Version Management For Table Data

Oct 12, 2007


for my application, I need to be able to store past, current and pending versions for each row for some tables for the purpose of auditing and reporting. here is the scenario. the data from one or more tables is displayed on the screen. user makes few changes and submits the changes. the changes will not be updated in database immediately. instead the changes are sent for approval. during the workflow process, the changes need to be stored in pending state and only when the changes are approved, they need to updated to the live data and before updating the live data, old data needs to be stored somewhere for audit trail and reporting. what are the ways in which this can be modelled? should I have three separate tables one to store pending, one to store current and one to store historical version? or should I merge everything into one single table and have a version indicator in it? in this application changes span across multiple tables. in this case how to implement versioning? should each table take care of its own versioning? user can search for pending/current/historical data from the screen by providing various search criteria and the data may come from one or more tables related to each other. Is there a standard approach to deal with this kind of scenario?


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Version Control Management

Dec 14, 2007

We are creating an SSIS application for population of the datawarehouse. And we arrived at a stage that business side is starting do some real testing. And of course we am getting some feedback and amendment to the specifications. Which is analysed by the PM's and translated to me.

When an change or amendment is coming to me. The package is checked out of the SVN repository and locked. And the developer makes the changes in a development enviroment and change the related SSIS packages. After the development we make a test run a separated the test enviroment. This test is checked by the Business side and the PM's when approved I copy the modified package to a live enviroment.
When the modified package is put in the live environment we manually check in package to the SVN repository.

The problem is that the changes are slow to implement and the SSIS package is locked for a single problem. And this can be very time consuming.

How are you guys handling development of SSIS packages? Especially where you work in teams or at least with more than one developer?

Is there a application/plugin or tool available which show the changes between two of the sames packages ( different versions ). A warning signal or something like that on the component would be very helpful.

I would be very interested in some more documentation about team development of ssis packages.

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Data Type To Store A Version Number In A Table

May 8, 2012

I have a C# app linked to a SQL db and I need to store it's version number in a table (could be something like 1.2.789) but I cannot find any datatype which allows me to do this.

I could create three fields in the table for each number but I don't want to.

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How Do You Install Management Studio On Full SQL Version

Apr 26, 2007

I've installed all the options from the sQL server CD but can't find how to install the Management Studio. I'm missing something obvious, but beat's me where it is.


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Downloading The Chinese Version Of Express Management Studio 64 Bit

Jan 19, 2008

Hi there,

I have gone to the page to download the 64 bit version of the Management Studio for Vista 64 bit... and its in Chinese.

This is the double astrix version at the very bottom of the page specifically for Vista 64...

Is this something I am doing or is this download link actually to a Chinese Download??

Can someone point me to a download link that is English...

Thanks in Advance


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What Version: Enterprise Manager Or Management Studio Express

Feb 12, 2007

This may be a dumb question but I have searched and haven't found an answer to it here yet.

We are planing to get SQL Server 2005 for a specific purpose.We have several existing stand alone SQL Server 2000 database servers already. I have Enterprise Manager (2000) client installed on my PC. I recently installed SQL Server Express (2005) on my PC to get to know about new features.

I have run into problems (BCP specifically) with having two versions of C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80... and C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90... on my PC.

Is there any point before or after we purchase Standard version of SQL Server 2005 when I can do away with C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80... and/or uninstall Enterprise manager?

In other words can I manage SQL Server 2000 databases using only Management Studio(SQL Server 2005 client)? If not, how do I manage the two different versions of the client software on a single PC.


Dave K.

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I Dont See Server Management Studio On The XP With The Standard Version

Jul 29, 2007

I have installed SQL 2005 Standard Edition on my Window XP many times and I dont see Server Management Studio.

Did I do something wrong?


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Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express Version To Use For SQL Compact

Jan 18, 2007


i don't know if it was mentioned before, but i solved the issue that Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express won't show the option to create/modify a sql compact database by installing not this Version:

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Date: 19.04.2006

but this one:

SQL Server Management Studio Express Service Pack 2 €“ CTP-Version
Date: 19.12.2006

hope this helps.


