Varchar Absolute Max Length Of 1024 Characters. Why?

Oct 1, 2000

Hi all,
I have a strange situation. I have a field in the database that has to be a string type field of around 4000 characters.

So naturally I setup the field as
type: varchar
length: 4000

However when I try to put any text in this field I find that I can put no more than 1023 characters of ascii text in there.

To check if this was a max record length prob I setup a test table with only 2 fields:
ID: int, PK, Identity
longVarchar: varchar, 4000

and tried to put some ascii text into the field called longVarchar. Again the most I could put in was 1023 characters!

Thinking that it could just be that SQL svr box that was wacky, I tried it on another one with the same result.

I have tried using other field types (nvarchar, char) and have found that they all could only hold 1023 characters max, no matter what how high I defined the size of the field.

Try it out yourselves and see if you get the same result. Any useful suggestions would really be appreciated.

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VARCHAR Field Limited To 1024 Characters

Jul 28, 2005

Hello all,I have a field defined as VARCHAR(8000) yet it only accepts a maximum of 1024 characters. Does anyone know how I can save 8000 characters in a single field?Thanks,Bill.

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Easily Editting Fields With More Than 1024 Characters

Jul 23, 2005

i suspect i know the answer to this already, but here goes anyway....i have a table that has field of varchar(2048), which once in a blue moon ineed to edit the data manually (until a bad character parser validates thedata before it's written ;-) )at the moment i'm doing this through enterprise manager (sql server 2000),opening the table then filtering using where clauses etc to see the recordsi'm interested in. i then edit the data direct in the results pane (purelybecause it's quicker than entering the UPDATE transact SQL). this is fineuntil i hit a record that has 1024 or more characters in the field. all ican do is delete all the data. if i try and paste the same data into thefield again, it'll truncate the record to the first 1024 chars (unconfirmed)despite the field being able to take double that.i've googled this and the result basically said "don't be lazy, do itthrough UPDATE transact SQL in the query analyser".anyone know if that's my only option or is there a patch / whatever to allowme to keep using entman as i lazily do at the mo?cheers!

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Getting Length Of 8 Characters

Dec 14, 2006

Claim number (string)CF060001CF060001ACF060001BAV000001AV000212FAV000001FFD232122FD232122GSD223213SD223213HI only want to get records, which have length of 8 characters.So output will be CF060001, AV000001, FD232122, and SD223213Anyone can help me to write this in sql?

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Varchar Length

Jul 12, 2004

i have problem regarding the row length and varchar.
my problem is on every new row i have +6 more character on one of my field then the last record. and BOL says i can only have 8060 character per row.
What i can not use the full lenght of varchar(8000) on field.

Can anybody help?????????

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Why Specify The Char Length In Varchar?

Feb 6, 2002

Newbie question:

Why bother specifing the length in varchar()?
Why not just specify the max and not worry about truncation?



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Length Of Varchar In SQL7.0

May 2, 2000

I am trying to insert text into a varchar(5000) column from a JAVA program. I am using MSDE database (which I believe is a strip down version of SQL7.0), with a variation of ms SQL Server ODBC driver and tds jdbc driver from inet software. With the ODBC driver, I don't get any error but the data saved is only 255 characters. With the latter driver, I get a data truncation error and nothing is saved.

Any help is appreciated.


- Sharma

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VARCHAR Max Field Length

Nov 21, 2000

What is the max field length in SQL Server 7.0 that a varchar field can be?
I think 8000. Please advise

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Varchar/nvarchar Length

Mar 9, 2007

Hi,I have a pretty straightforward question to do with variable length fields I hope someone can help me with:When using varchar (or nvarchar), is there any point in specifying a smaller length than the maximum? Does it save space or improve performance at all?ThanksRedit: I suppose the max rowsize is an issue. any others?

