Where Condition Filter List Of Values
Mar 24, 2015
sb.CarrierId data is Sec.
Carriers.ExcludeCarriers I have value as 'Sec,QB' list of values.
I am trying to display sb.Carrierid that is not equal to Carriers.excludeCarriers list of values. It fails now and displays sec values in resultset.
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Apr 18, 2008
Is there a difference if I use filter in the join instead in where clause:
select s.*
from students s
join courses c
on s.ssn = c.ssn
and c.type = 'fresher'
select s.*
from students s
join courses c
on s.ssn = c.ssn
where c.type = 'fresher'
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Jun 7, 2007
I'd like to set the Filters in the Filters tab of the Table Properties dialog to say:
=Fields!WT_TO.Value > 0 OR
=Fields!WT_TO_PREV.Value > 0
but teh And/Or column is permanently disabled, and its sticking in a default value of AND
what's up with that?
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Nov 5, 2013
How to display in select statment starting from the word 'basic'
table name:version
Table values:
53666445SAG Basic Guild Agreement 07/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 PT - HV
53666446SAG Basic Guild Agreement 07/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 HV - HV
53666447SAG Basic Guild Agreement 07/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 NWLN- SY
53666448SAG Basic Guild Agreement 07/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 BC - SY
Output should be:
Basic Guild Agreement 07/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 PT - HV
Basic Guild Agreement 07/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 HV - HV
Basic Guild Agreement 07/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 NWLN- SY
Basic Guild Agreement 07/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 BC - SY
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Feb 11, 2008
Hai guys,
In my report I want to use OR condition instead of AND in Table Filter Expression. By default this option is disabled in VS2005 Pro. How do I enable this? or is there any other way to do this? Thanks in advance.
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Apr 3, 2008
Hi, all experts here,
I am desperate to need you help.
Could you please give me any advices on how to filter out the records through out the data flow by any particular condition? E.g. In my case, I want to filter out rows with null id (will get rid of those rows with null id which are not matched in the look up component)? Hope it is clear for your help and I am looking forward to hearing from you for your help and thank you very much.
With kindest regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Mar 26, 2008
Hi All,
I am working on SQL server 2005 Reports.
I have one report, one dataset is assigned to it, and one table which displays it.
Now I come accros requirement that, the column value in the filter condition for the table is present in one textbox.
I can not use textbox i.e. reportItems in filter condition. Can someone suggest me how to use textbox value in filters?
I want to display parent/child records on report. I am not getting the proper solution.
The data is like this:
Sequence ItemCode IsParent
1 XYZ 0 'do not have child record
2 PQR 1 'have child records with sequence no 3
3 ASD 0
3 VDC 0
4 ASR 1 'have child records with sequence no 5
5 ASR 0
If IsParent = 1, that record has child records with sequence = parent sequenece + 1
I think u can understand the data I need to bind, and it is like:
On + click we can do show/hide of child records.
I m not getting how to achive this in SQL server report. Can u give some hint?
Thanks in advance
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Jun 15, 2015
So at the moment, I don't have a function by the name CONCATENATE. What I like to do is to list all those different values that go with a single CASE_ID to appear as a a comma separate list. You might have a better way of doing without even writing a function
So the output would look like :
dbo.Concatenate( '[' + CAST(preop.value_text AS VARCHAR) + ']' ) as variable
dbo.TBL_Preop preop
preop.Deleted_CD = 0
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Apr 28, 2008
I am using below code to fetch the data hit our webserver from different website or engine.
ex: If I pass the parameter Ref as google and the dates, will fetch the data (hits) from google.
I have created a table (PoList) to have names like google,amazon,aol upto 14 names.
My Question : How do I filter all (hits) the data which the name (Ref) is NOT in the PoList table.
Thanks in advance
@Ref as nvarchar(255),
@SDate as Decimal(18,0),
@EDate as Decimal(18,0)
SELECT COUNT(b.Pcode) AS totclicks,
case when b.Pcode = 'NPF' then b.Pcode + '-- No Products Found'
else a.prodmodel
end as prodmodel,
SUM(c.orderTot) AS [Sales Total],
COUNT(c.cusID) AS NumSales,
b.Pcode as Code
Products a ON COALESCE (b.ProdID, 0) = a.ID ON c.sessID = b.SessID
WHERE (b.Referer LIKE '%' + @Ref+ '%') AND (b.theDate >= @SDate) AND (b.theDate <= @EDate)
GROUP BY b.Pcode, a.prodmodel
ORDER BY totclicks DESC
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Mar 20, 2015
I am trying to import the data from SharePoint into my PowerPivot window as a Datafeed. I am able to successfully import the whole data from SharePoint list. But, now i would like to apply a filter (Where Clause) before importing the data.
