Views With Parameters Involved

Apr 2, 2008


I have done a stored procedure but happend to know that people calling my database cannot access procedures only views. But my select query requires to parameters (two dates) in order to get the correct data.

How can I solve the problem?

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Views With Parameters

Sep 5, 2007

can i create a view with parameters?

Because I want to call that view from my .NET web application and pass some parameters.
Keeping in mind that this view will be created on Linked Oracle server.

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Get Tables Involved In Operation

Jun 17, 2014

Say I have app, I want to know when I perform any operation like logging, changing username etc, can I get all the tables involved for that particular operation.

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Restoring A Db That Was Involved In Replication

Mar 24, 2004

Hi all

I have restored a db from a live environment to my dev envorinment. This db on live is a replication publisher.

My dev environment has no replication, but when I try to modify the schema in the db I restored I get the following error

"Server: Msg 4932, Level 16, State 1, Line 441
ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN failed because 'url_web1' is currently replicated."

Does anyone know what I have to do to restore the database on my de box so it 'forgets' its live replication settings?
On my dev server I have no items in the replication folder in Enterprise Manager but it seems replication details are stored somewhere, perhaps in the backup itself?


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How To Get Tables Involved In Constraint

Jan 18, 2006

Hi,The following request select a constraint from TABLE_CONSTRAINT withthe name specified in the where clause:select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS whereconstraint_name = 'FK__51OtherParties__51Claims'It returns: I have TABLE_NAME that correspond to the first table involved in theconstraint, but how do I get 51Claims ????Thank you

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Are Embedded Views (Views Within Views...) Evil And If So Why?

Apr 3, 2006

Fellow database developers,I would like to draw on your experience with views. I have a databasethat includes many views. Sometimes, views contains other views, andthose views in turn may contain views. In fact, I have some views inmy database that are a product of nested views of up to 6 levels deep!The reason we did this was.1. Object-oriented in nature. Makes it easy to work with them.2. Changing an underlying view (adding new fields, removing etc),automatically the higher up views inherit this new information. Thismake maintenance very easy.3. These nested views are only ever used for the reporting side of ourapplication, not for the day-to-day database use by the application.We use Crystal Reports and Crystal is smart enough (can't believe Ijust said that about Crystal) to only pull back the fields that arebeing accessed by the report. In other words, Crystal will issue aSelect field1, field2, field3 from ReportingView Where .... eventhough "ReportingView" contains a long list of fields.Problems I can see.1. Parent views generally use "Select * From childview". This meansthat we have to execute a "sp_refreshview" command against all viewswhenever child views are altered.2. Parent views return a lot of information that isn't necessarilyused.3. Makes it harder to track down exactly where the information iscoming from. You have to drill right through to the child view to seethe raw table joins etc.Does anyone have any comments on this database design? I would love tohear your opinions and tales from the trenches.Best regards,Rod.

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Restoring The Database Involved In Replication!

Dec 5, 2003

Do we need to disable replication to do a restore? Any help on this?

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Effective Query When There Is Lot Of Rows Involved

Dec 17, 2014

i have 3 tables having refrential integrity on id on column on each table

TABLEA contains 5 million rows
TABLEB contains 50 thousand rows
TABLEC contails 5 thousand rows

i have a proc that have 3 in parameter that are actually values of some of the columns in that table one parameter for each table.what is the optimized way to write query to get records on the basis of in parameters from these tables.

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About Character Set And Sort Order Involved In Upgrade SQL 6.5 To 7.0

Jun 13, 1999

i have 2 questions,

1. cause there is no record of my old SQL 6.5 installation leaft for me,so i try to find the character set and sort order of my old SQL 6.5 installation, and in the MSSQLlog directory the errlog.? file there are these lines:

99/06/11 12:59:24.29 spid1 SQL Server's default sort order is:
99/06/11 12:59:24.29 spid1 'nocase' (ID = 52)
99/06/11 12:59:24.29 spid1 on top of default character set:
99/06/11 12:59:24.29 spid1 'iso_1' (ID = 1)

so my old installation's character set and sort order is as above,am i right?

2. cause i am in chinese so any good idea for me to upgrade this old SQL 6.5 to use chinese character set (cp936) , is there anyway to transfer the old data?

thanks if any suggestions!
welcome to send me mail about the question.

