Use The Current Username For Filtering In SQL Statement

Dec 2, 2005

My objective is to only get the records for Current USER's region and district.  Please let me know

what I am missing....Thank you!!!

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


      if (!IsPostBack)






private void bindGrid()



         SqlCommand getCommand = new SqlCommand();


         getCommand.CommandText="SELECT DealerCode,DealerName,ClaimCount," +

         "Total$,CliamDays FROM DealerList,pwausers,pwadlrs WHERE" +

         "@username=user_name AND parts_reg=dmpreg AND parts_dist=dmpdist";








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Analysis :: MDX - Aggregate Measure For Specific Time Range / Filtering And Print Only Current Month

Aug 6, 2015

At the following MDX code , I want to get the aggregate of measure only for  members that are also in the specified last time (like in examp 01/06/2015) . I tried existing and exists, but without any lack.

MEMBER [Measures].[Aggregate] AS

[Code] ....

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Filtering SQL Statement With Datepart

Jun 15, 2006

Im making a page where I want to display this weeks information & news as a default setting.
What do I have to do to make it work (Im new to .Net but used to ASP 3 & MySql)?
My idea is to store the week number in a variable which is updated att Page_load and thento use this variable in the following sql statement that gets news and info from the MsSqldatabase where weeknumber is = the defined variable.
So how do I store weeknumber in a variable?ANDHow do I use this variable in the SQL statement?

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Transact SQL :: Case Statement For A New Column Based On Date And Username Columns

Sep 2, 2015

Below is the SQL Query i am currently having

SELECT IG_FinancialTransactionSummary.ClaimNum,IG_FinancialTransactionSummary.TransactionCode,

[Code] ....

And here is the result dataset

ClaimNumTransactionDateUsername ClaimNum TransactionAmountUserName
2000074 20150209jerry.witt 2000074 -10000DATAFIX INSERTED ON 20150626 AT 162152493 LOCAL
2000074 20150626DATAFIX INSERTED ON 20150626 AT 162152493 LOCAL 2000074 -10000DATAFIX INSERTED ON 20150626 AT 162152493 LOCAL

[Code] .....

So,if we look at the result set, we notice 2 conditions where the IG_FinancialTransactionSummary.Username is like 'Data' and if we see the transaction date then sometimes that is the max transaction date or sometimes there are transactions that happened after but that doesn't have like '%data%' in username . So, i need to add a new column to my sql query which should basically verify if the username is like '%data%' and if that is the max(transaction date) or even if there are any transactions after that doesn't have like '%data%' then YES else No.

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Filtering SQL Statement By Server Variable

Apr 27, 2007

 Hope somebody can help me with a problem that i am having. I have the following piece of code
Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection
Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand
Dim sqlReader As SqlDataReader
sqlConn = New SqlConnection("server=myserver;database=aspnet;uid=username;pwd=password")
sqlCmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT SamAccount, FirstName, Surname, FirstName + N' ' + Surname+' Logged In ' AS UserLoggedIn FROM tblUsers WHERE (SamAccount = " + Request.ServerVariables("logon_user") + ")", sqlConn)
sqlReader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader()
Dim strPCNAme As String
strPCNAme = sqlReader("UserLoggedIn")
 The bit i have i have underlined and made bold throws up the error. Basically what i am trying to do is to filter the the SQL statement by the server variable logon user. Everthing works fine until the point that i put the where clase in.
 Can anybody help please?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Filtering Query Using CASE Statement Within WHERE Clause

Aug 21, 2014

How I am using a CASE statement within a WHERE clause to filter data:

@filter1 varchar(100) = '',
@filter2 varchar(100) = ''

[Code] .

What I want, is to be able to pass in a single value to filter the table, or if I pass in (at the moment a blank) for no filter to be applied to the table.

Is this a good way to accomplish that, or is there a better way? Also, down the line I'm probably going to want to have multiple filter items for a single filter, what would be the best way to implement that?

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Current SQL Statement

Sep 25, 2001

My backup fails in the night, because of a non logged operation being executed at the same instant. I am interested in finding out the statement that is causing the problem. What would be the best way to do that?

