Var Function Results

May 10, 2006

Could anyone tell me why the following code produces a result of 2.5 instead of 2 ?

CREATE TABLE MyValues (MyValue Float)
SELECT VAR(MyValue) FROM MyValues AS MyVariation

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Sum Function Yielding Bad Results

Feb 20, 2004

I've inherited the following code:

SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo._Options_Demographics.GradeLevel, dbo._Options_Demographics.Gender, dbo._Options_Demographics.Ethnicity,
dbo._Options_Demographics.Age, SUM(dbo._Options_Demographics.Enrollment) AS Enrollment, dbo._Options_Demographics.OptionsYear,
FROM dbo._Options_Confirmed INNER JOIN
dbo._Options_Demographics ON dbo._Options_Demographics.DistrictCode = dbo._Options_Confirmed.DistrictCode
GROUP BY dbo._Options_Demographics.GradeLevel, dbo._Options_Demographics.Gender, dbo._Options_Demographics.Ethnicity,
dbo._Options_Demographics.Age, dbo._Options_Demographics.OptionsYear, dbo._Options_Demographics.OptionsMonth
ORDER BY dbo._Options_Demographics.OptionsYear, dbo._Options_Demographics.OptionsMonth, dbo._Options_Demographics.GradeLevel,
dbo._Options_Demographics.Gender, dbo._Options_Demographics.Ethnicity, dbo._Options_Demographics.Age

which returns this data (the enrollment value is 4 times the correct value)
grade gender eth ageenrollyearmonth

If I remove the sum function and manually add, my totals are correct ...
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT _Options_Demographics.GradeLevel, _Options_Demographics.Gender, _Options_Demographics.Ethnicity,
_Options_Demographics.Age, _Options_Demographics.Enrollment, _Options_Demographics.OptionsYear,
FROM _Options_Confirmed RIGHT OUTER JOIN
_Options_Demographics ON _Options_Demographics.DistrictCode = _Options_Confirmed.DistrictCode
GROUP BY _Options_Demographics.GradeLevel, _Options_Demographics.Gender, _Options_Demographics.Ethnicity, _Options_Demographics.Age,
_Options_Demographics.Enrollment, _Options_Demographics.OptionsYear, _Options_Demographics.OptionsMonth
ORDER BY _Options_Demographics.OptionsYear, _Options_Demographics.OptionsMonth, _Options_Demographics.GradeLevel,
_Options_Demographics.Gender, _Options_Demographics.Ethnicity, _Options_Demographics.Age

I've been looking at this for too long and I know that is something very trivial ...


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Different Results With CAST Function

Jul 25, 2013

When I test the CAST function on AdventureWorks2012, the CAST function will round down or up, i.e. 2024.994 to 2025 or 5.1865 to 5.

However, when I try the same the CAST function as:

SELECTCAST(2024.994 AS INT) the result I get is now 2024 (and not 2025).

Why is CAST rounding up when I use it on a table in the AdventureWorks2012 database, but when I use CAST on its own, it rounds down?

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IRR Function - Comparing Results Between Systems

Jan 13, 2012

I'm working on an income deferral problem and we are using IRR to end up calculating periodic income.

As an example, I have the following inputs:

Number of periods = 9
Initial Loan = 21.46
Instalment amount =15.30
Future value=0
Guess=0.1 (10%)

Using a compiled function from Visual Studio in SQL Server 2008 we get a result of 70.71656373

Using a Microsoft Access function we get NaN

Using Microsoft Excel we get NaN

Using a web calculator we get 70 (ish, the calculator rounds the numbers)

I know that the numbers are odd, some of our data is dirty so we do expect that. I was expecting the SQL process to kick out an error (therefore converting the result into 0), but it doesn't.

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Referring To Function Results In Connection Manager

Nov 9, 2007

Hello! My group uses scalar-valued functions to denote the FTP drives on our SQL Server 2005 database servers. This allows many (over 100) import processes to refer to that function to find the flat files they need, and if the FTP drive is changed, then only the function needs to be updated, not 100 SP's.

The function is defined this way. Currently, F: is our FTP drive:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnFTPPath] ()
RETURNS varchar(200) AS

return 'f:'

Now the question: Can a Flat File Connection Manager be used in an SSIS ETL package that refers to the output of this function, plus the FTP folder name, so we can continue updating the FTP drive name in just one place? If so, how is this done?

Thank you!