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Mar 12, 2015
How do I filter a list of Employees where the Sum of "VALIDATED" hours is less than 80? For example.
Here is the flat table
SELECT EMP_NO, hours, IsValidated, rate_type
FROM Pay_Records
WHERE pay_period_id = 2
Order by EMP_NO
Output will be something like this
12345 | 2 |true |REG
12345 | 15 |false |OVR
12345 | 30 |true |OVER
33334 |2| true |REG
Total Validated hours for the Employee 12345 will be 32 NOT 47. How do I list employees who worked less than 80 validated hours. The hours are validated only when it is true.
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Jan 9, 2008
I have a MSSQL Report Services Report Model set up to allow users to create their own ad hoc reports. The data source for my model is a Named Query that queries a MS SQL view that actually pulls data from a series of tables & other views. When you create a report from this model and attempt to filter the data some of the fileds will provide you with a pick list to select which values you would like to filter on and other fields do not provide you with a pick list but require you to enter the data directly that you wish to filter on. Most of the data fields that I am trying to filter on are varchar fields and like I said some will create a pick list for you to selet from and others will not. This all seemed to start after I changed my data source to a Named Query rather than having my data source as the MS SQL View directly. I did this becuase it seemed that anytime I had to make a change to the views that the data source pulled from it would mess up any existing reports that had been created and this does not happen if I use a named query. I have gone crazy trying to figure this one out so any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
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Sep 12, 2007
I am trying to do a freetext filter with mutiple columns using a column list, but I can't get the syntax down for multiple column list. First, am I am going about this the right way...Do I need to be doing both? Second why doesn't mutiple columns work. I can't find any good samples online. What I am trying to accomplish is a refined search stored procedure that uses the freetext to do the search refinement. Any help would be appreciated.
isnull(h.PackageDescription,a.ItemPKG) as PKG,
case g.StockStatus
when 1 then 'Yes'
when 0 then 'No'
else ''
end as StockStatus,
isnull(g.StandardUnitPrice,a.ListPrice) as Price,
isnull(j.SupplierAbbreviation,a.ManufacturerAbbreviation) as ItemSource
dbo.vw_mcProductItem a
inner join freetexttable(dbo.vw_mcProductItem, (ProductName,ItemName,ManufacturerItemCode,ItemPKG,BrandName,ManufacturerName,ManufacturerAbbreviation,CategoryName), @SearchWord) as b ON a.ItemID = b.[KEY]
inner join [dbo].[mcCustomerGroupItem] c on c.ItemID = a.ItemID
inner join [dbo].[mcCustomerGroup] d on d.CustomerGroupID = c.CustomerGroupID
inner join [dbo].[mcCustomerGroupCustomer] e on e.CustomerGroupID = d.CustomerGroupID
inner join [dbo].[mcCustomerUser] f on f.CustomerID = e.CustomerID
left outer join [dbo].[mcSupplierItem] g on g.ItemID = a.ItemID
left outer join [dbo].[mcPackage] h on h.PackageID = g.SellingPackageID
left outer join [dbo].[mcItemSource] i on i.ItemSourceId = a.ItemSourceId
left outer join [dbo].[mcSupplier] j on j.SupplierID = g.SupplierID
d.CustomerGroupID = @CustomerGroupID
and f.UserID = @UserID
and FREETEXT(BrandName,ManufacturerName,CategoryName, @SearchWord)
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Oct 14, 2015
I am trying to audit data quality based on some defined data quality rules. The rules are stored in tables and processed using stored procedures. I am facing a problem while generating audits. Let's say I am trying to audit data in OrderDetail table. The table design is mentioned below...I inserted some sample data into the table using RedGate data generator.The audit table output I am expecting is as mentioned in the screenshot below
Its the PrimaryKeyAttributeValues column I am facing problems with. I am using STUFF function within a dynamic SQL query to get the primary key's as a list of comma separated values.
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Dec 23, 2014
Trying to build a list of order numbers based on stock availability.
The data looks something like this:
OrderNumber Stockcode quantityordered quantityinstock
123 code1 10 5
123 code2 5 10
124 code3 15 20
124 code4 10 10
In this case I would like to output a single result for each order, but based on stock availability order 123 is not a complete order and 124 is so the results will need to reflect this.
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Mar 28, 2014
select '$ '+ CONVERT(varchar,CONVERT(decimal(10,0),CONVERT(money, Amt_Value)),1) as [Amount]
from Products
How can I sum this column values and need to set a validation like the column has null values it has to return zero.
