Values In LEFT JOIN Need To Be Empty Strings (was SQL Query Question)
Sep 26, 2006
I have a SQL database where I am attempting to perform a complicated query that I cannot seem to figure out. I am using SQL Server.
I have 4 tables (TableA, TableB, TableC, and TableD). TableA and TableB are guaranteed to have a relationship.
TableC and TableD are guaranteed to have a relationship.
The trick is, I need to link between TableA and TableC essentially using a LEFT JOIN. I need to retrieve all of the values from TableA regardless and the information from TableC and TableD if there is a link, if there isn't a link, then the values from TableC and TableD need to be empty strings.
Does anyone know how I can do this? I've been trying for the last 5 hours without any luck. I feel I'm close, but there is something I feel I'm overlooking.
Thank you SO much for your help!
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Oct 25, 2007
Is it possible to search for a column without a value?
$query="select id from table1 where col2=''"; (this didnt work, but how do I do it??)
I need the id for the row that has the col2 empty.
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Apr 10, 2008
Hi all,
I have run into a problem that I am stuck on. I have 3 tables lets call them a,b, and c. What I want to do is left outer join a with b on a common value, then replace any null values in this result with a default value, and then left outer join table c on the previously joined table (on the columns that I just replaced certain values on).
please help!
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Apr 16, 2008
Anyone know why using
ON =
instead of
ON =
generates a different execution plan?
My query is more complex, but when I change "LEFT OUTER JOIN" to "LEFT JOIN" I get a different execution plan, which is absolutely baffling me! Especially considering everything I know and was able to research essentially said the "OUTER" is implied in "LEFT JOIN".
Any enlightenment is very appreciated.
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Aug 13, 2007
Dear All,
I have created a table in my SQL server database, the problem i am facing is my insert query fails if i leave any form field empty (leave it blank). On my back-end table, only one field is mandatory, and others have been set with the constraint "allow null".
As per our business requirement, except one value is complusory while others are optional. If I enter all values in the form it works perfectly fine. Can you see in the code below - where am i possibly going wrong ?
<script language="VB" runat="server" > Sub Page_Load(Src As Object, e As EventArgs) If Page.IsPostBack Then Dim ConLath As SqlConnection Dim comLath As SqlCommand Dim insertcmd conLath = New SqlConnection("Data Source=SQLas;Initial Catalog=settle;User ID=sa;Password=password") ConLath.Open() insertcmd = "Insert into His_set values (@t_d,@s_p,@p_s,@v_oq,@i_oq,@v_qn,@i_qn,@v_qw,@i_qw)" comLath = New SqlCommand(insertcmd, ConLath) comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@t_d", SqlDbType.DateTime, 12)) comLath.Parameters("@t_d").Value = trade_date.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@s_p", SqlDbType.Decimal, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@s_p").Value = sett_price.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@p_s", SqlDbType.Decimal, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@p_s").Value = post_close.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@v_oq", SqlDbType.Int, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@v_oq").Value = vol_oq.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@i_oq", SqlDbType.Int, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@i_oq").Value = oi_oq.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@v_qn", SqlDbType.Int, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@v_qn").Value = vol_qn.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@v_qw", SqlDbType.Int, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@v_qw").Value = vol_qw.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@i_qn", SqlDbType.Int, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@i_qn").Value = oi_qn.Text comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@i_qw", SqlDbType.Int, 8)) comLath.Parameters("@i_qw").Value = oi_qw.Text
Try comLath.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch ex As SqlException If ex.Number = 2627 Then Message.InnerHtml = "ERROR: A record already exists with " _ & "the same primary key" Else Message.InnerHtml = "ERROR: Could not add record, please " _ & "ensure the fields are correctly filled out" Message.Style("color") = "red" End If End Try
comLath.Dispose() ConLath.Close() End If End Sub
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Nov 16, 2006
I have a query which is returning a different result set when it is run against identical tables in 2 different environments.
