What Functions To Manipulate Numbers And Decimals

Oct 15, 2006

what re the sql functions to manipulate numbers, decimals, dates..
1/ like if I have 123443.78654 I want to display just 2 decimals : 123443.78 or 3 decimals ..
2/ also if I want to have bankers rounding
3/ how about dates conversion : from string to date type and vice versa and adding dates, substracting dates, getting the day, the month....
what re the SQL functions to do that pls

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Working With Decimals Or Real Numbers

Aug 17, 2006

I have a number 8.30 how can I break apart the 2 parts of this

for more simplicity I need to take out 8 and 30 in 2 different variables, how can I do it

Please advice

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Formatting Numbers In A Mixed Column (numbers In Some Cells Strings In Other Cells) In Excel As Numbers

Feb 1, 2007

I have a report with a column which contains either a string such as "N/A" or a number such as 12. A user exports the report to Excel. In Excel the numbers are formatted as text.

I already tried to set the value as CDbl which returns error for the cells containing a string.

The requirement is to export the column to Excel with the numbers formatted as numbers and the strings such as "N/A' in the same column as string.

Any suggestions?

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How To Manipulate Dates

Aug 4, 1999

Is there a way to manipulate a date variable into a specific month and day?? For example, I want whatever date the user will enter to be
changed to June 30 of the following year. So, if the variable @date is 12/12/1999, I want to change it to 6/30/2000. If the date
is 2/1/2001, I want to make it 6/30/2002

I can't use DateAdd because you need to know how many months to add or days to add. Basically, how do I retain the month and day while changing the year
the year based on a dynamic field. What I need is a DateChange function that is DateChange(mm, @month, @date) ? Is there
something like that?


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Help Manipulate Strings

Aug 1, 2007

Hey everyone,

So I'm querying from a database where one of the fields for each entry is a city. I would like to count the ones in each city. So I'm counting and grouping on city. Unfortunately, the data is not very consistent. Some are listed as Miami, FL and others simply as Miami. I don't need the state so I can just drop it, but I can't figure out how. I was using charindex and substring, but can't get it to work because if there is no ',' then the charindex is zero and substring doesn't work correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Query Analyzer Shows Negative Numbers As Positive Numbers

Jul 20, 2005

Why does M$ Query Analyzer display all numbers as positive, no matterwhether they are truly positive or negative ?I am having to cast each column to varchar to find out if there areany negative numbers being hidden from me :(I tried checking Tools/Options/Connections/Use Regional Settings bothon and off, stopping and restarting M$ Query Analyer in betwixt, butno improvement.Am I missing some other option somewhere ?

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Manipulate Various Databases With Only One Connection

Jan 10, 2007

hi guys.
i want to know if is it possible to connect various databases with only one connection?

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Manipulate Data Within Table

Apr 12, 2005


I posted a thread here: http://forums.devshed.com/showthread.php?p=1061405 but was told it might be more useful for me to post something here... should have thought about it to begin with!

The picture is in that thread so do please look at it! http://forums.devshed.com/attachmen...tachmentid=7431 should be the URL.

As you see the top 3 records start and finish at the same time, as do the last 3 records. This can then also be repeated for the next day etc etc. What I want to happen is that the top 3 courses to appear on a single line and the 2nd set of 3 to appear on a single line also.

The main SQL to retrieve the records is as follows:

sqlqry = "SELECT * FROM t_sessions a INNER JOIN t_session_times b ON a.session_id = b.session_ID"
sqlqry = sqlqry & " WHERE right(left(convert(varchar,a.session_date,113),11),8)='"+displaym +"'"
sqlqry = sqlqry & " AND a.session_supplier_id=61"
sqlqry = sqlqry & " AND a.session_status ='A'"
sqlqry = sqlqry & " ORDER BY a.session_date, b.session_start, b.session_end"

then while this recordset hasn't come to an eof(end of file) I execute:

query = "SELECT course_name,outline_name"
query = query & " FROM t_course_ref"
query = query & " LEFT JOIN t_it_outlines ON t_course_ref.course_id=t_it_outlines.course_id"
query = query & " WHERE t_course_ref.course_id="+cstr(rs.fields(1).value)


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How To Manipulate An User Mdf File

Nov 14, 2006

I remember I was able to view, add, alter table on the mdf in either sql express 2005 or in vb.net 2005. But right now I can't do either, what do I have to to change

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I Need To Update A Table With Random Numbers Or Sequential Numbers

Mar 11, 2008

I have a table with a column ID of ContentID. The ID in that column is all NULLs. I need a way to change those nulls to a number. It does not matter what type of number it is as long as they are different. Can someone point me somewhere with a piece of T-SQL that I could use to do that. There are over 24000 rows so cursor change will not be very efficient.