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Text Manager Can Not Conitinue With Current Statement

Jul 20, 2005

I received this error message in the application event logs. Can anyone tell me what this is pertaining to?Error: 7102, Severity: 20, State: 99SQL Server Internal Error. Text manager cannot continue with currentstatement.Thanks Barb

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Transact SQL :: Current Flag On Merge Statement

Nov 12, 2014

I was using Type 2 for one of our Fact table.... and need to put a flag to know which one is the Current record... I couldn't able to figure how to implement logic in the merge statement... This is an example Query ....I was using like this for my fact table...

Basically I need to track CustomerName and City... So I need a Currentflag (Y) for latest record....

MERGE INTO [dbo].[TargetCustomer] AS TRG
USING [dbo].[MyCustomers] AS SRC
ON TRG.[CustomerID] = SRC.[CustomerID]
AND TRG.[CustomerName]=SRC.[CustomerName]
AND TRG.[City]=SRC.[City]

[Code] .....

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Select Statement To Return Most Current Syscreated Date On Duplicates

Jun 29, 2006

I have a db that has duplicate customer records.

If I run the following select statment against the appropriate table it returns the duplilcate records in the result set. However, from this list I want to add an additional select statement embedded into the query that will actually return only those records with the most current syscreated date.

Example of script I'm using---

select cmp_fadd1, syscreated, cmp_name, cmp_code
from cicmpy
where cmp_fadd1 in (select cmp_fadd1
from cicmpy
group by cmp_fadd1
having count(1) = 2)
order by cmp_fadd1,syscreated desc

The results is:

Address Syscreated date Customer
1622 ONTARIO AVENUE 2005-06-15 22:19:45.000 RELIABLE PARTSLTD
1622 ONTARIO AVENUE 2004-01-22 18:10:05.000 RELIABLE PARTS LTD
PEI CENTER 2006-01-05 22:03:50.000 P.G. ENERGY
PEI CENTER 2004-01-22 17:57:56.000 P.G. ENERGY

From this I want to be able to select ONLY those records with the most current syscreated date or those records with 2005-06-15 and 2006-01-05

Can anyone help me with creating this?



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Export Username / Password To CSV File To Test SP To Output Username / Password

Jun 2, 2014

I put this together to export the user name /password to a csv file to test my SP to output the user name/password.

DECLARE @user_name varchar(50)
DECLARE @psswrd varchar(10)
SELECT @user_name ,@psswrd
FROM ngweb_bulk_enrollments
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'bcp NGDevl.dbo.ngweb_bulk_enrollments out C: est.csv -Sserver1 -T -t, -r

This works but I don't get the headers in the file. How can I include the headers?

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Create WHERE Statement That Will Calculate Values From Current Fiscal Year To Last Complete Month

Feb 3, 2015

I'm trying to create a WHERE statement that will calculate values from our current fiscal year to the last complete month.I'm using code that was created for us that does the calculations for our entire fiscal years. I thought I had fixed the WHERE statement to work like we wanted last year, but it appears to be broken now after trying it again in January and February. I'm guessing my WHERE statement only works for March and up, but how to get it to work for every month. Most attempts I'm trying it's just returning very large and inaccurate values.

I included my WHERE statement below of what I originally had that worked last year. The @BeginYear/Month/etc are retrieved from a different table and @Month is just set to MONTH(GETDATE())-1.

(YEAR(SA3.DocumentDate)=@BeginYear AND MONTH(SA3.DocumentDate)>=@BeginMonth AND MONTH(SA3.DocumentDate)<=@Month)
(YEAR(SA3.DocumentDate)=@EndYear AND MONTH(SA3.DocumentDate)<=@EndMonth AND MONTH(SA3.DocumentDate)>=@Month)

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Error: SQL Server Internal Error. Text Manager Cannot Continue With Current Statement..

Sep 21, 2006

When my production server processing some queries suddenly the SQL Server service crashed and following error was in the error log:

SQL Server Internal Error. Text manager cannot continue with current statement.

The server is running SQL Server 2000 with SP4.

I am really concerned because this is a production sever and there are over 300 users access concurrently.

Please help me to find a solution.



