When To Use Fully Qualified Names ([database].[schema].object)
Dec 29, 2006
I wihsh to discuss whether to use fully qualified names:
of objects to operate (create, query..) on is good or not?
If someone change order of sql code blocks in my script - this may cause
lose of it's context (like: use master / use <mydb>..). I wish to have my
sript independed on changes like this and always produce correct result.
Does using full name make use of 'use <db>' statement unnecessary?
I have a database that has been upgraded from SQL 200 to 2005. The database was owned by 'Joe' and all objects were also owned by 'Joe'. In SQL 2000 when Joe logged in he could simply issue 'select * from table' and would get results.
The upgraded db now has a user Joe and a schema Joe. All objects now belong to the schema Joe. Joe the user has his default schema set to Joe and he is the owner of the schema. When Joe logs in and tries to 'select * from table' he gets an invalid object. He can 'select * from joe.table'.
How can I set it up so that the objects are still owned by the schema Joe and a simple 'select * from table' works when user Joe logs in? I was convinced that is he owned the schema and this was his default schema it should work.
Our team has a DBA governing body that refuses to accept any T-SQL script that our dev group writes where fully qualified names of the objects aren't used. These non fully named objects in scripts just aren't accepted in their world.
So, all the scripts the developers now have to write must have fully qualified names in them. Of course, the Query analyser in Managment Studio could care less about object names as long as ambiguity is not found. So, I need some sort of Static Code analysis of these scripts that my team creates in order to hand them over to our DBA's to run.
The DBA's intend to make this inspection a manual process (they have time to kill I guess)... but my team doesn't have that luxury. It is not easy to ensure all scripts have this qualification in them with some many of them being written.
Does anyone know of any algorithim, tool, or options that could help me detect the presence of non-fully qualified names in T-SQL scripts?
I need to create flat file connection managers. The connection Manager editor forces me to use fully qualified file names. Is there a possibility to use unqualified file names, because I need to reference to files in different directories with the identical file strcture.
Why am im i getting this error I am trying to join four table from different databases.select INBTable.InBound_Calls, OUTTable.OutBound_Calls, INBTable.Line_Number as INLine_Number, OUTTable.Line_Number as OUTLine_Number, INBTable.Hold_Time as INHold_Time,OUTTable.Hold_Time as OUTHold_Time, INBAbandonInfo.INAbandon_Calls as INBAbandon_Calls, OUTAbandonInfo.OutAbandon_Calls as OUTAbandon_Callsfrom sql2.XMWin_Test.dbo.temp_Report20070807IN as INBTable JOIN sql2.Juniper_I.dbo.temp_Report20070807OUT as OUTTableon INBTable.Line_Number = OUTTable.Line_Number sql2.XMWin_Test.dbo.temp_GraphIN_INAbandon as INBAbandonInfoJOIN sql2.Juniper_I.dbo.temp_GraphIN_OutAbandon.Line_Number as OUTAbandonInfo on INBAbandonInfo.Line_Number = OUTAbandonInfo.Line_Number My Error Message: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 8 Line 8: Incorrect syntax near 'sql2'.
Are there any perfmonace or query optimization limitations or issues that arise when issueing a fully qualified query across multiple databases on the same Instance of SQL Server. In other words are all features of query optimization fully supported in queries that span databases on the same Instance.
The command sqlcmd seems to fail when using trusted connection and an IP address or a fully qualified hostname. For example:
sqlcmd -E -S nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the real IP address of the machine, or
sqlcmd -E -S hostname.domain.com
where hostname.domain.com is the fully qualified hostname of the machine, gives the error:
Msg 18452, Level 14, State 1, Server 380GX280B05, Line 1 Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server c onnection.
On the other hand, sqlcmd -E -S works, and so does sqlcmd -E -S hostname, or sqlcmd -E -S tcp:hostname,1433.
This is on a clean machine, with SQL Server 2005 freshly installed as Administrator with mixed authentication, and the test runned also by Administrator.