Thanks for any help

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How To Progtammatically Manipulate Property 'Name' Of ControlParameter?

Jun 7, 2007

i want to programmatically manipulate the property 'Name' of a ControlParameter inside a InsertParameters tag.
This the aspx code: ------------------  <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<% ......... %>"         InsertCommand="INSERT INTO .......)"            <InsertParameters>            <asp:ControlParameter Name="myname" ControlID="na" PropertyName="text" />           </InsertParameters>         </asp:SqlDataSource>
code-behind: ------------
Dim a As String         a = SqlDataSource1.InsertParameters.Item(0).ToString
but 'm stuck here
Thanks for help

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How Manipulate A DataSet That SqlDataSource Return

Apr 21, 2008

hi,I have a page Price List  with GridView to display only two columns of a table (Product name & price). Page size=20.  I use SqlDataSource  for  it. <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" DataSourceMode="DataSet"In my case the SqlDataSource control return data as a DataSet object. So the DataSet object contains all the data in server memory. I need to create Print Preview page with other columns (Product name & price & Vendor and  Date Issue) without paging.I'm going to save dataSet in Session and in Print Preview page use it as datasource (without having to run another query).But I have no idea how to save this DataSet in Session. I don't know the DataSet Name. Any ideas?  Thanks.

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Manipulate Data Without Using Temp Tables?

Dec 5, 2007

Good morning, everyone. Maybe I'm just having a brain fart, but I'm totally new to SSIS (I dabbled very little with DTS in the 2000 days) and cannot for the love of me figure out how to achieve my goal with it:

My company needs to extract data from a variety of sources; tab-delim files, Access databases, other SQL tables and the like. I know how to do this. However, I need to perform data manipulation queries on this data before I place them into SQL tables, as I want to avoid having umpteen temporary tables that I'll need to add checking for. My predecessor did everything in Access, and has a 76-step process (yikes!) that basically will grab all the data, do some minor manipulation, and plop it into a temp table (this is still in Access, not SQL), then repeat the same thing dozens of times.

To give you an example, here's a sample of what I want to do:

- Extract several columns of data from a tab-delimited file on the local drive. This I know how to do already.
- Perform some data cleanup and manipulation functions on this data (specifically, obtain the lowest value out of three columns, with the added caveat that I make sure it's not zero to begin with). I have the SQL code for this already written.
- Store the results of this data somewhere, so I can pull it and apply additional logic to it; for example, take the lowest value I've retrieved, and update the corresponding column in another database table with it.

Basically, is there any way to avoid the use of dozens of temp tables? There's a lot of data which needs to be pulled in, manipulated, and spit back out to be manipulated by something else a little later on, and the way my predecessor did it was, as I said, to use dozens of Access "Make Table" queries for every minor thing. It's not a big deal if I need to do it, just I'm trying to consolidate the steps needed, as the old way is very inefficient. I've been at this job a month and I'm still trying to wade through all of his queries to discover just what they do, and look into combining several of them.

Forgive the slightly newbish question, but as I stated I've not worked with SSIS really. I'm in the process of learning it better, as I'm sure it can fit our needs.

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How To Manipulate String In Query And Create New Field

Dec 22, 2006

I'm very new to SQL server and can use some help. MyTable has ColumnA, which contains strings composed of 1 to 4 numeric characters (0 thru 9) followed by alphabetic characters. For example, "53ASDF". In my query, I need to create ColumnB, which takes the numeric prefix from ColumnA's string and prepends it with zeros, if necessary, to create a string of exactly 4 numeric characters. For example, I could get the following result:

ColA ColB
"6abc" "0006"
"457def" "0457"
"7232hij" "7232"

I have implemented a temporary solution using a CASE statement:
WHEN ISNUMERIC(LEFT(ColA, 3)) = 1 THEN '0' + (LEFT(ColA, 3))
WHEN ISNUMERIC(LEFT(ColA, 2)) = 1 THEN '00' + (LEFT(ColA, 2))
WHEN ISNUMERIC(LEFT(ColA, 1)) = 1 THEN '000' + (LEFT(ColA, 1))
FROM MyTable

Because of additional complexities, I need to implement the solution with a loop instead of a CASE statement. Can someone please describe such a solution?

