Why Parameter Inclusion Causes Less Records????
Jul 31, 2007
My question is why does the inclusion of my parameter, @GL, cause my report to only show records where the LEFT OUTER JOIN to the GRPLDR table is NOT NULL from tblMain.
Basically, with the parameter in the report, I get 6 pages. Without the parameter, I get 10 pages and those records where the GRPLDR.GLPerson is null for the join.
I tried the exact same query is Crystal reports, and get exactly what I needed by the "NULL values set to default" option.
Here's my query:
SELECT field1, field2, GRPLDR.GLPerson
SELECT Person AS GLPerson, WPIdentifier
FROM SigAuth WHERE (Title = 'Specific Value')
AS GRPLDR ON tblMain.WPIdentifier = GRPLDR.WPIdentifier
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Jan 1, 2008
Hi:I have written a SQL statement that accepts a letter and then prints out all the records in a table starting with that letter. I was wondering if there is a way that I could change the query so that if prints out all records if a blank or empty value is passed in?Here's my query: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetMediaListByFirstLetter] ( @firstLetter char(1))AS SELECT Media_ID, OrgName FROM Media WHERE UPPER(SUBSTRING(Media.OrgName,1,1)) = @firstLetterAny help doing this would be greatly appreciated.Roger
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Jul 15, 2013
I have to build a query and I am not sure how to build it.
Our data has providers with different products. We have an “DGH” product and a “PRM”. I need to find the provider that don’t have both. Its sounds very simple, but I am having an awful time figuring it out. Sometimes I get a record that has both products, it is probably how my where clause is working.
Anyway, here is an example of what I don’t want in my records because this is good. It has a DGH and PRM.
pro_pcs pro_lname pro_fname prop_prd pro_tax1 pro_addr100018791 Smith John DGH 12345868 Kiem ST
00018791 Smith John PRM 12345868 Keim ST
I would want to see this one because there only a DGH and it need to have a PRM product.
pro_pcspro_lname pro_fname prop_prd pro_tax1 pro_addr1
00018791 Rubin SamDGH2345868 Kiem ST
I came up with this below and it seems to be working. The only thing is, I now have to make this so people can add a parameter on the pro_tax1 to see the different records. Is there a better way to do this or how can I use what I have below and add a parameter too it.
Select pro_pcs, pro_lname, pro_fname, pro_addr1
from #ALLProducts
Where pro_tax1 = '12345868'
and prop_prd = 'DGH'
Select pro_pcs, pro_lname, pro_fname, pro_addr1
from #ALLProducts
Where pro_tax1 = '12345868'and prop_prd = 'PRM'
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Feb 7, 2007
In my report I want an optional parameter to filter all records with a specific field that is not blank. I tried several scenario's without result...
In the parameter I want to set a text value like "exampletext".
In the filter I want a check: if the parameter value is "exampletext", only show the records where field "abc" is not blank.
On the tab Filters from the Table properties I can set three values: Expression, Operator and Value.
Please help!
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May 14, 2008
I'm running into an issue where if a report retrieves 0 records, I run into an error. My report has 2 queries-- the main query to retrieve Account information and the other to return Contact information based on the contact id(s) returned by the Account query. The reason needing two separate queries is that the contact and account tables are on different databases.
Now here is my account query: select contact_id, username, password from account.
My contact query looks like this: select name, address, .... from contact where contact_id = @contact_id.
In my report parameters, I define contact_id like this:
name = contact_id
data type = integer
prompt = [blanked out]
hidden = checked
internal = checked
multi-value = unchecked
allow null value = checked
allow blank value = unchecked
available values:
from query: dataset = account
value field = contact_id
label field = contact_id
default values:
from query: dataset = account
value field = contact_id
Now, when I run my report and knowing there are no records, I get the following error: "The 'contact_id' parameter is missing a value". Any ideas on how to solve this issue? Thanks.
