What Is The Best Way Of Import From Xml File To A Sql Server Tables?
Mar 5, 2007
how do i import or what is the best way of import from xml file to a sql server tables?
how do i export or what is the best way of export from sql server tables to xml file?
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Mar 23, 2007
We are trying to use SSIS Import export wizrd to import the flat files (CSV format) that we have into MS SQL Server 2005 database tables. We have huge number of CSV files. Is there a way by which we can import these flat (CSV) files in to corresponding SQL server tables in a single shot. I would really appreciate this help as it is painful to convert each and every file using the Import Export wizard.
Thank you very much,
Srinivas Raveendra
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Jul 16, 2002
Quick Question!
If you have both invoice header lines and invoice detail lines in a comma delimited file, how can I get the data in the file to be imported into two different tables. I can produce a text file eg:
1,20,10/03/2002,39 High Street Any Town,,
2,20,Fluffy Slippers,2,Red,10.99
1,21,10/03/2002,11 Gibson Close,
1,22,13/03/2002,45 Mill Street,
2,22,Womble Feet,4,White,16.99
2,22,Glass Slipper,1,Transparent,23.99
Lines with 1 in the first column should go in the InvoiceHeader table
Lines with 2 in the first column should go in the InvoiceDetails table.
I have tried with DTS but to no avial - ActiveX scrips in the Transform Data Task can only seem to access one data destination - it one table not two.
Any Ideas?
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Feb 8, 2008
I have a text file which contains the data that has to be inserted into multiple tables.The columnames of table 1 form the H1 follwed by Details D1,D1,D1...
The column names of table two form the H2 followed by details D2,D2,D2 so on and similarly for Table 3.
Am using a link server to the file directory and schema.ini which defines the column names fofr the text file
Is there any way of defining column names for more than one table through the schema.ini? or is there any other way through I can parse the text file contents to multiple tables?
Sample text file:
H2,PagesUsed,PagesPrinted,Pages emailed
Schema.Ini - defined for the first table
Col1=JobDateText Width 20
Col2=JobNumberText Width 20
Col3=FileName Text Width 100
Hoe do i define the column names for the second table. All these contents are in a single text file and need to be parsed only thru sql.
Any help/suggestions are welcome..
Thanks a lot for taking time to read this.
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Apr 30, 2007
I have to import some Access 2003 tables into a SQL Server 2005. Since I have to do this every 6 months (different Access db into same SQL-Server) and since I have to check every single row I can't do it with the import data wizzard. I need to import the access tables into "temporary" tables in sql server and from there I'll put the rows into the correct tables...
Does anyone know how to import Access tables into SQL-Server 2005 with C#?
Thank you for your help!
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Jun 20, 2007
hi all ,
i need to import some tables from Infomix database to the sql server 2000.
what is the easiest way to do it as im quite new at this area.
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Jan 31, 2007
I have created a DTS package which imports text file into single sql server table with 8 columns (SourceData). The DTS package uses 'Test1.txt' file. Now i have around 200 text files (Test1,Test2,.....Test200). I need to import them one by one into 'SourceData' table. Could you pls. help me out in getting solved this mistery.
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Jun 15, 2007
I just used the SSIS Import and Export Wizard to copy 50+ tables from SS05 to SS2K.
I found that the wizard created a package that I could not figure out how to edit, e.g., to change whether or not it had to CREATE a table, or just use an existing one. (I created some problems by manually editing the receiving table names to be ones that already existed -- but the original names it had did not exist, so it knew it had to create them. What I should have done, and eventually ended up doing, was scroll through my list of tables in the "receiving" box; I just figured editing the name would be faster, not realizing what problems I would create for myself.)
Anyhow, now that I see the complex package that the wizard creates, with a LOOP over the 50+ tables, I would like to know how/where in the package it is storing the information about the tables to copy.
Basically the wizard creates the following Control Flow tab entries (in processing sequence order):
an Execute SQL Task: NonTransactableSql
a Sequence Container: Transaction Scoping Sequence, which contains
an Execute SQL Task: AllowedToFailPrologueSql
an Execute SQL Task: PrologueSql
a Foreach Loop Container, which contains
a Transfer Task with an icon I did not notice in the Toolbox
an Execute Package Task: Execute Inner Package
an Execute SQL Task: EpilogueSql
an "on success" arrow to
an Execute SQL Task: PostTransaction Sql
an "on failure" arrow to
an Execute SQL Task: CompensatingSql
Where, and how, can I look within this package to see the details about the tables I am transferring? I see that one of the Connection Managers is "TableSchema.XML" -- but it points to a temporary file on my hard drive, that I presume is populated by the package. Where does it get its information?