The command sqlcmd seems to fail when using trusted connection and an IP address or a fully qualified hostname. For example:
sqlcmd -E -S nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the real IP address of the machine, or
sqlcmd -E -S hostname.domain.com
where hostname.domain.com is the fully qualified hostname of the machine, gives the error:
Msg 18452, Level 14, State 1, Server 380GX280B05, Line 1 Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server c onnection.
On the other hand, sqlcmd -E -S works, and so does sqlcmd -E -S hostname, or sqlcmd -E -S tcp:hostname,1433.
This is on a clean machine, with SQL Server 2005 freshly installed as Administrator with mixed authentication, and the test runned also by Administrator.
I had been trying to solve this error with no success :
One or more of the server network addresses lacks a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Specify the FQDN for each server, and click Start Mirroring again.
The syntax for a fully-qualified TCP address is: TCP://<computer_name>.<domain_segment>[.<domain_segment>]:<port>
I had installed three instances on my local machine to test Data base mirroring :
Principal : running SQL Developer Instance
Mirror : running SQL Developer Instance .
Witness : Running SQL Express.
Database mirroring already enabled using startup flag : -T1400
i even tried to configure it with out a witness but still have the same error .
I used the follwoing server name in the mirroring wizard(not localhost) :
I have databases a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ... an. Each has a table t1 .
I am writing a stored proc which compares the t1 table between any given two databases. I want to pass the database name as a variable .. so the SPROC looks like
exec sp_comparetable 'a3' , 'a7'
My question is , inside the SPROC ,how do I refer to the tables in the a3 and a7 databases.
I have a quick question on how to qualify table names as it relates to"dbo" vs. user names. Suppose that I am a user named "dwuser1", andthat I need to create a table named "dw_stage_1". Do I use dbo as in"dbo.dw_stage_1" or do I use "dwuser1.dw_stage_1" for the qualifiedtable name? Are both OK? If so, what would be the implications ofeach?
I have a schema XXX. This schema owns a set of tables say XXX.A, XXX.B and XXX.C.
I have a login XXX mapped to the user XXX.
When I connect to the SQL Server using login XXX and execute the query.
Select * from A, it throws be an error saying that"Invalid Object Name A".
Now when I modify the select statement specifying the schema it works. i.e. Select * from XXX.A
In the former case, is it not that SQL Server tries to search for the table in the current user's account and then if it not available it look's in the dbo's account.
HOw can I make a select without specifying the schema ?
SQL BPA says the following:"One or more objects are referencing tables/views withoutspecifying a schema! Performance and predictability of theapplication may be improved by specifying schema names.""When SQL Server looks up a table/view without a schemaqualification, it first searches the default schema and then the'dbo' schema. The default schema corresponds to the currentuser for ad-hoc batches, and corresponds to the schema of astored procedure when inside one. In either case, SQL Serverincurs an additional runtime cost to verify schema binding ofunqualified objects. Applications are more maintainable andmay observe a slight performance improvement if objectreferences are schema qualified."How important is to specify the schame (dbo. in my case) instored procedures? Will it really improve performance if I goand fix each object that is missing "dbo."?The problem is I have thousands and thousands of themwith no schemas. Before I invest a lot of time fixing themI am trying to determine if it's really worth it or not?Thank you
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Query execution failed for data set 'TestID'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
The log file reads:
---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Query execution failed for data set 'TestID'. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SELECT permission denied on object 'TableID', database 'Database', schema 'dbo'.
General Users got an error message when trying to access any reports we have created. All admin have no problems with the reports. Users (Domain Users) are given rights (Browser) to the reports and the Data Sources (Browser) and yet cannot view the reports.
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Cannot create a connection to data source 'DS2'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection) For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
I'll add this from the report logs...
w3wp!processing!1!3/20/2007-11:43:25:: e ERROR: Data source €˜DS2€™: An error has occurred. Details: Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Cannot create a connection to data source €˜DS2€™. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database €œDatabase€? requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user €˜DOMAINUsername€™.
The user has rights via a local group to the report and data source (Browser rights) and the local group has been added as a SQL login.
