In the below section of code I'm connecing to a SQL database and when I use the "=" in the search it works ok, but when I try to add the ability to use wildcards by changin "=" to "LIKE" its not working
Working code:
Function GetName(ByVal first_Name As String) As System.Data.DataSet
Dim connectionString As String = "server='(local)'; trusted_connection=true; database='FamilyInfo'"
Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim queryString As String = "SELECT Names.* FROM Names WHERE (Names.First_Name = @First_Name)"
Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
dbCommand.CommandText = queryString
dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection
Dim dbParam_first_Name As System.Data.IDataParameter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter
I am developing one web site, in that I can upload files to sql server, it will save the uploaded file in binary type and we can download the files from there. Upto this everything is working perfectly. But now my problem is - i have to implement the wildcard character search in this site. The file name and extension will save on the database in different columns, and one more thing is file name is unique. I confused to implement wildcard search in this site, where i can implement this type of search in database or in my application with c#? So please help me to do this. I dont know that this is the right place to post this question or not. If it is not right place, please guide me to where I can post this. If it is right place, please help me to implement wild card search.
Hi All, I'm trying to use a very simple SQL String that check if a specific string exist in the DB. When I do the SQL and use a regular Connection I get the result. When I use a data set and on the table adapter I need to use the "LIKE %" method I get an error.
What should I write on the table adapter in order to make this search?
ItemID is a type string.
This is my SQL: SELECT itemID, itemName FROM Items WHERE (itemID LIKE @ItemIDTemp)
This sample give no result or
SELECT itemID, itemName FROM Items WHERE (itemID LIKE '%' + @ItemIDTemp + '%')
This sample return an error message "Data conversion failed. [OLEDB status value (if known)=2]"
I'm trying to put together a script that would alter a table and add NOT FOR REPLICATION to the identity column on several hundred tables. Since I am unable to write a complex script to automate the entire process, I've decided to do the update one table at a time. Here is a script that I'm working on. I'm getting an error message when I try to run the script. Can someone please show me how to properly use variable with a wild card in a string ? or how to properly add this variables in this script?
I am using Conditinal split in my package. I need to remove certain rows which are matching my criteria. The criteria requires using wild card characters like, first_name = '%john%'.
hi friends, I have search in my project based on strings(surname, firstname).. but it does'nt works wen name consists of only two letters.... could somebody please help me on this.
I want to retrieve data from SQL containing non English character but fail, can anyone shed me some light?
What I use currently:
Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "SELECT ArticleID, " strSQL &= "ISNULL(Body, '') AS Body, " strSQL &= "ISNULL(Subject, '') AS Subject " strSQL &= "FROM Articles " strSQL &= "WHERE (Subject LIKE N'%' + @Keyword + '%' OR [Body] LIKE N'%' + @Keyword + '%') " Dim con As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")) Dim cmd As New SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, con) cmd.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Keyword", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = keyword ...
I'm not so sure where should I place the letter "N", I use :
SELECT ArticleID, ISNULL(Body, '') AS Body, ISNULL(Subject, '') AS Subject, FROM Articles WHERE (Subject LIKE N'%SomeNonEnglishString%' OR [Body] LIKE N'%SomeNonEnglishString%')
in Query Analzyer, it works! But it failed in my program... oh my god...
I have Sql server 2005 SP2. I enabled it for Full Text search. Substring search where i enter *word* doesn't return any row. I have a table testtable where description has word Extinguisher.
If i run a query with *ting* it doesn't return any row. select * from testtable where contains(description,'"*xting*"') ;
But it works if i do select * from testtable where contains(description,'"Exting*"') ;
The Full text search document says it supports substring search. Is it an issue with sql server 2005?Please help.
I have a scenario where in I need to use a comma delimited string as input. And search the tables with each and every string in the comma delimited string.
Can anyone suggest whey I dont get any results with this search?
SQL reads:
SELECT SupplierName, Location, ShortDescription FROM Query1 WHERE 'TimberSpecies' LIKE '%MMColParam%' AND 'CategoryTable' LIKE '%MMColParam2%' AND 'Location' LIKE '%MMColParam3%'
Issue1: I have a sql 2k machine. I hav enabled full text indexing on this machine. There after, i inserted and updated so many records. When i do a search using the below query: It gaves me nothing
select * from table1 where contains ( col1,'"keyword"' )
Issue 2: Another issue is when i gives multiple columns in the below query for search, it throws up a syntax error message at (
select * from table1 where contains ( (col1,col2,col3),'"keyword"') )
Do sql 2k does not allow this format of query(above). But, the same is working fine with one column.
Any inputs on this is highly appreciated. Thanks! Santhosh
I have Sql server 2005 SP2. I enabled it for Full Text search. Substring search where i enter *word* doesn't return any row. I have a table testtable where description has word Extinguisher.