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Mar 28, 2007
I'm using an objectDataSource connected to a strongly typed dataset to populate a GridView. I want to be able to show all the records, or let the user to select only those records that expire in a certain month. The expire field is of type date I'm used to all records being returned when a parameter is missing. If I have Select * from table where last=@last, only the records where the last name is 'Smith' will be returned if @last = 'Smith', but all records are returned is @last = "". But that's not how it's working with the date. I'm passing an integer from 1 to 12 in a querystring. I have the equivalent of select * from table where (MONTH([AD ENDS]) = @month)MONTH(datefield) always returns an integer from 1 to 12. If @month is empty, I want all the records to be displayed, but nothing is. If @month is an int form 1 to 12, it works fine. How can I get all the records if no month is selected? Can I have two objectdatasources and programmatically select which one populates the gridview depending on if I want to filter the data or not? Diane
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Aug 8, 2007
I use SQL Server 2005 Developer. I failed to search the records by using SQLCommand Paramater. Please find the code below.
However, when I hardcode like LIKE '%sudoku%' , it works. Could aynone help?
Andy.private bool searchProducts(string keywords)
command.CommandText = "SELECT Product.ProductID, Product.Name, Product.Image, ProductPrice.Price, ISNULL(SpecialProduct.PromoDiscount,0) as PromoDiscount FROM Product INNER JOIN ProductPrice ON Product.ProductID = ProductPrice.ProductID LEFT OUTER JOIN SpecialProduct ON Product.ProductID = SpecialProduct.ProductID WHERE Product.Name LIKE '%@keywords%' ";
command.Parameters.Add("@keywords", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);
command.Parameters["@keywords"].Value = keywords;
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Jan 18, 2008
Hello all - I currently have a project that has a gridview on the front end. The user can select multiple items from this grid, hit a button and all of the selected records should be updated in the process. However, this resultset can have a large amount of data coming back, and I'm stumped on how to pass all of the ID's to the sp. I'd rather not call the SP for each record selected, as there could be 1,000 items selected, and well, I'd rather not call the SP 1000 times :p. I thought of generating a comma delimited list as I'm looping through the grid and using dynamic sql, but the IDs are about 6-7 numbers long, and including comma, would take up almost all of the max space in a varchar.
Are there any good solutions to this problem? Passing the items as an array? Generating a data table in .NET and passing that?
Any help would be appreciated.
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Jan 6, 2006
Hi everyone,
I have created a stored procedure in sql server with parameters for my c# application. Wanted to know is there anyway to set the default value for @searchpostcode to select all the records?
Right now it brings the records based on the postcode specified .(I have dropdownlist in my c# application that passes the parameters for postcode)
My stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_accepting_practice (@searchpostcode as nvarchar(100)) AS
SELECT dbo.tbdentists.Title, dbo.tbdentists.FirstName, dbo.tbdentists.Surname, dbo.tbpractices.PracticeName, dbo.tbpractices.PracticeAddress1, dbo.tbpractices.PracticeAddress2, dbo.tbpractices.Town, dbo.tbpractices.Postcode, dbo.tbpractices.Phone, dbo.tbdentistspractices.ListNo, dbo.tbtreatment.treatmentNatureFROM dbo.tbdentists INNER JOIN dbo.tbdentistspractices ON dbo.tbdentists.DentistId = dbo.tbdentistspractices.DentistId INNER JOIN dbo.tbpractices ON dbo.tbdentistspractices.PracticeId = dbo.tbpractices.PracticeId AND dbo.tbdentistspractices.PracticeId = dbo.tbpractices.PracticeId INNER JOIN dbo.tbtreatment ON dbo.tbdentistspractices.TreatmentId = dbo.tbtreatment.treatmentIdWHERE dbo.tbpractices.Postcode LIKE '%' + @searchpostcode + '%'ORDER BY dbo.tbpractices.PracticeId
EXECUTE sp_accepting_practice G4GO
I greatly appreciate your help. Thanks in Advance
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Apr 12, 2006
I will be calling a stored procedure in SQL Server from SSIS. The stored procedure inserts records in a table by accepting input parameters. In the process, it also generates an output parameter that it passes as part of the parameters defined inside the stored procedure. The output parameter value acts as the primary key value for the record inserted using the stored procedure.
How can I call this stored procedure in SSIS? This is just one of the n steps as I will be extracting the output parameter generated by this stored procedure for the succeeding steps.
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Mar 20, 2014
writing the query for the following, I need to collapse the continuity. If the termdate for an ID is one day less than the effdate of the next id (for the same ID) i need to collapse the records. See below example .....how should i write the query which will give me the desired output. i.e., get min(effdate) and max(termdate) if termdate is one day less than the effdate of next record.
ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-06-30
556868 1999-07-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-01-31
556872 2004-02-01 2004-02-29
output should be ......
ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-02-29
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Feb 19, 2007
since a couple of days I'm fighting with RS 2005 and the Stored Procedure.
I have to display the result of a parameterized query and I created a SP that based in the parameter does something:
CREATE PROCEDURE [schema].[spCreateReportTest]
@Name nvarchar(20)= ''
declare @slqSelectQuery nvarchar(MAX);
set @slqSelectQuery = N'SELECT field1,field2,field3 from table'
if (@Name <> '')
set @slqSelectQuery = @slqSelectQuery + ' where field2=''' + @Name + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @slqSelectQuery
Inside my business Intelligence Project I created:
-the shared data source with the connection String
- a data set :
CommandType = Stored Procedure
Query String = schema.spCreateReportTest
When I run the Query by mean of the "!" icon, the parameter is Prompted and based on the value I provide the proper result set is displayed.
Now I move to "Layout" and my undertanding is that I have to create a report Paramater which values is passed to the SP's parameter...
So inside"Layout" tab, I added the parameter: Name
allow blank value is checked and is non-queried
the problem is that when I move to Preview -> I set the value into the parameter field automatically created but when I click on "View Report" nothing has been generated!!
What is wrong? What I forgot??
Thankx for any help!
Marina B.
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Aug 21, 2015
I am working on existing ssrs report. When I see the preview I could see the extra parameter than the actual parameter.
How do I know , when this parameter is coming in the preview ?
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Jul 29, 2015
I have two report , first is main report which is matrix and have one parameter User_ids which is multi value selection and my second report is basic chart of user_wise performance.
Now, my main report (matrix ) works fine for Multiple selection of users and i have putted one textbox on main report chart which has action properties set for chart report, when user click on chart button it must goes to chart with user selected in main report. Now , i have used expression for parameter to send it like ..
=join(parameter!user_id!value,",") which pass selected value to chart
And when I am selecting single user it passing that value to chart parameter list but , when it is more than one user it errors with conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '121,128' to data type int. But my chart also works when passing 121,128 in user parameter in preview of report .
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Jan 30, 2007
I need "conditional" cascading parameters: In Report Manager when one changes parameter 1, parameter 2 get changed based on parameter 1. Optionally, one can also enter values to parameter 2 directly.
I was able to achieve this in SSRS 2000 (SP2) with the following setups. SSRS 2005 and SP1 no longer works - Parameter 2 always shows its default value regardless whether one select a value in Parameter 1 or not.
Parameter 1
available values: from query
default values: non query (specify a value "<None>")
Parameter 2
available values: Non query (no value specified)
default values: from query (based on Parameter 1)
It seems to me that the default value in SSRS 2000 is considered as cascading parameter. But it is no longer the case in SSRS 2005.
Is this a SSRS 2005 bug? is there any other work arounds or suggestions?
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Oct 15, 2007
I have parameters in my report. The user can choose the year, month and date (3 parameters).
Now I want to set default vaules for the parameters , so that the user sees the report for example for the current day without selecting the parameters. I tried to set the type of the parameters to DateTime and the default value for example for the year to "=Today().Year" . But when I execute the report an error occures . Something like : no validValue for this parameter.
My Attributes for the year month and date are from an Analyis Services Cube from a Server Time dimension .
Does somebody know how to make it possible to set default values for this parameters?
Other question :
Does somebody know how I can reduce the values for a parameter. For Example I have a parameter "year" from a server time dimension from a cube. The values which are available are "Year 2004", "Year 2005", "Year 2006", "Year 2007".
But I want that the user only can choose "Year 2006" or "Year 2007" ant not every Year or "All".
Or Other Example: The User should only choose a Date that is int the past or Today but not a Date in the future.
Thanks !
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Mar 18, 2014
I have a situation where deleting old records is blocking updating latest records on highly transactional table and getting timeout errors from application.
In details, I have one table called Tran_table1 in OLTP database. This Tran_table1 is highly transactional table, it will receive data for insert/update continuously
While archiving 2 years old records from Tran_table1 into Tran_table1_archive in batches(using DELETE OUTPUT INTO clause), if there is any UPDATEs on Tran_table1,these updates are getting blocked and result is timeout errors in application.
