We are trying to setup security on our Sql Server. We are using Integrated
The problem we are having is that we need to have a user belong to multiple groups within one database. The user would have different rights depending upon which group they belonged to.
So far we have not found anyway to accomplish this setup.
I would appreciate any ideas/thoughts on this matter.
I have a new SQL 2005 (SP2) Reporting Services server to which I've just upgraded and deployed some SSRS 2000 reports.
I have a subreport that contains a matrix with two groups. The report data seems to be inexplicably repeating the data for the first row in the group for all rows in the group. Example:
ID1 ID2 DisplayData
1 1 A
1 2 B
1 3 C
2 1 A
2 2 B
2 3 C
Parent group is on ID1, child group is on ID2, report would show:
1 1 A
2 A
3 A
2 1 A
2 A
3 A
Is this a matrix bug in 2005 SP2, or do I need to do something differently? I can no longer pull a comparison version from an SSRS 2000 server to verify, but I believe it was working as expected before...
I'm developing an application in ASP.Net that uses SQLServer. The database person in the team wants to have each user have a seperate login to the database so he can tell who has done what changes in the database. Is this a good practice? Or are their performancesecurity issues with this model?
I am using Sql Server and excel. I create an excel report using pivot tables and the likes that is connected to a sql database and queries three views. It works fine for me because I have access to the DB. But I want everyone in my office to beable to read this excel report. When another user tries to access it, it doesn;t allow them to connect to the DB through ODBC. I was wondering how to add a group, from active directory called Everyone, to my SQL server so that everyone in my office can read this EXCEL report. I can add a user but not a group.
I was given the task of managing the DB as our IT guy left and I really was left to the wolves as this isn't really my area of expertise...
I don't know whether this question belong here, but.... In the past I had many customers using the same website each with their own domain name and their own database. To accomplish that, I used MS Access and placed each customers database in separate directories. I steered the customer to the correct directory using their domain name. I am now trying to accomplish the same thing using aspnetdb.mdf and other .mdf database files. I am using the aspnetdb.mdf database for membership, etc. I want the aspnetdb.mdf database file to be unique for each customer. Does anyone know how to accomplish what I was doing with MS Access using aspnetdb.mdf? Is there any way to have multiple web.config files each of which would be dedicated to a particular customer?
Hope I'm not going to annoy anyone here too much but I'm looking for a place to post a job opening and was hoping that someone out there might know of a good site or two.
The job will be in the north Denver area.
Thanks! (And apologies if this is completely inappropriate behavior.)
I want to map users/groups of a .NET application which uses MS SQL Server to Windows users/groups. Then grant pemission to the Windows users/groups to access the MS SQL Server.
If possible, I want to list Windows Users and Groups regardless of whether Active Directory is used or not.
I have been using the software, and it has been working fine (on windows user A). Now, I have created another windows user (User B), and would like to use the same software/database. The software launches fine (User B), but cannot access the created SQL database (created with user A)
How do I setup the database to allow access from all users on the same PC?
I have developed a Windows App in VS.NET 2005 which connects to a SQL 2005 Express database.
Now I want to install the app and database on the network and I am getting an error "File 'file_name' is on a network device not supported for database files"
My developers would like a 'sandbox' database with full ddl and dml permissions, however, they do not want others to read/change/drop their objects. With SQL 2005, can DDL permissions be granted to a user at the schema level? I'd rather not set up a database for each developer.
We have a problem authenticating domain users contained in local machine user groups across multiple web servers in a scale out deployment.
When we originally setup our single SSRS database server we were told the a best practice is to add domain users to local user groups on the SSRS machine.
Now we want to add more web servers and create a scale-out deployment. So, we added the web servers and configured the scale-out deployment. But, only administrators can see the reports since all of our SSRS roles are assigned permissions such as "Machine1User_Group".
We were told that we have to create identical local groups on Machine2 and Machine3 and then add them to the SSRS roles. This is prohibitive since it would mean managing 3 identical user groups containing thousands of domain users.
