Using Osql To Run A Sql Script Remotely

Jan 15, 2005

I'm attemping to run an sql script remotely by using osql. It works in a test environment (remotely) but when I attempt it on our production server (remotely), it fails.

Alternatively, if I run osql in the production server (locally), the script executes fine.

Should I be doing this via a different method or are there some security settings preventing me from using osql remotely in my production environment?

Thanks for any help,

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Problem Connecting Remotely Using Osql

Jul 24, 2006


I am using osql to connect to my remote MSSQL server. I am able to get a prompt for password and telnet to 1433 just fine, so I conclude this is not related to firewall. When I try to connect I get:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBinn>osql -S xx.xx.xx.xx -U test

[DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
[DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

When I try to connect from 'localhost':

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80Toolsinn>osql -U test


This is Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 and both local and remote connections are allowed. Logs don't show up anything.

Thank you.

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Jun 28, 2001

Hi, we are having problems getting osql to work. When we try and open it quickly opens and then closes again. Has anybody else had this problem?

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Oct 25, 2004

Hi all.

My first post here.

I want to distriburte a msde database. When doing so, I also want to make a new login, make a user, make the user the dbowner of the database i installed.

I found the Stored procedures I need to use, and I have tested that it works using OSQL.

What I want to do now is to make this automatic. After installing the database the OSQL commands should be executed and no user interference should be necessary. How can that be done ?


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May 15, 2008

Hi All,

I am trying to use OSQL (somthing I am new too)

I have the folllowing syntax, but it does not seam to work. Any ideas would be very gratfull.

osql -Usa -Ppassword -SServername -Q"select @@version"

Thanks in advance


Dave Dunckley says there is a law for the rich and a law for the poor and a law for
Dirty Davey.

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Mar 11, 2008


I have several sql scripts to be executed on a set schedule, with the output directed to a text file. If the schedule triggers this process daily, is it possible to append each days output to the same output file? I've researched the osql switches and various online sources...nothing really covers this.

This is done (relatively) easily with .vbs, but so far it looks tougher with TSQL.

Many thanks to all who respond!

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Mar 12, 2008

is there some way to activate osql from a c++ app and stream theoutput to my program?

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Dec 22, 2006

i'm trying to execute some scripts created by the express studio script wizard. i can connect with the studio, the website (asp worker) but i can't create the right cmdline for osql ..... this is my osql line ......

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinn>osql -S (local)\SQLEXPRESS -U sa -P sablah -i run.sql.......

this is the error i'm getting in my logs

Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 16.
2006-12-22 15:30:45.11 Logon Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]

"Server=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;Database=ggmi;User Id=sa;Password=cr79cr02;Trusted_connection=false;";

the following is the working connection string for my aspworker.

"Server=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;Database=ggmi;User Id=sa;Password=cr79cr02;Trusted_connection=false;";

when i try to put in the trust conenction parameter is says that it conflicts with the user flag ,. probably because its a differant type of login process. any ideas?

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Osql Utility

Jul 28, 2004

using osql utility i have converted a table in database to excel format. I have also chinese data in my database . The problem is while converting the data into excel format ,the chinese data is not comming in excel sheet.
Does anybody have an idea about this .
For converting i have used

declare @x varchar(300)
set @x = 'osql -S Servername -U username -P passwd -q "select * from northwind..region order by cand_index" -w 3000 -s "," -o C:directoryfilename.csv'


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Osql Utility

Aug 14, 2004

Hi all
I am using osql utility in sql server 2000 to convert data in database to excel sheet. My datas contain both english and chinese . While converting to excel sheet english datas are comming but the datas in chinese is comming like (?) this. Does any body has any idea to solve this problem. is there any way to set font in osql utility.

set @x = 'osql -S servername -U username -P password -q "select * from

northwind..region" -w 3000 -s "," -o C:Downloaddownload.csv'
This is what i have used.
Note: I tried giving chinese font in excel still it is not working.
Its really urgent pls reply

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Osql Syntax Help

Oct 8, 2004

Dear friends,

I was trying to run this script from a dos batch file under win xp but it's not working. Please help with the syntax.
================================================== =======
OSQL -U sa -P samsde -S firebird /Q "RESTORE DATABASE NAVIMEX FROM DISK = 'C:30704' WITH

REPLACE, MOVE'NAVIMEX_Data' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL

ServerMSSQLDataNAVIMEX_Data.MDF',MOVE 'NAVIMEX_Log' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL

================================================== ========

Please provide me with the correct syntax to be put in a 'restore.bat' file :rolleyes:

Thanks in advance.