Is there any SQL Server hints to avoid blocking ..
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Sep 7, 2015
declare @table table (
ParentID INT,
ChildID INT,
Value float
SELECT 1,1,1.2
This case ParentID - Child 1 ,1 & 2,2 and 3,3 records are called as parent where as null , 1 is child whoose parent is 1 similarly null,2 records are child whoose parent is 2 , .....
Now my requirement is to display parent records with value ascending and display next child records to the corresponding parent and parent records are sorted ascending
--Final output should be
PatentID ChildID VALUE
33 1.12
null3 56.7
null3 43.6
11 1.2
null1 4.8
null1 4.6
22 1.8
null1 1.4
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Aug 6, 2007
I have been trying to solve the locking problem from past couple of days. Please help mee!!
I have a SSIS package in which 2 data flow tasks. 1st data flow task deletes records from a 5 tables and the 2nd data flow task should insert records into 1 of the five tables after the success of 1st data flow task. This scenario runs in Transacation.
The above scenrio in the 2nd data flow task hangs in runtime. It does not complete. with sp_who2 command i could see that there is an intent share lock(LK_M_IS) on the table and the status is SUSPENDED.
I dont know how to come out of this locking. Please help.
Thanks ,
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Nov 2, 2006
Im searching for a solution to set all matrix row or cell the same height.
it schoud looks like this example:
This is a simple matrix
test a
text b
text c
text d
text e
text f
text g
This is a matrix with all the same row-height.
test a
text b
text c
text d
text e
text f
text g
Thx you a lot
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Aug 28, 2015
my dataset from sharepoint list. and this dataset value assign to parameter. i want when no any parameter is selected than it should filter like "ALL". when i select alow null value it give me prompt error you can not select null in multivalue parameter.How can i do it. i am using share point list.
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Apr 17, 2008
Does anyone know if this is possible right out of the box in SSRS 2005 against an OLAP data source?
I have several parameters. My second parameter is to be filtered based on the first parameter (kinda like cascading), but how do I do this against an OLAP data source? Lets say I have param1 and param2 in a dataset. I want Param2 to show the locations only based on what I select in Param1.
Same but a little different: I have Parameter1 and then my second parameter (Param2) is a boolean (True/False). I want to show Parameter 3/Paramater 4 based on selection of Param2 (So, if true, show Param3, if false, show Param 4) and remember we are doing this in a sequence.
Can you do this thru SSRS? Any help would be great.
Thanks for your time in advance.
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Aug 11, 2005
Is it possible to fill a parameter list with values based on another parameter value?
Here's what I have so far (which hasn't worked)...
I'd like to generate a report listing information for a student. The report viewer would first select a school from the first drop-down menu, and then the second drop-down menu would populate with the list of students at that school.
I have a dataset that calls a sp which returns a list of schools (SchoolID and SchoolName fields from the database table).
I have another dataset that calls a sp (with SchoolID as the parameter) which returns a list of students for that school.
Both datasets return the appropriate data when tested individually, but when I set up the Report Parameters and build the report, these errors come up...
The value expression for the query parameter '@SchoolID' refers to a non-existing report parameter 'SchoolID'.
The report parameter 'Student' has a DefaultValue or a ValidValue that depends on the report parameter "SchoolID". Forward dependencies are not valid.
...Is it possible for the reoprt to generate a list of available parameter values based on the value selected for another parameter?
Any help you can give me would be great!! Thank you
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Oct 18, 2015
I am using reporting services 2012, Can we make visibility of report parameter dynamic, ie can we make parameter visible or hide on certain condition or its visibility depends on other parameters Is this feature available in any other updated version of ssrs?
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Jan 8, 2007
I have two parameters both are related to each other.
second parameter should get filled based on the selection of the first one which is project.
the first paramater is project, once the project is selected it should bring the all the contracts related to that project.
Please is it possible...
Thank you very much for all the helpful info.
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Jul 2, 2007
I had thought that this was possible but I can't seem to figure out the syntax. Essentially I have a report where one of the parameters is populated by a stored procedure.