Is there a better way to do this without using Domain User Groups?
I am in the process of creating a Report, and in this, i need ONLY the row groups (Parents and Child).I have a Parent group field called "Dept", and its corresponding field is MacID.I cannot create a child group or Column group (because that's not what i want).I am then inserting rows below MacID, and then i toggle the other rows to MacID and MacID to Dept.
I have had this issue just pop up. I have local users who can connect fine, but my users that require connection by VPN cannot connect. I get the server not available or access denied error. I did confirm that the VPN'ers are connected to the network correctly and can see that their shares and mappings are correct. Any ideas? Thanking you all in advance!!
in Global.asax.vb (Application_Start section) and then in the in the webforms we use
Dim con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection con = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(Application("conn")) con.Open() ...... ...... con.close()
(Each user has their own sql database that they connect to using the same scripts.)
The question is: When many users are logged on at the same time, will the use of Application.Contents be a safe way to connect to each users own database or is there a possibility that users suddenly will try to establish a connection to a database that is not their own?
Scenario: User1 logs in at 10:00 and establish a connection to his own database. At 10:05 User2 logs on and establish a connection to his database since Global.asax.vb is run again. Will User1 now use User2's connection so that he is actually woking on User2's database?
Is there a better/safer way to do this connection in Global.asax.vb ?
I have a large table that tells me customers and mailings (~4 million rows). So for each customer, I see what mailing(s) they received. It is at the mailing level so if a customer received 2 mailings, their will be 2 records for that customer number, one for each mailing they received. There are 3 different mailings.I am trying to calculate the count of customers that received all 3, as well as those that received 1&2 only, 1&3 only, and 2&3 only. For example:
CustNo Mailing Tim 1 Tim 3 Dan 1 Dan 3 Jane 1 Max 1 Max 2 Max 3 Lauren 2 Lauren 3
All 3 - 1 1&2 only - 0 1&3 only - 2 2&3 only - 1
I have tried doing some funky table joining and EXISTS, but the query runs and runs because of how much data it has to sift through. Here is the code I am using to find Mailing 1&2 only customers, but I am not even sure it is getting me the right numbers. There are 2 different types of customers as well which is why I have custtype in there.
Code: select a.custtype,count(distinct a.custno) from myTable a inner join (select distinct custno from mytable where [mailing]=2) b on a.custno=b.custno where a.[mailing]=1 and not exists(select * from myTable c where a.custno=c.custno and c.[mailing]=3) group by a.custtype
From what I understand, one SQL Server 2012 instance can host multiple availability groups. That should allow, for example, the following situation - one SQL Server 2012 instance containing three primary replica databases - each one part of a different availability group - and each availability group's secondary replica located on a separate SQL Server 2012 instance.
Can you have three SQL Server 2012 instances, each with one primary replica database and have all three secondary replica databases on one SQL Server 2012 instance? So instead of, as above, going from 1 primary server to 3 secondary servers, this time we're going from 3 primary servers to 1 secondary server? The one secondary server would then contain all three secondary replicas for each of the 3 separate primary replicas.
This would mean that the single server (where all three secondary replicas reside) was part of three separate Windows Server Failover Clustering clusters.
I have multiple security groups for which I would like to print off the different table rights associated. Is there a quick and easy way to accomplish this? Thanks, Craig.
I am working on conversion of Crystal reports to SSRS. The existing report has two level of grouping. So I have included 2 list inside a third list and then done the grouping. Is there another way to do multiple grouping ? Every thing is working fine except for getting one extra blank page at the end of report with only header and footer. I have properly checked the body height and width and page margins. It has something to do with list but i cant figure out what.
I have a CTE returning a recordset which contains a column SRC. SRC is a number which I use later to get counts and sums for the records in a distinct list.
declare@startdate date = '2014-04-01' declare@enddate date = '2014-05-01' ; with SM as ( SELECT --ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY u.SRC ORDER BY u.SRC) As Row, u.SRC,
[Code] ....
