Vbs Script Runs As Standalone, But Not In Dts Or Sql Job
Jun 19, 2001
I have a vbs script to try to prove that I can perform vbs scripting in either a job step or a dts package
The script is
dim rs, sql,adoconn, adocommand, dataconnstring
set adoconn = createObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set adocommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
adoconn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=myserver;Database=pubs;U id=myuser;Pwd=mypass;"
sql = "select * from import"
rs.Open sql, adoconn,adOpenForwardOnly
while rs.EOF = false
sql = "insert into zz default values"
adocommand.ActiveConnection = adoconn
adocommand.CommandText = sql
set adoconn = nothing
when I run this from windows explorer it works fine,
but when I try to run it as an activeX script, I get the error ActiveX scripting: Function not found
As a cmdexec step in a job, I use the line c:inetpubwwwrootvbsvbstest1.vbs
It failed with the error
The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x119BDBD264AD9B4597A9302786F0E250 (reason: %1 is not a valid Win32 application). The step failed.
What is wrong with the vbs script ?, or do I need to invoke it a different way ?
I have a very complex Stored Procedure called by a Job that is Scheduled to run every night. It's execution takes sometimes 1 or 2 hours and sometimes 7 hours or more.
So, if it is running for more than 4 hours I stop the Job and I run the procedure from a Query Window and it never takes more than 2 hours.
Can anyone help me identify the problem ? I want to run from the Job and not to worry about it.
Some more information: - It is SQL 2000 Enterprise with SP4 in a Cluster (It happens the same way in any node). - The SQL Server and SQL Agent services run using a Domain Account that have full Administrative access. - When I connect to a Query Window I also use a Windows Account.
- There is no locks or process bloking or being blocked while the job is running. - Using the Task Manager the processor activity is ok, no more than 30 % in any processor.
I have a stored proceedure (which I will tag on at the end for those interested) which is taking at least 15 minutes to run when executed, but completes in 1 minute when the tsql statement is run in Query Analyser. Why is this?
I suspect that it may be connected to table indexing, but why then is this bypassed when QA is used?
Any advice appreciated.
************************************************** *********************** IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo.sp_ValidateAIGL') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_ValidateAIGL GO
-- *** Global Non Program Specific Data Errors *** -- CHECK - that there are records in the DEB_IGL_PAYROLL_OUTPUT file.....none and the routine failed... IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE IGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID) INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT NULL, 100, 'No records were processed by the IGL run!'
-- CHECK - search for any records where the employee's EXPENSE_CODE is NULL INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT DISTINCT NULLIF(EmpNo, ''), 2, 'Employee "' + COALESCE(NULLIF(RTRIM(EmpNo), ''), '<Missing Employee>') + '" (Organisation Unit - ' + COALESCE(RTRIM(OrgUnitCode), '<No Organisation Unit>') + ') does not have a EXPENSE_CODE Code.' FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE NULLIF(ExpenseCode, '') IS NULL ANDIGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID
SELECT * FROM #IGLErrors -- CHECK - check that the BALANCE of DEBITs match the balance of CREDITs IF (SELECT SUM(Cash) FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE IsCredit = 1 AND IGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID) <> (SELECT SUM(Cash) FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE IsCredit = 0 AND IGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID) INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT NULL, 3, 'The total cash value for DEBIT elements does not match the total cash for CREDIT elements.'