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Osql -b Question!

Oct 25, 2004

the help document said that

"osql -b will specifies that OSQL exits and returns a DOS ERRORLEVEL value when an error occurs. The value returned to the DOS ERRORLEVEL variable is 1 when the SQL Server error message has a severity of 10 or greater; otherwise, the value returned is 0."

my question is : how can I get the DOS ERRORLEVEL.


C:>isql -E -b -Q"backup log pubs to disk='C:adsfasd.tmp'"

the result:

Msg 4208, Level 16, State 0, Server YANG, Line 1
当恢复模型为 SIMPLE 时,不允许使用 BACKUP LOG 语句。请使用 BACKUP DATABASE 或用
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Server YANG, Line 1
BACKUP LOG 操作异常终止。

It's in chinese language,means
"can not use BACKUP LOG when the restore model being SIMPLE,you can use ALTER DATABASE or BACKUP DATABASE to change the restore model.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Server YANG, Line 1
BACKUP LOG aborted"

where is DOS ERRORLEVEL???? How can I get it????


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Running A Job Via Osql??

Dec 1, 2004

Hello All,
A VERY green SQL Server DBA here looking for some help. Our main production environment is Oracle, which utilizes Control-M as a scheduler. At the end of the Oracle batch process, we would like to automate a process to kick off a sql server job (perhaps via osql??) Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,

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Osql And Carc.:éàè

Dec 14, 2005

I run a script with Osql and got no error but the accent caracter (french message) are modified.

the script is
Print('é à è î ï ù')
and come
Print('Θ α Φ ε ∩ ∙')
This is very bad! Can someone can help me?
Any suggestion?

osql.exe -S MyServer -U username-P pwd-d TestDB -n -o "C:Devosql_test.log" -i "C:DevAccentTest.sql" :

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Dynamic SQL Vs OSQL

Sep 5, 2006

Question for the experts here:

Is there any advantage of running an SQL statement through osql with the database information over using dynamic sql?


DECLARE @DB Varchar(50)
DECLARE @SQL Varchar(4000)
SET @DB = '<nvr_changing_server>.<my_dynamic_db_name>'
SET @SQL = 'SELECT admissiontype_id AS atype, admissiontype AS atype_desc, start_date, end_date
INTO tlkAdmitType
FROM <nvr_changing_server>.<nvr_changing_DB>.dbo.tlkAdmissionTypes'

exec master..xp_cmdShell 'osql -U sa -P sapwd -S nvr_changing_server -d my_dynamic_db_name -Q @SQL....'

vs. something like:

DECLARE @DB Varchar(50)
DECLARE @SQL Varchar(4000)
SET @DB = '<nvr_changing_server>.<my_dynamic_db_name>'
SET @SQL = 'SELECT admissiontype_id AS atype, admissiontype AS atype_desc, start_date, end_date
INTO ' + @DB +'.dbo.tlkAdmitType
FROM <nvr_changing_server>.<nvr_changing_DB>.dbo.tlkAdmissionTypes'


The purpose of all this is...I need to pass a parameter for the DB that I will be inserting we create a new db with a specific name based on quarterly data. We collect, crunch, validate data and ship it. Then when it's old we archive it then eventually delete it.

I have written a script that makes this quarterly build less painful. In fact I won't have to do it! :)...our Sr. Data Analysts will do it now. In order for this beautiful thing (*in my mind anyway*) to work they need to set parameters for which data to pull and where to put it. The DB is scripted into existance and the data is moved into it. So therefore they need to enter the Qtr,Yr and dbname. I have done DSQL before on smaller scripts and I am just curious if the expert pool here can shed some light on this approach. The script will most likely be run in a DTS SQL Task.

Thanks in advance...R

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Running OSQL

Feb 25, 2004


When i want to run the OSQL utility, it will open the command prompt, but only for about a second, then, gone...