-- If Referral start date is between our requested dates
ref.Referral_Start_Date between @startdate and @enddate
-- Include referrals which started before our requested date, but are still active during our date range.
(ref.Referral_Start_Date < @startdate and (ref.Referral_End_Date > @startdate OR ref.Referral_End_Date IS NULL )) ) INNER JOIN c_sdt s on s.Service_Delivery_Type_Id = u.Service_Delivery_Type_Id AND s.Service_Delivery_Unit_Id = 200 ) SELECT count(distinct (case SRC when 91 then client_number else 0 end)) As Eligable_91,
I need to calculate the last two columns (noofgrp and grpsize) No of Groups (count of Clientid) and Group Size (number of clients in each group) according to begtim and endtime. So I tried the following in the first Temp table
GrpSize= count(clientid) over (partition by begtime,endtime) else 0 end and in the second Temp Table, I have select ,GrpSize=sum(grpsize) ,NoofGrp=count(distinct grpsize) From Temp1
The issue is for the date of 5/26, the begtime and endtime are not consistent. in Grp1 (group 1) all clients starts the session at 1030 and ends at 1200 (90 minutes session) except one who starts at 11 and end at 1200 (row 8). For this client since his/her endtime is the same as others, I want that client to be in the first group(Grp1). Reverse is true for the second group (Grp2). All clients begtime is 12:30 and endtime is 1400 but clientid=2 (row 9) who begtime =1230 but endtime = 1300. However, since this client begtime is the same as the rest, I wan that client to be in the second group (grp2) My partition over creates 4 groups rather than two.
I'm trying to generate a single record that shows the status of an accounting period for multiple groups. For a single accounting period they could all be the same, or all be different (open, closed, hold, etc)
What I want to do is select the accounting period with a group by that says if all the groups are in the same status, then that's the status. But if there are different status' for the period, I just want to have a single line that says 'Mixed' The query below returns 3 records, but I only want 2. I tried a CASE WHEN Having COUNT > 1 but it blew up with an aggregate subquery in a group by error.
DECLARE @AccountingPeriod Table (AccountingPeriod varchar(10), Status char(1), GroupNum int) Insert into @AccountingPeriod Values('2015-03','O',1), ('2015-03','O',2), ('2015-03','O',3), ('2015-02','O',1), ('2015-02','O',2), ('2015-02','C',3) Select AccountingPeriod, Status from @AccountingPeriod GROUP BY AccountingPeriod, Status
Hi, I am building a web application now that will be used by multiple users. Users import data from a CSV into table 'temp' which is later converted to the right data type and then moved to another table, but I was wondering what would happen if more than 1 user was importing different files at the same time.Will this create a problem, if so how can I fix this?Thanks for the help.
We have an OLTP application with multiple one to many tables relationships that are edited client side. For Example the primary table has descriptive components. One of the multiple table have things like parts and quantity ordered linked by a record number back to the primary table.
When our client transmits their transaction, they actally running a batch job which sends all the client side tables to the SQL Server and then we are trying to issue a stored procedure server side to push this data into our 'dbo' owned server side master tables.
Our problem is generating the fully qualified table name for the from clause.
We have tried declaring a variable but the stored procedure won't compile. Tried user, user_name().
In our organization there is a call center where operators entry call details and custormer qruery in a table using front end application. For these queries there are multiple no of executive who will reply the query using a front end application. using the application the exectives retrive specific no of records from call center table(if there are unreplied call exists) and reply them. When a excutive retrives specfic no of rows, i want to update a flag in that rows, so that others do not get them.