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Update Query When Joined Tables Are Involved

Sep 30, 2013

I have a query written that filters on joined table data. The SELECT looks like this:

bol_status AS b ON b.bol_status_id = a.bol_status_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
tbl_carrier AS c ON c.carrier_id = a.carrier_id
WHERE (a.carrier_name LIKE 'five%') AND
(a.accrueamt = 0) AND
(a.imported = 1) AND
(b.description = 'tendered') AND
(a.ship_date BETWEEN '9/1/13' AND '9/30/13')
ORDER BY a.bol_number DESC

If I want to do an UPDATE query that uses those filters in the WHERE clause, how do I go about doing that? It doesn't look like you can used joined tables in the UPDATE line like this:

bol_status AS b ON b.bol_status_id = a.bol_status_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
tbl_carrier AS c ON c.carrier_id = a.carrier_id
SET accrueamt='1348'
WHERE (a.carrier_name LIKE 'five%') AND
(a.accrueamt = 0) AND
(a.imported = 1) AND
(b.description = 'tendered') AND
(a.ship_date BETWEEN '9/1/13' AND '9/30/13')

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INSERT OPENQUERY With XML When Remote Server Involved

Mar 13, 2008

Hi Guys,

We already have work around when it comes to read xml data type from remote servers
remote server (eurodata3) table

create table temp_asaf


xmlCol XML



Cast(a.XML_Data as XML) as XML_Data




Cast(xmlCol as Varchar(MAX)) as XML_Data



) a

Here is a question for you. How do I insert data into remote server when data type for a column is xml?

INSERT OPENQUERY (eurodata3, '

SELECT Cast(xmlCol as Varchar(MAX)) AS xmlCol

FROM em_port.dbo.temp_asaf')

VALUES ('<html><body>MS Sql Server</body></html>');

Running above code would give me the following error:

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "eurodata3" returned message "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".

Msg 7344, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "eurodata3" could not INSERT INTO table "[SQLNCLI]" because of column "xmlCol". The user did not have permission to write to the column.

Location: memilb.cpp:1493

Expression: (*ppilb)->m_cRef == 0

SPID: 59

Process ID: 1660

Don't be misled by permission statement. I could successfully run similar query as long as the column is not xml on remote server. I would appreciate some ideas to get around with it.

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Analysis :: How To Get List Of Attributes Involved In Particular MDX Query

Aug 3, 2015

I have a list of mdx queries extracted by sql server trace file. I want to get list of attributes and measures involved in each query.

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Using SCOPE_IDENTITY Inside A COM+ Component (Trigger Involved)

Jan 7, 2008


I'm experiencing a problem I think I should not in my COM+ application. I will describe the setup first and then will expose the problem.

It's a simple COM+ application (dll). Inside it, there's a method to save an object A. Object A is persisted in a table in SQL Server 2000 that uses an identity field for the primary key. What this method does is the following:
1) Insert the record for Object A via ADO
2) Retrieve the Id for the object using SCOPE_IDENTITY via ADO and set it on the object
3) Execute an UPDATE statement based on a certain condition via ADO (this UPDATE statement will fire a trigger, however the trigger will not do anything since the record does not answer the criteria for the trigger)
4) Insert a record for another Object A via ADO
5) Retrieve the Id for the object using SCOPE_IDENTITY via ADO and set it on the object

When I get to step (5), an error is raised because SCOPE_IDENTITY returns NULL. This is as if it was returning the Identity value for the trigger that did not cause any INSERT on the UPDATE statement in (3). All the steps are performed using a single connection.

The trigger will duplicate the updated record in another table if a certain flag is set, so in my case, it was not set yet.

It's just weird that this would happen. If I delete the trigger, everything works fine. @@IDENTITY gives me the same problem. It's really as if the trigger was taking over or something and unless I put something between the two steps I get this error. There's one thing though. In step (3), I was using the adCmdText flag for the ADO statement. If I use adExecuteNoRecords it works fine. However I don't understand why it would be this way, I'm trying to understand why it's not working to begin with, even though the sequence of the steps performed should.

Any idea why this would happen?



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SSIS Package Runs Fine; SQL Job Fails (DBF Involved)

Jun 14, 2007

I have created an SSIS package which, as its 2nd step, picks up a .dbf table and does a Data Flow Task of putting the .dbf table into a SQL Server 2005 table (which was just truncated in Step 1).

The Connection Manager that works on the .dbf table is Native OLE DBMicrosoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider.

The entire SSIS package runs perfectly when i run it from my development environment.

I then assigned this Package to a SQL Server 2005 Job. The entire package is the sole step of the job.

But when I run the SQL Job, the Job fails immediately on Step 2.

