What Must Have Clients To Work With Mssql Data
Mar 10, 2004
reading help i know that client for working with mssql remote db must have installed oledbprovider for XXX
i always use ole db provider for ODBC
, this ole db provider is installed with mssql, but what exactly must to have the clients which are not familiar with this ole bd provider, what files ?
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Jun 25, 2007
I'm new to the forums, but have been utilizing forum responses from here for a long time. Anyway, here goes.
I'm currently reverse-engineering 5 systems that utilize MSSQL 2000 for a backend database. Essentially, i need to find out how MSSQL manages system memory for table updates, deletes, etc. As well, how .mdf / .ldf files are structured (pre-allocated space, or allocated-on-the-fly???).
My goal is to delete records in a table and then ensure that those records can't be retrieved (overwrite free space -- if this is even necessary):confused:
Thanks in advance for any help
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Jun 8, 2007
I am someting of a newbie to SQL Server, but I am an experienced C++/C# programmer.
I have a SQL Server 2005 DB to which are connected 50 or so clients.
The clients are running my software, written in C# and connected to the server by an OleDBConnection.
These connections are long-lived; in some cases they remain for days or more.
Now and again, one of the clients causes a change to the DB (not structural, just normal adds, update and deletes).
But most of the time the clients are just viewing data in the DB.
What I need to happen is that when any item of information changes, the display of that information on any of the clients which are viewing it must be updated quickly.
It doesn't have to be instant, but a delay or more than, say, 5 seconds is unacceptable.
It is like a share-dealing or foreign exchange system (although that is not what it is) where the traders' screens have to have up-to-date information at all times.
Note that the information received by the clients does not have to describe the change in detail, just a hint to the client as to what change has happened so that the client can refresh its views.
I can think of a way of doing this but it is really nasty.
The hints would be recorded in a time-stamped table. Each client would poll every couple of seconds by calling a SP, which would return the hints which have been added since the last time that client polled.
But polling is horrible and I am sure that there must be a better way.
A route that looks promising is InfoMessages. But, reading around the subject, it looks like these cannot be unsolicited and spontaneous; they only arrive on a Connection as a result of some action on that Connection.
I may have missed something, or maybe InfoMessages are not the way to go.
Can anyone offer me any advice, please
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Jul 23, 2005
I want to connect over the internet to get data from clients.What wouldbe the easiest method and the most stable methos to do it1.Use a Point to Point prtotcol from the client pc and then upload thedata to our sql server2.Export the data from the clint pc in XML format and then Enter it inour computer.3.Have all clienst ftp the data in a dirctory and then upload the xmlfiles from the directory?Thanking you in anticipation.Would love it if we could discuss anddistribute our thoughts on this.Ajay
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Feb 29, 2008
Hello,I'm looking into offering a custom data driven web app that I wrote for an organization that I'm apart of to other similar organizations. I would be hosting the data and web application code on my dedicated server. This application is using the membership api supplied in .NET 2.0 and also has my own custom data tables within it.My question is what would be the best way to add clients to this? Should I simply create a new database for each new client like so: ACME_Database, ABC_Database, AAA_Database etc. Or should I add some sort of client "Tag" (tag meaning column within each datatable) to these databases and then update my SQL queries to process them accordingly. I imagine I could do both but I guess I need some advice from people that already had experiance with providing this kind of service. Thanks!Jason
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,i have a problem about the CLIENT-SERVER architecture procedure.Well , i have an application in VB with ADO connection to a table in adatabase on a SQLSERVER 7.0 .Is possible to do that when a client updates a data in a field of my table ,the SERVER communicates to all clients connected to my table that this dataare updated , without the client do anything , for example without aclient-timer to control the data in the server ???thanks
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Dec 21, 2005
one of our forth coming projects, with ASP.Net/C#/MSSQL Server, We have
to deal with a Business table having about 15 millions of records. We
want to know, that which methodologies should we adopt, both regarding
front end and back end perspective, so the site could give optimised
performance. Also in place of a Dedicated Server, the Hosting Company
provides MSDE (that come with .net). Will this create any problem with
this project, that have such a huge table? Should we go for some
advanced database technique, such as, Clustering, Spliting Tables, etc.
