Using .xlsx As Excel Source In SSIS
Oct 17, 2007
I am using Excel datasource and Excel destination in a simple SSIS package which i created. I have got two queries regarding this
How does excel datasouce/destination accept .xlsx files, since i observed that they accept only .xsl file
Does excel destination ascept .xlsm files, because i have some macros enabled in destination
Thanks in advance for advice
Warm Regards,
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Mar 7, 2014
I am using VS2012 and creating a package on a 64bit machine to import some data from a .xlsx file. My question is that I am getting an error for the Excel connection manager, do I need to install some kind of excel drive or excel itself on the machine in order to be able to import the data?
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Mar 13, 2008
I am creating an SSIS package witha a Dataflow task, which reads from an Excel source and then uses script component to dumpt the data to multiple tables in Sql Server database
I need to some how make my Excel source dynamic, that is my excel template which i would be using to map the excel columns to script component's input columns would be dynamic..
In other words, I should be able to define the Excel Source, Column Mapping Information, Precedence constraint to the Script component dynamically
Please suggest how could i accomplish this
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Jul 6, 2015
While importing data from Excel source , some column is getting null value even though excel column has value.To Resolve the issue we tried with
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftOffice14.0Access Connectivity EngineEnginesExcel
1.Change the Value of the Row TypeGuessRows from 8 (Default value) to 0 and ImportMixedType = text
• xls
1.Change the Value of the Row TypeGuessRows from 8 (Default value) to 0 and ImportMixedType = text
the connection string of the excel
UPPER(REVERSE(SUBSTRING( REVERSE(@[User::VarInputExcelFile]), 1, 5) ) ) == ".XLSX" ? "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + @[User::VarInputExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";":"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" + @[User::VarInputExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties="EXCEL 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";"
by doing the above setting also , the column is coming as null from excel source even though there is data in excel.
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Feb 18, 2014
I am having with trying to import XLSX files into SQL 2012 64 Bit.
I have installed the Access driver (AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe)
I have configured the script to run the following SP
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1
[Code] ....
So I first create my Temp Table
The run the SP above then I run the insert into the Temp table defined
INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.TempTRBZ (IsNew,CoID, Zip, City, County,StateCode,Rate,Taxable,TaxShip,TaxLab,CountryID,StateID)
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET( 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','EXCEL 12.0;Database=C:TempNotInTrbzJan.xlsx;HDR=YES','SELECT * FROM [Data$]')
[Code] ....
The error message I get back is
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)".
What I have set wrong on the import? Using SSIS at this point is not a real option.
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Jun 12, 2015
I have a test server (TEST1) running SQL 2012 and Windows 2012R2. One of the developers wants to use OPENROWSET to read in data from an Excel 2010 file (an xlsx file).
I have loaded the Microsoft Drivers in "AccessDatabaseEngine_64.exe" and enabled the Ad Hoc Distributed Queries option in SQL.
This is the sample code we are working with:
'Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=etworkserverFolder1Folder2MEMBIDs.xlsx',
'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]'
) AS X
I can run the sample query from my laptop with SSMS (I have admin rights) and I can also run it as SA from my laptop. So all is good, right?
But if I RDC into TEST1, I cannot run the query. I get this error:
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "(null)" returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] Your network access was interrupted. To continue, close the database, and then open it again.".
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "(null)" returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver]General error Unable to open registry key Temporary (volatile) Ace DSN for process 0x574 Thread 0xb74 DBC 0x1d07f08 Excel'.".
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "(null)" returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver]General error Unable to open registry key Temporary (volatile) Ace DSN for process 0x574 Thread 0xb74 DBC 0x1d07f08 Excel'.".
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "(null)".But wait! It gets better.
I can run the query as SA from TEST1.
And of course, the developer can't run it either.
And it works fine in the production server.
I'm thinking the basics are there but something isn't right in some permission somewhere.
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Dec 28, 2007
Dear Friends,
I need to import data from several excel files. How can I configure excel source object to dinamically import each file?