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Get Rows Between Current Date And Current Time

Jun 8, 2008

I've this query
t1.ID, t1.Date, t1.Time,
t1.Date<CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101)

Let's say, current date is 8 AUG 2005 and current time is 2045
So, i will get
ID | Date (this is datetime) | Time (this is integer) | Value
204 | 8/1/2005| 2359 | 90
205 | 8/1/2005| 2250 | 99
206 | 8/1/2005| 1950 | 88
207 | 8/7/2005| 1845 | 77
208 | 8/7/2005| 2255 | 77
209 | 8/7/2005| 2140 | 77

Can someone can show me to filter data between
t1.Date>=CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEADD(d,-7,GETDATE()),101) AND TIME>=CurrentTime
t1.Date<CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101) AND TIME<=CurrentTime

If current date is 8 AUG 2005 and current time is 2045, so the result shown as follow

ID | Date (this is datetime) | Time (this is integer) | Value
204 | 8/1/2005| 2359 | 90
205 | 8/1/2005| 2250 | 99
207 | 8/7/2005| 1845 | 77

I only have this query,
t1.ID, t1.Date, t1.Time,
t1.Date<CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101)

lack of idea to put the TIME condition.

Plz help me..

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Transaction Count After EXECUTE Indicates That A COMMIT Or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION Statement Is Missing. Previous Count = 1, Current Count = 0.

Aug 6, 2006

With the function below, I receive this error:Error:Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 1, current count = 0.Function:Public Shared Function DeleteMesssages(ByVal UserID As String, ByVal MessageIDs As List(Of String)) As Boolean        Dim bSuccess As Boolean        Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection = GetConnection()        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("", MyConnection)        Dim i As Integer        Dim fBeginTransCalled As Boolean = False
        'messagetype 1 =internal messages        Try            '            ' Start transaction            '            MyConnection.Open()            cmd.CommandText = "BEGIN TRANSACTION"            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            fBeginTransCalled = True            Dim obj As Object            For i = 0 To MessageIDs.Count - 1                bSuccess = False                'delete userid-message reference                cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM tblUsersAndMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID AND UserID=@UserID"                cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@UserID", UserID))                cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID", MessageIDs(i).ToString))                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()                'then delete the message itself if no other user has a reference                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblUsersAndMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID1"                cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID1", MessageIDs(i).ToString))                obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar                If ((Not (obj) Is Nothing) _                AndAlso ((TypeOf (obj) Is Integer) _                AndAlso (CType(obj, Integer) > 0))) Then                    'more references exist so do not delete message                Else                    'this is the only reference to the message so delete it permanently                    cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM tblMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID2"                    cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID2", MessageIDs(i).ToString))                    cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()                End If            Next i
            '            ' End transaction            '            cmd.CommandText = "COMMIT TRANSACTION"            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            bSuccess = True            fBeginTransCalled = False        Catch ex As Exception            'LOG ERROR            GlobalFunctions.ReportError("MessageDAL:DeleteMessages", ex.Message)        Finally            If fBeginTransCalled Then                Try                    cmd = New SqlCommand("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION", MyConnection)                    cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()                Catch e As System.Exception                End Try            End If            MyConnection.Close()        End Try        Return bSuccess    End Function

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Check If Date Is Current Date And Stay Current

Apr 25, 2008


I'm making some sort of application where people can add their resume.
They also need something to add places where they have worked or currently are working.

I have a form where they can add this and i add this experience using the following stored procedure:

create procedure [dbo].[sp_Insert_Experience]
@ExperienceId uniqueidentifier,
@ExperienceEmployee nvarchar(100),
@ExperienceFrom datetime,
@ExperienceUntil datetime,
@ExperienceQualifications nvarchar(250),
@ExperienceTechnologies nvarchar(250),
@ExperienceTasks nvarchar(250)
insert into Experiences

It must be possible to add the place where they currently are working. Then the ExperienceUntil has to be something like still going on. Then I decided that the user then had to set the current date.

But what I want is the following, I want that the ExperienceUntil keeps updating automatically, like everytime i get that record, it has to have current date.

Is this possible ?

But if the ExperienceUntil isn't the current date , it just had to take the supplied parameter date.