SELECT * FROM #IGLErrors -- *** Program 1 and 2 errors *** IF @IGLProgramID IN (1, 2) BEGIN -- CHECK - search for any records where the employee's COST_CENTRE is NULL INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT DISTINCT NULLIF(EmpNo, ''), 1, 'Employee "' + NULLIF(RTRIM(EmpNo), '') + '" (Organisation Unit = ' + RTRIM(OrgUnitCode) + ') does not have a COST_CENTRE Code.' FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE NULLIF(CostCenter, '') IS NULL ANDIGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID
-- Check for EMPLOYEEs that were not transfered to the PAYROLL output (usually caused by missing ORG_UNITs or not picked up in -- the DEB_VIEW_APPOINTEE view...) INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT DISTINCT EMP_NO, 11, 'Employee "' + RTRIM(EMP_NO) + '" was excluded from the summary. Check their Organisation Unit codes!' FROM PSELive.dbo.COSTING_OUTPUT WHERENOT EMP_NO IN (SELECT DISTINCT EmpNo FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE IGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID) ANDPERIOD_NO = @PeriodNo ANDTAX_YEAR = @TaxYear
-- Check that there are no ELEMENTS in the COSTING_OUTPUT table that don't exist in the tbl_IGLElements table INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT DISTINCT ELEMENT, 12, 'Element "' + RTRIM(ELEMENT) + '" does not exist in the IGL Interface Elements table!' FROM PSELive.dbo.COSTING_OUTPUT WHERE ELEMENT NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT Element FROM tbl_IGLElements ) ANDPERIOD_NO = @PeriodNo
-- *** Add a error to indicate the number of errors *** IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #IGLErrors) INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT 0, 0, 'Warning, there are ' + CAST(Count(*) AS VarChar(5)) + ' recorded errors!' FROM#IGLErrors
-- Transfer the records to the ErrorsLog table ready for the user to view... DELETE FROM tbl_SYSErrorsLog INSERT INTO tbl_SYSErrorsLog (IGLProgramID, OutputLogID, KeyField, ErrorID, Description) SELECT@ProgramLogID, @IGLPeriodID, KeyField, ErrorID, Description FROM #IGLErrors ORDER BY ErrorID
GO GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_ValidateAIGL TO Public GO
Yesterday I asked question to make a copy of the server but actually I want to make a Standalone server 6.5. Please Advise. How to create the DB and How to restore. Even I want to restore master but for restoring master how to start sql server in single user mode. If any body has document please post me.
I have a need to demonstrate an application I built in ASP.NET with SQL Server as the back-end database. The problem is when I don't have a network connection, I get an exception thrown..."SQL Server does not exist or access denied." This is the connection string I use (via ASP.NET/ADO.NET): "server=localhost; uid=xxxx; pwd=xxxx; database=mydb" I've tried Query Analyzer and it too, doesn't work - I get an error message that reads: "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]SQL Server does not exist or access denied." However, via SQL Server Enterprise Manager, I can connect and do what I want to the database. As soon as I connect my laptop to any network, the web application works fine (no errors), as well as the Query Analyzer.
I have an issue with the BCP util, it is extremely slow when running a BCP in to the same database on an A/P cluster vs. Standalone system. It is a vendor application, so I have little control as to what I can do. The BCP runs from a jobserver (remote) through the network, but it runs the same way in the standalone system, yet the process is about 10X as slow with the cluster, and the only diff is cluster vs. standalone.
SQLClusterName is specified in -S, not the active node, and it uses a trusted connection, not a local account. Is there anything about a cluster config that would cause the BCP to run slower ?
I have installed SQL Server 2005 on my laptop that has Vista OS. I want to log on only to teach myself. Is there a way that i could use the program without having to set it up on a server.
i am planning to build Pocket Pc App and i would like to know if i can use Sql Mobile as my data store. The data base design is quite complex. I wont be using any recplication/synchronization in my app since its a standalone app. pls suggest.
I have 3 server hardware and the whole purpose is to make one as a web server and another one a SQL server. The purpose of the 3rd server is purely a backup server, what that means is, in case if my web server nor my database server fails, I should be able to use the 3rd server as a backup. How do I achive this without using MS cluster service.
I can use NLB for Web, but what about SQL server ??
All I need to know is ,other than MS cluster service, is there any way I can create a backup SQL database server ( secondary database server) in case the primary fails with very minimal down time? I need my secondary ( backup) server up and running when the primary fails. I don't want to use Cluster service because of the cost for storage and license.
Any idea will be welcomed. I could have used the datamirroring option of the 2005 , but this is for a production deployment and is not recomended by microsoft. also, restore the backup from primary and make it work is not welcomed.
I am developing a web project in VS 2005 Professional.
The site will be hosted on a machince that does not have an instance of Sql Server Express. Can I still use the standalone sql database file (.mdf) file? Are there drivers in ASP.NET that allow this or do I have to ask that an instance of either Sql Server or Sql Server Express be installed?
I'm really new to this so this might look dumb, but I need to know what all has to be done to develop a standalone database application.....The frontend is going to be on VC++...which are the best tools I'll need to use. I need to know if the user has to install the database app to use the program to make this possible......Also will he have to keep it running everytime to use the program.