Here is the error message in View History of the SQL Job:


Executed as user: DBASE01SQLExec. ...on 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 11:48:37 AM Progress: 2007-06-14 11:48:37.91 Source: DBF to ScanUS_Process Validating: 0% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-06-14 11:48:37.91 Source: DBF to ScanUS_Process Validating: 33% complete End Progress Error: 2007-06-14 11:48:37.91 Code: 0xC0202009 Source: DBF to ScanUS_Process ScanUS DBF Output File [1] Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E37. End Error Error: 2007-06-14 11:48:37.91 Code: 0xC02020E8 Source: DBF to ScanUS_Process ScanUS DBF Output File [1] Description: Opening a rowset for "scanus_process" failed. Check that the object exists in the database. End Error Error: 2007-06-14 11:48:37.95 Code: 0xC004706B Source: DBF to ScanUS_Process DTS.Pipeline Description: "component "ScanUS... The package execution fa... The step failed.


Could someone suggest why this works OK within SSIS but not when the SSIS Pakcage is called from SQL?

thx very much/spirits.

seth j hersh

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Data Warehousing :: How To See Text Of Query Involved In Deadlock

Sep 6, 2015

How to see text of the query involved in deadlock ?

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SQL 2012 :: Access Rights To Execute Stored Procedure If There Is No DML Involved

Jul 2, 2014

I would like to provide the db_datareader and db_executor role to a particular SQL Server Login in a database
But, I would like to avoid any INSERT's, UPDATE's or DELETE's that may happen by calling the stored procedures

I tried assigning the db_denydatawriter role but it doesn't seem to be doing the trick as the INSERT's, UPDATE's and DELETE's were still working

Is there any way to provide the db_datareader and db_executor role but avoid any DML actions.

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SQL 2012 :: Create A Check Constraint Where Another Table Column Value Is Also Involved

Mar 12, 2015

Table ATable B
Col 1BCol1
Col 2

I want to put a check constraint on A.col3 that depends on the values of A.Col1, A.Col2 and B.BCol1

How can I achieve this without using function.

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SQL 2012 :: Parallel Query Worker Thread Was Involved In A Deadlock

Oct 22, 2015

I have a deadlock trace running on a production server that is filling up with the following:

Lock: Deadlock Chain
Parallel query worker thread was involved in a deadlock SPID 8
105 - Resource Type Exchange

Spid 8 is a SQL process LOCK MONITOR

There are no graphs as seen with typical deadlock, so it is not two queries that are deadlocking, and I've never seen a deadlock for "LOCK MONITOR"

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What Are Issues Involved With Deploying A Reporting Services Report Outside Of Our Network?

Oct 30, 2007

I would like to know if it is resonable and acceptable to make reports created through SQL Server Reporting services available through our Public facing applications.

Also, what are the potential problems? Security? Impact on the SQL Server? Limit to specific types of reports?

If anyone has any info it would be greatly appreciated, I am a big fan of SQL Reporting but we are unsure if we are going to be able to use the reports on the Public side and we don't want two separate sets of reports (internal and Public).

Thanks in advance.

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SQL2000: Disable Trigger Not Allowed In Tables That Involved In Publication.

Apr 10, 2007

We have setup a replication in SQL2000:

We have DTS package automatically pouring data into the publishing database(source tables). During this process, we want to temporary disable certain triggers. However, the command

Alter table 'tbl' disable trigger 'abc' errored out. The error message said:

''Cannot alter the table 'tbl' because it is being published for replication."

I've digged more into this and found although it's not allowed to disable a triggers,

the SQLServer do allow delete the trigger and recreate them.

Is there any way to disable the trigger directly?

Thanks in advance,



I've used the following sql directly, however the trigger still fires.

status = status|2048
type = 'TR'
parent_obj = OBJECT_ID (@table_name)

The only other way around now is to create stored procedures that dynamically create the trigger. Because our trigger is normmally larger than 8000 bytes. We have to create one stored procedure per trigger. This option is not acceptable because not only it takes quite a time, but also a maintainance nightmare.

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Table Not Involved In Replica Throws Error When Write Data In It

Aug 8, 2007

Hi everybody.
I have a merge replication scenario between 2 servers.
Everything is OK when I write data in UP server (the server which does the replication).
But when I write data in any tables in the DOWN server throws an error saying that the table where I'm trying to insert data is updating or inicializating for merge replica. This table, where the error throws, isn't involved in the replica. In fact, that table is not involved in none replication.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance

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Would A TLOG File Size Change When Inserts/updates/deletes Are Not Involved?