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Varchar Default Length

Aug 21, 2007

Hi all,

a simple question to ask for varchar type. I want to update a varchar type parameter to a stored procedure to update a table. My question is , if I don't specify the length. and the varchar type will be trimmed to only 1 character. I thought it's supposed to be 50 by default? Besides if I need to compare varchar values, do I need to specify length as well? Cheers.

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Max Length For Varchar And Text Field

Feb 2, 2005

Hi, all
I am seting up a table with email message, I am wondering what is the max length for varchar field. I am so reluctant to use text field, since when
I run query for the descriptiona in sql analyzer, text field cannot be fully display in column. Any tricks to share?

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Can Varchar Length Be Set To More Than 8000 Char?

May 22, 2006

Hi, everyone, I want to know is there a way for me to set varchar to store more than 8000 characters? (I did checked from sql server books online and i know that the maximum storage for varchar, but i just want to know is there any exceptional way for me to store more than that).

Thanks for any reply.


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Varchar Minimum Length Check

Oct 7, 2007


I have a column set to varchar(12) so I can ensure that the length of the string entered will never be more than 12 characters but I want to limit the string to a minimum of 8 characters, so I end up with a string that is from 8-12 characters long. How do I ensure the minimum length of 8 characters? I'm using SQL Server 2005 if that helps. I tried adding a check constraint like so:

DATALENGTH(UserName) >= 8

But I keep getting an error when I save the table, so any help would be very much appreciated.


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Query By Length Of Varchar Column

Sep 14, 2007

Hi mates,

I have a Table:Test with column text:varchar(255). I want get rows where text length to be longer than 100. Is it possible?

Thx in advance,

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How Do I Calculate The Average Variable Length For A Varchar?

Feb 26, 2008

im trying to learn how to calculate table size.
i understand some of it, but im stuck at calculating the varchars

Ex. i have 2 varchar columns
- varchar(50)
- varchar(100)

i'm suppose to find the average length for them?

i'm suppose to use that to add up to my ROW SIZE

and also after i got the average, do i add 2 for variable columns overhead and another 2 for Row pointer in row offset array

please help me asap before 2morrow night.
i have a test

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Dynamically Changing The Length Of A Varchar(n) Field

Dec 26, 2006

Hi Everyone,I have a question about dynamically changing the length of a varchar(n)field, in case the value I'm trying to insert is too big and will givea "truncated" error, but before the error is given! i.e. Is there somekind of a way to "test" the length of the field while Inserting thevalue into it, and to have it automatically increase its length to thelength of the value being inserted, in case the value is too big?I've been able to do this in a "primitive" way, simply by identifyingthe specific error number in case the value is being truncated, andthen increasing the length of the varchar(n) field by using the ALTERcommand, and then duplicating the insert statement, but is there astandard (shorter) way of doing this?Here is my code (I'm working in an ASP environment):<%var_txt = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12345678789"sql = "Insert Into Table1 (text) Values ('" & var_txt & "')"On Error Resume Nextconn.Execute sqlIf err = -2147217833 ThenResponse.Write "Error Recognized Successfully!<br /><br />"sql = "ALTER TABLE Table1 ALTER COLUMN text VARCHAR(" &Len(var_txt) &") NOT NULL"On Error Resume Nextconn.Execute sqlIf err<>0 ThenResponse.Write "Error while trying to alter Column:<br/>" & err & "= " & err.description & "<br />"ElseResponse.Write "Column altered successfully to: " &Len(var_txt) &"<br />"sql = "Insert Into Table1 (text) Values ('" & var_txt &"')"On Error Resume Nextconn.Execute sqlIf err<>0 ThenResponse.Write "<br />Error number 2:<br />" &err.description &"<br />"ElseResponse.Write "Now it was added successfully!HaHa!<br />"End IfEnd IfElseResponse.Write "Success."End If%>Thanks in advance!

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Database Growth Excessive When Changing Varchar Length From 50 To 100.

