Very NEW To This Database Server Stuff... Probably Simple For You, But Hard For Me...
Jan 4, 2008
Hi everyone,
I just set up a network with 2 computers (direct cable network, no routers/hubs), one computer is running Windows 2000 Server and the other is running Windows XP Professional. They both recognize each other and I can access each computer on either computer. The WinXP computer has SQL Server 2005 express edition installed on it.
I am trying to install a database server on my Windows 2000 Server OS computer. This computer is a 350MHz, 256mb RAM computer. How would I go about doing this?
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Jul 27, 2006
I'm trying to do some basic stuff in SQL Server 2005 that I could do in Oracle. I'm sure there's a way to do these things, I just don't know how. My most immediate question is this:
Is there any easy way to run a SQL script and have it spool to HTML tables to a file? The 'results to text' from SSMS is not adequate for display purposes. I'm trying to display table/column descriptions.
Beyond that, does anyone know of any good resources that provide an 'Oracle to SQL Server' matrix so I can help figure out how to do some of these things in SQL Server?
Thanks in advance,
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Apr 9, 2007
I need to create a SQL server database and add some tables to it. Then access it with a C# application. The problem is that the new SQL server database and it's tables must reside on an external hard drive. How do I point SQL server to this external drive, so that I can create a database on this drive and then create tables and access data on it?
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Jun 8, 2015
I downloaded the AdventureWorks2012 OLTP script. When I ran it it gave me some errors. I also noticed that it tried to install into the bult-in master database, it created a lot of tables and objects. Some questions :
1) How can I remove everything that the script installed into master database?
2) Do I need to create 1st an empty database and then run the script there?
3) I am running the script from a custom path (C:DownloadsMicrosoft SQL Server 2012AdventureWorks 2012 OLTP Script.zipAdventureWorks 2012 OLTP Script) not sure if this is causing some of the errors as the script, in the beggining has a path to other folders :
:setvar SqlSamplesDatabasePath "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL11.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATA"
-- NOTE: Change this path if you copied the script source to another path
:setvar SqlSamplesSourceDataPath "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL11.MSSQLSERVERToolsSamplesAdventureWorks 2012 OLTP Script"
4) Final question, I also downloaded the AdventureWorks 2012 simple database (AdventureWorks2012_Data.mdf). Is this file the same database as the one created by the OLTP script?
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Feb 20, 2007
Hi, My server went dead(problems with the hard disk), but I have a copy of the whole sql server directory including the database in a external hard disk. I have a new server now and I would like to copy this database (with the reports from reporting services too) from the external hard disk to my new server. can anybody help me please? Thanks.
Note : I have a plain copy of all the sql server directory with all the files including the database not a SQLServer backup done with the wizards.
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Jan 6, 2015
I have the following query that supposes to merge multiple result in a single one and put it into a temporary table:
SELECT DISTINCT [AlphaExtension],
STUFF((SELECT A.[NoteText] + '< BR />' FROM #temp A
WHERE A.[AlphaExtension]=B.[AlphaExtension]
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') As [NoteText]
FROM #temp B
GROUP BY [AlphaExtension], [NoteText]
It is working fine unless by a simple detail. If you look at the second line of the query you will see that I am stuffing together a < BR /> tag (break line) because the contents of the field is going to be spitted directly to the screen and I want that the multiple results be displayed in different lines.
OK, the issue is that it is stuffing & lt ; BR / & gt ; instead < BR /> and therefore the browser is displaying the tag instead to break a line.
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Jun 6, 2007
Me.SqlConnection1.ConnectionString = "workstation id=""XXXXXXXX"";packet size=4096;user id=XX;data source=""XXXXXXX"";persi" & _
"st security info=True;initial catalog=manufacturing;password=XXXXX"
What excatly is this statement doing it looks to be creating a trusted connection to a certain workstation?