The name of the file will be in a parameter of ssis package and this name change frequently, and ach time the filename change I dont want to change the configuration on the excel source?
What you sugest?
Shoul I use a script component as source?!
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Jan 2, 2008
Dear Friends,
I currently have my excel source dynamic for the connectionstring. Using a global variable with the filename and using the expressions of this control to dynamically have the connecttionstring. My problem is that i need tto read always the first workseet and the name changes frequently and generates an erro in SSIS.
how can I set the excel source to goes only for the first sheet independently of the worksheet name?!
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Feb 27, 2006
An Excel Source Data Flow object (which used to work fine) sudenly started display the following error box:
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Error at Create BusStop Table [DTS.Pipeline]: The index is not valid.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0048004 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)
What could the cause be?
What is the meaning of: HRESULT: 0xC0048004 ? How could this info be used?
Thanks and best regards,
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Jun 23, 2006
I have a problem with reading data from an Excel file in SSIS. I'm trying to read a column that mostly consists of decimal values, but there are couple places where column entry is 2 numbers separated by a slash (e.g. "100/6.0"). SSIS tries to be smart and identifies the column data type as decimal and when it reads the cell with the slash in it, it reads as NULL. I tried to make my excel source reader component to read that cell as a string, but it gives me an error. If anybody has come across something like this, I would highly appreciate some help
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Jun 15, 2007
Hello kindly help me in this issue , i have an ssis package with excel data source , when i run it outside the sql
agent job it run normaly when i create a job to execute it from the sql server agent it fail.
can any body help me.
also i had same problem with packages that call the execution of other packages.
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Apr 23, 2015
I have a very simply package using an Excel connection to an XLSX file. It's a straight read of the file and import onto a table.Â
The package works fine in Visual Studio 2008 development and also runs fine when executing on the (server I copied it to) under Integration Services. Â Â
However, under a SQL Agent, the package (32-bit is checked) can not acquire the connection to an excel file.  I use UNC pathing to the file. I've read other posts about similar problems and tried various scheduling options (including Owner of job).  Â
I even tried a to trigger it with a command-line which did not work:Â
"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100DTSBinnDTEXEC.exe" /sq "our packagesMy_XLSX_File_Import" /SERVER myserver /X86Â /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E
All errors are:  "DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0209302."Â
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Nov 29, 2006
(Applies to SQLServer 2005 SP1)
We have found that using the SSIS "Import and Export Wizard" using the "Microsoft Excel" data source that there appears to be a maximum column length of 255 characters for any row.
Even when defining the destination table columns as nvarchar(4000), the wizard fails with the errors shown below.
We have found no workaround except manually changing the imput data. There doesn't appear to be any "Advanced" options for the Excel importer as there are for the flat-text importer. So, no question here, just posting the bug so that *next* time someone searches the web for an answer, this post comes up
MessagesError 0xc020901c: Data Flow Task: There was an error with output column "English String" (18) on output "Excel Source Output" (9). The column status returned was: "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.". (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) Error 0xc020902a: Data Flow Task: The "output column "English String" (18)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "English String" (18)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) Error 0xc0047038: Data Flow Task: The PrimeOutput method on component "Source - Sheet1$" (1) returned error code 0xC020902A. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) Error 0xc0047021: Data Flow Task: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) Error 0xc0047039: Data Flow Task: Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) Error 0xc0047021: Data Flow Task: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
edit: After searching further this is documented under "Excel Source"
in BOL which provides a registry-based workaround. I guess the issue
is that the wizard considers truncation to be a 'fail' case and
there's no easy way to override this behaviour, specify the column
types nor determine which line is in error)
Truncated text. When the driver determines that an Excel column contains
text data, the driver selects the data type (string or memo) based on the
longest value that it samples. If the driver does not discover any values longer
than 255 characters in the rows that it samples, it treats the column as a
255-character string column instead of a memo column. Therefore, values longer
than 255 characters may be truncated. To import data from a memo column without
truncation, you must make sure that the memo column in at least one of the
sampled rows contains a value longer than 255 characters, or you must increase
the number of rows sampled by the driver to include such a row. You can increase
the number of rows sampled by increasing the value of TypeGuessRows under
the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftJet4.0EnginesExcel registry
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Aug 10, 2007
Hi Folks,
My situation is that Excel files are to be downloaded into a SQL Server 2005 table (perhaps as type image or nvarchar), which serves as a document repository. From there, they should be converted to XML. Use of an NT file directory is strongly discouraged. I would like to have SSIS read the Excel from one field in a table and then write the XML into another field in the same (or perhaps another) table. Is this possible? If not, is the a strait-forward way to do this?