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Datetime Function Glitch -- Same Settings, Different Results

Oct 23, 2006

hi guys,

i am encountering a pretty weird problem on our SQL database stored procs, particularly those concerning datetime functions. we have two setups, one is on london, and another one is here in singapore. both servers have the same regional settings, the same database tables, stored procs and functions, almost the same in every aspect. the only difference we know is that one is a direct database cut (sql 7.0), while the other used database migration in win2k.

here goes: all stored proc functions work just fine on the singapore setup. the london setup however, is not working at all! it does all the functions like change flags and status, but it doesn't update dates nor search for data by date. i have also checked on the collision names, and they are the same. where else could i start searching for discrepancies between the two?

hope to hear something from you guys, i'm getting desperate. thanks in advance!

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Transact SQL :: GetDate Function Not Returning Any Results?

May 27, 2015

I am having a problem with the GETDATE().

WHERE TableName.ColumnNamne = Getdate()

The above SQL function does not return any results whereas the below SQL code returns results. Am I doing anything wrong?

WHERE SalesOrder.New_ActualShipmentDate >= GETDATE()

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SQL Server 2014 :: CLR Function And NET Framework Return Different Results

Nov 1, 2014

I have rather simple CLR function:

[SqlFunction(IsDeterministic = true, DataAccess = DataAccessKind.None)]
public static SqlString GetUserName()
return (SqlString)WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;

When I get result from .NET console app, I get correct answer "JungleSektor". However, when SQL Server executes this code, it gives me "NT ServiceMSSQL $ SQL2014". How to get correct result?

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A Basic Question: Removing Duplicate Results From Max Function

Jun 10, 2006

Hi,Say I have a table Job with columns name, date, salary . I want to getthe name ,date and salary for the date when that person earned maximumsalary. I am using something likeSELECT,,X.salaryFROM job XWHERE X.salary IN(SELECT MAX(Y.salary) FROM job Y where;The problem is ; if a person earns maximum salary on two dates, both ofthe dates are printed. I just want to get any one of those two rows.I triedSELECT,Min(,X.salaryFROM job XWHERE X.salary IN(SELECT MAX(Y.salary) FROM job Y where;but it gives error.Can anybody please suggest a solution?Regards,Aamir

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Using Datediff Function To Return 1st Of Month. Different Results With T-SQL And SSIS

May 15, 2007


I regularly use the T-SQL date functions to return the 1st of a particualr month.


SELECT DATEADD(m,DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate()),0)

returns 2007-05-01 00:00:00.000

i.e the first of the current month at midnight.

However, when I try to use a similar expression as a derived column in SSIS it returns a completely different date.


returns 30/05/2007 00:00:00

Any ideas why and how I can obtain the first of a particualr month using SSIS derived column?

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Analysis :: Statistical Function Results In Calculated Members

Jul 8, 2015

I'm working with the statistical functions Stdev and Median with calculated members.  The only way I can get the "correct" answer is if I have a dimension at the same granularity as the Fact table (Actually it's a degenerate dimension of the FACT table itself).  Otherwise it seems that the measure I'm using with Stdev returns results that are so wildly high, I think it must be acting on the SUM of the measure; because the measure itself is a Summed one. When I try to use the coordinates in the Stdev function, it seems like it is using the wrong set of data points :

stdev( ( [Date].[Date].[Date].members, [Parameter].[Parameter].[Parameter].members ), [Measures].[Value])  returns answers in the thousands when it should be more like 2.5

When used with a query, there would only be a single date member and a specific parameter member.  The total number of fact records is between 200 and 500 with values that range between 0 and 150.  This is the version that gives me answers that resemble the total sum of the [Measures].[Value].

If I add the dimension that is essentially a row number from the fact table, it gives the right answer (slowly, but that will be a different post ....

stdev( ( [Date].[Date].[Date].members, [Parameter].[Parameter].[Parameter].members, [FACTTable].[FACTTable].[KeyField].members ), [Measures].[Value])

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User Defined Function Gives Different Results On Subsequent Runs

Feb 25, 2008


I have a UDF
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[UDF_AlphaNumeric]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF'))
drop function [dbo].[UDF_AlphaNumeric]

CREATE function UDF_AlphaNumeric (@string nvarchar(max)) returns nvarchar(max)
-- select dbo.UDF_AlphaNumeric('a[]#b`c,;"1$%^2"£!3')
while @@rowcount > 0
select @string = replace(@string, substring(@string, patindex('%[^0-9a-zA-Z]%', @string), 1), '')
where patindex('%[^0-9a-zA-Z]%', @string) <> 0

if @string = ''
select @string = null

return @string


After creating the function I open a new query window, put in the below two calls to the function, and run them

select dbo.ADE_AlphaNumeric('a432[]#b`c,;gfd23$%^789')
select dbo.ADE_AlphaNumeric('a432[]#b`c,;gfd23$%^789')

The results then look like this:


The first time it runs, it's not having the desired effect. Any subsequent calls to the function perform as expected.

