.eENGUNITS: data_Param.Value = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(r.ReadBytes(FieldDef.iLen)); break;

case vcidatatype.eLANADR: data_Param.Value = r.ReadInt16(); break;

case vcidatatype.eBYTESIZE: data_Param.Value = r.ReadByte(); break;

case vcidatatype.eFLOATSIZE: data_Param.Value = r.ReadSingle(); break;

case vcidatatype.eINT32SIZE: data_Param.Value = r.ReadUInt32(); break;

case vcidatatype.eFILLERBYTES: r.ReadBytes(FieldDef.iLen); break; // eat up empty bytes

default: FieldDef.ivcidatatype = (Int32)vcidatatype.eFILLERBYTES; break;


if (FieldDef.ivcidatatype != (Int32)vcidatatype.eFILLERBYTES)

{ // all but filler

vciSqlCommand.CommandText =

"update " + acPointType + "set " + FieldDef.sFldName +

" = @data_Param where VEC = " + acVECName +

" and name = " + acPointName;

vciSqlCommand.Connection = conn;


iRet = vciSqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();


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Sql Variant Data Type Corruption

May 12, 2004

I have a user who uses the sql variant data type. Currently the database he uses is read only and he has noticed a lot of "garbage" in the column in the last few days. A dbcc shows no corruption and the user is following the rules of the sql variant data type as far as we know.
One last thing, he never had this problem on AS 2000.

config: :confused:
SQL 2000 SP3 on Windows Server 2003

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DTS Global Variable Variant Type Mismatch

Nov 19, 2004

I am trying to declare a global variable in a DTS package for passing the recordset to the next stage Active Script . After declaration of the Global Variable and selecting datatype of the variable as OTHER ( Variant ) , when I try to save the DTS Package changes , it throws a Type Mismatch Error .

:confused: Please help me out .

Arnie .

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Is XML Variant Type's Size Is Limited? Or Anything Wrong?

Apr 3, 2008

Can anyone help on this?
In SQL 2005, I use a variant with XML type; it seems that its size is limited here. If I assign a big data to it, it appears not assigned at all. Here is the example:

Code Snippet
declare @xml xml
--cross two table to get many records returned, if nothing is abnormal, just cross more tables here
select * from master.sys.objects a, master.sys.objects b for xml RAW, ELEMENTS
set @xml=( select * from master.sys.objects a, master.sys.objects b for xml RAW, ELEMENTS )
select @xml
--no results here for var @xml

--use single table to get fewer records returned.
select * from master.sys.objects for xml RAW, ELEMENTS
set @xml=( select * from master.sys.objects for xml RAW, ELEMENTS )
select @xml
--results as normal.

Note:here I don't want to test SQL server, I just use XML type variant as oupput for a sproc, and come across the issue here.

Any reply will be appreciated!

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Using An Optimised Method To Insert A Variant Type Array To DB

Feb 13, 2008

Hi, I was wondering if there is a method (other than BULK INSERT) to insert a (C++) application level array into the database, I have a variant type array populated with values that I want to insert, perhaps using ADO objects in quick time!

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Data Migration Error - SQL TYPE Variant Data

Aug 21, 2006

I am trying to migrate our Portals database from SQL2000 to SQL2005, but I received "SQL Type Variant Data" error during the data migration with some database. Can anyone help me with this?



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How To Declare A Procedure Parameter Type To Match A Referenced Table Colum Type

Dec 14, 2007

I like to define my procedure parameter type to match a referenced table colum type,
similar to PL/SQL "table.column%type" notation.
That way, when the table column is changes, I would not have to change my stored proc.
Any suggestion?

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Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.String' To Type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter'.

Jun 19, 2008

I'm getting this error on a page the needs to execute two separate stored procedures.  The first one, is the main insert, and returns the identity value for the ClientID.  The second stored procedure inserts data, but needs to insert the ClientID returned in the first stored procedure.  What am I doing wrong with including the identity value "ClientID" in the second stored procedure? 
Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter'.Source Error:

Line 14: If li.Selected Then
Line 15: InsertClientCompanyType.InsertParameters("CompanyTypeID").DefaultValue = li.Value
Line 16: InsertClientCompanyType.InsertParameters("ClientID") = ViewState("ClientID")
Line 17:
Line 18:
Source File: C:InetpubwwwrootIntranetExternalAppsNewEmploymentClientNewClient.aspx.vb    Line: 16
Here is my code behind... What am I doing wrong with grabbing the ClientID from the first stored procedure insert? 
Protected Sub InsertNewClient_Inserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs)ClientID.Text = e.Command.Parameters("@ClientID").Value.ToString()ViewState("ClientID") = e.Command.Parameters("@ClientID").Value.ToString()End SubProtected Sub Submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Submit.ClickInsertNewClient.Insert()For Each li As ListItem In CompanyTypeID.Items
If li.Selected ThenInsertClientCompanyType.InsertParameters("CompanyTypeID").DefaultValue = li.ValueInsertClientCompanyType.InsertParameters("ClientID") = ViewState("ClientID")InsertClientCompanyType.Insert()End IfNextEnd Sub

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Inserting A Variant Array To DB

Feb 13, 2008

Hi, I was wondering if there is a method (other than BULK INSERT) to insert a (C++) application level array into the database, I have a variant type array populated with values that I want to insert, possibly using ADO Objects, in quick time!

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Can Return A Custom Value If Variant Isn't Null

Feb 18, 2012

Nz(variant [, valueifnull ] ) is the syntax.

If the value of variant isn't Null, then the Nz function returns the value of variant.

Can I return a custom value if the variant isnt null?

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How To Get The Parameter Type In

May 24, 2007

I am currently using the following embedded code to get the selected values from a Parameter and display in a textbox. I however have a number of reports and I don't want to include this in all of them. I have created a dll with some other functions but when i try to include the following function it throws an error on the Parameter type. What am I doing wrong, I am not all that familiar with dot net?

Public Function ShowParameterValues(ByVal parameter as Parameter) as String
Dim s as String

If parameter.count <= 5 then
If parameter.IsMultiValue and parameter.count > 1 then
s = " "
For i as integer = 0 to parameter.Count-1
if i = parameter.count - 1
s = s + CStr(parameter.Label(i))
s = s + CStr(parameter.Label(i)) + ", "
end if

s = " " + CStr(parameter.Label(0))
End If
s = " Only a maximum of 5 selection values can be displayed. "
End if
Return s
End Function

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Retrieving Variant Column Datatype Using SQLColAttrubute

Jan 11, 2008

When i try to retirve the datatype of a variant column using SQLColAttribute, the datatype comes back as SQL_BINARY(-2) instead of a CHAR based type. To reproduce the problem, add extended property 'MS_Description' to either a column or a table. Assign a text value to the property.

Execute the following query and verify. SELECT value FROM sys.extended_properties WHERE name = 'MS_Description'

I'm using SQL Server 2005 sp 2 with Visual Studio 2005.

Here is the code i use -

Code Block
SQLHENV m_SQLEnvironment;
SQLHDBC m_SQLConnection;
SQLHSTMT m_SQLStatement;
CString sConnectionString = _T("DRIVER={SQL Native Client};SERVER=YourServer;DATABASE=YourDatabase;Trusted_Connection=yes;");

CString sQuery = _T("SELECT value FROM sys.extended_properties WHERE name = 'MS_Description'") ;

iReturn = SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_ENV,SQL_NULL_HANDLE,&m_SQLEnvironment);
iReturn = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC,m_SQLEnvironment,&m_SQLConnection);
iReturn = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_SQLConnection, &m_SQLStatement );
SQLCHAR szwOutputConnectionString[800];
SQLSMALLINT nOutputStringLength = 0;
iReturn = SQLDriverConnect( m_SQLConnection, m_hWnd, (SQLCHAR*)(LPCSTR)sConnectionString, SQL_NTS, szwOutputConnectionString, 800, &nOutputStringLength, nDriverCompletion );

iReturn = SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT,m_SQLConnection,&m_SQLStatement);
iReturn = SQLPrepare( m_SQLStatement, (SQLCHAR*)(LPCSTR)sQuery , SQL_NTS );
iReturn = SQLExecute( m_SQLStatement );
iReturn = SQLFetch( m_SQLStatement );
SQLSMALLINT nDummyInt = 0;

//get the datatype of the variant
iReturn = SQLColAttribute( m_SQLStatement, (SQLUSMALLINT) 1, SQL_CA_SS_VARIANT_TYPE, NULL, NULL, &nDummyInt, &nType );

After the execution of SQLColAttribute, nType value is assigned a value of -2 (SQL_BINARY) instead of a CHAR based type. What am i doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.


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How To Create View Of Union On Variant Tables ?