Also, I€™m hoping to invoke the SSIS script from a SQL Server INSERT trigger so the conversion is done during the INSERT.
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Apr 20, 2010
I'm trying to import some XLS files that I receive from some suppliers. The problem is that every time they send some columns with text values but formatted as number. When I read those columns with SSIS Excel Source, they come all with null values.
I don't want to change the columns data types every time, so I would like to know if there's a way to bypass the column types that are already there.
I tried to use both the Jet driver and the Office 12 driver. I've already used the IMEX=1 on ExtendedProperties too with no success. Is there a way to force reading the columns as text, even if they have data types assigned to them?
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Aug 5, 2015
How to load .xlsb file using Excel source component in SSIS. Below is the connection manager i see in the properties window.
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=YES";
Do I need to change any values here to process .xlsb file
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May 8, 2009
I'm using SSIS 2005 Enterprise edition, I'm creating a package that reads an excel (xls) file using the "excel source" component, and it dumps the data into an OLEDB destination (a sql server). When I drag the excel source component and create the excel connection to my file the component automatically reads the columns and their datatypes.
The problem is that I have a column which has numeric data and the package uploads as NULL every number that starts with a zero. (note: in excel this column is formatted as "text", despite it has only numbers, because it's the only way excel maintains the left sided zeros).
So I checked the data types by right clicking the excel source component -> show advanced editor and my surprise is that this column's data type is detected as double-precision float, and it doesn't let me change it. URL... but it only works when the first row of data has a number beginning with zero on this column. How to get the data imported correctly?
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Dec 11, 2014
I have been strunggling to find solution to convert XLSX files with multiple sheets to csv file.
>>Â Convert XLSX file with multiple sheets to CSV file
>>Â CSV file names : XLSX filename + '_' + sheet name
>>Â scirpt has to be in VB as i am using ssis 2005
>> I started develping scirpt using . this dll is referenced to script task.
>> found web link as useful.. [URL] ....
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Apr 6, 2006
Running this code on my PC via VS 2005
.Net version 2.0.50727 on the server (shown in IIS)
Code is in ASP.NET 2.0 and is a VB.NET Console application
SSIS 2005
Problem & Info:
I am bringing in an Excel file. I need to first strip out any non-detail rows such as the breaks you see with totals and what not. I should in the end have only detail rows left before I start moving them into my SQL Table. I'm not sure how to first strip this information out in SSIS specfically how down to the right component and how to actually code the component to do this based on my Excel file here:
Then, I assume I just use a Flat File Source coponent or something to actually take the columns in the Excel and split into an OLE DB Datasource to shove each column into a corresponding column in my SQL Server Table. I have used a Flat File Source in the past to do so with a comma delimited txt file but never tried with an Excel.
Desired Help:
How to perform
1) stripping out all undesired rows
2) importing each column into sql table
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Nov 19, 2007
I am using a Excel Source to get the data from an excel file to sql server 2005 table. A couple columns are coming in a double precision float, but some values have characters in them, but those values are coming out as null, even though I changed the datatype from float to unicode string. Any inputs on resolving this will be much appreciated.