P.S. i'm curious if anybody else had the same issue, caused of using the wrong Version of  SSMSe?

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Cannot Edit Table Data With SQL Server Management Studio?

Apr 15, 2008

HI all,

I'm just posting this to make sure I didn't mess anything.

Is the only way to enter/edit table data (in grid view) is through the VS (Express) IDE?

The reason why I ask is because I installed the Sql Server 2008 developer trial to get the Management Studio and pretty much the only things I can do are create/edit/delete databases, tables and the like.

It would be nice for the Management Studio (and Express at that) to have those capabilites. It would be nice to not have to create connections in the VS IDE to diffferent databases to edit them. Opening up the Management Studio and selecting the database seems like the proper (if not accustomed) way to do it.


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Managing SQL Express Databases With Standard Version Of SQL Server Management Studio

Mar 28, 2008

I have a windows 2003 server which has SQL 2005 Express with advanced services installed on it. Then a few weeks back the company purchased SQL server Standard Edition which comes with SQL Server Management Studio (which has more features than SQL Server Management Studio Express currently installed on the server where sql express is running)I have been trying to schedule a maintanance plan on the SQLExpress Instance database from the SQL Server Management Studio that came with the standard version of sql but i have not been able to have all SQL Server Management Studio functionality available when connected to the SQLExpress instance. So is there a way i can connect to the Express Instance from management studio(that comes with the standard edition of sql) and have all its functions available when working with a SQL express database. Or i must upgrade the express database?  

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I Imported A SQL Table Into SQL DataBase, But I Can Not Update This Table Even With SQL Server Management Studio

Jan 8, 2008

I imported a SQL Table into SQL DataBase, But I can not update this table even with SQL Server management Studio
When I change any data on mentioned table above, Red exclamation sign appears left of the record .
How can I correct this problem?

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Where Can I Find The Import Data/Export Data Options If I Only Have The SQL Server Management Express Studio?

Oct 4, 2007

Hi all,

It looks like these options are only available in the SQL Server Management Studio? I installed SQL Server Management Express Studio and I can't even find the DTSWizard.exe on my machine.

Can you please help how I can import data from excel or where can I download the SQL Server Management Studio?

Your prompt response is greatly appreciated.


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Restore A Database Of Higher Version To Lower Version?

Sep 1, 2014

Is there any way to restore a database of higher version to lower version.

E.g. I have created a database in sql server 2012, created some tables & procedures in that.I took Full backup of that database. Can I restore it to sql 2008r2 or any lower version.

I know direct restore is not possible, I have to use either import or export option or generating script,but i want to know is there any easy step to do so.

Vimal Lohani
SQL DBA | MCP (70-461,70-462)

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Can I Install A Enterprise Version Analysis Service On A Standard Version Of SQL 2005 Server?

Jul 25, 2006

Hi all,

Since some analysis services features are only available in Enterprise version , I have to upgrade my SQL 2005 server from standard edition to enterpise edition.

So I uninstall originial standard version of analysis service and install a Enterprise version. However, the analysis service is still a standard version after installation.

Is it possible to keep data engine as standard version and install a enterprise version of analysis service?

Thank you very much


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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated. I Get This Error When Entering Data Using Sql Server Management Studio Express.

May 21, 2008

String or binary data would be truncated. I get this error when entering data using sql server management studio express.

I am not running a sql to insert or update the table. This is through the EDI.

The data type is varchar(100). I enter one character and it errors on me. So this isn't a string being too long problem.

Any ideas?

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Adding A DB Version Table: Suggestions?