The query is like:
F.LicenseeID, IsSpecialLicensee
from FactTable F
left join View_SpecialLicensee SL on F.LicenseeID = SL.LicenseeID
The Create Statement for the view is like
Create View [dbo].[View_SpecialLicensee]
Select LicenseeID, LicenseeName, IsSpecialLicensee = 1
from DimensionLicensee
where LicenseeName like '%ibm%'
or LicenseeName like '%cisco%'
or LicenseeName like '%hp%'
In my test environment, I get the query result I expected:
LicenseeID, IsSpecialLicensee
1 , 1 - (where LicenseeName = 'IBM')
2, null - (where LicenseeName = 'Juniper')
3, 1 - (where LicenseeName = 'Cisco')
4, null - (where LicenseeName = 'Microsoft')
5, null - (where LicenseeName = 'Oracle')
6, null - (where LicenseeName = 'Apple')
In my production environment, I get the following query result:
1 , 1 - (where LicenseeName = 'IBM')
2, 1 - (where LicenseeName = 'Juniper')
3, 1 - (where LicenseeName = 'Cisco')
4, 1 - (where LicenseeName = 'Microsoft')
5, 1 - (where LicenseeName = 'Oracle')
6, 1 - (where LicenseeName = 'Apple')
Ideas as to what changed gratefully received.
FYI the production environment which returned the 2nd dataset is SQL2000, I have got the result I expected in both SQL2000 and SQL2005 development environments.
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Oct 16, 2004
I have table Products and Orders that has the following columns:
table Products: ProductID, ProductName
table Orders: OrderID, ProductID, OrderDate, Quantity, Price
The Orders table contains orders placed on all the dates. I want to obtain a list of orders for a particular date, if there is no order for a product on the requested date, I want to return null values for the Quantity and Price fields.
I tried the following select statement:
select Products.ProductName, Orders.Quantity, Orders.Price from Products left join Orders on Products.ProductID = Orders.ProductID where Orders.OrderDate = '10/16/2004'
Where, there are a total of three products (A,B,C) in table Products. Product-C has no order on 10/16/2004, but I want it to return :
ProductName / Quantity / Price
Product-A 5 1.89
Product-B 6 2.43
Product-C null null
Obviously, my sql statement won't work becaue the where clause will filter out Product-C.
Could anyone help me figure out how to modify my sql code to get the resultset I want?
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 10, 2007
I have this database running (ignore that the ERD below was done in Access, this is being made in Microsoft SQL Server 2005).
What I need to do is if you look at the users table and the orderContents table I need to make a query that:
Collects the users' names and any products they have bought (preferably shown by title not ID) as well as still showing the users that have not ordered any products.
I get the feeling there's a left join involved, but can't quite see how to do it.
Thank you in advanced for any help.
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Sep 12, 2006
Hello all,
I am stuck in a bit of a mess, and i really don't know how to get out of it.
I am a developer, working with MS SQL server 2000.
I am trying to write a query which essentially gives the amount of stock available for a particular stock_code.
select Stock_code, description from stock
Now what i want to do is, for each one of the stock_code that apears in the table above i want to look into another table called pop_item, and get the closest delivery_date for that particular stock_code. So i have top 1 and order it by delivery_date desc.
Individually for a particular stock_code, i can do this no problem. And here is my code for stock_code='E0016/6'
select top 1
stock_code, delivery_date, order_number,qty_order-qty_delivered as onorder
from pop_item
stock_code='E0016/6' and
order by delivery_date desc
But I can't seem to be able to do this for all the stock_code, and not a specific one, cause even though i try and left outer join it, i can't access the outer stock_code from the first query into the next...
select stock.Stock_code, description, tempp.stock_code, tempp.delivery_date, tempp.onorder from stock
left outer join
(select top 1
stock_code, delivery_date, order_number,qty_order-qty_delivered as onorder
from pop_item
--Can't say this(stock_code= stock.stock_code and )
order by delivery_date desc) as tempp
on tempp.stock_code=stock.stock_code
Now my question is, is there anyway to access stock.stock_code within the second query? Casue the whole query on top returns only one value for delivery_date, only of the highest delivery date in the whole of pop_item. which make sense... but i don;t know how to get around this...
Hope someone can help me.
ps- should i be using a cursor, can i call cursors from every where i read about cursors they adivice us not to use them.
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Apr 21, 2006
Here's a little background on the query. I have a list of documents by an id number in one table and the description of the sheets in another table. It's a one to many relationship, so for each description, there may be multiple entries in the documents table that it applies to. For example:
Descriptions table:
ID | Title
Doc1 | Document 1
Doc2 | Document 2
Documents table:
ID | Parent
Doc1 | 10400
Doc2 | 10400
Doc1 | 20189
Doc3 | 20189
ID | Parent | Description
Doc1 | 10400 | Document 1
Doc2 | 10400 | Document 2
Doc1 | 20189 | Document 1
Doc3 | 20189 | (null)
So the query I am using uses a left join to combine the data from the one table into the other. There might not be an entry for the description, so for some Document entries, the description field may be blank. For some reason, certain queries take about 2 minutes longer than others who retreive 5 times the information.
