Using LIKE And Wild Cards In Form Query
Dec 11, 2006
I am using Visual Studio 2005. I am trying to create a website and use a web form to get the results of an enquiry. It is almost the same as the presentation video on this website called "How to Create Data Driven Website", but I have added a new twist to it. I want to use the "LIKE" instead of "=" in my SQL statement and I want to use wild cards in the parameter value that I enter.
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
dim str as string = "%" & textbox1.text & "%"
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" Visible="False" Text=str></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Submit" Width="87px" BackColor="Khaki" ForeColor="Navy" PostBackUrl="~/Default.aspx" />
and the ControlID of the Datagrid will take in the value of "TextBox2" instead of "TextBox1" as so:
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBox2" DefaultValue="SO06000001" Name="SO" PropertyName="Text"
Type="String" />
However the syntax above does not work. May I ask what is the correct syntax?
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Nov 28, 2005
Hi All
I am new to SQL Server, DTS etc... But here is the question I have:
I have some files in a folder which have a the yr, month, date appended at the end, for e.g. testfile2005_11_28.log
In a folder I have to look for the log files which are named
Dim item
For Each item In logFolder.Files
If (UCASE(item.Name) like ("TESTFILE" +"[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-
9]"+"_"+"[0-12][0-12]"+"_"+"[0-3][0-9]" + ".log") )Then
msgbox item.Name
End For
I am getting compilation error: "Sub or Function not found" in the If
statement. Can anyone please help me?
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Mar 4, 2008
Hi all I am rather confused on about using the SQL LIKE statement along with square brackets. If I type the following SQL command in SQL Server 2005:
Code Snippet
SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Field1 LIKE '%[ggg]%'
All rows from my Table are selected. ^^
If I used this command:
Code Snippet
SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Field1 LIKE '%ggg%'
No rows are returned. ^^
Thanks for responses, Onam.
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Dec 25, 2007
I got a problem.
I installed Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 version.
And I created a Compact database.
I created an connection in SSMSE to connect the database and opened a query form.
then, i run the following sql:
Select * from Table1
It returned 3 records to me.
After that, I used program to insert record into this table.
Then i ran this sql again, it still show me 3 records.
I closed the query form, and re-created a new query form, then run the sql, it returned 4 records to me.
Why? It's very strange and difficult to operate, right?
Is there anyone know how to make the SSMSE to return whole records without any close query form and re-create query form operation?
Thanks a lot!
And Merry X'max!!!
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Oct 17, 2005
Hi ,
we have CreditCardRange table
create table CreditCardRange(
ccr_CudtomerID int,
ccr_CardRangeFrom char(16),
ccr_CardRangeTo char(16)
table Orders
ord_id int
ord_CudtomerID int,
ord_CardNo char(16)
Example values in table CreditCardRange
1 , 5000 0000 2000 1234 , 5000 0030 3000 1356
Example values in table Orders
1, 1, 5000 0010 2000 2333
Does sql provide any magic finction to help in following select
select T1.*
from Orders T1
join CreditCardRange T2
on T2.ccr_CudtomerID = t1.ord_CudtomerID
SQLMagicFunction(T2.ccr_CardRangeFrom )
SQLMagicFunction(T2.ccr_CardRangeTo )
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Sep 11, 2007
Dear All,
I need to keep credit cardd details in a an SQL server table.
What's the best way to make sure data is secure? Is there any built in encryption that can be used so data is not stored as text?
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Mar 24, 2007
We need to store credit cards for a limited amount of time because we charge for orders as they ship and occasionally the authorization expires before the item can ship.
I know I can use AES_256 to encrypt our credit cards but I am not sure if all I need to do is follow the directions in the "How-to" for encrypting data.
I created the master key, backed it up off the server the certificate and the symmetric key and I can encrypt and decrypt data.
Is this all I need to do or am I missing something?
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Jul 24, 2004
i am using this statement
select dateadd(dd,1,20010331)
and it's throwing an error
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.
what's wrong?
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Apr 5, 2008
I have two tables. The table is below.
Table name 1 : Income
Income RentMonth
1500 Jan
1500 Feb
1500 Apr
Table name 2 : Expense
Expense ExpMonth
200 Jan
300 Mar
400 Apr
The result table becomes (Profit=Income-Expense)
Profit Month
1300 Jan
1500 Feb
-300 Mar
1100 Apr
But I form the query by join the both Income and Expense tables to subtract the Income and Expense month wise.
