What Is The Scope Of A Table Variable Defined In A Dataset?

Dec 14, 2007

if a dataset doesnt use a stored proc to define a table variable, what is the scope of that table variable? Does the name need to be unique from such variables defined by other datasets?

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Variable Scope And Connection Manger Scope

Mar 13, 2008

I have taken three dtsx files and re written them into one each in its own container. I use the XML Task task alot which the File connection is set by a variable and the variable value is evaluated by expression (the expression makes up the path/filename from other variable values). All the variables that make up the connection are at the container scope. The package will not run now because it is saying that the source (created by variables) for the file connection do not exist.

It seems the answer is that file connections exist at the package level therefore the variable has to be at the package level. This seems to be alot of variables i now have to move to package level to generate the XML source connection. Which in essence makes it confusing as to which variables operate in which container.

My question is can we easily move variable scope (Not ideal as we have alot of variables at package level) Or Can we do the same for connection managers as we do for variables and have them only used in a scope? (this will be ideal as some connections only need to be at a container scope)

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Table Variable And User Defined Types

Oct 30, 2003

This is part of the codes of a stored procedure:

-- Create tables variables
PRNum udt_PRNum

However, it cannot be compiled coz of this error:
Error 2715: Column or parameter #1: Cannot find data type udt_PRNum.

This user-defined data type is created in a user database only.

I tried to created the user-defined type into BOTH tempdb and master but same error.

How can i resolove it?
Or it is impossible to use user-defined datatype for table variable?

In the past,
i use this method:
PRNum udt_PRNum

and cerate udt_PRNum in tempdb only could solve it.

But now i want to use table variable.
It seems NOT work for my situation.

Any idea?

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SQL Server 2014 :: User Defined Function - Using Table Name As Variable

Aug 9, 2014

I'm trying to create a simple function that will do a count on a table. I want to pass the table name in form of a parameter to the variable and this function will return the count as an int. See my function below...

CREATE FUNCTION count_rows (@tablename varchar(100)
DECLARE @emp_count AS int
declare @declaration varchar(100)

[Code] ....

The errors I am getting are as follows:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure count_rows, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near 'RETURNS'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure count_rows, Line 10
Incorrect syntax near '@declaration'.
Msg 178, Level 15, State 1, Procedure count_rows, Line 14

A RETURN statement with a return value cannot be used in this context.

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Dataset Into A Table Or Matrix With Fixed Number Of Columns, Variable Rows

Jul 13, 2007


I have a dataset with 2 columns, a rownumber and a servername - eg

rownumber servername

1 server1

2 server2


15 server15

I want to display the servernames in a report so that you get 3 columns - eg

server1 | server2 | server3

server4 | server5 | server6


server13 | server14 | server15

I have tried using multiple tables and lists and filtering the data on each one but this then makes formating very hard - i either end up with a huge gap between columns or the columns overlap

I have also tried using a matrix control but cant find a way to do this.

Does anybody know an easy way to do this? The data comes from sql 2005 so i can use a pivot clause on the dataset if somebody knows a way to do it this way. The reporting service is also RS2005



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Scope Of Variable

Dec 4, 2007

Is there any way to change the scope of a user defined variable?

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Scope Of Variable

Dec 4, 2007

how to change the a scope of a user defined variable?

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Variable Scope

Sep 7, 2006

Hello again,

Variable scope of package variables should be in a dropdown. I want to copy (20+) variables from one sequence container to another. Do I have to retype all the names, types and initial values because I made the mistake not to place them one level higher?


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Scope Of Global Variable

Aug 22, 2006


I want to know the scope of a Global Variable in case of multi users.

Means i have declared a global variable in a function. And a new value is assigned to this global variable into this function, each time it is called.

So if, 3 users call this function at same time, then will the get different gloabl variables or same?


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Variable Scope Problem

Mar 1, 2007

Greetings SSIS friends!

Consider the following scenario :

Source table : Result (contains 100 rows with primary key Reuslt_ID)

Destination Table : stage_RESULT (same structure as source table)

Source table gets regular inserts with new result_ids. I want my package to pick up new result_ids only, i.e. (Result_ids > maximum(result_id) in stage_RESULT.

