What Are The Different Ways Of Comparing Sql Server Databases

Jan 2, 2007


can anybody tell how to compare two databases on sql server

thank u


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Ways Of Connecting To Remote Databases

Mar 15, 2004

Hi everyone.

I need to know which are the best ways to connect to a remote SQL SERVER 2000 from inside a VB6 application. By remote I mean on a dedicated server outside my LAN that I can access by IP address.

Any opinion would be appreciated.

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Comparing Two SQL Server Databases....

Oct 16, 2007

Hi All,

I wan't to compare two SQL Server databases. i.e., I wan't to check both databases structure and add if necessary.

In my project I am using SQL Express database and now we update some fields in the database. So, if we wan't to update the new versions for those customers who are using old database we need to update the database also. It is not recommanded that to manually add the fields in the database and is time taking too. So, I wan't to compare two databases(old and new) and update the fields in the old database.

Any confusion in my question plz let me know so that I can be more clear.

Thanks for any reply,
Narayana Ayyagari.

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Comparing Two Databases

Mar 22, 1999

I have a Development and Production database and they are a little out of sink. Does any one know of a way to compare two databases (tables, fields, sp) and report the differences? Thanks in advance.

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Comparing Databases

Sep 28, 2005

Hey all,

Trying to compare unique fields from two databases.

Basically what i'm trying to do is get all of the id's out of one field that don't exsist in the 2nd database.

so I have this query


select Distinct Id
from table1
where ID!= (select Distinct ID from table2)

I'm getting this error

Server: Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

Now I don't understand why because then I query
select id from tables 2

I only get 1 value for each row.

Now you should know, the two columns in either table are different, in one of them the first value is "1" in the other the first value is "00000001" although I don't think that should effect anything.

Any idea's?


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Comparing Two Different Databases

Jan 14, 2004

Hi all,
Sql server 7

i have two databases best and books.Most of the tables present in best are in books except some.
i have been given a task to list out the tables and columns of which are present in best database and not in books database.

Pls suggest me the simplest and quickest way to do this.
this is very urgent.

waiting for reply.

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Comparing Two Databases

Mar 21, 2007

Hi,I would like to compare two sql server databases.I need to find the difference in the two database(i.e table, colums,data type)Is there any free utility available to compare sql server databaseI'm using sql server 2000.Help me out to compare databasesThanks & Regards,Mani

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Comparing Databases

Sep 18, 2007

Hello,I would like to make a comparison between two databases in SQL server,to find differences between tables, procedures and so on.I have searched the web and found several softwares able to perform thetask, but none able to compare a database with a backup otained from aSQL Server database, or between two backups.Is this possible ? Is there a software able to perform such comparison?Thank you for your help.--L'amour, c'est un sport. Surtout s'il y en a un des deux qui veut pas.[Jean Yanne]

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Comparing Databases

Feb 27, 2008

Hey guys,

Im busy working on converting one DB to look like another one and I am using a data comparison tool to generate a script that I can hopefully use to upgrade an existing DB.

The problem is occuring with only one table and as soon as the script is run I receive the following error msg in SQL server 2005;
'Patient' table
- Unable to modify table.
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ClinicCode', table 'DCS.dbo.Tmp_Patient'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.

Now the problem I am facing and I am hoping you could help with is where I can find the .Tmp table. This is obviously a temporary table created, but I have no clue as to how to alter the values of that temporary table in order to facilitate the changing of the table to coincide with the updated table.

Some help would be appreciated in this regard.

p.s. Hopefully I explained the problem sufficiently for you guys to help out!

Thanks in advance

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Comparing Data In Two Different Databases

Dec 20, 1999

Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to compare data in two different databases (both SQL7.0),
with same exact schema. If possible, how could we do it?


- Sharma

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Comparing Data In Two Different Databases

Apr 2, 2003

Is there a way of comparing the data contained in two separate databases (on the same server)?

I have two databases: DevDB and DB and all I want to verify is that the data in both are *exactly* the same.

Is there a nifty function to do this in SQL Server?


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Comparing Two SQLServer Databases

Jul 23, 2005

Hi, does anybody know a nice tool to automatically compare and showonly the structural differences between two databases, this is, thedifferences in the columns of a table, constrains, data type, etc.ThanksJ.A.