But one moth is in one table the same month is not in another table.
For Example Feb month is in Income table, but not in Expense table.And Mar month is in Expense table and not in Income table. So how will I form the query to achieve my result table as i indicated above. Kindly help me.
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Jan 14, 2007
I have a table SIM_Temp where I ahve three fields val1,val2,val3. I have some data like
What I want is, I want this to be read like
CustomerName 2003------------2004----------2005
Please advice me, how could I do this.
Thank you
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Jan 17, 2007
I have a table SIM_TempCustomer where I have 5 fileds nad Values Like
What I want i, if there is any value in any fields, other null values
in the field should be replaced by 0, if all the rows of the filed
are null, simply leave as it is....
Like the select statement of this SIM_TempCustomer should give a result like
Could any one help me.
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Jan 28, 2008
I have an ASP form that takes the information that is entered on the form and inserts it into a Microsoft Access database. It works great. In addition to the fields from the form, I also want to add the current date into the InitDate field. How would I modify the SQL query below to insert the current date into the COS database? conn.execute SqlQry Sql = "INSERT INTO COS ([Name of School], [Director of COS], [Address], [City], [State], [zip], [PhoneNumber], " Sql = Sql & "[general_notes], [type], [DEPT], ) "
Sql = Sql & "VALUES ('" & m_CompanySchoolName & "',
'" & m_FullName & "', '" & m_StreetAddress & "', '"
& m_City Sql = Sql & "', '" & m_State &
"', '" & m_Zip & "', '" & m_TelephoneNumber & "', '"
& m_Message & "', 'COSMETOLOGY', '" Sql = Sql & m_Department & "', '" & m_EmailAddress & "')" response.write Sql response.end conn.execute Sql
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May 15, 2008
Is this a good SQL query to access two columns in my database and present this data in my web app?
string DataBaseCommand = "Select UserName, [Password] from PatientDemographics Where UserName = '" + txtUserName.Text + "' && [Password] = '" + txtPassword.Text + "'";
Thank you,
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Jun 27, 2014
I am trying to run a UNION ALL query in SQL SERVER 2014 on multiple large CSV files - the result of which i want to get into a table in SQL Server. below is the query which works in MSAccess but not on SQL Server 2014:
'Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0' , 'Text;Database=D:DownloadsCSV;HDR=YES',
'SELECT t.*, (substring(t.[week],3,4))*1 as iYEAR,
''SPAIN'' as [sCOUNTRY], ''EURO'' as [sCHAR],
[Code] ....
What i need is:
1] to create the resultant tbl_ALLCOMBINED table
2] transform this table using PIVOT command with following transformation as shown below:
PAGEFIELD: set on Level = 'Item'
COLUMNFIELD: Sale_Week (showing 1 to 52 numbers for columns)
DATAFIELD: 'Sale Value with Innovation'
3] Can the transformed form show columnfields >255 columns i.e. if i want to show all KPI values in datafield?
P.S: the CSV's contain the same number of columns and datatype but the columns are >100, so i dont think it will be feasible to use a stored proc to create a table specifying that number of columns.
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Apr 16, 2008
My company Intranet has a form that agents can use to post their comments about the company to upper management, but our customer service department would like to modify the form so that the agent has to pick from a comment type.
The dropdown options on the form will be as follows:
ComplimentsComplaintsGeneral CommentsSuggestions
Each dropdown option has a designated table in a SQL DB.Using postback on the same page, I need to change which fields of the form are visible based upon which dropdown selection the user chooses, and I need the fields to then be inserted into the table that corresponds with the dropdown selection item.
For example: If the Compliments dropdown selection is picked, I need a text box to show for the user's location, the name of the customer, account number, and the message box. Once the submit button is clicked, the characters in these boxes need to be inserted into the Compliments table using its data adapter.
However, if the user selects Suggestions, the name of the customer and the account number should not be visible, since these fields do not exist and when the submit button is pressed, the Suggestions table should be updated.
If you need more information, I will provide whatever is needed.
As always, thanks for everyone's assistance.