This is certainly much more complex than the package I would have written, based on my limited knowledge of SSIS. I would have been inclined to create 50+ Data Flow tasks, one for each table.
So now I'm trying to understand why the Wizard created this more-complex package.
Any help will be appreciated, including references to non-Microsoft books/websites/etc.
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 16, 2007
Hello, How can I copy a table from one database to another database with SQL Server Management Studio.Thanks,Curt.
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Feb 22, 2005
Hi all,
I have exported all data(including database, tables wiith data) into an XML File.
How to import this xml file into MSDE.?
Can anyone suggest me with good coding in C#?
Thanks and with regards,
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Sep 18, 1998
I just loaded SQL Server on my local NT Server. Client gave me several .dat files. I created a new device and database with the same name (catalog.dat) shut down the server, overwrote the new .dat file with the client`s file, opened up SQL Server and now the catalog database says "Suspect" and it cannot be accessed via SQL/w....
What am I doing wrong?
I have a solid Access background, but I fear that SQL Server is a totally different animal... HeeeelP!??!?!
Dave McGrath
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Jul 15, 2004
Can anyone tell me how to import an mdf file into SQL Server 2000?
Thank you, your help is very much appreciated.
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Dec 5, 2004
I have my *.mdf and *.ldf file and need to import it to my new sqlserver 2000.
Can anybody tell me how to do it
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Jun 4, 2008
I have a file reg.sql how can I import that file to SQL Server??Can anyone tell me the step??
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Jul 17, 2014
I need to consume a live data feed from a golf tournament. And by consume, I really mean insert (merge) into our own SQL Server database on a regular intervals as a tournament progresses.This site didn't let me upload an XML file, but you can see a sample of the data feed here: URL....
I need to insert this data into 2 tables, Player_Holes and Player_Shots. But while doing the insert, I need to lookup several things such as our player ID match to theirs on an external_id against the players table. The shot types translation, and some other logic about the process overall.
The columns in my player_holes tables are: id, player_id, hole_id, round, shots (this is a total # of strokes) and date_created/date_modified.Shots table is similar: id, player_id, hole_id, round, shot_number, shot_type_id, club, distance, date_created/date_modified.
The only way I know how to do it, is inefficient. I would parse the XML in ColdFusion (please no comments on ColdFusion, that's what we use for webdev), and then loop over it and do inserts for each player, each hole for each round, and the shots would probably be separate for each hole.
It would be so much better and more efficient if I could do it in SQL directly. I've done some research and SQL Server Data Tools looks promising. I've never used it, so would have to learn, but also I'm not sure if that'd work in this application when we want to run is as a scheduled task every few minutes.
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Aug 13, 2015
I'm pulling data from XML into tables, but I'm unsure how to link the data after it's imported. This example has names and tasks, and I can pull the data into two tables, but I can't find any way to link the task to the appropriate person. My person and task tables populate without issue, but there's nothing I can find to link the rows together. So in this example Test 1 would go to the first two Tasks and Test 2 would go to the second two work items.
DECLARE @Person Table (Name NVARCHAR(50), Addresss NVARCHAR(50));
DECLARE @Task Table (Name NVARCHAR(50), Details NVARCHAR(50));
<Person><Name>Test1</Name><Address>123 main street</Address></Person>
[Code] .....
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Oct 1, 2007
We just upgraded from SQL Server 2000 to 2005. In the past, when I ran the import/export wizard to copy multiple tables from one database to another with SQL Server 2000, I had no problem. Now when I used the import/export wizard to copy multiple tables with SQL Server 2005, I kept getting an error. For example, when copied three tables, the first table might be copied fine and I got an error with the second table and the whole thing stop. Sometimes I could copy two tables. However, when I ran the import/export wizard to copy each table one at a time, it worked.
The error that I got was "Cannot insert duplicate key in object..." I selected the options to "Delete rows in existing destination tables", and "Enable identity insert". What am I doing wrong?
R. Jiwungkul
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Jun 2, 2005
Hi all, I am trying to import excel file to SQL server using web application. I have been browsing all day long trying to get some helps but I found none that really solves my problem. :( I am aware that I can use DTS in SQL server, however I want to build a web application for it. I can upload the file on the server, my problem is I want to load the data in excel file dynamically; I will need to create a table in the server dynamically everytime I import an excel file. Please help!!!Thanks Irma
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Jan 30, 2002
I am having my present database system in DB2. Recently, I have transferred to SQL Server 6.5 and have created a database there.