I'm running an XP pro machine with MSDE 2000 installed locally... any ieads??


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OSQL Question

Mar 18, 2004

I created a sql script that transfers data from my test system to production adn vice versa. I would like to use OSQL and be able to pass parameters to the SQL script.

Example: param 1 = test; param 2 = production.

Can anyone tell me if this is possible and how to do it?

Thanks in advance for all the help.

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Error With Osql

Apr 21, 2004

Locally executing osql to create db files on a remote Webserver, I get this error:

41> 42> 43> 44> 45> Meldung 916, Ebene 14, Status 1, Server USER-EQ9OV60EMF, Zeile 12
Server user 'Robse_Testlogin' is not a valid user in database 'msdb'.

(The above is german and translates into "Message 916, Level 14,..., Row 12")

This is the command with parameters:

osql -S servername -U Robse_Testlogin -P password -i c:Storestoredb.sql"

Up to that line, everything works fine...what could be wrong?

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Osql Formatting

May 5, 2004

At first I'd like to justify myself - I'm rather a greenhorn in MS SQL ;-)
What I'd like to do is to create a very simple spool file from my database.
I'd like to do this using OSQL tool and it's very important for me to have the spool file in the same format as it was earlier when I used Oracle and simple spool command.
And it's almost the same, but white spaces...
There's always one white space at the begining of each line and at least one at the and of each line.
I've been trying many OSQL switches and ltrim(..) / rtrim(..) functions but the problem still exists...
The spool file is rather big - around 300MB so it's not good idea to use SED (for example) to remove white spaces.
So my question:

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Osql / Isql

Jan 17, 2008

Is osql/isql supported in SQL 2005? How about in 2008? Thanks

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Osql Timeout

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I have several big tables with rows more than 25 mil rowsand to update/delete/insert data in these tables,it can take minutes.I use BULK Insert/DELETE/Update with osql.While I run one of these updates,if I try to select, it seems like both read and write get locked.Shouldn't SQL resolve this kind of locking?I left these to see if it gets resolved but both never returned.So I need to kill these processes.Does anyone have any scripts to find how long queries are running?Also I need to make osql timeout and tried -t but it didn't work.I used -t 1200 with DELETE in osql but it was running for more than 40minutes. So I killed it and ran DBCC DBREINDEX on the table and re-ranit and it worked.Shouldn't the query get killed after 10 minutes?What is exactly -t option for ?thanks,

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Osql Feedback

Jul 23, 2005

I have some long running scripts which I fire at my database using osql.(These are big files and mostly doing inserts but some also do a few otherthings.) It would be nice to have some activity indication (other than thedisk activity light) that these are running. When I used to use Oracle,their equivalent to osql had an option to print a dot (without a carriagereturn) for every "n" statements. This gave a nice "I'm alive" indicator. Ican simulate this by adding a few "print" statements in my sql, but printalways adds a carriage return. Does anyone know a way of doing a print butwithout the addition of a CR (or CR/LF)? So that a second "print" sends itsoutput to the same line as the first?I know this is a nicety and I can live without it, but it would be nice.thanks in advance,

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Mar 21, 2006

I have a question. I am doing some work for someone and I have a batchfile that they can run that will execute an OSQL line and a DTSRUNline. In both lines I run them using the /S /U /P switches and ofcourse the /N or /i switch to tell it what to run. I have also triedreplacing the /U /P switches with the /E switch.My problem is that as long as I specify the users password on the OSQLline (either with /U & /P or with /E & /P) it will run. If I try andjust use the /E it will say password failed for DOMAIN/USER . Ok, Idon't really care I can specify the password and the script will run.However no matter what I do the DTSRUN line will not run, it gives methis same password error.I can run this line just fine on my PC on my network and my domainusing just the /S /E switches.Any ideas as to why it will work for OSQL but not DTSRUN?Thanks in advance.

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Using OSQL For BCP Handling

Feb 1, 2008

I find this thread very useful. But how can I run those scripts in command line using OSQL???

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What's Going On With OSQL On My Computer??

Mar 20, 2008

I have not seen this ever on my computer until today...

I start CuteFTP or NetObjects Fusion 8 and I get an installer window popping up saying:

"Please wait while Microsoft configures Microsoft SQL desktop engine"

ZoneAlarm warns me that OSQL.exe is trying to connect to my network.
I let it.