Aug 9, 2007

Hi all,

I'm trying to get an understanding of a serious problem I have with a large DB in production. This is going to be obvious to someone (everyone probably) <bg>

I have a table which consists of numerous varchars and ints but also a Text type field. This table resides in a SQL 2000 Database. This DB currently has a data file size of 16Gb and a Transaction Log size of 17Gb. When I edit the table and increase the size of a Varchar field from 50 to 100 these files grow to more than double their size!

Why is this happening and how can I prevent this?



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How To Get Only The Characters From The Particular Varchar

Mar 13, 2008

I have a varchar(10) field in one of the sql2005 table. most of the data will be in the format of
like above values i am storing into the column. Now i want to use only the value which is inside the brackets { }. Values inside the brackets are not fixed length but allways we use the brackets.
Please let me know if you have any idea.
I tried using the right(value,4).,.. but this is only for the fixed size. but like i said my situation is different length.please let me know if you have any idea.

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Varchar Only Up To 256 Characters?

Jul 23, 2005

When I run the code below, SELECT LEN(@mytext) prints 300 as expected.Yet SELECT @mytext only prints the first 256 characters.Isn't varchar supposed to have up to 8000? Is there something from thediscrete math class I am forgetting here? Sorry, that was over 10 yearsago.DECLARE @mytext varchar(500)SELECT @mytext = '1111111111'select @mytext = @mytext + '2222222222'select @mytext = @mytext + '3333333333'select @mytext = @mytext + '4444444444'select @mytext = @mytext + '5555555555'select @mytext = @mytext + '6666666666'select @mytext = @mytext + '7777777777'select @mytext = @mytext + '8888888888'select @mytext = @mytext + '9999999999'select @mytext = @mytext + '0000000000'select @mytext = @mytext + '1111111111'select @mytext = @mytext + '2222222222'select @mytext = @mytext + '3333333333'select @mytext = @mytext + '4444444444'select @mytext = @mytext + '5555555555'select @mytext = @mytext + '6666666666'select @mytext = @mytext + '7777777777'select @mytext = @mytext + '8888888888'select @mytext = @mytext + '9999999999'select @mytext = @mytext + '0000000000'select @mytext = @mytext + '1111111111'select @mytext = @mytext + '2222222222'select @mytext = @mytext + '3333333333'select @mytext = @mytext + '444444444'select @mytext = @mytext + '5555555555'select @mytext = @mytext + '6666666666'select @mytext = @mytext + '7777777777'select @mytext = @mytext + '8888888888'select @mytext = @mytext + '9999999999'select @mytext = @mytext + '0000000000'SELECT LEN(@mytext)SELECT @mytext*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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VARCHAR(MAX) Only Contains 8000 Characters?

Nov 25, 2007


I had a VARCHAR(MAX) parameter declared in my stored procedure and trying to concatenat single column from a table which has~500 rows into a string and keep in this variable, if i am not mistaken, i read that the VARCHAR(MAX) actually can hold up to 2GB of data, so it make me confuse why the variable which i declared as MAX size, can only hold up 8000 characters, any idea?


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Advice Needed : Nasty Problem PHP/MS SQL Server And Varchar Fields &> 255 In Length

Jul 20, 2005

I am currently working on a PHP based website that needs to be able to drawfrom Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL and given time and demand other RDBMS. Itook a lot of time and care creating a flexible and solid wrapper and amdeep into coding. The only problem is a noticed VARCHAR fields being drawnfrom SQL Server 2000 are being truncated to 255 characters.I searched around and found the following :Note to Win32 Users: Due to a limitation in the underlying API used by PHP(MS DbLib C API), the length of VARCHAR fields is limited to 255. If youneed to store more data, use a TEXT field instead.( only problem with this advice is Text fields seem to be limited to 16characters in length, and I am having similar results in terms of truncationwith other character based fields that can store more than 255 characters.I am using PHP 4.3.3 running on IIS using the php_mssql.dll extensions andthe functions referenced here are my options here? Has anybody worked around this or am I missingsomething obvious?James

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How To Make Escape Characters In Varchar

Jan 5, 2007

I am trying to use this:

INSERT INTO BizNames ( [Key], [Name] ) VALUES ( 0, 'Bob's Lumber' );

The apostrophe embedded in the name value is giving me headaches. I tried using double-quotes and [] to delineate the value but then I get complaints that a "Name" is not allowed in this context.