In SQL Manager, is says "Executing Query. Waiting for response from data source." After about 20 seconds it says "Retrieving Data..." then about a minute later, it finally comes up with the data. I can select another parent that has a lot more items and it comes up in about 3 seconds max.
It's running on SQL Server 2005 with 2GB of RAM.
Any suggestions on tracking down the reason for the slowness would be great.
Thanks in advance!!!
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May 8, 2008
I have been working on this for a little bit and have gotten to this point. Below is the query in blue, the error in red. Now, from what I gather the error is telling me I can't insert a duplicate product code into tblProduct. Isn't that what the left join is exactly not doing, as in, the left join is inserting all records from Complete_records into tblProduct where the code is null(does not exist) in tblProduct? Or, is this an issue where the identity number, productID in tblProduct, isn't starting at the next number in turn?
Set Identity_Insert tblProduct on
DECLARE @MaxId int
SELECT @MaxID=MAX(productID)
FROM tblProduct
SELECT IDENTITY(int,1,1) AS ID,Complete_products.APNum, Complete_products.Title, Complete_products.CategoryID, Complete_products.Mountable, Complete_products.price,
Complete_products.Height, Complete_products.Width, Complete_products.IRank, Complete_products.frameable, Complete_products.Typ INTO #Temp
FROM Complete_products LEFT OUTER JOIN
tblProduct AS tblProduct_1 ON Complete_products.APNum = tblProduct_1.productCode
where tblProduct_1.productCode IS NULL
INSERT INTO tblProduct
(productID,productCode, productName, productNavID, CanBeMounted, productRetailPrice, productHeight, productWidth, Rank, CanBeFramed, ProductType)
SELECT @MaxID + ID, APNum, Title, CategoryID, Mountable, price,
Height, Width, IRank, frameable, Typ
FROM #Temp
(236752 row(s) affected)
Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Line 13
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.tblProduct' with unique index 'IX_tblProductt_productCode'.
The statement has been terminated.
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Dec 12, 2007
How to use two left outer join in a single query?
I was trying to run the follwoing query.It is giving me error
"select woancestor.wonum,wplabor.laborcode, wplabor.quantity,wplabor.laborhrs
from wplabor,workorder left outer join woancestor on workorder.wonum=woancestor.wonum
and wplabor left outer join labtrans on wplabor.laborcode=labtrans.laborcode
where woancestor.ancestor='572099' and workorder.istask=1
and workorder.wonum=wplabor.wonum"
Error is "Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'left'."
But the following query works fine
"select woancestor.wonum,wplabor.laborcode, wplabor.quantity,wplabor.laborhrs
from wplabor,workorder left outer join woancestor on workorder.wonum=woancestor.wonum
where woancestor.ancestor='572099' and workorder.istask=1
and workorder.wonum=wplabor.wonum"
please help me
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Oct 10, 2014
I need to convert a OUTER APPLY hint in my query to LEFT JOIN.How it can be done?The code which is presently is this: OUTER APPLY Additional Fields. nodes('/AdditionalFields/AdditionalField') AS AF (C)
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Apr 7, 2008
Is there any difference between left join and left outer join in sql server 2000?please reply with example if any?
Thanks in advance
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May 14, 2008
Whats the diference between a left join and a left outer Join
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Jun 1, 2007
I have a transformation in which the column of data at the flat file source is nine characters long, and typically contains a string of six or seven zeros with a non-zero number in the last two or three characters. If none of the records in that column were an empty string, I think I could get away with this:
DTSDestination("TTLCrd") = CInt(DTSSource("Col004"))
The destination is a SQL Server 2000 table, and the column is of type Integer. What do I do when Col004 is an empty string? I've tried a couple of different IF statements, but they have not worked. Empty strings need to become zero values.
Thank you for your help.
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Oct 12, 2004
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Inserted missing < code></ code> tags. Always include such
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postings without the code tags.