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Oct 9, 2015
I am using SQL server 2012 and Report builder 3.0 to build my report. I have build a report which product the following table
What I try to achieve is to add 2 calculated field at the bottom of the table which will represent 2 Total value based on a condition
OutTotal field should show the SUM of the Quantity only for ItemStatus=0
InTotal field should show the SUM of the Quantity only for ItemStatus=1
IMPORTANT : I cannot group my data because I need to shown them in a time Wise flow
I have try to insert the first field and define an expression but it gives an #Error. The expression I used is as below
=SUM(IIF(Fields!ItemStatus.Value = 0, Fields!ItemQuantity.Value*Fields!ItemUnitWeight.Value,0))
The Quantity filed in my table is calculated from expression Fields!ItemQuantity.Value*Fields!ItemUnitWeight.Value
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Sep 26, 2007
I have a table as follows
Table Master
Id varchar(20),
Cat1 datetime,
Cat2 datetime,
Cat3 datetime,
Cat4 datetime
and the data in the table is as follows
Table Master
Id cat1 cat2 cat3 cat4
1 d11 null d13 d14
2 d21 d22 d23 d24
3 NULL d32 d33 d34
4 d41 d42 NULL NULL
I want to retrive column names and its values wheb the ID matches to some value.
Can any one please let me know how to do this?
Thanks alot
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Jun 17, 2015
I have a query where i would calculate the counts of three Servers
declare @Managed float
declare @Active float
DECLARE @Values varchar(1000)
SET @Values = 'WE,EE,CO'
select @Managed = count(Name0) from v_R_System where Operating_System_Name_and0 like '%Workstation%'
[Code] ...
Here i need output like below
Workgroup Managed Active
'WE' 255 ,400
'EE' 300 ,450
'CO' 155, 600
So how to use these three values in the where condition when i use the where clause i have put in condition it will give me the subquery returns more than one value,so how should i use this scenario to accomplish this output?
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Nov 6, 2014
I am trying to filter my columns on multiple values. I need them all to be OR because I want it to look through all of the columns and wherever the value matches to not include in the view. My WHERE clause that I thought would work looked like this..
(NOT (RTPL_VOLUME_DATA_1.GMIPRODUCTCODE = 'Internal')) AND (RTPL_VOLUME_DATA_1.TAG_COMMENT IN ('[]', '[Gscalp]', '[TT]', '[GX2]', '[NA]', '[STELLAR]')) OR
However this does not work and provide the data needed. I then thought that if I replaced all the AND's with OR's that would work, but here it does not filter anything.. not sure where to go from here.
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Jul 23, 2014
I want to identify rows that go negative but only for 2 cents or more as well as identify rows that 2 or more.
I have this expression that does not work how I want it to work:
WHEN (SUM(FavUnfavCostChange) < (2/100) THEN 'Less'
WHEN SUM(FavUnfavCostChange) > (2/100) THEN 'More'
END AS 'Flag'
But I get:
0.00000815000000000000More -- this is not more than 2 cents, is just a positive number
-0.00094700000000000000Less -- this is not less than 2 cents, is just negative number
-0.00222000000000000000Less -- this is not less than 2 cents, is just negative number
-0.00012250000000000000Less -- this is not less than 2 cents, is just negative number
0.00000000000000000000NULL -- this is zero so null is fine
0.01188576000000000000More -- this is not more than 2 cents, is just a positive number
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Sep 21, 2007
I have at table as foolows
Table Cat3
Update datetime
and also have a master table as follows
Table Master
Cat1 Datetime,
Cat2 datettime
My requirement is to alter themaster table schema i.e to add a column with the name as of the table name i.e Cat3 and will lok lie as foolows
Table Master
Cat1 Datetime,
Cat2 datettime,
Cat3 Datetime
I would like to insert the data to this column. The sample output is as follows
Before insertng the data of table ;Cat3' into the Master table
Table Master
Id Cat1 Cat2
1 D1 D2
3 D3 D4
And The Cat3 table data is as follows
Table Cat3
ID Update
1 D5
3 D6
4 D7
The final putput of the master table should be as follows
Table Master
Id Cat1 Cat2 Cat3
1 D1 D2 D5
3 D3 D4 D6
Can any one please let me know the query to achieve this
Thank you very much for your time and support
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May 6, 2008
when i use a filter in report builder, it's not able to retrieve the information to populate the dropdown menu, the dropdown menu is empty. I get a triangle with exclamation mark and the following message and the drop down box is not being populated:
the requested list could not be retrieved because the query is not valid or connection could not be made to datasource
I am able to generate reports but not able to use filter. what could cause this issue ?