I am using SQL Server 2005 SP2. Is this a known issue? Or is there some setting I am missing?



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How To Determine, Inside A Function, If A Linked-server-query Returned Results

Feb 13, 2004

Hi, have configured an ODBC linked server for an Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA6.0) database.
I have to write a function (not a procedure) that receives a number (@Code) and returns 1 if it was found on a table in the linked server, or 0 if not. Looks very simple...
One problem, is that the queries on a linked-server must be made through the OPENQUERY statement, which doesen't support dynamic parameters. I've solved this making the whole query a string, and executing it, something like this:

SET @SQL='SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(CAT_ASA, ''SELECT code FROM countries WHERE code=' + @Code + ''')'
EXEC sp_executesql @SQL

(CAT_ASA is the linked-server's name)

Then, i would use @@ROWCOUNT to determine if the code exists or not. But before this, a problem appears: sp_executesql is not allowed within a function (only extended procedures are allowed).
Does somebody know how to make what i want?? I prefer to avoid using temporary tables.

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SQL 2012 :: Function With 2nd Part Working On Results 1st Part

Jan 28, 2015

I have made the following Scalar-valued function:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[TimeCalc]
@OriginalTime AS INTEGER
, @TenthsOrHundredths AS INTEGER -- code 2: 1/10, code 4: 1/100

[Code] ....

What it does is convert numbers to times

E.g.: 81230 gets divided by 10 (times in seconds: 8123). This 1 1 full minute, and the remainder = 2123 making it 1.21.23 mins)

So far so good (function works perfectly)

My question: sometimes times are in 1/100 (like above sample), sometimes in 1/10.

This means that, e.g. with a time like 3.23.40 the last zero must be deleted.

My thoughts are to use the results from the Return Case part, and as the code = 4: leave it as it is,

is the code 2 the use LEFT(... result Return Case ..., Len(..result Return Case.. - 1))

There are 5 codes: 0 1 2 3 and 4

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Is There A Way To Hold The Results Of A Select Query Then Operate On The Results And Changes Will Be Reflected On The Actual Data?

Apr 1, 2007

hi,  like, if i need to do delete some items with the id = 10000 then also need to update on the remaining items on the with the same idthen i will need to go through all the records to fetch the items with the same id right?  so, is there something that i can use to hold those records so that i can do the delete and update just on those records  and don't need to query twice? or is there a way to do that in one go ?thanks in advance! 

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SQL Server 2008 :: Elegant Way For Returning All Results When Subquery Returns No Results?

Mar 25, 2015

I have four tables: Customer (CustomerId INT, CountyId INT), County (CountyId INT), Search(SearchId INT), and SearchCriteria (SearchCriteriaId INT, SearchId INT, CountyId INT, [others not related to this]).

I want to search Customer based off of the Search record, which could have multiple SearchCriteria records. However, if there aren't any SearchCriteria records with CountyId populated for a given Search, I want it to assume to get all Customer records, regardless of CountyId.

Right now, I'm doing it this way.

DECLARE @SearchId INT = 100
CountyId IN
SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT CountyId FROM SearchCriteria WHERE SearchId = @SearchId)
THEN SearchCriteria.CountyId

[Code] .....

This works; it just seems cludgy. Is there a more elegant way to do this?

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Need To Display Results Of A Query, Then Use A Drop Down List To Filter The Results.

Feb 12, 2008

Hello. I currently have a website that has a table on one webpage. When a record is clicked, the primary key of that record is transfered in the query string to another page and fed into an sql statement. In this case its selecting a project on the first page, and displaying all the scripts for that project on another page. I also have an additional dropdownlist on the second page that i use to filter the scripts by an attribute called 'testdomain'. At present this works to an extent. When i click a project, i am navigated to the scripts page which is empty except for the dropdownlist. i then select a 'testdomain' from the dropdownlist and the page populates with scripts (formview) for the particular test domain. what i would like is for all the scripts to be displayed using the formview in the first instance when the user arrives at the second page. from there, they can then filter the scripts using the dropdownlist.
My current SQL statement is as follows.
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [TestScript] WHERE (([ProjectID] = @ProjectID) AND ([TestDomain] = @TestDomain))"
So what is happening is when testdomain = a null value, it does not select any scripts. Is there a way i can achieve the behaivour of the page as i outlined above? Any help would be appreciated.