Well met,
Let's say I have a web form that allows users to insert and update records in a SQL database. Is it better to set empty web controls (textbox, etc.) to DBNull or let it go as an empty string into the database?
Example code:
if (tboxNAME.Text == "")
sqlCommand1.Parameters["@NAME"].Value = DBNull.Value;
sqlCommand1.Parameters["@NAME"].Value = tboxNAME.Text;
Is the above overkill? It seems like it would be a good idea to set fields which the user empties back to Null rather than an empty string.
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Feb 6, 2007
i am makin an address block
trying to make it (address1 + ' ' + address2 + ' ' + address3) as address
is there a way to get rid of the address2 if there is nothing in it
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May 22, 2015
I have two xml source and i need only left restricted data.
how can i perform left restricted join?
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Oct 8, 2015
I was writing a query using both left outer join and inner join. And the query was ....
S.companyname AS supplier,,P.productid, P.productname, P.unitprice,C.categoryname
Production.Suppliers AS S LEFT OUTER JOIN
(Production.Products AS P
INNER JOIN Production.Categories AS C
However ,the result that i got was correct.But when i did the same query using the left outer join in both the cases
S.companyname AS supplier,,P.productid, P.productname, P.unitprice,C.categoryname
Production.Suppliers AS S LEFT OUTER JOIN
(Production.Products AS P
LEFT OUTER JOIN Production.Categories AS C
ON C.categoryid = P.categoryid)
S.supplierid = P.supplierid
WHERE = N'Japan';
The result i got was same,i.e
supplier country productid productname unitprice categorynameSupplier QOVFD Japan 9 Product AOZBW 97.00 Meat/PoultrySupplier QOVFD Japan 10 Product YHXGE 31.00 SeafoodSupplier QOVFD Japan 74 Product BKAZJ 10.00 ProduceSupplier QWUSF Japan 13 Product POXFU 6.00 SeafoodSupplier QWUSF Japan 14 Product PWCJB 23.25 ProduceSupplier QWUSF Japan 15 Product KSZOI 15.50 CondimentsSupplier XYZ Japan NULL NULL NULL NULLSupplier XYZ Japan NULL NULL NULL NULL
and this time also i got the same result.My question is that is there any specific reason to use inner join when join the third table and not the left outer join.
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Aug 10, 2007
OLEDB source 1
,[MANUAL DCD ID] <-- this column set to sort order = 1
OLEDB source 2
,[Bo Tkt Num] <-- this column set to sort order = 1
FROM ....[dbo].[FFFenics] ORDER BY [Bo Tkt Num] ASC
These two tasks are followed immediately by a MERGE JOIN
All columns in source1 are ticked, all column in source2 are ticked, join key is shown above.
join type is left outer join (source 1 -> source 2)
result of source1 (..dcd column)
4-400-8000122 <--row not joining
result of source2 (..tkt num column)
4-400-1000122 <--row not joining
All other rows are joining as expected.
Why is it failing for this one row?
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Oct 29, 2015
I have always (or at least intended to) treat NULL and empty strings separately in my SQL querying history. Now I have run across something that mystifies me (but probably shouldn't) that I would like an explanation for.
Consider this bit o' code:
IF @ORDER <> ''
PRINT 'Not an empty string'
Run this and you will get:
It is NULL
I was expecting:
Not an empty string
It is NULL
Why is NULL not passing the 'not an empty string' test? In other words, how does NULL = '' ? Is NULL cast to an empty string for this comparison?
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Aug 9, 2013
Why would I use a left join instead of a inner join when the columns entered within the SELECT command determine what is displayed from the query results?
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Mar 20, 2007
I have several reports for which the user has asked to have an optional muti-value parameter. They want to be able to select zero, one, many, or all values in the parameter list. The parm list is created through a query and the values are not static.
I would like to allow the user to leave the muti-value field empty if they want to allow all values to appear on the report. I've read some discussion about populating a multi-value default with the same query that produces the multi-value list values - presto, everything is selected. However, this is not a desirable solution for me because I "echo" the users parameter selections in the report heading. Selecting all values (and some parms have a lot of values) would cause the "parm feedback" section to grow large and unreadable.
In short, I don't want to tell the user they have to select everything when they really want to select nothing.
Is there any way to have a muti-value parm that won't insist the user select one or more values?