I want to import all my data from dbase to SQL Server 6.5.
I have created a CSV file from the dbase database.
How can I import this data into a table in SQL Server 6.5 ??
I can't find any DTS component in SQL 6.5 like we have in SQL 7.0 and 2000.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi all,I have a file with an extension of .sdf. I "believe" it is a text fileof some sort but I am uncertain. The source agency hasn't returned anyof my calls so I'm wondering if anyone is familiar with this extension?I'd like to import the file into my database - when I use DTS and chosea text format, regardless of what delimiter I choose, the format isstill really ugly. when I pull it up in a huge text editor, it is hardfor me to tell what it is there.I saw in one of my searches that it could be a comma delimited (it'snot) .. could be a unisys file? I know it's not much information to goon - but where should I start in trying to get this into my databasewithout knowing the format? Any suggestions would be greatlyappreciated.Thanks!Bethany*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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Aug 9, 2007
I know how to import the .rpt file into Access database using import.
can some body tell about how to import to SQL Server 2005 database, both front end (using some utility or interface) and back end (directly accessing the server) solution.
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Apr 3, 2008
I want to import a flat file to my sql server database. My sql server and web server are on different machines. I used a bulk insert to import the data using a Format.. But now since the sql server and the web server are on different machine it doesnt load the data to the sql server..
i have tried giving http://Ipaddress/Path and that didnt work.. tried mapping the network drive to the webserver and then specified the location and that didnt work too..
I found this connection string on the internet
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c: xtFilesFolder;Extended Properties="text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Fixed";
but i am not sure how to give a ~ delimited and specify a format file..
any help will be appreciated..
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Oct 26, 2015
We would like to import some tables from Microsoft azure data mart to our local database on the server of our premise for some purpose.
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Apr 21, 2006
I've just installed SQL Server 2005 Express Advanced and I haven't found a way to import Microsoft Access 2003 files. Is there a way to do it?
Thanks in advance,
Sergio Oliveira
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Aug 21, 2007
I need help importing a complex xml file using the XML Bulk Load component. I need there to be 2 tables as shown below. I just
cannot seem to figure out how to get this to work with such a complex XML structure. I have shown below my table structure, a
sample of one of the entries of the XML files and what I have so far for my XSD schema. Any help would be great!!!
My Tables:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[WPXML] ( [Part] [varchar] (100) PRIMARY KEY, [BaseVehicle] [int] NULL , [Qty] [int] NULL , [PartType] [int] NULL , [EngineBase] [int] NULL , [EngineDesignation] [int] NULL , [ImageURL] [varchar] (100) NULL , [ThumbURL] [varchar] (100) NULL) GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[WPPRODUCT] ( [Part] [varchar] (100) PRIMARY KEY , [PartNumber] [varchar] (100) NULL , [BrandID] [varchar] (4) NULL , [BrandDescription] [varchar] (100) NULL , [Price] [varchar] (10) COLLATE NULL , [ListPrice] [varchar] (10) COLLATE NULL, [Weight] [varchar] (10) COLLATE NULL, [Popularity] [varchar] (10) NULL, [OEFlag] [varchar] (10) NULL, [ProductRemark] [varchar] (1000) NULL, [Note] [varchar] (5000) NULL ) GOSample of XML:<App action="A" id="1484266"> <BaseVehicle id= "5899"/> <EngineBase id= "555"/> <EngineDesignation id= "138"/> <Qty>0</Qty> <PartType id= "6192"/> <Part>W0133-1621038</Part> <Product> <PartNumber>W0133-1621038</PartNumber> <BrandID>FUL</BrandID> <BrandDescription><![CDATA[Full]]></BrandDescription> <Price>17.38</Price> <ListPrice>36.60</ListPrice> <Available>Y</Available> <Weight>1.05</Weight> <Popularity>B</Popularity> </Product> <Product> <PartNumber>W0133-1611982</PartNumber> <BrandID>KN</BrandID> <BrandDescription><![CDATA[K&N Filters]]></BrandDescription> <Price>68.78</Price> <ListPrice>105.81</ListPrice> <Available>Y</Available> <Weight>1.80</Weight> <Popularity>E</Popularity> </Product> <Product> <PartNumber>W0133-1626304</PartNumber> <BrandID>ND</BrandID> <BrandDescription><![CDATA[Denso]]></BrandDescription> <Price>22.34</Price> <ListPrice>36.60</ListPrice> <Available>Y</Available> <OEFlag>OEM</OEFlag> <Weight>1.05</Weight> <notes>Notes For This Part</notes> <Popularity>D</Popularity> </Product> <ImageURL><![CDATA[http://img.eautopartscatalog.com/live/W01331621038OES.JPG]]></ImageURL> <ThumbURL><![CDATA[http://img.eautopartscatalog.com/live/thumb/W01331621038OES.JPG]]></ThumbURL> </App>
