Using Variables With HTTP Connexion Manager

Feb 15, 2008


In an HTTP connexion manager, is it possible to passe the server URL as a variable

thank you

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Proxy Usage HTTP Connection Manager

Nov 2, 2007

I'm creating a SSIS solution where I use a WebService Task to get some data from an external Web Service.

I create a "HTTP Connection Manager" for the WebService Task. I enter the correct Server URL, and in the Proxy tab I enter the correct Proxy URL. The "Test Connection" button returns a success and everything works fine....

However, when I re-open my solution after having saved it, the "Test Connection" button returns a "Unable to connect to the remote server" message. the Server URL and the Proxy URL are correct but it seems that SSIS is not using the Proxy. If I create a new package with the same Server URL and Proxy URL it works fine.

Does anyone know anything about this problem? Is it a bug in SSIS or something that I'm doing wrong?


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Report Manager Http/https - Mixed Links

Aug 10, 2006

I have setup reportserver with default settings (non https) and afterwards in IIS added a certificate and https support.
Know I am able to work really well and secure over the internet, but some links in report manager pointing to instead of https:
For example if i call a report and then in the top there are (view, properties,...)
- View is HTTPS
- Properties is HTTPS
- History is HTTP
- Subscription is HTTP

I have read some articles - mentions I should configure https, but
- in Report Configuration you could not setup HTTPS
- in rsreportserver.config i have entered the https link version but did not change anything
- in RSWebApplication.config the Reportserverurltag is blank - so i did not change anything

Thanks for any help


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HTTP Connection Manager Connectionstring, Web Tasks, And Runtime Configuration

May 12, 2008

At one point in my package I call a simple web service that kicks off a process on a remote server using a Web Service Task . I need to be able to point the task at a test instance while I'm testing and a different one when it goes to production. The simple answer (you'd hope anyway) is to just store the ConnectionString for the HTTP Connection Manger in Package Configurations for TEST and PROD. I did this and when the package runs, the connection manager's connectionstring does get changed, but the web service task doesn't use this value. It uses the value defined in the WSDL file which in my case contains the URL for the TEST instance.

Am I missing something obvious? Do I really have to get the WSDLs from PROD and TEST and deploy both of them to the appropriate environment? What does the ConnectionString in the HTTP Connection Manager actually do then?

Thanks for any insight you might have.

Kevin S

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HTTP Connection Manager Err:unable To Connect To Remote Server

Jan 23, 2007

Hi all,

i am trying to consume an webservice which under secure layer (HTTPS)


i'm connected thro' a proxy server.

when i use the same url in IE it works fine, but when i connect thro' http connection manager it always throws me a error saying "unable to connect to remote server "

can anyone provide me solution to over come this problem

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HTTP Status 401: Access Denied Error In Report Manager

Jun 15, 2007

This didn't use to happen but now it does.

When I go into Report Manager, http://localhost/reports, and try running a report it is giving me this error message:

The request failed with HTTP status 401: Access Denied

But if I go directly to the Report Server, http://localhost/reportserver, and try running a report there then everything is fine.

Does anyone know why it is doing this all of a sudden? I did change the Reports app in ISS to allow anonymous access but have since changed it back, and it still gives this error.

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Hi, I Also Have Similar Problem When Trying Launch Report Manager By Typing Http://localhost/reports

Apr 25, 2007


I am new at using Report Service and after successful install the SQL SERVER EXPRESS ADVANCE SP2 and configured the ReportIing Services Configuration. I try to launch the report manager by typing http://localhost/Reports I get the following error:

The report server is not responding. Verify that the report server is running and can be accessed from this computer.

I've read many forums but I couldn't resolve my problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

By the way, I am running IIS 7 on Window Vista Business Ed. & SQL Server Express Ed. I am not sure if this make any differences.

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Connection Manager - Variables

Sep 11, 2006

hello all,

I have a scenario where I like to reuse one project from one machine to another machine.