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Sep 25, 2006
How i can wild search for character from A to Z in string??
declare @Str varchar(100)
set @Str = '1234adb6789iok'
select patindex??????
my output shuold be adbiok
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Feb 24, 2006
I'm trying to look up customer records by e-mail domain by using a text box on a Web form. So if I want to look for all my customers that have an aol e-mail domain, I would type in the text box and the sub routine would know to count 7 characters from the right and through those characters into maybe a parameter query. I'm having problems passing this in. I can count the characters properly by using:
dim strText = MyTextBox.Textdim intLength = strText.Length
but having problems starting here......
MyCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters("@email").Value = MyTextBox.Text
but how would I ultimately feed this into my sql satement? Select * from Customers Where email = right(@email,intLength)
Help appreciated.
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Jun 23, 2006
Frustration has gotten the best of me on this one. Can anyone help?
I need to pass the current value in an Access Data Project (back-end is MS SQL) text field to the where condition in an SQL using VBA. This is what I have, but does not work.
Private Sub Command44_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSSecurity As String
strSSecurity = Me.SS
strSQL = "Update Employees Set employees.PositionID = '',employees.jobcode = '' Where = strSSecurity"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
End Sub
It is supposed to take the current Social Security number from the form and match it against the employees table. Once it finds the matching record it should update the PositionID and JobCode fields to '' (empty string)
But it doesn't
Anyone with any ideas?
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Feb 27, 2007
using a query or vba ,transfer data from one form to another,
table1 customers-form1 customer address,
table2 orders-form2 order address,
how do i transfer data from customer address to order address
yours M [/center]
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Feb 24, 2008
I am a newbie, this is my first post (please go easy).
Iam at the moment trying to set up a query for someone looking for a property on an estate agents website.
From a drop down menu, the user can:
select an area (where they may like to live) from a list of areas.
select an amount of bedrooms from a list of bedrooms
select a minimum price from a list of prices
select a maximum price from a list of prices.
The query I worked out for this is as follows:
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM property WHERE area like '$area' and bedrooms like '$bedrooms' AND price BETWEEN '$min_price' AND '$max_price'") or die(mysql_error());
This seems to work fine and shows all the properties that meet the criteria onto my webpage.
However, I then thought, someone may not care which area they live in and want to see all properties in all the areas, so I decided to add the option 'All areas' to my 'areas' list, I then did the same for the other lists, eg 'all bedrooms' option to my bedrooms list and so on.
I am now trying to write a query that incorporates where the 'all..' option is selected and have become very stuck!
Can someone set me off in the right direction for this.
I hope that makes sense?!?!
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May 12, 2006
I am an beginner in VC#2005,
my question is:
I connect a table and transtorm to WM5.0 (PDAphone),
I don't know how to show the result of my query,
table1,(two column: name , phoneNo)
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlCeConnection cn = null;
cn = new SqlCeConnection("Data source=\Programs files\sqltest1\sqlPDA.sdf");
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand();
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = "select * from Table1 where phoneNo='0922123456'";
SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
da.SelectCommand = cmd;
if (cn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
there is nothing happen, please help me.
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Dec 23, 2006
Question related to Visual Basic Video Lesson 09 (Databinding.wmv) by Bob Tabor.
Made a table and a UI form according to this lesson (table colums: CustomerID, FirstName, LastName).
Is it possible to use the same or an identical looking query form to find "Bob" by typing Bob in the Fist Name textbox or "Tabor" by typing Tabor in the Last Name textbox as in FileMaker?
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Dec 31, 2004
Is there syntax that lets you look for all names that include ell in them? That is, in Oracle it would be:
select id from customers where firstname like(%ell%)
Or, is there regular expression support in the select's where clause?
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Nov 4, 2004
I'm trying to put together a script that would alter a table and add NOT FOR REPLICATION to the identity column on several hundred tables. Since I am unable to write a complex script to automate the entire process, I've decided to do the update one table at a time. Here is a script that I'm working on. I'm getting an error message when I try to run the script. Can someone please show me how to properly use variable with a wild card in a string ? or how to properly add this variables in this script?
DECLARE @Var1 AS CHAR(50), @tbn AS CHAR(50)
SELECT @tbn = 'tablename'
SELECT @Var1 = Name FROM SysIndexes WHERE Name LIKE 'pk%' AND Name LIKE '%' + @tbn + '%'
Thanks in advance
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Sep 19, 2007
I am developing one web site, in that I can upload files to sql server, it will save the uploaded file in binary type and we can download the files from there. Upto this everything is working perfectly. But now my problem is - i have to implement the wildcard character search in this site. The file name and extension will save on the database in different columns, and one more thing is file name is unique. I confused to implement wildcard search in this site, where i can implement this type of search in database or in my application with c#? So please help me to do this. I dont know that this is the right place to post this question or not. If it is not right place, please guide me to where I can post this. If it is right place, please help me to implement wild card search.