Apr 1, 2008

HI, Guys:

I've some AT_DATE tables (eg: AT_20080401, AT_20080402, ...) in SQLServer DB, and these AT_XX table have same columns. but table count could be variant, so I have to query sysobjects to get all of these tables. like this:
select name from sysobject where name like 'AT_%'

Now I try to create a view AT which is the union of all these AT_XX tables, such as:

Code Snippet

Create View AT as
select * from AT_20080401
select * from AT_20080402
union ...

but since I'm not sure how many tables there, it would be impossible to write SQL as above.
though I could get this union result via stored-procedure, view couldn't be created on the resultset of a procedure.
Create View AT as
select * from AT_createView() <-- AT_createView must be a function, not procedure

I've checked msdn, there is Multi-statement table-valued function, but this function type seems to create one temporary table, I don't want to involve much of insert operation because there could be more than 1million records totally in these AT_XX tables.

So is there any way to achived my goal?
any reference would be appreciated, thanks !

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SqlDataSource Using A Type Parameter Of Table

Oct 8, 2006

I am not sure (and I've been known to overlook things) if it is possible to use a Table parameter type as parameter to a stored procedure?  Is it possible? I would prefer not to create a SQL batch statement calling an stored proc w/ one parameter over and over. Instead i'd rather just create the stored proc to take a table parameter and pass the table into the stored proc.  I know I could use a CSV string of IDs instead of a table...  or I could create a big SQL batch and use that.  But I'd rather not. Could anyone provide some guidance? Thanks!Joe

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Table Data Type As Parameter

Aug 24, 2007

How can I use Table Data Type as parameter for Stored Procedures and Functions.

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Bit Type Parameter For Stored Procedure

Apr 19, 2004

I am trying to supply a bit type parameter to a stored procedure. This is used to update a Bit type field in a table. The field is called PDI

The syntax I am trying to use is:

MyStoredProcedure.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Pdi",SqlDbtype.bit))
MyStoredProcedure.Parameters("@pdi").value = -1

When I do my ExecuteNonQuery I get error 8114

What am I doing wrong?

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Function With A Parameter Of Type Object.

Jun 10, 2008


I would like to create a function that accepts a value of any type as parameter. I mean, it could receive a value of type int, datetime, char,...
In .net, I would use the type "object". Is there an equivalent for SQL server function ?



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Multi Select Type-in Parameter

Nov 22, 2006

Hi All

Can anyone tell me whether or not it is
possible to multi select when you have a parameter
that is set as non-querried in order for it to be
typed instead of selected.

My users prefer typing the values and selecting
more than one. But at the moment I cant give them both..

I'm using SSRS with SSAS cube all in BI all 2005

Please help. I suspect that if it's possible it may just be a
syntax thing but I am yet to find it.

Thanks in advance

Gerhard Davids

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Stored Procedure Parameter Without Type

May 23, 2006

Hi All !

How i can create a stored procedure like ISNULL ?

I need to a procedure that accepts Int type parameters and Float type ect.

Thanks. DBT.

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Using A Complex Type As Parameter To A Webservice

Mar 28, 2007

I really need some information that shows how I could construct a query that take a complex type as parameter.

Regards, Christian

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Pop-Up Calendar For DateTime Parameter Type

Aug 29, 2007


We have noticed that the calendar months in the Pop-Up Calendar option, based upon month word length, will shift in size and this will cause the left and right arrows to shift. For example, 'May' is much shorter than 'December'.

My user is complaining because she cannot quickly move from one month to another without having to reposition the mouse over the navigation arrow.

Is the Calendar feature working as designed?

Thank you,

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Is It Possible To Capture An OUT Type Parameter From A PL/SQL Stored Procedure?

Dec 19, 2007

When a stored PL/SQL procedure in my Oracle database is called from ASP.NET, is it possible to retrieve the OUT parameter from the PL/SQL procedure?  For example, if I have a simple procedure as below to insert a row into the database.  Ideally I would like it to return back the parameter named NewId to my ASP.NET server.  I'd like to capture this in the VB.NET code. 1 create or replace procedure WriteName(FirstName in varchar2, LastName in varchar2, NewId out pls_integer) is2 3 NameId pls_integer;4 5 begin6 7 select name_seq.nextval into NameId from dual;8 9 insert into all_names(id, first_name, last_name)10 values(NameId, FirstName, LastName);11 12 NewId := NameId;13 14 end WriteName;  1 <asp:SqlDataSource 2 ID="SqlDataSaveName" 3 runat="server" 4 ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"5 ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>" 6 SelectCommand="WRITENAME"7 SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">8 <SelectParameters>9 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBoxFirstName" Name="FIRSTNAME" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />10 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBoxLastName" Name="LASTNAME" PropertyName="text" Type="String" />11 </SelectParameters>12 </asp:SqlDataSource>This is then called in the VB.NET code as below. It is in this section that I would like to capture the PL/SQL OUT parameter NewId returned from Oracle. 1 SqlDataSaveName.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty) If anybody can help me with the code I need to add to the VB.NET section to capture and then use the returned OUT parameter then I'd be very grateful.