Then ZA warns me that OSQL is trying to connect to the internet.
At this point, if I let it, or deny it, the thing installer (which looks to be half way done) reloads itself and starts over with ZA warning that it's trying to connect locally, then to the internet. Over and over this happens.

It wont let either of my program start until it goes through about 5 or 6 cycles of whatever it's trying to do.

Then it just disappears and my program will load.

If I close either CuteFTP of NetObjects and start them back up, the whole OSQL.exe thing starts again.

I have rebooted and it still does this.

The odd thing is some of the IP addresses it's trying to connect to. - Google - Akamai - Microsoft (ok, that's understandable)
I didn't write the IP address, but it tried to get to too..

How do I fix this? Why is it doing this?

I'm running XP Pro. P-4 3Ghz 1.5Gb RAM

Thanks for any help!

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Jan 7, 2008

 Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)    'declarations    Dim conLath As SqlConnection    Dim cmdLath As SqlCommand    Dim rdrLath As SqlDataReader        conLath = New SqlConnection("server=SERVERNAME;uid=USERNAME;pwd=PASSWORD; " & "database=DATABASE NAME")    conLath.Open    cmdLath = New SqlCommand ( "select * from Emails",conLath)    rdrLath = cmdLath.ExecuteReader()    gridLath.DataSource = rdrLath    gridLath.DataBind()    rdrLath.Close    cmdLath.Dispose()    conLath.Close    End Sub
Can i connect to SQL on another server ? Becasue when i am trying to do so , i getting error  ! I can connect to sql on my server but if i want to connect to another server i getting error ... help pleas ?

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OSQL Restore Database

Jul 12, 2004


I need to do a restore similar to the Restore Database in SQL Enterprise Manager using OSQL. I created an app to do the OSQL Run script command and it works fine. Is this the best way to create a setup to restore the database? Any ideas please!!

Best Regards

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Text Results From OSQL

Sep 14, 2000

Does anyone know of a way to prevent the results of an OSQl query from breaking into multiple lines. The results come in a mess I need to clean them up to import into a spreadsheet.


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Can Osql.exe And Bcp.exe Be Freely Distributed?

Oct 22, 2002

Does anyone know whether osql.exe and bcp.exe can be freely distributed? Or where can i find such information?

Thank you for any help.

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OSQL -- Print Into File

Sep 4, 2003

Why osql igores parameter -w for command PRINT... and why cut the last character ????

osql -S<Server> -d<DB> -E -Q"Print replicate('ab',250)" -otest.txt -n -h -b -w1000

this one example returns two rows, first has 255 characters and second only 244 characters...

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Using Osql To Run A Stored Procedure

Jul 1, 2002

I am trying to set up a command line so a user can use osql
to run a stored procedure on SQL Server 2000. An example of
what I am using looks like this: osql -E -Q "EXEC
Penguin.Foot.dbo.sp_who". When I run this I get an error
that the login failed for the user. However, this user can
run the stored procedure from Query analyzer. I've not
found a lot of info on osql and any help would be greatly

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Osql -- Change Password

Apr 3, 2001

When using osql from a command prompt the following script was run:
EXEC sp_password 'Current Password', '', 'TestLogin'

We were trying to set a password for a login to blank, but now cannot access login into the application because the application was looking a blank password for this user but the password would not work for blank.

Note ---This client only has MSDE installed, not SQL Enterprise.

If the script is run from Query Analyzer it works fine.

The script should have been this:
EXEC sp_password 'Current Password', Null, 'TestLogin'

It should have explictly stated NULL for the new password but it wasn't done.

Is there anyway to reset the password without knowing the existing password.
No other logins exist. They tried logging into the system with no password, '',"".
I am not sure what the password was set to.

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Restore Database Using OSQL

Oct 6, 2004

Dear Sir/Madam,

Would you please help me to create a batch file to restore a database from a file located on a remote path to my MSDE installed on my workstation.

the original database location was on the D drive on the server

but when i want to restore it to my MSDE it will be in a different path which is C

I want to create a command batch file by just double clicking on it, it will restore the database. (i want a forced restoration).

Please proivde me with your help.



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