Thanks in advance!
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Sep 14, 2007
I am very new to sql and would like some help with a simple select statement. I am trying to pull birthdates using the following code. I can get the query to run but some of the dates are not between the parameters. What am i doing wrong?
SELECT Employees.EmployeeStatusID, People.FirstName, People.LastName, People.BirthDate
People ON Employees.SystemAssignedPersonID = People.SystemAssignedPersonID
WHERE (People.BirthDate BETWEEN '10 - 01 - 1900' AND '12 - 15 - 2007')
ORDER BY People.BirthDate
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Results
10/25/1929 12:00:00 AM
5/24/1933 12:00:00 AM
1/9/1937 12:00:00 AM
2/10/1937 12:00:00 AM
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Dec 14, 2007
How do I write an sql statement to link tables in two databases and query them? For example: SELECT db1.table1.field1, db2.table1.field1 FROM Table1 INNER JOIN db1.table1.field1 ON db2.table1.field1 = db1.table1.field1
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Jun 8, 2014
I need to write a sql that generate the hierarchy in an organization.Below an example
emplid empname supervisor_id superv_name
1 subu null null
2 vid 1 sub
3 ram 4 satis
4 satis 2 vid
i need an output to this query as below and also one important the supervisor ie supervisor_id and name is null is the top level,every employee also has to report to him and also to his all above supervisors.whoever joinng new to org the hierachy should be follwed
empid empname supervisor_id superv_name
3 ram 4 satis
4 satis 2 vid
2 vid 1 subu
4 satis 1 subu
3 ram 1 subu
3 ram 2 vid
5 kumar 1 subu
5 kumar 4 satis
5 kumar 2 vid
1 subu null null
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Apr 18, 2008
I've written a Union query that joins 16 different tables. I need to somehow make this into a permanent view so that i can query directly from excel to extract specific data - i guess i can set up excel to pull straight from this view then ?
I'm used to running excel VB code to SQL via Access (linking access up) but want to cut out the middleman now.
Any ideas ?
An example of the Union Query i have built is below :
SELECT[Vendor No_],[Posting Date],[Purchase (LCY)],[Buy-from Vendor No_],[External Document No_],[IC Partner Code]
FROM [NAV402].[dbo].[TESTCO Sweden$Vendor Ledger Entry]
WHERE[Posting Date]>='20070701' AND [Vendor No_] LIKE 'ZX%'
SELECT[Vendor No_],[Posting Date],[Purchase (LCY)],[Buy-from Vendor No_],[External Document No_],[IC Partner Code]
FROM [NAV402].[dbo].[TESTCO Taiwan$Vendor Ledger Entry]
WHERE[Posting Date]>='20070701' AND [Vendor No_] LIKE 'ZX%'
SELECT[Vendor No_],[Posting Date],[Purchase (LCY)],[Buy-from Vendor No_],[External Document No_],[IC Partner Code]
FROM [NAV402].[dbo].[TESTCO US$Vendor Ledger Entry]
WHERE[Posting Date]>='20070701' AND [Vendor No_] LIKE 'ZX%';
Thanks for any help you can give me.
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Nov 28, 2006
Hello everyone,
trying to use stored procedure for my datagrid.
in there i have the parameter that i would like to combine with wild character to retrieve some data..Does not work.
Please help to come up with right syntax...
here is the code:
SELECT First_Name, Last_Name, Address, City, Customer_ID, Company_Name, State, ZIP, Phone_Number_1, Phone_Number_2, Email
FROM v2_Customers
WHERE (City = @search_text) OR
(First_Name = @search_text) OR
(Last_Name LIKE '%'+@search_text) OR
(Address = @search_text)
where @search_text is the parameter,
thank you!