My package is designed to do the following :

1) Retrieve current maximum result_id into @max_result_id from RESULT_STAGE

2) Retrieve rows from Result where result_id > @max_result_id

sounds simple, BUT.. it's not working.... my source table resides in a SQL Server 6.5 database so I am having to use a datareader source adapter to pull the data.

The first time I run the package (when my stage_RESULT) is empty, the package pulls all 100 rows from the source to the destination table, but the second time I run it, it still retrieves all 100 rows again even though the value of the variable is greater than all result_ids in the source.

What am I doing wrong?

I have a variable defined at the package level. I use a SQL Query Task to assign a value to this variable (this bit works just fine). I then use this variable in my data flow task in order to retrieve data using the My expression used for my datareader source adapter is :

"select * from result where result_id > " + (dt_str, 10, 1252) @[max_result_id]

This is confusing the hell out of me.

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Can I Create The Variable With Scope --Project

Mar 19, 2008

can i create the variable with scope --Project

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Transact SQL Probklems With Variable Scope

Jul 20, 2005

I have 24 tables named tblData1 ... tblData24 and I have a scheduledjob that runs successfully to delete all data older than 31 days.My problem is that I need to keep at least one record in each tablefor the aggregate function max() to work in one of my application'sfunctions, as if there are no records the result is null.Although I have figured out a workaround in the function using max() Iwould like to know how to change my script.Functionally I would like to get the max() value of the ID column(autoincrementing) and then add to the where "And ID <> @maxID".I have tried a few options and come unstuck with scope of variables,and tried to use a temp table to store the max values for the 24tables and got no where. Can anyone help ?Working script without the @maxID bit:-DECLARE @days VARCHAR(12)DECLARE @intData intDECLARE @SQL1 VARCHAR(2000)set @Days = 31set @intData = 1While @intData<=24BeginSET @SQL1 = 'DELETE FROM [DB1_SQL].[dbo].[tblData'+rtrim(CONVERT(char(2), @intData)) + '] Wheredatediff(Day,Datim,getdate())> '+ @daysEXEC(@SQL1)/*print @SQL1*/set @intData= @intData + 1Endgo

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Can I Create The Variable With Scope --Project

Mar 19, 2008

Hi All,

Could u plz tell me how to create a variable with scope project but not package(normally)

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Changing Variable Scope In Package Templates?

Jun 15, 2006

Is there any way to change variable scope while using package templates?

I have created a package template that has several variables, a "typical" control flow and data flow. My goal was to try and use this as a starting point to create other packages within the same project and edit as required in the new package. I couldn't find any way (yet) to change scope of variables...these still show as belonging to the scope of package used to create the template.

Appreciate any help...thanks.

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Reporting Services :: Writing SSRS Expression Using Scope Or Variable?

May 21, 2015

I have created a heat map and it is working pretty well. The only issue I am having is that the expression for the fill is using "DataSet1"



This is making the heatmap look at the whole dataset instead of just what I am grouping by. Within the Dataset there are Regions and Credit Unions. Since the Dataset is looking at an entire region, the heatmap is coloring based on all data for the region. I need to heatmap to color based on the Credit Unions in that region. The Credit Unions are a group. I need the group to be the value it is referencing in the heat map and not "DataSet1". I have been told to use scope or a variable but cannot get it to work correctly.

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User-defined Types (UDT) In Typed Dataset

Dec 24, 2006


I'm need to use typed Dataset with CLR UDT, but when I'm trying to create TableAdapter in Dataset designer, I'm gettng error message: User-defined data types are not supported in DataSet designer

Is any way to get it working?

My UDT defined in separate assembly as:

[XmlRoot(Namespace = NS)]
[SqlUserDefinedType(Format.Native, Name = DataType, IsByteOrdered = true, ValidationMethodName = "Validate")]
public struct Coordinate
: INullable,

Working environment: Visual Studio 2005 SP1, MS SQL 2005 SP1 + Hotfix.

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User Defined Variable

Mar 18, 2008


Is there a way that I can create a user defined variable in my database? I have a fairly large chunk of xml that I would like to store in the database that can be updated by clients ( in rare cases ). I could use other mechinisms to allow access to it, but all other application related information is stored nicely in this one place, I hate to vary for this single piece.

