What Is &"?&" Means In SQL SERVER DBCC REINDEX('?')

Sep 25, 2007

here is example: DBCC REINDEX('?')


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DBCC Reindex

Feb 19, 2002

Hi guys.
I an application here developed by a third party software house.
In the past, for some reason, the database would fail daily. The software
house recommended that we use dbcc reindex on all tables within the
databases twice daily. This was scheduled and is now running. Now the
database no longer fails.
The fix works and I don't understand why.
I don't understand why this would fix the problem. Why would reindex
twice daily solve the problem.
It seems excessive to have to reindex every user table twice daily.


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Apr 26, 2001

I tried to run dbcc reindex on all user tables in a database. There are no
clustered indexes, but multiple non-clustered indexes on each table.

The output file from dbcc reindex shows that it should have worked. But when I
run DBCC SHOWCONTIG, the scan density of the indexes that were in bad shape did
not improve.

Any ideas?
Ben Reeder

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Oct 2, 2001

I am currently running the Back Office Resource Kit Log shipping option for a database running on an SQL 7 installation. As part of the on-going maintenance work that we are being asked to perform by the application vendor I need to run a DBCC REINDEX run on most of the tables in the database. Currently this is done by stopping the log shipping routine and then running the reindex script, then taking a full backup and restoring the backup to the secondary server then restarting the log shipping scripts. This is a very time consuming task that has to be performed at unsociable hours.

Has anybody got an opinion as to if this would work at the same time as the log shipping scripts or do I have to continue as at present.

Responses gratefully received.

Phil Corby
Geest IT Services

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Dbcc Reindex Issue - - I Don't Understand!!

Jun 26, 2006

Hi Folks,SQL Server 2000 SP3 on Windows 2000. I have a database on which I ranthe command :dbcc dbreindex ('tablename')gofor all tables in the database. Then I compared the dbcc showcontigwith all_index output from before and after the reindex and on thelargest table in the database I found this. First output is prior toreindex:Table: 'PlannedTransferArchive' (1975014117); index ID: 1, database ID:7TABLE level scan performed.- Pages Scanned................................: 184867- Extents Scanned..............................: 23203- Extent Switches..............................: 23324- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 8.0- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 99.07% [23109:23325]- Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 11.13%- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 35.46%- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 60.0- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 99.26%Second output is from after the reindex:DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'PlannedTransferArchive' table...Table: 'PlannedTransferArchive' (1975014117); index ID: 1, database ID:8TABLE level scan performed.- Pages Scanned................................: 303177- Extents Scanned..............................: 37964- Extent Switches..............................: 42579- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 8.0- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 89.00% [37898:42580]- Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 43.19%- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 24.78%- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 75.1- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 99.07%Following are my concerns:The following numbers are all higher after reindex than before reindex:pages scanned, extent switches, logical scan fragmentation, avg bytesfree per page, avg page density.scan density is lower after reindex than before reindexSeems to me that the numbers that are higher after reindex should belower and numbers that are lower after reindex should be higher? Ididn't specify the fill factor in the dbcc reindex command so it shouldhave used the default fill factor. The fill factor has never beenchanged on this machine.Am I missing something?Thanks,Raziq.*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***

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Does Dbcc Reindex Update Usage Information?

Feb 3, 2000

Does running DBCCReindex update the space allocated columns in sysindexes? I understand that running dbcc updateusage updates the space allocated columns in the sysindexes table. But, I cannot find any documentation that indicates whether dynamically rebuilding the indexes as opposed to drop and recreating the indexes updates the space allocated columns in the sysindexes table?

Any information would be helpful.
Gail Wade
Database Administration
Raymond James Financial

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SQL Server 2008 :: Table Size After Reindex

Feb 22, 2015

I'm trying to understand what is happening to one large table.

In a DB SQL 2008R2, I'm trying to track a rapidly increasing DB size. It's due to one table recently added.

Despite the table's no rows increasing its size reduces after a scheduled re-index.

I've recorded the space used by this table by recording EXEC sp_spaceused 'tableName'

NoRows reserved data index_size unused
128864512300384 KB 2290928 KB9432 KB24 KB AFTER reindex
128864515406232 KB 5366184 KB39280 KB768 KBBEFORE reindex

N.B. The only thing I'm aware of happening in the time period is a reindex as part of scheduled task. I could be missing something else happening.

The table has only one Index the PK which is clustered, No Fill factor is specified. The Server Default fill factor =0.

I read fillfactor=0=100 Will always try and fill the pages so space used will be minimised?

After running the reindex the index fragmentation is v.low. I've not recorded the fragmentation before reindex.

I can see the Data is not added in Clustered index order.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Alter Column And Reindex 100M Row Table?

Jun 3, 2015

I inherited a system which has an index on a set of columns which allow more than 900 bytes of data in it. We know one of the fields can be shortened to shrink the potential key size below 900 bytes.

The problem is the table is about 120m rows, and the index currently on that column is seeked (sought?) on about 2.5m times a day.

At its simplest, I want to drop the existing index, alter the column to shrink the varchar size, and then rebuild the index on the newly shortened column.

On a smaller, less used table, I might just do this in outside of business hours and call it a day, but I'm concerned that this will take a long time and block a lot of operations.

1) IIRC, shrinking a column, unlike widening it, is much more expensive, even if there are no values which would actually end up trunacted. Is this right?

2) I did a few tests on some other smaller (2+ m) row tables and was still able to select data out of the table. I don't think this covered all the read scenarios, but are there known scenarios which would simply not work during an index build?

3) I haven't yet tried DML operations to the table while it's doing either the column update or an index build. what scenarios would or would not be blocked?