Right now this is easily accomplished by using "exec <storedprocname>" as the query string for the report parameter. However I am not clear if it is possible to now incorporate User!UserID as parameter to the stored procedure. Is it? Thanks
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Feb 4, 2008
I would like to be able to adjust the multi-value property of a parameter based on the value of another parameter in my report. The controlling paramter would be binary with two options for Single or Multiple selection. I would like my parameter to default to multi-value, which I can do on the screen selection. I have tried to add an IIF statement to the XML code, with no success. Any ideas would be helpful.
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Aug 10, 2015
I am using report builder 3.0.
I have a report parameter called para1 which is a drop-down list and what I want to do is display another report parameter based on the para1 selection.
So for example, para1 contains a, b, c choices. if a user selects b, I would like para2 to display but if the user selects a or c, I don't want the para2 to display.
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Dec 3, 2015
Using SQL Server 2008R2 and Report Builder 3.0..I have an action set in a text box of a table. My intent is to pass the value of that text box (which is variable) to a sub-report in a popup window. Here's my code: URL....The parameter of the report I'm trying to open is @SONum.I'm guessing my error is involved in the formatting of how the value of the parameter is being passed. I've also seen examples where the report server and report values were parameterized, but I don't know where to define
Parameters!ServerAddress.Value anywhere.Do I need to have something set up a certain way within the report I'm opening? Here's the report Parameter settings on the report I'm trying to open.
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Dec 3, 2014
I have a table with about half a million records, each representing a patient in my county.
Each record has a field (RRank) which basically sorts the patients as to how "unwell" they are according to a previously-applied algorithm. The most unwell patient has an RRank of 1, the next-most unwell has RRank=2 etc.
I have just deleted several hundred records (which relate to patients now deceased) from the table, thereby leaving gaps in the RRank sequence. I want to renumber the remaining recs to get rid of the gaps.
I can see what I want to accomplish by using ROW_NUMBER, thus:
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() Over (ORDER BY RRank) as RecNumber, RRank
I see the numbers in the RecNumber column falling behind the RRank as I scan down the results
My question is: How to convert this into an UPDATE statement? I had hoped that I could do something like:
but the system informs that window functions will only work on SELECT (which UPDATE isn't) or ORDER BY (which I can't legally add).
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Jul 23, 2005
I need a little help here..I want to transfer ONLY new records AND update any modified recordsfrom Oracle into SQL Server using DTS. How should I go about it?a) how do I use global variable to get max date.Where and what DTS task should I use to complete the job? Data DrivenQuery? Transform data task? How ? can u give me samples. Perhaps youcan email me the Demo Package as well.b) so far, what I did was,- I have datemodified field in my Oracle table so that I can comparewith datelastrun of my DTS package to get new records- records in Oracle having datemodified >Max(datelastrun), and transferto SQL Server table.Now, I am stuck as to where should I proceed - how can I transfer theserecords?Hope u can give me some lights. Thank you in advance.
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Jan 18, 2008
I have a query similar to the following. The intent of this query is to retrieve the top 6 records meeting the specified criteria (LOGTYPENAME = 'Process Status Start' OR LOGTYPENAME = 'Process Status End' ) based on most recent dates. Please keep in mind that I expect to return up to 6 records for each unique LogProcessName. This could be thousands of different LogProcessNames with up to 6 records for each.
1) The table I am executing against currently is very large in size and thus takes a long time to execute against. It would seem there must be a more efficient query to get the results I am looking for?
2) CTE doesn't work on SQL 2000. I need a query that does.
3) I cannot modify the database itself in the process.
;WITH cte AS (
SELECT [LogProcessName], [LogBody], [LogDate], [LogGUID], row_number()
WHERE LogTypeName = 'Process Status Start'
OR LogTypeName = 'Process Status End' ) )
FROM cte
WHERE RN = 1 OR RN = 2 OR RN = 3 OR RN = 4 OR RN = 5 OR RN = 6
ORDER BY [LogProcessName] DESC, [LogDate] DESC
Does anybody else have any idea that would yield the results that I am looking for and take into account items 1-3 above?
Thanks in advance.
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Apr 22, 2015
I'll go to a dataset, open up the query designer, add a new parameter, then refresh the fields, but the parameter won't be added as a report parameter. If I go to the dataset properties under the list of parameters, the value in the dropdown will be blank. However, sometimes this will automatically add.
Is this a bug in Visual Studio? How do I get around this?
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