I'm very confused about how variables work in SQL Server, but made an attempt to implement a solution. Hopefully, someone can make corrections and describe how to use it with a SELECT statement. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. This is what I started with:

DECLARE @ColBstring char(4)
DECLARE @num int
SET @ColBstring = ''
SET num = 1;
-- Get the numeric prefix from ColumnA's string
WHILE(isnumeric(substring(colA, 1, num)) = 1)
@ColBstring = (substring(colA, 1, num)
num = num + 1

-- Prepend the ColumnB string with zeros
WHILE(LEN(@ColBstring) < 4)
@ColBstring = '0' + @ColBstring

Thanks for any help,

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Unable To Manipulate The Xsl Output Encoding Type.

Feb 7, 2007

After generating one of my reports, I process the XML output through an XSLT stylesheet and export it to a text file. The issue is that after the export, the generated output text file begins with the special Byte-Order-Mark marker "EF BB BF" standard to Unicode files encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32. I have explicitly set the attributes of the xsl output element to <xsl:output encoding="us-ascii" media-type="text/plain" method="text">, but it seems as though those are ignored when the output file is written. I cannot have these characters, because I am generating a fixed-width file for input into a legacy system.

Any suggestions or thoughts on what is causing the BOM to be written to my file, even though I have set the encoding to be different than UTF-8?

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Manipulate The 'deleted Record' Flag On DBF Files

May 7, 2007


I am using OLE DB provider for Foxpro (VFPOLEDB.1) to query DBF files. I need to migrate the content of these files to a SQL Server 2005 database.

These DBF files have some (actually a lot) records marked as deleted using the DBF 'deleted' flag. When I submit a SELECT command to the OLE DB Provider, it returns me all the non-deleted records from the file.

It is very Ok as long as the 'deleted' rows actually have no more business value, but in my case, I need to do some processing on them, and even to migrate their data.

What are the options available for me to be able to query and differentiate the 'deleted' records ?

Thank you in advance,

Bertrand Larsy

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User Defined Data Types - Manipulate

Mar 4, 2008

I have somw tables like Product, Sales, Customer.

I used UDTs like ProductCode = nvarchar(30)
CustomerCode= nvarchar(15)
How can I modify my UDTs ?Is there any quick way for that ?



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Integration Services :: Derived Column Expression - Manipulate Data

Jun 4, 2015

I have one column CandidatePlaced (Data type Boolean).

Using data conversion i changed data type to DT_WSTR and then i used derived column to manipulate the data. Ex. 1 = "Yes" and 0 = "No"

[Candidate Placed ?] == "1" ? "Yes" : "No"

But at end of result i got all the columns as No. Some should be Yes.

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Bcp And Decimals

Oct 25, 2000

I am trying to use bcp to load a text file into SQL Server 7. The decimal numbers in the text file are formatted as 123455 and when I load the values to SQL I want the last two digits to be the decimal 1234.55. My current process is loading the value as 123455.00. What do I need to do in the format file to get this to work???

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Help With Decimals

Feb 22, 2004

Hi all,
This is what I have:
DECLARE @OnTime int
DECLARE @UnControlled int
DECLARE @Volume int
DECLARE @GrossEffect decimal(10,2)
DECLARE @NetEffect decimal(10,2)
DECLARE @WeekEndDate datetime

SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblEDITempARS WHERE OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AN')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblEDITempARS WHERE ControlFlag = 'U' AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AN')
SET @GrossEffect = (@OnTime/@Volume * 100)
SET @NetEffect = ((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume * 100)

INSERT INTO tblSummaryData2(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)

My numbers are:

The GrossEffect comes as 0 and the NetEffect=100

Why is my GrossEffect = 0??? it should be 99.9

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Help With Decimals

Feb 19, 2008

Hello, I have a table with a field with the format of 8 decimals. When I make a select to that table instead is given me (for example) 25,00 it gaves me 25,00000000. How can I fix the with the correct format? Thanks in advance.