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Jun 30, 2005
I am working through the book ASP.Net Unleashed Second Addition. I am trying to open a simple database connection. (using the sample "pubs" db from SQL Server)I have copied the author's code exactly, but it just won't work. I keep getting this error:What am I doing wrong?????Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: BC30182: Type expected.Source Error:
Line 5:
Line 6: Sub Page_Load
Line 7: Dim conPubs As SqlConnection
Line 8: conPubs = New SqlConnection( "server=localhost;uid=webuser;pwd=secret;database=pubs" )
Line 9: conPubs.Open()
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Jul 23, 2005
Dear group:I have removed my hard drive from my laptop (which is now toast) andhave managed to recover nearly all the data from it by installing thedrive into my desktop. I was hoping to reboot the dektop to see if Icould load the operating system on the laptop's hard drive so I coulddo a manual backup of the SQL database on it. This does not work.Does anyone know of a way to recover my SQL database and all its tablesgiven the circumstances above?TIAISZ
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Feb 6, 2008
Hi There,
Our company deals with financial education and typically has 9 different databases which have some cross referenced stored procedures. Every time we replicate Production database into TEST and DEV environments, we had to manually update the database references in Stored procedures. and it usually takes atleast a week and until then all the dev and test work has to wait.
Hence, I wanted to write a script, Here the code below.
-- These two variables must contain a valid database name.
DECLARE @vchSearch VarChar(15),
@vchReplacement VarChar(15)
SET @vchSearch = 'Search'
SET @vchReplacement = 'Replacement'
-- Select the Kaplan Database Names in the Current Server
DECLARE @tblDBNames TABLE (vchDBName VarChar(30))
IF @vchSearch NOT IN (SELECT vchDBName FROM @tblDBNames)
PRINT 'Not a Valid Search DB Name'
GOTO Terminate
IF @vchReplacement NOT IN (SELECT vchDBNAME FROM @tblDBNames)
PRINT 'Not a Valid Replacement DB Name'
GOTO Terminate
-- We have Valid DB Names, lets proceed...
--USE @vchReplacement
SET @vchSearch = '%' + @vchSearch + '..%'
SET @vchReplacement = '%' + @vchReplacement + '..%'
-- Get Names of Stored Procedures to be altered
DECLARE @tblSProcNames TABLE (vchSPName VarChar(100))
ON sc.Id = so.Id
AND sc.Text LIKE @vchSearch
-- Now, the table @tblSprocNames has the names of stored procedures to be updated.
-- And we have to Some HOW ?!! grab the stored proc definition and use REPLACE() to
-- update the database reference
-- Then, use cursors to loop through each stored proc and upate the reference
Now, I have got stuck how to extract the body of a stored procedure into a variable.
Please Help.... I dont want spend weeks of time in the future to do this work manually.
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Oct 22, 2007
I am beginner developer, Creating simple application which will create, handle small database of genral store products (like adding products and substracting no. of products) . I am creating application with native win32 APIs in VS 2005.
Please suggest , how to create such data base , and suggest me link where i will get step by step knowledge to do (learn) it.
Do i need to learn ODBC or OLEDB or SQL server
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello,I am trying to recover a SQL Server 7 database from another hard diskdrive that has a corrupted Windows 2000 Advanced Server installation. Iam not able to repair the corrupted Windows 2000 Advanced Serverinstallation but the file system is intact. I have installed a new copyof SQL Server 7 onto a new hard disk and have used the sp_attach_dbsystem stored procedure to attach the database from the old hard driveinto the new installation of SQL Server 7 on the new hard drive. Thedatabase shows up in the Enterprise Manager View and all the data andstructure are there, but when I try to run a Web site that uses ODBCconnections to the database I get the following error:ODBC Error Code = 08001 (Unable to connect to data source)[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Specified SQL servernot found.I have double-checked that all the NTFS permissions, ODBC DSNs, and WebServer settings are correct and when I run the SQL Server ODBC drivertest at the completion of each ODBC DSN setup, it is successfull.1) Why am I getting this ODBC error?2) What steps have I missed in the recovery process?3) If I have done something wrong recovering my database, can I stillrecover it since I still have: a) The old master database file and logfile; b) The old database (non-master) file and log file; c)A backed-up(Enterprise Manager -> Right Click A Database -> All Tasks -> BackupDatabase) copy of the old database (non-master) file; ?My System Specifications:-Windows 2000 Advanced Server-SQL Server 7-IIS 5.0-Cold Fusion Server 4.5 Professional Full EditionThanks For Your Time,Nathan
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Aug 8, 2006
hi to all , well i succesfully installed SQL server 2005 express edition in windows 2000 however when i am trying to connect my program thru ODBC im having a difficulty to connect. but based on my observation if i am not connected to the internet i cannot connect to my database but if i am connected to the internet i could access the SQL server 2005 express edition.i have read the hardware requirements for SQL server 2005 express edition i have upgraded the IE5 into IE6 SP1,windows 2000 SP4, even my memory to 1GB.but still i have the problem.
my question is, do i have to maintain my connection to the internet for me to have a smooth SQL connection?