Thank you for your time and thoughts.

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Passing A Variable Value (Package Scope) To A DTS Package Embedded Into Execute DTS 2000 Task

Jul 19, 2007

Hi friends,

I have a for each loop that populates from a set of flat files into a Sql Server table, I run the Flat file Import via a dts package embedded into Execute DTS 2000 Task. I want to pass the Sourcefile Name that is fetched by the For Each Loop to assign it Global Variable in DTS. how this can be made ?


Subhash Subramanyam

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Trigger Scope Table

May 15, 2008

A need a trigger to scope my data modifications but this code return EventData a NULL. Can someone help me with this?

Code Snippet

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[_Log](

[EventID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[EventData] [xml] NULL,

[EventID] ASC


CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TRG_Clients]
ON [dbo].[Clients]
INSERT INTO [dbo].[_Log](EventData)

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How To Add The Value Of A Variable To Column In A DataSet

Sep 8, 2006


i'm working on a Data Flow which uses a "Flat Sile Source" to read a CSV-file and then sends the transformed data to a "OLE DB Destination".

What i need is a way to add a column to my transformed data which contains a value from a User-Variable.

My User-Variable contains the key for the data, and this one value shall replicate to all Rows in the DataSet.

So anybody know of an existing Data Flow component, which can do this?

Regards, Martin

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Calling Three Different Variable Coming From Three Different Sql Queries Which Defined In Same Stored Procedure From DataAdapter

May 22, 2008

My task is to bind and show 3 different values coming from three different queries into three different columns of GridView. I had done this as mention in below. Program was successful. But I want to excute these three queries in same Stored Procedure. I can do that and stored in seperated variables. I need help how to call these three different values in data adapters and store each value in three different columns of grid view.
Simply I want to below statement in stored procedures and call from program.  Can any one help me plz.
con = DataBaseConnection.GetConnection();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select isnull(sum(PA_DAmt),0) from PA_Deposits where PA_UID = @PA_UID", con);
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@PA_UID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PA_UID"]);
SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter("select isnull(sum(PA_EAmt),0) from PA_Expenses where PA_UID = @PA_UID", con);
da1.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@PA_UID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PA_UID"]);
SqlDataAdapter da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("select isnull(sum(PA_IAmt),0) from PA_Income where PA_UID = @PA_UID", con);
da2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@PA_UID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PA_UID"]);
string deposits = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables["Dep"].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]);
string expenses = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables["Exp"].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]);
string income = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables["Inc"].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]);
GridView1.DataSource = ds;
GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text = "Total";
GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[1].Text = deposits
GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[2].Text = expenses;
GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[3].Text = income;
//The above program was success.
// This is another way I had tried. But failed. I am getting Index out of bound error. Can any solve this if possible to u.
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select isnull(sum(PA_DAmt),0) from PA_Deposits where PA_UID = @PA_UID", con);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@PA_UID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = (int)Session["PA_UID"];
GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[1].Text = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
cmd.CommandText = "select isnull(sum(PA_EAmt),0) from PA_Expenses where PA_UID = @PA_UID";
GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[2].Text = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
cmd.CommandText = "select isnull(sum(PA_IAmt),0) from PA_Income where PA_UID = @PA_UID";
GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[3].Text = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
ASPX Code for Grid View
<h2>Account Summary</h2><br />
    <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" emptydatatext="There are no data records to display." Width="238px" >
                <asp:TemplateField >
                        <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Total"></asp:Label>
                <asp:TemplateField   ><%--HeaderText="Deposits"--%>
                        <a href="Deposits.aspx" >Deposits</a>
                    <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
                <asp:TemplateField >
                        <a href="Expenses.aspx">Expenses</a>
                    <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
                <asp:TemplateField   >
                        <a href="Income.aspx">Income</a>
                    <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
                   <%-- <%# Eval("Course") %>--%>
Plz solve this.

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Connect To A DataSet Variable As A Source?

Apr 16, 2007

Hello. I€™m new to SSIS. This forum and Kirk Haselden€™s book are my teachers. I€™m having a hard time grasping something basic to get started defining a set of packages to automate the ETL process, however, and perhaps I€™m simply misunderstanding the best practices of SSIS.