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Comparing Two Tables In Two Different Databases

Jul 19, 2007

I want to compare the records in a table on my live database server with the same table that is my test database server. How can I do this?

Note that both databases are mirrors of each other but contain slightly different data and are on different servers.

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How Many Ways We Can Link A Remote Server?

Mar 18, 2008

How many ways we can link a remote server?

I know we can do using linkedserver . Is there any others to do?

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Ways/Suggestions For Increasing The Security For SQL Server 2005

Jan 14, 2007

Hi guys , is there any ways/suggestions for strengthen up the security for SQL server 2005 ? Due to several attacks from unknown places to my database's server , so I would like to get a way for increase the SQL security. Hope able to gather some info from web as well. Thx a lot guys.

Best Regards,


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SQL Server 2012 :: Ways To Improve Record Deletion Speed

Oct 13, 2015

I have a table (F_POLICY_TRANSACTION).This table has a couple of million rows in it.I am using a column named POLICY_TRANSACTION_BKEY to select records to delete (approximately 750k using the code below)This column has a non-clustered index applied..This is the code I have used:

WHILE 1 = 1


Problem is, it takes around 10 minutes to run.Is there any way it can be made more efficient?I have tried varying the rowcount with no success

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Please Help Me I Try All The Ways

Jan 4, 2008

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
 this is the source error for this error
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
please any one can help me?

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DTS Or Some Other Ways

Sep 7, 2000

I want move data from informix to SQL server 7.0 every 10 seconds. I do not know what is the best way. It seems that I need create a DTS package and schdule the task from SQL server Agent, but can the task be schduled to reoccurred every 10 seconds?

Thanks in advanced.

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Ways To Optimize The SP

Jun 24, 2008


Can any one suggest me in optimizing the SP.
To execute single SP it takes nearly 50 seconds.
Can i know what are ways to optimize the SP.


Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part

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Use A Column In 2 Ways

Aug 9, 2013

I have to made a change and want to see it this is possible. The column IDPRT# is used here as MAX. THe user wants to exclude a few of the items which skews the average. Can i also select the IDPRT# a second time? and then in the CRystal reports I can select not =? but will this mess up the MAX line in any way?



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Different Ways To Set DATEFIRST

Oct 28, 2007

Hi All,

My week starts on Monday rather than on Sunday which is default(US, English) in SQL Server and would like to change the same so I would get proper weeknumber and dayindex using DATEPART.

I am looking at different ways of setting DATEFIRST(SET DATEFIRST 1) in SQL Server 2005.

I could set in a stored procedure, but this isn't a feasible way for me because I am using .nettiers to generate by business objects and stored procedures. I need to alter the sp's everytime I newly generate the code and sp's.

I couldn't set it in a function which I was hoping initially. I understand this datefirst is stored in one of the sys table in MASTER DB and I couldn't find a straight forward way to change this.

Can anyone suggest me a way to set the DATEFIRST either at a database level or at a server level(probably by changing the sys table in MASTER DB).

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


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How Many Ways To Connect To A Database?

Aug 12, 2007

How many ways are there to connect to a database in ASP.NET? Could someone list them in a 1,2,3... manner.
 For those who are going to ask why I want to know this and why I don't do one way, I'll explain after I get the answer.

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Query To Display Sum In Different Ways

May 24, 2014

I have I rather complex query and need to display a Sum in different ways. Now I'm wondering if the performance improves if you nest the queries in the described way. To me it looks, as if the sum just has to be calculated once?

select SUM(tiempo) as time_minutes,
CONVERT(varchar(5), dateadd (minute,sum(tiempo),'1900-1-1 0:00'), 114) as time_hours,
SUM(time)* 0.95 as time_discount
from table

Select tiempo as time_minutes,
CONVERT(varchar(5), dateadd (minute,tiempo,'1900-1-1 0:00'), 114) as time_hours,
tiempo * 0.95 as time_discount
From (
Select Sum(tiempo) as tiempo
from table)a

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Different Ways To Get The Current Datetime,

May 2, 2008

What is the difference between these 3 functions:
{fn now()}

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Help - Conditional Checks Within A SQL Query - Other Ways Of Doing It?