My XSD Schema Thus Far:<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:sql="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:mapping-schema"><xsd:annotation> <xsd:appinfo> <sql:relationship name="test" parent="WPXML" parent-key="Part" child="WPPRODUCT" child-key="Part" /> </xsd:appinfo></xsd:annotation> <xsd:element name="App" sql:relation="WPXML" sql:relationship="test"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Qty" type="xsd:integer" /> <xsd:element name="Part" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="BaseVehicle"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:attribute name="BaseVehicle" type="xsd:integer" sql:field="BaseVehicle" /> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="PartType"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:integer" sql:field="PartType" /> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="EngineBase"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:integer" sql:field="EngineBase" /> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="EngineDesignation"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:integer" sql:field="EngineDesignation" /> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="ImageURL" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="ThumbURL" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="Product" sql:relation="WPPRODUCT" sql:key-fields="Part" sql:relationship="test"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Part" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="PartNumber" type="xsd:string" > </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="BrandID" type="xsd:string" > </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="BrandDescription" type="xsd:string" > </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="Price" type="xsd:string" > </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="ListPrice" type="xsd:string" > </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="Weight" type="xsd:string" > </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="Popularity" type="xsd:string" > </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="OEFlag" type="xsd:string" > </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="ProductRemark" type="xsd:string" > </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="Note" type="xsd:string" > </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element></xsd:schema>
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Feb 20, 2008
I want to upload a Flat file from an asp.net website to a Sql server.. I have used olebb provider to upload excel files and a foxpro provider to upload DBF files and then used the sqlbulkcopy to put the data to my sql server..
SO i was wondering what kinda provider should i use to import a Flat file to the database and do i have use a format file in order to import it...
Any help will be appreciated..
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Nov 2, 2007
I am trying to import an Excel file - when I pick the file I get the message "Could not open file for reading. Close any other application that may be locking the file."
I have verified that the file is not open - I have even rebooted the machine - still the same message - what am I doing different?
Please advise.
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Jan 11, 2008
I have imported a TXT file every week on SQL 2000. Options,
Fixed field
File Type: ANSI
Skip rows: 0
Row delimited: {CR}{LF}
Text qualifier: DoubleQuote{"} (default grayed out).
It works fine. On SQL 2005, I cannot.
If I keep same settings as SQL 2000, I cannot see file from Preview. If I change to Delimited, I can see file but there is only one column.
Any suggestion?
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Jun 12, 2015
I want to import xml file directly from web page into microsoft sql table. At the moment the import is done after the XML file is downloaded local.I want to skip this step to manualy download the file.It can be done in SQL? when i change the path i get this error: Cannot bulk load because the file URL... could not be opened. Operating system error code 123(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.)
below is the code
SET @Doc = (SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'F:Folderbrfxrates.xml', SINGLE_CLOB) AS xmlData) -- 1 LOCAL works
--SET @Doc = (SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'http://www.bnr.ro/nbrfxrates.xml', SINGLE_CLOB) AS xmlData) -- from web i get error
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Sep 5, 2005
I would like to know how I may import a .bak file (produced by SQL-Server 2005) into SQLExpress.
Thank you very much for any help !
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi there,When importing a text file using SQL Server, how do I specify the pathto a file on the same remote server that SQL Server is running on? Itried //c:/filename but that doesn't seem to work.Also, once the import is working, how do I write a DTS package tofirst delete all rows in a table, then repopulate with the text file,or is it easier to drop the table, re-create it and then repopulate?The table will contain approximately 30,000 records.thanks for your help,K
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Mar 2, 2007
i want to import flat file data to sql server. i created a package in vb.net. if the import table column is identity means i got
Failure inserting into the read-only column "ID".
Column metadata validation failed.
"component "OLE DB Destination" (10)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
One or more component failed validation.
There were errors during task validation. error.
how can i rectify this error? or how can i ignore the identity column in coding.
thanks & regards,
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Jan 7, 2008
Hi, recently I encountered the following problem:
I tried to execute a stored procedure on the newly installed SQL 2005 Server (now on x64 Win Server 2003) which imports an Excel-File into a DB table.
We use OPENROWSET to access the Excel data. But I recognized this is dependent on Jet OLE DB which seems is not available for x64 windows.
Is there another way to import excel data using a stored procedure.
thank you in advance, rene
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