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Enable Parameter Of Type Date To Be Blank.

Feb 11, 2008

Is it possible to enable parameter of type date to be blank (not null)?

I created parameter of type date, gave it no default value, when I pressed the preview tab I got error message "The property 'DefaultValue' of report parameter 'DateParamName' doesn't have the expected type"
Thanks in advance!

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OLEDB Command Parameter Type Is Different In Different Situations

Dec 3, 2007

Hi All,

I am using OLEDB Command transformation in a data flow to update the table. Find the columns for the table EMP as follows.

EmpID - int
EmpName - varchar(40)
EmpSal - float
Status - varchar(20)

I am using the following command to update the table.

Update EMP set status = 'Disabled' where EmpID = ? and EmpSal = ?

when I use the above condition the type of the second parameter is taking as "double precision float" as the incoming input column type is "double - precision float". This is fine.

But when I use the following condition the type of the param is taking as different one.

Update EMP set status = 'Disabled' where EmpID = ? and ( EmpSal + ? ) = 0

It is taking as "four byte signed integer" even though the incoming input column type is "double precision float" thus I am loosing the precision and getting error when the limit exeeds. If I use 0.0 then it is taking as "Numeric" type.

If I use convert function like (EmpSal + ? ) = Convert(float, 0) then it is taking as "double precision float".
Update EMP set status = 'Disabled' where EmpID = ? and ( EmpSal + ? ) = Convert(float, 0)

My question is how it behaves in the above situation. Can any body clarify please?


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Argument Data Type For Dateadd Parameter

Mar 24, 2008

I am using the following code in my SQL stmt in my OLE BD Source stmt:


My parameters are as follows:
0 - User:LastSalesLoadDate DateTime variable
1 - User:Load Interval Int16 (or Int32)
2 - User:LastSalesLoadDate

When I try to close the program I get the following error:

"Argument data type datetime is invalid for argument 2 of dateadd function. If I can't use a datetime data type for the date time part of the dateadd, what can I use?

The exact same code runs without error in an EXECUTE SQL task.


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Niewbie: Accept The Input Parameter Of Astring Type

Sep 6, 2004

Very simple problem but I still can not sovle, could you help me?
I have a following store procedure:

create procedure countauthors @state as
declare @countauthors int
select @countauthors=count(*) from authors
where state=@state
return @countauthors

declare @result int
exec @result=countauthors'ca'

But it don't work for me. Is something wrong here?
many thanks

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Data Type Of Parameter Passing To A Stored Procedure

Feb 25, 2004

I pass a paramter of text data type in sql server (which crosspnds Memo data type n Access) to a stored procedure but the problem is that I do not know the crossponding DataTypeEnum to Text data type in SQL Server.

The exact error message that occurs is:

ADODB.Parameters (0x800A0E7C)
Parameter object is improperly defined. Inconsistent or incomplete information was provided.

The error occurs in the following code line:
.parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter ("@EMedical", advarwchar, adParamInput)

I need to know what to write instead of advarwchar?
Thanks in advance

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Execute SQL Task With An INPUT Parameter Of Type DBTIMESTAMP

Dec 18, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to do something that should be fairly straightforward, but SSIS seems to be getting confused. I have a stored procedure which takes a timestamp as an input parameter. (NOTE: It's not a DateTime that's being stored as a DBTIMESTAMP, it really is a timestamp in the SQL sense.)

The command should be something like this:

Code Block

EXEC dbo.UpdateSynchTimestamp ?
I tried to use my variable to pass the value through Parameter Mapping, but I got an unusual error:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "EXEC dbo.UpdateSynchTimestamp ?" failed with the following error: "An error occurred while extracting the result into a variable of type (DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP)". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

This is strange for a number of reasons:

1) The DBTIMESTAMP parameter has the Direction set to "Input", so it should not be interpreted as an Output or ReturnValue.
2) The Execute SQL Task has Result Set = "None", so it should not be trying to return anything.