How do you turn the embedded characters into an escape character so they can be ignored by SQL Server and passed into the table field.

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Display Over 256 Characters For VARCHAR(3500) Field

Jan 12, 2006

Hopefully, someone can help me.
I am working with a database that contains multiple fields within the tables that are being used for Clinical notes. The fields are defined as VARCHAR(3500). But when I try to extract data (either through Query Analyzer or Crystal Reports), only the first 256 characters are displayed. I ran a query to give me the length of the maximum entry size which returned 2722 characters, yet only 256 are displayed.

How do I go about extracting ALL of the data from this field? Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Tansact SQL - Linefeed Characters In Varchar Columns

May 22, 2008

This is obviously a radical idea but some actually DO want to store linefeeds in varchar columns.

In MySQL I can escape difficult characters for example

INSERT INTO sometable(address) VALUES("23 SomeRoad

Does anyone know how to do this in Transact SQL?

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How SQL Server Deals With On The Occasion If I Imput Unicode Characters Into A Varchar Column?

Jan 16, 2007

Hi all,

I want to know how SQL Server deals with it if I imput unicode characters into a varchar column? Will it truncate or do something else?


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Using A Varchar Versus A Nvarchar Causes Hungarian Characters To Be Displayed Incorrectly On The Webpage.

Jul 10, 2006

I have a hungarian character which looks like a lower case o with two single quotes on top of it --> ő

I have this character stored in two table the datatype of the column where this is stored at is varchar in one table and nvarchar in the other. When I try to view the field in enterprise manager the character appears as it should in the 2 tables, but when I use a jsp page deployed on weblogic to look at this character the one stored in the column of type varchar displays perfectly, but the table in which the column is nvarchar the character on the jsp page appears as a Q instead.

Any inputs on how to correct this issue will be much appreciated. Any changes to the character set on the html / jsp pages has no affect on the result.



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The Significance Of 1024 In SQL Server?

Jan 30, 2007

Sorry for the basic question but what is the significance of 1024? Is this true in Oracle as well? Is it a Fibonacci number?(just kidding). But why is the limit 1024 as far as fields in a table or 1024 arguements in a stored procedure, etc? Thanks in advance for adding to the "nuts and bolts" of my knowledge.


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How To Load Dat File Which Has More Then 1024 Columns

Apr 21, 2008

I had a dat file which has 4000 plus columns, When I tried to get imported the files through SSIS import/export wizard, I got the error that the files consists of columns more then 1024. As the base table in the Sql server 2005 can have not more then 1024.

When I tried to load the file in partial columns, I am getting different errors and not loading properly. There is any way this file can be loaded manullay script mode through SSIS.

Any help is apperciated.

Thank you

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Convert Field From VarChar To Int With Speical Characters In Field

Aug 29, 2007


I have a table with a column that is currently a varchar(50), but I want to convert it into an int. When I try to just change the type in design mode I get an error that conversion cannot proceed. When I look at the field it appears some of the entries have special characters appended at the end, I see a box after the value.

How can I remove all speical characters and then convert that field to an int?

Also I tried the following query which did not work as well, same error about conversion.