Can someone please tell me if i can use SQL Server 2005 on my standalone laptop, and how do i connect, i dont know how to set up the password so i can connect
I've just spent the most frustrating 4 hours trying to install SP2.
I kept getting "unable to start SQL Server service....see BOL ...re starting the service manually" messages; with the only options being to Retry or Cancel. Retry resulted in the same message. Cancel resulted in all components except SQL (sqlexpress) being installed - therefore totally useless
No mater what I did i could start the SQLservice as it did'nt show in the list of Services; nor did the SQL EE programme show in the Add/Remove Programs...evenn though the other components did.
I deleted/removed everything that was istalled; cleaned up the Registry; and tried again...
..and again
..and again
FIVE install / re-install failures; numerous registry cleanups!!!!
I was at the point where it looked like i'd have to reformat my hard disk, and completely re-install XP, all aplications i.e. Office 2003 etc in order for the thing to work.
I gave it one more shot, but this time, during install
- selected all components except SDK
- I unchecked the Start SQL / BROWSER at startup
- Checked the Enable User Instances and Add to Administrators boxes
Lo and behold....it installed!!!
I'm still very worried as the registry is full of "duplicate" entries i.e. Blah blah blah and blah blah blah.1
But at least the thing is installed.
Would interested to hear if anyone has had similar or other problems with the SP2 install/upgrade
For info:
I ran the install as Administrator
IIS not installed
Win XP Sp2 fully updated
Dell Inspiron XPS M1710 laptop with 2gb Ram; 2ghz Duo core processors
I want to install SQLExp2K5 with Advanced Services on a standalone basis on my Dell Inspiron XPS laptop (Win XP sp2, .NET 2.0; 2gb RAM; 8mb broadband; hardware firewall/router) so that I can learn SQL/VB/VWD, and want to use SQL E 2K5 without internet connectivity (at least until I know what the hell I'm doing!)
Really confused as to what component(s), and services I should/should not install - so I've listed my questions below:
1. Service Account: As I'm not on / dont have a domain, i presume using a domain user account is not an option for me. Should I use the Local Service account ? If so, what are/can be the issues in doing so?
2. Authentication Mode: Is Windows Authentication the one to use for a standalone install?; how would I enable the "sa" account and set an "sa" password? In fact, do I even need an"sa" account / password for a standalone, non internet connected install?
3. Components at install: Is it OK to install all components first off?
4. IIS: Is it possible to install IIS and not allow it access to the internet (or is this a stupid question -bearing in mind I dont really know what IIS is/does)
5: Business Intelligence Development Suite: How do I add BIDS once (IF) I manage to install SQLExp2K5-Adv.Ser,?
6. SQLExp2K5 Books on-line: Am I right in thinking that I should install this after installing SQLExp2K5?
7: Visual Basic Express/Visual Web Developer Express: Do these need to be configured seperately to work with SQLExp2K5?
Sorry about the length of this post, but have tried to be as clear as possible. Also apologise in advance for silly/stupid questions :)
Hullo all I have two machines, One is a standalone machine and the other is on a domain network. How can I run a stored procedure/job on the standalone machine from the domain machine ? running the procedure as a Domain user results in a failed job/stored proc. also creating an sql login and attempting to run it as that user also fails. How can I solve this problem ? please e-mail me at wayde@sunnygrp.com if you have any thoughts...
I have attached the SAN, configured the Windows Clustering and I'm ready for SQL. SQL Server 2005 was already on this machine as a stand alone. I removed all of the software and I'm reinstalling SQL. The cluster option is not enabled. Any ideas why?
I just want to run a webiste off my home computer with a dynamic address.It seems I can do all I want with the SQL that comes with vs2005 except being able to backup the DBIs the SQL 2005 that comes with vs2005 good enoh for everything I should want to do?? Is there some chart somewhere that explains the differences ?
Currently I have two SSIS jobs on my machine. The problem I'm having is, only one of the jobs executes succesfully, the other one fails for incorrect user login. Both jobs use the same configuration database and all the packages on both jobs have the protection level set to "DontSaveSensitive". Both jobs have been deployed in the exact same manner, yet only one succeceeds and the other fails.
I have jobs (DTS packages) for several different tasks that I would like to run sequentially, rather than trying to estimate how long each will take and schedule them individually.