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Feb 22, 2006
I am trying to get the contents of the Excel Files dynamically and dumping into the SQL Database using SSIS. Through WMI Event Watcher, I could find when one or more Excel files dumped in a particular folder and using ForEach Loop Container I was able to take all the filenames and pass it through Variables. But at the same time in the Data Flow, I have to pass each Sheet of an Excel File to the Excel Source control and export the data to my SQL Database using OLEDB Destination.
For that I need to get the names of each sheets in an Excel File and pass it to the Excel Source Control through variables. But when I give Data Access Mode as "Table name or view name variable" and provide the variable name in that, then it is giving an error message as "A destination table name has not been provided".
And at the same time, Since I was not able to provide an static Filename (as I am passing through Variables), when I tried to map the columns in the OleDB Destination, it is not allowing me to map the columns.
So all these things I should do at Run-time using Variables in SSIS. I don't want to hard-code any filenames or Sheet names. If any one of you have a solution, please share with me.
Thanks & Regards,
Prakash Srinivasan
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Sep 18, 2007
I have a problem with retreving a excel data through excel source component.
I have source component as Excel Source which will connect to my .xls sheet.
To retrieve the values from the sheet i am using a query as,
"SELECT F14,F3 FROM [Charac Defn & Assgnment$]"
The column F14 is not formatted so that the format of the cell is "General" I have a different type of values in the F14 column such as "PE","PES",15,20,20.00,8888.9999 etc..
While i click on preview button of Excel source it shows only the text values and not the int or decimal values, its returning NULL for those cells. I tried to use convert function, its throwing an error as
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
There was an error displaying the preview.
Undefined function 'Convert' in expression. (Microsoft JET Database Engine)
Is there any other function to change the format of the cell or i need to some thing else
Please help me how to solve this issue.
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Sep 14, 2007
I am having a huge xml file with nested section.
i also have a xsd file for that xml.
i have a destination table where the data from the xml should be loaded into.
i am using the xml source transformation. But o get all the data i need to use multiple merje joins to get the data in a single row which i can insert into the destination.i was not quiet convinced with using so many joins.
so i tried using the script source transformation where i am using xml objects to get the node and dynamically construction the data row. and the output is then inserted into the destination.
on comparing the two approach the one using the script source is working much faster than the xml source transformation.
i wanted to know is there any limitaion using the script source to parse through xml files.
also i would like to know any other better way of getting the data from xml source without using the joins.
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Jul 20, 2006
I have the Excel Connection Manager and Source to read the contents from an Excel file. For some reason couple of numeric fields from the Excel worksheet are brought over as nulls even though they have a value of 300 and 150. I am not sure why this is happening. I looked into the format of the fields and they are set to General in Excel, I tried setting them to numeric and that did not help.
All the other content from the excel file is coming thru except for the 2 numeric fields.
I tried to bring the contents from the excel source to a text file in csv format and for some reason the 2 numeric fields came out as blank.
Any inputs on getting this addressed will be much appreciated.
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Jul 25, 2015
Trying to upload excel in server where excel is not installed. BIDs was there in the server, when i am trying to craete Excel source I am not able.what the workround for this.. How to upload excel without excel installed on the server.
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Sep 13, 2015
We have 10 sheets in Excel File and 10 sheet contains errror data. How to load 9 sheets data in to 1 destination and error data in to other destination?
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Jun 2, 2006
I'm finding that the standard components often just don't quite meet my
needs, but would only need some fairly minor changes to save me and my team a lot of
work (and produce more elegant solutions). So I was just wondering whether the source code was available for the standard components that come with SSIS, or if there is anyway to extend their functionality?
Or do you just have to start form scratch?
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Jul 7, 2007
Hi all,
Actually, I am working in a leading advertisement company where we were handling all of our data in Access, but because our database is getting really large, we have to shift to SQL because queries were taking long time to execute. I have no idea what SQL is. However, i have a problem. In access, i had to import an xlsx(excel 2007 file) in my database. In access I used to do this:
Sub SendTableToExcel()
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, _
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Campaigns", _
"C:frequentstuffsCampaigns.xlsx", True
End Sub
The format(ie the col Names and structure) in table Campaign and Excel File, is same. I just need to copy the data from excel into SQL. How can i do the same thing in SQL? To be very precise, I am novice to SQL so if explained in a novice languauge, i would really appreciate it!!