UPDATE myTable SET field = CAST(field AS int)

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JPGs Added To Image Column Truncated At 1024 Bytes

Mar 26, 2007

I have a table in a SQL 2005 database that is designed to hold JPG product images for a website. Here is the schema:

create table dbo.Eur_RMISWebInterface_Staging_ProductImages(
product_code varchar(12) not null,
image_order smallint not null,
colour_identifier varchar(10) not null,
image_data image not null,
constraint PK_Eur_RMISWebInterface_Staging_ProductImages primary key clustered (

Product images are inserted into the table from a database on a remote SQL 2000 server. Here is the script that does that (uses dynamic SQL):

set @SQLCmd = '
set xact_abort on

begin transaction

delete Eur_RMISWebInterface_Staging_ProductImages

insert Eur_RMISWebInterface_Staging_ProductImages (
exec "' + @RMISServerName + '".' + @RMISDatabaseName + '.dbo.Eur_RMISWebInterface_GetProductImagesForWeb ' + convert(varchar(3), @PortalID) + ', ' + @Locale_LCID + '

commit transaction'
execute (@SQLCmd)

About 500 images, each about 20KB, are transferred at a time. Here is the problem - when this script is run manually, all the images are inserted completely. When the script is run as part of a job (that has several other steps), the job step completes successfully and all the images are inserted, but every single one is truncated to the first 1024 bytes of the image. What this ends up looking like on the website is a a narrow strip of image instead of a complete image. Here are some other observations:

- When I changed the "Eur_RMISWebInterface_GetProductImagesForWeb" SP to only return 1 product image instead of 500 it still failed
- The owner of the job is the same Windows user as the user I have been running the script manually as
- I have tried changing the datatype of image_data from image to varbinary(max) but it made no difference

What could possibly be going on???

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Procedure Parameter Length Declaration Less Than Column Length?

Jun 30, 2014

is there any way or a tool to identify if in procedure the Parameter length was declarated less than table Column length ..

I have a table

CREATE TABLE TEST001 (KeyName Varchar(100) ) a procedure
WHERE KeyName = @KeyName
KeyName = @KeyName

Here table Column with 100 char length "KeyName" was compared with SP parameter "@KeyName" with length 40 char ..

IS there any way to find out all such usage on the ALL Procedures in the Database ?

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BlobColumn.GetBlobData() With Data Length &&> Integer Length (32767)

Mar 27, 2008

For those of you who would like to reference my exact issue, I'm dealing with the RSExecution SSIS package at the "Update Parameters" data flow task, at the Script Component.

The script tries to split parameter data into name and value. Unfortunately, I have several reports that are passing parameters that are very large. One example has over 65,000 characters all in the normal "&paramname=value&parm2=value..." format.

The code in the script works fine until it gets to one of these very large parameter sets. I have figured out what is causing the issue. Here's some code:

Dim paramBlob as Byte()
paramBlob = Row.BlobColumn.GetBlobData(0, Row.BlobColumn.Length)

The second parameter of the .GetBlobData function takes an INTEGER as its count! Therefore, no matter what kind of datatype I pass to the string that the script will later split, it will be limited to 32767 characters.


Does anyone know a workaround for this issue? I need all of the parameter data to be reported, and I would hate to have to skip over rows like this. Also, if I'm missing something, please fill me in!

Thanks for your help in advance,

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URGENT HELP PLS: Select Substring('NY',status/1024&&1+1,1) From Master..sysdatabases Where Name=DB_NAME()

Jul 20, 2005

Hi Everyone,All the very best for 2004!!i need urgent help with this problem, the users are about to skin mealive!!we have an access front end with linked to sql server 2k tables.when a user tries to insert a record into one of the tables it"randomly" returns a generic ODBC error and fails to save. on otheroccasions the same record will save.a trace was applied and the following select seemed to appear rightafter the insert statement whenever it failed:select substring('NY',status/1024&1+1,1) from master..sysdatabaseswhere name=DB_NAME()i had a look at other articles in the groups re this select statement,but could not find a clear answer.i have tried the insert statements as both SQL pass throughs and justplain docmd.runsql'scan someone help me with the following:* what is the purpose of the select?* what other investigations can i do to get more info on why thisshould be happening?* how can i stop it?the table i am doing the inserts into is showing as have a numericdata type field in sqlserver, but the linked table shows this numericfield as text - could this be the problem?? this field is not used inthe insert statement.i could not find any references in the MS knowledge base.any and all help would very gratefully received.Edwinah63

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