I'm trying to run a job which moves data from one machine to another. I can manually execute the package successfully, but the job always fails. I get the dreaded error message 18456, "login failis for user "". I have double checked the logins for both machines,(sql server agent AND the sql server authentication). Also, I can run a select statement (from server_ to server_2) successfully from query analyzer i.e.
Select * from <linked_server_name>.<database>.<database_owner>.<table_name>
however, if I run this query from server_2 to server_1 I get the failed login message similar to the error message found in the job history. Since both servers accept nt logins, where is my problem? They are both set up as linked servers, and they are both mssql oledb. Any suggestions will be appreciated! thanks
I have created a package that takes a Visual FoxPro .dbf and imports into SQL7. If I run the job, it works fine. If I schedule the job it fails stating that I can't find the .dbf, the same one that it just found when run manually. What gives?
My procedure compliles and runs. l 'm running it as 'exec Statement' it should prompt me for the start and end date but it does not. Where have l gone wrong in my logic l've declared all the variables need. Please advice
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Statement]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[Statement] GO
Create Procedure Statement As Begin
declare @Startdate As datetime declare @Enddate As datetime
declare @Customer_No As char(15) declare @loanno As char(15)
declare @transaction_date As datetime declare @transaction_type As char(3) declare @reference As varchar(20) declare @notes As varchar(255) declare @transaction_amount As decimal (9,2) declare @transaction_description As varchar(50)
declare @debit_amount As decimal (9,2) declare @credit_amount As decimal (9,2) declare @counter As int declare @balance As decimal (9,2) declare @user_changed As char(8)
declare c2 CURSOR FOR SELECT loan_no FROM loan where customer_no = @Customer_No ORDER BY loan_no
-- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch. WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN
declare c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT transaction_record.loan_no, transaction_record.transaction_date, transaction_record.transaction_type, transaction_record.reference_no, transaction_record.notes, transaction_record.transaction_amount, transaction_type.[description] FROM transaction_record inner join transaction_type on transaction_type.transaction_type = transaction_record.transaction_type where loan_no = @loanno and transaction_Date between @startdate and @enddate and transaction_amount <> 0 ORDER BY transaction_date
OPEN c1 FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @transaction_date, @transaction_type, @reference, @notes, @transaction_amount, @transaction_description
-- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch. WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN If (@transaction_amount < 0) Begin set @credit_amount = @transaction_amount set @debit_amount = 0 End Else Begin set @debit_amount = @transaction_amount set @credit_amount = 0 End
If (@counter = 0) Begin set @balance = @transaction_amount End Else Begin set @balance = @balance + @transaction_amount End
FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @transaction_date, @transaction_type, @reference, @notes, @transaction_amount, @transaction_description End CLOSE c1 DEALLOCATE c1
Good afternoon, i'm new to Functions on the SQL server
I'm trying to create a dynamic query that would select the the column passed to the function from a certain table
my table called selected_Date, and has StartDate, and EndDate columns
when the user select for example "StartDate", i pass this as a variable to the function which runs the query. but i always gets back the passed string as a result..
I have SQL Server 2000, and our web application is in WebObjects.
I built a trigger on a table that indicates if certain fields in a record have been changed since the last time a report was run from the application.
This trigger runs fine through the Query Analyzer, and runs fine with a direct input through enterprise manager. However, when the WebObjects application tries to update the table, and error is thrown.
Is anyone familiar with a reason why an application would throw an error on an update, when the DB tools do not? If we disable the trigger, the application has no problem updating the table.