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ActiveX Script In A SSIS Package - Calling An FSO To Create/manipulate Files

Jul 3, 2007

I have a SQL2000 DTS package that executes vbscript to loop through a recordset which:

- runs a stored procedure and populated tables

- builds a recordset from the populated tables to write records to an Excel file

- writes status to text files with either the error or success notices

I use FSO to set up the success and error files, but the scheduled job in SQL2005 which calls the SSIS package returns the following error:

"Retrieving the file name for a component failed with error code 0x0015F74C"

I can successullly run this (vbscript) in both the SSIS package via the BI Development Studio and in MS Access (exactly the same code in both) - but not as a SSIS package called in a scheduled job in SQL2005.

I am at an impasse with this ... any and ALL assistance would be GREATLY appreciated.



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Generate List Of All Numbers (numbers Not In Use)

Feb 21, 2007

I have an 'ID' column. I'm up to about ID number 40000, but not all are in use, so ID 4354 might not be in any row. I want a list of all numbers which aren't in use. I want to write something like this:

select [numbers from 0 to 40000] where <number> not in (select distinct id from mytable)

but don't know how. Any clues?

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Dataflow To Excel - Convert Numbers Stored As Text To Numbers Excel Cell Error

Mar 27, 2007

I'm trying to write data to excel from an ssis component to a excel destination.

Even thought I'm writing numerics, every cell gets this error with a green tag:

Convert numbers stored as text to numbers

Excel Cells were all pre-formated to accounting 2 decimal, and if i manually type the exact data Im sending it formats just fine.

I'm hearing this a common problem -

On another project I was able to find a workaround for the web based version of excel, by writing this to the top of the file:

<style>.text { mso-number-format:@; } </style>

is there anything I can pre-set in excel (cells are already formated) or write to my file so that numerics are seen as numerics and not text.

Maybe some setting in my write drivers - using sql servers excel destination.

So close.. Thanks for any help or information.

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Decimals In SQL Server

Jul 7, 2005

I need to display decimal results from SQL Server queries, but the decimals keep getting truncated. For example, 9 divided by 4, keeps getting truncated to 2. Does anyone know how to display the whole result, including the decimals?

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Trimming Decimals

Aug 17, 2005

I have a field in my SQL table that is defined Decimal(10,8), which
provides me with the ability to have up to 8 digits after the decimal
place, however, if I store a value such as 3.14, it is stored as
3.14000000. This is fine in the database, but it is the same when it's
returned. I have tried using Convert.ToDecimal on my returned row but
it doesn't work. The value at runtime appears as 3.14D in the locals
window but displays with all the insignifcant digits.

Any ideas what's happening or if there is an easy way to trim the trailing zeros?

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Decimals In View

Aug 24, 2004


I want a view to always present my numeric fields with 2 decimals. In my table I have the following values in field "amount" (numeric(18,2))


I want the view to show

I have tried Cast but that doesn't seem to do the job.



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No Decimals In Query

Jun 24, 2008

in quantity column - i have


but i want only 100

no decimals..

how to get that?


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May 31, 2007

I have two fields whose format in the table is decimal (14,5).
I now have to divide one field by the other, and I want the result
to be in the format decimal (21,16).
Whatever I do I'm not able to get this result with sixteen decimals.
I tried with dec(Field1,21,16)/Field2 but it yields six decimals.
I tried with dec(Field1,21,16)/Field2 but it yields an integer.
I tried other ways but I always get a result which is made of maximum
six decimals.
What can I do?
Thank you.
Anna - Verona (Italy)

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Truncated Decimals

Jan 16, 2006

I am relatively new to SQL server. I am tring to send some decimalvalues to the database using a stored procedure with parameters of typeDECIMAL. Every time it inserts the values into the database thedecimals are truncated. I saw on the MSDN library that you have to setthe precision and scale values b/f you run the stored procedure. So Iset the precision to 8 and the scale to 4 and it still didn't help. Cananyone help me?