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Just An Explanation Of What This Means Please

Jan 22, 2008

I have a project that has been given to me and need help please. The complete class is as follows
Public Class CarAccessData
    Public Function Getcarinfo() As List(Of CarInfo)
        Dim AllCarInfo As New List(Of CarInfo)
        Dim SQL As String        SQL = "SELECT [SKU], [CarMake], [CarModel], [Carprice]"
        Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection        MyConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("AntConnectionString1").ConnectionString)
        Dim aCmd As SqlCommand        aCmd = MyConnection.CreateCommand
        aCmd.CommandText = SQL        aCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
        Dim aDataReader As SqlDataReader
            aDataReader = aCmd.ExecuteReader
            While aDataReader.Read()
                AllCarInfo.Add(New CarInfo(aDataReader))            End While
        Catch ex As Exception            Throw ex        Finally
            MyConnection.Close()        End Try
        Return AllCarInfo    End Function
End Class
The bit I dont quite understand is the following snippet from above
Dim aCmd As SqlCommand        aCmd = MyConnection.CreateCommand
        aCmd.CommandText = SQL        aCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
        Dim aDataReader As SqlDataReader
            aDataReader = aCmd.ExecuteReader
            While aDataReader.Read()
                AllCarInfo.Add(New CarInfo(aDataReader))            End While
        Catch ex As Exception            Throw ex        Finally
Can anyone explain this in real ABC style step by step please, just so I can start to understand this, ( I am quite new to this)
many thanks,

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Can U Tell Me What This Error Means?

Jul 12, 2002

I am using ODBC to access MS Sql Server 2000 Enterprise(& Prof.) Edition. While running some queries, I occassionaly get following error :-
Error Text : [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionWrite (send())"
Error No : 10054
Source : Microsoft ODBC driver for SQL Server" as source.
IMO, Its not related to specific query as I get it for different queries at different time and its infrequent.
I have found a MS KB article for the error that says this error is possible in long queries if lightweight pooling (fiber mode) setting is enabled for SQL Server and the fix is to use SP2. I am already running with SP2 installed.
I could not find another reference to this error. And as I am unable to locate cause of problem, I am not able to troubleshoot it. Any help will be appreciated.


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Any Idea What This Means .....?

Nov 7, 2007


Does anyone have any idea waht this means:

aspnet_wp!resourceutilities!5!07/11/2007-10:32:00:: i INFO: Reporting Services starting SKU: Developer
aspnet_wp!resourceutilities!5!07/11/2007-10:32:00:: i INFO: Evaluation copy: 0 days left

It is take from the ReportServer log file.

Thanks in advance for any response.


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Cluster Means

Oct 20, 2007

Hi listers,
in cluster_algorithm is possible to extract the information of 'cluster profile' like mean and StdDev into a new table?

Any suggestion would be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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Instance Means...

Mar 28, 2007

In oracle The simplest description of instance : combination of memory and process architecture

I sql server, what is the Instance.? it is combination of memory and process architecture if yes then pls give name those processes ?

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What This Error Means And How To Solve It!!

Aug 15, 2007


I have report server in SharePoint integrated mode and the Reporting services runnign under domain account. which is part of dmain adming group as well.but when i try to connect to http:\localhost

it gives me this error:
Reporting Services Error

Report Server has encountered a SharePoint error. (rsSharePointError) Get Online Help

User cannot be found.

SQL Server Reporting Services

and in reporting service log it gives me following information
w3wp!webserver!1!8/15/2007-13:40:01:: e ERROR: Reporting Services error Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.SharePointException: Report Server has encountered a SharePoint error. ---> Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: User cannot be found.
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPUserCollection.GetByID(Int32 id)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.get_Author()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.Server.Utility.GetSPWebProperties(SPWeb web)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.Server.SharePointDBInterface.internalFindObjectsNonRecursive(String wssUrl, CatalogItemList& children)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.Server.SharePointDBInterface.FindObjectsNonRecursive(String wssUrl, CatalogItemList& childList, Security secMgr, IPathTranslator pathTranslator, Boolean appendMyReports)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.Server.SharePointDBInterface.FindObjectsNonRecursive(String wssUrl, CatalogItemList& childList, Security secMgr, IPathTranslator pathTranslator, Boolean appendMyReports)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ListChildrenAction.PerformActionNow()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSSoapAction`1.Execute()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportServiceHttpHandler.RenderFolder()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportServiceHttpHandler.RenderItem(ItemType itemType)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportServiceHttpHandler.RenderPageContent()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportServiceHttpHandler.RenderPage()

how can I solve it!!!!!


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Understanding What This Dts.Pipeline ERROR Means

Feb 26, 2006

Im am pulling down table called PRV from another server throught an ODBC connection in my SSIS package. I have the source and destination task all set up. I get this error when i run the packag. Most of the time, the error is pretty self explanatory but this one is .....beyond me. Any ideas.

Error: 0xC02090F5 at PRV TABLE FROM CYPRESS, PRV SOURCE [1]: The component "PRV SOURCE" (1) was unable to process the data.
Error: 0xC0047038 at PRV TABLE FROM CYPRESS, DTS.Pipeline: The PrimeOutput method on component "PRV SOURCE" (1) returned error code 0xC02090F5. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.
Error: 0xC0047021 at PRV TABLE FROM CYPRESS, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.
Error: 0xC0047039 at PRV TABLE FROM CYPRESS, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.
Error: 0xC0047021 at PRV TABLE FROM CYPRESS, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.
Information: 0x40043008 at PRV TABLE FROM CYPRESS, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x402090DF at PRV TABLE FROM CYPRESS, PRV Destination [4076]: The final commit for the data insertion has started.
Error: 0xC0202009 at PRV TABLE FROM CYPRESS, PRV Destination [4076]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Arithmetic overflow occurred.".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Arithmetic overflow error converting IDENTITY to data type smallint.".
Information: 0x402090E0 at PRV TABLE FROM CYPRESS, PRV Destination [4076]: The final commit for the data insertion has ended.
Error: 0xC0047018 at PRV TABLE FROM CYPRESS, DTS.Pipeline: component "PRV Destination" (4076) failed the post-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202009.
Information: 0x40043009 at PRV TABLE FROM CYPRESS, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.
Information: 0x4004300B at PRV TABLE FROM CYPRESS, DTS.Pipeline: "component "PRV Destination" (4076)" wrote 113136 rows.