BTW, i badly need the answer.Bigthanks!
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Mar 6, 2015
One of my programmers changed their database from full to Simple recovery. Saw that my job that backs up the Full Recovery mode databases failed, so I moved that database to my Simple database backup job plan and removed it from the Full Recovery job. I am unable to remove the db from the Transaction Log task on the Full Plan because when I try to edit that job "Databases with Simple Recovery will be excluded"
My transaction log backups are still failing with the following error: "The statement BACKUP LOG is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE. Use BACKUP DATABASE or change the recovery model using ALTER DATABASE. BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.Just want to remove that database so my Full Recovery backup job does not try to back it up.
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Jul 27, 2015
I have a database that I am trying to recover space from, it consists mostly of unallocated space, but I can’t seem to get that unused space released.
Database size: 40,245.13 MB
DatafileMB: 38,063.63, DataAvailableMB: 37,085.15
LogfileMB: 2181.51
Sysfiles shows:
The DB is in simple recovery mode. There are no open transactions (used dbcc opentran).
The server is running SQL Server 2014 and the DB is in compatibility mode SQL Server 2008 (100). It was upgraded to 2014 a month or two ago.
I have tried to re-size the log to 100mb, but any way I have tried (none gave errors), the log file remains the same size. I have tied to shrink the log file (through the UI and via DBCC commands) without success; no errors, but also no change in file size.
I have checked Log Reuse Waits, just in case, and as expected it showed “NOTHING” (select log_reuse_wait_desc, name from sys.databases)
I tried running a checkpoint, but that did not allow any resize or shrink to work.
I have tied creating large transactions to move the used point in the log file, in case this was the issue. I did this by creating tables that I drop after large inserts. While it shows me that the log space % used increased, the log file still does not allow the space to be reduced.
The following is what I was using for the transactions to get the log used.
select a.* into testtable from sysobjects a, sysobjects b, sysobjects c
Each insert creates 93,576,664 rows.
Running dbcc SQLPerf(logspace) :
Running dbcc loginfo:
Do I just need to continue running large transactions until the log space used gets high enough to get the “end point” in the log to really move? Is there an easier way to accomplish this (I have several DBs that have the almost identical problem), what I am using moves the Log Space Percent Used about a percent on each execution.
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Mar 30, 2006
I'm on day 3 of troubleshooting.... still no luck!Very simple application. Extract data from the database and populate the GridView.Following error message:Server Error in '/WebSite3' Application.
attempt to attach an auto-named database for file
failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot
be opened, or it is located on UNC share.-------------------------------------------------Look familar? so i Googled it and tried everything, from removing the User Instance = true in the web.config and even adding intial Catalog = Database and it didnt work.Instead i was greeted with a Newer Error msg:Server Error in '/WebSite3' Application.
Could not open new database 'Database'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.Could
not attach file
as database 'Database'.File activation failure. The physical file
name "D:-- Work Documents --WorkezabcWebSite3App_DataDatabase_log.LDF" may be incorrect.The log cannot be rebuilt when the primary file is read-only.Next i have no idea why it's pointing back to my location directory hence that could be the issue but i'll leave it to you experts for your valueable input.It's uploaded onto a web server running ASP 2.0 and MS SQL Server 2005 i thinkFeel free to ask if you need additional informationThanks for reading!
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Aug 7, 2001
Could some of the technical gurus we have please help me to solve this problem.!!!
We lost power, and when the generator came on our system crashed and the data and the hardware was gone. We initialized the disk and we lost our backups. There is no tape backup in the company. Thanks for your help.
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Feb 20, 2004
I am running sql server 7 with 200+GB database size. I have one table with following fields
I need to dump all the information from this table to hard drive.
I have try with delphi ado and delphi odbc (limit 1mb), somehow when I run the program it gives me an error message E_ timeout.
How can I dump this information without using delphi.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
If you have any code that can help please email me
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Nov 21, 2007
I remember reading one year ago that SSIS came with Advanced Services, or SP1 for SqlServer Express.
I have the file SQLEXPR_ADV which i presume is Advanced Services , installed it, no sign of SSIS !?
Can someone point me in the right direction, half hour Googling, Foruming, MSDN still no results of where to get it .