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Stored Proc Results Are Displaying In The Messages Tab Instead Of Results Tab- URGENT

May 14, 2008

Hi All,
I have a stored proc which is executing successfully...but the results of that stored proc are displaying in the Messages Tab instaed of results Tab. And in the Results Tab the results shows as 0..So, Any clue is very urgent..I am trying to call this stored proc in my Report in SSRS as well but the stored proc is not displaying there also...Please help me ASAP..


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Mind-boggling Gridview Results! Different Results For Different Teams..

Jun 18, 2008

Hi all, I have the following SQLDataSource statement which connects to my Gridview:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceStandings" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"  SelectCommand="SELECT P.firstName, P.lastName, T.teamName, IsNull(P.gamesPlayed, 0) as gamesPlayed, IsNull(P.plateAppearances,0) as plateAppearances, IsNull( (P.plateAppearances - (P.sacrifices + P.walks)) ,0) as atbats, IsNull(P.hits,0) as hits, P.hits/(CONVERT(Decimal(5,2), IsNull(NullIF(P.atbats, 0), 1))) AS [average], (P.hits + P.walks)/(CONVERT(Decimal(5,2), IsNull(NullIF( (P.atbats + P.sacrifices + P.walks) , 0), 1)))  AS [OBP], (P.hits - (P.doubles + P.triples + P.homeRuns) + (2 * P.doubles) + (3 * P.triples) + (4 * P.homeRuns)) / (CONVERT(Decimal(5,2), IsNull(NullIF(P.atbats, 0), 1))) AS [SLG],, P.doubles, P.triples, P.homeRuns, P.walks, P.sacrifices, P.runs, P.rbis FROM Players P INNER JOIN Teams T ON = T.teamID ORDER BY P.firstName, P.lastName"></asp:SqlDataSource>There are 8 teams in the database, and somehow the average and obp results are as expected for all teams except where T.teamID = 1.  This doesn't make sense to me at all!  For example, I get the following results with this same query: First NameLast NameTeamGPPAABHAVGOBPSLG1B2B3BHRBBSACRRBI


GabrielHelbigSafe Haven62119141.0000000.9375002.1428576404111519

MarkusJavorSafe Haven82927200.8695650.8000001.21739114501021218


AdamBiesenthalSafe Haven82929210.9130430.9130431.56521712631001015

ErikGalvezMelville82625180.7200000.7307691.24000011322101015 As you can see, all teams except for Safe Haven's have the correct AVG and OBP.  Since AVG is simply H/AB, it doesn't make sense for Gabriel Helbig's results to be 1.00000. Can anyone shed ANY light on this please?Thank you in advance,Markuu  ***As a side note, could anyone also let me know how I could format the output so that AVG and OBP are only 3 decimal places? (ex: 0.719 for the 1st result)*** 

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Removing Individual Results From A Paged Set Of Results.

Oct 19, 2007

I have a web form that lets users search for people in my database they wish to contact. The database returns a paged set of results using a CTE, Top X, and Row_number().
I would like to give my users to option of removing individual people from this list but cannot find a way to do this.
I have tried creating a session variable with a comma delimited list of ID's that I pass to my sproc and use in a NOT IN() statement. But I keep getting a "Input string was not in a correct format." Error Message.
Is there any way to do this? I am still new to stored procedures so any advice would be helpful.

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Jan 30, 2008

Hi, when I copy and paste results from query analyzer into Excel it appears that values with zeroes at the end loose the zeroes. Example, if I copy and paste V128.0 into an Excel cell it comes out as V128 or if I copy 178.70 it displays as 178.7 - any ideas? I'm using SQL Enterprise Manager for 2000.

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Help Convert MS Access Function To MS SQL User Defined Function

Aug 1, 2005

I have this function in access I need to be able to use in ms sql.  Having problems trying to get it to work.  The function gets rid of the leading zeros if the field being past dosn't have any non number characters.For example:TrimZero("000000001023") > "1023"TrimZero("E1025") > "E1025"TrimZero("000000021021") > "21021"TrimZero("R5545") > "R5545"Here is the function that works in access:Public Function TrimZero(strField As Variant) As String   Dim strReturn As String   If IsNull(strField) = True Then      strReturn = ""   Else      strReturn = strField      Do While Left(strReturn, 1) = "0"         strReturn = Mid(strReturn, 2)      Loop   End If  TrimZero = strReturnEnd Function

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In-Line Table-Valued Function: How To Get The Result Out From The Function?