Followings are the fields that the business table contains:
ID, Category ID (which comes from a Category table, each business is
under a category), BusinessName, SignupDate, Address1, Address2, Phone
Hours Of Operation, Years in Business, LicenseNumber, DiscountCoupon, Website
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Jan 7, 2007
Environment:Server1 (Local)OS Windows 2000 ServerSQL Server 2000Server2 (Remote)OS Windows 2003 ServerSQL Server 2000(Both with most recent service packs)Using Enterprise Manager, we have set up the Link Server (LINK_A) inthe Local Server 1 to connect to Server 2.The SQL we need to run is the following:INSERT INTO table1(column1,column2)SELECT A.column1, A.column2FROM LINK_A.catalog_name.dbo.table2 AS AWHERE A.column1 xxxx;When we run this from the Query Analyzer, it completes with no problemsin a few seconds.Our problem:When we add the DTS Package as the ActiveX Script (VB Script) to theLocal Package, it times out at "obj_Conn.Execute str_Sql"Dim Sql, obj_ConnSet obj_Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")obj_Conn.Open XXXXobj_Conn.BeginTransstr_Sql = "INSERT INTO table1("str_Sql = str_Sql & "column1"str_Sql = str_Sql & ", column2"str_Sql = str_Sql & ")"str_Sql = str_Sql & " SELECT A.column1"str_Sql = str_Sql & ", A.column2"str_Sql = str_Sql & " FROM LINK_A.catalog_name.dbo.table2 AS A"str_Sql = str_Sql & " WHERE A.column1 0"str_Sql = str_Sql & ";"obj_Conn.Execute str_Sql----------------------------------------------------------When we make a Stored Procedure and run the following SQL, it freezes.INSERT INTO table1(column1,column2)SELECT A.column1, A.column2FROM LINK_A.catalog_name.dbo.table2 AS AWHERE A.column1 xxxxWe've also tried the following with the same results;INSERT INTO table1(column1,column2)SELECT A.column1, A.column2FROM [LINK_A].[catalog_name].[dbo].[table2] AS AWHERE A.column1 xxxxThe same thing happens when we try to run the "SELECT" by itself.SELECT TOP 1 @test=A.column1FROM LINK_A.catalog_name.dbo.table2 AS AWHERE A.column1 xxxxORDER BY A.column1What is going wrong here, and how do we need to change this so that itruns without timing out or freezing?
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Jan 3, 2008
I have another issue. I have an excel file that I pipe through a "data conversion" task. I have set all the column data types to strings, because there's no way to know beforehand if a particular column will be number or text because the file is very non-standard (it looks more like a formatted report).
After the data conversion, I send all the rows to a script task. In the script task, I do a check on the numeric fields.
for example:
If Not IsNumeric(Row.Price) Then
Row.Price_IsNull = True
End If
However, this check fails each and every time, even if the field contains a number! I don't have this problem when using flat file sources.
So, none of my numeric fields are getting loaded to my ole db destination.
Help, is there a way around this? Or am I forced to just skip this number check altogether? I'd prefer not to.
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May 29, 2008
I'm trying to get the last ten unique clients viewed by each user. I have tried using the TOP (N) but it does not show the last ten just any ten.
When a user views a client record, a record is saved to the tblUserRecentViewedClients table and includes logID (key), client_id (int), username (nvarchar), lastviewed (datetime).
Here is what I have so far. Can anyone offer any suggestions?SELECT TOP (10) tblUserRecentViewedClients.UserName, tblUserRecentViewedClients.Client_ID, tblClient.FirstName, tblClient.LastName,
FROM tblUserRecentViewedClients INNER JOIN
tblClient ON tblUserRecentViewedClients.client_ID = tblClient.client_ID
WHERE tblUserRecentViewedClients.UserName=@UserName
GROUP BY tblUserRecentViewedClients.UserName, tblUserRecentViewedClients.Client_ID, tblClient.FirstName, tblClient.LastName,
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Jan 15, 2004
If i use sql server as my backend and microsoft access as my frontend do i need to purchase client access lisences??