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SQL Server 2005: CLR Functions Vs SQL Functions

May 26, 2006

I was playing around with the new SQL 2005 CLR functionality andremembered this discussion that I had with Erland Sommarskog concerningperformance of scalar UDFs some time ago (See "Calling sp_oa* infunction" in this newsgroup). In that discussion, Erland made thefollowing comment about UDFs in SQL 2005:[color=blue][color=green]>>The good news is that in SQL 2005, Microsoft has addressed several of[/color][/color]these issues, and the cost of a UDF is not as severe there. In fact fora complex expression, a UDF in written a CLR language may be fasterthanthe corresponding expression using built-in T-SQL functions.<<I thought the I would put this to the test using some of the same SQLas before, but adding a simple scalar CLR UDF into the mix. The testinvolved querying a simple table with about 300,000 rows. Thescenarios are as follows:(A) Use a simple CASE function to calculate a column(B) Use a simple CASE function to calculate a column and as a criterionin the WHERE clause(C) Use a scalar UDF to calculate a column(D) Use a scalar UDF to calculate a column and as a criterion in theWHERE clause(E) Use a scalar CLR UDF to calculate a column(F) Use a scalar CLR UDF to calculate a column and as a criterion inthe WHERE clauseA sample of the results is as follows (time in milliseconds):(295310 row(s) affected)A: 1563(150003 row(s) affected)B: 906(295310 row(s) affected)C: 2703(150003 row(s) affected)D: 2533(295310 row(s) affected)E: 2060(150003 row(s) affected)F: 2190The scalar CLR UDF function was significantly faster than the classicscalar UDF, even for this very simple function. Perhaps a more complexfunction would have shown even a greater difference. Based on this, Imust conclude that Erland was right. Of course, it's still faster tostick with basic built-in functions like CASE.In another test, I decided to run some queries to compare built-inaggregates vs. a couple of simple CLR aggregates as follows:(G) Calculate averages by group using the built-in AVG aggregate(H) Calculate averages by group using a CLR aggregate that similatesthe built-in AVG aggregate(I) Calculate a "trimmed" average by group (average excluding highestand lowest values) using built-in aggregates(J) Calculate a "trimmed" average by group using a CLR aggregatespecially designed for this purposeA sample of the results is as follows (time in milliseconds):(59 row(s) affected)G: 313(59 row(s) affected)H: 890(59 row(s) affected)I: 216(59 row(s) affected)J: 846It seems that the CLR aggregates came with a significant performancepenalty over the built-in aggregates. Perhaps they would pay off if Iwere attempting a very complex type of aggregation. However, at thispoint I'm going to shy away from using these unless I can't find a wayto do the calculation with standard SQL.In a way, I'm happy that basic SQL still seems to be the fastest way toget things done. With the addition of the new CLR functionality, Isuspect that MS may be giving us developers enough rope to comfortablyhang ourselves if we're not careful.Bill E.Hollywood, FL------------------------------------------------------------------------- table TestAssignment, about 300,000 rowsCREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestAssignment]([TestAssignmentID] [int] NOT NULL,[ProductID] [int] NULL,[PercentPassed] [int] NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_TestAssignment] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([TestAssignmentID] ASC)--Scalar UDF in SQLCREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnIsEven](@intValue int)RETURNS bitASBEGINDeclare @bitReturnValue bitIf @intValue % 2 = 0Set @bitReturnValue=1ElseSet @bitReturnValue=0RETURN @bitReturnValueEND--Scalar CLR UDF/*using System;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data.SqlTypes;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;public partial class UserDefinedFunctions{[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(IsDetermini stic=true,IsPrecise=true)]public static SqlBoolean IsEven(SqlInt32 value){if(value % 2 == 0){return true;}else{return false;}}};*/--Test #1--Scenario A - Query with calculated column--SELECT TestAssignmentID,CASE WHEN TestAssignmentID % 2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ASCalcColumnFROM TestAssignment--Scenario B - Query with calculated column as criterion--SELECT TestAssignmentID,CASE WHEN TestAssignmentID % 2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ASCalcColumnFROM TestAssignmentWHERE CASE WHEN TestAssignmentID % 2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END=1--Scenario C - Query using scalar UDF--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignment--Scenario D - Query using