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Primary Key Means It Should Not Accept Null Values Is It?

Sep 15, 2004


I am inserting a value from vb.net to sql server 7.
i created a table in the sqlserver with primary key.
In VB.net form i didnt check the values of the check box.
when i try to save the empty or null the sql server should throw the error. but its accepting the null value.
how is it possible?
can anyone help me?
table name: JobMast
jobcode int primary key
jobtitle varchar(10)

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How Trustworthy Is Sys.partitions As A Means For Counting Rows In A Table?

Nov 20, 2007

Hi all,
I have the following function:

Code Block
create function udf_CountRows(@pTableName sysname)
returns int
declare @ret int

select @ret = SUM(p.rows)
from sys.partitions p
inner join sys.objects o
on p.object_id = o.object_id
and o.[name] = 'Well'

return @ret

Can I trust sys.partitions to always return the correct value or does it suffer the same issue as sysindexes prior to SQL2005?


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Explain What This Error Message Means, Please....In Report Builder!

May 15, 2008

An error has occurred during report processing.

Query execution failed for data set 'dataSet'.

Semantic query execution failed. Too many table names in the query. The maximum allowable is 256. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.

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DBCC Execution Completed. If DBCC Printed Error Messages, Contact Your System Adminis

Mar 26, 2007

Hi All,

I am playing with DBCC command to check the contsrainst on a perticular table (DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS ('myTable') WITH ALL_CONSTRAINTS), it always gives the following result:

DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

nothing more than that, anyone can help please?


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How DBCC CHECKDB And DBCC CHECKCATALOG After Executing These Two Then Store Result

Mar 5, 2005

For Backup Database i used script

Then after that, i need to check Database inigrity, for that

but, i want to store the result in a text file, after executing these two commends, how to write commend line please help me.

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I’m Getting This Error When Checking Out A Report From Visual Source Safe…any Clue As To What It Means?

Mar 22, 2007

Originally got this error as the reason some of my .rptproj files could not be converted from SRS 2000 to 2005.  Now I€™m getting this error when checking out a report from Visual Source Safe 6.0€¦any clue as to what it means?

Project item '4294967294' does not represent a file.

This is for a solution created and stored in VSS using VS2003 and SRS 2000.  Now trying to open with VS 2005.

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Is Any Way To Reindex 27 Gig Db Without Logging

Sep 25, 2002

Hello everybody.
1. I have 28 Gig database with 4 tables above 4 Gig each with very bad
fragmenataion, each table has between 3 and 5 indexes
2. Database set for full recovery and I use custom log Shipping to restore
db on stand by server every 15 min.

I tried to run DBCC INDEXDEFRAG on one index on 4Gig table .
following took place
1. It took 4 hrs to complite DBCC INDEXDEFRAG
2. log shipping fail.
3. log file size of 2 Gig generated after DBCC INDEXDEFRAG complited

I tried to run drop and create clustered index on table it create same
problem - log growing, log shipping fails

(if log shipping fails and stand by database get suspended it will take 6- 8
hrs to restore it from backup and apply all logs)

So my question is

What would be best way to rebuild- reindex - defragment 28 Gig database
when it set to fully recovery and log shipping

Thank you

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Reindex Tables

Apr 16, 2002

Hi guys,
I need a help with this question. In SQL 2000, Can i run update,insert or delete queries while the Indexes of that table is being Rebuilt? Will
i get blocked by the DBCC DBreindex process?

thank you

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SQL Import And Reindex

May 1, 2008

I have a process that runs each day and it imports about 550K records into a database. My questions is it appears I have to reindex the database after each import otherwise the sp's that I have written will just run and run and run. After the reindex job things run within 60 seconds. I am just looking for some insight on why, I understand why a reindex is done, but dont know if I understand why I have to reindex every time.

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Reindex Error

Jul 12, 2007

Hi experts, I would like to ask for this error that occurs upon executing my reindexing script

here is my script

USE mydatabase

DBCC DBREINDEX('outpatient', '', 70)

Then this error message will appear. I researched for this error and from the site that I've found they say that the table is corrupted? That I need to restore a better backup..?

The statement has been terminated.
Msg 824, Level 24, State 2, Line 1
SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: torn page (expected signature: 0x55555555; actual signature: 0x55555545). It occurred during a read of page (1:353409) in database ID 10 at offset 0x000000ac902000 in file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataBizbox_HS7.mdf'. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.

Darren Bernabe Blanco

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Dbccd Reindex

Jul 18, 2007

how often should be done and if it don't do it what will happen?


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Defrag / Reindex

Oct 21, 2007

I#ve been doing disaster recovery on a web box that died today.

So I thought I'd do some "downtime" maintenance on the DB server

I ran a BDREINDEX on all tables, all indexes. (I know this is the 2000 way, but I assume its as good as the proper 2005 way??).

5 minutes on a 10GB database. Not bad!

I checked the DEFRAG and UPDATE STATS processes that run overnight.

They are basically defragging only tables with SHOWCONTIG indicating fragmentation. And then doing an UPDATE STATISTICS WITH FULLSCAN on all tables

That is taking an average of 30 minutes ...