I gave rights to the databases themselves instead of just to SQL and the error changed (Ah-ha...progress, but why!?!?)
I have a query return all the names of the table in my database via this code:
SELECT MSysObjects.Name FROM MSysObjects WHERE (((Left([Name],4))<>"MSYS"));
I need to further refine the search fitting in the critera LIKE 'qry_tbl%' I dont know how to fit this in .. i tried fitting it in to the end, but nothing comes up.. I also tried querying the results of this query with another query :-P but that didnt work either .. any ideas?
In essence i need all the table names in my DB that start with 'qry_tbl' to be in a list for me..
I am running a C# asp.met application which most of the application is running ok but several of my aspx. pages are giving me this error. I am currentyly running MS-SQL 2005 Dev ed. using VS.net 2005. I have turned on access in role to everything and still am getting this error. can someone help me please?
hay there...i'm developing a website using visual studio 2005, when i run it from VS it works fine and it can access the DB.but when i make an alias and run it directly from localhost ..i keep getting this message when i try to fill a DATASET ..Line 198: cmd.CommandText = "Select Line From Buses";Line 199: da.SelectCommand = cmd; Line 200: da.Fill(ds);can anyone help me ?thanx
I have a select statement running on the client machine linking to different tables in 1 database. All with the same schema. When I ran it, i had this error. I had trial and error, removing 1 table at a time until i hit the one which is causing it. when i removed it, everything's ok. i just wonder if all the tables were using dbo schema what is causing this particular table to throw this error?
I'm in need of a few more pointers when it comes to SQL Server 2005 Security setup for accessing a database through IIS web services. There's loads of great advise in these forums which I've followed so pls forgive me if I've missed a post that finally resolves this. I know I'm so close but it feels so very far...
Anyhow, here's the set up: - Server 2003 / SQL Server 2005 / .NET 2.0 / Visual Studio 2005 / Client XP PC
The story so far: - Built an ASPX website in VS2005 on a client PC that connects to a SQL2005 db. No probs during development. - Copied website to WS2005 & configured IIS accordingly. No probs browsing non-db webpages.
The problem: As soon as I browse to a page that extracts data from the db I get the following error message..
[SqlException (0x80131904): The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'tbl_location', database 'SmartDMA', schema 'dbo'.]
...plus a whole load of code that I've seen plastered over lots of forums.
My configurations: - The website is in the default SQL Application Pool that has the identity set to 'Predifed: Network Service' (as I'd previously has a similar error; SQLException (blah blah): Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection)
- IIS Website ASP.NET is v2.0.50727 - Website Authentication Methods / Enable Anonymous Access (ticked) Username: IUSR_SERVERNAME Password: *********. Intergration Windows Authentication (ticked). - SQL Server Mngt, Secuirty / Logins / NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE lists the db in question with dbo as the Default Schema & public ticket as the db role membership. - connectionString="Data Source=SERVERNAME;Initial Catalog=DBNAME;Integrated Security=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
What I've tried already based on forums advise: - Changing Server Properties to SQL Server & Windows Authentication mode. - Rather than using Integrated Security I've tried the SQL 'sa' account, but not 100% is I did that right (still got the same error anyway).
The rest of the advise I've read appears to confirm the rest of my settings, but I'm still getting the error.
Can anyone please shed any light on what I'm missing here. Feel free to ask questions on any configuration settings I've missed that may help.
Hi There,This is related to a ms access database but since I use the SqlDataSource control I thought I should post here.I have a project that I was working on with this ms access db and using sql controls, everything was working just finesince one day I started getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" messages when I try to designa query or retrieve a schema, nothing works at design time anymore but at runtime everything is perfect, its a lotof work for me now to create columns,schemas and everything manually, I've tried reinstalling visualstudio, ado componentsbut nothing seems to fix it, did this ever happen to any of you guys?any tip is really appreciated thanks a lot
I can't seem to find a sample code, either here or on the net - - so I'll go ahead and ask...