If i run a query with *ting* it doesn't return any row. select * from testtable where contains(description,'"*xting*"') ;
But it works if i do select * from testtable where contains(description,'"Exting*"') ;
The Full text search document says it supports substring search. Is it an issue with sql server 2005?Please help.
table1 has search words and table2 has file names as below and want to get file names from table2 those match with all search words.
table1 ---------------------- -searchword- column name -------------------------------------------- Learn more about melons row0 -------------------------------------------- %.txt row1 -------------------------------------------
table2 ------------------------------ -testname- column name -------------------------------------------- FKOV43C6.EXE ------------------------------------------- frusdr.txt ------------------------------------------- FRUSDR.TXT ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ readme.txt ----------------------------------------- README.TXT ---------------------------------------- watermelon.exe ---------------------------------------- Learn more about melons read me.txt -------------------------------------------------------
Here is the script what I have tried...............I hope some one will help to come out this loop.Thanks in advance.
Hi, I have an old db with streets names and another one with employees. I have to use both tables to check if an employee adress is ok, but I have the following problem: Employee adress : 47th street nº12 2nd door b street in db 47th street
The question is how to say to sql that searchs for the employee street in the streets db cause the employee addres is bigger than any streets in db and I have no results with street like '%47th street nº12 2nd door b%' or something like that.
I have a parameter that is a varchar(50) and I want to know if there are any percent(%) signs in the string, what function can I use for this? I am looking for the T-SQL equivalent of InStr() Thanks,
Hi everybodyI have this query which need to extract names where I use the wildcard character % before and after the string to indicate that the string should not contain these characters but it is not working right .. Is there any way I could do that..SELECT name, famnameFROM inftable WHERE NAME NOT IN ('%socius%', '%rector%', '%superior%')In other words my result should not include those names that contains socius, rector, superior, this characters could begin with or in a middle of the field...thanks
Was wondering how you do the equivalent of an Oracle "Instr" function in TSQL, which returns the position of a string pattern in a specified string? I've looked through all the functions and can't find the equivalent.
Is there a T-SQL equivalent of the Oracle "Instr" function, whereby I can retrieve the position of a one specified charactier string within another? I have looked through the list of string functions and can't find an equivalent, which suprises me!
I want to search all the people in a database that names mary
I now that the sintax is something that looks like this.
SELECT Id, name FROM Socios WHERE (name LIKE '%string%') But how i input this in the vs2008 query builder for it creates an automatic searchbox toolstrip?
Above is my cnn string that is not working, it might be du to that m using SQLserver standard version ............ Do I have to change the cnn string.?
Hello I have a Database which contains like 1000 Tables. I am not the designer of that DB.So I need to in which table and which column that string exists. IS there a DBWIDE String search possible? Thanks and Regards
I need to search a string starting at the end to find the last space in the string, so I can determine the position of the last word in the string. Any ideas on how to do this are greatly appreciated. Kellie
I am not very familiar with MS SQL, and I need to know how to search a table for a string. I know the column that it is in, but I don't know which record. I am looking for a small piece of text in a much larger text field (we are talkinga maybe a 10k char field and I am only looking for about a 15 char string).
I have access to a database's web front end and a limited amount of access to the server.
I am trying to find out what column a certain string is in.
I can see some text on the front end via the web that a user enters and then submits. This information must go to the back end of the database but I dont know where it goes...
I am able to provide a unique Sequence number that it would be linked with and obviously I have the string that im looking for its column name but other then that I dont know what I can do.
I don't have write access to the database so I am unable to make procedures. I am also not really aware how the front end works or if I would be able to find the script that deals with the text after the user hits "save"...
The 'LIKE' function looks for words that start with whatever is in the like condition. Is there an sql function similar but will look and compare at any part of the search string.
For example I am using a webservice in dot net to populate a dropdown list using this sql
SELECT compound_name FROM dbo.compound_name WHERE compound_name like @prefixText
In this table there is a compound called SILCAP310 and I would like the search function to pick up 310 if I put this into the @prefix parameter. (but I would still like the search to perform like the 'LIKE' does also.
SELECT compound_name FROM dbo.compound_name WHERE compound_name like @prefixText or compound_name SearchPartString @prefixText
I have at table that I want to update using another table which contains other values than those in the text column. table1 id: text: 1 1111, 2222, 3333 2 1234, 2222 3 0123
I want to replace the text in table1 with the new values so that it looks like below: table1 id: text: 1 aaaa, bbbb, cccc 2 qqqq, bbbb 3 oooo
My first idea was to split the text column in table1 and insert every new text with its id in a temporary table and then concaternate a new string and update the column. But how do I manage this?
I am having a colume as image datatype, in which candidates resume is stored in binary format. I have to search for particular words for eg. "ASP.Net, 2 Years" into that column I have converted that column as varchar and then searching above two words(after spliting them by comma) into that string using CHARINDEX
DECLARE @i int, @j int SET @i = select MIN(ResumeId) from table_name SET @j = select MAX(ResumeId) from table_name
WHILE (@i <= @j) BEGIN DECLARE @Resume varchar(max) SET @Resume = CAST((select Resume from table_name where ResumeId=100) as varbinary(max))
--code to search the particular word from @Resume
It is working fine, but it is very slow, taking 2+ minutes to scan 15000 records How can I make it faster or is there any other way to search?