Is DBREINDEX the equivalent of an UPDATE STATISTICS WITH FULLSCAN, or is it in some way a smaller-sample version?

I'm wondering why I don't just lock the DB and do a REINDEX of everything in 5 minutes ...


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Question On Reindex

Sep 27, 2006

Hi,i have several tables in production whose contents are renewd totally in 1week. So everyd day we delete ~15% records and then insert 15% new.And after a few days, the performances drops :TABLE level scan performed.- Pages Scanned................................: 169617- Extents Scanned..............................: 21630- Extent Switches..............................: 153827- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 7.8- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 13.78% [21203:153828]- Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 45.06%- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 52.66%- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 5042.5- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 37.70%I can't program a dbcc reindex every day because of concurrent access (itlocks the tables too long), actually i can only program it on sunday.What else can i do ? I can adjust the fill factor but how to find the goodvalue if i don't want to waste space.The total size of the database is ~150GB.Thx

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Update Statistics Vs. Reindex

Dec 14, 1999

I am maintaining a large table with millions of rows that has two non clustered indexes and data changing frequently, I need to keep the indexes fresh. Update Statistics runs much quicker than Reindex. What is the appropriate situation for each and why?
Thanks in advance.

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Disk Space After Reindex

Nov 29, 2007


I first ran indexdefrag on a table with 1.5 billion rows.
logical fragmentation was at 95%.
logical frag went down to 3% with no real effect on disk.

DBCC reindex had previously been bombing undetected.

Now I've run a reindex on this table:
Reindex Job with Fillfactor =100
Ran in 3:05
Free Disk went from ~150GB before operation to 49GB
File4 went from 347GB to 504GB

Why has so much free disk been consumed by this operation and not released ??????????

Is my only choice to shrink data file???


Win2k ENT os
SQL 2k5 std 64bit

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Food For Thought (ReIndex And Log Shipping)

Dec 29, 2003

I have a production 60GB database set to Full Recovery and every 15 minutes I am log shipping to a Stand by Server .

During the production hours there are no problems but at night when I run DBCC DBREINDEX, the log grows to 22GB and because of this I have a problem sending this over the network to the stand by server.

I tried changing the recovery model to Bulk_Logged but the there is no difference in log file backup size.


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Reindex Script In Replication Environment

Jun 19, 2008

Dear All,
is it ok to run index rebuild script on publisher and after that in subscriber? what are the steps i need to take to do this?

will it affect the replication? please help me here.

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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DBCC Page / DBCC Checkdb Errors

Jan 9, 2007

Following the below topic:


I followed the advice of Paul Randal, but Im stumped as I am not able to determin what the corruption issues are. This is SQL 2000 and the database is a Solomon database that was recently upgraded to 6.5. the error I get when running the DBCC checkdb is as follows:

Server: Msg 8966, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Could not read and latch page (1:18645) with latch type SH. sysindexes failed.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

When I run select * from sysindexes, I get:

Server: Msg 3624, Level 20, State 1, Line 1

Location: blobman.cpp:1780
Expression: sourceLength == sizeof (TextPointer)
SPID: 53
Process ID: 256

Connection Broken

When I run dbcc page (dbname, 1, 18645, 3)
dbcc traceon(3604), It finishes with what appears to be no errors log is as follows:

PAGE: (1:18645)


BUF @0x0144C880
bpage = 0x681B4000 bhash = 0x00000000 bpageno = (1:18645)
bdbid = 12 breferences = 1 bstat = 0x9
bspin = 0 bnext = 0x00000000


Page @0x681B4000
m_pageId = (1:18645) m_headerVersion = 1 m_type = 1
m_typeFlagBits = 0x0 m_level = 0 m_flagBits = 0x2
m_objId = 2 m_indexId = 0 m_prevPage = (1:505)
m_nextPage = (1:213) pminlen = 82 m_slotCnt = 16
m_freeCnt = 3988 m_freeData = 5796 m_reservedCnt = 0
m_lsn = (42700:4549:10) m_xactReserved = 0 m_xdesId = (0:2539719)
m_ghostRecCnt = 0 m_tornBits = 0

Allocation Status
PFS (1:16176) = 0x40 ALLOCATED 0_PCT_FULL DIFF (1:6) = CHANGED

Slot 0 Offset 0xf8c
681B4F8C: 00520030 013f142a 00004012 00000000 0.R.*.?..@......
681B4F9C: 00010000 00000000 02600000 00010001 ..........`.....
681B4FAC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4FBC: 00000000 00000000 027a0000 00000022 ..........z."...
681B4FCC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4FDC: 001b0000 00000000 00800003 80a60096 ................
681B4FEC: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4FFC: 0001000a 00000000 00010016 00000000 ................
681B500C: 006d0073 006e0049 00420076 00740061 s.m.I.n.v.B.a.t.
681B501C: 00680063 00000030 002a869d 00570000 c.h.0.....*...W.
681B502C: 00010000 0007 ......
id = 20911146
status = 16402
first = 0
indid = 1
root = 0
minlen = 608
keycnt = 1
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
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StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4FEC: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4FFC: 0001000a 00000000 00010016 00000000 ................
name = smInvBatch0

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182647062528 RowId = (1:87:7)