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Sep 7, 2015
We have SharePoint list which has, say, two columns. Column A and Column B.
Column A can have three values - red, blue & green.
Column B can have four values - pen, marker, pencil & highlighter.
A typical view of list can be:
Column A - Column B
red - pen
red - pencil
red - highlighter
blue - marker
blue - pencil
green - pen
green - highlighter
red - pen
blue - pencil
blue - highlighter
blue - pencil
We are looking to create a report from SharePoint List using SSRS which has following view:
red blue green
pen 2 0 1
marker 0 1 0
pencil 1 3 0
highlighter 1 1 1
We tried Sum but not able to display in single row.
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Feb 16, 2005
Can someone give me a clue on this. I'm trying to insert values based off of values in another table.
I'm comparing wether two id's (non keys in the db) are the same in two fields (that is the where statement. Based on that I'm inserting into the Results table in the PledgeLastYr collumn a 'Y' (thats what I want to do -- to indicate that they have pledged over the last year).
Two questions
1. As this is set up right now I'm getting NULL values inserted into the PledgeLastYr collumn. I'm sure this is a stupid syntax problem that i'm overlooking but if someone can give me a hint that would be great.
2. How would I go about writing an If / Else statement in T-SQL so that I can have the Insert statement for both the Yes they have pledged and No they have not pledged all in one stored proc. I'm not to familar with the syntax of writing conditional statements within T-SQL as of yet, and if someone can give me some hints on how to do that it would be greatly appriciated.
Thanks in advance, bellow is the code that I have so far:
Select Results.custID, Results.PledgeLastYr
From Results, PledgeInLastYear
Where Results.custID = PledgeInLastYear.constIDPledgeInLastYear
Insert Into Results(PledgeLastYr)
Values ('Y')
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Jun 26, 2015
I am trying to add a where condition on an ID column(type - INT) with values coming from a variable (type - STRING). i am using cast to cast the ID as Varchar and then apply the condition, but i am not getting any results back. following is an example of what i am trying to do.using temp table in the example , so you can copy the t-sql and run as is.
INSERT INTO #TABLE1 VALUES (1), (2) , (3) , (4)
DECLARE @ID varchar(8000) = '2,4'
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Aug 7, 2007
Hello all. I hope someone can offer me some help. I'm trying to construct a SQL statement that will be run on a Dataset that I have. The trick is that there are many conditions that can apply. I'll describe my situation:
I have about 1700 records in a datatable titled "AISC_Shapes_Table" with 49 columns. What I would like to do is allow the user of my VB application to 'create' a custom query (i.e. advanced search). For now, I'll just discuss two columns; The Section Label titled "AISC_MANUAL_LABEL" and the Weight column "W". The data appears in the following manner:
W44x300 300
W42x200 200
(and so on)
WT22x150 150
WT21x100 100
(and so on)
MT12.5x12.4 12.4
MT12x10 10
I have a listbox which users can select MULTIPLE "Manual Labels" or shapes. They then select a property (W for weight, in this case) and a limitation (greater than a value, less than a value, or between two values). From all this, I create a custom Query string or filter to apply to my BindingSource.Filter method. However I have to use the % wildcard to deal with exceptions. If the user only wants W shapes, I use "...LIKE 'W%'" and "...NOT LIKE 'WT%" to be sure to select ONLY W shapes and no WT's. The problems arises, however, when the user wants multiple shapes in general. If I want to select all the "AISC_MANUAL_LABEL" values with W <= 40, I can't do it. An example of a statement I tried to use to select WT% Labels and MT% labels with weight (W)<=100 is:
FROM AISC_Shape_Table
It returns a NULL value to me, which i know is NOT because no such values exist. So, I further investigated and tried to use a subquery seeing if IN, ANY, or ALL would work, but to no avail. Can anyone offer up any suggestions? I know that if I can get an example of ONE of them to work, then I'll easily be able to apply it to all of my cases. Otherwise, am I just going about this the hard way or is it even possible? Please, ANY suggestions will help. Thank you in advance.
Steve G.
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Mar 26, 2014
I am putting a SELECT statement together where I need to evaluate a results field, to determine how the color indicator will show on a SSRS report. I am running into a problem when I try to filter out any non-numeric values from a varchar field, using a nested CASE statement.
For example, this results field may contain values of '<1', '>=1', '1', '100', '500', '5000', etc. For one type of test, I need a value of 500 or less to be shown as a green indicator in a report, and any value over that would be flagged as a red. Another test might only allow a value of 10 or less before being flagged with a red.