- Server name is variable.

- database name is variable

- table name is fixed.

How do I specify a variable name for "server name" and "database name" ?

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How Do We Connect SMO Connection Manager Thru Variables?

Sep 6, 2007

I have no issues connecting OLE DB manager with variables (basically i am passing source and destination) but i have issues to connect SMO Connection Manager

I tried to pass the variable into SqlServerName on SMO connectin luck... tried on control flow item (Transfer SQL server Objects Task) with sourceconnection and Soruce db .. no luck.

I am trying to transfer objects from one server to another server but I'll pass source and destination server names dynamically thru variables..

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Using Variables Of Connection Manager, Connectionstring

Jun 12, 2006


I'll spare everyone my diatribe about MS and Booksonline...

I considered myself pretty good at Server 2000 DTS. It certainly has it's shortcomings, but there are a couple books on the market that helped a lot.

I'm now trying to learn Integration Services, and not getting very far. There are two books out so far. one is poor, the other worthless.

What I want to do seems very simple. That is to loop through a series of .txt files, and extract the information into a three table database. So far, I'm unable to figure out how to use a variable in the ConnectionString property of a connection manager. I see how to use variables in scripts (I should hope so) but using the same syntax in properties either errors at design time or run time.

Do I have to do everything in VB just as in DTS? Or do the new objects really work in a usuable fashion?

Color me frustrated. Any help will be appreciated.



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Change Reporting Services Default URL (From Http://server/reports To Http://CompanyReports)

Jul 31, 2007

I looked online and couldn't find anything to help me make this change. I want to change the default URL for reporting services to another url. Is this possible? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Just The Most Normal Connexion

Dec 7, 2003

Impossible to connect to my mssql 2000 database

web.config connexion string >>>

<add key="DataSourceSql" value="Initial Catalog=angiras;Data Source=localhost;Uid=sa;Pwd=;" />


<add key="DataSourceSql" value="Initial Catalog=angiras;Data Source=localhost;" />

connexion code >>>

Private ConnexionSQL As SqlConnection

Public Sub OpenConnexionSQL()
ConnexionSQL = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DataSourceSql").ToString)
End Sub

when I try >>>


I get an error

any idea ?

thank you

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Outside Connexion With MSDE

Dec 18, 2003

I know this is not a question about .NET, but I was wondering if it was possible for a MSDE database to receive a connection from another server ?

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Connexion, Processes ...

May 17, 2004

From the system table sysprocesses, how to do in order to extract
the SQL command related to the processes ?

What are system views/tables, scripts used to monitor and obtain more information
about processes, connexions... ?

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Errors / Warnings After Deleting Variables &&amp; Connection Manager Objects

Aug 3, 2006


As I was developing my SSIS package, I created several variables and tasks ( FTP, WMI Reader Task ). I am now cleaning up, deleting unwanted variables and connections in the design window. I save and build the package and when I load the package, I get warnings that these variables are referenced but can't find them and errors that the WMI connection is not found.

When a package calls a sub-package, it stores the absolute path of the child package in its dtsx xml file in a Connection String property. How annoying !!! . When I deploy this to another machine with a different file structure, it becomes a problem. Why can't it store the path relative to the parent package, which would be typically in a sub-directory under the parent ?

These last 2 days have been nothing but frustration and my deadline is slipping. Any help is appreciated.



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Shared Connexion Between Package

Apr 21, 2008


Here's my problem :

I have several packages, one parents and several childs.
I want to define just one connexion for all theses packages, so I used a Data source. But I had several problem with that object.
So I'm looking for the best way to define one working database connexion for all my packages.

Can someone help me ?

Thanks in advance.