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Dec 6, 2006
I currently run our company website using MS Access and ASP. I am trying to upgrade the database to MSSQL Server 2000. Unfortunately I'm not finding it that straight forward. I am trying to learn MSSQL but the learning curve is a bit steep.
I have a column in my MSSQL db called tbl_FULL which contains a full description of the product along with html formatting for line breaks, paragraphs and special characters (ie •).
I have set the data type to varchar 1800. All seemed to be well until I tried to enter new data, but unfortunately it only displays the first 50 or so characters.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
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Jan 20, 2008
I would like to use bcp and transfer image data from MS-SQL Server 6.5 to MS SQL Server 2005.
1. Can I use bcp successfully? if so should I mention any option to copy the BLOB?
2. Is there any reliable method to move tables with BLOBs
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Feb 15, 2000
I have to install SQL 7.0 Client software (query analyzer, client connectivity) on A LOT of workstations that only have Internet Explorer 3.0 ... Is there any way of getting around not upgrading to 4.0 sp1? If I try to just install 7.0 client, it errors out saying I need IE 4.0sp1. I really don't want to have upgrade IE!!!
Thanks in advance.
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Sep 2, 2000
Is anyone using a mail client other than Outlook to work with SQL Server 7.0? If so, what are you using, and what is your opinion of it?
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Nov 4, 1999
Are there any issues with retaining both the SQL 6.5 and SQL 7.0 clients as
installed components on our desktops? We have a number of SQL 6.5 and 7.0
Servers which have some fairly specific client side requirements and I am
trying to ascertain what the potential impact is to rolling out SQL 7.0
components to a separate directory to allow all applications to coexist. My
specific concerns are with the shared DLL's in system32 and with updated
7.0 executables that share the same name (i.e. BCP, etc) and resultant path
Any feedback or articles that cover this subject would be appreciated.
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Mar 11, 2004
We use mdac 2.7 on all servers and clients
We want to update servers to 2.8
Do we MUST update clints to 2.8 or they
can continue to run with 2.7
Thank you
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Oct 25, 2005
I have situation like this:
Company with one head office and one remote office. In the two offices I have two domains with two PDCs. The two networks are connected with eachother through leased line and the routers are configured properly. The SQL Server is on the PDC in head office and "local" clients connect fine. I cannot connect from the remote office. I think that I have folowing solutions:
1. make trust relationships between two domains - it will be hard a little bit because second PDC is samba on linux
2. make all clients in remote office to be members of the head office domain - potential problems if the leased line drops
3. make all clients to log in with same account as SQL Server logs locally - stupid
4. something else - what?
Thanks in advance!
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Oct 24, 2005
Can anyone recommend a tool where I can email to someone both the SQLquery and the result set? Right now, I'm just copying the results to aspreadsheet. No, I can't use Reporting Services or Crystal Reports.
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Sep 24, 2004
I wish to enter some string data with period(.) in a column with char type. It doesn't accept period(.) What data type should I choose for this field ?
I'm using MSSQL Server 2000.
Please advice.
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Jul 13, 2004
I recall something about Analysis Services (SQL server tool) that is able to extract data from the DB tables (select multiple tables if one wishes (and to link those tables up ??!?)) then extracted to MS Excel. It has been a while since the course was last taught, I'm not at all sure how the steps were, or how Excel were able to display them. Would someone advice or refer to a tutorial if possible?
Much thanks!
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May 15, 2006
I am just starting out with MSSQL, but have previous experience with MySQL and PGSQL. What I'm trying to do is do a nightly dump of data from a proprietary DB into MSSQL. Access to the prop DB is through an ODBC driver.