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Feb 11, 2005
Am I right in assuming that when I have a column where all fields contain NULL, this does not increase the total data storage size if my database? Also, what kind of impact would it have on performance?
And what if I inserted "" in varchar columns? I would think the increase in size would be marginal?
The reason I'm asking is that I want to use an existing table and stored procedures for another purpose, but only need half of the columns. But it would significantly simplify application development.
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Aug 24, 2007
I am having data where there are empty string in the business keys which should be used for Slowly changing dimesnion type 2, how do i over come this as due to empty strings i am getting new rows even though the rows havent really changed.
example of data is name and salary are business keys
name salary age address
dev 23 klddldldlk
sdfg 24 34 kdlddlkd
when the same is given as input the row
dev 23 klddldldlk
is coming as anew row where it already exists how do i over come this
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May 30, 2007
Will the fuzzy grouping task match a null value to an empty string (or spaces)? I've got 5 columns I'm matching on, and one of them may be null for certain rows but an empty string for others. Given the 4 other columns may match, will this difference stop similar columns being grouped together?
(Someone's modified my grouped data since it was deduped, which takes a while, and I'm hoping for a quick answer on this).
Thanks in advance.
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Feb 5, 2015
Why does this right join return the same results as using a left (or even a full join)?There are 470 records in Account, and there are 1611 records in Contact. But any join returns 793 records.
select Contact.firstname, Contact.lastname, Account.[Account Name]
from Contact
right join Account
on Contact.[Account Name] = Account.[Account Name]
where Contact.[Account Name] = Account.[Account Name]
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Aug 17, 2007
Hi guys,
I'll appreciate any help with the following problem:
I need to retrieve data from 3 tables. 2 master tables and 1 transaction table.
1. Master table TBLOC contain 2 records :
rcd 1. S01
rcd 2. S02
2. Master table TBCODE contain 5 records:
rcd 1. C1
rcd 2. C2
rcd 3. C3
rcd 4. C4
rcd 5. C5
3. Transaction table TBITEM contain 4 records which link to 2 master table:
rcd 1. S01, C1, CAR
rcd 2. S01, C4, TOY
rcd 3. S01, C5, KEY
rcd 4. S02, C2, CAR
I use Left Join & Right Join to retrieve result below (using non-ASNI method) but it doesn't work.
Right Join method:
When I use Non-ASNI method it work:
S01 C3 CAR
S01 C4 TOY
S01 C5 KEY
S02 C2 CAR
Please Help.
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Jan 25, 2015
-- Why is the left table in a LEFT JOIN limited by the where clause on the right table?eg
INSERT @LeftTable (LeftValue)
VALUES (111)
INSERT @LeftTable (LeftValue)
VALUES (222)
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Feb 24, 2015
SELECT,,, second.string
first LEFT OUTER JOIN second
ON =
This query means all record from second table and matching record from first table. Now my question is that on 24 Feb 2015 I have duplicate names in second table and I want distinct names from second table and then its matching values from first table. Now my query is showing all duplicate values from second table and its matching record from first table.
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Nov 6, 2014
in my table i ve the column of item code which contains '1000' ,'2000' ,'3000' series i jus wanna display the output of item codes '1000','2000'series and some of ('3000019','3000020','3000077','3000078').
i tried in my join query
these code left(itemcode,4) in ('1000','2000') or itemcode in ('3000019','3000020','3000077','3000078')
its taking so much of time how t o solve ?
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Aug 18, 2015
I am using stored procedure to load gridview,i want to show row specific values in coloumns , as i an working on daily timetable of college and There are three tables Week_Day,Daily_Timetable & Subject.Daily_Timetable has data which has week_day,class_id,Subject_id,Period_No.
Each day has 6 periods and each period is mapped with subject in daily timetable.From below sql i am getting 6 rows of monday.
But i want to show in a row weekname,period1_subject_id(Period_No=1),period2_subject_id(Period_No=2),period3_subject_id.......upto
Please see my query below:-
SELECT Week_Day.Week_Day_name, Subject.Subject_Code, Daily_Timetable.Period_No
Daily_Timetable ON Week_Day.Week_Day_Id = Daily_Timetable.Week_Day_Id and Daily_Timetable.Class_Id=6 LEFT JOIN
Subject ON Daily_Timetable.Subject_Id = Subject.Subject_Id order by Week_Day.Week_Day_Id ,Daily_Timetable.Period_No
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