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PHP Mssql_connect(): Échec De Connexion

Jul 20, 2005

Bonjour,Je viens d'installer SQL Server 2000 Dev edition.J'ai créé des connexions sécurisées SQL Server et pourtant lorsquej'essaie de me connecter avec PHP (mssql_connect('localhost', 'uselsC','333')) j'obtiens cette erreur:Échec de la connexion de l'utilisateur 'uselsC'. Raison : Non associé àune connexion sécurisée SQL Server.Malgré mes recherches je ne parviens pas à élucider ce problème.Toute aide sera la bienvenue :)Merci.--Posted via

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Http://localhost/reportserver Works Http://&&<servername&&>/reportserver Doesn't

Aug 1, 2007

Hi All,

I have setup SSRS 2000 and gotten it to work but I am having trouble with SSRS 2005. I can't access to reportserver anywhere on the network. The only way to get to reportserver is termserv into the server and hit it with http://localhost/reportserver The server is Windows 2003 server Standard Ed. running SQL 2005 SP2 and Sharepoint Portal Server 2007. Can somebody please help? Thank you.

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Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor (Inner Variables Vs Outer Variables)

Sep 4, 2006


I am not comfortable with DTS 2000 but I need to execute a encapsulated DTS 2000 package from a SSIS package. The real problem is when I need to pass SSIS variables to DTS 2000 package. The DTS 2000 package have 3 global variables that I can identify on " Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor - Inner Variables ". I believe the SSIS variables must be mapped on " Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor - OuterVariables ". How can I associate the SSIS variables(OuterVariables ) to "Inner Variables"? How can I do it? Much Thanks.


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How To Design A Package With Variables So That I Can Run It By Dos Command Assigning Values To Variables?

Jan 24, 2006


I would like to design a SSIS package, which have couple of variables. It loads a xls file specified in a variable [varExcelFileFullPath] .

I will run it by commands: exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL ....' (pls see an example below).

It seems it does not get the values passed in for those variables. I deployed the package to a sql server.

are there any grammar errors here? I copied it from dtexecui. It worked inside Dtexecui not in dos command.

exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL "LoadExcelDB" /SERVER test /USER *** /PASSWORD ****


/LOGGER "{6AA833A1-E4B2-4431-831B-DE695049DC61}";"Test.SuperBowl"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileName].Properties[Value];"TestAdHocLayer"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelWorkbookName].Value;"Sheet1$"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileFullPath].Value;"D: estshareTestAdHocLayer.xls"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varDestinationTableName].Value;"FeaturesTmp"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varPreSQLAction].Value;"delete from FeaturesTmp"




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A User Group Account Acting Like A Content Manager And Admin On The Report Manager????

Nov 2, 2007

A user was created with a limited privilege under the USERS group. Once this user loged in the Report Manager he is acting like an Admin and Content Manager, though he is not given even a browser role.

What do u think that this guy is acting like a Super User evenif he is restricted to a browser role on the Report Manager ????????????

I did all my best, but no luck so far

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Problems Running Enterprise Manager And Service Manager

Jul 20, 2005

On one of our machines, all of the SQL Server 2000components except for the main Server component (SQL Servercore) itself were installed (Management tools, etc) a while agoand everything was running fine. Now I go and add/install theServer component and then Service Pack 3a.It seems that Service Manager won't start up (I get an hourglass cursor)and now I find that Enterprise Manager won't run as well. No errormessages appeared and I don't think I saw anything unusual inthe log file.However, I can use Enterprise Manager on a differentmachine and connect to the database (so the databaseitself seems to be running).Any suggestions as to what the problem might be and how tofix it? I like to see if I can repair this without havingto do a reinstall.Thanks.PF

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Help! Enterprise Manager Turns SQL Server Service Manager Off

Dec 6, 2006

IF someone can assist me. Everytime I load up enterprise manager the service manager turns off. And the enterprise manager can't connect to the local database. But everytime i turn it back on and try to connect again it shuts it off and around and around we go. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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HTTP 404.

Feb 28, 2008

When i am tring to open the .NET application the following error is raised
HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
I kept a start page as default.aspx, which physically exists in the application directoty but I still get the error.

Can you please help me out.