What I'm looking for is a sample of how to query a database, so that I can populate a listbox with the table names from a database - - and then, populate another listobx with the field names from the database, in order to build a user-driven sql statement builder....
either of the above (at least the field name part) - either a code sample, or a link, will be greatly appreciated) - -
I am working on a dtsx package wherein i am sending the data from OLE DB Source (SQL Server) to OLE DB Destination (Oracle). For development purpose i use DEVLOPMENT environment on oracle but for unit testing i have to use QA or Some other Schema. when i use DEVELOPMENT Schema in ole db destination, tables are accessed under Schema name eg. "DEVELOPMENT"."EMPLOYEE", but when i m chenging schema name to QA table names are not changing as "QA"."EMPLOYEE". Data Flow Task is pushing the data to DEVELOPMENT environment only.
Can Anyone suggest me any remedy for it ? Or this is one more BUG in SQL Server 2005.
ALTER DATABASE foo set PARTNER = 'TCP://' I get this error message:
The database is being closed before database mirroring is fully initialized. The ALTER DATABASE command failed. What does that mean, and how do I fix it?
When reverse engineering a SQL Server 2005 database (using VS 2007 Professional), I can't figure out a way to display the schema name in front of the table name in the database diagram. For instance, If I have a table named Person.Type, it just comes over as Type. It knows what the schema is because it's in the properties box for that object. It just doesn't appear in the name on the shape itself. Is there a setting somewhere that I'm missing that will display the schema in the name?
In SQLServer 7 when we ran profiler we could get objectID and ObjectName. In SQLServer 2000 these items are available in profiler but the columns are always blank.
I am writing an sproc for creating a table, but I don't know how I can use parameter values as object names (for example the name of the table needs to be [@sFile1+'_'+@sLinkName+'_'+@sFile2']. It seems that I could concatenate my whole CREATE TABLE string into a single variable and use EXEC to run it, but I'd prefer to be able to do it in the context of the sProc (I read that EXEC always has the current user's permissions). What is a good technique?
CREATE TABLE [@sFile1+'_'+@sLinkName+'_'+@sFile2] ( [GID_ID]uniqueidentifierROWGUIDCOLNOT NULL, ['GID_'+@sFile1]uniqueidentifierNOT NULL, ['GID_'+@sFile2]uniqueidentifierNOT NULL, CONSTRAINT ['LNK_'+@sFile1+'_'+@sLinkname+'_'+@sFile2] FOREIGN KEY(['GID_'+@sFile2]) REFERENCES [@sFile2](GID_ID) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION NOT FOR REPLICATION, CONSTRAINT ['LNK_'+@sFile2+'_'+@sLinkname+'_'+@sFile1] FOREIGN KEY(['GID_'+@sFile1]) REFERENCES [@sFile1](GID_ID) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION NOT FOR REPLICATION )
User bob has create procedure permission as follows:
grant create procedure to bob
bob would like to create a procedure in schema Accounts.
When he issues create proc Accounts.sp_proc.... it fails with:
Msg 2760, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_proc, Line 3 The specified schema name "Accounts" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.
What permission do I need to grant bob in order to allow this?
Locally I develop in SQL server 2005 enterprise. Recently I recreated my db on the server of my hosting company (in sql server 2005 express).I basically recreated the tables and copied the data in it.I now receive the following error when I hit the DB:The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1'. However, the current database schema is not compatible with this version. You may need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe (available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the provider to a newer version.I heard something about running aspnet_regsql.exe, but I dont have that access to the DB. Also I dont know if this command does anything more than creating the membership tables and filling it with some default data...Any other solutions/thought on what this can be?Thanks!
I have created a sql login account called "webuser" and has given public role in my database. In my asp.net application i build connection string using above account and its password . We give permission on store procedure for for the above account to execute .We dont give table level permission for the above account . When we run the application with the above settings it runs fine on test server . However Now i have transfered the databse object to live server with its permissions . Now while I executing the aspx page , I am getting above error . I have checked that the store procedure has execute permission for webuser account and dbo(i.e SA) has all the permissions for all database objects . Still why i am getting error ? (Please note , the thing is working fine in test server)