Jul 20, 2005

I'm putting a little table in my DB that I'll call zstblVersion.("..stbl" for System Table, "z" so it sinks to the bottom of the list anddoesn't look like something to do with the app)The purpose is to let somebody look at the DB and divine which version they'reseeing.So far, I've got 3 columns:- VersionID- VersionDescription (freeform text description of the changes in this versionof the DB)- AppVersionRequired (numeric field, containing the lowest version of the frontend that will work with this version of the DB)Opinions? Suggestions?--PeteCresswell

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What Sql Server Version To Buy? Difference In Performance Between The Workgroup And Standard Version

Feb 19, 2008

Hello,I have been searching and reading a lots of information on the microsoft  website about the different version of SQL server, but still can not make my decision.In term of performance, is there a real big difference between the workgroup and the standard version? The workgroup is limited to 3 GB of RAM while the standard is unlimited, would that really change the performance if my server has 16Gb or RAM?The price difference is pretty substantial so if could only have to buy the workgroup , it would be better.One more question, regarding the type of licence, my server has 2 processors, could I avoid buying 2 licences and get the Server plus CAL instead. I am using this server to host 4 web-application running on SQL server. Each database is about 15 MB.Thanks in adavance for your advises.Arno

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Changing From SQL Server Enterprise Evaluation Version To Developer Version

Oct 30, 2007

I am wondering if it is possible to change from SQL Server Enterprise Evaluation Version to Developer Version. The reason is because the Enterprise Evaluation version expires after 180 days. So if I create reports and cubes in Enterprise Evaluation I can import them into Developer Edition right? Should I remove the Enterprise Evaluation version after 180 days or leave it then install Developer Edition?

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The Database 'x.MDF' Cannot Be Opened Because It Is Version 611. This Server Supports Version 607 And Earlier??

Mar 11, 2006


I have tried to attatch a database ,created by SQL server Express within a C# application , in SQL server 2005 Enterprise edition, but the following error message appears:


TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Attach database failed for Server 'MEDO'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click: SQL Server&ProdVer=9.00.1187.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Attach database+Server&LinkId=20476


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


The database 'E:X.MDF' cannot be opened because it is version 611. This server supports version 607 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.
Could not open new database 'E:X.MDF'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 948)


so , how can I solve this problem , I need to reed the data resides in the tables of 'X' database , how can I do it?? please help me.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Ssis Error Converting Database From Version 539 To The Current Version 611

Jan 7, 2008

I have an ssis package that downloads a SQL Server 2000 database and restores it to a SQL 2005 server. Ninety-five percent of the time it runs just fine, but every so often the job fails and I get the following set of error messages in the log file. (I have had to delete some of the proprietary information for this message to satisfy my boss like putting in [Database name] in place of the actual name of the database in the error message).

OnError, Restore backup file to DB,,,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,Converting database [Database name] from version 539 to the current version 611.
OnError,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,Converting database [Database name] from version 539 to the current version 611.
OnError,Restore backup file to DB,,,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,Database [Database name] running the upgrade step from version 539 to version 551.
OnError,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,Database [Database name] running the upgrade step from version 539 to version 551.
OnError,Restore backup file to DB,,,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,The transaction log for database [Database name] is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases
OnError,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,The transaction log for database [Database name] is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases
OnError,SQL5,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,RESTORE could not start database [Database name].
OnError,SQL5,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,RESTORE could not start database [Database name].
OnError,SQL5,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,-1073548784,0x,Executing the query "RESTORE DATABASE [Database name]
FROM DISK = '[Path to back up file]' WITH REPLACE,
MOVE 'ASP_Live_Data' TO [Path to MDF file],
MOVE 'ASP_Live_Log' TO [Path to LDF file]" failed with the following error: "RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
OnError,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,-1073548784,0x,Executing the query "RESTORE DATABASE [Database name]
FROM DISK = '[Path to backup file]' WITH REPLACE,
MOVE 'ASP_Live_Data' TO [Path to MDF file]',
MOVE 'ASP_Live_Log' TO [Path to LDF file]" failed with the following error: "RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
OnTaskFailed,Restore backup file to DB,,,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,1/6/2008 2:59:31 AM,0,0x,(null)