Dec 9, 2007

Hi all,

I executed the following sql script successfuuly:


USE pubs


CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AuthorsForState(@cState char(2))



RETURN (SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE state = @cState)


And the "dbo.AuthorsForState" is in the Table-valued Functions, Programmabilty, pubs Database.

I tried to get the result out of the "dbo.AuthorsForState" by executing the following sql script:


USE pubs


SELECT * FROM shcInLineTableFN


I got the following error message:

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Invalid object name 'shcInLineTableFN'.

Please help and advise me how to fix the syntax

"SELECT * FROM shcInLineTableFN"
and get the right table shown in the output.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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A Function Smilar To DECODE Function In Oracle

Oct 19, 2004

I need to know how can i incoporate the functionality of DECODE function like the one in ORACLE in mSSQL..
please if anyone can help me out...


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Using RAND Function In User Defined Function?

Mar 22, 2006

Got some errors on this one...

Is Rand function cannot be used in the User Defined function?

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Pass Output Of A Function To Another Function As Input

Jan 7, 2014

I need to be able to pass the output of a function to another function as input, where all functions involved are user-defined in-line table-valued functions. I already posted this on Stack Exchange, so here is a link to the relevant code: [URL] ...

I am fairly certain OUTER APPLY is the core answer here; there's *clearly* some way in which does *not* do what I need, or I would not get the null output you see in the link, but it seems clear that there should be a way to fool it into working.

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I Want A Function Like IfNull Function To Use In Expression Builder

Jul 24, 2007


I wonder if there a function that i can use in the expression builder that return a value (e.g o) if the input value is null ( Like ifnull(colum1,0) )

i hope to have the answer because i need it so much.


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ROW_NUMBER() Function Is Not Recognized In Store Procedure.(how To Add ROW_NUMBER() Function Into SQL SERVER 2005 DataBase Library )

Feb 4, 2008

Can anybody know ,how can we add  builtin functions(ROW_NUMBER()) of Sql Server 2005  into database library.
I get this error when i used into storeprocedure :
ROW_NUMBER() function is not recognized in store procedure.
i used MS SQL SERVER 2005 , so i think "ROW_FUNCTION()" is not in MS SQL SERVER 2005 database library.
I need to add that function into MS SQL SERVER 2005 database library.
Can anbody know how we can add that function into MS SQL SERVER 2005 database library?

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Function To Call Function By Name Given As Parameter

Jul 20, 2005

I want to write function to call another function which name isparameter to first function. Other parameters should be passed tocalled function.If I call it function('f1',10) it should call f1(10). If I call itfunction('f2',5) it should call f2(5).So far i tried something likeCREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[func] (@f varchar(50),@m money)RETURNS varchar(50) ASBEGINreturn(select 'dbo.'+@f+'('+convert(varchar(50),@m)+')')ENDWhen I call it select dbo.formuła('f_test',1000) it returns'select f_test(1000)', but not value of f_test(1000).What's wrong?Mariusz

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Error While Creating Inline Function - CREATE FUNCTION Failed Because A Column Name Is Not Specified For Column 1.

Apr 3, 2007


I am trying to create a inline function which is listed below.

USE [Northwind]







(SELECT ident_current('orders'))


while executing this function in sql server 2005 my get this error

CREATE FUNCTION failed because a column name is not specified for column 1.

Pleae help me to fix this error



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Using A Scalar Valued Function As A Parameter Of A Table Valued Function?