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Jun 21, 2004


Is it possible to write a stored procedure which can post an XML file to a server using HTTP?


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HTTP Endpoints

Jun 9, 2006

Are HTTP Endpoints able to be reached by another application that does not run on the same network?

For example, we have a partner that has a Web Application that would like to retrieve data from our database. We would like them to call a SOAP method through the Endpoint and in essence let their Web Application consume the Web Service. Is this possible?

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How To Execute HTTP From SQL

Jan 15, 2007

George writes "I wan to use a cursor to execute
let's say


from SQL 2005

Is that possible??

THanks in advance"

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Http Errors

Feb 6, 2007


i created endpoints and able to view wsdl

it's a stored procedure created in master database.
when i just try to view the output from this like


it's giving me an error http501/http505 error.

i read in other article like, when soap is not able to process message , it'll be giving out as http errors.

my endpoint creation is as follows:

CREATE ENDPOINT hello_endpoint
PATH = '/hello_world',
SITE = 'testserver'
WEBMETHOD 'GetSqlInfo' (name='master.dbo.hello_world', SCHEMA=STANDARD ),
DATABASE = 'master',
NAMESPACE = 'http://testserver/hello_world'


i already created a stored procedure hello world:

USE [master]

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[hello_world]
(@msg nvarchar(256)= "Hello Sql Server")
select @msg as 'message'

.I am not able to find any solution for this.Any help would be a great help for me.
i joined a new project , and this is the first task for me.

thanks for all


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Import Txt From Http

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a quick way to import a txt file from an http location manually...and then later automate the process? This is a do-not-call list thatconsists only of phone numbers. I appreciate any and all pointers!!!TIA - Rob

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Asp HTTP 500 Error

May 27, 2007

Hello there,

I have created a login page for users. The login page contain <FORM action="verifyuser.asp" method="post">. The verifyuser page verify that the user exist in the database. All the pages, home, login, memberspage, updatemember, seems to be working properly except for the verifyuser page. This is the code for the page:

Dim objConn, oRSu
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;"& _
"User ID=sa;Password=test12345; Initial Catalog=members;Data Source= Kai-PC;"

dim varUsername, varPassword
varUsername = Request.Form("Username")
varPassword = Request.Form("Password")

set oRSU=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
SQL = "Select * from Users where Username = '" & varUsername & "' AND
Password = '"& varPassword &"'" SQL, objConn
If oRSu.EOF Then
response.redirect "Login.asp"
end if
Session("Username") = oRSu("Username")
Session("password") = oRSu("password")

Response.redirect "memberspage.asp"
set oRSu=nothing


Whenever I try to login a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error appears... I have no idea whether that caused by the codes or because I'm using Vista? Thanks

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Nov 16, 2006

I keep getting this error when trying to create one:

This "CREATE ENDPOINT" statement is not supported on this edition of SQL Server.

I am running sbs2003 r2. Is this not supported on this server?

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Http Destination

Sep 19, 2007

I have been given a requirement to post data to a Peoplesoft Http gateway, using SSIS.

To be completely honest I havn't got a clue where to start with this, can anybody give me any pointers?
Am I going to have to use a script component?
Are there any decent examples / samples.

Sorry about the open nature of this question, but I really dont know where to start.

I think Biztalk may be a better option as in integration tool for this work.

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ReportViewer And HTTP 401

Mar 2, 2007

I have read a million documents on this question and I still don't get it. I would greatly appreciate any insights.

I start a new WebSite. I put these specs in web.config:

<authentication mode="Windows"/>

<identity impersonate="true" userName="AIBablh" password="blah" />
<authorization> <deny users="?"/> </authorization>

I put a ReportViewer control on my only page.

I set the URL and the ReportName and run the application which returns HTTP 401, authorization error. What else do I have to do to make this little demonstration work?

I have read entries about credentials, about delegation, about application pools, about just about everything.

Isn't this just supposed to work? This works without difficulty on a Windows form.

Much thanks.

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