Jan 3, 2008

I have a 14GB database whose data content is legacy and is described as static. The log file is significantly large and continues to change size mostly increasing by 2-5GB a day (~60GB now) I have observed over the past two days; it shrank once unexpectly by a few GB. The instance is hosting other databases such as: EnterpriseVaultDirectory, EnterpriseVaultMonitoring, EnterpriseVaultStore, and NetPerfMon - might these seemingly unrelated data sources be involved?

I am trying to a trace to find traffic against the tables, no such luck.

Web applications are playing against it for queries but there should be no UPDATEs beign applied. I can only suspect that other unknown applications are performing operations but have yet to find unexplained connections.

Are there any other reasons why this type of log file activity would happen merely due to queries or stored procedure calls?

Lets also state, "mirroring, indexing, replication" are not at play. I know logging "Full" is not necessary as "Simple" should suffice but I am still hunting down why UPDATEs might be getting through. I realize I might adjust the migrated SQL 2000 security model to deny updates to find what breaks but would rather not take that iniative yet.

The installation is a fresh SQL 2005 Standard setup with SP2 applied; the databases were upgraded.

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Large Views Vs Multiple Small Views

Sep 6, 2007

Which is more efficient? One large view that joins >=10 tables, or a few smaller views that join only the tables needed for individual pages?

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Assistance With Finding Issues Involved In SQL2005 Reporting Services Reports And Exporting Them To Excel

Oct 4, 2007

We are running SQL2005, SP2.
We are having problems with the time it takes to export reports to Excel.
I am attempting to research the subject and find ways of solving the problem either by modifying the reports or make changes in the way we deliver them.

Either way my attempts at researching this at and here at the forums have proven to be failures. There are many threads on the subject but with the time it takes to scroll through them all I have yet to find any that seem to relate to the specific issues we are having.

We have a report which is approximately 38 pages, sometimes less, sometimes more, in length. When attempting to export to Excel the process seems to take forever or time out. We can still close out the export attempt and return to the report, but the process of exporting to Excell seems to take forever.

Could anyone here provide me with links to pages either here at, in the forums, or elsewhere where the factors involved in the exporting to Excell feature are addressed so that I can try to accomodate them as best as possible?

Thanks in advance.
I will continue to try and track down the information on my own but any assistance is appreciated.

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Recompiling Views That Reference Other Views

Jun 28, 2007


Newbie here. I've only been using SQL for about a year now and have some minor questions about sql objects that reference other objects.

We have some views which reference other views in the joins. I will call one the primary view and the one being referenced in the joins as the secondary view.

Recently we made changes to the secondary view.

After which the primary views which referenced it would not work because of this change and had to be 'refreshed' by using drop/create scripts which essentially just dropped it and recreated the exact same view. I do not recall the exact error message that was returned other than it seemed to suggest that it could no longer see the secondary view since it had been changed. Nothing in the primary view was changed in any way, just the secondary.

Some here where I work have suggested off hand that this was a recompile of the primary view because the contents of the secondary changed.

My questions are:

1. Exactly why did this happen and is there a proper name for it when it does?

2. The same problem does not seem to occur when we have stored procedures referencing views in the joins which had just been changed. Why is that?

Thanks for any help on the matter. I greatly appreciate it.

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Quicky : Views Of Views Of Views

Feb 22, 2007


to make a report easier I'm developing it using a view of joined views of joined views.

Is there any significant performance penalty as opposed to just having one big select?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Rank Duplicates But Only Rows Involved In Duplicates?

Oct 22, 2014

I have a table with 22 million Business records. I can see that there are duplicates when I group by BusinessName and Address and Phone. I'd like to place only the duplicates into a table, with a ranking, oldest business key gets a ranking of 1.

As a bonus I'd like each group to have a distinct group name (although not necessary, just want to know how to do this)

Later after I run more verifications to make sure these are not referenced elsewhere I'll delete everything with a matchRank > 1 out of the main Business table.

DROP TABLE [dbo].[TestBusiness];
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestBusiness](
[Business_pk] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[BusinessName] VARCHAR (200) NOT NULL,


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Views Dependent On Other Views

Mar 14, 2006

Hello There,I'm trying to create a view that has calculations dependent oncalculations, where the problem resides is that each time I make acalculation I must create an intermediate view so I can reference aprevious calculation.for example lets say I have my_table that has columns a & b. now I wanta view that has a & b, c = a + b, and d = c + 1.this is grossly simplified, the calculations I actually use are fairlycomplex and copying / pasting them is out of the what I have is my_view_a which makes column c, and my my_view_finalwhich makes column d (however, in my real application I have 5 of theseviews, a/b/c/d/e/)is there anyway I can consolidate all these views into one? I wasthinking of using a stored procedure with temp tables or somethingalong those lines.I just which I can use the aliases that I create for c in d in onestep.any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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ADO.NET 2-VB 2005 Express Form1:Printing Output Of Returned Data/Parameters From The Parameters Collection Of A Stored Procedure