Feb 1, 2006

Ok, I'm pretty knowledgable about T-SQL, but I've hit something that seems should work, but just doesn't...
I'm writing a stored procedure that needs to use the primary key fields of a table that is being passed to me so that I can generate what will most likely be a dynamically generated SQL statement and then execute it.
So the first thing I do, is I need to grab the primary key fields of the table.  I'd rather not go down to the base system tables since we may (hopefully) upgrade this one SQL 2000 machine to 2005 fairly soon, so I poke around, and find sp_pkeys in the master table.  Great.  I pass in the table name, and sure enough, it comes back with a record set, 1 row per column.  That's exactly what I need.
Umm... This is the part where I'm at a loss.  The stored procedure outputs the resultset as a resultset (Not as an output param).  Now I want to use that list in my stored procedure, thinking that if the base tables change, Microsoft will change the stored procedure accordingly, so even after a version upgrade my stuff SHOULD still work.  But... How do I use the resultset from the stored procedure?  You can't reference it like a table-valued function, nor can you 'capture' the resultset for use using the  syntax like:
DECLARE @table table@table=EXEC sp_pkeys MyTable
That of course just returns you the RETURN_VALUE instead of the resultset it output.  Ugh.  Ok, so I finally decide to just bite the bullet, and I grab the code from sp_pkeys and make my own little function called fn_pkeys.  Since I might also want to be able to 'force' the primary keys (Maybe the table doesn't really have one, but logically it does), I decide it'll pass back a comma-delimited varchar of columns that make up the primary key.  Ok, I test it and it works great.
Now, I'm happily going along and building my routine, and realize, hey, I don't really want that in a comma-delimited varchar, I want to use it in one of my queries, and I have this nice little table-valued function I call split, that takes a comma-delimited varchar, and returns a table... So I preceed to try it out...
SELECT *FROM Split(fn_pkeys('MyTable'),DEFAULT)
Syntax Error.  Ugh.  Eventually, I even try:
SELECT *FROM Split(substring('abc,def',2,6),DEFAULT)
Syntax Error.
Hmm...What am I doing wrong here, or can't you use a scalar-valued function as a parameter into a table-valued function?
SELECT *FROM Split('bc,def',DEFAULT) works just fine.
So my questions are:
Is there any way to programmatically capture a resultset that is being output from a stored procedure for use in the stored procedure that called it?
Is there any way to pass a scalar-valued function as a parameter into a table-valued function?
Oh, this works as well as a work around, but I'm more interested in if there is a way without having to workaround:
DECLARE @tmp varchar(8000)
SET @tmp=(SELECT dbo.fn_pkeys('MyTable'))
FROM Split(@tmp,DEFAULT)

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Calling A Function From A Function?

Apr 11, 2008

Hi All

Yesterday Peso was gracious enough to help me with creating function/views/sp's

I took those examples and extended what had from excel into function in SQL

however I see myself repeating certain parts of the query and i'm wondering if there is a way to call a function (in part or in whole) from another function?

Here are excerpts two functions I have:

We'll call this function UserUsage()
SELECT ut.LastName, ut.FirstName,
CEILING(Sum(hu.session_time)/ 60000) AS [Time Spent(MIN)],
Max(hu.time_stamp) AS [Last Log Date],
pct.Title, cat.topic_name
FROM ZSRIVENDEL.dbo.UserTable ut,
ZSRIVENDEL.dbo.history_usage hu,
ZSRIVENDEL.dbo.pc_CourseTitles pct,
ZSRIVENDEL.dbo.cam_topics cat
WHERE ut.student_id = hu.student_id
AND hu.course_id = pct.CourseID
AND hu.topic_id = cat.topic_id
AND ((ut.ClientID=@ClientID)
AND (pct.ClientID=@ClientID)
AND (ut.GroupID=3400)
AND (hu.time_stamp>= @StartDate
And hu.time_stamp< @EndDate)
AND (hu.session_time<21600000))
GROUP BY ut.LastName, ut.FirstName, pct.Title, cat.topic_name

and will call this function UserSummary():
SELECTut.LastName, ut.FirstName,
CEILING(SUM(hu.Session_Time) / 60000.0) AS [Time Spent(MIN)]
ON hu.Student_ID = ut.Student_ID
WHERE ut.ClientID = @ClientID
AND ut.GroupID = 3400
AND hu.Time_Stamp >= @StartDate
AND hu.Time_Stamp < @EndDate
AND hu.Session_Time < 21600000
GROUP BY ut.LastName, ut.FirstName

As you can see the first part of the both query are simlar. In particular the:

SELECTut.LastName, ut.FirstName,
CEILING(SUM(hu.Session_Time) / 60000.0) AS [Time Spent(MIN)]

and also the variables @StartDate and @EndDate.

In C# it would create a method and just call that method as well as the variables. However i'm not sure how to do that with sql functions. Could someone shed some light please?

Thank you!

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Use Getdate Function In A Own Function

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have written a stored proc with some temporary tables and also useda getdate() in my stored proc. When i try to call the sproc the erroris that we can only use extended sprocs or function inside a sproc.Now if try to write the stored proc directly inside a fuction ie copypaste after changing my temp tables to tables the problem is , i get aerror invalid use of getdate in sproc.What do i do to get somethingfor my results inside a table.Thanks in advance.RVG

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