Slot 1 Offset 0x12c4
681B52C4: 00520030 013f142a 00000000 00000000 0.R.*.?.........
681B52D4: 00020000 00000000 00150000 00010003 ................
681B52E4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B52F4: 00000000 00000000 00260000 0000002c ..........&.,...
681B5304: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B5314: 001b0000 00000000 00c00003 80e600d6 ................
681B5324: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B5334: 00010016 00000000 00010072 00000000 ........r.......
681B5344: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B5354: 000b000a 00000000 000b0016 00000000 ................
681B5364: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B5374: 000b000a 00000000 00010016 00030000 ................
681B5384: 006d0073 006e0049 00420076 00740061 s.m.I.n.v.B.a.t.
681B5394: 00680063 00000031 002a869f 00570000 c.h.1.....*...W.
681B53A4: 00010000 0008 ......
id = 20911146
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 2
root = 0
minlen = 21
keycnt = 3
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
rowcnt = 0
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maxirow = 44
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B5324: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B5334: 00010016 00000000 00010072 00000000 ........r.......
681B5344: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B5354: 000b000a 00000000 000b0016 00000000 ................
681B5364: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B5374: 000b000a 00000000 00010016 00030000 ................
name = smInvBatch1

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182647193600 RowId = (1:87:8)

Slot 2 Offset 0x1440
681B5440: 00520030 01584911 00004012 000000c6 0.R..IX..@......
681B5450: 00010001 00000095 09a20001 00010001 ................
681B5460: 00000001 00000005 00000005 00000000 ................
681B5470: 00000000 00000003 09ba0000 0000001a ................
681B5480: 00000000 00000096 00000001 00000000 ................
681B5490: 001b0000 00000000 00800003 80a60096 ................
681B54A0: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B54B0: 00010020 00000000 000102c1 00000000 ...............
681B54C0: 00700052 00520074 006e0075 00690074 R.p.t.R.u.n.t.i.
681B54D0: 0065006d 00000030 002a87a9 03a00000 m.e.0.....*.....
681B54E0: 00010000 0019 ......
id = 22563089
status = 16402
first = 0
indid = 1
root = 0
minlen = 2466
keycnt = 1
groupid = 1
dpages = 1
reserved = 5
used = 5
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xmaxlen = 2490
maxirow = 26
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B54A0: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B54B0: 00010020 00000000 000102c1 00000000 ...............
name = RptRuntime0

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182664626176 RowId = (1:928:25)

Slot 3 Offset 0x15bc
681B55BC: 00520030 01584911 00000000 000000e6 0.R..IX.........
681B55CC: 00020001 000000e6 00470001 00010003 ..........G.....
681B55DC: 00000001 00000002 00000002 00000000 ................
681B55EC: 00000000 00000000 00580000 0000005e ..........X.^...
681B55FC: 00000000 00000161 00000001 00000000 ....a...........
681B560C: 001b0000 00000000 00c00003 80e600d6 ................
681B561C: 00af03af 00000015 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B562C: 00010008 00000000 0001004b 00000000 ........K.......
681B563C: 00af03af 0000002f 3400d008 00000000 ..../......4....
681B564C: 0016003f 00000000 0016096b 00000000 ?.......k.......
681B565C: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B566C: 00450020 00000000 000102c1 00010000 .E.............
681B567C: 00700052 00520074 006e0075 00690074 R.p.t.R.u.n.t.i.
681B568C: 0065006d 00000031 002a87ab 3eb70000 m.e.1.....*....>
681B569C: 00010000 0004 ......
id = 22563089
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 2
root = 0
minlen = 71
keycnt = 3
groupid = 1
dpages = 1
reserved = 2
used = 2
rowcnt = 0
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xmaxlen = 88
maxirow = 94
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B561C: 00af03af 00000015 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B562C: 00010008 00000000 0001004b 00000000 ........K.......
681B563C: 00af03af 0000002f 3400d008 00000000 ..../......4....
681B564C: 0016003f 00000000 0016096b 00000000 ?.......k.......
681B565C: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B566C: 00450020 00000000 000102c1 00010000 .E.............
name = RptRuntime1

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182664757248 RowId = (1:16055:4)

Slot 4 Offset 0xc04
681B4C04: 00520030 0175b502 00004012 00000000 0.R...u..@......
681B4C14: 00010000 00000000 040c0000 00010001 ................
681B4C24: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4C34: 00000000 00000000 04270000 00000022 ..........'."...
681B4C44: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4C54: 001b0000 00000000 00800003 80a60096 ................
681B4C64: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4C74: 0001004e 00000000 000103e6 00000000 N...............
681B4C84: 006f0057 006b0072 00650043 0074006e W.o.r.k.C.e.n.t.
681B4C94: 00720065 00000030 002a84b7 55880000 e.r.0.....*....U
681B4CA4: 00010000 0007 ......
id = 24491266
status = 16402
first = 0
indid = 1
root = 0
minlen = 1036
keycnt = 1
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
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xmaxlen = 1063
maxirow = 34
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4C64: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4C74: 0001004e 00000000 000103e6 00000000 N...............
name = WorkCenter0

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182615212032 RowId = (1:21896:7)

Slot 5 Offset 0xb64
681B4B64: 00520030 01ab548a 00004012 00000000 0.R..T...@......
681B4B74: 00010000 00000000 038e0000 00010001 ................
681B4B84: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4B94: 00000000 00000000 03b00000 0000001a ................
681B4BA4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4BB4: 001b0000 00000000 00800003 80a00090 ................
681B4BC4: 00af03af 00000002 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4BD4: 0001007b 00000000 000102bb 00000000 {...............
681B4BE4: 004f0053 00650053 00750074 00300070 S.O.S.e.t.u.p.0.
681B4BF4: 84010000 0000002a 00000f23 00070001 ....*...#.......
id = 28005514
status = 16402
first = 0
indid = 1
root = 0
minlen = 910
keycnt = 1
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
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xmaxlen = 944
maxirow = 26
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4BC4: 00af03af 00000002 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4BD4: 0001007b 00000000 000102bb 00000000 {...............
name = SOSetup0