This is why I setup a CASE statement for an IndicatorValue that will pass over to the report to determine the indicator color. Using CASE statements for this is easier to work with, and less taxing on the report server, if done in SQL Server instead of nested SSRS expressions, especially since a variety of tests have different result values that would be flagged as green or red.
I have a separate nested CASE statement that will handle any of the values that contain ">" or "<", so I am using the following to filter those out, and then convert it to an int value, to determine what the indicator value should be. Here is the line of the script that is erring out"
case when (RESULT not like '%<%') or (RESULT not like '%>%') then
CASE WHEN (CONVERT(int, RESULT) between 0 and 500) THEN '2'
ELSE '0'
The message I am getting is: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '<1' to data type int.
I thought a "not like" statement would not include those values for converting to an int, but that does not seem to be working correctly. I did also try moving the not to show as "not RESULT like", and that did not change the message.
How I can filter out non-numeric values before converting the rest of the varchar field (RESULT) to int, so that it is only converting actual numbers?
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Jun 3, 2015
I have SSAS cube with Fact that include values in kg (e.g. 25.3, 32.5, 18,3...).What kind of attribute or other solution should I create If I want to filter those kg's in browser with integer values e.g.:weight between 10 and 25
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Sep 28, 2007
Hello and Thank You in advance:
I would like to Use the SQL Tab in the Filter Selection of the View-Modify Current View Option in Outlook 2003.
I am specifically trying to create a statement that only displays those Contacts that have a Modified Date that is different than the Created date. In other words I want to view all the records that have been modified at any time after the date of their creation.
I have been unable to create a SQL statement that compares the Created and Modified fields in the Contacts. Would you please explain and show what the correct syntax is in order to compare the values of two fields within a given Contact?
These are all examples of what I have tried and that have not worked. I cannot find documentation for this anywhere only small articles here and there that are not enough for me to develop a complete answer from:
(("urnchemas:calendar:created" >= '1/1/2001 12:00 AM' AND
"urnchemas:calendar:created" <= '12/31/2001 12:00 AM')
AND ("urnchemas:calendar:created" <> "urnchemas:calendar:lastmodified" ))
("urnchemas:calendar:created" <> "urnchemas:calendar:lastmodified" )
(("urnchemas:calendar:created" >= '1/1/2001 12:00 AM' AND
"urnchemas:calendar:created" <= '12/31/2001 12:00 AM') AND
("DAV:getlastmodified" >= '1/1/2001 12:00 AM' AND
"DAV:getlastmodified" <= '12/31/2007 12:00 AM'))
("urnchemas:calendar:created" <> "DAV:getlastmodified")
("DAV:getlastmodified" <> "urnchemas:calendar:created")
("DAV:getlastmodified" <> 'urnchemas:calendar:created')
("urnchemas:calendar:created" <> 'DAV:getlastmodified')
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Apr 23, 2007
In Report Builder, can you link prompt/filter fields to one another? For instance, I have Users and Groups and I want to dynamically fill the dropdown for Users based on the Group(s) chosen in the group prompt/filter. Or show the hierarchy as a expanding tree list for navigating the hierarchy to choose the user/groups to report on.
Another example would be product category & subcategory in adventure works.
And just to throw in a wrench, one of the areas I want to do this has 4 levels to the hierarchy.
Thanks for the help,
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Sep 10, 2015
Table : incident
incident_id usr_id item_id Inc_Date
10059926 191 61006 8-22-2015
10054444 222 3232 6-7-2015
Table: act_reg
act_reg_id act_type_id incident_id usr_id act_type_sc
454244 1 10059926 191 ASSIGN
471938 115 10059926 191 TRAVEL TIME
473379 40 10059926 191 FOLLOW UP
477652 115 10059926 191 TRAVEL TIME
489091 504 10059926 191 ADD_ATTCHMNTS
477653 504 10054444 222 ADD_ATTCHMNTSParameter: @attach (value=1, Label=Yes & Value=0, Label=No)
Result (While I am selecting 'Yes' in dropdown)
incident_id usr_id item_id
10059926 191 61006
10054444 222 3232
SELECT incident.incident_id,incident.usr_id,incident.item_id
FROM incident
where exists (How i can write query here to check the act_type_sc=ADD_ATTCHMNTS is exists)
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Oct 28, 2015
I have a power pivot with 2 multi valued report filters student_branch & blood_group. These report filters are used to fetch the data set that contain below result set
student_branch blood_group count
Everything works fine. But, what i am looking for , is there any way to show the what are all the report filters that are selected currently by , separated in a separate cell ? below is the image for output reference.
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