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Get Username

Feb 21, 2002

Hi!! I use nt groups to give access to users. I need to now the name of the user who is connected to a especific database.

I tryed with suser_name() function but it returns null value because ntgroups are used.

if someone now any function that can help me, i will appreciate your help.


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Username: Sa

Jan 26, 2008

I just installed SQL 2005 Server. I am using SQL Server 2005.
Why do I have to login with the username with "sa"?

I failed to sign in with other usernames.

What is the trick?


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Passing UserName To SQL

Jul 8, 2007

A beginner's question I'm sure.  When visitors have logged into my site, how do I then use their UserName as a parameter in an SQL WHERE clause so that I can pull up their detailed information.  I'm using VB if additional code is required.
Thanks in advance.

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Username && Password

Oct 4, 2005

I built an eommerce site on my local computer at work. It's now time to
put the site on our server and get things rolling... anyways, I'm
trying to perform an sqldump so I can gather the appropriate text files
so I can upload the database.  Anyways, the sqldump program I am
using requires a username and password to access the sql database.

I am using MSDE and have no clue as to what the username and password may be....

My VisualStudio .Net automatically connects when I work on the site.

Does anyone know what the default username and password may be or what my options are to get this sqldump to work?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Get NT Username...10-July-01

Jul 10, 2001

Hello out there in SQL land! I'm writing a T-SQL script to create tables and grantlogins to local machine NT accounts. The problem is that I'm sending this script out to about 1700 machines with 1700 different DomainNames!
So hard-coding the domainusername is NOT an option. In other words, non-networked computers. In the T-SQL command:

EXEC sp_grantlogin [DomainUsername]
EXEC sp_grantdbaccess [DomainUsername]

note: Domain= @@SERVERNAME
Username = Jib

I want to have a variable of some sort pass the DomainName & concatenated username in order to grant login the SQL Server for the NT user. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Suggest Username

Aug 1, 2006

hey can anyone suggest me how to write the efficient( a bit faster) stored proc to generate alternative usernames( with logical variations like the one of hotmail ) if provided one is already present in database... :)

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Username & Password

Dec 13, 1998

how do you send SQL Server the proper username and password in ASP Scripts?

So far, I have: Connection.Open "DSN=DSNname;pwd=password"

Where does username play in all this and what is its format.

Appreciate any help....

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How Can I Get The Username From An Application?

Aug 9, 2004

Hi everybody,

Here the environment is application in 3 layers.
So the user in his client machine, access the application in an application server that sends the request to my sql server database server.
My problem is: when I run sp_who from Query Analyzer, I see the host name that is pre-defined inside code application. But, actually, I need to know the user who is requesting the transactio so I can know right the person who is slowing my database performance....
Do you know, any function, procedure or anything else that I can use in the application code in order to provide the user or the host name from the client machine?????
I hope some answers...

Thank you all,

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Using UserName As A PK VS. UserId

Jan 6, 2005


Currently, I am using a varchar "UserName" as a primary key instead of an Identity or GUID.

System Info:
When user's sign up they provide the "UserName" that is used as a PK.
Creating a message board type web application.
UserNames will never change.
UserNames are used extensively as FK's in other Tables.
We want to scale well.

Does anyone know the implications?
I understand Joins are faster on numerical values than strings but we will not be performing many joins.

In my case is it better to use Identity as a PK or is it better to use a varchar for a "Users" table?


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Windows Username

Apr 25, 2008

Hi all,
I want create a trigger that will log all modification to a table.
I need to identify the username that modified the data.
Here is my problem :
- they are connected to a Terminal Server so stationName il always TSName
- They are using an application I cannot modify that always use the same login information using SQL authenticationMode

So I need to be able to get their Windows session Username.

Is there any way I can do that in my trigger ?


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Query Help - Get Last Username?

Apr 22, 2006

Hi, I hope this is the right place to post this. I am pretty much stuck but think I am doing pretty good so far as I am getting more and more into SQL

using SQL Server 2000 here.