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182603284480 RowId = (1:3875:7)

Slot 6 Offset 0x58c
681B458C: 00520030 01c4f563 00004012 00000000 0.R.c....@......
681B459C: 00010000 00000000 04c70000 00010002 ................
681B45AC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B45BC: 00000000 00000000 04e80000 00000027 ............'...
681B45CC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B45DC: 001b0000 00000000 00a00003 80c400b4 ................
681B45EC: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B45FC: 00010034 00000000 0001016e 00000000 4.......n.......
681B460C: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B461C: 000b002a 00000000 000b0135 00000000 *.......5.......
681B462C: 00750050 004f0072 00640072 00650044 P.u.r.O.r.d.D.e.
681B463C: 00300074 82fd0000 0000002a 0000068a t.0.....*.......
681B464C: 00490001 ..I.
id = 29685091
status = 16402
first = 0
indid = 1
root = 0
minlen = 1223
keycnt = 2
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
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xmaxlen = 1256
maxirow = 39
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B45EC: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B45FC: 00010034 00000000 0001016e 00000000 4.......n.......
681B460C: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B461C: 000b002a 00000000 000b0135 00000000 *.......5.......
name = PurOrdDet0

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182586245120 RowId = (1:1674:73)

Slot 7 Offset 0x650
681B4650: 00520030 01c4f563 00000000 00000000 0.R.c...........
681B4660: 00020000 00000000 002e0000 00010003 ................
681B4670: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4680: 00000000 00000000 003f0000 00000045 ..........?.E...
681B4690: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B46A0: 001b0000 00000000 00c00003 80e400d4 ................
681B46B0: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B46C0: 00010024 00000000 00010109 00000000 $...............
681B46D0: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B46E0: 001f0034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.......n.......
681B46F0: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4700: 0029002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.).....5.......
681B4710: 00750050 004f0072 00640072 00650044 P.u.r.O.r.d.D.e.
681B4720: 00310074 83040000 0000002a 0000068a t.1.....*.......
681B4730: 004a0001 ..J.
id = 29685091
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 2
root = 0
minlen = 46
keycnt = 3
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
rowcnt = 0
rowmodctr = 0
reserved3 = 0
reserved4 = 0
xmaxlen = 63
maxirow = 69
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B46B0: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B46C0: 00010024 00000000 00010109 00000000 $...............
681B46D0: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B46E0: 001f0034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.......n.......
681B46F0: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4700: 0029002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.).....5.......
name = PurOrdDet1

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182586703872 RowId = (1:1674:74)

Slot 8 Offset 0x734
681B4734: 00520030 01c4f563 00000000 00000000 0.R.c...........
681B4744: 00030000 00000000 00340000 00010004 ..........4.....
681B4754: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4764: 00000000 00000000 00450000 0000004b ..........E.K...
681B4774: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4784: 001b0000 00000000 00e00003 810400f4 ................
681B4794: 00af03af 00000006 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B47A4: 00010044 00000000 000101ea 00000000 D...............
681B47B4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B47C4: 00070024 00000000 00070109 00000000 $...............
681B47D4: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B47E4: 00250034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.%.....n.......
681B47F4: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4804: 002f002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *./.....5.......
681B4814: 00750050 004f0072 00640072 00650044 P.u.r.O.r.d.D.e.
681B4824: 00320074 83050000 0000002a 0000068a t.2.....*.......
681B4834: 004b0001 ..K.
id = 29685091
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 3
root = 0
minlen = 52
keycnt = 4
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
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xmaxlen = 69
maxirow = 75
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4794: 00af03af 00000006 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B47A4: 00010044 00000000 000101ea 00000000 D...............
681B47B4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B47C4: 00070024 00000000 00070109 00000000 $...............
681B47D4: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B47E4: 00250034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.%.....n.......
681B47F4: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4804: 002f002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *./.....5.......
name = PurOrdDet2

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182586769408 RowId = (1:1674:75)

Slot 9 Offset 0x838
681B4838: 00520030 01c4f563 00000000 00000000 0.R.c...........
681B4848: 00040000 00000000 00120000 00010005 ................
681B4858: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4868: 00000000 00000000 00230000 00000029 ..........#.)...
681B4878: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4888: 001b0000 00000000 01000003 81240114 ..............$.
681B4898: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B48A8: 00010034 00000000 0001016e 00000000 4.......n.......
681B48B8: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B48C8: 000b002a 00000000 000b0135 00000000 *.......5.......
681B48D8: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B48E8: 00100029 00000000 00100133 00000000 ).......3.......
681B48F8: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4908: 00010034 00000000 0001016e 00030000 4.......n.......
681B4918: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4928: 000b002a 00000000 000b0135 00030000 *.......5.......
681B4938: 00750050 004f0072 00640072 00650044 P.u.r.O.r.d.D.e.
681B4948: 00330074 83060000 0000002a 0000068a t.3.....*.......
681B4958: 004c0001 ..L.
id = 29685091
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 4
root = 0
minlen = 18
keycnt = 5
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
rowcnt = 0
rowmodctr = 0
reserved3 = 0
reserved4 = 0
xmaxlen = 35
maxirow = 41
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4898: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B48A8: 00010034 00000000 0001016e 00000000 4.......n.......
681B48B8: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B48C8: 000b002a 00000000 000b0135 00000000 *.......5.......
681B48D8: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B48E8: 00100029 00000000 00100133 00000000 ).......3.......
681B48F8: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4908: 00010034 00000000 0001016e 00030000 4.......n.......
681B4918: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4928: 000b002a 00000000 000b0135 00030000 *.......5.......
name = PurOrdDet3

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182586834944 RowId = (1:1674:76)