I already have a DTS script that will dump a specific table, but every time it runs it just appends the data to the end of the table.
What I am looking for is a way to download a list of tables, upload them into the MSSQL DB, and if something failed, rollback to the state before the data transfer and somehow alert of the fact.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
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Jan 19, 2008
Hello,I need to learn where mssql server stores its data. I knew it was inProgram filesCommon filesBut I cant find.. Its urgent pls..Thanx
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi all.I need to set a oneway replication of some data from MSSQL (running underWindows 2000 server) to MYSQL (running under Linux).Do you have some ideas to solve the problem?Thank youLuca
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Aug 2, 2007
How do you determine the data folder during the SQL2005 Express install?
No matter what folder I start with it gets appended with MSSQL.1 or MSSQL.2
If another vendor has installed a different instance of SQL2005 how do I know whether mine is .1 or .2 ?
Basically I need to know the full folder in order to copy our MDF/LDF files into so we can attach them.
Or is there another way?
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Sep 27, 2007
I am connecting to MSSQL through ODBC using regular SQL commands (SQLAllocHandle, SQLConnect, SQLFetch). Sometimes when I retrieve float data from the server it gets corrupted. For instance, instead of 59.457443 I will actually get 59.45744299999998. The value that is stored in the database is 59.457443 and it is stored as a float. The code I use to retrieve the data worked OK with an Access database, the problem only appeared after switching to MSSQL. Does anybody know if it's a configuration issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Jan 22, 2008
Where is the correct forum for that,
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Jun 2, 2007
I have a SQL Server 2005 Express database that was designed to be used by one client. What is the best way to change the design so it can contain multiple clients that can only see data entered by users of each client organization?
Also I'm using the asp.net membership database to handle login and profiles. Can this be used with my multi client database?
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Sep 24, 2005
“HELP !! We’ve lost about 25 client’s websites. The databases were backed up along with all the actual files contained within each CSK….in addition, all the original databases are intact & can be reattached to the new SQL server…..the problem that exists where the original CSK files do not recognize the original database once it is reattached to the new SQL server. Any help would be most appreciated.
This is the error……
Login failed for user 'DARRYL1ASPNET'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'DARRYL1ASPNET'.Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:
[SqlException: Login failed for user 'DARRYL1ASPNET'.]
System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction) +472
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction) +372
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +384
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.QuietOpen(IDbConnection connection, ConnectionState& originalState) +44
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillFromCommand(Object data, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +304
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +77
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet) +38
ASPNET.StarterKit.Communities.CommunityUtility.GetAllCommunitiesFromDB() +93
ASPNET.StarterKit.Communities.CommunityUtility.GetAllCommunities() +58
ASPNET.StarterKit.Communities.CommunityUtility.GetCommunityInfo() +327
ASPNET.StarterKit.Communities.CommunitiesModule.Application_BeginRequest(Object source, EventArgs e) +221
System.Web.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication+IExecutionStep.Execute() +60
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +87
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Jul 20, 2002
We’re having trouble getting error messages to show up on clients. Our ADO research indicates that the Errors collections is populated, “automatically” – what you do with it is up to the application. Our collection is not being populated. MS says the SQLOLEDB provider has a problem (the collection is not filled) if SET NOCOUNT is OFF. We have SET NOCOUNT ON and still have the problem. We have narrowed the problem down (the example below is an abbreviated version) to “the Errors Collection is not populated if the Raiserror follows a SELECT statement that returns a recordset”.
In the code below the simple select run after the first RAISERROR appears to “block” the Error Collection. Is this by design? Are you never supposed to be able to return records and messages from the same program? We can code around it if we have to, but the documentation seems to indicate our approach is viable.
Any ideas would be most appreciated.