I have source data in two different transactional databases, and use OleDb connection managers (and OleDb Source components in the Data Flow) to extract the data. I use a Script Task and several Lookup widgets in the Data Flow to transform the data, and output each to two different package-scope DataSet variables.

How do I join these two datasets in a third Data Flow task for loading into my data warehouse? It seems I can iterate through them in the Control Flow, but I can€™t write a query against them in the Data Flow, since there is no connection manager that allows me to €śconnect€? to a package-level variable. Should I instead be storing my extracted, transformed data in temporary database tables, and then joining these to do the final load?

Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Transact SQL :: Temp Table Scope On Error

Oct 12, 2015

In my sp I'm have an Insert statement. In the event that after the insert @@rowcount = 0 I'm throwing an error with RAISEERROR.

This is fine, however, in my CATCH block I'm referencing a local temp table but getting an error that it no longer exists.

My question is, does throwing an error drop any #temp tables? I thought they were in scope for the session?

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Transact SQL :: Table Lock Time Scope

May 8, 2015

I have a query which is part of bigger transaction:

SELECT id, q,
), CTE1 AS(
SELECT id, q_take=CASE WHEN c.Total<@qRequired THEN c.q ELSE
@qRequired-c.Total+c.q END FROM CTE
WHERE (CASE WHEN c.Total<@qRequired THEN c.q ELSE
@qRequired-c.Total+c.q END)>0
UPDATE t set q-=c1.q_take FROM dbo.myTable t INNER JOIN CTE1 c1 ON t.id=c1.id

Because CTE query is executed separately of update query I must put UPDLOCK hint, otherwise myTable could be changed while my query executes by some other user.(I have snapshot row committed transaction).

The problem is that my hint will hold lock on rows of myTable until the end of outer transaction(the bigger one).

But I need lock only for the time of this small query execution. What would be the best way to achieve that?

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Script Task User Defined Variable And Data Reader Source SQL Statement

Jan 12, 2007


Please can anyone tell me if or how I have to cross reference to a user defined variable from a script task in the SQL of a Data Reader Source?

The script task creates a variable for the last Sales Ledger Session. The SQL in the data reader source that updates the DW sales invoice lines file based upon those invoice lines where the session number is greater than the value from the script task.

The SQL command in the custom properties doesn't cross reference back to the variable.

If anyone can help or needs further detail to help please post a resonse.


Marcus Simpson

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How Can I Have A Variable Number Of Parameter Values In A Dataset?

Apr 20, 2007

I have a strongly typed dataset, and I need to be able to do a search on multiple values of a parameter.  The problem is I don't know how many.  I have a textbox that the user can enter search words in.  The select string is built from the string of words that are entered, like this:For iCount = 0 To UBound(sArray)    strSQL = strSQL & "Description LIKE '%" & sArray(iCount) & "%' OR "Next Can I do this is a dataset method?  How?  If I can't, what are my options?Diane 

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Temp Table Scope In Nested Stored Procedures

Jun 8, 2001

We are migrating a SQL 6.5 application with 1900 stored procedures that use 100's of temp tables to SQL 2000.

A problem we have encountered was that we started out getting an "invalid column" errors on certain procedures. Investigation determined that the error was being generated in a nested procedure. The table that caused the error ended up being a temp table that was created using "select into". The following select statement from that temp table gave the invalid column error.

First thinking it was the "Select Into" we then discovered that the outer most procedure had created a temp table of the same name prior to executing the lower level procedure. After the select into, the next statement was a SELECT that went against what it thought was the inner temp table. However, it grabbed the outermost temp table and then couldn't find the appropriate columns and generated the error.

The solution, of course, was to rename the inner most temp table. We also remove the "select into" in the procedure by explicitly creating the temp table.

We tried creating some test procedures to attempt to reproduce this scenario without complete success.

Our test created 3 procedures (sp1 calling sp2 calling sp3) to mimic the current scenario. Sp1 created a temp table and executed sp2, which executed sp3. Sp3 created another temp table using the same name as the one created in sp1.