Slot 10 Offset 0x95c
681B495C: 00520030 01c4f563 00000000 00000000 0.R.c...........
681B496C: 00050000 00000000 003a0000 00010005 ..........:.....
681B497C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B498C: 00000000 00000000 004b0000 00000051 ..........K.Q...
681B499C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B49AC: 001b0000 00000000 01000003 81240114 ..............$.
681B49BC: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B49CC: 00010024 00000000 00010109 00000000 $...............
681B49DC: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B49EC: 001f005e 00000000 001f032b 00000000 ^.......+.......
681B49FC: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B4A0C: 0029002f 00000000 00290154 00000000 /.).....T.).....
681B4A1C: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4A2C: 002b0034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.+.....n.......
681B4A3C: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4A4C: 0035002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.5.....5.......
681B4A5C: 00750050 004f0072 00640072 00650044 P.u.r.O.r.d.D.e.
681B4A6C: 00340074 83070000 0000002a 0000068a t.4.....*.......
681B4A7C: 004d0001 ..M.
id = 29685091
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 5
root = 0
minlen = 58
keycnt = 5
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
rowcnt = 0
rowmodctr = 0
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reserved4 = 0
xmaxlen = 75
maxirow = 81
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B49BC: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B49CC: 00010024 00000000 00010109 00000000 $...............
681B49DC: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B49EC: 001f005e 00000000 001f032b 00000000 ^.......+.......
681B49FC: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B4A0C: 0029002f 00000000 00290154 00000000 /.).....T.).....
681B4A1C: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4A2C: 002b0034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.+.....n.......
681B4A3C: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4A4C: 0035002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.5.....5.......
name = PurOrdDet4

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182586900480 RowId = (1:1674:77)

Slot 11 Offset 0xa80
681B4A80: 00520030 01c4f563 00000000 00000000 0.R.c...........
681B4A90: 00060000 00000000 00200000 00010003 .......... .....
681B4AA0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4AB0: 00000000 00000000 00310000 00000037 ..........1.7...
681B4AC0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4AD0: 001b0000 00000000 00c00003 80e400d4 ................
681B4AE0: 00af03af 00000010 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4AF0: 00010036 00000000 0001017a 00000000 6.......z.......
681B4B00: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4B10: 00110034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.......n.......
681B4B20: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4B30: 001b002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.......5.......
681B4B40: 00750050 004f0072 00640072 00650044 P.u.r.O.r.d.D.e.
681B4B50: 00350074 83080000 0000002a 0000068a t.5.....*.......
681B4B60: 004e0001 ..N.
id = 29685091
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 6
root = 0
minlen = 32
keycnt = 3
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
rowcnt = 0
rowmodctr = 0
reserved3 = 0
reserved4 = 0
xmaxlen = 49
maxirow = 55
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4AE0: 00af03af 00000010 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4AF0: 00010036 00000000 0001017a 00000000 6.......z.......
681B4B00: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4B10: 00110034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.......n.......
681B4B20: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4B30: 001b002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.......5.......
name = PurOrdDet5

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182586966016 RowId = (1:1674:78)

Slot 12 Offset 0xcac
681B4CAC: 00520030 01c4f563 00000000 00000000 0.R.c...........
681B4CBC: 00070000 00000000 00110000 00010003 ................
681B4CCC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4CDC: 00000000 00000000 00220000 00000028 ..........".(...
681B4CEC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4CFC: 001b0000 00000000 00c00003 80ee00de ................
681B4D0C: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4D1C: 00010033 00000000 0001016d 00000000 3.......m.......
681B4D2C: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4D3C: 00020034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.......n.......
681B4D4C: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4D5C: 000c002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.......5.......
681B4D6C: 00750070 006f0072 00640072 00650064 p.u.r.o.r.d.d.e.
681B4D7C: 005f0074 00740073 00610072 0000006e t._.s.t.r.a.n...
681B4D8C: 002a84c7 78450000 00010000 001d ..*...Ex......
id = 29685091
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indid = 7
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StatVersion = 0
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impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4D0C: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4D1C: 00010033 00000000 0001016d 00000000 3.......m.......
681B4D2C: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4D3C: 00020034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.......n.......
681B4D4C: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4D5C: 000c002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.......5.......
name = purorddet_stran

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182616260608 RowId = (1:30789:29)

Slot 13 Offset 0xd4
681B40D4: 00520030 01d345b0 00004012 00000000 0.R..E...@......
681B40E4: 00010000 00000000 019b0000 00010006 ................
681B40F4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4104: 00000000 00000000 01b00000 0000007b ............{...
681B4114: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4124: 001b0000 00000000 01200003 81460136 .......... .6.F.
681B4134: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4144: 00010008 00000000 00010041 00000000 ........A.......
681B4154: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4164: 001f0007 00000000 001f003d 00000000 ........=.......
681B4174: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4184: 00230010 00000000 00230084 00000000 ..#.......#.....
681B4194: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B41A4: 00410006 00000000 0041003c 00000000 ..A.....<.A.....
681B41B4: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B41C4: 00420004 00000000 0042001a 00000000 ..B.......B.....
681B41D4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B41E4: 00460005 00000000 0046001e 00000000 ..F.......F.....
681B41F4: 0070004f 00440074 00700065 00780045 O.p.t.D.e.p.E.x.
681B4204: 006c0063 00000030 002a8221 4d150000 c.l.0...!.*....M
681B4214: 00010000 003f ....?.
id = 30623152
status = 16402
first = 0
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groupid = 1
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OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
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FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4134: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4144: 00010008 00000000 00010041 00000000 ........A.......
681B4154: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4164: 001f0007 00000000 001f003d 00000000 ........=.......
681B4174: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4184: 00230010 00000000 00230084 00000000 ..#.......#.....
681B4194: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B41A4: 00410006 00000000 0041003c 00000000 ..A.....<.A.....
681B41B4: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B41C4: 00420004 00000000 0042001a 00000000 ..B.......B.....
681B41D4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B41E4: 00460005 00000000 0046001e 00000000 ..F.......F.....
name = OptDepExcl0