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Want To Upgrade Evaluation Version Of SQL 2005 To Full Retail Version. How Would I Do That. Thanks

Jan 31, 2007

Want to upgrade Evaluation version of SQL 2005 to full retail version. How would I do that. Thanks very much for your hel

Sam Commar

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Integration Services :: Package Migration From Version 8 To Version 6 Failed

Sep 22, 2015

I have received the error message "Package migration from version 8 to version 6 failed".I have developed a SSIS package with Visual Studio 2013 which gives me PackageFormatVersion of 8. I then deploy my package to the ssisdb catalog that is running on a SQL Server 2012, this works fine but when I try to execute the package the error arises…due to SQL Server 2012 has a PackageFormatVersion of 6 and it can’t run something that has a greater version.I haven’t seen any good solution for this but one that would work for me would be to upgrade the Integration Services Server from 2012 to 2014, leaving everything else in 2012 (database, ssms, ssas, ssrs).Would this solve the package format problem? Would I then be able to execute my packages in the ssisdb catalog?

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Request For The Permission Of Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, Pu

Mar 12, 2008

I created a .net console application within which I connect to a sql server (not local) as follows,

string conn_str = "Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=QuantEquitySql;Data Source=server name";

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(conn_str);

Everything works fine when I run it from my computer. When I try to run it from a network share I get the following error,

Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

I am using Visual Studio 2005 and .Net framwork v2.0.50727.

Does anybody know a fix to this problem?


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'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' Fail

Jun 20, 2007

I have a report that uses some embedded custom code. The embedded custom code is a function that execute some sql query on a sql server database.Everything works fine in Visual studio. The report gets deployed on the server successfully, however when running the report from report manager i get the following error message :

The Hidden expression for the table €˜table1€™ contains an error: Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

Here is the code :


Public function get_field() as string
Dim myConnection As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim data_reader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim field(100) as string
Dim i as integer
Dim j as integer
Dim sql_field as string
Dim nbr_field as integer
Dim rtn_string as string

i = 0
sql_field ="Select field from mytable"
myConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(";Initial Catalog=mydatabase;User Id=user1;Password=password1;")
myCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql_field, myConnection)
data_reader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
While data_reader.Read()
if data_reader.HasRows then
field(i)= data_reader(0).ToString()
end if
nbr_field = nbr_field + 1
i= i+1
End While

for j = 0 to nbr_field -1
rtn_string = rtn_string + field(j) + ","
Next j

rtn_string = left(rtn_string,rtn_string.length-1)
return rtn_string
'return sql_cmd
'return yes_no
'return lkupfield
end function


Why do i get the error message ?, is this related to Code Access Security issues with .net framework. if yes

how do i set the Security so the report server or report manager allows embedded custom code to be executed. Any advice ?


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After Restoring MASTER Database, Can't Start SQLServer Service: Configuration Block Version 0 Is Not A Valid Version Number

Jul 16, 2007

Now, I checked and verified that my backup version of SQL Server is the same as the version installed on the computer I'm restoring too.

I have SQL Server on a production machine that I backed up and want to test a full restore on a dev machine to make sure it will work when I need it to.

Now that I've run the restore command on my tape backup and go to restart the SQL server service I receive:

Configuration block version 0 is not a valid version number. SQL Server is exiting. Restore the master database or reinstall.

I'm afraid I don't understand why this is happening. If the builds are the same, then shouldn't restoring the MASTER database have worked normally and I'd be able to restart the service now?

Any thoughts or suggestions?

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Upgrade Trail Version With A Full Version Of Ms Sql-server

Apr 20, 2007

We want to licence a trail version 2005 EN with an fullversion of MS Sql server 2005 EN. Is that possible?


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HELP Wanted: Installing Full Version Over Trial Version

Dec 7, 2007

I have the trial version of SQL Server 2005 installed and have setup a couple of databases. This trial version will expire in another few weeks. I recently purchased a copy of the software and want to install it. Will I lose my databases, user info, etc? How do I go about installing without losing anything?