I want to be able to get the last username who replied to a topic. The "DateOfLastReply" works great, it gives me the last date of a reply to a topic so pretty much along with this, I want to get who it was that replied last. Any ideas? so far, I have this but it isnt correct:

SELECT Threads.[ID] 'ThreadID', ThreadName, DateOfCreation 'DateCreated',

(SELECT TOP 1 DateOfReply FROM Replies WHERE Replies.ThreadID = Threads.[ID] ORDER BY DateOfReply DESC) 'LastReplyDate',

(SELECT TOP 1 e.Username FROM Replies, Threads WHERE Replies.UserID = e.[ID] AND Threads.[ID] = Replies.ThreadID AND Threads.ThreadStarterUser = e.[ID] ORDER BY DateOfReply DESC) 'LastUserReplied', --HERE

(SELECT COUNT(ReplyID) FROM Replies WHERE ThreadID = Threads.[ID]) 'NumberOfReplies',
e.username 'UsernameCreator'
FROM Threads
e.[ID] = ThreadStarterUser


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Pass UserName To The SQL Select ? (VB)

Jul 11, 2007

VB   ASP.NET 2.0 
How do I get the Authenticated UserName passed to a Select Command of a data control ?
I'm not clear on how to get the logged in username from User.Identity.Name as a string or how to pass it to the Select Command of a control.
I've had some success with SelectParameters / ControlParameter's in the Master Control context, but otherwise I don't understand how to create a Parameter for use with the SQL.
I want to show the user data from a database, based on who is logged in .
Help, greatly appreciated.

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Username Rather Than Sa In Sql Server 2000

Aug 16, 2004

how can i change the username of SQL Server 2000 from sa to another username?
thank you for the help and for the time

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How To Set Up A Username And Password For MSDE

Jan 1, 2005


I have installed MSDE using the following parameter:

commandline> setup SAPWD="MySAPwd"

now all was set up... when i opened the osql utility..i wasnt able to login... it kept asking me the login name ans password...

i entered my windows login name which is 'home' and entered 'kham00s' as the password... it didnt work... then i entered my windows login name again which is 'home' and entered 'OTHERPASSWORD' as the password which is my system password...but did not work either...

then i logged in using :

commandline> osql -E

It successfully logged in... and i was able to create databases and tables...

can someone tell me how to set a username and password for MSDE please... so that i can connect to MSDE using WebMatrix...

i m coming from a PHP/MySQL background so i know SQL and stuff... but dont know how to handle and configure MSSQL...

waiting for the response..
thanks in advance...

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_ In NT UserName. Looking For Janne Hakulinen

Jan 11, 1999

I want to establish logging using NT Security. The problem is that user names in NT have underscore(_). When I establish NT Scurity in SQL security manager, SQL Server tries to add blank names as login id and they will not go through. Is it manadatory to remove underscore from username?

Because of structrual hierarchy, I have different groups in NT to be mapped to SQL Server groups and each group has different permission on SQL tables. In some cases we might have same users in more than one group. I read that it is not possible if you use NT integrated security. Is there any thing that can be worked around this and is this problem still exists in SQL 7.

Janne Hakulinen gave me a reply (Appreciate that) but when I did as he said, I got no success. So I am asking him to reply me at and let me send him an e-mail.

Thank you in advance
Ali Malekshahi

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HELP -- Password & Username Recovery

Aug 16, 2000

I need to get into a database and need the password and username for a Microsoft SQL Server v.6.5 database. Can you help or do you know someone else who can? This database is owned by us and this is a "legal" project.

Thank you.

Michael A. Wise
Manager, MIS/IT
EBARA International Corporation
Cryodynamics, Electric Motor, Standard Pumps Divisions
"World's Leader in Liquefied Gas Pumps and Turbines"
350 Salomon Circle
Sparks, Nevada, USA 89434
775-356-2796, xt. 215; FAX: 775-356-2884

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How To Connect To DB With Username And Passwd?

May 23, 2006

Hi I've created a login in my SQL Server 2005 like this:

CREATE USER testuser FOR LOGIN testuser;

now i want to connect from a c# app with the following connection STring
"Data Source=TURM21;Initial Catalog= Db1; Database= Db1 ; USER = testuser; PASSWORD = TestPWD; pooling=false; "

and i get the following Exception:
SqlConnection Handle : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)

CAn somebody help me? Whats wrong? Is it my connection string?


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