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Oct 5, 2007
I would be able to determine how much hard disk space is available on the Server with a SQL Query, and from an other computer on the LAN.
How can I do something?
Thanks for your help.
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Jan 31, 2008
I have a situation where I would like to set up one DB server instance for US and anther one for AUStralia. The Instance should share the same data base/hardsisk. One of the instances will be running in using US time zone and anothe one in Australia time zone.
There will be 2 Application instaces one poinint to each SQL Server instance. This applications does write into the database
So the underlying requirment is to have 2 database server running in differnet time zones but accessing the same disk/set of data
What is the best way to do this? Is it linked servers?Girish
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May 25, 2015
using below query to raplace the string values (REPLACE abc with T1223), how to use the query without hard coding.
i want to store the values in another temp table and access in main query.
'abc', 'T1223',
'def', 'T456',
'ghi', 'T789',
'jkl', 'T1011',
'mno', 'T12'
select id,name,
'abc', 'T1223'),
'def', 'T456'),
'ghi', 'T789'),
'jkl', 'T1011'),
'mno', 'T12'))) New_id
from TAB
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Jan 10, 2007
Hi. I've looked all over MSDN, newsgroups and the web but I can't find the answer to a problem that I am having.
The application that I am working on used both transactional and merge replication. I want to avoid hard coding passwords into an application that kicks off the pull replication on the client machine.
The client machines are all using SQL Server 2005 Express. The other machine is running SQL Server Standard. The passwords and login details are specified in the subscription properties in the Management Studio.
A fragment of the code is posted below. The transactional sychronization works fine without having to specify any passwords - however the merge replication does not work if both of the passwords are not specified.
private void SynchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Set up the subscriber connection details. subscriberConnection = new ServerConnection(subscriberName); try { // Connect to the Subscriber. subscriberConnection.Connect(); // Do the transactional subscription synchronisation independantly of the // merge subscription replication. try { transPullSubscription = new TransPullSubscription(subscriptionDbName, publisherName, publicationDbName, transPublicationName, subscriberConnection); // If the pull subscription and the job exists, start the agent job. if (transPullSubscription.LoadProperties() && transPullSubscription.AgentJobId != null) { TransSynchronizationAgent transSyncAgent = transPullSubscription.SynchronizationAgent; transSyncAgent.Synchronize(); } else { } } catch (Exception ex) { } // Do the merge subscription synchronisation independantly of the // transactional subscription replication. try { // Set up the subscription details for the merge subscription (bi-directional data) mergePullSubscription = new MergePullSubscription(subscriptionDbName, publisherName, publicationDbName, mergePublicationName, subscriberConnection); // If the pull subscription and the job exists, start the agent job. if (mergePullSubscription.LoadProperties() && mergePullSubscription.AgentJobId != null) { MergeSynchronizationAgent mergeSyncAgent = mergePullSubscription.SynchronizationAgent; mergeSyncAgent.DistributorPassword = "<<password>>"; mergeSyncAgent.PublisherPassword = "<<password>>"; mergeSyncAgent.Synchronize(); }etc etc..
Any help or suggestions will be greatly appeciated. Thanks.
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May 19, 2012
I am using Master Data Service for couple of months now. I can load, update, merge and soft delete data in MDS. Occasionally we even have to hard delete data from MDS. If we keep on soft deleting records in a MDS table eventually there will be huge number of soft deleted records. Is there an easy way to hard delete all the soft deleted records from all MDS tables in a specific Model.
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Jul 4, 2007
Hi all,
I'm running under Windows Server 2000 datacenter sp4 with sql server 2000 Sp4
on 16GB Ram.
I enabled the /PAE in the boot.ini file and also enabled the AWE and set the SLQ Server maximum memory to 6144.
Do I need to include the /3GB switch in the boot.ini file?
I'm a little bit confused with the article found on the site.
Here are the lines.
Use of the /PAE switch in the Boot.ini and the AWE enable option in SQL Server allows SQL Server 2000 to utilize more than 4 GB memory. Without the /PAE switch SQL Server can only utilize up to 3 GB of memory.
or-Use of the /3GB switch in the Boot.ini file allows SQL Server 2000 to use up to 3 GB of available memory.
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Jul 1, 2004
hi.. guys this is simple for you guys how can i make ms access to display the current date in a col.... when i go to insert a new line i how can i make it so that its allready there? i dont have to type it??????
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Jan 25, 2005
You might just be able to save me downloading and installing SQL Server French...