SQL Stored Procedure:
, @MailOnly_LG BIT
, @PostCode_ID INT
, @PostCode_Ext_CH CHAR(10)
, @Add1_VC VARCHAR(60)
, @Add2_VC VARCHAR(60)
, @Add3_VC VARCHAR(60)
, @Add4_VC VARCHAR(60)
, @City_VC VARCHAR(30)
, @City_Lock_LG BIT
, @Directions_VC VARCHAR(2000)
@Finder_VC VARCHAR(20)
, @Label1_VC VARCHAR(60)
, @Label2_VC VARCHAR(60)
, @Label3_VC VARCHAR(60)
, @Label4_VC VARCHAR(60)
, @Label5_VC VARCHAR(60)
, @Label6_VC VARCHAR(60)
-- the error in the next line shows up when not commented out
--RAISERROR ( ‘ This error always shows up.’ ,16,1)
, Label1_VC
, Label2_VC
, Label3_VC
, Label4_VC
, Label5_VC
, Label6_VC
FROM Address_T
WHERE Finder_VC= @Finder_VC
RAISERROR ( ‘ Why won’t this error showup?. ’ ,16,1)
-- the error above never shows up
************************************************** ****
************************************************** ****
Option Explicit
Dim db As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo errmsg
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
With db
.Provider = "SQLOLEDB"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source=Jeanne;trusted_connection = true;integrated security=sspi"
.DefaultDatabase = "DevTime21"
End With
With cmd
.ActiveConnection = db
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.CommandText = "address_findck_okinsert_m"
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@address_id", _
adInteger, adParamOutput, 4)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Mailonly_lg", _
adBoolean, adParamInput, 1, False)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@ctry_id", _
adInteger, adParamInput, 4, 1)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@stpv_id", _
adInteger, adParamInput, 4, 1)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@postid_id", _
adInteger, adParamInput, 4, 0)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@postcode_ext", _
adChar, adParamInput, 10, "")
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@add1_vc", _
adVarChar, adParamInput, 60, "")
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@add2_vc", _
adVarChar, adParamInput, 60, "")
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@add3_vc", _
adVarChar, adParamInput, 60, "")
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@add4_vc", _
adVarChar, adParamInput, 60, "")
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@city_vc", _
adVarChar, adParamInput, 30, "")
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@city_lock_lg", _
adBoolean, adParamInput, 1, False)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@directions_vc", _
adVarChar, adParamInput, 2000, "")
End With
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.Open cmd, , adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic
If Not IsNull(cmd("@address_id")) Then
MsgBox "Please contact System Administrator. There was a problem adding address."
End If
Exit Sub
Call errormsginfo
End Sub
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi all,I've got a question concerning synchronization of multiple database clients.Consider a database, accessed by two clients. Is it guarantted, that ifclient 1 succefully commits a transaction, client 2 _instantly_ sees thechanges made by client 1?thx and regards,StephanP.S..: For MS Jet databases I know there _is_ a delay between writing datato the database and being able to read this updated value from anotherconnection,so the question refers to "real" DBMs (esp. SQL Server) only ;)
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Jan 17, 2007
how can i communicate with other clients over SQL 2005?
I mean, i change data of database from a client, how to make othere clients do some actions acording to the data change .( let other client print some report ect.)
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Jul 5, 2007
We have a situation where multiple-random client connections to SQL server get disconnected.
The workstations are not consistent, the time is not consistent, and the functions being run are not consistent. One thing that we can reproduce is that sometime, but not always, if a workstation runs a function that calls a specific stored procedure (SQL native client, ADO, SQL Server 2005 SP2), during the course of the parameter validation (after the .execute) SQL sends an ACK, RST followed by two RST TCP packet back to the client and disconnects the connection.
At the same time, several other connections across multiple computers are also dropped by SQL. However, some computers may have multiple connections to SQL and some, but not all of these will be dropped. Other computers will
not have their connections dropped at all.
No SQL server errors are logged. Trace flags 4029 and 3689 have been set.
We have the network packet traces and the SQL profiler output to show this.
This is not reproducable at any other site.
Any ideas on what this could be would be greatly appreciated.
Dana Comolli
MS ISV Partner
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