Mar 12, 2008

Hi all,
From the "How to Call a Parameterized Stored Procedure by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic.NET" in, I copied the following code to a project "pubsTestProc1.vb" of my VB 2005 Express Windows Application:

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.SqlDbType

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim PubsConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;integrated security=sspi;" & "initial Catalog=pubs;")

Dim testCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("TestProcedure", PubsConn)

testCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim RetValue As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("RetValue", SqlDbType.Int)

RetValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue

Dim auIDIN As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("@au_idIN", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11)

auIDIN.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

Dim NumTitles As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("@numtitlesout", SqlDbType.Int)

NumTitles.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

auIDIN.Value = "213-46-8915"


Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = testCMD.ExecuteReader()

Console.WriteLine("Book Titles for this Author:")

Do While myReader.Read

Console.WriteLine("{0}", myReader.GetString(2))



Console.WriteLine("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value))

Console.WriteLine("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value))

End Sub

End Class

The original article uses the code statements in pink for the Console Applcation of VB.NET. I do not know how to print out the output of ("Book Titles for this Author:"), ("{0}", myReader.GetString(2)), ("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value)) and ("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value)) in the Windows Application Form1 of my VB 2005 Express. Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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Run Report By Different Parameters Without Having To Enter Information For All Parameters At Same Time

Oct 29, 2013

I have a SSRS report with four parameters,and I want to be able to enter information for two of the parameters and run the report opposed to all four of them. However, when I select allow blanks and only select the parameters that I want to run the report by, the report come back blank..Essentially, I want to be able to the run report by different parameters without having to enter information for all parameters at the same time.

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Query Duration Using Parameters Vrs No Parameters

Apr 27, 2006

I have an app in C# that executes a query using SQLCommand and parameters and is taking too much time to execute.

I open a SQLProfiler and this is what I have :

exec sp_executesql N' SELECT TranDateTime ... WHERE CustomerId = @CustomerId',
N'@CustomerId nvarchar(4000)', @CustomerId = N'11111

I ran the same query directly from Query Analyzer and take the same amount of time to execute (about 8 seconds)

I decided to take the parameters out and concatenate the value and it takes less than 2 second to execute.

Here it comes the first question...
Why does using parameters takes way too much time more than not using parameters?

Then, I decided to move the query to a Stored Procedure and it executes in a snap too.
The only problem I have using a SP is that the query can receive more than 1 parameter and up to 5 parameters, which is easy to build in the application but not in the SP

I usually do it something like
(@CustomerId is null or CustomerId = @CustomerId) but it generate a table scan and with a table with a few mills of records is not a good idea to have such scan.

Is there a way to handle "dynamic parameters" in a efficient way???

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Parameters Dependencies When Using Parameters!Name.Label

Mar 7, 2007


I just recently bumped into this problem and I think I know what's causing it. This is the setup:

Report Parameters: FromDate, ToDate, DivisionalOffice, Manager, SalesRep

dsCalendarEvents Parameters: FromDate.Value, ToDate.Value, DivisionalOffice.Value,

dsDivisions Parameters: N/A

dsManager Parameters: DivisionalOffice.Value

dsSalesRep: DivisionalOffice.Label

When I query the ReportServices WS and scan the parameter dependencies for SalesRep it says there are four dependencies: FromDate, ToDate, DivisionalOffice and Manager!!!

If I change "dsSalesRep" to use "DivisionalOffice.Value" the ReportingServices WS parameter dependency scan returns only one dependency for "SalesRep" parameter!!!( This is the correct behavior )

Has anybody seen this behavior and more importantly, is there a work around?


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Parameters.AddWithValue Vs. Parameters.Add

Jan 2, 2008

Hello all,
string commandText = "Categories_Delete";SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection);myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
   Is there a reason NOT to use myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CategoryID",CategoryID); I'd prefer to use that over  myCommand.Parameters.Add("@CategoryID", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = CategoryID; as I have these functions being created dynamically and hope to get away from a big lookup to try to convert System.Types into SqlDbTypes. [shudder]  
It seems that ADO.NET makes an implicit conversion to the valid type.  If this is correct then I can move on fat dumb and happy.  Anyone have any good insight?

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