If we create all three procedures at the same time, it doesn't matter if we change the order in which they are created or whether we create the inner temp table explicitly or with a "select into", SQL Query Analyzer won't let us create the procedure because it finds that the temp table has been declared twice. If we create the procedures separately however, they compile and allow sp3 to create a temp table by the same name as sp1. After creating the procedures independently, they runs properly in all cases with everything in proper scope and no problems.

Admittedly, this is bad coding to start with, but what is happening with the scope of the temp tables within the stored procedures?

Glen Smith

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SQL Server 2012 :: Exec Producing Table Out Of Scope

Dec 17, 2013

I am generating some dynamic sql which I would like to run and return the data from, however when I run EXEC(@TEMP_TABLE_STRING) it cannot return the table I think because it is out of scope.

Is there a way around this.

declare@Tablename VARCHAR(150) = 'TEMP_LOCATIONS'
declare@FilterClause VARCHAR(512)=NULL
declare@Classes VARCHAR(100)=NULL
declare@IsExcel BIT = 1
DECLARE @SQL Nvarchar(MAX) = ''

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Techniques For Ensuring Isolated Temp Table Scope?

Jul 28, 2015

what are some common techniques for ensuring an isolated temp table scope? For example, if 2 different sprocs happen to crud a temp table with the same name? I'm guessing that big SQL shops establish a standard for this early on to avoid conflicts between sprocs.

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User Defined Function: Convert String Value Of Table To Table Object

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone know where to find or how to write a quick user defined fucntionthat will return a table object when passed the string name of the tableobject. The reason why I want dynamicallly set the table name in a storedprocudue WITHOUT using concatination and exec a SQL String.HenceIf @small_int_parameter_previous = 1 then@vchar_tablename = "sales_previous"else@vchar_tablename = "sales"Endselect * from udf_TableLookup(@vchar_tablename )So if I pass 1, that means I want all records from "sales_previous"otherwise give me all records from "sales" (Sales_Previous would last yearssales data for example).udf_TableLookup would I guess lookup in sysobjects for the table name andreturn the table object? I don't know how to do this.I want to do this to avoid having 2 stored procedures..one for current andone for previous year.Please respond to group so others may benfiit from you knowledge.ThanksErik

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Transact SQL :: Insert Values From Variable Into Table Variable

Nov 4, 2015

CREATE TABLE #T(branchnumber VARCHAR(4000))

insert into #t(branchnumber) values (005)
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (090)
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (115)
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (210)
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (216)


I have a parameter which should take multiple values into it and pass that to the code that i use. For, this i created a parameter and temporarily for testing i am passing some values into it.Using a dynamic SQL i am converting multiple values into multiple records as rows into another variable (called @QUERY). My question is, how to insert the values from variable into a table (table variable or temp table or CTE).OR Is there any way to parse the multiple values into a table. like if we pass multiple values into a parameter. those should go into a table as rows.

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Table Of User Defined Types

Apr 13, 2006


I have a question about creating a user defined type: I'd like to create a table of employee objects which include objects of the type employee_t. I used this structure before in Oracle 9i and would like to know how it can be done with MS SQL Server 2000 or 2005, preferably with Enteprise Manager/Management Studio. Below is an example.

name VARCHAR(10)
jobDesc VARCHAR(15)

CREATE TABLE Employee of employee_t



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Pass Dataset To TaskScript From Variable, And Be Cleared After The Taskscript.

Jan 19, 2008

Hi, firends,please look at this:


1.prepare a SQLTask component, and read a table by it, return the result in an Variable Object(RegionDim).
2.Pass the Variable into a Taskscript component. In the Script, write this:

Public dtRegion As New DataTable
Public daRegion As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter

daRegion.Fill(dtRegion, Dts.Variables("RegionDim").Value)

3.Use dtRegion in the script. It's OK.

After the TaskScript, the RegionDim is be cleared in fact. So I can't use it in other places, and need to read the table again.

I think the "daRegion.Fill(dtRegion, Dts.Variables("RegionDim").Value)" mark the RegionDim as the dtRegion, and the dtRegion is a variable scoped inside the Script, which will be distroyed after the Script. So the RegionDim is cleared.

How to avoid this?


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