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Jan 3, 2005
In the below section of code I'm connecing to a SQL database and when I use the "=" in the search it works ok, but when I try to add the ability to use wildcards by changin "=" to "LIKE" its not working
Working code:
Function GetName(ByVal first_Name As String) As System.Data.DataSet
Dim connectionString As String = "server='(local)'; trusted_connection=true; database='FamilyInfo'"
Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim queryString As String = "SELECT Names.* FROM Names WHERE (Names.First_Name = @First_Name)"
Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
dbCommand.CommandText = queryString
dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection
Dim dbParam_first_Name As System.Data.IDataParameter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter
dbParam_first_Name.ParameterName = "@First_Name"
dbParam_first_Name.Value = first_Name
dbParam_first_Name.DbType = System.Data.DbType.StringFixedLength
Dim dataAdapter As System.Data.IDbDataAdapter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand
Dim dataSet As System.Data.DataSet = New System.Data.DataSet
Return dataSet
End Function
Code that I would like to work
Function GetName(ByVal first_Name As String) As System.Data.DataSet
Dim connectionString As String = "server='(local)'; trusted_connection=true; database='FamilyInfo'"
Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim queryString As String = "SELECT Names.* FROM Names WHERE (Names.First_Name LIKE '%' + @First_Name '+')"
Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
dbCommand.CommandText = queryString
dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection
Dim dbParam_first_Name As System.Data.IDataParameter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter
dbParam_first_Name.ParameterName = "@First_Name"
dbParam_first_Name.Value = first_Name
dbParam_first_Name.DbType = System.Data.DbType.StringFixedLength
Dim dataAdapter As System.Data.IDbDataAdapter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand
Dim dataSet As System.Data.DataSet = New System.Data.DataSet
Return dataSet
End Function
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Apr 14, 2008
Hi All,
I'm trying to use a very simple SQL String that check if a specific string exist in the DB.
When I do the SQL and use a regular Connection I get the result.
When I use a data set and on the table adapter I need to use the "LIKE %" method I get an error.
What should I write on the table adapter in order to make this search?
ItemID is a type string.
This is my SQL:
SELECT itemID, itemName
FROM Items
WHERE (itemID LIKE @ItemIDTemp)
This sample give no result
SELECT itemID, itemName
FROM Items
WHERE (itemID LIKE '%' + @ItemIDTemp + '%')
This sample return an error message
"Data conversion failed. [OLEDB status value (if known)=2]"
What is the right way to do so?
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Aug 13, 2007
Dear All,
I have created a table in my SQL server database, the problem i am facing is my insert query fails if i leave any form field empty (leave it blank). On my back-end table, only one field is mandatory, and others have been set with the constraint "allow null".
As per our business requirement, except one value is complusory while others are optional. If I enter all values in the form it works perfectly fine. Can you see in the code below - where am i possibly going wrong ?
<script language="VB" runat="server" > Sub Page_Load(Src As Object, e As EventArgs) If Page.IsPostBack Then Dim ConLath As SqlConnection Dim comLath As SqlCommand Dim insertcmd conLath = New SqlConnection("Data Source=SQLas;Initial Catalog=settle;User ID=sa;Password=password") ConLath.Open() insertcmd = "Insert into His_set values (@t_d,@s_p,@p_s,@v_oq,@i_oq,@v_qn,@i_qn,@v_qw,@i_qw)" comLath = New SqlCommand(insertcmd, ConLath) comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@t_d", SqlDbType.DateTime, 12)) comLath.Parameters("@t_d").Value = trade_date.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@s_p", SqlDbType.Decimal, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@s_p").Value = sett_price.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@p_s", SqlDbType.Decimal, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@p_s").Value = post_close.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@v_oq", SqlDbType.Int, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@v_oq").Value = vol_oq.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@i_oq", SqlDbType.Int, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@i_oq").Value = oi_oq.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@v_qn", SqlDbType.Int, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@v_qn").Value = vol_qn.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@v_qw", SqlDbType.Int, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@v_qw").Value = vol_qw.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@i_qn", SqlDbType.Int, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@i_qn").Value = oi_qn.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@i_qw", SqlDbType.Int, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@i_qw").Value = oi_qw.Text
Try comLath.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch ex As SqlException If ex.Number = 2627 Then Message.InnerHtml = "ERROR: A record already exists with " _ & "the same primary key" Else Message.InnerHtml = "ERROR: Could not add record, please " _ & "ensure the fields are correctly filled out" Message.Style("color") = "red" End If End Try
comLath.Dispose() ConLath.Close() End If End Sub
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