Jun 13, 2007

I'm trying to simplify a SQL Stored Procedure.The query accepts an int, @ItemTypeID intI have the Query:SELECT ... FROM ItemList WHERE ItemTypeID = @ItemTypeIDor, if @ItemTypeID is 0,SELECT ... FROM ItemList Is there a way to do this query without doing:IF @ItemTypeID = 0BEGIN   ...SELECT QUERY...ENDELSEBEGIN   ...SELECT QUERY...END? 

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(sql 7.0) Linked Servers -- Any Issues Or Other Ways Around It?

Jun 7, 2001

Hey - I am trying to create a procedure that will retrieve information from multiple SQL Servers. For example, I want to use a select statement on a systems table. Instead of running it from each server, I would rather run it from one and get info on all the servers. To do this, I know that i can 'link' a Server and then make select calls to that server. Some of the other administrators have expressed concern with this. Are there issues that I should research before linking servers. Is there a better way to do what I want to do? Any Input would be appreciated.

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Ways To Determine Intermittent Slowdowns

Oct 3, 2005

For some reason my SQL Server slows down throughout the day for no apparent reason..

The database is 100 gig transaction replicated to 2 data warehouses.

Ive done the usual stuff like monitoring processes killing off blocking transactions but it doesn't seem to do the trick.

There are no jobs running at the point of slow-down so at this current time I am a little lost.

Is there some way to determine why these slow-downs are happening ?

The system becomes completely un-responsive during these periods !!
HELP !! :eek:

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4 Ways To Know The Record Count Of A Table

Nov 28, 2005

Please tell me the 4 ways to know the record count of a table?

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Ways To Improve Views Performance

Jan 19, 2008

Dear All,
i've tried with indexed views, but because the view is referenceing another view, i was unable to create a clustered index on that view.
so please let me know how can i improve the performance of the view.

thank you very much

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Other Ways To Execute Integration Package?

Jun 9, 2006

Hi all,
I am just wondering is there any other ways to execute an integration service package other than using sql server agent, dos command and manually execute the package in BIDS? I am thinking of running the package on web, is this possible?
What I am trying to do is let user to run the integration service when they need to, so instead using SQL Server Management Studio to run the task being set in SQL Server Agent, I am thinking of something where user can log into a website (like the report server) and then run the integration, so that the data for the report server's reports are being update. Please help out if any know a solution to it. Thanks in advance.


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Different Ways To Count Data Rows?

Aug 21, 2015

I want to know that how many ways we have to count the data in sql.

I know only one way..that is. using count keyword.. are their any ways to find out the other ways..

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Ways Of Transferring Database Between Two Different Servers

Dec 1, 2006

hello friends,

I need to transfer my database from one server to database on another server every 24 hours. I can create windows application but it will be cumbersome to write bulk of code . So can u suggest me some service or any other way through query or stored procedure or by job scheduling which can run every 24 hours and move my data from one database on one server to another sql database. Both database systems are sql server 2000 but servers are diffeerent so how to connect them while transferring dbs. ? Any help is appreciated.


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I Wasnt To Learn All The Possible Ways Of Accessing Data In ASP .net 2.0

Oct 5, 2007

Hello.I would like to learn all the possible ways that we can access and modify data in ASP .net 2.0 programmatically.for example one way would be like this: StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();sql.Append(" SELECT *");        //count the total number of recordssql.Append(" FROM dbo.tblJobTitle ");  //get the connection string from web servicesstring strConnection = new sqlconnection.SQLConnection().GetSQLConnectString(sqlconnection.SQLDSN.SCIC);//Use the Microsoft.practices SqlDatabase object to execute our sql.SqlDatabase SqlHelper = new SqlDatabase(strConnection);SqlDataReader reader = (SqlDataReader)SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());the i can loop through reader and get the data OR I can create a DataSet like this: SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase(strConnection);
DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql.ToString());
DataSet dst = db.ExecuteDataSet(dbCommand);I want to know if there is a comprehensive book explainaning all these possible ways to access and modify data using C#  under ASP .net 2.0I really really apreciate this.Thank you very much.   

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