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182571827200 RowId = (1:19733:63)

Slot 14 Offset 0x21c
681B421C: 00520030 01d345b0 00000000 00000000 0.R..E..........
681B422C: 00020000 00000000 00640000 00010008 ..........d.....
681B423C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B424C: 00000000 00000000 00750000 0000007b ..........u.{...
681B425C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B426C: 001b0000 00000000 01600003 81860176 ..........`.v...
681B427C: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B428C: 00010005 00000000 0001001e 00000000 ................
681B429C: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B42AC: 001f0004 00000000 001f001a 00000000 ................
681B42BC: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B42CC: 00230008 00000000 00010041 00010000 ..#.....A.......
681B42DC: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B42EC: 00410007 00000000 001f003d 00010000 ..A.....=.......
681B42FC: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B430C: 00450010 00000000 00230084 00010000 ..E.......#.....
681B431C: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B432C: 00630006 00000000 0041003c 00010000 ..c.....<.A.....
681B433C: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B434C: 001f0004 00000000 0042001a 00030000 ..........B.....
681B435C: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B436C: 00010005 00000000 0046001e 00030000 ..........F.....
681B437C: 0070004f 00440074 00700065 00780045 O.p.t.D.e.p.E.x.
681B438C: 006c0063 00000031 002a8224 4d150000 c.l.1...$.*....M
681B439C: 00010000 0040 ....@.
id = 30623152
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681B427C: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B428C: 00010005 00000000 0001001e 00000000 ................
681B429C: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B42AC: 001f0004 00000000 001f001a 00000000 ................
681B42BC: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B42CC: 00230008 00000000 00010041 00010000 ..#.....A.......
681B42DC: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B42EC: 00410007 00000000 001f003d 00010000 ..A.....=.......
681B42FC: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B430C: 00450010 00000000 00230084 00010000 ..E.......#.....
681B431C: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B432C: 00630006 00000000 0041003c 00010000 ..c.....<.A.....
681B433C: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B434C: 001f0004 00000000 0042001a 00030000 ..........B.....
681B435C: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B436C: 00010005 00000000 0046001e 00030000 ..........F.....
name = OptDepExcl1

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182572023808 RowId = (1:19733:64)

Slot 15 Offset 0x3a4
681B43A4: 00520030 01d345b0 00000000 00000000 0.R..E..........
681B43B4: 00030000 00000000 00660000 0001000b ..........f.....
681B43C4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B43D4: 00000000 00000000 00770000 0000007d ..........w.}...
681B43E4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B43F4: 001b0000 00000000 01c00003 81e601d6 ................
681B4404: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4414: 00010008 00000000 00010041 00000000 ........A.......
681B4424: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4434: 001f0007 00000000 001f003d 00000000 ........=.......
681B4444: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4454: 00230010 00000000 00230084 00000000 ..#.......#.....
681B4464: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4474: 00410006 00000000 0041003c 00000000 ..A.....<.A.....
681B4484: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B4494: 0042000a 00000000 00420063 00000000 ..B.....c.B.....
681B44A4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B44B4: 00010008 00000000 00010041 00030000 ........A.......
681B44C4: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B44D4: 001f0007 00000000 001f003d 00030000 ........=.......
681B44E4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B44F4: 00230010 00000000 00230084 00030000 ..#.......#.....
681B4504: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4514: 00410006 00000000 0041003c 00030000 ..A.....<.A.....
681B4524: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4534: 00440004 00000000 0042001a 00010000 ..D.......B.....
681B4544: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4554: 00480005 00000000 0046001e 00010000 ..H.......F.....
681B4564: 0070004f 00440074 00700065 00780045 O.p.t.D.e.p.E.x.
681B4574: 006c0063 00000032 002a8225 4d150000 c.l.2...%.*....M
681B4584: 00010000 0041 ....A.
id = 30623152
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 3
root = 0
minlen = 102
keycnt = 11
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
rowcnt = 0
rowmodctr = 0
reserved3 = 0
reserved4 = 0
xmaxlen = 119
maxirow = 125
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4404: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4414: 00010008 00000000 00010041 00000000 ........A.......
681B4424: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4434: 001f0007 00000000 001f003d 00000000 ........=.......
681B4444: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4454: 00230010 00000000 00230084 00000000 ..#.......#.....
681B4464: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4474: 00410006 00000000 0041003c 00000000 ..A.....<.A.....
681B4484: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B4494: 0042000a 00000000 00420063 00000000 ..B.....c.B.....
681B44A4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B44B4: 00010008 00000000 00010041 00030000 ........A.......
681B44C4: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B44D4: 001f0007 00000000 001f003d 00030000 ........=.......
681B44E4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B44F4: 00230010 00000000 00230084 00030000 ..#.......#.....
681B4504: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4514: 00410006 00000000 0041003c 00030000 ..A.....<.A.....
681B4524: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4534: 00440004 00000000 0042001a 00010000 ..D.......B.....
681B4544: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4554: 00480005 00000000 0046001e 00010000 ..H.......F.....
name = OptDepExcl2

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182572089344 RowId = (1:19733:65)

DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

Now, the bad news. I am a bit of a novice and have picked this up from someone who left my company. It appears the latch error has been around for some time and only reared up when I instituted a new back up system that runs a dbcc check befor backing up. I don't think I have any clean backups.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Alex Mauer

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