scalar UDF as crierion--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignmentWHERE dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID)=1--Scenario E - Query using CLR scalar UDF--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven_CLR(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignment--Scenario F - Query using CLR scalar UDF as crierion--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven_CLR(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignmentWHERE dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID)=1--CLR Aggregate functions/*using System;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data.SqlTypes;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;[Serializable][Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlUserDefinedAggregate (Format.Native)]public struct Avg{public void Init(){this.numValues = 0;this.totalValue = 0;}public void Accumulate(SqlDouble Value){if (!Value.IsNull){this.numValues++;this.totalValue += Value;}}public void Merge(Avg Group){if (Group.numValues > 0){this.numValues += Group.numValues;this.totalValue += Group.totalValue;}}public SqlDouble Terminate(){if (numValues == 0){return SqlDouble.Null;}else{return (this.totalValue / this.numValues);}}// private accumulatorsprivate int numValues;private SqlDouble totalValue;}[Serializable][Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlUserDefinedAggregate (Format.Native)]public struct TrimmedAvg{public void Init(){this.numValues = 0;this.totalValue = 0;this.minValue = SqlDouble.MaxValue;this.maxValue = SqlDouble.MinValue;}public void Accumulate(SqlDouble Value){if (!Value.IsNull){this.numValues++;this.totalValue += Value;if (Value < this.minValue)this.minValue = Value;if (Value > this.maxValue)this.maxValue = Value;}}public void Merge(TrimmedAvg Group){if (Group.numValues > 0){this.numValues += Group.numValues;this.totalValue += Group.totalValue;if (Group.minValue < this.minValue)this.minValue = Group.minValue;if (Group.maxValue > this.maxValue)this.maxValue = Group.maxValue;}}public SqlDouble Terminate(){if (this.numValues < 3)return SqlDouble.Null;else{this.numValues -= 2;this.totalValue -= this.minValue;this.totalValue -= this.maxValue;return (this.totalValue / this.numValues);}}// private accumulatorsprivate int numValues;private SqlDouble totalValue;private SqlDouble minValue;private SqlDouble maxValue;}*/--Test #2--Scenario G - Average Query using built-in aggregate--SELECT ProductID, Avg(Cast(PercentPassed AS float))FROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductIDORDER BY ProductID--Scenario H - Average Query using CLR aggregate--SELECT ProductID, dbo.Avg_CLR(Cast(PercentPassed AS float)) AS AverageFROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductIDORDER BY ProductID--Scenario I - Trimmed Average Query using built in aggregates/setoperations--SELECT A.ProductID,CaseWhen B.CountValues<3 Then NullElse Cast(A.Total-B.MaxValue-B.MinValue ASfloat)/Cast(B.CountValues-2 As float)End AS AverageFROM(SELECT ProductID, Sum(PercentPassed) AS TotalFROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductID) ALEFT JOIN(SELECT ProductID,Max(PercentPassed) AS MaxValue,Min(PercentPassed) AS MinValue,Count(*) AS CountValuesFROM TestAssignmentWHERE PercentPassed Is Not NullGROUP BY ProductID) BON A.ProductID=B.ProductIDORDER BY A.ProductID--Scenario J - Trimmed Average Query using CLR aggregate--SELECT ProductID, dbo.TrimmedAvg_CLR(Cast(PercentPassed AS real)) ASAverageFROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductIDORDER BY ProductID

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Decimals With Sum Agregate Function

Feb 23, 2001

I'm using the sum() agregate function inside a select with a decimal field with an scale of 2.
I want to get the result always with 2 decimals, but if the result is 100.10 I get 100.1 . I've tried
to convert and cast the result but I can't find how to get 2 decimals. Please help. Thanks

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Updateing DECIMALs With DB-Library

Aug 18, 2004


I have encountered a problem doing an update on a Field defined as DECIMAL with dbcursor().

I have opened a cursor with dbcursoropen() with option LOCK_CC set. Then I have bound some char variables to CHAR Fields with STRINGBIND and some double Variables to the DECIMAL fields with FLT8BIND.

When I read the cursor, the data is correct in the bound variables. But when I do an update, all data for the numeric fields are gone and the database contains only NULL Values. The Strings are updated correctly.

I have tried to set the length, I am using the poutlen-variables with a value other than 0, but nothing helps.

Does anyone have an idea about what can I do?

Thank You in advance.


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