If I change the code to include a value hard-coded it works:

Code Block

EXEC dbo.UpdateSynchTimestamp 0x00000000000013BD
It is only when a variable is involved that it breaks.

Finally, here's the Stored Procedure itself:

Code Block

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateSynchTimestamp]

UPDATE ServerSettings
SET [Value] = @NewValue
WHERE [Key] = 'SynchTimestamp'
Doe anyone have any suggestions as to why this isn't working for me? For the time being, I have a Script Task which constructs the command text and stores it in a variable. I can't even use an Expression because the DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.

Thanks for reading this!

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Data Type In Parameter Mapping For An Execute SQL Task

Jul 12, 2006

Hi, I am trying to use an integer as input parameter for my task I get suck on the parameter data type.

The input parameter is define as @Control_ID variable as Int32 in SSIS. When I got into the parameter mapping of Execute SQL Task, I don't find the Int32 data type. I used to try Short, Numeric, Decimal and so on, but all of those data type didn't work. and it returns the following error message:

SSIS package "DCLoading.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Update Control_ID, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "use DCAStaging

update DCA_HFStaging set
[dbo].[Control_ID] = P0 where [Control_ID] is null
" failed with the following error: "The multi-part identifier "dbo.Control_ID" could not be bound.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Task failed: Update Control_ID
Warning: 0x80019002 at DCLoading: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "DCLoading.dtsx" finished: Failure.

Any help?

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Execute Sql Task To Set Output Parameter Of Type Integer

Jun 1, 2006

I'm having a heckuva time with creating output parameters based on a query.

Here's what I'm doing. Every day, we copy rows from our mysql table to our sql server table. We only want to copy those rows that are new, so as to not have to recopy the entire table.

So I have a DataReader Source set to provider that connects to the mysql db.
The destination is an OLE connection to the local sql server.

I create an Execute SQL Task.
The connection is set to the OLE connection
The type is direct input
The SQL Statement is "select max(id) from copy_table"

In Parameter Mapping, I create a user variable called maxId that is an int64. That variable is now used as the Variable Name. The Direction is Output. The Parameter Name is 0.

Whatever data type I use for the mapping does not work with the variable type. If the parameter was set to ULARGE_INTEGER, here's the error
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "SELECT MAX(stats_id) AS max_id FROM copy_table" failed with the following error: "Type name is invalid.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

If parameter is set to LONG:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "maxId": "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::maxId" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object. ".

I found that if variable and parameter were dates to use datetime for the variable and DBTIMESTAMP for the parameter.

There are an awful lot of combinations between all the possible variable types, and the possible parameter types. Does anyone know the secret combination for your typical integer?


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String Type Multi-Valued Parameter Issue

Jul 3, 2007

Hi There.

I have a Multi-valued parameter that is a string type and it freaks out when a do a select all from my drop down list. I suspect it has something to do with size as it works great if a pick a reasonable amount of items. My parameter list is populated by 1463 items of 12 characters each. Is there a threshold I should have to worry about?

Thanks, Mike

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Date Type Parameter: OLEDB Driver Problem

Sep 13, 2007

Hi Friends,

Inititally we were using ODBC driver for DB2. My reports we working fine(preview mode) with date type parameters.

But When I changed it to OLEDB driver for AS400 DB2 it is throwing the exception while previewing the same report.

Driver Name: "IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDA400 OLE DB Provider"

ERROR Message: "The parameter fromDate doesnot have expected value?"

Please help me.

Thanks in advance


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Column, Parameter, Or Variable #1: Cannot Find Data Type SqlDatareader

Sep 28, 2006

Hello Everyone,A have a Managed Stored Procedure ([Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlProcedure]). In it I would like to call a UserDefinedFunction:public static SqlInt32 IsGetSqlInt32Null(SqlDataReader dr, Int32 index)   {    if(dr.GetSqlValue(index) == null)      return SqlInt32.Null;    else      return dr.GetSqlInt32(index)   }I than allways get the following ErrorMessage:Column, parameter, or variable #1: Cannot find data type SqlDatareader.Is it not possibel to pass the SqlDatareader to a SqlFunction, do the reading there and return the result.My original Problem is, that datareader.GetSqlInt32(3) throws an error in case there is Null in the DB. I thought SqlInt32 would allow Null.Would appreciate any kind of help! Thanks

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