I use the following procedure which is creating dead lock when multiple users execute it simultaneously
create procedure get_from_maintab @cnt int as declare @slno int,@curcnt int select @curcnt=1 set rowcount 1 while @curcnt<=@cnt begin begin tran select @slno=serial_no from maintab where getflag='' if @@rowcount=0 begin rollback return end update maintab set getflag='Y' where serial_no=@slno and getflag='' if @@rowcount = 0 begin rollback return end insert into detab select fld1,fld2,fld3 from maintab where serial_no=@slno if @@rowcount = 0 begin rollback return end commit tran select @curcnt=@curcnt+1 end set rowcount 0 return
We are currently using Crystal reports but are considering using SQL RS. We need to know if there is a restriction on simultanoeus access to the same report by multiple users? What happens when multiple users try to access the same report simultaneously? If reports can be accessed simultaneously, do the requests queue up or are they processed concurrently?
Hi, i just need some help?? just some info?is it TRUE that SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (free) is capable ONLY of SINGLE user?i mean if i have a data driven page, if someone is using or editing the data in my page, does no one can access my data base simultaneously??i hope you could enlighten my mind, thanks
basically, is it inefficient to open and close a data connection everytime data needs to be retrieved or is there a way for a user to use the same conenction over multiple pages orfor multiple users to share one global data connection I just wanted to know this before I built a site where data could be constantly being pulled or put into the database.It would be easier to just keep opening and closing the connection since it just means pasting in the small chunk of code I use to do that where I need it. I hear speak of connections sometimes not closing etc and wonder if that is an issue then if you are opening and closing too many of them. I am using SqlConnection SqlCommand and SqlDatareader , my code works, just wondering if my approach lacked scalability before I find out too late and have to rewrite everything . Jim
I am using following queries in a stored procedure.This stored procedure is executed through a dot net application.
From my queries,I am providing a available department information.Each user needs to get unique available department information.But when more number of users using the application concurrently, multiple users getting same department information.How to solve my problem?I always wants to get unique department information even though multiple users using the application concurrently.
I am trying to setup a stored procedure that runs through a Reminders table and sends an email to users based on DateSent field being smaller than todays date. I have already setup the stored procedure to send the email, just having trouble looping through the recordset.
Code Snippet
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[hrDB_SendEmail]
DECLARE @FirstName nvarchar(256),
@LastName nvarchar(256),
@To nvarchar(256),
@ToMgr nvarchar(256),
@Subject nvarchar(256),
@Msg nvarchar(256),
@DateToSend datetime,
@Sent nvarchar(256),
@ReminderID int,
@RowCount int,
@Today datetime,
@Result nvarchar(256)
-- Get the reminders to send
@ReminderID = r.intReminderID,
@DateToSend = r.datDateToSend,
@FirstName = e.txtFirstName,
@LastName = e.txtLastName,
@To = e.txtEmail,
@Subject = t.txtReminderSubject,
@Sent = r.txtSent
(auto_reminders r INNER JOIN employee e ON r.intEmployeeID = e.intEmployeeID) INNER JOIN ref_reminders t ON r.intReminderType = t.intReminderTempID
From the code you can probably tell I am new to writing stored procedures, so I apologise for any obvious errors. My major problems are :-
how to loop through each record
how to get todays date
whether the struture of the procedure is correct Also, if you think there is an easier way or a better method, please suggest it. I am open to any suggestions you may have,
I have a query running and returning 3 columns, user name, e-mail and device name
SELECT DISTINCT v_R_User.Full_User_Name0 AS 'User full Name', v_R_User.Mail0 AS 'E-Mail', _RES_COLL_DEV00144.Name FROM v_R_System INNER JOIN v_R_User ON v_R_System.User_Name0 = v_R_User.User_Name0 INNER JOIN _RES_COLL_DEV00144 ON v_R_User.User_Name0 = _RES_COLL_DEV00144.UserName INNER JOIN v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM ON v_R_System.ResourceID = v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.ResourceID Where v_R_User.Mail0 <> '' ORDER BY 'User Full Name'
From here I would like to generate an e-mail to each user (like mail merge) to each user in the table an include their machine name. I can do it with PS, but rather have it run directly from SQL. Is it possible?