Here is the relevant portion of the trigger:
create trigger t_press_run_change on dbo.press_run_line_item for insert, update, delete as
updatepress_run_line_item setis_changed = 1 from deleted d join press_run_line_item p on p.press_run_line_item_id = d.press_run_line_item_id where(p.is_changed = 0 or p.is_changed is null) AND ((isNull(p.print_quantity,0) <> isNull(d.print_quantity,0)) OR (isNull(p.spoilage_pct,0) <> isNull(d.spoilage_pct,0)) OR(isNull(p.ad_dimension_id,0) <> isNull(d.ad_dimension_id,0)) OR(isNull(p.quarter_fold_id,0) <> isNull(d.quarter_fold_id,0)) OR(isNull(p.max_qty_per_shipment,'') <> isNULL(d.max_qty_per_shipment,'')) OR(isNull(p.packaging_max_height,'') <> isNull(d.packaging_max_height,'')) OR(isNull(p.packaging_max_weight,'') <> isNull(d.packaging_max_weight,'')) OR(isNull(p.packaging_skids,'') <> isNull(d.packaging_skids,'')) OR(isNull(p.packaging_turns,'') <> isNull(d.packaging_turns,'')) OR(isNull(p.packaging_cartons,'') <> isNull(d.packaging_cartons,'')) OR(isNull(p.preprint_delivery_time,'') <> isNull(d.preprint_delivery_time,'')) OR(isNull(p.contact_id,0)<> isNull(d.contact_id,0)) OR(isNull(p.address_company,'')<>isNull(d.address_company,'')) OR(isNull(p.address1,'')<>IsNull(d.address1,'')) OR(isNull(p.address2,'')<>IsNull(d.address2,'')) OR(isNull(p.address_city,'')<>IsNull(d.address_city,'')) OR(isNull(p.address_state,'')<>IsNull(d.address_state,'')) OR(IsNull(p.address_zip,'')<>IsNull(d.address_zip,'')) OR(isNull(p.address_Country_id,'')<>IsNull(d.address_country_id,'')) OR(isNull(p.client_printer_id,'')<>IsNull(d.client_printer_id,'')))
Some users complain that there computers run slow around noon. later it is fine. Anybody can tell me what is the problem? We have entivirus software installed on. Also i am runing back up database on the server. Many thanks.
Hello everyone. I am pretty new to SQL Server, but I have been reading a lot lately. One of the things that I have gone over extensively lately is backups (I didn't understand it til recently.)
I have a question: right now, I need to be able to backup my SQL database to a file server; both the DB and TLogs. I don't have room for them on the local drive right now, so this is my last option.
Here is the catch. The SQL server is not part of our domain. The file server box IS part of our domain.
In order to backup across the network, I need to change the account that SQL and the agent runs under.
Would this work:
Create a new account on the SQL box and make it part of the administrators group. Make the SQL server and SQL agent run under that account.
On the File server, create a local account. Make it the same (username and password) that was created on the SQL box. This should allow me to backup my DB to the share.
Would that work?
Lastly, by changing the account SQL runs under, does that change anything in the way that SQL runs? Does it affect the way users authenticate to SQL (Right now, they authenticate using SQL authentication)
Hello, I have scheduled job that are scheduled to run every 2 hours. Its exec stored procedures. Normal execution time is up to 10 min. But recently job not running successfully, it’s just executes forever. So I had to kill that job and I run it manually. Please help, I have no idea why it stops executing on its own by the schedule.
I am trying to run DTS package (stored on SQL Server) using Visual basic but i am getting the following error
Runtime error '-2147217843 (80040e4d)'
Login failed for 'MyUserID'
************************************* i used the following code in VB program
Sub Command1_Click() Dim dtsp As New DTS.Package dtsp.LoadFromSQLServer _ ServerName:="MyServer", _ ServerUserName:="MyUserID", _ ServerPassword:="MyPassword", _ PackageName:="DTSDemo" dtsp.Execute End Sub
I can Run the package direct from SQL server but get error by Vb program. Any idea why it is so.
This is my procedure and the error is incorrect syntax near '01'
DECLARE @returnDay int
--Looking at current date, SELECT @returnDay = DatePart(day,GetDate()) --If is the 7th of the current moth then If @returnDay = 24
EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail @query = 'SELECT a.HospitalName,a.HospitalCode,c.ProductName,b.UnitsDiscarded,d.FateOfProducts,b. DateEntered, b.DateCompleted,b.CompiledBy FROM test.dbo.Units b inner join Hospitals a ON (a.HospitalID = b.HospitalID) inner join Products c ON (b.ProductID = c.ProductID) inner join FateOfProducts d ON (d.FateID = b.FateID) where b. DateEntered = DateAdd(month, -1, Convert(CHAR(8), GetDate(), 121) + '01') order by a.HospitalID', @recipients=test@hotmail.com', @message='Submitting Results for the previous month', @subject=' results for previous month', @attach_results = 'true', @separator = '/s'
SELECT @@ERROR As ErrorNumber
What am I missing here now, I am quite new to stored procedures