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Updading Sql Server 2005 From 32bit Version To 64 Bit Version

Mar 12, 2007

We have a 64bit os machine that we accidently loaded the 32 bit version of sql server on. We now want to upgrade it to 64 bit sql server, but we now have a production database on it. My understanding is that all I have to do is detach the production database, upgrade to 64bit sql server, then reattach the database. Is this really all I have to do?

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The Version Of Component **** (11773) Is Not Compatible With This Version Of The DataFlow.

Dec 12, 2007

I started this thread as the last attempt to sort the issue out.

I have an SSIS package that loads data from a .csv file into my database. It works fine on my developer machine. I start it programmatically or from Management Studio or from Visual Studio, and it works. Then I deploy it to the MSDB database on the computer on which it will have its final place. There again I can start it from Management Studio or from Visual Studio (using the source file), and it works. But when I start it programmatically, it just fails telling me:

Package Warnings:
Package Errors:
The version of component "****" (11773) is not compatible with this version of the DataFlow.
Component "component "Derived Column" (13627)" could not be created and returned error code 0x80070005. Make sure that the component is registered correctly.
The component is missing, not registered, not upgradeable, or missing required interfaces. The contact information for this component is "Flat File Source;Microsoft Corporation;Microsoft SqlServer v9; (C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation; All Rights Reserved;;1".
component "Agreement File" (11773) failed validation and returned error code 0xC0048021.
One or more component failed validation.
There were errors during task validation.

Maybe the source of the problem is that this machine is a 64-bit one, while the developer machine is 32-bit one. But why does the package run fine when I start it from Management Studio?

Any help would be appreciated.


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Upgrade From SQL Server Standard Version To Enterprise Version

Nov 8, 2007

Can some one here give me more insight about how to upgrade a SQL Server 2005 Standard Version (32 bits) to a SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Version (32 bits) as default instance on a Windows 2003 enterprise OS (32 bits). I want to know what is the easist way and what is the safest way. May I preserve some settings I have for the STD version, or I have to start from strach again to configure the server? Is there any catches, anything I should have attention to (We are using heavily about CLR and fulltext indexing)?

Thanks a milliom

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How To Drop Database Table If It Exits In Sql Mobile Version?

Jul 3, 2006


I am using and Visual Studio 2005 to compile a program for a Pocket PC with Microsoft® Windows Mobile„¢ 2003 Second Edition. I am using sql mobile also.

What I want to complete is like one of the following two queries. But when I tried them in the sql mobile, errors happened. So how can I complete the same function in sql Mobile? Thanks.


if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects

where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Table_a]')

and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

drop Table Table_a




DROP TABLE dbo.Table_a

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SQL Server 2k Enterprise Version And Development Version Together

Apr 11, 2004

I installed the SQL Server 2k EnterPrise version and developer version on the same version, and the developer version is an instance "Development".
How do I expose both of them to internet? Just open both of them to port 1433? And on the client side, just say IP and IP/Development? Do I need specific set up, will they conflict?

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Found Version Not Equal To Expectd Version

Nov 12, 2007

The version of the report server database is either in a format that is not valid, or it cannot be read. The found version is 'C.0.8.54'. the expected version is 'C.0.8.40'. To continue, update the version of the report server database and verify access rights. I'm getting this whenever try to access the report server via SSMS, I have tried to upgrade via the Reporting Service Configuration Manager but get an error message similar to above except it says: The database version (C.o.8.54) does not match your Reporting Services installation. This version of the database cannot be upgraded. You must use a different database. Has anyone seen this before? I can create a new database, but don't want to loose all my reports. Any ideas. Oh, not even sure if the backups exist from before this error, I've spent 2 weeks trying to get access to the server so I could try to upgrade, only to get the above results. Thanks for your help, David

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