Vikas B
Vikas Bhandari
Visit My Blog
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Feb 15, 2008
Hello, I am trying to read a file "xlsx" from ASP, the problem is when I try to delete the file, ASP inform not have permits to delete it, it is as if the connection to file not closing properly, the code is:
Code Snippet
if extension = "xlsx" or extension = "xls" then 'si el archivo es excel
sFilePath = server.MapPath("../tmp/importar/"&archivo)
sDataDir = server.MapPath("../tmp/importar")
sSheetName = "Hoja1"
if extension = "xls" then
sFileConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DriverId=790;Dbq="&sFilePath&";DefaultDir="&sDataDir&";"
sFileConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};READONLY=TRUE;DBQ="&sFilePath&";DefaultDir="&sDataDir&";"
end if
sFileSQL = "SELECT * FROM [" & sSheetName & "$]"
set oFileCN = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") 'creo objeto adodb
oFileCN.Open sFileConnectionString 'abro el exel
set oFileRS = oFileCN.Execute(sFileSQL) 'selecciono los registros
if not oFileRS.EOF then 'si es distinto de EOF obtengo un array con los valores de las columnas
aSourceData = oFileRS.getRows()
end if
set oFileRS = nothing
set oFileCN = nothing
'asigno los mails a la variabls "readDatafile"
readDatafile = aSourceData
and the error
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
/gestion/edit_import_db_mail.asp, line 27
Any ideas?, Greetings and forgiveness for my English
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Oct 23, 2007
I uploaded an xlsx file to my reporting services. When i click on the xlsx file link in the reporting services frontend, a internet explorer window is opened with the xlsx file information (reporting services) and the xlsx file is opened by the excel application.
Is there any way to prevent the Internet explorer window to be opened?
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Feb 3, 1999
I'm trying to write a DTS package that reads data from an excel spreadsheet. I'm having a problem getting all the data from the spreadsheet, seems that OLE DB is "too" smart. There is one column that has either numeric values or text values in its row cells. When I browse the spreadsheet in DTS (transform properties, browse button) I only see the text values. OLE DB has placed nulls or blanks into the cells with the numeric values. If I edit the spreadsheet to change the column header to contain a number, then the browse window shows only the numeric values and blanks out the text values. Any suggestion on how to get OLE DB/DTS to treat the numeric values as text? In the spreadsheet, I've tried changing the cell formats to text and to general. This had no effect.
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May 3, 2006
My OLE DB Source and Excel desintation values all will be assigned during the run time but it does work during design time but as on runtime columns are different. That's why it does not work.
Here is what I want to accomplish, I have table which contains all my report which needs to dumped to excel at the month end.
SQL Task using ADO enumrator read one record(one report), Give that record to For Each contair which Create the Excel file on the fly using one of variable from my table and uses a stored procedure to dump data to excel using Dataflow Task.
CREATE TABLE `Sheet1` ( `FiscalYear` Short, `FiscalPeriod` Byte, `STORE #` Short, `Total Markups` Decimal(15,2), `Less Markdown SubTotal` Decimal(15,2), `Total Markup` Decimal(15,2) ) GO
Exec Report.MyReport 1
Does it mean for 10 reports, I have to create 10 different data flow tasks, or it can be done using one data flow tasks but changing columns on the run time.
Please Help
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Sep 5, 2006
I want to query my excel source sheet with a paramater so i create a sql statement like
select * from xxx where name like 'fred%'
Then I want to parameterise it with
select * from xxx where name like @Name or select * from xxx where name like ?
both allow me to map the Parameter neither syntax works in the data flow or preview but ? still works in the build query window !
Anyone know the correct Param declaration for the Excel Source (i believe it should be oledb @Name declaration ?
is this a bug or am i missing something here ...
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