I'm having localization problems with some .NET code - and I might be able to solve the problem if I know how SQL is parsed in different locales. Say my table MyTable contains a float column FloatColumn. In English, I would say
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE FloatColumn = 2.3
If my locale was, say for argument's sake, French, would I have to write
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE FloatColumn = 2,3
Thanks for your help,
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Dec 12, 2005
Overview. Machine data is fed into DOWNTIMELOG via a Cimplicity. I do not have the ability to change the way that it goes in. It contains the time that a machine has stopped and where the stoppage has occurred. Via a web page I want to give the operator the amount of time the machine stopped. From that they will provide some more detail. As they enter time, I need to subtract what they entered from the total (DOWNTIMELOG). That is the reason I created ENTERED_TIME. [PDNTOTAL_TEMP_VAL0] hold the total time for each stoppage, [TOTTIME] is intended to hold the value that has been accounted for. [DWNCATEGORY_TEMP_VAL0] holds the category and matches up with [DWNCATEGORY]. Also, I need to match Date and Shift. The problem is that DOWNTIMELOG does not capture shift. However, 1st shift occurs between 700 and 1500, 2nd shift occurs between 1500 and 2300, 3rd shift occurs between 2300 and 700. 3rd shift presents a problem as it occurs across 2 dates. Could someone please help me with a query that provides the net between the two tables that is matched by date, shift and category?
[timestamp] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[DWNTIMESTAMP_VAL0] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
[UPTIMESTAMP_VAL0] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
[PDNMIN_VAL0] [int] NULL ,
[PDNSEC_VAL0] [int] NULL ,
[REC_ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[DWNCATEGORY] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[DWNMSG] [int] NULL ,
[ENTRYDATE] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[SHIFT] [int] NULL ,
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Aug 16, 2007
Hi All,Can u please suggest me some books for relational database design ordatabase modelling(Knowledgeable yet simple) i.e. from which we couldlearn database relationships(one to many,many to oneetc.....),building ER diagrams,proper usage of ER diagrams in ourdatabase(Primary key foreign key relations),designing smallmodules,relating tables and everything that relates about databasedesign....Coz I think database design is the crucial part of databaseand we must know the design part very first before starting up withdatabases.....Thanks and very grateful to all of you....Vikas
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Jan 14, 2008
Where can i learn about making the sql server execute task when a certain situation happens. Like lets say make the server delete all entrys older than 40 days? Or have a entry deleted automatically when a certain situation happens like lets say it take 4 votes and a entry get deleted how do i make it do that automatically
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Aug 22, 2014
This is my code, table and result,
declare @t_JobNoticeID table (cvid int, JobNoticeID int)
insert into @t_JobNoticeID values(2456, 24);
insert into @t_JobNoticeID values(4000, 124);
insert into @t_JobNoticeID values(245, 9);
insert into @t_JobNoticeID values(2456, 19);
insert into @t_JobNoticeID values(4000, 904);
insert into @t_JobNoticeID values(4000, 11);
insert into @t_JobNoticeID values(24, 19);
[Code] ....
My question is -
How update statement looks like compare RESULT A1 with x_JobMatching?
So, my FINAL RESULT shown as follow,
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello,I need to be able to replace only the first occurance of a space characterin a column.Reason being is the data in the column I am trying to replace seems to haveumpteen space characters after each entry, so a simple replace functionwill replace all the spaces after it with what I want!I have thought of RTRIM to get rid of the spaces after and then replace, Ihave also thought of CHARINDEX to find the first occurance of a space andSTUFF to replace it.I have done my homework on these functions!But I am having trouble writing such a statement,I've never written a query which would use more then one function on onecolumn you see and I am getting confused!I'll tell you what I want to do in simple stepsReplace only the first found space in a name column, but then if a name hasa middle initial that will be a problem,Replace that with a dot.then concatanate '@emailaddress;@emailaddress2' after itso when SQLServer does the select it will bring back something likejoe.bloggs@emailaddress;emailaddressBut I guess I'd also need joe.n.bloggs@emailaddress;emailaddressThe data in the column looks like this at the momentjoe bloggsBut I guess there may come a time when we havejoe n bloggs, just to complicate things!What is your advice, and how do I write a query like thisI have been playing around with it in Query Analyser but as I said I amgetting confused and need some help if you don't mindThanks a lot to all who reply :-)RegardsJayne
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